Trump Uses the K-word, Includes Bajwa in Talks with Imran


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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Why is it so difficult for Modi to personally (without using spokespersons or Union Ministers) state on Parliamentary record, on the floor of the house, that Trump lied?

Because Trump probably didn't. The Indian and U.S. governments only log official portions of meetings between the PM and POTUS, they don't log smalltalk/informal chit-chat between them.

So Modi is cowering behind spokespersons and ministers because it is true that Kashmir never came up in official conversations between the two heads of state; and the various spokespersons or ministers are only concerning themselves with the official conversations and minutes of meetings.

What Congress is asking Modi is to personally place on Parliamentary record that his mouth never uttered the words "mediation," "arbitration," synonyms thereof, and "Kashmir" in one sentence, in the presence of Trump, at Osaka. That is something Modi isn't ready to do. Why?
Maybe because the PM does not want to set a precedent of clarifying such remarks. Trump could do a dozen tweets a day and Modi may end up clarifying from morning to night.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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The key is to shout down Congi bitches and simultaneously do PKMKB to the Paki ******s. If party of 303 can't shout down 91 people then shame on BJP.

Spot on. Nobody in India is agitated about this, Modi should do what he’s doing and not let this become bigger.

The flip side to this is that back channel talks with Pakistan are more likely to dry up because of the irritation caused.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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It will hit Trump's ego and destroy H1B industry and CATSAA waiver chance.

The key is to shout down Congi bitches and simultaneously do PKMKB to the Paki ******s. If party of 303 can't shout down 91 people then shame on BJP.
Trump wants to wage a trade war against India for concessions to shore up his economy. The US economic revival is what will give him a re-election and he knows it.

Simply refuse to take the bait and continue with PKMKB. Democrats are already savaging him and Larry Kudlow, his economic adviser washed his hands off this and passed it into Trump, Bolton and Pompeo.


Senior Member
May 16, 2011
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Why is it so difficult for Modi to personally (without using spokespersons or Union Ministers) state on Parliamentary record, on the floor of the house, that Trump lied?

Because Trump probably didn't. The Indian and U.S. governments only log official portions of meetings between the PM and POTUS, they don't log smalltalk/informal chit-chat between them.

So Modi is cowering behind spokespersons and ministers because it is true that Kashmir never came up in official conversations between the two heads of state; and the various spokespersons or ministers are only concerning themselves with the official conversations and minutes of meetings.

What Congress is asking Modi is to personally place on Parliamentary record that his mouth never uttered the words "mediation," "arbitration," synonyms thereof, and "Kashmir" in one sentence, in the presence of Trump, at Osaka. That is something Modi isn't ready to do. Why?
Exactly, AFAIK small chit chat and direct phone conversations don't get recorded & logged either unless it's an officially scheduled call. Why is it blasphemy if Modi did have a conversation about how US can be involved, perhaps Trump put him in the spot for him to own it publicly?

Continuing status quo of CFVs, occasional Surgical strikes, cross border raids, fidayeen attacks is a failing long term strategy. Nothing has changed, while the valley will get more peaceful as continued 'no tolerance' cleansing happens. Pukis will roll over, regroup and continue to be a stone in the shoe. How long will this continue? Modi I think is capable of long term vision.

How long can a nation take to resolve it's borders? Why should we give two shits about POK, in Puki hands since 1948 and full of inbred unwashed abduls, do we really needs this patch of land? Fuck it Build a 40 foot wall along the entire LOC and LAC and the mine around 300 meters leading upto the wall , do we even need Pak or Chinks for this? Cheap ass fencing of 8-14 feet won't do.


Senior Member
May 6, 2013
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State Department turf war.

It's fascinating who is saying what in support of Trump and against Trump in USA.

(Someone is smirking - and perhaps not only one person - its a bit childish and not a manner on how to deal with Bharat - but we are mature enough to know what and how to respond and when and if and why)

State Department usually has the president of usa statements vetted and a visit and statements even informally are done with preparations and care.

  • It's either state department making him say the above on purpose.
  • If not it is Trump that is putting the State Department in such things (he simply doesnt bother and respect State Department)
  • It is a new (old) approach of USA that it is the most amazing and greatest and do whatever it wants (like good old times)
  • It might also be because Modi stood and has stood up to Trump and its to remind Bharat hold on you got this.
  • There is also a video of S. Jaishankar EAM and PM Modi walking and it can be seen where former is using his fingers to indicate not to have talked and said something. People (and governments) notice such signals ... and its sometimes easy to (try) and throw a bee into a haystack.

EAM has spoken in parliament that is good enough. Ignore and move onto bigger things. Sure there is always a measurement to show (dont mess with us type) - but why give others the knowledge and tips on how to deal with Trump.

If Pakis think it is all good and fine - its always worse to fall from mountain top compared to being kicked when lying on the ground. Has Trump said and used more expletive words either with others and with more volume and impact- definitely.

Also Trump mentioned the word "arbitration" and also later "I will speak with PM Modi and if he agrees". It shows a caveat perhaps even lack understanding. perhaps even intent.

Trump will justify what he said - PM Modi and Trump know what was discussed. And there are multiple people part of such meetings and making notes. (Including those that observe such videos and more).

Dont want to say more but it also suggests there is a deep penetration into within the cabinet process that someone is trying to create a wedge between EAM and Modi. Spirit of what is being said to rules of what and how it is being said.

Even Modi openly said to Sushma Swaraj when he went to USA and she asked him not to speak without a speech and written notes.

Sometimes what is said leads to karma and dharma and even transformation. its complex and fascinating. why it happened and how.

Identify the problem and not the symptoms. Its too easy to observe and try and create a wedge. Our institutions and generational directional movement now wont be held to such statements. We move on the path of the righteous and with the righteousness

The faster we realize that we are on our own ... on the righteous and with the righteousness, it will be hard work and difficult journey but no better way. Slowly a few will join but later ...

The others know it already. We will never walk alone.

Jai Hind.
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Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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Exactly, AFAIK small chit chat and direct phone conversations don't get recorded & logged either unless it's an officially scheduled call. Why is it blasphemy if Modi did have a conversation about how US can be involved, perhaps Trump put him in the spot for him to own it publicly?

Continuing status quo of CFVs, occasional Surgical strikes, cross border raids, fidayeen attacks is a failing long term strategy. Nothing has changed, while the valley will get more peaceful as continued 'no tolerance' cleansing happens. Pukis will roll over, regroup and continue to be a stone in the shoe. How long will this continue? Modi I think is capable of long term vision.

How long can a nation take to resolve it's borders? Why should we give two shits about POK, in Puki hands since 1948 and full of inbred unwashed abduls, do we really needs this patch of land? Fuck it Build a 40 foot wall along the entire LOC and LAC and the mine around 300 meters leading upto the wall , do we even need Pak or Chinks for this? Cheap ass fencing of 8-14 feet won't do.
We don't answer to the US. We answer to our own long term strategic goals. Our goals don't include giving up claims over PoK.

Also all calls and their transcripts are available. MEA has gone about categorically and diplomatically in this business. Trump got caught out and his government is racing to soothe ties.

Only Paki ******s want to create dissent. The timing of opposition reaction and this new intolerance drama by the 49 'celebrities' is no coincidence.


Senior Member
May 16, 2011
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Trump wants to wage a trade war against India for concessions to shore up his economy. The US economic revival is what will give him a re-election and he knows it.

Simply refuse to take the bait and continue with PKMKB. Democrats are already savaging him and Larry Kudlow, his economic adviser washed his hands off this and passed it into Trump, Bolton and Pompeo.
He already has the re-election in the bag. People are walking away from Democrat party in droves.

Well Trade has been a big point of contention for Trump and India is tarrif king. Also with our 60 billion trade defecit with China, he sees us being friendlier to China and Chinese companies.

Don't see why we bend over backwards for Huawei, Ali-baba and others. Give commies a hand, before you know it, they have their finger up your ass. Nations friendly with China end up having that look of #Me too.

Isn't it easier to drop some of these outrageous tarriffs on both sides to under 2-5% on all items.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Two looser's who are not at all worth giving any reply at this moment . Pakis still say that we bombed only trees and crows in balakot and never lost a F-16 . Did we tried to keep proving them wrong again and again . Apart from official MEA statement on Balakot nothing else came from govt mouth till day .

This clearly shows that neither pakistan and neither our opposition has anything left to pick on Modi and this is their only hope . Desperate times need desperate stories .

If Modi should answer for this in parliament . He should have also done same for Rafale . Because in Rafale Congress accused Modi personally gave the deal sidelining Parrikar . But why did Jaitley, Nirmala and bla bla everyone else given statement in parliament apart from Modi on that issue ?


If Modi can make one direct statement in Parliament, it will bust Congress and Pakistan.



Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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He already has the re-election in the bag. People are walking away from Democrat party in droves.

Well Trade has been a big point of contention for Trump and India is tarrif king. Also with our 60 billion trade defecit with China, he sees us being friendlier to China and Chinese companies.

Don't see why we bend over backwards for Huawei, Ali-baba and others. Give commies a hand, before you know it, they have their finger up your ass. Nations friendly with China end up having that look of #Me too.

Isn't it easier to drop some of these outrageous tarriffs on both sides to under 2-5% on all items.
As long as US has protectionist IP laws and punishes Pharma and R&D industry, we'll keep the tariffs high. Key is to balance out strategic goals with targets of opportunity.

China has no access to our military in any form, subcontractor or not. We are not semiconductor independent so unless we can create a synthetic super conductor, we are forced to keep some Chinese influence here.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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He already has the re-election in the bag. People are walking away from Democrat party in droves.

Well Trade has been a big point of contention for Trump and India is tarrif king. Also with our 60 billion trade defecit with China, he sees us being friendlier to China and Chinese companies.

Don't see why we bend over backwards for Huawei, Ali-baba and others. Give commies a hand, before you know it, they have their finger up your ass. Nations friendly with China end up having that look of #Me too.

Isn't it easier to drop some of these outrageous tarriffs on both sides to under 2-5% on all items.
Counter narrative for “trade being a contentious issue” needs to be created. People who are promoting this are not telling us that the current wave of tariffs are a result of Americans raising tariff keeping China in mind but there was also friendly fire on us.

More importantly which country does trump has not a problem with.

Any indian govt irrespective of the party, don’t do tariffs as per their whims. There are trade lobbies within India, which ask government to do this.

More importantly when jobs is such big talking point these days, Same people who talk about jobs as a talking point also talk about “tariff wars”. They intentionally won’t link both points in the same argument, because it would anger their western masters.


Senior Member
May 16, 2011
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We don't answer to the US. We answer to our own long term strategic goals. Our goals don't include giving up claims over PoK.

Also all calls and their transcripts are available. MEA has gone about categorically and diplomatically in this business. Trump got caught out and his government is racing to soothe ties.

Only Paki ******s want to create dissent. The timing of opposition reaction and this new intolerance drama by the 49 'celebrities' is no coincidence.
POK is a shithole and we are best to let it go or be actually grow a political pair (like a global power we deserve to be) and take it. Being in the middle and confused is what libtards and SJWs do. Waiting for Pak to somehow fall apart won't work, hasn't for 70 years because Pak is a military state. Also, last thing we need is various tribes with nukes.

War or peace nigga, that's the question really. War is perfectly fine if one has a winning strategy, do we even have one?

Like Trump gives two shits about his sate deportment or the fires he sets. Gangstas don't play by rules homie. Whats in it for me, whats in it for you? We don't need to answer to the US, we need an answer for ourselves. Since we don't know what to do. Don't get me wrong, we can fight a quick fast war if push comes to shove and push LOC and take chunks of POK if not all of it but then we'd have insurgency in POK for decades.

Trump is a blessing for India, he is forcing us to rethink what we actually need to do. As far as I can see, Denuking Pak is perhaps the only long term winning strategy, if this can be done without going to war even better.

Also if Modi didn't say the things that Trump said, he shouldn't stay quiet. A simple polite Tweet or statement from himself is fine.


Senior Member
May 16, 2011
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Counter narrative for “trade being a contentious issue” needs to be created. People who are promoting this are not telling us that the current wave of tariffs are a result of Americans raising tariff keeping China in mind but there was also friendly fire on us.

More importantly which country does trump has not a problem with.

Any indian govt irrespective of the party, don’t do tariffs as per their whims. There are trade lobbies within India, which ask government to do this.

More importantly when jobs is such big talking point these days, Same people who talk about jobs as a talking point also talk about “tariff wars”. They intentionally won’t link both points in the same argument, because it would anger their western masters.
Well which country does the US doesn't have a trade deficit with? While trade defects aren't all that bad, but when it eats into at least a couple of % of GDP, it's terrible.

Countries around the world have benefited overwhelmingly for easy access to the US market. Sorry but this kind of sucker behavior is gone. Trump also didn't go after China or India just by himself, there is wide spread support for Trump being tough on China. US board of commerce has been talking about Chinese economic aggression against the US for already a couple of decades. Previous presidents were too nice and nothing changed. Everybody also knows China has been jerking off all over WTO rules since the start.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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POK is a shithole and we are best to let it go or be actually grow a political pair (like a global power we deserve to be) and take it. Being in the middle and confused is what libtards and SJWs do. Waiting for Pak to somehow fall apart won't work, hasn't for 70 years because Pak is a military state. Also, last thing we need is various tribes with nukes.

War or peace nigga, that's the question really. War is perfectly fine if one has a winning strategy, do we even have one?

Like Trump gives two shits about his sate deportment or the fires he sets. Gangstas don't play by rules homie. Whats in it for me, whats in it for you? We don't need to answer to the US, we need an answer for ourselves. Since we don't know what to do. Don't get me wrong, we can fight a quick fast war if push comes to shove and push LOC and take chunks of POK if not all of it but then we'd have insurgency in POK for decades.

Trump is a blessing for India, he is forcing us to rethink what we actually need to do. As far as I can see, Denuking Pak is perhaps the only long term winning strategy, if this can be done without going to war even better.

Also if Modi didn't say the things that Trump said, he shouldn't stay quiet. A simple polite Tweet or statement from himself is fine.
1. PoK is an integral part of India. First Kashmir will be dominated 100% by Indian Army and Centre to the point where all separatists are dead and their support neutered. We will invade PoK in good time although the scenery might be a little radioactive then.

2. I have more faith in Modi than Trump whose policy is to make shit up as he goes. This time he fucked up and has now gone undercover. Open confrontation b/w US & India is what Paki ******s want and we must avoid at all costs.

3. Paki ******s want Taliban to play a big role in US withdrawal. Our Mi 24s will have to mow these Paki ******s and there spawnlings as well.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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Well which country does the US doesn't have a trade deficit with? While trade defects aren't all that bad, but when it eats into at least a couple of % of GDP, it's terrible.

Countries around the world have benefited overwhelmingly for easy access to the US market. Sorry but this kind of sucker behavior is gone. Trump also didn't go after China or India just by himself, there is wide spread support for Trump being tough on China. US board of commerce has been talking about Chinese economic aggression against the US for already a couple of decades. Previous presidents were too nice and nothing changed. Everybody also knows China has been jerking off all over WTO rules since the start.
Being nice gets you fucked over and that's what India was doing until this regime.

When you reach a stalemate with an enemy, attack a smaller front and achieve a breakthrough. US is trying exactly that.


Director at Search & Troll Wing - STW
Regular Member
Jul 20, 2019
Maybe because the PM does not want to set a precedent of clarifying such remarks. Trump could do a dozen tweets a day and Modi may end up clarifying from morning to night.

Our Indian national Congress has habit to trust the outsiders than their own people. Similar happened during Rafael, and nothing was found. During Air Raid on Balakot, these congressis were accepting what Pakis said as the final truth. I mean, can we some how get rid of these bastards?


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
Modi must not give any statement. Let people with low immunity and poor digestion keep getting sick and diarrhoea.

This particular issue is entangled with Pakistan any reaction from him will give credence to Pakistan.

If this issue has had been one on one like Devyani Khobragade then Indians must have raised best of their shout to create pressure on the government and showed them their Aukaat.

Trump in his usual 'Massiah of the World mode' in order to scare Pakistani Bikhmanga who begged an appointment with Trump told him to behave, talked about wiping out Afghanistan of the face of the earth and then boasted that even Modi wanted him to help/mediate.

Common sense deprived Indians are not raising this point that Americans have been itching for mediation since 2-3 decades. Any such comment by Modi would have lead to an initiative by White house or probably Pentagon to facilitate. But that never happened.

If Trump was given a go-ahead by Modi then why Trump and his office sat on that.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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The most important thing which keeps me wondering is WHY NOW

1.Trump still has to get re-elected which as of now only 70 % sure as most us president got their 2nd term since 90s
2.Modi just got Re elected with even stronger mandate was Kashmir such an pain in ass to settle it now especially when issues like Economy are in much more dire need of concentration
3.Pakistan is at its lowest point in last 2 decades with dwindling economy, Inflation, Forex they are not able to be a pain to india (Apart from Uri,Balakot) few incidents Compared to 26/11 and Mumbai bombings

4.Which brings to the most important point WHY NOW WHY WHY WHY .

There is no advantage or urgency for Modi to raise the topic of Kashmir at this point of his term in G20 Osaka, when the US president is at the end of this first term

Oh ya one last important thing . What is the kashmir issue we are talking about here . That we conducting plebiscite in our Jammu and Kashmir ? or Pakis vacating the POK or AJK ?

As for i understand pakis are not going to ask for any mediation to vacate their part of occupied land and neither we will ask for any mediation to negotiate on our part of J&K

So i really don't understand what is the solution that few people here are talking about Modi trying the achieve ?

Unless Modi, Trump and Imrand all three wants to get themselves Noble peace prize



Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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The most important thing which keeps me wondering is WHY NOW

1.Trump still has to get re-elected which as of now only 70 % sure as most us president got their 2nd term since 90s
2.Modi just got Re elected with even stronger mandate was Kashmir such an pain in ass to settle it now especially when issues like Economy are in much more dire need of concentration
3.Pakistan is at its lowest point in last 2 decades with dwindling economy, Inflation, Forex they are not able to be a pain to india (Apart from Uri,Balakot) few incidents Compared to 26/11 and Mumbai bombings

4.Which brings to the most important point WHY NOW WHY WHY WHY .

There is no advantage or urgency for Modi to raise the topic of Kashmir at this point of his term in G20 Osaka, when the US president is at the end of this first term

Oh ya one last important thing . What is the kashmir issue we are talking about here . That we conducting plebiscite in our Jammu and Kashmir ? or Pakis vacating the POK or AJK ?

As for i understand pakis are not going to ask for any mediation to vacate their part of occupied land and neither we will ask for any mediation to negotiate on our part of J&K

So i really don't understand what is the solution that few people here are talking about Modi trying the achieve ?

Unless Modi, Trump and Imrand all three wants to get themselves Noble peace prize

If Modi pays Kushner $5 mn I can guarantee that Trump will say Modi is my best friend. That Holland based lobbying firm is the key.

Can anyone group Intel this and find ties to any Indian entities?
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United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
The most important thing which keeps me wondering is WHY NOW

1.Trump still has to get re-elected which as of now only 70 % sure as most us president got their 2nd term since 90s
2.Modi just got Re elected with even stronger mandate was Kashmir such an pain in ass to settle it now especially when issues like Economy are in much more dire need of concentration
3.Pakistan is at its lowest point in last 2 decades with dwindling economy, Inflation, Forex they are not able to be a pain to india (Apart from Uri,Balakot) few incidents Compared to 26/11 and Mumbai bombings

4.Which brings to the most important point WHY NOW WHY WHY WHY .

There is no advantage or urgency for Modi to raise the topic of Kashmir at this point of his term in G20 Osaka, when the US president is at the end of this first term

Oh ya one last important thing . What is the kashmir issue we are talking about here . That we conducting plebiscite in our Jammu and Kashmir ? or Pakis vacating the POK or AJK ?

As for i understand pakis are not going to ask for any mediation to vacate their part of occupied land and neither we will ask for any mediation to negotiate on our part of J&K

So i really don't understand what is the solution that few people here are talking about Modi trying the achieve ?

Unless Modi, Trump and Imrand all three wants to get themselves Noble peace prize



Why now is not a question but a symptom of Indian insecurity. Getting everything our way never happens.

There is a need for addressing the more fundamental issue and that issue is how and when we are going to humiliate Pakistan decisively.

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