Trump Uses the K-word, Includes Bajwa in Talks with Imran


Quarantined Abdul
Feb 16, 2019
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Arnab is steam-rolling Trump. :rofl::rofl:

Any American reading watch this.
His most important question was what is common between Imran khan, Donald Trump and Rahul Gandhi besides las Vegas and low IQ.

Karnataka episode shifted this debate by an hour and US participants may have cancelled.


Director at Search & Troll Wing - STW
Regular Member
Jul 20, 2019
Well, seems Trump has shafted us and disabused us of antiquated notions of diplomacy
Not at all, Imran Khan went there to show India as aggressor and themselves as if they were victims. But Trump took his class and told him that they are liars and want US money and also told, yes Kashmir is a nice place and Modi as well talks about it.

But to digest the khujli in Congress and people in India MEA had to save Modi. Normally, every country is talking with eachother on such issues, the talks which happen behind the curtains are not known to general people, more could be spoken about Kashmir but that does not mean that official stand of Indian policy will change.

Why we Indians are kicking the axe with barefoot , no idea. Pakistan went there and trying to spoil India's relation with the west I at least can't digest that they are succeeding. This is where we all the time pi** due to our own blunder wrt to Pakistan.


जय परशुराम‍।
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2015
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I somehow agree with Abhijeet iyer's analysis on the Trump's statement.
What do you guys think?
Mitra loves to rant about Russians ,Putin or Kremlin has never uttered even the K word ,he just wants deflect the ire


जय परशुराम‍।
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2015
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Director at Search & Troll Wing - STW
Regular Member
Jul 20, 2019
It's a sign of frustration on part of a self-proclaimed super to threaten wiping out a country which they had already invaded and occupied for more than a decade. How hard could it have been for them to wipe out the nation? they couldn't even take care of the insurgent groups there and lost 3000+ US troops in the process of occupation. Now the grapes are sour. It is coming off more as a rejected lover threatening to throw acid.

US does not want to win or lose any war in Afghanistan, they just want their presence due to geostrategic location. And they are going to stay there with all their fancy EW warfare and other fancy stuff to eye Russia and China.

When it comes to flattening Afghanistan, it simply means he does not want Pakistan as a mediator always and that's the worst case scenario. << This is the catch. But because since Trump came the war has been reduced in the world he immediately shifted things to trade and other sort of negotiations.

For US he is good as well as for India, he has increased the value of dollar, gave tough time to China and talks straight. Unlike the clintons and obamas and bush who were talking sweet but giving all the help to Pakistan to hurt India.
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Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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The Dog and Pony show continues.....
One Year In: A Conversation with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan
interesting tidbits for us to troll pakis.... hope someone makes clips of these gems.
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Hindufying India
Senior Member
Aug 18, 2010
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Boris Johnson coming is the best thing to happen in UK since clement atlee for India.

Trump, Boris, Putin nobody gives a flying fuck about leftists globalism and Islamic causes. They only love their countries and interests. No one of them gives a rats ass even if all Muslims and leftists were to perish. Maybe they might have a toast sponsored by Putin.

So all Saudi Paki Turkey relationship is pure transactional for USA and UK henceforth, our threat from UK leftists and US leftists and their support for Islamism is considerably reduced prior to 2016. It was pretty bad time early 2000s. Pakis bad days have started. End is nearing.

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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US Pakistan Revival of Friendship
depends ONLY on
Pakistan being able to Deliver on Taliban
And Afghanistan

The Question is Will Bajwa and Imran be able to deliver what they have promised

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Pakistanis were Earlier saying that they have Completely Broken up with US
Because Now they have China

So what happened that they were forced to go back to USA

Has China been a Disappointment

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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I think that India' s Responses after
Feb 27 have Rattled up the Pakistan Military

And the Chinese are not helping against

So they have Gone back to US for Aid and
Weapons and the Calls for "Show Restraint " ,
Which US asked from India , when Pakistan was its Friend

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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This is a Slightly Decent Porki on another Indian forum Saying that the FEAR of Modi has Driven them Back in US camp

This means our Babaji was Right
That we have banged them badly after Feb 27

We discussed Kashmir for two reason is bomb blast and indian attack on Pakistan and other issue is the same old Kashmir problem between India and is clear that nobody will mediate and Pakistan don't even want third party in this issue.trump claim was surprising even for the people of thing is clear.we will not allow more attacks on pakistani soil like balakot and this was discussed behind the scenes so no permission to India to attack pakistan next time.

pakistan knows that only America can stop India from attacking Pakistan and that's why we discussed this issue with trump.

state department later statements was expected.they are not a slap for Pakistan.these statements are same usual statements to please india.we will do real work behind the scenes and statements are there just for India.weapons, assistance,afghan solution and peaceful Kashmir,they are discussed.

in the next bomb blast scenario,India can't take military action against pakistan.if it takes,it will be huge diplomatic win for India but right now,we told Americans,we don't want crazy fights with indians
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Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
Pakis doing what they do best! Offering to undo their treachery for a reward (essentially a mafia seeking ransom).
One can see why Trump would be embracing of IK. Getting Shakil Afridi out of Paki jail was one of Trump's election promises!



Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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This is a Slightly Decent Porki on another Indian forum Saying that the FEAR of Modi has Driven them Back in US camp

This means our Babaji was Right
That we have banged them badly after Feb 27

We discussed Kashmir for two reason is bomb blast and indian attack on Pakistan and other issue is the same old Kashmir problem between India and is clear that nobody will mediate and Pakistan don't even want third party in this issue.trump claim was surprising even for the people of thing is clear.we will not allow more attacks on pakistani soil like balakot and this was discussed behind the scenes so no permission to India to attack pakistan next time.

pakistan knows that only America can stop India from attacking Pakistan and that's why we discussed this issue with trump.

state department later statements was expected.they are not a slap for Pakistan.these statements are same usual statements to please india.we will do real work behind the scenes and statements are there just for India.weapons, assistance,afghan solution and peaceful Kashmir,they are discussed.

in the next bomb blast scenario,India can't take military action against pakistan.if it takes,it will be huge diplomatic win for India but right now,we told Americans,we don't want crazy fights with indians
From Paki POV he is right, but we are yet to play our cards.. begging for something and being granted their wish are two different things. More over by Feb, paki tangos will do something stupid. we will have the answer by the way india reacts.


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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From Paki POV he is right, but we are yet to play our cards.. begging for something and being granted their wish are two different things. More over by Feb, paki tangos will do something stupid. we will have the answer by the way india reacts.
So If Pakistan Wants to be Protected from
India , it will have to help US in Afghanistan

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Pakis doing what they do best! Offering to undo their treachery for a reward (essentially a mafia seeking ransom).
One can see why Trump would be embracing of IK. Getting Shakil Afridi out of Paki jail was one of Trump's election promises!

This U Turn is the First of Many

And it has happened in a very short while

After Feb 27 precisely

Earlier the Pakis were very clear that they
Do not NEED USA , since they have China


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2016
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Trump is no fool & this is why he deliberately lied about Modi’s Kashmir request

India brought this upon itself. In the end, Modi may very well end up becoming a victim of his own successful marketing campaign.

With bated breath we await sunrise in Washington DC to see what President Donald Trump will do next. Will he double down on his claim that Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked him to mediate on Kashmir? Will he be enraged that the Ministry of External Affairs has tagged him and effectively said he lied, and then repeated it in Parliament today?
Let’s be clear about two things: first, this will blow over until the next storm in a tea cup; and second, no country – except Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar – has found reliable ways to deal with Trump. Let us be equally clear that Modi has never asked Trump or any external interloper to interfere in bilateral matters. Modi is a stickler for rules and follows the brief his bureaucrats prepare for him to the T. Trump is no one’s fool, although the Democrats would like you to believe that. Assuming that Trump is a fool is the biggest mistake one can make, something the Democrats don’t seem to understand even after their rout in the 2016 US presidential election.

That said, there is no doubt Trump is lying (no, he didn’t misunderstand what Modi may or may not have told him; he is deliberately lying). The question is why? We should be worrying not about ‘what’ he said (as Indians are at the moment), but ‘why’ he said it. The ‘what’ is not important, the ‘why’ is critical. I have discussed the more macro reasons here, but what we need to do now is understand how this episode will play out.

Let us be clear, the Indian economy is in doldrums, and the standard Indian practice has been to play ostrich at home, and the perpetually-petulant-victim abroad. In effect, our failure at domestic policy leaves our diplomats with few choices – none of them viable. But what is inexcusable is that they have either failed to read the signs in advance or haven’t been heard at the top.

Since Barack Obama’s second term (2012-16), the signs of India fatigue have only been growing, be it on patents, or a host of other issues. Trump has simply distilled that fatigue and accelerated its effects. To start with, he refused to come to India for the Republic Day celebrations citing “scheduling constraints”. That he took a month to decline the invitation should make it clear that there were no prior commitments, just higher priorities.

He has travelled to Saudi Arabia and executed a remarkable about-turn of his Saudi hate. The Saudis had to sign an agreement for US$110 billion in immediate weapons purchases with a total of US$350 billion committed over 10 years. Trump then shifted his attack to Qatar, calling it “a funder of terrorism at a very high level”. The Qataris had to buy their way out, agreeing to spend billions of dollars within months, be it in weapons purchases or oil refining. The three incidents – turning down India’s invitation, travelling to Saudi Arabia, and training and then un-training his guns on Qatar – should have flashed warning signs to India.

Yet, what did India do? It had Ivanka Trump speak at a leadership conference. The fact that India thinks it can buy off a president with intangible platitudes says a lot about how badly our assessment has gone wrong. And yet, we still fail to learn the lessons. The initial 2+2 dialogue of defence and foreign ministers was ostensibly postponed, again due to prior commitments. It pretty much forced India to sign up for COMCASA and LEMOA in order to get the 2+2 going. But there again, these foundational agreements haven’t translated into any tangible gain for the US. This is why we had Trump tweet about tariffs once more (he initially raised India’s duties on Harley-Davidson in his 2017 State of the Union speech).

Meanwhile, Trump saw the highly hostile statements on Kashmir, clearly sanctioned from the very top, emanating from Moscow. Former Russian Ambassador to India, Vyacheslav Trubnikov, a confidante of Russia’s Afghanistan point person Zamir Kabulov, had said, “the solution to Afghanistan lies in Kashmir“. Far from any backlash, India proceeded to give Russia close to US$9 billion worth of arms deals for the S-400 and second Akula class submarine. Contrast this with Pakistan. Pakistan can offer Trump minor tangibles in Afghanistan, which have a disproportionate political effect back in the US (Pakistan understands this well). Pakistan has Trump in a monopsony situation by being the only supply route, with Russia and Iran having been alienated.

What was all this meant to signal to Trump? Tweet on tariffs, you won’t get anything; we’ll keep throwing sweet nothings your and Ivanka’s way. But attack us on core interests like Kashmir as Trubnikov did, actively undermine Indian interests as Kabulov had, and you would get US$9 billion. Trump clearly internalised this message. In the end, there is no conclusion other than that India has brought this upon itself. It should have read the warning signs, it didn’t. There should be no doubt that Trump has done this to extract a price. How steep that price will be, shall be determined by what Trump believes: the reality of the Indian economy or Modi’s hype. In the end, Modi may very well end up becoming a victim of his own successful marketing campaign.

The author is a senior fellow at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies. He tweets @iyervval. Views are personal.
This article provided nothing on what should have been the approach and what different result that would have yielded. Fact is this could have happened even with any alternate dimplomacy. Trump being trump, he makes a wild outlandish comment and whole world goes crazy.. Lefties are now worshipping him like Lenin.. It has worked for him politically.

Anyways, this is a more accurate discussion I feel:

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Why Indians want White man's validation in every matter ????

From 1971's GOI is repeating ''Kashsmir is internal issue and it not allow third party interference'',after 38 years one loud mouth said some loose comment on Kashmir Indians started P!$$ing in their pants in no-time i mean every media and even DFI discussing this issue for hours(pages). :pound:

Sometimes i think it better to be DIRECT SLAVE TO WHITE-MAN (Britain before 47) than the this mental slavishness.
Nobody is a Slave

It is only the Suddeness of this thing which
Was a Surprise

Why Did Imran, Bajwa and DG ISI go together to US

Obviously both Pakistan and US want something from each other

US wants Afghanistan , It is the Paki Motivation that is A Mystery

For the last Two years , Pakis have been saying , we have got China , we dont need USA

So now what happened


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Nobody is a Slave

It is only the Suddeness of this thing which
Was a Surprise

Why Did Imran, Bajwa and DG ISI go together to US

Obviously both Pakistan and US want something from each other

US wants Afghanistan , It is the Paki Motivation that is A Mystery

For the last Two years , Pakis have been saying , we have got China , we dont need USA

So now what happened
Balakot, IMF loans and FATF happened.... maybe all these events happened just for this meeting to take place, who knows!!!!

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