The Syrian Crisis


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Nov 16, 2011
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Russia, Iran, and China already has perceived that salafists taking the power in Syria is a threat to their security. Only India has not perceived yet that FSA can turn Syria in a new training camp for terrorists acting in Kashmir.

India have to engage more if it want be part after in the share of victory's cake. All governments around world seeks to stay besides the winner in a war to get advantages. For me its each time more evident that Assad will win this war. Assad, when the war is over, will evaluates much the military strength and rebuild the Syrian Army in order to another civil war like this never more happens. And Syria will have to rebuild also their cities, roads, infrastructure, etc. So, for India sells their weapons to Syria army and Indian's construction companies profits in Syria, India shall aid Assad now.


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
What a distraction Syria is!?

Iran getting closer to nuclear red line, says Israeli Prime Minister
The Israeli prime minister said he was concerned that the military conflict in Syria and the political crisis in Egypt had pushed the Iran nuclear issue lower on the international agenda.

"There are many important issues that we have to deal with and I have a sense that there is no sense of urgency on Iran and yet Iran is the most important and the most urgent matter of all," he said.


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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RT: Israeli Strike on Syria Launched from Turkey

Israel used a Turkish military base to launch one of its recent airstrikes against Syria from the sea, a reliable source told the Russian news agency RT. Last week it was reported that on July 5 Israeli planes attacked a stash of Russian made Syrian rockets in the harbor city of Latakia, Syria.

News that Turkey assisted Israel in attacking a Muslim state could result in serious repercussions for the Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan government, if the information is verified.

"Our source is telling us that Israeli planes left a military base inside Turkey and approached Latakia from the sea to make sure that they stayed out of Syrian airspace so that they cannot become a legitimate target for the Syrian air force," RT's Paula Slier reported.

Relations between Turkey and Israel were strained until last March, following the Turkish flotilla incident off the coast of Gaza. But the two countries have normalized their relationship after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized to Erdogan.

Turkey is providing training grounds for French and American sponsored anti-President Bashar al-Assad rebels, before helping them infiltrate into Syria.

Anyone reading today the report on this level of cooperation between the Turkish military and Israel (not necessarily with the prior approval of the Turkish prime minister) has to be thinking about the same cooperation against another common enemy – Iran's nuclear weapons program.

Since there may already be an operational IAF base inside Turkey, it would be an excellent place for Israeli attack planes to launch their attack against the Iranian nuclear facilities, as well as to stop there for refueling on their way home.

After the July 5 airstrike, the Free Syrian Army said it was not responsible for the attack that erased a stash of Russian-made Yakhont anti-ship missiles. Those missiles could have been effective in preventing European and American cargo ships from unloading along the Syrian coast weapons intended for the rebels.

"It was not the FSA that targeted this," Qassem Saadeddine, FSA's Supreme Military Council spokesman told Reuters last week. "It is not an attack that was carried out by rebels."

The FSA thought the attack "was either by air raid or long-range missiles fired from boats in the Mediterranean."

The rebels described massive blasts, adding that the kind of firepower that was used was way beyond anything they possessed, which is why they suggested it had to be Israel.

On Saturday, some anonymous U.S. officials told CNN that, indeed, it was Israel's airforce. What a way to repay a friendly gesture that opened up the coast for American ships.

Then the Sunday Times reported that the contingent of 50 Russian-made Yakhont P-800 anti-ship missiles were destroyed by Israeli submarines. Let the Air Force have a day off for once.

The Jewish Press » » RT: Israeli Strike on Syria Launched from Turkey


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Syrian rebels seize IDF post in Golan

Armed cell takes over unmanned IDF post, Israeli force identifies cell, gunfire ensues; no injuries reported

Two armed Syrians, most likely affiliated with rebel forces, infiltrated an unmanned IDF post in the south Golan Heights Tuesday night.

During a routine patrol by an IDF Nahal unit, soldiers observed the suspects in the post in Tel Faris. The Israeli force was then fired at, most likely from Syria, by Assad forces targeting the rebels in the IDF post.

The IDF unit then fired back. No injuries or damage were reported.

The armed Syrians managed to flee the scene before additional IDF troops arrived. Soldiers were combing the area in search of the assailants.

Earlier Tuesday, Some 25 mortar shells exploded in Israeli territory. The IDF said the firing was part of Syrian infighting involving rebels and army forces in the village of Al-Madriya.

The mortars hit open areas and no damage or injuries were reported.,7340,L-4406002,00.html


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Some unconfirmed Sources indicates there is still the Fighting is going on and One or more Syrian casualties are reported


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
U.S. Is Now Paying Syria's Cops | Killer Apps

The American effort to arm Syria's opposition may be stalled in Congress. But the Hill just gave the State Department the green light to pay police in rebel-controlled territory a monthly stipend of $150. It's a start - and it's part of a wider U.S. effort to build law enforcement organizations in conflict-ridden nations.
So generous, and so sweet !

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Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Was Israel's Latest 'Air' Attack on Syria from a Submarine? | The Weekly Standard

Last Saturday, the United States appeared to confirm that Israel was behind the July 5 attack on 50 Russian Yakhont anti-ship missiles in Latakia. Both the New York Times and CNN quoted unnamed U.S. officials as saying the strike was carried out by Israel from the air. The state-of-the-art Yakhont missiles have a range of 300 kilometers and are considered to be among the best of their kind in the world – for example, they can evade radar by flying just above water surface. They were of significant concern to both the U.S. and Israel because their range and sophistication meant they could neutralize the ability of both nations' navies to patrol the region, and they could also complicate the ability of the U.S. or other states to enforce a future no-fly zone over Syria should they wish to implement one. Israel was also concerned that Syria would allow the missiles to fall into the hands of its arch enemy, the Iranian-controlled Hezbollah militia.

But on Sunday, a more intriguing scenario was raised when the (London) Sunday Times reported that the attack was not carried out from the air, but by precision-guided missiles fired from Israel's German-made Dolphin-class submarines. I am told by informed sources that this is a more likely scenario.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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But on Sunday, a more intriguing scenario was raised when the (London) Sunday Times reported that the attack was not carried out from the air, but by precision-guided missiles fired from Israel's German-made Dolphin-class submarines. I am told by informed sources that this is a more likely scenario.
Was Israel's Latest 'Air' Attack on Syria from a Submarine? | The Weekly Standard

I don't think this attack was performed by IN ..because only one missile that hit and destroy entire Stockpile of Ykhnot missile ..So it's clear it's a Pin point strike so how can a Submarine guided Missile such as Popeye can do the Pin point strike because these kind of Long range missiles had CEP atleast 5meters of possible error ..

So I would go for IAF that was previously told by the US officials to the CNN

The attack on Latakia, which originally had no claim of responsibility, is reportedly the work of the Israeli Air Force (IAF).
Three unnamed US officials told CNN that the IAF had been targeting Russian-made Yakhont anti-ship missiles that could pose a threat to the Israel.
US officials: Israel is responsible for Syrian missile depot attack | JPost | Israel News


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Exclusive: U.S. congressional hurdles lifted on arming Syrian rebels | Reuters

President Barack Obama will move forward with a plan for the United States to arm the struggling Syrian rebels after some congressional concerns were eased, officials said on Monday.

"We believe we are in a position that the administration can move forward," House of Representatives Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers told Reuters.

The White House announced in June that it would offer military aid to vetted groups of Syrian rebels after two years of balking at directly sending arms to the opposition.

"We have been working with Congress to overcome some of the concerns that they initially had, and we believe that those concerns have been addressed and that we will now be able to proceed," a source familiar with the administration's thinking told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

But both Republicans and Democrats on the House and Senate intelligence committees had expressed worries that the arms could end up in the hands of Islamist militants in Syria like the Nusra Front, and would not be enough to tip the balance of the civil war against President Bashar al-Assad anyway.

Part of the logjam was broken on July 12 when members of the Senate Intelligence Committee who had questioned the wisdom of arming the insurgents decided behind closed doors to tentatively agree that the administration could go ahead with its plans, but sought updates as the covert effort proceeded.

Now, the House committee has also given at least a cautious go-ahead.
@The Messiah

Reuters article ignores covert CIA operations to arm rebels with weapons from Libya.
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Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
White House: Syria's Assad is 'one of the worst tyrants' of modern era
Syrian President Bashar Assad will be remembered as "one of the worst tyrants of his era," the White House said Tuesday. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said that the United States and other allies would continue to support the opposition to Assad and stressed he would eventually be removed from power. "There is no way out of this that doesn't include a transition to a post-Assad Syria," he said.

"The Syrian people will not stand for it, and the Syrian opposition and the military opposition will continue to resist Assad and resist with the assistance of the United States and many partners and allies in the effort."
When would he be removed???
The timeline was unclear, but supporters of the rebels hope the deliveries of U.S.-provided arms will start in August, according to Reuters. They hope for "a large number of small weapons" such as rifles and basic anti-tank weapons, Louay Sakka, a co-founder of the Syrian Support Group, which backs the Free Syrian Army fighting Assad, told the news service.
Arms was reaching rebels from gcc, libyan leftovers, turkey(?) as well. But still rebels have not been able to make significant gains over past 2 years. Will the access to, maybe much more hi-tech weapons turn the tide in favour of rebels?? Difficult to say that, with all the in-fighting happeneing. They need things like NFZ for starters, but is the west listening?? Statements like he would be eventually removed might give some indicators.
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Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
In the above post, that rebels are "desperate" for arms and political settlement means are they sure that they can't win the war. Hence looking for settlement?? Also who all want the war to settle and who all want talks to settle the issue is to be seen. The more islamic ones would want the battlefield to be decider.

But with west esp US saying assad has to go, unless west does a libya at the least, its stalemate as usual. Looking at west's hesitation, one may not be surprised that MMS may take action on LET much before than west doing something concrete in syria.

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