The Syrian Crisis


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Hmm ..will wait for American Confirmation

Reports: Israel attacked Syrian weapons convoy

Syrian rebels, Lebanese news website report IAF activity in Baalbek area, over Quneitra, claim Hezbollah-bound weapons convoy bombed

Another Israeli strike in Syria? Arab media outlets reported Israeli Air Force activity in the Beqaa Valley in east Lebanon and in the Golan Heights on Saturday.

Meanwhile, the Military Revolutionary Council in Golan Quneitra, a rebel group, claimed that aircraft also bombed a missile convoy making its way to Lebanon from Syria. The reports could not be confirmed by any Western source.

According to the Quneitra rebels, the sound of aircraft could clearly be heard as they circled over the city. Earlier, the council said in its Facebook page that Israeli jets had bombed Syrian army posts. The IAF aircraft flew at low altitude over Baalbek, according to the Lebanese El-Nashra website.

Reports: Israel attacked Syrian weapons convoy - Israel News, Ynetnews


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
Syrian army and Hizballah capture Homs - opening way to Aleppo and decisive Assad victory

After the fall of Homs and the fast approaching Syrian assault on Aleppo, Washington, Jerusalem and Ankara have run out of time for quibbling whether to step into the Syrian conflict. The critical decision facing them now is whether to save Aleppo from a savage Syrian army-Hizballah onslaught that will determine the final fate of the war, or continue to stand aside.

The various tactics outlined by top US soldier Gen. Martin Dempsey last week for US military intervention at a cost of $1 billion per month have been overtaken by events. The Obama administration must now decide very quickly whether Assad and his Russian and Iranian backers should be allowed to win the Syrian civil war or stopped at Aleppo.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
The [US] congress and obama are terrorists.
Maybe (I have no idea) their thinking is that aiding the FSA, or whatever the insurgency in Syria is called, will benefit Israel because Assad is linked with Hezbollah. The flaw of that thinking is clear, or should be.

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
Maybe (I have no idea) their thinking is that aiding the FSA, or whatever the insurgency in Syria is called, will benefit Israel because Assad is linked with Hezbollah. The flaw of that thinking is clear, or should be.
The FSA are vile scumbags but pose less of a threat because they're brain dead and will never challenge israel and the west apart from blowing themselves up while the hezbollah/iran offer more of a threat due to the fact that they aren't mindless zombies and will actually pose a technological threat through iran. Although iran gladly accepted israeli help during its war with iraq but dont remind either of them of this fact because they get uncomfortable.

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
In other news heart eating cannibal terrorist has his brains blown out, all hail assad :salute:



Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Sharia and pastry :rolleyes:
A Sharia committee in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo issued a fatwa that croissants are forbidden because their link with colonialism, according to an article on Tuesday in the London based Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat. The ruling said that the croissant, which is in the shape of the French crescent, celebrates the European victory over the Muslims, as the crescent is a slogan of the Islamic state.
The legends include tales that it was invented in Europe to celebrate the defeat of the Umayyad forces at the Battle of Tours by the Franks in 732, with the shape representing the Islamic crescent;[14] that it was invented in Vienna in 1683 to celebrate the defeat of the Ottomans by Christian forces in the siege of the city, as a reference to the crescents on the Ottoman flags, when bakers staying up all night heard the tunneling operation and gave the alarm.[12]


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
Former Balkan guerrillas join Syria rebels

Killers of senior Syrian Imam arrested

Al Qaeda's Chechen, Caucasian fighters win N. Syrian air base, execute captive troops’s-Chechen-Caucasia
Russian-speaking Al Qaeda fighters from Chechnya and the Caucasian seized the key northern Syrian air base of Minakh 10 kilometers south of Aleppo, from the Syrian army Monday, Aug. 5, DEBKAfile's military sources reveal. This was the first important gain by Al Qaeda's North Caucasian brigade, Jaish al-Muhajireen wal Ansar, and its Chechen commander Abu Omar. They did not give the Syrian troops at the base a chance to flee. They caught and executed them by slashing their throats or beheading – in accordance with al Qaeda custom. This fate was also suffered by the Syrian air force's chief operations officer in the north.
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Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
This is apparently the most unfortunate development for Syrians, since the hostilities commenced.

Looks like it is the "beginning of the end" for Syria as a nation, on the lines of Iraq & Af-stan.

Could China & Russia do nothing to save their steadfast ally in this region ?


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
Could China & Russia do nothing to save their steadfast ally in this region ?
Am not sure what exactly china wants to do there, but russia is doing a lot of things for syria. Heard that russia has provided loans, and take this FWIW: russia is also printing syrain currency as assad is finding difficult to run the state and pay soldiers. Anyways rebels are supported by wahabbis and west as well.Hence he is getting currency printed in russia. Not to forget arms delivery by russia and iran as well. More or less assad is propped up by iran and russia. He should have packed bags long banck ago if not for russia/iran.

Also there were reports that a large number of people from russia/ukraine have alreadyvolunteered to fight in syria for assad. Don't know what happened to this though.

EDIT: Once its settled either way, china may grab all contracts in syria.
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Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
Also there were reports that a large number of people from russia/ukraine have alreadyvolunteered to fight in syria for assad. Don't know what happened to this though.
This is news to me. Whenever you get some info on this front, please share it.

Once its settled either way, china may grab all contracts in syria.
Exactly like they did in Af-stan. Remains to be seen how long the Taliban/Al-Qaida combine would allow them to continue mining & shipping minerals.


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
^^^^ @TrueSpirit news of russians volunteering to fight for assad came around late may/early june. Some guy who claimed that he was ex-army chap said that he is ready to raise a volunteer force in russia/ukraine if they are given citizenship or something like that. You may still find videos of this in google. I don't think this went any further though.

EDIT: Found this video

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Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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No Russian S-300 Systems for Syria Until 2014

Russia has postponed the delivery of a batch of S-300 missile defense systems to Syria, despite having received advance payment, a prominent Russian newspaper reported Friday.

The delivery, originally scheduled for spring 2013, has been pushed back to June 2014, Vedomosti business daily said, citing an annual report by the Moscow-based company Avangard, which manufactures rockets for S-300 systems.

The Avangard report – unavailable on the company's website at the time of this article's publication – covered only the second of two Syria-bound S-300 shipments on the cards with Russia's state-run arms exports monopoly, Rosoboronexport.

Vedomosti cited unnamed defense industry sources as saying the first batch of S-300 missile defense systems for Syria had been produced, but not delivered, while work on the second batch had been postponed, even though Russia has received "hundreds of millions of dollars" in advance payments from Damascus.

An Avangard spokesman could not be reached for comment Monday.

Syria reportedly contracted Russia in 2011 to produce four S-300 systems for a price tag of $1 billion. Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed in June a deal had been signed, but said Russia had not shipped the weapons out of fear of disrupting "the power balance in the region."

The S-300 is a state-of-the-art missile defense system capable of intercepting aircraft and ballistic missiles. It is largely useless for the civil war that the Syrian government has been waging since 2011 because the Syrian rebels have no air force, but could be used in the event that Western powers opposed to the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad try to instill a no-fly zone over the country like they did during the civil war in Libya in 2011.

No Russian S-300 Systems for Syria Until 2014 – Paper | World | RIA Novosti
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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
President of Iraqi Kurdistan ready to defend Kurds in Syria — RT News

In a letter which he posted online Saturday on the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) website, he said that he told Kurdish representatives to go to Syria and investigate reports that "terrorists of Al-Qaeda are attacking the civilian population and slaughtering innocent Kurdish women and children."

"If the reports are true, showing that citizens, women and children of innocent Kurds are under threat from murder and terrorism, Iraq's Kurdistan region will make use of all its capabilities to defend women and children and innocent civilians," the letter continued.

As well as being posted online Saturday, the letter was sent on Thursday to the preparatory committee for a Kurdish National Conference to be held later this month in Arbil – located in the far north of Iraqi Kurdistan.

The statement referred to the area of Syria where Kurds live as 'Western Kurdistan.' The Kurdish people are spread over adjoining parts of Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran, and are the largest ethnic group in the world without their own state.

Iraqi Kurds have already sent food, medical supplies, and fuel to their Kurdish brethren in Syria but Barzani's statement is the first time that intervention has been suggested.

There were unconfirmed reports of a massacre earlier this week, in which 450 Kurds were allegedly murdered by Al-Qaeda-linked rebels. According to IranianTV channel Al-Alam, militants from the Jabat Al-Nusra Front attacked the town of Tal Abyad near the Turkish border on Monday, killing 120 children and 330 women. Neither the Syrian government nor the Syrian opposition has confirmed the report.
Kurdish embroglio? More bloody pictures are unfolding? Will Kurds in Syria also gain the same "autonomy" like Iraqi Kurds after the civil war no matter which side "wins" in the end?

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