The Syrian Crisis

average american

Senior Member
Aug 28, 2012
You have the right to disagree with my assessment of the events but the time will prove whether or not these kind of deal making goes on in the world of power hungry rulers. As you have stated their past tells what future holds for them I also see at least one to two new countries being carved out of the region. One of them will be Kurdistan in order to weaken Turkey, Iraq and Syria and Iran geographically. Due to the crisis in Syria the relationship between Turkey and Syria which were in mend have turned southwards once again. The latest salvo from the NATO-USA alliance is breaking off the Diplomatic relationship between Canada and Iran which will most likely be followed by other nations and that in turn set a stage for Iran getting involved in Syria to protect President Assad.

I will not call them conspiracy but rather a strategic planning being implemented in the wake of nuclear weapons in the hands of one to two failed states which I need not name here as it is obvious from the numbers stated. Can rest of the world afford to sit back and do nothing till something of catastrophic scale takes place, I don't think so? While the Arab nations are busy fighting their neighbours it will create the opportunity for NATO-USA-Russia-China-India to work on the ultimate goal of theirs if you follow the Geo politics closely than one should be able to guess it as to what I am talking about.

The world leaders keep naming Iran as a threat to the world peace where as a failed state which has produced largest number of terrorist in the number. Let us see how the events unfold.
There is no big conspiracys to destablize the middle east, its an inevitable process the rest of the world has evolved and has destablized the middle east and the Islamic world causing Chaotic behavior much of it of the main rule of nature is evolve or die.

Occam's Razor, as in Leibniz's "identity of observables" and Isaac Newton stated the rule: "We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances."

The most useful statement of the principle for scientists is
"when you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better."
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Senior Member
Oct 15, 2011
Country flag
I doubt if this is kind of conspiracy, though I wonder if getting rid of Saddam did not encourage it... Countries in the middle east seem to be in support of this upriseing as much as anyone.......These people were killing each other befor the were colonys and I am sure they will be killing each other for generations to come.
Its called the Great Game, sir. Great Britain played it and now US plays for high stakes to control the energy resources in Middle East. Perhaps Syria will be another Libya after the West is done meddling, replacing a relatively benevolent and modern dictator by a ragtag of Jihadis. And US's great ally in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia being the most regressive and medieval kingdom of all. There will be payback make no mistake.

average american

Senior Member
Aug 28, 2012
Its called the Great Game, sir. Great Britain played it and now US plays for high stakes to control the energy resources in Middle East. Perhaps Syria will be another Libya after the West is done meddling, replacing a relatively benevolent and modern dictator by a ragtag of Jihadis. And US's great ally in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia being the most regressive and medieval kingdom of all. There will be payback make no mistake.
You overrate out politicans,, they are not that compentent. They are lucky when they can tie their shoes on a good day......There is no big bad conspiracy, the reasons things get so screwed up is they are incompentent.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
There is no doubt that it is the West who is keen to remove the Shia influence from the Middle East since they alone have been able to keep the western influences under check.

The Sunni Arabs have been thrashed every time by the West and Israel whenever they thought they could take on Israel.

It is only the Shia Hezbollah that could match the mighty Israelis.......and that is surely not a healthy message.

Oil is the key. That is why the scum of Saudi Arabia can manoeuvre the West to bide its purpose.

They did it for the Saudi scum against Iraq, then in Lebanon and now in Syria so that the area is sanitised of the hated Shias.

It maybe worth noting that majority of the Saudi oil lies under the Shia minority land of Saudi Arabia.

And from East Saudi Arabia, through Iraq to Iran - all Shia land without a break is where the world major share of oil lies!
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Feb 16, 2009
Country flag
There is no doubt that it is the West who is keen to remove the Shia influence from the Middle East since they alone have been able to keep the western influences under check.

The Sunni Arabs have been thrashed every time by the West and Israel whenever they thought they could take on Israel.

It is only the Shia Hezbollah that could match the mighty Israelis.......and that is surely not a healthy message.

Oil is the key. That is why the scum of Saudi Arabia can manoeuvre the West to bide its purpose.
Shiite situation is more fragile it could impact wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as cause problems
in oil supplies. If the west does attack Iran what guarantees are there that Iran will not pursue nuclear
weapons more actively afterwards? There are always countries like N. Korea , Pakistan ready to help
the highest bidders. The interesting thing in all this is Sunnis and Israelis have the same view of shiites/Iran
as a threat to the middle east.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Syria: Christians take up arms for first time

Source: Syria: Christians take up arms for first time - Telegraph
If Christians are siding with the Syrian Army, it sure proves that the so called civil uprising will only add to the misery of non Sunnis.

Hence, the Sunni Arab sponsored western backed rebellion is a hatched plot!

Personally, I have no love lost for either side, but then if Christians do not support the western backed so called uprising, then the Syrian Govt is not all that disliked it appears.

average american

Senior Member
Aug 28, 2012
Face the fact that Islam is a threefold system—a religious-political-cultural ideology and as President Musharraf put it. "Today we are the poorest, the most illiterate, the most backward, the most unhealthy, the most un-enlightened, the most deprived, and the weakest of all the human race," and as Islamic countries are left in the dust of history its never never going to get any better. All the things you see happening are just symptoms of a reigious ;poltical cultural ideology that time has left behind......the more religious a country the worse its going to suffer.

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
If Christians are siding with the Syrian Army, it sure proves that the so called civil uprising will only add to the misery of non Sunnis.

Hence, the Sunni Arab sponsored western backed rebellion is a hatched plot!

Personally, I have no love lost for either side, but then if Christians do not support the western backed so called uprising, then the Syrian Govt is not all that disliked it appears.
Not all syrian sunnis are against assad either. If they were assad would have been dead a year ago.


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2010
Country flag
There is no big conspiracys to destablize the middle east, its an inevitable process the rest of the world has evolved and has destablized the middle east and the Islamic world causing Chaotic behavior much of it of the main rule of nature is evolve or die.

Occam's Razor, as in Leibniz's "identity of observables" and Isaac Newton stated the rule: "We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances."

The most useful statement of the principle for scientists is
"when you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better."
Let me start with your quote "One of the main role of nature is to evolve or die" and in the case of Middle East evolution of politics and power grab is taking place being orchestrated by the the powers who do not want the chaos to take place in their homeland. Therefore it is only wise to create a situation of fear among the communities in order to keep the migrants (who believe and preach day in day out the domination of the world) from these nations occupied with the problems in their respective countries rather than destabilize the countries of free democratic world. If it is not a conspiracy, Why is USA Secretary of State almost living on her Airplane fro the last three and a half years?

Even before the 1991 and 2003 Iraq attack why were the rulers from Middle East summoned to Washington for consultation? My assertion is all the events that have taken place or taking place have only one goal to control these fanatics from that region alone whose ideology has spread far and wide due to the immigration of followers of scripted way of life according to them. What is happening is the repeat of history"Divide and Rule" a very well tested and successful practical way for the Western powers.

For me to be proven wrong or right is a long way since we cannot demand access to hours of the meeting between head of states. My opinion is based upon what I see and hear in the news media to which we all have equal access.

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
Turkish Airline Flying Al-Qaeda from Pakistan to Syrian Borders

TEHRAN (FNA)- Turkey's national air carrier, Turkish Air, has been transiting Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants from North Waziristan in Pakistan to the Turkish borders with Syria, sources revealed on Saturday, mentioning that the last group were flown to Hatay on a Turkish Air Airbus flight No. 709 on September 10, 2012.

"The Turkish intelligence agency sent 93 Al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists from Waziristan to Hatay province near the border with Syria on a Turkish Air Airbus flight No. 709 on September 10, 2012 and via the Karachi-Istanbul flight route," the source told FNA on Saturday, adding that the flight had a short stop in Istanbul.

The 93 terrorists transited to the Turkish border with Syria included Al-Qaeda militants from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan and a group of Arabs residing in Waziristan, he added.

The source, who asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of his information, further revealed that the Turkish intelligence agency is coordinating its measures with the CIA and the Saudi and Qatari secret services.

FNA dispatches from Pakistan said new al-Qaeda members were trained in North Waziristan until a few days ago and then sent to Syria, but now they are transferring their command center to the borders between Turkey and Syria as a first step to be followed by a last move directly into the restive parts of Syria on the other side of the border.

The al-Qaeda, backed by Turkey, the US and its regional Arab allies, had set up a new camp in Northern Waziristan in Pakistan to train Salafi and Jihadi terrorists and dispatched them to Syria via Turkish borders.

"A new Al-Qaeda has been created in the region through the financial and logistical backup of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and a number of western states, specially the US," a source told FNA earlier this month.

Ali Mahdian told FNA that the US and the British governments have been playing with the al-Qaeda through their Arab proxy regimes in the region in a bid to materialize their goals, specially in Syria.

He said the Saudi and Qatari regimes serve as interlocutors to facilitate the CIA and MI6 plans in Syria through instigating terrorist operations by Salafi and Arab Jihadi groups, adding that the terrorists do not know that they actually exercise the US plans.

"Turkey has also been misusing extremist Salafis and Al-Qaeda terrorists to intensify the crisis in Syria and it has recently augmented its efforts in this regard by helping the new Al-Qaeda branch set up a camp in Northern Waziristan in Pakistan to train Al-Qaeda and Taliban members as well as Turkish Salafis and Arab Jihadis who are later sent to Syria for terrorist operations," said the source.

He said the camp in Waziristan is not just a training center, but a command center for terrorist operations against Syria.

Yet, the source said the US and Britain are looking at the new Al-Qaeda force as an instrument to attain their goals and do not intend to support them to ascend to power, "because if Salafi elements in Syria ascend to power, they will create many problems for the US, the Western states and Turkey in future".

"Thus, the US, Britain and Turkey are looking at the Al-Qaeda as a tactical instrument," he said, and warned of the regional and global repercussions of the US and Turkish aid to the Al-Qaeda and Salafi groups.

"Unfortunately, these group of countries have just focused on the short-term benefits that the Salafis and the Al-Qaeda can provide for them and ignore the perils of this support in the long run," he said.

"At present, the western countries, specially Britain which hosts and controls the Jihadi Salafi groups throughout the world are paving the ground for these extremists to leave their homes - mostly in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Untied Arab Emirates (UAE) as well as those who live in Europe and the US - for Waziristan," the source added.

In relevant remarks, Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi last week blamed certain states, the Salafis and the Al-Qaeda for terrorist operations which have claimed the lives of thousands of people in his country, and said terrorist groups supported by certain foreign actors are misusing differences in his country to bring Syria into turmoil.

Addressing the 16th heads-of-state summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) here in Tehran on Thursday, the Syrian premier noted terrorist attacks on his nation, and said the "terrorists are backed up by certain foreign states".

"Many countries allege to be supporting peaceful solutions in Syria, but they oppose Annan's plan in practice," he said, and cautioned, "The responsibility for the failure of this plan lies on their shoulder as they strove to keep the Syrian crisis going and falsified events."

"The world should know that the Syrian crisis, in fact, rises from foreign meddling. Certain well-known countries from inside and outside the region are seeking instability of Syria," the Syrian prime minister complained.

Elaborating on the recent developments in Syria, al-Halqi said, "It has been proved that foreign-backed terrorist groups have been misusing events and killing the innocent people."

"These terrorists include Salafis and Al-Qaeda Takfiri groups," he reiterated, and added, "Those states that support terrorism and oppose talks should be given moral and economic punishments as they are part of the problem in Syria."

Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011 with organized attacks by well-armed gangs against Syrian police forces and border guards being reported across the country.

In October, calm was eventually restored in the Arab state after President Assad started a reform initiative in the country, but Israel, the US and its Arab allies are seeking hard to bring the country into chaos through any possible means. Tel Aviv, Washington and some Arab capitals have been staging various plots in the hope of stirring unrests in Syria once again.

The US and its western and regional allies have long sought to topple Bashar al-Assad and his ruling system. Media reports said that the Syrian rebels and terrorist groups have received significantly more and better weapons in recent weeks, a crime paid for by the Persian Gulf Arab states and coordinated by the United States.

The US daily, Washington Post, reported in May that the Syrian rebels and terrorist groups battling the President Bashar al-Assad's government have received significantly more and better weapons in recent weeks, a crime paid for by the Persian Gulf Arab states and coordinated by the United States.

The newspaper, quoting opposition activists and US and foreign officials, reported that Obama administration officials emphasized the administration has expanded contacts with opposition military forces to provide the Persian Gulf nations with assessments of rebel credibility and command-and-control infrastructure.

Opposition activists who several months ago said the rebels were running out of ammunition said in May that the flow of weapons - most bought on the black market in neighboring countries or from elements of the Syrian military in the past - has significantly increased after a decision by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Persian Gulf states to provide millions of dollars in funding each month.

Fars News Agency :: Turkish Airline Flying Al-Qaeda from Pakistan to Syrian Borders

average american

Senior Member
Aug 28, 2012
An if its on the internet it all has to be true....and its all just one big conspiracy.......Simple people believe in big conspiracys,,,,,the problem big conspiracys and with government conspiracies is that bureaucrats are incompetent and people can't keep their mouths shut. Complex and big conspiracies are difficult to pull off, and so many people want their quarter hour of fame that even the Seals of the United States military could not keep their mouth shut. So there's a good chance that the more elaborate a conspiracy theory is, and the more people that would need to be involved, the less likely it is true. These countreis are comming apart because the are corrupt and incompentent dictatorships they cant survive in the 21st century, and we will have to see if they end up with somehting better or worse. If its worse suchs as a goverment based on religion it wont last either...
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

I have already posted evidence of rebels aided by an Al-Qaida flagged pick-up truck, that too from a BBC video. Not that BBC is any more credible than Pravda, but that is for the detractors. Pakistan's role in aiding terrorism is a no-brainer. Now given these two bits, how unlikely would the above news item be?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Face the fact that Islam is a threefold system—a religious-political-cultural ideology and as President Musharraf put it. "Today we are the poorest, the most illiterate, the most backward, the most unhealthy, the most un-enlightened, the most deprived, and the weakest of all the human race," and as Islamic countries are left in the dust of history its never never going to get any better. All the things you see happening are just symptoms of a reigious ;poltical cultural ideology that time has left behind......the more religious a country the worse its going to suffer.
Analyses, such as your's, are fine, but the first fact that we need to acknowledge is that most of the peaceful world are at a threat from these Wahhabi/Salafi extremists, and aiding them for short term benefits is in no sane man's interest.


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2011
Country flag
Turkish Airline Flying Al-Qaeda from Pakistan to Syrian Borders

TEHRAN (FNA)- Turkey's national air carrier, Turkish Air, has been transiting Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants from North Waziristan in Pakistan to the Turkish borders with Syria, sources revealed on Saturday, mentioning that the last group were flown to Hatay on a Turkish Air Airbus flight No. 709 on September 10, 2012.

"The Turkish intelligence agency sent 93 Al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists from Waziristan to Hatay province near the border with Syria on a Turkish Air Airbus flight No. 709 on September 10, 2012 and via the Karachi-Istanbul flight route," the source told FNA on Saturday, adding that the flight had a short stop in Istanbul.

The 93 terrorists transited to the Turkish border with Syria included Al-Qaeda militants from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan and a group of Arabs residing in Waziristan, he added.

The source, who asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of his information, further revealed that the Turkish intelligence agency is coordinating its measures with the CIA and the Saudi and Qatari secret services.

FNA dispatches from Pakistan said new al-Qaeda members were trained in North Waziristan until a few days ago and then sent to Syria, but now they are transferring their command center to the borders between Turkey and Syria as a first step to be followed by a last move directly into the restive parts of Syria on the other side of the border.

The al-Qaeda, backed by Turkey, the US and its regional Arab allies, had set up a new camp in Northern Waziristan in Pakistan to train Salafi and Jihadi terrorists and dispatched them to Syria via Turkish borders.

"A new Al-Qaeda has been created in the region through the financial and logistical backup of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and a number of western states, specially the US," a source told FNA earlier this month.

Ali Mahdian told FNA that the US and the British governments have been playing with the al-Qaeda through their Arab proxy regimes in the region in a bid to materialize their goals, specially in Syria.

He said the Saudi and Qatari regimes serve as interlocutors to facilitate the CIA and MI6 plans in Syria through instigating terrorist operations by Salafi and Arab Jihadi groups, adding that the terrorists do not know that they actually exercise the US plans.

"Turkey has also been misusing extremist Salafis and Al-Qaeda terrorists to intensify the crisis in Syria and it has recently augmented its efforts in this regard by helping the new Al-Qaeda branch set up a camp in Northern Waziristan in Pakistan to train Al-Qaeda and Taliban members as well as Turkish Salafis and Arab Jihadis who are later sent to Syria for terrorist operations," said the source.

He said the camp in Waziristan is not just a training center, but a command center for terrorist operations against Syria.
So, Syria should nearer their relationship with India, because Pakistan consent with terrorist installations on him territory is now a threat to Syria security.

And India should now to engage itself a bit more on Syria conflict, for to defeat the Syrians rebels means to defeat the Pakjab terrorists
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

In principle yes, but then realpolitik suggests otherwise.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Iran's Revolutionary Guards commander says its troops in Syria | Reuters
Members of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) are providing non-military assistance in Syria and Iran may get involved militarily if its closest ally comes under attack, commander-in-chief Mohammad Ali Jafari said on Sunday.

Jafari's statement is the first official acknowledgement that Iran has a military presence on the ground in Syria where an 18-month-old uprising has left tens of thousands dead.

Western countries and Syrian opposition groups have long suspected Iran has troops in Syria. Iran has denied this.

"A number of members of the Qods force are present in Syria but this does not constitute a military presence," Iranian news agency ISNA quoted Jafari as saying at a news conference.

Qods is an IRGC unit set up to export Iran's ideology. It has been accused of plotting attacks inside Iraq since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
54 killed after Syria fighter jet bombs petrol station
As many as 54 people were killed after a government fighter jet bombed a petrol station in northern Syria in what would be the deadliest single air strike of the country's civil war.
Dozens of charred bodies were left strewn across the forecourt of the filling station in the village of Ain Issa near the Turkish border after a bomb dropped by a MiG-23 ignited more than 40,000 litres of fuel, opposition activists said.
Source: 54 killed after Syria fighter jet bombs petrol station - Telegraph


Syrian helicopter crashes as regime kills dozens in airstrike on petrol station
A Syrian military helicopter that rebel fighters claimed to have shot down on Thursday actually crashed after a freak collision with a passenger jet, according to President Bashar al-Assad's information ministry.
The helicopter plummeted to the ground near Douma, an area on the southern outskirts of Damascus where heavy fighting had earlier been reported, after allegedly clipping the tail of the airliner.

The unidentified aircraft was said to have landed safely at the Damascus International Airport, with no injuries reported among the 200 passengers reportedly on board. The fate of the helicopter's crew remains unknown.
Source: Syrian helicopter crashes as regime kills dozens in airstrike on petrol station - Telegraph


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Syria fires into Jordan, sparking clashes | The Times of Israel
The armed forces of Syria and Jordan clashed Saturday after Syria fired into Jordanian territory, where thousands of refugees have fled from an 18-month-long civil war between the Bashar Assad regime and opposition fighters.

According to a report by Al Jazeera, the Syrian army has moved its Unit 61 brigade — whose main function is to block any possible attack from Israel — from the Golan Heights to the Jordanian border.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syria rebel army shifts from Turkey

Syria's armed rebel moved has establish a command headquarters inside the country for the first time in a show of growing confidence in the defeat of President Bashar al-Assad's regime.
Despite the threat of air attacks, rebels have in past months won and retained control of much of the countryside in the northern provinces of Aleppo and Idlib.

Moving their operations hub onto hard won ground is part of an effort to create a Libya-style "safe area" where rebels can train, re-arm and treat their wounded.
Source: Syria rebel army shifts from Turkey - Telegraph

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