The Syrian Crisis


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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In the last few days, after the Su24 incident, RT has not reported about any strikes by Russia on anti-Syrian forces. Any updates on that front?


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Can anyone tell me which side the US is on?
That depends on who in US.
The Zionists are on the side of KSA and ISIS. (Against Syrian Arab republic and RF ofcourse)
The disgrace called President is on side of radical Muslims, both inside and outside.
The US military still undecided, but it would never fire a bullet against Russia.


Regular Member
Nov 13, 2015
U.S. is goodness against IS in Syria wars + Russia bombing harder and harder.

Plus I will Germany after ISIS. Germany goes bigger troops in Syria conflict. With the rebells they fight back Assad in final fight in this wars. ISIS will lose in Syria.

Or Russia will no win with 50.000 troops 150.000 is better but maybe will 50.000 soldiers and that will no win and Germany and rebells will fight IS in final fight in Syria wars and win vs IS ??

Maybe Iraq they win downless from Kurdistan. Then Iraq is history and new nation name Islamic State. One war IS win. I remine about Germany close to war Assad or IS with rebells.

Now I will Germany + rebells vs IS in final fight in Syria conflict. IS have 13.000 warriors left and Rebells have 15.000 and Germany send 20.000 troops to Syria conflict. This I will.


Regular Member
Nov 13, 2015
The US military still undecided, but it would never fire a bullet against Russia.
It's gonna be Germany involved in Syria conflict after Assad and Russia lose vs IS then the final fight begin with rebells and Germany vs IS I will.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Whistleblower Warned Turkey Would Attack A Russian Jet

As Edward Snowden demonstrated, even the most “developed” of nations need checks on government and that goes double in places like Turkey, where an autocracy is masquerading as a largely developed democracy.

Despite the fact that Erdogan has managed to create an environment in which the press and the police are afraid to pursue the truth for fear of brutal reprisals from Ankara, there’s one Turkish citizen who stands against the suppression of free speech: Fuat Avni.

Fuat Avni is a pseudonym used by an anonymous government whistleblower. He has more than 2.3 million followers on Twitter (so, half as many as Donald Trump).

Here are two excerpts from an interview Vocativ conducted with Fuat Avni last year:

Vocativ: Is there a reason why you chose the name Fuat Avni?

FA: I did not open the account with this name initially. I used different names. But I did not want any other person to be hurt because of what I wrote, so I changed user names frequently. Fuat Avni means “a helping heart.” I thought it to be suitable and I continued with it.

Vocativ: Do you alone control the Twitter account?

FA: There is no team behind it, only me. I don’t need to get any information from anyone because for years I have been working at in sensitive positions within the AKP [Turkey’s ruling party]. Because of my position, I have information about people at critical points. The reports and information come to my desk as well. It is ridiculous to think that an insider gets information from an outsider. Only I and Allah know who Fuat Avni is.

Well, on Sunday, October 11, Fuat Avnil tweeted something interesting.

That, allegedly, is the tweet that foretold Ankara's move to shoot down a Russian Su-24 near the Syrian border late last month in the first incident of a NATO member engaging a Russian or Soviet aircraft in more than six decades.

The prediction didn't go unnoticed.

Late last month, Russia's sharp-tongued, US foreign policy critic extraordinaire Maria Zakharova cited the Fuat Avnil tweet in accusing Turkey of purposefully downing the Russian warplane. Here's Today's Zaman (whose editor in chief just resigned under legal pressure from Erdogan):

In comments on Turkey’s recent downing of a Russian jet over violation of its airspace, a spokesperson from the Russian Foreign Ministry has recalled that famous Turkish Twitter whistleblower claimed back in October that the Turkish government was planning to down a Russian jet to remain in power.

At a press conference on Wednesday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova claimed that Turkey “purposefully” downed the Russian Su-24 at the Turkish-Syrian border on Tuesday and said the “unprecedented” incident will have serious repercussions.

She also quoted statements of Turkish Twitter whistleblower Fuat Avni who claimed in October that the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government and President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an were planning to down a Russian jet to bring Turkey to brink of war with Russia to ultimately keep its power. “This is very interesting,” Zakharova said.

Yes, it is "very interesting" that Turkey's most famous whistleblower and anonymous Twitter personality should predict such a dramatic event more than a month ahead of time. As Zaman goes on to note, "Fuat Avni's identity is unknown and has prompted wide speculation, but the account has previously revealed numerous details that would appear to indicate that the user is close to or inside the government and the account has attracted a large following."

Fuat Avni also predicted the widespread crackdown on the media ahead of of November's elections. The government also attempted to have his account blocked in October after he tweeted information about Bilal Erdogan's finances (again, from Today's Zaman):

Fuat Avni said in a series of tweets on Oct. 4: “In Italy, Bilal will manage accounts in Switzerland and other countries. Bilal has billions of dollars to manage.” Claiming that Bilal flew to Italy on Sept. 27 and plans to remain there for a while, with family members possibly joining him later, Fuat Avni wrote: “They are planning to keep Bilal in Italy until the [Nov. 1] election. They will decide whether or not he will come back depending on the situation after the election.” The whistleblower said there is a plan in place for President Erdogan and his family to flee a possible trial on corruption charges if necessary after Nov. 1 and that Foreign Minister Feridun Sinirlioglu is organizing the plan.

After Fuat Avni's claims were reported by media outlets, Bilal Erdogan's lawyer filed a complaint against Fuat Avni's Twitter account, asking for a court to block access to it on the grounds that the tweets breach his rights. In a decision on Oct. 6, the ?stanbul 7th Penal Court of Peace decided to demand that Twitter block access to the account in Turkey, but the popular social media website has refused to implement the court decision.
As you can see, this is a serious thorn in the side of the Erodgan regime and in case the implications of the above aren't clear enough, we'll close with a quote from Istanbul-based Cihan News - which is controlled by Zaman owner Feza Publications - ca. October 12:

Avni, who claims to be among Erdogan's inner circle, says the president of Turkey has seen the latest polls in the run-up to the snap election in November, and is convinced that the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) cannot regain a single-party majority.

Avni purports that Erdogan is even thinking of declaring war on Russia and taking advantage of the de facto situation, consolidating his grip on power.


Regular Member
Nov 13, 2015
Good. But I liked so se IS warriors and rebells win vs Assad and Russia(involved in wars) and it's this or next year Russia go in for troops in Syria against rebells and IS.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
US-Led ISIS Coalition Hits a Syrian Army Camp in Deir Ezzor: 1 Soldier Killed


For the first time since the U.S. President Barack Obama announced an aerial campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) in Syria, the Anti-ISIS Coalition of predominately Arab states have struck a Syrian Arab Army (SAA) camp in the Syrian province of Deir Ezzor, killing 1 soldier and wounding half dozen others on Sunday evening.

According to a military source from the Syrian Arab Army’s 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard, a U.S. warplane struck the military camp belonging to the SAA’s 137th Artillery Brigade (17th Reserve Division) in the village of ‘Ayyash, killing 1 soldier instantly and leaving 6 soldiers in critical condition – including an officer.

The Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Brigade has been protecting the civilians in the village of ‘Ayyash from the swarming ISIS fighters that are attempting to break into the provincial capital of the Deir Ezzor Governorate from the northern flank; this airstrike only boosted ISIS’ positions inside this village and the nearby broadcast tower.

As of now; it is not clear who the U.S.-led Anti-ISIS Coalition aircraft meant to target, but it was clear to the Syrian Arab Army soldiers that the airstrikes were inaccurate and lacked logistical comprehension of the ground situation in the Deir Ezzor Governorate.



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
John Wight | Huffington Post UK

The Only Moderates Fighting In Syria Are the Soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army

Proof that the British political class hasn't learned anything after Iraq came with David Cameron's ludicrous assertion that there are 70,000 moderate rebels fighting in Syria. It was an outright fabrication to rank with Blair's sexed up dossier on Saddam's WMD, which the then prime minister asserted could be launched against Britain within 45 minutes.

We know Cameron's claim is fiction because as far back as 2012 the US Defense Intelligence Agency produced a classified intelligence report which identified that, "The Salafist, the Muslim Brotherhood, and and AQI [al-Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria." This was a full two years before ISIS exploded across the region at the beginning of 2014.

. . .

No sentient being would compare the Syrian president to Nelson Mandela. But comparing him to Hitler is even less credible. He leads a secular government under which the rights of Syrian minorities are upheld and protected, a government that still enjoys the support of the majority of Syrians and a government whose survival in 2015 is indistinguishable from the country's survival. The alternative to Assad at this point - the only alternative - is Syria being turned into a mass grave of said minorities as it descends into an abyss of sectarian mass murder and slaughter that will make the status quo seem like child's play by comparison.

. . .

Attributing the refugee crisis to Assad, or claiming the majority of civilians who've been killed have been killed by his military, comes to us straight from the regime change playbook.

. . .

If the Americans, who've been bombing ISIS (at least so they've been telling us) in Syria for the best part of a year, have failed to make any appreciable difference, what makes David Cameron and his Labour supporters believe Britain's handful of fighter-bombers will or can?

. . .

Confronting the murky relationship that exists between ISIS and Western allies in the region is also now non-negotiable.

. . .

Here we are entitled to ponder the question of whether Turkey's real motive in taking the extraordinary step of shooting down a Russian jet was because Russian airstrikes had begun targeting the huge convoys of trucks transporting this oil towards Turkey's border?

. . .

Until Britain, the United States, and other Western governments are willing to deal with the role of both Turkey and Saudi Arabia in fomenting this crisis, they are not serious when it comes to defeating ISIS and the wider issue of the perverse ideology that drives it.

As for those 70,000 moderates fighting in Syria, the only place they are to be found is in the ranks of the non sectarian Syrian Arab Army, made up of Alawites, Sunnis, Druze, and Christians fighting for their homes, their people, and their country.

People are no longer willing to believe what the west keeps claiming.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Syrian Army Seize Over 60 Square KM of Territory in Northeastern Latakia

Over the last 2 months in the Latakia Governorate’s northeastern countryside, the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade of the Republican Guard has done a complete 180 after a series of defeats at the hands of Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) in the Idlib Governorate and the Al-Ghaab Plains of the Hama Governorate.

Perhaps their most important gains have come in an area that was considered relatively untouchable for the last three years: the Syrian Armed Forces have powered through the Islamist rebel defenses in the well-defended Kurdish Mountains (Jabal Al-Akrad), advancing 8 km north of the strategic mountaintop at Jubb Al-Ahmar, which is situated along the border of the Idlib Governorate.

Recently, the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) of Qurdaha, the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), and Muqawama Souri (Syrian Resistance) – have imposed control over several hilltop villages in Jabal Al-Akrad after a series of intense firefights with the Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group), the Free Syrian Army’s “Liwaa Suqour Al-Ghaab”, and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham.

As a result of these large gains in northeastern Latakia, the Syrian Arab Army’s 103rd Brigade and their allies have now captured over 60 square kilometers of territory from the Islamist rebels, including a big chunk of the Idlib Governorate’s border that collapsed during the Jaysh Al-Fateh offensive in the Al-Ghaab Plains.

The Syrian Armed Forces are not finished with this massive offensive in northern Latakia; instead, they still plan to push north towards the Turkish border, where they hope to cutoff one of the Islamist rebels main supply lines.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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It's gonna be Germany involved in Syria conflict after Assad and Russia lose vs IS then the final fight begin with rebells and Germany vs IS I will.
LOL. What makes you think Syrians and Russians will lose with IS?


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
US-led coalition warplanes are reported to have killed four Syrian soldiers in the Dier al Zor province, which is mostly under the control of Islamic State. If confirmed, this would be the first time coalition planes have hit Syrian troops, Reuters reports.
A Syrian government source confirmed that the airstrike had taken place and that there had been casualties. The source also added that vehicles had been destroyed.

A total of four Syrian Army soldiers have been killed, while a further 16 were injured, a government source told RIA Novosti.


Regular Member
Nov 13, 2015
LOL. What makes you think Syrians and Russians will lose with IS?
I willing IS win the war vs Syria's Armed and Russia will lose with 50.000 and also with 100.000 ground forces. IS are also strong in Syria.

Nobody know which strenght warriors is left for IS in Syria conflict ?? Between 25.000 - 35.000 warriors ?! Rebells are maximum 20.000 men.

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