The Syrian Crisis


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Dec 17, 2009
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Rebels seize Syrian army infantry school

AMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian rebel forces on Sunday seized an army infantry school in the town of Musalmiyeh, 16 km (10 miles) north of the city of Aleppo, a senior military defector based in Turkey and rebel sources inside Syria said.

"This is of big strategic and symbolic importance. The school has ammunition depots and armored formations and it protects the northern gate to Aleppo," Brigadier General Mustafa al-Sheikh told Reuters by phone from the town of Apayden on the Turkish border with Syria.

"I cannot tell you the details but I can say that the morale of the Syrian army is collapsing," he said.

Rebel sources in the northerly Aleppo province said the facility had been seized following a firefight and defections within the school. They said several loyalist officers had been captured.

Rebels seize Syrian army infantry school: defector -


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syria: Armed Opposition Groups Committing Abuses

Report from Human Rights Watch.

The Syrian government's brutal tactics cannot justify abuses by armed opposition groups. Opposition leaders should make it clear to their followers that they must not torture, kidnap, or execute under any circumstances.

Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch

pack leader

May 22, 2011
Lets give hamas a few nukes and then we'll see how much kicking you do! Its easy to do the kicking when your enemy has stones to throw at tanks rather than nukes.
Pakistan having nukes is a result off strategic weakness on the part of India
we took out the Iraqi and syrian nuclear program
India has far greater military and diplomatic ability
but you lack politicians with balls and now petty Pakistani warlords blackmail you at will

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
Pakistan having nukes is a result off strategic weakness on the part of India
we took out the Iraqi and syrian nuclear program
India has far greater military and diplomatic ability
but you lack politicians with balls and now petty Pakistani warlords blackmail you at will
a proper analogy would be that palestine is armed with nukes and latest weapons from usa and its neighbours also have nukes. dont forget how usa and china have helped pakistan plus palestine is like a dot...

although our politicians lack balls but that shouldn't discount the fact that pakistan had and has powerful countries backing it against India while israel has the backing of the west.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Pakistan having nukes is a result off strategic weakness on the part of India
we took out the Iraqi and syrian nuclear program
India has far greater military and diplomatic ability
but you lack politicians with balls and now petty Pakistani warlords blackmail you at will
It was not for a strategic weakness that those Pakis have nukes, but for the yanks support to Pakistan and China's inferiority complex when dealing with India that Pakis have nukes.
Messiah has hit the nail on its head. Maybe it is time those Hamas gets some nuclear weapons. Then we'll see where your tail wagging chihuahua of a defence strategy against the Muslim world goes.

pack leader

May 22, 2011
It was not for a strategic weakness that those Pakis have nukes, but for the yanks support to Pakistan and China's inferiority complex when dealing with India that Pakis have nukes.
Messiah has hit the nail on its head. Maybe it is time those Hamas gets some nuclear weapons. Then we'll see where your tail wagging chihuahua of a defence strategy against the Muslim world goes.
excuses and explanations will save you not sharp minds and sharp knives keep the world safe
but they will never have nuclear weapons we will make sure off it :wave:


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Putin: Non-stop civil war if Assad ousted

Russian President Putin has warned that if the Assad government is overthrown, the ensuing civil war in Syria may see no end.

Speaking after a meeting with Italian PM Monti, Putin said thatt in the case if the Syrian authorities are displaced, "they will simply swap places with the current opposition and this will cause a civil war that would go on for no one knows how long."

Putin also called on the conflicting parties to reach a compromise, saying this is the only path which ensures the country has a future. "The incumbent Syrian authorities as well as the so- called armed opposition must find strength to organize the talks and find a mutually acceptable compromise for the country's future," Putin told reporters.
Highlighted: Does the West really want this?

Source: Putin: Non-stop civil war if Assad ousted — RT

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
A thousand terrorists have been killed in aleppo by the syrian army.


On Vacation!
Super Mod
Apr 5, 2009
It seems a huge number of minority Alawites and christians have moved towards coastal cities Latakia and Tartus. I think they will make this as their final bastion from where they will fight the majority sunnis.


On Vacation!
Super Mod
Apr 5, 2009
Syria troops hit back at rebels in Damascus and Aleppo

23 July 2012 Last updated at 04:19 GMT

The BBC's Jim Muir: "Government forces are battling to dislodge rebels"

Government forces have hit back at rebel-held areas in Syria's two biggest cities - Damascus and Aleppo.

Sustained assaults were launched on Sunday against the north-eastern Damascus suburb of Barzeh, and against Mezzeh, in the west of the city.

Some reports from activists said troops regained control of Mezzeh, killing about 20 people suspected of helping the rebels.

Fighting was also said to be continuing in the country's second city, Aleppo.

The government counterattack in Syria follows a week in which rebels made major advances, taking control of several parts of Damascus, seizing border crossings and claiming an attack that killed four top security officials, including the ------- minister and President Bashar al-Assad's brother-in-law.


The offensive against Mezzeh involved more than 1,000 troops and allied gunmen, backed by armoured vehicles, tanks and bulldozers, according to residents and activists quoted by the Reuters news agency.

Government forces "executed" at least 20 men in the area, some activists told the agency by telephone.

The attack on Barzeh, in the north-east of Damascus, was carried out by the army's fourth division, commanded by the president's brother Maher, using tanks and armoured personnel carriers, the Syrian Observatory reported.

Earlier on Sunday, state media said that all "terrorists" - as the government calls the rebels - had been "cleansed" from Qabun, a district east of Barzeh. State television showed extensive destruction.

The BBC's Jim Muir in Beirut says government forces seem determined to drive the rebel Free Syrian Army completely out of Damascus and are setting about it quite systematically.

Reports from activists in Aleppo said there were clashes overnight from Saturday to Sunday between the Free Syrian Army and security forces.

They said a building in the Seif al-Dawla district collapsed under tank fire.

State TV played down the scale of the violence, saying troops were merely hunting down "terrorists".

The commander of FSA forces in Aleppo province, Col Abdul Jabbar Mohammed Aqidi, vowed to "liberate" the whole city, called on government troops to defect and vowed to protect members of the president's minority Alawite sect.

There were also reports of violence in the eastern city of Deir al-Zour on Sunday. Witnesses told Reuters that it was being attacked with artillery and rockets from helicopter gunships.

BBC sources in Syria also confirmed that rebels were now in control of the Bab al-Salam border crossing with Turkey. Turkey is not allowing non-Syrian nationals through so the border remains effectively closed.

Early on Monday, Qatar's Prime Minister, Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, said a meeting of Arab League foreign ministers in his country had offered President Bashar al-Assad safe passage out of Syria if he stepped down quickly.

He also said the gathering had urged the Free Syrian Army rebels and the opposition to form a transitional government.

And according to a report in the Wall Street Journal on Sunday, the United States has been trying to persuade Iraq to close its air space to flights between Syria and Iran in order to stop arms and oil shipments from reaching Syria. The West suspects Tehran of supplying arms to President Assad.

On Sunday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that at least 19,106 people had been killed since March 2011. The UN said in May that at least 10,000 people had been killed


On Vacation!
Super Mod
Apr 5, 2009
Syria: Assad regime retakes control of Damascus suburbs - Telegraph

Hopes that a quick victory was in their reach were boosted by the most audacious strike of all – a bomb that struck a meeting of the regime's 14-man national security council, killing four of the president's chief lieutenants, including his powerful brother-in-law.

The attack dealt Mr Assad the heaviest blow of the uprising, but he has since succeeded in re-marshalling his forces.

As the president has reasserted his authority, the inferiority of the rebels, both in terms of weaponry and manpower, has begun to tell.

Equipped with only assault rifles and the odd grenade-launcher, the rebels were no match for an enemy that relentlessly struck their alleyway hideouts with tank rounds and cannon-fire from the air.

Having consolidated control of the Midan area, captured on Friday, soldiers from the 4th Division took Qaboon, one of the city's most fiercely contested districts, leaving a trail of rebel corpses in their wake.

A force of more than 1,000 government troops, backed by armoured vehicles, tanks and even bulldozers, then drove the rebels from Mezzeh, the capital's diplomatic district.

Even in the northern suburb of Barzeh, rebels found themselves besieged on all sides and five captured troops were reportedly summarily executed last night.

The revival of the regime's fortunes appeared to owe much to Maher al-Assad, whose perceived tactical deficiencies are outweighed by his use of brute force to bludgeon enemy ranks into submission. He has previously led successful missions to subdue Deraa, Homs and a string of other rebellious cities.

Even so, the bloodiest phase of the uprising – opposition activists reported on Sunday that 2,500 people have died so far this month – is far from over.

Rebel commanders conceded that their "Operation Damascus Volcano" had suffered setbacks, but claimed they still retained the capacity slowly to grind the regime down.

"The FSA don't have the resources to hold ground but they are still everywhere," said an opposition activist in Damascus who identified himself as Tareq.

Despite their losses in Damascus, rebel forces staged a show of strength in Aleppo, Syria's second city, launching an attack on its principal intelligence base. Rebel commanders said a campaign was under way to liberate the city, which is considered broadly loyal to Mr Assad.

As in Damascus, they face an enemy with superior firepower. But the inroads in Aleppo in recent days also point to a weakening of the regime, which has had to pull forces out of the city to defend Damascus.

The assassination of his top officials has hollowed out a significant portion of Mr Assad's power struggle.

But although the edifice has remained superficially intact, it is rotting from within, as demonstrated by a series of high profile defections.

Increasingly suspicious of his own minions, Mr Assad has been forced to rely more than ever on army units like the 4th Division whose loyalty remains unquestioned largely because its ranks are filled with hand-picked soldiers from the president's Alawite minority.

As a result, however, the government's remit has been weakened elsewhere, with rebels able to capture a number of key border crossings.

Although they lost control of one on the Iraqi frontier yesterday, the rebels captured a second outpost on the Turkish border. Turkey, which supports the rebels, responded by bolstering its military presence along the border to deter a Syrian counter-offensive.

Meanwhile, Ehud Barak, the Israeli defence minister, declared over the weekend that the Jewish state was primed to take military action in Syria if it appeared there was a danger of Mr Assad's chemical weapons stockpile falling to Islamists. Mr Barak said that, for the moment, the weapons remained secure.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Fighter jets have bombed eastern areas of Syria's second city Aleppo, a BBC reporter near the city says.

The attack is seen as a significant escalation in the conflict.

It is thought to be the first time that warplanes have been used in Aleppo, our correspondent says.

Rebels launched an offensive against Aleppo at the weekend in an attempt to wrest control of the city from the army. Fierce fighting has been reported close to Aleppo's historic Old City.

Helicopter gunships were reportedly involved in the clashes earlier on Tuesday, the BBC's Ian Pannell says from the outskirts of Aleppo.

Pro-government troops bombarded the city, Syria's commercial centre, with shells and rocket fire as the government attempted to take back districts seized by the rebels.
Source: BBC News - Syria conflict: Aleppo bombed by fighter planes


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syria rebels launch attack on central Aleppo

Syrian rebels near Aleppo city, as they took much of the formerly loyalist city from the government [EPA]

So the rebels are driving around in new looking Toyota pickups and have ZU-23-2 Ack-Ack guns. Surely, they are flush with money! This is not just any local uprising, but an invasion by proxy.


Jul 11, 2011
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A war of control of cities worth watching ! That is the future of warfare. Asymmetric fourth generation warfare which neutralises every thing - the air power, tank power, mobility and superiority of all kinds! Only man against the man !
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Oct 16, 2010
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Assad not relenting and his enemies being equally violent. Neither bring ssolace to the people getting butchered between the two sides. :tsk:
This is getting too much. Why are the world bodies paralyzed. Where is all the machinery that keeps world in order?
Where is the diplomacy and leverage that the world community could use to bring one country under some kind of stability.
It feels that a lot of poeple are looking the other way or at best making half hearted efforts. Camping between US-Europe and Russia-China has to stop before anything concrete could be done to save Syria.
It's like someone paralyses you and plays a violent horror movie in front non-stop.


The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
Syria rebels launch attack on central Aleppo

Syrian rebels near Aleppo city, as they took much of the formerly loyalist city from the government [EPA]

So the rebels are driving around in new looking Toyota pickups and have ZU-23-2 Ack-Ack guns. Surely, they are flush with money! This is not just any local uprising, but an invasion by proxy.
Did you notice the black al-qaeda flag on the first two terrorists ?

freedom fighters :bplease:


Bye bye DFI
Senior Member
Aug 3, 2010
Did you notice the black al-qaeda flag on the first two terrorists ?

freedom fighters :bplease:
They all look same. Not necessarily Al-Qaeda just because it is a black cloth with some arabic script written on it.

All the Middle eastern rebels from Hamas to Hezbollah to even Kurdish Peshmerga have been observed to wear something of this sort now and then.

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