The Syrian Crisis


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Mar 21, 2009
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MLRS BM-30 Smerch of Syrian army.

sandblasting, and the heat is always a little rust, machinery long stored as a new appearance, well broken as always)



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Mar 21, 2009
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Syrian army and semicircle in the southwest of Syria

in the past few days in the area at the junction of the province of Damascus and Suwayda seen some lull in the background preparing the Syrian army for a new phase of the offensive, but clashes have acquired almost positional character. According to local sources, the moderate opposition fighters are constant attacks on the positions of the Syrian army and the allied forces using both reactive and conventional artillery. In addition, they are constantly attacking the height controlled by the Syrian army, trying to knock the CAA detachments from the position, but almost always in vain. The Syrian army is also responsible retaliatory air strikes and artillery shelling. Sometimes blows applied RF and video conferencing, such as last night, near the Al-TANF.

The most active in the area of militants group "Jaish al-Usuda Sharkyya" that are part of the moderate opposition, supported by the United States and Jordan, and is based in the town of Al-TANF, at the junction of Suwayda Damascus province. Some sources also reported that the number of local groups very strongly fell, and their firepower and earlier was much less than that of the attacking units of the Syrian army and allied forces and that is why the militants are now relying on tactics and quick attacks waste.

Syrian troops and allied formation still July 12 occupied areas Tel Mahruta, Abu Hashaba and Khirbat Rukaba south of the air base Al-Sin, and the height of the Jabal al-Sis, as well as the height of Tel Dzhirrin to the north of Al-Zallyafa than actually They surrounded the moderate opposition fighters, supported by the United States and Jordan, and based in the border with Iraq town of Al-TANF, in southern Syria in Homs province. Then, in total it was taken over 3,000 square kilometers, after which followed a lull. Apparently, the actual suspension of hostilities in the area associated with the talks going between Russia and the United States. Also, it is likely that Russia at the negotiations insisted on the delivery of pro-American militants of their positions in the region, but whether the United States would agree to this, and if so, what will demand in return - say now is very, very difficult.



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Mar 21, 2009
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A new round of struggle between factions of the moderate opposition in the province of Idlib

in controlled by opposition fighters province of Idlib again heating up between the group "Ahrar al-Sham" and allied her forces on the one hand and the coalition "Heyyat Tahrir al -Sham "(HTaSh) on the other. In recent weeks, in Idlib province noticed the movement of militants reinforced columns of different groups and many attribute this to the fact that the moderate militants and not the opposition are preparing for a new operation in the north of the province of Hama. As it turned out, it was only a preparation for a possible escalation of the conflict in the areas controlled by the rebels in Syria.

It all started with the fact that the Turkish media claimed that they are going to pacify the territory of Idlib, in response to the command of the coalition HTaSh and the Union, or rather it controls groups have unanimously declared that destroy every Turkish soldier who goes to territory under their control. After that, the militants began HTaSh strengthening of existing equipment and the new positions on the border with Turkey. The command group "Ahrar al-Sham" has not commented on Turkey's initiative, as a related group, however, stated that, under such pretexts HTaSh militants preparing to attack on them.

A few days after this Adventure "Ahrar al-Sham" decided to hang banners of their factions and flags "Syrian Free Army" (FSA) on under their control buildings in the city of Idlib, in response to the "Al Qaeda" is the Adventure HTaSh began to hang banners, "Dzhabhat en-Nusra" and its. In addition, the militants entered HTaSh in Idlib considerable forces and thus magnify his group in and around the city. Militant groups Islamic Party of Turkestan at the same time introduced a major force in the town of Jisr al-Shughur in western Idlib province, forcing the militants HTaSh get out of it, and then fully captured the city. Almost a day later, between HTaSh and "Ahrar al-Sham" serious clashes erupted near a large city - Sarakiba. About casualties were reported, and there seems to clashes ended quickly, as the command groups managed to resolve all issues. Today, the militants of the coalition HTaSh some reason attacked a checkpoint group "Ahrar al-Sham", killing two militants and an officer "Ahrar al-Sham", then HTaSh Command issued a statement that warns "Ahrar al-Sham" from further provocations and reports that the response to these will be followed in a multiple larger than themselves provocation. This morning has started serious clashes between the group "Ahrar al-Sham" and her allied forces on one side and the other coalition HTaSh. The first thing the militants HTaSh took full control of the major city of Dan, in the south of Idlib province and attacked the military bases of the militants, "Ahrar al-Sham" in Sarmad and Kafr Takhar, using shahidmobilya, then seized the oil mill and the "south bridge" south Sarakib from the city. Militants "Ahrar al-Sham" militants attacked HTaSh near the town of Al-Atarib, knocking out fighters and took him under his control. Then, for some unknown reason, HTaSh command transferred control of several towns under their control Idlib province as they report in order to avoid collision with them. Municipal government of the city of Maarat al-Numan, meanwhile, is preparing to start fights, and in this city, and local residents in Sarakibe, Hazarine and Kafr Nabel took to the streets today to protest against HTaSh and aggressive actions.

HTaSh leader - Abu Jaber said that the reason for a new round of civil strife is that other groups of moderate opposition abandoned the merger and sold themselves and the interests of the revolution for the sake of their own profit. It is believed that the command HTaSh dislodge insurgents Ahrar al-Sham to the border with Turkey, which supports them, as Ahrar al-Sham and other groups of the moderate opposition, meanwhile, is going to completely dislodge militants HTaSh of Idlib.

We should also add that last night, the head of the National Peace Council and reconciliation in Syria, Sheikh Saleh Naimi said in an interview with RIA Novosti that according to him, more than ten thousand militants of the moderate opposition in the provinces of Hama, Homs and Idlib ready negotiations for a joint struggle against the groups "Heyyat Tahrir al-Sham", which is formed on the basis of "Dzhebhat en-Nusra". According Naimi, they are ready to fight the terrorists in the case of "direct support from Russia." He also said the fact that about two weeks ago in Ankara has arrived group of so-called moderate commanders of the armed opposition who are ready to meet with the Russian ambassador in Turkey and military attache, as soon as they receive permission from the Russian side.

Earlier, on November 2016 for the whole territory of Syria, controlled by the moderate opposition fighters swept a series of civil wars between different groups with a lot of losses for the guerrillas. The result was the emergence of a terrorist organization HTaSh, which was formed by the merger of a large number of small, medium and large groups, as well as the consolidation of the group "Ahrar al-Sham", which became a competitor HTaSh. According to local sources, the number of fighters in each of the groups has increased to about 50,000 or more people.



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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In the twitter, the cartographers' competitions started again, in connection with the incoming news, about the capture of new locations by the Tigers, in the province of Racco.

It is reported that the Tigers came to Efrat.



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Mar 21, 2009
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Heights repulsed from the Nusra for yesterday in Western Kalamun



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Mar 21, 2009
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real reasons: what Hezbollah does in Syria The

Lebanese Armed Group Hezbollah has officially confirmed the fact that it is fighting against the "Islamic State" * on the side of the pro-government forces in Syria. The presence of Hezbollah fighters in the country has long been a matter of controversy: the authorities of some states consider them terrorists, while others believe that Hezbollah is legally present in Syria.



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Tigers continue to develop success and are approaching the borders of the province of Deir ez Zor. Also, a breakthrough in the defense of militants in the direction of al-Sukhna is reported.



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Write that the avant-garde "Tigers" is 40 km from Dair-Ez-Zor. At these positions, the detachments will be fixed for several days in anticipation of pulling up forces moving along the Euphrates and advancing to the positions of those who headed towards Sukhny.

We are waiting for confirmation

Photos from the area of Dahil and Es-Sabhi


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