The Movie Recommendation Thread

Zulfiqar Khan

Regular Member
Apr 13, 2016
Pakistani film industry is seeing a revive; here are some interesting movies to watch out for.



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Jul 21, 2010
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Lolita ( 1997 )

The full movie is available on youtube in HD quality , so you dont have to go anywhere else . The movie is based on the famous novel---Lolita .

Jeremy Irons catches the fancy of a young girl ( nicknamed Lolita ) played by Dominque Swain . They proceed to have a sexual relationship , and Jeremy marries her mother ( Melanie Griffith ) to stay close to her . But Melanie sends Dominque off to a boarding school , only to discover the relationship later . In a state of shock , she gets killed in an accident . This lets Jeremy get what he wants---guardianship of Dominique , and chance to continue their relationship . As she grows older , Dominique tires of him and wants to break away . Eventually she succeeds by going with a another man who exploits her . Jeremy searches for her in vain because he is in love with her . Finally Dominique sends a letter to him asking for money because she is married and pregnant . Jeremy is by now ashamed of having used her when she was so young and meets her and asks her to forgive him . She does , and he gives her a large sum of money to continue her life . But she also tells him of the man who exploited her and Jeremy is mad with rage and kills the man . He dies in prison and thus repents for his sin , but Lolita dies in childbirth too .

Thus in effect both are equally guilty and deserve to die in the director's eyes ---or so I thought . Though Jeremy is more guilty because he was an adult using the body of a young girl , Dominique ( Lolita ) was not innocent too as she gave herself up readily to him .

There are plenty of erotic scenes between Jeremy and Dominique . Dominique plays the unabashed sex kitten , spreading her soft milky white legs on Jeremy's thighs on innumerable occasions and acting in a sexually provocative manner and repeatedly making lascivious movements . Photography is splendid and so are the colours . Acting is good too from everyone . The movie moves from erotic in the first half to tragic in the climax and changes your mood swiftly .

Verdict---good .

Three and a half stars .


Mera Bharat mahan
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Mar 19, 2016
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Ashdoc,did you watch DUNKIRK????



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Jul 21, 2010
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Sonali cable

This film features cute actress Rhea Chakravborty playing the role of Sonali---a marathi girl from the Mumbai chawls who dares to enter the big bad world of the cable operator business . Now I have seen cable operations owners at close quarters and all of them are guarded by sten gun welding bodyguards . So what is such a cute gal doing in the cut throat cable operator business , where every cable operator tries to encroach on other's territory leading to violence ? Well , like a typical Mumbai maratha gal , Sonali is fiesty and fire spirited , even though she has to look enticing and inviting to the film's audience exposing a bit of flesh in navel showing and cleavage baring and tight figure hugging tops .

Hell , she's even got the right credentials for her spiritedness , for her father is a former goon who boasts of having taken part in every riot that Mumbai has ever had . And he's got a surname fitting for a goon---Tandel . And Sonali Tandel may be only 10 standard pass , but her father has given her all the leeway to do anything she wants , including angling for the boy she loves since childhood . And that is Raghu , played by Ali Fazal . He is the local politician's ( played by Smita Jaykar ) son and has a major stake in Sonali's cable operator business . His mother cannot control his love for Sonali , and he can't bear to see his mom smoking cigarettes . Mom returns the favour by calling Sonali her daughter and therefore her son's sister , thereby declaring her opposition to the match .

Enter the big bad cable network owner Waghela , played by Anupam Kher . He tries every trick in the book through his slick agent to take over Sonali cable but fails , finally resorting to real violence . His goons kill Sonali's right hand man ( Played by Raghav Juyal ) who is more than like family to her , shattering her personally . Waghela's men then wean away Sonali's workers by offering higher pay , and try to shoot dead Raghu her love . But they have forgotten the old saying--hell hath no fury like woman wronged....

Sonali hatches a plan to take revenge on Waghela , but does she succeed ? Watch the movie for the answers . Meanwhile , Rhea plays a chawl grown Mumbai marathi gal perfectly . Her language from the chawls , her marathi accent while speaking hindi---all is perfect . Her non ability to speak english is even more perfect . Forty become 'phourty' and fifty becomes 'phiphty' when spoken from her mouth . She is sweet and sassy and endearing . Her gang of workers from Sonali cables are a boisterous bunch from the chawls ; they dance unsophisticatedly and they talk the language of the Mumbai street . But the 'jaan' of the film is Sonali as acted by Rhea Chakraborty . The whole film revolves around her .

The pace of the film does loosen up towards the end . Anupam Kher as Waghela is more like a comic book villain---more funny than menacing . Songs and background music are okay . Colours and photography and good . The drama in the film however cannot be called high octane .

Verdict---one time watch .

Two and a half stars out of five .


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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The whole article is literally emanating terrorist propaganda and triumphalism and martyrdom. It gives a human face to the terrorist, instead of simply declaring him as an insignificant infiltrator, the article literally narrates his whole life story like it's a lifetime achievement award. It leaves scope for people to interpret it in a way which says 'okay, he was just like us, a god fearing man, a family man, maybe he wasn't all bad...'.

The purpose of information warfare is to portray the enemy's tactical losses and moral bankrupcy. He says "sometimes our side wins, sometimes your side wins, but [the fight goes on..]". The Army has scored a win, and instead of portraying it as a win, the paper has denied us that closure, instead, they have allowed the terrorist to deliver a martyrdom speech and broadcast it to their millions of readers through the news paper to continue the fight.


"The wall " is the Best movie of 2017 (according to me ) ..........

watch this movie they are showing " an Iraqi haji who are taking revenge from american invaders " :laugh: :laugh:

Americans are triggered by Ending of the movie this is why it is Getting Average reviews but it is an Awesome movie :rofl: :rofl:


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Jul 21, 2010
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Buddha in a traffic jam

Arunoday Singh plays a dynamic young man who has come to Hyderabad to study in a university . He is talkative and can make speeches inspiring his peers . He has all the makings of a yuppie ; he is liberal and cool and as sophisticated as they come . His and his friends' lifestyle is as cool as it can be in India ; they dance and sing to the beat of rock music , they ( including the females ) drink and smoke and party . His female friend ( played by Akanksha Dwivedi ) is free enough to dance almost topless on the bartender's table in a lounge . So free that she act attracts the unwanted attention of the moral police , who violently interrupt the act .

But at not too long a distance from Hyderabad in the district of Bastar lives another India . The tribals living there are being crushed by both sides---by the naxalites who beat them up regularly for co operating with government authorities and the government authorities who humiliate them for being in cahoots with the naxals . They have no hope of progress or development . Their only source of pride is their 5000 year old way of life that has not been change for 5 millenia . It is they who are focus of the film , even though it is played out mainly in the big city .

Back in the big city , Arunoday Singh takes part in a campaign called pink bra campaign against the moral police and he comes into the limelight due this . His articulate speeches against the moral policing win him admirers and he becomes a popular figure in the university . During this time he comes to the attention of a professor in the university ( played by Anupam Kher ) and his wife played by Pallavi Joshi . They run an NGO which sells pottery made by the tribals from Bastar and the sales of the pottery are used to help raise money for the tribals' development....a worthy cause , no doubt . Along with them is Mahie Gill , who openly says to Arunoday that she is a believer in the tribals' cause. A naxalite sympathiser who grows close to Arunoday soon .

But the NGO runs on government grants , and the government has recently decided to cut the flow of funds to such NGOs because the money is being fuelled to the naxalites . So Anupam Kher approaches Arunoday to create a way of raising money for his NGO . Arunoday takes up the task with full gusto and soon comes up with a master plan to sell the tribals' pottery online and cut out all the middlemen , so that the money is directly transferred to the tribals for whose benefit the whole enterprise is supposed to be . But Anupam Kher develops acute discomfort at this idea , and he says that he is a professor not a businessman and his prestige as a professor will be affected if he goes into online business .

But the real reason for his refusal is different ; he is the typical JNU type of professor , in cahoots with the naxalites and their brutal leader who is played by Gopal K Singh . Anupam goes to meet them in their hideouts , and this time when he goes there he is told that Arunoday must be killed immediately . For Arunoday's plan for helping the tribals' is too good ; it will bypass all the middlemen controlled by naxalites and even the government agents who are all revealed to be part of the money siphoning mafia . Arunoday has unwittingly got mixed up in all this and has brought about his own doom...or has he ? For Anupam Kher's aide Mahie Gill is not a corrupt person but a real passionate naxalite who genuinely cares for the tribals' cause and is appalled by this planned murder , and her personal reason for this is that she is in love with Arunoday too . Also Anupam's wife Pallavi Joshi is shocked by her husband's involvement with the naxalites and is prepared to help Arunoday . Together they and Arunoday hatch a plan to bring the situation to justice....

Straightway I must say that it takes courage to make such a film ; the JNU type of anti nationals whom the movie villainizes have a tremendous hold on our media and culture . All reviewers panned the movie after it was released under pressure from the liberal/anti national mafia which controls our press . And the director's courage must be applauded by watching the film . For it brings out the true colours of the universities like JNU and their professors . They are clearly funding the maoists and in cahoots with them .

I could see myself in Arunoday---a real person , a buddha like figure who believes in peace and wants to lead a liberal westernized free life . But he has peoples' good at heart and being liberal does not mean he wants to be anti national . But in this movie Buddha has been caught in a traffic jam created by elements inimical to our nation....

The movie scores on photography and colours and has decent music and songs . Acting by Arunoday is top class and Anupam Kher too excels , especially excelling in his last speech when he spells out his mad dream of communist revolution in the classroom . For anybody interested in politics and wanting to be in touch with contemporary issues , the film is a must see !!

Verdict---Highly Recommended .

Four stars out of five .


Senior Member
Jul 21, 2010
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@ashdoc do you got any more info on this ,

lets hope its not gonna be typical bollywood cliche .
Hadn't heard of the movie. They should make a movie on sambhaji and how cruelly aurangzeb had him killed.


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Jul 21, 2010
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13 hours

Amazingly , history itself teaches us that the lessons of history are never learnt and therefore history is condemned to repeat itself. Just like they had destroyed Iraq in 2003 and killed Saddam and created a failed state , in 2011 the western powers intervened to destroy the regime of another dictator/tyrant---muammar gaddafi of Libya . Result---another failed state and death of the US ambassador Stevens, who was killed by insurgents.

Just saw the movie '13 hours' on the killing of the US ambassador and the harrowing time US personnel living in Benghazi had trying to fight with an overwhelming number of insurgents. Several US personnel were killed too . The movie shows all the fighting in gory detail. Seeing the movie made me revisit the mistakes made by the western powers in the so called Arab spring . I would rate the movie as good and give it three and half stars out of five .


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015

tanaji movie is far out , something like 2 years ,

what do you mean by movie on sambhaji ???


Senior Member
Jul 21, 2010
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tanaji movie is far out , something like 2 years ,

what do you mean by movie on sambhaji ???
There was to be a movie on sambhaji. But the congress NCP government of Maharashtra banned the making of the movie because the scenes of sambhaji being tortured by mughals would exacerbate communal tensions. Now that a BJP government is in power , the movie should be made.
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Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
There was to be a movie on sambhaji. But the congress NCP government of Maharashtra banned the making of the movie because the scenes of sambhaji being tortured by mughals would exacerbate communal tensions. Now that a BJP government is in power , the movie should be made.
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ohh , never knew that such movie was at making , so me got puzzled ,

but it sounds like a long postponed project .


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Jul 21, 2010
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Tara---the journey of love and passion ( 2013 )

I saw this film because it deals with the vaghari community from Gujarat , a community which inhabits the area around my clinic and forms my patients in large numbers . Also because vaghari women are very beautiful with many having light eyes and fair skin and frankly I am attracted to them . But I never dared to ask a vaghari woman out for a date because they are mostly illiterate and lower class . Also other gujaratis have a low opinion of them and that discouraged me . The former british rulers of India topped in this vilification . They declared the vagharis to be a robber caste . The stigma has stuck . However , this very stigma has brought the art film world to showcase this film in various film festivals across the world and give it awards . The appetite of westerners is whetted by films like these showing the life of alleged robber castes from poor India .

The film shows the trials and tribulations of Tara ( played by Rekha Rana )---a feisty young woman living in a village straddling the Maharashtra Gujarat border , judging from the equal number of Marathi and gujarati characters in the film . She deeply loves her husband Baldev ( played by Rohan Shroff ) and spends many nights soaked in passion making sumptuous love on their bed . I also was dreaming of doing the same with her , considering the bare naked back she was showing throughout the film wearing backless cholis . Indeed , the whole film shows these vaghari women in backless cholis which turn up our temperature . The women selected are fair and with seemingly soft skin of their bare naked backs , and they make love with their mates with some zest .

But misfortune strikes---Tara's husband Baldev is contracted by Patil who is the rich man of the village to ferment an illegal concoction of alcohol , but the police arrive on the scene to arrest Baldev . A wailing Tara tries to save Baldev to no avail and the court sends him to jail for months . This gives the villain of the story ( Babanya ) the chance to prey upon Tara , and when she refuses he spreads the canard that she is pregnant with his child in order to take revenge for her slapping him .

While this is happening to Tara her neighbour Sumi's condition is worse . Her husband has also been arrested along with Baldev and her own father in law takes advantage of this to try to make her the prey of his lust . Patil also takes sexual advantage of the poverty of vaghari women---so all men are the same . When Sumi's husband comes back he takes terrible revenge on the father in law by murdering him with a pickaxe . Meanwhile famine strikes the land and the vagharis have to steal water which is scarce by force from tankers with Tara in the lead threatening the driver of the water tanker with her sharp sickle . But she is a woman with humanity---she helps an old helpless woman by giving her own jewellery .

The big catastrophe for Tara comes when her husband believes Babanya's tall claims after coming out of jail and calls a village meeting and throws out Tara from the village for becoming pregnant with Babanya's child allegedly . Tara walks out in despair and gives birth to a female child . A kind Marathi lady gives her shelter . Here she meets Kishna ( played by Ashish Saleem ) who is well read and teaches her to read , falling in love with her . But Tara rejects his proposal of marriage ; she says she has respect for him but is now disinterested by the idea of marriage due to her past experience . She still believes that a woman's place is with her first husband , but the Marathi lady tells of her own alcoholic husband who used to beat her before he died and convinces Tara of remaining alone .

But the task of removing the stigma from Tara's name remains , and a DNA test is duly called for .The test confirms that Tara's child's father is her husband Baldev . Baldev agrees to accept her back , and do they all live happily after that ?.....naah...this is art film , and art films get awards only when the women walk independent . So Tara having cleared her name kicks out the undeserving husband and walks away free of men....she starts her own handicrafts business with her Marathi mentor and becomes financially free too....

The movie is obviously poverty porn made for the west to savour with images of poverty like an old woman dying due to lack of care and kids playing in dirty clothes . Acting is juvenile . But somewhere the movie's simplicity and earnestness of the heroine touches your heart . I gained an understanding of the life of my patients ; those people whom I used to ignore after treating them became real life people for me . Tomorrow when I walk into my clinic I will know something about them . The vagharis eat nonveg food unlike other gujaratis , a fact shown in repeated chicken killing scenes in the film .

Colours and photography of the film is real good . I found it an okay watch .

Two stars out of five .


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Jul 21, 2010
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The film starts with a kid rowing his sailboat made by his elder brother till it goes down a drain , and when he tries to retrieve it a clown appears in the drain . Needless to say , the clown is the evil spirit . And it grabs the kid down the drain like it has grabbed so may kids are dead but who are floating in empty space down in the drain .

His elder brother is part of the losers' group in school , and they are bullied regularly by the gang of bullies who are tall and lanky and real mean . But the losers' are joined by a goodlooking girl who entices by wearing exposing clothes like bikinis and has earned the reputation of a slut . But she actually is being sexually harassed by her own father and is a good person . Her looks reminded me of a young Nicole Kidman .

Together the losers' group teams up to combat the town's menace---evil spirits what else . The bullies are after them too , and it is difficult to ascertain who is more fearsome---the bullies with their guns and sharp knives , or the evil spirit which keeps on reappearing as a clown which reveals extremely vicious teeth when it opens it's mouth to bite .

The first half of the movie is real scary , with the evil spirit first appearing as a pair of shiny eyes that look real scary in the darkness before it fully manifests itself . But the second half is dragged too long and the movie goes almost to two and a half hours in length . In the end I was waiting for IT to get finished .

Acting is good by everyone and photography and colours are okay . Background music is decent to give you the scares at the right time . I would have given three and a half stars had the movie been shorter , but the length of the movie made me reduce the points by half .

Three stars out of five .


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Jul 21, 2010
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The thin red line ( 1998 )

Film that looks at war philosophically and gives us doses of philosophy through the thoughts of characters along the way . Comrades fight , some of them die , but the war goes on . Soldiers are fighting because they have to , not for some grand cause . One man dreams of being with his wife all through the fighting , only to receive a letter from her that she is divorcing him to marry another man . Their commanding colonel ( Nick Nolte ) is ruthlessly self centred and is ready to send them to their deaths just because he wants the glory of having captured an objective and promotion for himself . The second in command disagrees and is sent back from the fighting . Many soldiers show humanity to other soldiers while others don't . To each his own . Many soldiers are plainly afraid during the fighting and their expressions are ones of fear .

The movie deglamourizes war , more specifically the second world war . The battle shown is for the pacific island of gudalcanal and the americans are trying to wrest it from the japanese . The japanese have a strong bunker on top of a hill there and the american soldiers have to reach near it , give co ordinates for mortar fire and attack it after the mortar shells explode . They succeed at some human cost , but the fighting never ends . More fighting , more lives lost .

The photography of the jungle ( gudalcanal is tropical region ) is ethereal and the flora and fauna of the jungle have been photographed too well . Music in the background is good too . Acting is appropriate for the situations . Shows war shorn of it's glory , and without celebrating it . Tries to show what every individual thought of war when he fought it . The individual soldier's fears and expectations , some justified and some belied .

Verdict---I would give it four stars out of five .


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Mar 24, 2013
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Shubh Mangal Savdhaan

A hilarious comedy on erectile dysfunction. Actors Ayushman khurana and toilet girl Bhumi Pednekar. You will simply love this movie....

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