Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan 2021: Impact on India


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Apr 13, 2013
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I tried but I am unable to send messages all it says is I have no recent conversations.
I think some forum functions like sending message etc require you to make a certain post quota to become active.
Dont know here in DFI what is the minimum post count you would require to get the message thing active.
I think its 10 posts..if I am right.


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Jul 16, 2021
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I think some forum functions like sending message etc require you to make a certain post quota to become active.
Dont know here in DFI what is the minimum post count you would require to get the message thing active.
I think its 10 posts..if I am right.
Okay, thank you. You have been very patient XD


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Wow, now the taliban are "tribes people", "country boys", "have a code of honour", "have a standard", "have a common purpose". They don't like corrupt government... and this from their Chief of Defence Staff!!!!
How low can UK fall?

Dont worry..they said the same the sort of things with ISIS too when them took over the Syria.
Take it as a sort of foreplay before the real banging starts with the blessings of MIC.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Oped by Ahmad Massoud son of Ahmad Shah Massoud in WaPo

Let's see, if Taliban-Qatar-ISI nexus have factored this in their wargames.

The mujahideen resistance to the Taliban begins now. But we need help.

In 1998, when I was 9 years old, my father, the mujahideen commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, gathered his soldiers in a cave in the Panjshir Valley of northern Afghanistan. They sat and listened as my father’s friend, French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy, addressed them. “When you fight for your freedom,” Lévy said, “you fight also for our freedom.”

My father never forgot this as he fought against the Taliban regime. Up until the moment he was assassinated on Sept. 9, 2001, at the behest of the Taliban and al-Qaeda, he was fighting for the fate of Afghanistan but also for the West.

Now this common struggle is more essential than ever in these dark, tense hours for my homeland.
I write from the Panjshir Valley today, ready to follow in my father’s footsteps, with mujahideen fighters who are prepared to once again take on the Taliban. We have stores of ammunition and arms that we have patiently collected since my father’s time, because we knew this day might come.

We also have the weapons carried by the Afghans who, over the past 72 hours, have responded to my appeal to join the resistance in Panjshir. We have soldiers from the Afghan regular army who were disgusted by the surrender of their commanders and are now making their way to the hills of Panjshir with their equipment. Former members of the Afghan Special Forces have also joined our struggle.

But that is not enough. If Taliban warlords launch an assault, they will of course face staunch resistance from us. The flag of the National Resistance Front will fly over every position that they attempt to take, as the National United Front flag flew 20 years ago. Yet we know that our military forces and logistics will not be sufficient. They will be rapidly depleted unless our friends in the West can find a way to supply us without delay.

The United States and its allies have left the battlefield, but America can still be a “great arsenal of democracy,” as Franklin D. Roosevelt said when coming to the aid of the beleaguered British before the U.S. entry into World War II.

To that end, I entreat Afghanistan’s friends in the West to intercede for us in Washington and in New York, with Congress and with the Biden administration. Intercede for us in London, where I completed my studies, and in Paris, where my father’s memory was honored this spring by the naming of a pathway for him in the Champs-Élysées gardens.

Know that millions of Afghans share your values. We have fought for so long to have an open society, one where girls could become doctors, our press could report freely, our young people could dance and listen to music or attend soccer matches in the stadiums that were once used by the Taliban for public executions — and may soon be again.
The Taliban is not a problem for the Afghan people alone. Under Taliban control, Afghanistan will without doubt become ground zero of radical Islamist terrorism; plots against democracies will be hatched here once again.

No matter what happens, my mujahideen fighters and I will defend Panjshir as the last bastion of Afghan freedom. Our morale is intact. We know from experience what awaits us.

But we need more weapons, more ammunition and more supplies.

America and its democratic allies do not just have the fight against terrorism in common with Afghans. We now have a long history made up of shared ideals and struggles. There is still much that you can do to aid the cause of freedom. You are our only remaining hope.



Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
Should not buy ak 203 or anything.
Don't be that naive, The calls to pivot fully to US camp is a bane for us. Note that we are in EURASIA.
We have to maintain cordial relationship with the stakeholders saved Pakistan. Even with Iran, we pulled out of the oil deal under US pressure, that's something not wise factoring you have sizeable shia population.


Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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Heartbreak for all talibunny fans on the forum who were dreaming of playing tag team with them to destroy pakistan.

Some of the replies here has really given my great insights into how some of our leaders both in the present and past turned out to be so delusional.

Think about it how many embassies are open in Afghanistan right now. 4 Pakistanis china Russia and Iran. Out of these 4 the 3 main players Russia China and Pakistan have been in constant touch with taliban have been talking to them regularly and have kept us out of all the meetings and discussions on that region.

Heck Russia not only decided to keep us away from all the meets but they also prevented Iran from concluding any deal with us. You think these 3 countries would let us get way this easily and give us a free hand with respect to taliban?

Taliban is as i said before a islamist organization which follows the doctrine jihad to kill non believers and kuffars.

Letting go of Russia and failing to maintain any sort of leverage over them was probably one of our biggest diplomatic failures.

We should not be naive and fortify our borders and get read to respond to any attack with disproportionate force.
People are interpreting this tweet in the wrong way, Taliban did not "stop" import-export to India, the Taliban takeover simply affected the regular working economy of Afghanistan, which affected, well everything.

Letting go of Russia and failing to maintain any sort of leverage over them was probably one of our biggest diplomatic failures.
We never really had any leverage over Russia apart from us being their personal cash cows. Even then they sold us substandard equipment in the name of "export version" and they helped us destroy our defence manufacturing ecosystem.

We should not be naive and fortify our borders and get read to respond to any attack with disproportionate force.
Second thing, yes Pak-China-Russia nexus is indeed funding and arming the Taliban, and since India is not really in the sweet spot of any of these countries, it is natural for us to be outcasted.

But what is not true, is the Taliban becoming the personal militia of Pakistan/China and attacking India. Yes, few rag-tag yahoos as mercenaries probably will find their way to the Kashmir border, but it is illogical to think, is Taliban will just declare war in India.


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2021
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Wow, now the taliban are "tribes people", "country boys", "have a code of honour", "have a standard", "have a common purpose". They don't like corrupt government... and this from their Chief of Defence Staff!!!!
How low can UK fall?

1 They are tribes people.
2 They were described as country boys by the Afghan president.
3 They have a code of honour (this is honourable, that is not).
4 They don't like corrupt government.

What is it that you find so extraordinary about this? Hundreds of millions or thousands of millions of people throughout the world share 3 and 4. What is the problem for you?


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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The first and foremost thing we need to do is not giving support to NA guys in Panjshir or trying to open up Ayni or Farkhor to supply arms and ammunition to the resistance. but start lighting up LoC start the heat on the eastern front so that the resourced which were moved to take over kabul are pulled back slowly . Without we lighting up LoC and making it painful for porkis there is no resistance in Afghan to Taliban .

Can we do it ? off course we can , But will we do it ? that is something the devil only knows who made deal with the muricans .


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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1 They are tribes people.
2 They were described as country boys by the Afghan president.
3 They have a code of honour (this is honourable, that is not).
4 They don't like corrupt government.

What is it that you find so extraordinary about this? Hundreds of millions or thousands of millions of people throughout the world share 3 and 4. What is the problem for you?
Well for starters your CDS is conflating Mujahideen with Taliban.
Pashtunwali is code of "honour" for Pashtun Mujahideen. tajiks and uzbecks don't follow pashtunwali.
Sharia is the code Taliban follow, Taliban also has people of pakistani punjabi, stan countries and at a future date even arabs and brits as well.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
I think this has to go on here:

View attachment 105626
Exactly if you read the book from Lester Grau "The Soviet-Afghan War: How a Superpower Fought and Lost", you get a glimpse of the logistical challenges and how the Russians performed namely their airborne troops and other special forces. The decay of Soviet economy ultimately forced the leadership to withdraw.
I hope we get a comparative analysis, note that the western intervention faced less enemies and had more tech in the form of UAV etc.


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Looks like Taliban is calling out for support, economically, diplomatically etc.. May be by blocking the extraction plans of Germany, taliban would have bartered for AID which Germany blocked to afghan.
Same way with creating problems for extraction of US officials...Taliban could be possibly looking for international support.
something is in play.. These could be a call in desperation.
If every nation stands together..the china russia paki talib nexus can be isolated by trapping them with this. Let them deal with the infested.
When nations learn to stand together forming consensus on talibs, talibs can be grabbed by the balls and then their heart and mind will follow.
We need to wait and watch a bit to read the whole plan and act accordingly! US ran with it's tail between the legs. Overnight evacuation of a big base and not even informing the Afgan Commander was a coward step and not expected by a superpower! :lol:

US is going to get more 9/11's (may be dirty nuke bomb this time) if they abandon AFG again! Chinese and Russians doing photo ops with Talibunnies and teasing US!

And what does India get out it? Are they ready to do our bidding honor our requests or stay away from kashmir. Will they give us mining rights and let our companies get the contract first. We have our own problems that require money why would we spend it anywhere else.
These rag tag Talibunnies earned 1.6 billion which was spent mainly for their local takeover, now they need more money so they can grow and do global jihad! Their aim is global jihad and not development! They would initially try to act soft and all but their aim is just one ie. Islamic Jihad and Sharia! No one should have doubt on it!

Giving them money doesn't makes sense! Using Kafir money against Kafir is their speciality! They are just bunch of extortionist mafia who would use TERROR as a weapon! Chinese Pakis and their new Abbu aka Yellow Chinese would definitely use them against India , the reason they fed this snake and happily posing pics with them!



We won't get anything by recognising them either.
They simply aren't in our team. They are in the team of the countries which aim to halt India's rise.
The below tells that their jihadi followers are getting orgasmic at this Taliban rise! Taliban has it's aim clear, first consolidate the power and then start putting claws in other countries specially Kafir. Gazwa-e-hind is their aim!

It is exactly the need of the hour, I think Indians have started blogs and social media campaign on issues and I am sure they are looking into it.
Good idea, DFI can also do our bit!

:mod: @Indx TechStyle @ezsasa
Why not create a thread on Pashtunistan? There is a thread there but may be we can make the title more conducive and revive it? Some suggestions for keywords below.

Paki Occupied Pashtunistan
Pakjabi atrocities on Pashtuns
The unsettled issue: Durand Line & Pashtunistan
Pashtunistan the real issue
Pashtunistan Freedom Struggle


Regular Member
Sep 26, 2020

Gen. Mark Milley: "There was nothing that I or anyone else saw that indicated a collapse of this army and this government in 11 days." https://t.co/w5PFh9QRn4

Wah chutiye wah

Reporter: "It sounds like you're saying this depends on diplomacy with the Taliban. That's it."

U.S. Defense Secretary Austin stunned, General Milley takes over to answer the question.

The guy is clueless!
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Senior Member
Jan 31, 2019
People are interpreting this tweet in the wrong way, Taliban did not "stop" import-export to India, the Taliban takeover simply affected the regular working economy of Afghanistan, which affected, well everything.

We never really had any leverage over Russia apart from us being their personal cash cows. Even then they sold us substandard equipment in the name of "export version" and they helped us destroy our defence manufacturing ecosystem.

Second thing, yes Pak-China-Russia nexus is indeed funding and arming the Taliban, and since India is not really in the sweet spot of any of these countries, it is natural for us to be outcasted.

But what is not true, is the Taliban becoming the personal militia of Pakistan/China and attacking India. Yes, few rag-tag yahoos as mercenaries probably will find their way to the Kashmir border, but it is illogical to think, is Taliban will just declare war in India.
We never really had any leverage over Russia apart from us being their personal cash cows. Even then they sold us substandard equipment in the name of "export version" and they helped us destroy our defence manufacturing ecosystem.
Leverage is not something that just comes if you buy some equipment or are a regular customer. It is something that is built over the years through a combination of factors. Despite being in a weaker position vis a vis US over the past few decades china was quite successful in funding their think tanks elites various organizations and lobbies to do their bidding and influence outcomes in favor of china.

India at the end of the day never really attempted any of this we build a transactional relationship with the Russians and later on got outbid by someone else down the line.

No country ever just gives you their prized technologies for free. From sabotaging our projects to influencing our space programs and killing our scientists including homi bhabha the father of our nuclear program US has done everything in it's power to stop us from progressing because that is how the world especially superpowers work. Compared to that i will say Russians have been quite useful for us especially in our nuclear reactor programs.

But what is not true, is the Taliban becoming the personal militia of Pakistan/China and attacking India. Yes, few rag-tag yahoos as mercenaries probably will find their way to the Kashmir border, but it is illogical to think, is Taliban will just declare war in India.
By attack i meant pakistan using some of their militia men operating in Afghanistan with American weapons coordinating strikes in India with the blessings of ISI. It won't work but they will surely try it to create a sense of plausible deniability. Of course they won't declare any war on us they never did it previously either but that did not stop them from sheltering all the hijackers despite our requests or listening to the whims of pakistan.
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The Shrike

Senior Member
Jun 12, 2021
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I think that yesterday US warned Taliban that if they attack any US troops engaged in evacuation there would be a forceful response. How many F/A-18's are floating around not so far from Kabul?
All the fighters and bombers can’t do jack shit, with the 20,000 (or what ever number) of western civilians practically hostage in Kabul and other places. If the TB wanted (go full retard) they can kill hundreds if not thousands of those "hostages" before US is able to stop them (which is a simply unacceptable outcome for any western govt). TB are not going on a wanton killing spree of foreigners (no such luck for the natives though) simply because it does not make any sense for them, they are consolidating their power and extracting what "ransom" they can. Even if any small incident takes place I'm sure the first response of the US military will be to keep it isolated and deescalate. And TBH I'm sure they are a little thankful that the US practically gave them the country in a platter.
Anyways good on the Brit Paras going out of the Airport to rescue their citizens who are not able to reach the airport. Biden's handling (or whoever is in charge) seems to have turned the US military into cuck pro ultra max.

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