Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan 2021: Impact on India


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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Gen. Mark Milley: "There was nothing that I or anyone else saw that indicated a collapse of this army and this government in 11 days." https://t.co/w5PFh9QRn4

Wah chutiye wah
General "Woke" reads Mao and Marx, he openly admitted that in one recent speech.

Good luck Yankees winning war with this General in command.


Regular Member
Jun 21, 2021
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Wow, now the taliban are "tribes people", "country boys", "have a code of honour", "have a standard", "have a common purpose". They don't like corrupt government... and this from their Chief of Defence Staff!!!!
How low can UK fall?

Us military is fucked we can't trust them at all


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2019

Erdogan publicly declares that Turkey would like to remain in Kabul Airport through a deal with Taliban or the transitional government.

He says it would have a positive contribution to Afghanistan.

ERRdogan clinging onto Afg for his pie.
Too much overextension will always lead to blowback. He had barely managed to push the frontlines in syria drastically before the Russians came in and crashed his party and now he wishes to influence Afghanistan. You need either a powerful military or a powerful economy or overwhelming influence or soft power to come out on top in global affairs turkey has neither.

The Shrike

Senior Member
Jun 12, 2021
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With apparently 10,000-40,000 Americans effectively blockaded from the airport in Kabul by Taliban Terrorists did Joe Biden create the largest hostage situation in the history of America or even the world? #BidenDisaster

Hell yeah!
After a couple of days of "violent but friendly", "kinder, gentler Taliban" and other idiotic coverage, I think the reality is sinking in about the scale of the disastrous situation they are actually. And today the top general of the most powerful military admits that a terrorist group they have been fighting for close to 2 decades is currently "facilitating safe passage" of their stranded citizens.

nWo 4 Life

Tihar Jail
May 16, 2021
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Taliban seizes US military biometric devices which can identify Afghans who aided coalition efforts in country (Intercept)

An unidentified JSOC official told The Intercept, that the Taliban acquired biometrics equipment that contains data like iris scans and fingerprints of Afghans who aided the US and allies in country.

They told The Intercept that the portable devices could be used to access sensitive information from large, centralized military databases, and potentially expose those who helped resist the Taliban.

The International Rescue Committee estimates that over 300,000 Afghan civilians were involved with the American mission over the past two decades.



Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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Leverage is not something that just comes if you buy some equipment or are a regular customer. It is something that is built over the years through a combination of factors. Despite being in a weaker position vis a vis US over the past few decades china was quite successful in funding their think tanks elite various organizations and lobbies to do their bidding and influence outcomes in favor of china.

India at the end of the day never really attempted any of this we build a transactional relationship with the Russians and later on got outbid by someone else down the line.
The leverage (better word will be influence here) you are talking about is more about the targeted cultivation of lobbying agents and organizations. For China, it was buying out America's top companies and most of wall street.
Another great example is Israel, Jews literally own the American political system and even if Israel does absolutely zero favor for America, it still blindly supports Israel.

Such lobbying is not really possible with closed societies like China and Russia, and getting into their political or economical ecosystem is a complete nightmare. Advantages of not having a democracy. Even today, China has minimal influence on Russia and Russia is cozying up to China for mutual benefits and a common enemy.

No country ever just gives you their prized technologies for free. From sabotaging our projects to influencing our space programs and killing our scientists including homi bhabha the father of our nuclear program US has done everything in it's power to stop us from progressing because that is how the world especially superpowers work. Compared to that i will say Russians have been quite useful for us especially our nuclear reactor programs.
We ought not to blame the USA. They were indeed our staunch enemy as we were on the Russian side in the cold war. Of course, the USA would not want a rise of a superpower friend of Russia.

By attack i meant pakistan using some of their militia men operating in Afghanistan with American weapons coordinating strikes in India with the blessings of ISI. It won't work but they will surely try it to create a sense of plausible deniability. Of course they won't declare any war one us they never did it previously either but that did not step them from sheltering all the hijackers or listening to the whims of pakistan.
And that is definitely going to happen. But what is stopping that from happening today? After Pulwama we ain't raising dossiers and doing "diplomatic protests" anymore to Pakistan, the reply is given with big guns and glide bombs swiftly.

The excellent thing now is, since American interests are now gone from Pakistan, it won't stop us from stomping Pakistan the next time. We might even see an anti-Pakistan narrative being developed in America once the China-Pakistan-Russia nexus becomes clear.


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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Taliban seizes US military biometric devices which can identify Afghans who aided coalition efforts in country (Intercept)

An unidentified JSOC official told The Intercept, that the Taliban acquired biometrics equipment that contains data like iris scans and fingerprints of Afghans who aided the US and allies in country.

They told The Intercept that the portable devices could be used to access sensitive information from large, centralized military databases, and potentially expose those who helped resist the Taliban.

The International Rescue Committee estimates that over 300,000 Afghan civilians were involved with the American mission over the past two decades.

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Life of Afghani allies of US are in danger now.

Such Hi-tech devices are falling in the hands of Taliban, Oh! the clumsy Americans.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2019
The leverage (better word will be influence here) you are talking about is more about the targeted cultivation of lobbying agents and organizations. For China, it was buying out America's top companies and most of wall street.
Another great example is Israel, Jews literally own the American political system and even if Israel does absolutely zero favor for America, it still blindly supports Israel.

Such lobbying is not really possible with closed societies like China and Russia, and getting into their political or economical ecosystem is a complete nightmare. Advantages of not having a democracy. Even today, China has minimal influence on Russia and Russia is cozying up to China for mutual benefits and a common enemy.

We ought not to blame the USA. They were indeed our staunch enemy as we were on the Russian side in the cold war. Of course, the USA would not want a rise of a superpower friend of Russia.

And that is definitely going to happen. But what is stopping that from happening today? After Pulwama we ain't raising dossiers and doing "diplomatic protests" anymore to Pakistan, the reply is given with big guns and glide bombs swiftly.

The excellent thing now is, since American interests are now gone from Pakistan, it won't stop us from stomping Pakistan the next time. We might even see an anti-Pakistan narrative being developed in America once the China-Pakistan-Russia nexus becomes clear.
We ought not to blame the USA. They were indeed our staunch enemy as we were on the Russian side in the cold war. Of course, the USA would not want a rise of a superpower friend of Russia.
Was not blaming them as i had said this is what superpowers do. Don't blame the player blame the game.

The excellent thing now is, since American interests are now gone from Pakistan, it won't stop us from stomping Pakistan the next time. We might even see an anti-Pakistan narrative being developed in America once the China-Pakistan-Russia nexus becomes clear.
Hard agree on this. As i said a few pages back.
I say Indians should look at positive side of thes events. What's done is done but now in the future if we play our cards right and use our diplomatic power correctly we might able to influence the US to keep their traps shut the next time a terror attack takes place.

Maybe next time India will have a free reign in dealing with pakistan if they decide to execute an attack on us.
We might finally be looking at an opportunity not far from now where we might finally be able to deal with pakistan once and for all give them a crippling blow of sorts. Of course US and China will play a big role in determining just how far we escalate but India is sure to get a lot of breathing space w.r.t pakistan.


Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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Was not blaming them as i had said this is what superpowers do. Don't blame the player blame the game.

Hard agree on this. As i said a few pages back.

We might finally be looking at an opportunity not far from now where we might finally be able to deal with pakistan once and for all give them a crippling blow of sorts. Of course US and China will play a big role in determining just how far we escalate but India is sure to get a lot of breathing space w.r.t pakistan.
Yes, and now that we have a significant NRI population, we will only see our influence over the USA increase in coming years. With incoming of next Republican govt. in America, we can develop a staunch anti-Pakistan and anti-China narrative.

Last time in the wee night of Feb 27, 2019, the only thing that saved Pakistan Navy from going into the past tense and Karachi harbour becoming well done was Saudis and UAE saving their little retarded cousin.
This time they might not be that lucky.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2019
Yes, and now that we have a significant NRI population, we will only see our influence over the USA increase in coming years. With incoming of next Republican govt. in America, we can develop a staunch anti-Pakistan and anti-China narrative.

Last time in the wee night of Feb 27, 2019, the only thing that saved Pakistan Navy from going into the past tense and Karachi harbour becoming well done was Saudis and UAE saving their little retarded cousin.
This time they might not be that lucky.
Saudi influence is already decreasing especially after we decided to dump their oil in favor of other countries after their remarks on our price hike.

Heck i will say that they did not even have this much influence on us back then either. It was just that govt thought they had done enough from a political perspective and decided to let things go instead of looking at it from a tactical and strategic perspective.

As for NRI's i doubt they might be of much help considering most of the Indians based in US are staunch democrats and are not so friendly towards India. Don't blame them they had their reasons but i don't expect much help from them.

Detective Pennington

Regular Member
May 1, 2015
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Yes, and now that we have a significant NRI population, we will only see our influence over the USA increase in coming years. With incoming of next Republican govt. in America, we can develop a staunch anti-Pakistan and anti-China narrative.

Last time in the wee night of Feb 27, 2019, the only thing that saved Pakistan Navy from going into the past tense and Karachi harbour becoming well done was Saudis and UAE saving their little retarded cousin.
This time they might not be that lucky.
I hate to say it, but this is kind of idealistic. The Indian Hindu diaspora doesn't really care for the most part. Whereas Momins, Christians, Sikhs and Hindu liberal elites are into the Modi and Hindutva bad agenda/virtue signal respectively.

To go as far as to lobby with actually influential politicians and influence policy, there is the Republican Hindu council but they are mostly focused on economics (like more H1-B visas) and a bit of lip service on holding Pakistan accountable for terrorism.

I will say though, this is the discussion we should be having. We have to think like Jews. Which Republican politicians should we reach out to? How much money should we raise to get their attention, what should we say to convince them that it's in their interest to denuclearize Pak.
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Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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1 They are tribes people.
2 They were described as country boys by the Afghan president.
3 They have a code of honour (this is honourable, that is not).
4 They don't like corrupt government.

What is it that you find so extraordinary about this? Hundreds of millions or thousands of millions of people throughout the world share 3 and 4. What is the problem for you?
People here on this forum lack empathy.. Here you have a Superpower America and its piggybacking minion the Brits who got their a*s handed over by a bunch of country bumpkins, an America on its knees, begging to not harm their ducks ( soldiers) stuck in a pen ( airport) ringed by the Taliban, begging Talis to allow to evacuate their citizens safely.. Such a situation can leave anybody's brain scrambled.. By portraying the Taliban as honorable, NATO gets to portray that they were defeated by a worthy opponent..
So, please, more sympathy for the Yankees and the Brits please..:eric:


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Oh no, apparently all this taliban declaring amnesty has happened last time too.

which mean all the folks who don't remember these things and giving interviews to foreign news channels are not safe as they believe to be.
Read this report from the days after the Taliban’s seizure of Kabul in 1996. Does it sound familiar? From



Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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I think that yesterday US warned Taliban that if they attack any US troops engaged in evacuation there would be a forceful response. How many F/A-18's are floating around not so far from Kabul?
The airport is in an urban area, ringed by thousands of Taliban.. A few well placed mortars targeting the run way can bring an end to the evacuation, and turn US soldiers into lambs who will be slowly slaughtered.. The position of US soldiers in Kabul, is a tactical nightmare..
If there is any probability of US bombing Kabul.. If I am the Taliban.. I would haul a few Yankee and Brit Soldiers in all Talibani buildings as my Insurance policy ...
Come bomb me...:daru:
I am not poking fun at you.. You just don't realize how fu**ed up the situation is.. and how Taliban have all the cards.. What if they keep US/UK soldiers and citizens hostage for years to come.. There are thousands of them, and US cannot bomb Kabul to smithereens as long as tens of thousands of US/UK citizens are present in Kabul..
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Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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Oh no, apparently all this taliban declaring amnesty has happened last time too.

which mean all the folks who don't remember these things and giving interviews to foreign news channels are not safe as they believe to be.
Read this report from the days after the Taliban’s seizure of Kabul in 1996. Does it sound familiar? From

View attachment 105628

The Pashtuns honor their murdered relatives by killing the perpetrators. This has been going on for a thousand years.. The tribal elders and their parlays are what brought the Taliban to power, and the elders will see the killings of Afghan collaborators as justified, if individual fighters take revenge.. The Taliban high command would not expend scarse goodwill by punishing Taliban fighters who kill those who helped murder their families..


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
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We need to wait and watch a bit to read the whole plan and act accordingly! US ran with it's tail between the legs. Overnight evacuation of a big base and not even informing the Afgan Commander was a coward step and not expected by a superpower! :lol:

US is going to get more 9/11's (may be dirty nuke bomb this time) if they abandon AFG again! Chinese and Russians doing photo ops with Talibunnies and teasing US!

These rag tag Talibunnies earned 1.6 billion which was spent mainly for their local takeover, now they need more money so they can grow and do global jihad! Their aim is global jihad and not development! They would initially try to act soft and all but their aim is just one ie. Islamic Jihad and Sharia! No one should have doubt on it!

Giving them money doesn't makes sense! Using Kafir money against Kafir is their speciality! They are just bunch of extortionist mafia who would use TERROR as a weapon! Chinese Pakis and their new Abbu aka Yellow Chinese would definitely use them against India , the reason they fed this snake and happily posing pics with them!

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The below tells that their jihadi followers are getting orgasmic at this Taliban rise! Taliban has it's aim clear, first consolidate the power and then start putting claws in other countries specially Kafir. Gazwa-e-hind is their aim!

Good idea, DFI can also do our bit!

:mod: @Indx TechStyle @ezsasa
Why not create a thread on Pashtunistan? There is a thread there but may be we can make the title more conducive and revive it? Some suggestions for keywords below.

Paki Occupied Pashtunistan
Pakjabi atrocities on Pashtuns
The unsettled issue: Durand Line & Pashtunistan
Pashtunistan the real issue
Pashtunistan Freedom Struggle
Thread name should Pakistan atrocities and human rights violations on Pashtuns.

what ever name you want to give it is your choice, greater Afghanistan or any name.

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