Su-30 MKI

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Sep 14, 2009
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So the total number is 250+ 40+ 40 ? I thought 230 + 42 - 2.
well su30 is good plane but i want to ask is su30 took part in any war i mean can we trust on a single planes with blind eyes

guys su30 more then 330 is that an good option in my view su should be near around 250 and rest we can take from MMRCA

well cant we go for f15 from USA and Rafael from mmrca


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Dec 17, 2009
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We know very well how they performed at Red Flag, very professionally with a high rate of fratricide and SAM kills. It wasn't the pilots that went wrong in those areas, it was the plane.

wild goose

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Jun 15, 2009
And we know why the plane was at a disadvantage, rather a self inflicted disadvantage.


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Dec 17, 2009
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And we know why the plane was at a disadvantage, rather a self inflicted disadvantage.
MKI's datalinks are so outdated it makes a telephony modem look modern. It has no compatibility with the rest of IAF. The same thing would happen in a real war as it did at Red Flag except it would be real Indian pilots getting shot down. Getting shot down by every SAM is not self inflicted, it is the fault of a huge RCS and no stand-off weapons. Not even an Israeli jammer and flares would hide its huge radar and IR signature. Chaff doesn't even phase a modern SAM.

Rahul Singh

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Mar 30, 2009
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We know very well how they performed at Red Flag, very professionally with a high rate of fratricide and SAM kills. It wasn't the pilots that went wrong in those areas, it was the plane.
Neither the Plane nor the Pilot. It was only and only self imposed restrictions and no data link with friendlies in all digital warfare which contributed to looses at Red Flag. And we all know very well about it.

Rahul Singh

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Mar 30, 2009
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MKI's datalinks are so outdated it makes a telephony modem look modern. It has no compatibility with the rest of IAF.
MKI data link may look outdated to you but for IAF it is the first and only and welcomed. No other fighter jet in IAF have data link so whatever MKI carries is called advanced. When we will have data links on rest of IAF fighters we will make one standard on all.

The same thing would happen in a real war as it did at Red Flag except it would be real Indian pilots getting shot down. Getting shot down by every SAM is not self inflicted, it is the fault of a huge RCS and no stand-off weapons. Not even an Israeli jammer and flares would hide its huge radar and IR signature. Chaff doesn't even phase a modern SAM.
Let the real come on and we will discuss your claim. BTW SU-30MKI do carry stand-off weapons(e.g KH-59ME), precise direction finders(Shiva Pod) as well as long range high speed anti-radiation missiles(KH-59MK and KH-31).

About huge RCS, well it is a trade-off for intercontinental range IAF needed to strike deep into China, so no guilt in choosing one and sacrificing other.

SAM will be taking out SU-30MKI only when they will be there to shoot at. SU-30MKI's missiles will knock them down even without getting into their missile range.

BTW all i mentioned is what it was on MKIs not will be or probably is. MKI will soon receive upgrades where all pre-produced MKI will be brought upto MKI MK-3 level(post 2010 production models) and few improvement are sure to be observed.
*RCS reduction through application of absorbent paints and use of composite materials
*New RADAR(probably IRBIS),
*New datalink for integration with rest of IAF fighters and AWACS
*Smart stand-of weapons like Radar Hunting Harpy, Popeye missiles, Air Brahmos and etc.


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Dec 17, 2009
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MKI data link may look outdated to you but for IAF it is the first and only and welcomed. No other fighter jet in IAF have data link so whatever MKI carries is called advanced. When we will have data links on rest of IAF fighters we will make one standard on all. Let the real come on and we will discuss your claim.
At 4.6/kbps and 10 second refresh rate for 6 fighters, yeah it looks outdated to anyone who has seen something after 1982. Its IFF won't prevent fratricide which is exactly what happened at Red Flag. IAF doesn't have a common datalink so the results would be the same in a real conflict.

BTW SU-30MKI do carry stand-off weapons(e.g KH-59ME), precise direction finders(Shiva Pod) as well as long range high speed anti-radiation missiles(KH-59MK and KH-31).
The Kh-59MK is an anti-shipping missile, not for land targets. India never bought Kh-59ME. The Kh-31s it bought were anti-shipping missiles which are now being upgraded to Brahmos. MKI has no standoff capability against land targets.

About huge RCS, well it is a trade-off for intercontinental range IAF needed to strike deep into China, so no guilt in choosing one and sacrificing other.
With Rafale, one need not sacrifice both. And no one can say it wasn't offered.

SAM will be taking out SU-30MKI only when they will be there to shoot at. SU-30MKI's missiles will knock them down even without getting into their missile range.
MKI will only drop KAB LGB or dumb bombs, there nothing else in inventory to use. It is not even compatible with Kh-59ME as the targeting scope and joystick are not installed for the Shiva TV uplink.

BTW all i mentioned is what it was on MKIs not will be or probably is. MKI will soon receive upgrades where all pre-produced MKI will be brought upto MKI MK-3 level(post 2010 production models) and few improvement are sure to be observed.
You mentioned what you thought MKI had, IAF only has it stand-off missiles for anti-shipping.

*RCS reduction through application of absorbent paints and use of composite materials
*New RADAR(probably IRBIS),
*New datalink for integration with rest of IAF fighters and AWACS
*Smart stand-of weapons like Radar Hunting Harpy, Popeye missiles, Air Brahmos and etc.
RAM coating... maybe, new datalink... sure hope so, Harpy is land launched, Popeyes delievered don't work, Brahmos for IAF is only anti-ship. The only upgrades in the pipeline today are 40 something MKIs getting structural reinforcement to carry Brahmos. No word on anything else.


New Member
Dec 1, 2009
If only the RCS of Su-30 mki could be reduced, would be too good. Hope any help from PakFa project can be helped to reduce the RCS.


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Nov 16, 2009
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If only the RCS of Su-30 mki could be reduced, would be too good. Hope any help from PakFa project can be helped to reduce the RCS.
Marginal RCS reduction is not expected unless indeed they are planning internal weapon bay. The new smart-skin can help LO in some way but lets not hope for wonders. But anyways this advanced package is enough for our eastern/western theaters.

Rahul Singh

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Mar 30, 2009
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At 4.6/kbps and 10 second refresh rate for 6 fighters, yeah it looks outdated to anyone who has seen something after 1982. Its IFF won't prevent fratricide which is exactly what happened at Red Flag. IAF doesn't have a common datalink so the results would be the same in a real conflict.
Yeah its data link is outdated in comparison to west but it remains a winner when we put it against threat it is required to tackle.

Are you saying that at Red Flag a MKI shoot down another MKI? As far i know there was no such incident when a MKI shoot down another. Only problem they faced was that they were not able to or allowed to network with AWACS and this resulted in difficulty in distinguishing friend from foe.

Yes IAF does not have common data link as it only have data link on MKIs. In past we did not had AWACS and there was no dire need for data links. Also till this date MKI is the most advanced fighter in IAF. Common data links or compatible data links became necessity only when IAF started receiving AWACS and work is already underway to fulfill the need.

The Kh-59MK is an anti-shipping missile, not for land targets. India never bought Kh-59ME. The Kh-31s it bought were anti-shipping missiles which are now being upgraded to Brahmos. MKI has no standoff capability against land targets.
I take my words back regarding KH-59ME because i had used wiki as a source. BTW IAF did bought some 90 KH-31Ps way back in 2005. Suffice to say MKI do have capability to engage SAMs from stand-off ranges.

Yes there are plans to replace KH-31A by Brahmos anti-ship version but this doesn't mean MKIs will carry only this version. There is nothing in the world which will stop Brahmos block-2 version from getting integrated into MKIs.

With Rafale, one need not sacrifice both. And no one can say it wasn't offered.
Rafale doesn't offer a range close to MKIs on internal fuel only, does it?

Rafale doesn't come cheaper than MKI. Also MKI is for one role and Rafale type figher is for other. This is reason why IAF is buying both.

MKI will only drop KAB LGB or dumb bombs, there nothing else in inventory to use. It is not even compatible with Kh-59ME as the targeting scope and joystick are not installed for the Shiva TV uplink. You mentioned what you thought MKI had, IAF only has it stand-off missiles for anti-shipping.
Like i said before MKI do have KH-31P in its arsenal which gives its crew a stand-off distance to engage and neutralize any emitting target and SAMs. BTW SHIVA pod is 'HADF' not TV uplink. It is used mainly to pin point location of any emitting target. In future when MKIs will fly with Brahmos block-2 then they will work as a team and hunt down SAMs from stand-off distances.

Harpy is land launched, Popeyes delievered don't work, Brahmos for IAF is only anti-ship. The only upgrades in the pipeline today are 40 something MKIs getting structural reinforcement to carry Brahmos. No word on anything else.
One defence related magazine had written about possibility of air launched versions of HARPY-2........ Who says Popeyes don't work? As far as i know be it USAF F-16 or B-52 both carry AGM-142.

Brahmos for MKI is not just anti-ship but LACM too. BrahMos Corp CEO A Siva Thanu Pillai have said on numerous occasions that with Brahmos IAF will be able to strike deep inside pakistan even without crossing borders. This statement in itself speaks much about why Brahmos is being integrated with MKIs.

Yes initial plans is only for 40 MKIs and for many its a new development. But we know since the date first MKI joined IAF that most advanced MKI version will be one which will be build completely by HAL from 2010 onwards and all pre-production models will be brought to this level in phase manner.

This MK-3 model will be most advanced and as reported earlier one observable change will be all glass cockpit with absolutely no dial pointers.


New Member
Nov 25, 2009
Full Sukhoi squadron in Tezpur

Shillong: A full squadron of Sukhoi-30 warplanes have been deployed at Assam's Tezpur air base, while another squadron is expected to be brought to Upper Assam base of Chabua by the end of the year.

The full complement of Sukhoi fighter jets arrived at Tezpur this June and the squadron is operational, Defence sources said.

The air base at Chabua is being upgraded to house the warplanes which will subsequently replace the ageing MIGs. The sources said the runway, taxi track, hanger and other airfield infrastructure at Chabua air base is being upgraded.

Already the 'vintage' MIG-23 and MIG-25 planes have been phased out.

"Once adequate number of Sukhois and other modern aircraft come in, MIG-21s would also eventually phased out," sources said.

IAF has been expressing concern over the maintenance of the older generation aircraft like MIG-21s in the force which are operating since early 60s. There have been a number of incidents of MIG-21 crashes in the last couple of years.

Besides the Sukhois, the sources said once the medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) deal is through, Air Force would deploy some of the squadrons in the eastern sector.

Currently, trials are being conducted with aircraft of six manufacturers for the 126 aircraft deal, officials said.


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Apr 11, 2010
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Cross Post:

IAF deploys full Sukhoi squadron in Tezpur

SHILLONG (PTI): A full squadron of Sukhoi-30 aircraft have been deployed at Assam's Tezpur air base, while another squadron is expected to be brought to upper Assam base of Chabua by the end of the year.

The full complement of Sukhoi fighters arrived at Tezpur this June and the squadron is operational, defence sources said.

The air base at Chabua is being upgraded to house the warplanes which will subsequently replace the ageing MiGs. The sources said the runway, taxi track, hanger and other airfield infrastructure at Chabua air base is being upgraded.

Already the 'vintage' MiG-23 and MiG-25 aircraft have been phased out.

"Once adequate number of Sukhois and other modern aircraft come in, MiG-21s would also eventually phased out," sources said.

IAF has been expressing concern over the maintenance of the older generation aircraft like MiG-21s in the force which are operating since early 60s. There have been a number of incidents of MiG-21 crashes in the last couple of years.

Besides the Sukhois, the sources said once the medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) deal is through, Air Force would deploy some of the squadrons in the eastern sector.

Currently, trials are being conducted with aircraft of six manufacturers for the 126 aircraft deal, officials said.

The MKI variants of the Su-30 warplanes were first inducted at Tezpur last year. Since then, the air base was also opened for civil aviation.

When four Su-30s landed at the base on June 12 last year for a symbolic induction, it was after a gap of more than a year that a fighter operated from the air base after the MiG fighters were moved out of the base.

The IAF was also contemplating to deploy another Su-30 squadron at Bagdogra air base in the region, the sources said.

Having aerial refuelling capability, Su-30 MKI multi-role combat aircraft have a combat radius of 1500 km. The MKI variant of the warplane which was inducted into IAF in 2002 are said to have an impeccable safety record.

Meanwhile, the sources said old Advanced Landing Grounds in Arunachal Pradesh are being upgraded as part of a massive security infrastructure development in the region.

IAF has conducted aerial recce in Arunachal Pradesh to identify sites where new ALGs could be set up.

"The ground recce will be done after monsoon. Over a dozen ALGs, including old ones, are likely to be developed in the state which borders China," sources said.


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Dec 17, 2009
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Yeah its data link is outdated in comparison to west but it remains a winner when we put it against threat it is required to tackle.

Are you saying that at Red Flag a MKI shoot down another MKI? As far i know there was no such incident when a MKI shoot down another. Only problem they faced was that they were not able to or allowed to network with AWACS and this resulted in difficulty in distinguishing friend from foe.
Has nothing to do with being allowed, they do not have the highspeed datalinks necessary to hook up to an AWACs. There was high incidence of fratricide, which may very well have included other MKIs considering Rafale's were flying behind them because we didn't want to get shot down by our own team. The point being, other MKIs outside the link and the rest of IAF will not have SA to prevent fratricide anymore than they did at Red Flag.

Yes IAF does not have common data link as it only have data link on MKIs. In past we did not had AWACS and there was no dire need for data links. Also till this date MKI is the most advanced fighter in IAF. Common data links or compatible data links became necessity only when IAF started receiving AWACS and work is already underway to fulfill the need.
Mirage upgrades will put MKI technology at #2, MRCA #3 and PAK FA #4. Even the Su-35BM will only have inter-squadron links which leaves a big gap in capability for a Russian MKI upgrade. IAF wants its own links, but an import from Israel or France will be the preferred solution if DRDO cannot produce.

I take my words back regarding KH-59ME because i had used wiki as a source. BTW IAF did bought some 90 KH-31Ps way back in 2005. Suffice to say MKI do have capability to engage SAMs from stand-off ranges.
I take my words back, India has Kh-31P... they just don't work.

Yes there are plans to replace KH-31A by Brahmos anti-ship version but this doesn't mean MKIs will carry only this version. There is nothing in the world which will stop Brahmos block-2 version from getting integrated into MKIs.
Block-2, you mean the one that requires a radar reflector on every target? lol

Rafale doesn't offer a range close to MKIs on internal fuel only, does it?
Of course it does, Rafale has ferried 1600km further than any Flanker has done. Combat radius is 200km more. The delta wing and light weight makes it far more efficient in lift.

Rafale doesn't come cheaper than MKI. Also MKI is for one role and Rafale type figher is for other. This is reason why IAF is buying both.
I never said it wasn't. IAF will keep MKI as an air superiority fighter until something comes along in sufficient numbers that is better. MKI was never intended to be a bomb truck which is why bomber squadrons have remained in service. As IAF turns more multi-role, MKI will either have to be upgraded to the times or stuck on constant MiG-CAP.

Like i said before MKI do have KH-31P in its arsenal which gives its crew a stand-off distance to engage and neutralize any emitting target and SAMs. BTW SHIVA pod is 'HADF' not TV uplink. It is used mainly to pin point location of any emitting target. In future when MKIs will fly with Brahmos block-2 then they will work as a team and hunt down SAMs from stand-off distances.
One defence related magazine had written about possibility of air launched versions of HARPY-2
Several defence related magasines had written about Plasma Stealth too... why don't you get a working Harpy before you go into sci-fi.

........ Who says Popeyes don't work? As far as i know be it USAF F-16 or B-52 both carry AGM-142.

Brahmos for MKI is not just anti-ship but LACM too. BrahMos Corp CEO A Siva Thanu Pillai have said on numerous occasions that with Brahmos IAF will be able to strike deep inside pakistan even without crossing borders. This statement in itself speaks much about why Brahmos is being integrated with MKIs.
DRDO can't fool me by placing radar reflectors on every target it tests. Even the block II with the supposed "advanced seeker" had another reflector on the target which is more BS. IA hates its first battery of Block I and told DRDO it will not accept anymore until the seeker is fixed, but the new test I saw was a scam with that reflector on it. I am still waiting to see what IA will say when they get their Block IIs and I will not be suprised if they scream bloody murder if they find it won't work without putting a reflector on the target. Time will prove me right or wrong. If anyone can show me a Brahmos test hitting a land target without a reflector I will never say another word about it. Neither Pakistan or China is going to put up a radar reflector on their HQ to guide Brahmos to its target.

This MK-3 model will be most advanced and as reported earlier one observable change will be all glass cockpit with absolutely no dial pointers.
Most advanced version is relative to what it is compared to, dials don't make it less advanced. In fact, they are nice in case your display fails.
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Apr 11, 2010
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Onus On HAL To Speed Up Su-30 MKI Production

By Anantha Krishnan M.

Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) will have to step up Su-30MKI production at its Nasik facility following the announcement that 42 more fighters are being ordered from Russia.

"The ball is now in HAL's court and it needs to speed up the delivery of the current order so as to take the additional load," a senior Indian Air Force (IAF) official told AVIATION WEEK. HAL has been told to complete the ongoing Su-30MKI blocks (under the compressed schedule) by 2015 at all costs. "There are concerns expressed by us time and again and we are watching the progress at the other end," the official said.

When asked to explain what the IAF "concerns" were, the official declined to elaborate.

Sources in HAL said that the overall production rate of Su-30MKI during the current financial year is falling far behind expectations.

The IAF already have inducted more than 110 Sukhois (out of original 230 aircraft) and the additional 42 would take the total strength to 272 (Aerospace DAILY, Aug. 11). The IAF fleet has been steadily declining the last few years. It is operating with 32 fighter squadrons, short of the approved 39.5, and fleet strength could dip to 27 by 2017.

Indian defense minister A.K. Antony told the Indian Parliament that the Su-30MKIs would be delivered to the IAF during 2014-2018. The IAF currently operates five Su-30 squadrons, with three in Pune and two in Bareilly. Two more squadrons are likely to come up in Halwara (Punjab), Jodhpur (Rajasthan) and Tezpur, Chabua (Assam). The fighter will soon carry a version of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile.

The Sukhois are built under license at HAL's five Divisions (Nasik, Koraput, Hyderabad, Lucknow and Korwa) and are later assembled, integrated, test-flown and delivered from Nasik. Fifty Sukhois initially came directly from Russia between 2002 and 2005. All of these divisions will be participating in the raw material phase of manufacturing the new Sukhois.

Rahul Singh

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Mar 30, 2009
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Has nothing to do with being allowed, they do not have the highspeed datalinks necessary to hook up to an AWACs. There was high incidence of fratricide, which may very well have included other MKIs considering Rafale's were flying behind them because we didn't want to get shot down by our own team. The point being, other MKIs outside the link and the rest of IAF will not have SA to prevent fratricide anymore than they did at Red Flag.
Yes MKI may not have high speed data links but then it was not required as MKI did not had anyone to link up with in IAF. We did not care if MKIs can not link up with NATO AWACS and fighters at that time when whatever IAF had was enough to put their feet into enemy's mouth.

You are not sure whether it included MKI or not so better don't go speculative. MKI's IFF should have served sufficient to avoid friendly fire between MKIs. But i'm still ready to believe, if you bring something which says a blue MKI did shoot down other blue MKI. Waiting!

Believe you or the USAF guy who actually gave birth to "Red Flag and MKI" debate? What Rafale was doing is known to all.

Yes MKI and IAF at that time did not had assets to match with NATO level of SA but it did had enough for whom it matters most. Fratricide has much to do with SA and avoiding it has got very much to do with tactics and mission planing. And chances of IAF fighting as a part of coalition airforce is very minimal. Out goes the complexity, drops the chances of franticides.

Mirage upgrades will put MKI technology at #2, MRCA #3 and PAK FA #4. Even the Su-35BM will only have inter-squadron links which leaves a big gap in capability for a Russian MKI upgrade. IAF wants its own links, but an import from Israel or France will be the preferred solution if DRDO cannot produce.
Mirage upgrade is still hanging in balance, MRCA is still to be bought and no comment on PAK FA, it is generation ahead. Except PAK FA rest look very good on paper but fact of the day is that non of them will be there soon in substantial numbers to help IAF cause. And whenever they will, they will come following MKI MK-3s. So whatever we have on ground is called best and MKI is still the best bet IAF can put against either of the two enemy. And fortunatley our immediate enemy has still to field any equivalent. So be there be a war today or there had been in past, MKI would had and would have enjoyed their feet in their enemy's mouth.

IAF must have already selected what datalink it want on its MKI, as well as what datalink it will ask for on Mig-29U and Mirage. Reason behind this is quite understandable considering the fact that integration process of Phalcon with IAF's assets(which includes IAF premier fighter MKI) is already on.

BTW it hardly any matters if IAF selects DRDO datalink or imported one as integration of Phalcon with others is already on.

I take my words back, India has Kh-31P... they just don't work.
Times Now as a source! No comment!!!!!!!!!!!

Certain problems are there regarding reliability(which people think are because of poor quality). But at end of the day they are better than copy-cat's and begger's..............People have spoken much about Russians "these are Sub-Humans of europe" etc but at end of the day SA-2 was knocking down Mirages over Sinai and SA-3 knocking "The Grand Invisible Bomber" over Serbia....

Block-2, you mean the one that requires a radar reflector on every target? lol
Call it whatever you want, we care less. BTW i had inquired about that triangle and reply was same, be it from DRDO guys or from one Army officer "this is just one glass sheet framed in triangle shape just to show accuracy of missile". If you choose to disagree i don't care. And it seems like Army doesn't care too that is why Army HQ has ordered Block-2 in spite of it carrying DRDO tag.

Of course it does, Rafale has ferried 1600km further than any Flanker has done. Combat radius is 200km more. The delta wing and light weight makes it far more efficient in lift.
Range vs defined payload of SU-30 MK. MKIs will have better. Note it doesn't talks about drop tanks.

Maximum flight range (with rockets, 2xR-27R1, 2xR-73E launched at half distance):
- at sea level, km 1,270
- at height, km 3,000
- with one refuelling (at 1.500 kg fuel remaining), km 5,200
- with two refuellings in flight, km 8,000
Maximum airborne time (pilot-dependent), hours 10

Get me same on Rafale. I will believe. A request please put range on internal fuel only not with drop tanks.

I never said it wasn't. IAF will keep MKI as an air superiority fighter until something comes along in sufficient numbers that is better. MKI was never intended to be a bomb truck which is why bomber squadrons have remained in service. As IAF turns more multi-role, MKI will either have to be upgraded to the times or stuck on constant MiG-CAP.
MKI was always planned as a Multi Role fighter on which multi role capability will be added and enhanced in phase manner. And BTW MKI had in fact actually lead to the writing of new air warfare doctrine for IAF where requirement is for three types of mulirole fighters, each representing its own weight class.

Since 1996 IAF opted a doctrine which has space for Muli Role fighters only. And there is little doubt left today that progressively MKI will be upgraded to true multi role capability and project for first 40 is just the beginning.

Several defence related magasines had written about Plasma Stealth too... why don't you get a working Harpy before you go into sci-fi.

I take my words back, India has Kh-31P... they just don't work.

So you are saying that Harpey too do not work? Or just one mole(malfunction) in the report picked by "Times Now" elevated into mountain and shown as an exclusive on "IAF's DUD missiles" is making you say so? Did you noticed reporter speaking "and the missiles had been tested successfully by the Indian Army". Since when Army started operating anti ship URAN missiles? What more, Times Now call IAF missile dud, make an exclusive section on it and at the end of it you have an eminent Indian scientist saying "no body is going to give you what their forces have" and "no matter how brilliant weapon system is, likelihood of its failure always exists".

Have too much to say about quality of news from the house of 'Times Group' but for some reasons will refrain myself.

DRDO can't fool me by placing radar reflectors on every target it tests. Even the block II with the supposed "advanced seeker" had another reflector on the target which is more BS. IA hates its first battery of Block I and told DRDO it will not accept anymore until the seeker is fixed, but the new test I saw was a scam with that reflector on it. I am still waiting to see what IA will say when they get their Block IIs and I will not be suprised if they scream bloody murder if they find it won't work without putting a reflector on the target. Time will prove me right or wrong. If anyone can show me a Brahmos test hitting a land target without a reflector I will never say another word about it. Neither Pakistan or China is going to put up a radar reflector on their HQ to guide Brahmos to its target.
Complete BS. What reflector you are talking about? And what fooling? IA too have carried out user trials. And if they can not pick out what you called Radar Reflector then who will? IA is not fool. And there is no chance of kickbacks in the procurement of indigenous/JV products because of usual hatred services minus Navy have towards them. In fact scams comes in way to stop home made products from making into services not to take them through back door.

Army did not hate Block-1, it was the best they can have at that time. Only did they asked was for something like PGM version which we know today as Block-2. Above all Army has inducted Block-2 into its artillery regiment not in Missile regiment. It speaks much about facts.

Most advanced version is relative to what it is compared to, dials don't make it less advanced. In fact, they are nice in case your display fails.
Most advanced version in relative to all models produced before 2010. Well it doesn't stops here, MK-3 is expected to go through complete face lift and MK-3 will be far more advanced than those to be upgraded mid 80s fighters. As well as it will be contemporary to one which IAF is planing to buy.

Like i said all glass cockpit will be one observable improvement. And DRDO has digital substitute for dial pointers for the purpose of back up.
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Dec 17, 2009
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Yes MKI may not have high speed data links but then it was not required as MKI did not had anyone to link up with in IAF. We did not care if MKIs can not link up with NATO AWACS and fighters at that time when whatever IAF had was enough to put their feet into enemy's mouth.
Datalinks have been required since their inception. IAF has been begging for them since time in memorial. Russia doesn't have anything to offer and GoI doesn't want the political football that would come with getting Western datalinks. Such a move would signal India is allying with the West whether they were doing so or not. DRDO has yet to offer an indigenous solution so don't think it is not required. MKI didn't have the foot in the mouth of Red Team according to all available sources, it was in fact the other way around killing Blue Team.
You are not sure whether it included MKI or not so better don't go speculative. MKI's IFF should have served sufficient to avoid friendly fire between MKIs. But i'm still ready to believe, if you bring something which says a blue MKI did shoot down other blue MKI. Waiting!
It doesn't matter if they did or not, the point still remains the high amount of fratricide will occur to IAF forces in war just as they did at Red Flag. The lack of HS datalinks on MKI will not make it compatible with anything new coming into IAF like Phalcon AWACs and the MMRCA. You are missing the importance of situational awareness, it is half the battle.

Believe you or the USAF guy who actually gave birth to "Red Flag and MKI" debate? What Rafale was doing is known to all.
You can believe both as I have denied nothing about Rafale sniffing neutrons, of course they did. They also had time to shoot down six F-16s of the aggressor squadron for only one loss, destroy all ground targets without loss, and have the best performance of any fighter there.

Yes MKI and IAF at that time did not had assets to match with NATO level of SA but it did had enough for whom it matters most. Fratricide has much to do with SA and avoiding it has got very much to do with tactics and mission planing. And chances of IAF fighting as a part of coalition airforce is very minimal. Out goes the complexity, drops the chances of franticides.
No one is talking about IAF flying as part of a coalition but what IAF will face in their own operations. Red Flag is just an example of what WILL happen. MKIs still cannot datalink to a Phalcon or other IAF fighters, or to ground stations so they will have just as bad SA as they did at Red Flag. I highly doubt the mission planning of IAF will surpass that of the experts at Nellis AFB, nor will IAF have the intelligence assets that were provided in mission planning for those simulated missions. Also to note, the Red Flag SAM threat did not include modern SAMs like S-300, Buk-M1, or Aspide-2000. MKIs were shot down by far less ranged or sophisticated threats and they were killed every time.

Mirage upgrade is still hanging in balance, MRCA is still to be bought and no comment on PAK FA, it is generation ahead. Except PAK FA rest look very good on paper but fact of the day is that non of them will be there soon in substantial numbers to help IAF cause. And whenever they will, they will come following MKI MK-3s. So whatever we have on ground is called best and MKI is still the best bet IAF can put against either of the two enemy. And fortunatley our immediate enemy has still to field any equivalent. So be there be a war today or there had been in past, MKI would had and would have enjoyed their feet in their enemy's mouth.
Mirage is a forgone conclusion since squadron numbers have to be maintained. IAF cannot suffer the early retirement of 52 of its best aircraft. The deal would already have been signed if it wasn't for DOFA bungling. MRCA is a forgone conclusion for the same reason, squadron numbers must be maintained as well as new technology must be absorbed. As IAF inducts new fighters, MKI will fall down the totem poll of cutting edge for IAF. It is already obsolete compared to any of the MMRCA and may just have to be replaced as the backbone of IAF. The options for a Russian upgrade to make it comparable does not exist, as already mentioned lack of HS datalinks, also deficiencies include optronics, AESA development and the actual TBO of Russia's uprated engines. As we are finding out, Russian specs for them appear to be bunk from the T-90 to the MiG-35. Exaggerated power output to exaggerated TBOs.

If MKI goes to war in the near future, it will be fighting with an arsenal of R-77s where half suffer from malfunctioning seekers. The US supplied AMRAAMs to PAF will not likely miss. Without the datalinks they will also be shooting down some of their own fighters in any cluttered environment.

IAF must have already selected what datalink it want on its MKI, as well as what datalink it will ask for on Mig-29U and Mirage. Reason behind this is quite understandable considering the fact that integration process of Phalcon with IAF's assets(which includes IAF premier fighter MKI) is already on.

BTW it hardly any matters if IAF selects DRDO datalink or imported one as integration of Phalcon with others is already on.
IAF has been asking datalinks for years... US, Israel and France have been offering them for years. GoI has refused to buy them because they want DRDO to make a common system and avoid the political ramifications of buying a Western set. It does matter if it doesn't select DRDO because the world and Russia will see India actually accepting a link to work with coalition forces. It is a political realignment GoI doesn't want to make. It rather likes sitting on the fence.

Times Now as a source! No comment!!!!!!!!!!!
Try IAF reports of their own missiles regurgitated by TN. No comment on your lack of refutation.

Certain problems are there regarding reliability(which people think are because of poor quality). But at end of the day they are better than copy-cat's and begger's..............People have spoken much about Russians "these are Sub-Humans of europe" etc but at end of the day SA-2 was knocking down Mirages over Sinai and SA-3 knocking "The Grand Invisible Bomber" over Serbia....
They are so great they were better at shooting down their own aircraft than the Georgians got. When casualties of an air war exceed 50% friendly fire, you have a serious problem.

Call it whatever you want, we care less. BTW i had inquired about that triangle and reply was same, be it from DRDO guys or from one Army officer "this is just one glass sheet framed in triangle shape just to show accuracy of missile". If you choose to disagree i don't care. And it seems like Army doesn't care too that is why Army HQ has ordered Block-2 in spite of it carrying DRDO tag.
I know what a radar reflector looks like and it is used every time. DRDO can't fool me but they have you by the nose.

Range vs defined payload of SU-30 MK. MKIs will have better. Note it doesn't talks about drop tanks.
MKI will not have better, it will have worse as the TVC engines weigh more.

Maximum flight range (with rockets, 2xR-27R1, 2xR-73E launched at half distance):
- at sea level, km 1,270
- at height, km 3,000
- with one refuelling (at 1.500 kg fuel remaining), km 5,200
- with two refuellings in flight, km 8,000
Maximum airborne time (pilot-dependent), hours 10
No rockets, just 2 WVRAAM and 2 BVRAAMs that are a total payload of 700kg. It is so inconsequential a payload it might as well be a ferry range.

Get me same on Rafale. I will believe. A request please put range on internal fuel only not with drop tanks.
Why does it have to be on internal fuel? Because MKI don't have drop tanks, an internal ECM, or internal targeting system? All of that has to be carried on pods which Rafale carries internal. Before an MKI can even reach Rafale's basic capabilities it has to load up with 2000kg worth of pods taking 5 hard points. You would need X2 Elta pods, LITENING pod, an APK-8 pod and a Siva pod. You factor all that and MKI doesn't even come close to Rafale's 1000+nm strike radius with all its capabilities internal. Who cares if it needs a couple of tanks when you have 14 hardpoints? Half of the MKIs will used carrying pods.

MKI was always planned as a Multi Role fighter on which multi role capability will be added and enhanced in phase manner. And BTW MKI had in fact actually lead to the writing of new air warfare doctrine for IAF where requirement is for three types of mulirole fighters, each representing its own weight class.
Why would you want three types of multi-role fighters? The very term contradicts itself. I believe that is called an oxymoron. There are 40 MKIs that carry anti-shipping missiles Kh-31A which are being replaced with Brahmos. So that is a naval strike. There are a couple squadrons that carry LITENING pods for LGBs which gives a basic land attack and then all the rest are strictly A2A. It might be fine to take an MKI on a bombing run in uncontested air space, but you really won't if you face Aspide-2000, HQ-7 or S-300. It couldn't even handle the old SAMs at Red Flag so as a bomber, its role is quite limited. MKI will remain the air superiority fighter with the exception of some carrying Brahmos. If MKI ever does get Brahmos as a LACM, it would surely help expand its role but that missile is ungodly heavy at 3000kg. You would never be able to penetrate deeply into Chinese air space with it. 6000kg of Brahmos plus 4X AAMs would burn your fuel so fast you could only get 700km or so after a refuel and add 290km for its range is less than a 1000km strike platform. Rafale can go 1870km with two Scalp plus 4X MICA plus 250km for the standoff for a total penetration range of 2150km. In Rafale's LO strike configuration her RCS is less than 1m^2, an Su-30MKI carrying to honking large Brahmos under her belly will be well over 20m^2, likely 25m^2. No Chinese radar is going to miss that.
Since 1996 IAF opted a doctrine which has space for Muli Role fighters only. And there is little doubt left today that progressively MKI will be upgraded to true multi role capability and project for first 40 is just the beginning.
The upgrade is only to replace the Kh-31A with Brahmos ASMs, there is nothing more multi-role going on with the MKI fleet.

So you are saying that Harpey too do not work? Or just one mole(malfunction) in the report picked by "Times Now" elevated into mountain and shown as an exclusive on "IAF's DUD missiles" is making you say so? Did you noticed reporter speaking "and the missiles had been tested successfully by the Indian Army". Since when Army started operating anti ship URAN missiles? What more, Times Now call IAF missile dud, make an exclusive section on it and at the end of it you have an eminent Indian scientist saying "no body is going to give you what their forces have" and "no matter how brilliant weapon system is, likelihood of its failure always exists".
They never said Harpy had been tested successfully, Russia said Uran had been tested and India was happy, Indian sources inside MoD say it is made of poor quality components and Tactical Missiles refused to comment. The Harpy doesn't work due to failed seekers. Times Now put the former head of DRDO to give an opposing view point because they are more balanced than Faux News. He didn't say anything to contradict the facts, just making excuses of why foreign weapons aren't as good as those of their home armies. Failures always will exist, even more so if you are importing low quality parts. Funny thing is one of the systems portrayed is made by DRDO and quoted as "useless." That report is 1 year old, the latest news on Harpy confirms India only has 5 drones which means the induction is held up do to these faulty seekers.

Have too much to say about quality of news from the house of 'Times Group' but for some reasons will refrain myself.
I don't see any problem with the Times Group, they also publish Reuters India, the Times of India and the Economic Times, three quality sources of news. They also have sources inside the government/military as well which most media do not. Just because you do not like the news does not make it false. You are a case of sour grapes.

Complete BS. What reflector you are talking about? And what fooling? IA too have carried out user trials. And if they can not pick out what you called Radar Reflector then who will? IA is not fool. And there is no chance of kickbacks in the procurement of indigenous/JV products because of usual hatred services minus Navy have towards them. In fact scams comes in way to stop home made products from making into services not to take them through back door.
The corner reflectors used on every land target in this video. In one case, the reflector was the ONLY target.

Army did not hate Block-1, it was the best they can have at that time. Only did they asked was for something like PGM version which we know today as Block-2. Above all Army has inducted Block-2 into its artillery regiment not in Missile regiment. It speaks much about facts.
Speaking of facts...

Most advanced version in relative to all models produced before 2010. Well it doesn't stops here, MK-3 is expected to go through complete face lift and MK-3 will be far more advanced than those to be upgraded mid 80s fighters. As well as it will be contemporary to one which IAF is planing to buy.
Doesn't stop until Russia comes into the picture. They do not have the semi-conductor industry to compete with Europe much less USA, they can't even compete with tiny little Israel. Russian upgrade = obsolete ten years ago. You should take your MKIs to Israel, they might be able to do something with it.

Like i said all glass cockpit will be one observable improvement. And DRDO has digital substitute for dial pointers for the purpose of back up.
Like you say, a bunch of inconsequential upgrades... I got that. It doesn't make MKI more up-to-date.
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New Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Su-30 MKM Bomber version of MKI

Is Iaf trying this version?
At present India is trying its best and making a different types of MKI as Airdominance fighter, Mini-AWACS, Air-Air refueller, Reconisense, ..........................


New Member
Aug 21, 2009
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IOC: 2000
Production: 264

Also Known As
Su-30MKI(A) (Algerian Air Force)
Su-30MKM (Malaysia)



Family Members

Air-to-Air Missiles:

Guided Missiles:
BrahMos A (3)


Power plant:
AL-31FP (2)

Sensors & Communications:

Guns & Missile Launchers:

Protection Systems:
SAP-518 (2)

Description: The Su-27, Flanker-B NATO-designation, is a single-seat, twin-engine, long range, air defense fighter designed to counter the F-15 Eagle and NATO fighter aircraft. It can accommodate R-27 and R-73 missiles for short, medium and long range air-to-air engagements. In addition, a built-in GSh-301 30mm gun provides very short range air-to-air engagement capability.

The Su-27 air defense fighter can also carry out escort missions in support of Tu-22M, Backfire NATO nickname, as well as other bomber/attack aircraft such as the Su-24, Fencer NATO nickname. Despite its size and weight, the Su-27 and its derivatives are the most maneuverable aircraft ever flew.

The Su-27 Flanker features an integrated Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system located in front of the cockpit's canopy. The IRST system together with a helmet-mounted sight, the R-73 advanced short range air-to-air missile, and Su-27's maneuverability outperforms any existing fighter aircraft in a short range air-to-air engagement.

The Su-30, also known as the Su-27P, is a derivative of the Su-27UB twin-seat trainer designed to provide long endurance, through in-flight refueling, improved air defense capability. Su-30s can share airborne targets information in the same way that groups of Mig-31 interceptors do. Up to ten targets can be shared by a group of 5 Su-30 fighters to engage targets in a cooperative way. The latest air-to-air weapons can be employed by the Su-30 fighter.

The Su-30MK, a further improvement over the Su-30, can perform air-to-surface missions employing precision-guided weapons while retaining the advanced air-to-air features introduced in the early Su-30s. The MK model is intended as the standard configuration for Su-30 aircraft.

The Su-30 fighter achieved initial operational capability with the Russian Air Force in 1992. The Su-30MK advanced multi-role fighter is available for export. About 40 Su-30MK, under the Su-30MKI designation, have been sold to India with 140 Su-30MKIs to be produced in India by the HAL Corporation under a license manufacturing agreement between 2003 and 2017. The initial batch (50) of Russian-built Su-30MKs ordered by India between 1996 and 1998 was upgraded to the impressive Su-30MKI configuration. A second batch of 40 Su-30MKIs was ordered in 2007. In 2003 Malaysia ordered 18 Su-30MKMs, based on the Su-30MKI design, equipped with western avionics to be delivered by 2008. Algeria ordered 16 Su-30MKI(A) jets in April 2010.

The Su-30MKI features canard foreplanes and AL-31FP thrust vectoring control engines achieving the super-maneuverability concept. Super-maneuverability means that the airplane can aim at any direction within seconds to fire an air-to-air missile without changing its bearing. Super-maneuverability can be used in many situations during a mission.

India's Su-30MKI multi-role fighter-bomber is one of the best 4-5 generation aircraft currently available. Its range can be extended from 3,000 kilometers to 5,200 kilometers with only one air refueling. The extended range capability along with its outstanding payload capacity were envisaged as the most important asset for India allowing to perform deep strike attacks in Pakistan and China.

Accommodation: Crew 2

Guns: Main Gun Caliber 30 mm

Dimensions: Height 6.3 m, Length 21.9 m, Wingspan 14.5 m

Weights: Max Takeoff Weight 34,000 kg (74,956 lb), Payload 8,000 kg (17,637 lb)

Engine/s Performance: Thrust 55,100 lb (24,993 kg)

Performance: Ceiling 17,500 m (57,415 ft), Endurance 10 hours, Max Range 3,000 km (1,620 nm), Min Range 1,270 km (686 nm), Service Life 25 yr, Top Speed 664 mps (Mach 2)

Other: Number of Engines 2, Service Life (Flight Hours) 6,000


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