Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Dec 10, 2016
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Nice field report by Sandeep Unni

An Alpha Company bunker along the LoC in Rajouri, J-K. Photo credit: Yasir Iqbal

The order to light up the 'festival' crackled down to Alpha Company post. The post, a mini stone and concrete fort perched atop a hill on the Line of Control (LoC), came alive. It faced the Pakistani army positions-codenamed 'festival', a few hundred metres across the Valley. Unshaven men rushed through a warren of Hesco-lined passages. The gun ports swung open.

The tarpaulins were ripped off the man portable artillery: scope-mounted heavy sniping rifles, each firing a TV remote-sized bullet designed to explode inside an enemy bunker. Shoulder-fired rocket launchers, shooting out mineral water bottle-sized explosive shells designed to punch through tank armour. Heavy machine guns stripped from battle tanks whose dense armour-penetrating rounds could chew concrete.

Alpha post's battlements spat steel fire at 'festival'. :shoot: One post collapsed in a cloud of smoke. A mission accomplished signal went back. An infiltration attempt by terrorists trying to sneak into the Kashmir Valley had been thwarted. A post had been punished. A point had been made. "Idhar toh hum hi hum hain (we rule this place)," guffaws a burly goggle-eyed Sikh JCO, his moustache waxed into spiky horns.

Alpha Company is one of four units guarding a 20 km stretch of the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir's Rajouri sector. It juts into PoK, fist-like, separated from the Pakistani posts by a dry riverbed. The floodlit counter-infiltration fence, part of a 550-km double row of concertina wires and 12-ft-high steel fence, hugs the rugged terrain, and shimmers like a necklace strung over the wooded hills several kilometres to the rear.

Not a shot has been fired on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China for close to half-a-century. The Indian army patrols have had a few physical wrestling bouts with their Chinese counterparts and even some fisticuffs. But here, along the LoC, it's an entirely different story. The chances of being killed by a bewildering array of weapons-artillery, mortars, rockets, landmines and small arms-are high. The temperate scrubland of No Man's Land between Indian and Pakistani positions hides predators more ferocious than the resident Himalayan black bears and leopards-BATs or Border Action Teams of the Pakistan army. Hooded machete-wielding raiders who ambush soldiers and then hack off heads to carry away as macabre trophies. The LoC is one of the last places on earth where men hunt men.

Today is gunfire day. The rat-a-tat of Pakistani heavy machine gun bullets from all around rake the dry rivulets around Alpha Company's positions. The firing has a purpose. The Pakistani posts are trying to deter another commando raid like the 2016 'surgical strikes' by the Indian army that destroyed camps used to launch terrorists along a 250 km LoC frontage. The fear of retaliation hangs rain cloud-like over the boundary. It is just 48 hours after three Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorists sneaked into Jammu's Sunjuwan army camp to attack the families of sleeping military personnel, killing six soldiers and the father of one, shooting a 14-year-old boy in the head and a pregnant lady in the back.

A terse warning of retribution followed from defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman. Six hours after her warning, Alpha Company is bearing the brunt of the Pakistani cease-fire violations (CFV). The bullets play out a staccato Morse code-like message over Rajouri. The young unshaven major at Alpha Company post crouches below a stone bastion cradling his black AK-47 rifle as if to read it. "They're telling us they are waiting," he grins. "They know we are coming." :hat: Retaliation for the Sunjuwan attack will come, as Sitharaman says, "in a time and place of our choosing." "We have options A, B and C?" a general counts on his fingers without naming them.

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In an underground command post a few kilometres away ringed by steel nets designed to trap rockets, a soldier sits motionless before a bank of giant TV screens. The sets flicker with images from thermal imagers along the LoC. The battalion commander, a colonel, plays back a 'festival' transgression on his laptop. Five ghostly blobs captured by thermal sensors. Several bursts of gunfire from multiple directions. Two figures go down. More gunfire. Only two figures remain. The fifth bolts back towards PoK.

"We are proactive here, not reactive," the Colonel says, sipping steaming tea from a glass covered in a camouflage cloth sheath. "I have denied the enemy the freedom of movement. We have achieved moral ascendancy over him."

The 748 km LoC has been a violent de facto military border between India and Pakistan. Earlier known as the Cease Fire Line (CFL) where both armies stopped fighting at the end of the first Kashmir War in August 1948, it was converted into the LoC by the 1972 Shimla agreement. It has since been a boundary demarcated by bullets until the guns fell silent after the November 23, 2003, ceasefire. Last year was the most violent year along the LoC in the decade-and-a-half since the 2003 ceasefire. And with 980 ceasefire violations (860 on the LoC and 120 on the international border), it was also the most violent year since then. There have been 244 CFVs by the Pakistani army across the LoC this year alone, claiming the lives of nine Indian soldiers.

The firing by Pakistani positions also covers infiltration by terrorists as its deep state seeks to inject foreign terrorists into the Valley. The Rajouri unit, it would seem, stands at the crossroads of a history which seems to have changed little in 70 years. In 1947, a little distance from the spot, tribal 'raiders' from Pakistan's lawless North West Frontier Province in grass sandals and salwars hefting bolt action rifles, raped and looted their way towards the Kashmir Valley. Today, it is an unending army of expendables-brainwashed youth from dirt-poor homes in Pakistan's most populous Punjab province carrying backpacks and slinging assault rifles to wage a so-called holy war in the Valley. The pawns in this outsourced war have changed. The player is the same. The Pakistan army and the ISI's notorious 'S branch', tasked with waging cross-border war.

From the clouds of gunsmoke and the debris of collapsed border posts has emerged a new unnamed Indian army strategy to counter this proxy war, the coercive end of the Modi government's 'talks and terror can't go hand in hand' hard line with Pakistan. The 'proactive strategy', as one general calls it, is different from the earlier 'reactive strategy'-to retaliate only to specific incidents of fire. "Earlier, it was bullet for bullet," says a general in the Northern Command. "Now, it is a hundred rounds for every round he fires."

There is possibly some truth in his statement. Last December, a Pakistani foreign office spokesperson accused the Indian army of over 1,300 ceasefire violations, over 60 per cent more violations than India blames Pakistan for. India lost 19 soldiers and BSF troopers along the LoC and international boundary in 2017 and 12 personnel at the same locations this year. Pakistan has not supplied figures for its troop losses. The army claims to have inflicted more losses across the border. "They have suffered three or four times more than us," army chief General Bipin Rawat told the media on January 12 this year.

The LoC is the only place on earth where two nuclear-armed countries routinely shoot at each other. There is, however, no possibility of this spilling out into all-out war, the army says. The 'No War No Peace' action will be confined to the LoC. The proactive philosophy of military operations percolates from the giant map-lined operations rooms in the Northern Command's headquarters in Udhampur to stone bunkers along the LoC. Ground commanders are free to inflict punishment as they deem fit. The proactive policy has been built on the carcass of the 2003 ceasefire which now exists only in name.

Defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman with Sunjuwan attack victim Shahzada Khan, rifleman Nazir Khan's wife, who delivered a baby later, Feb. 12, 2018.
The army's logic is this-Pakistan didn't honour its solemn January 8, 2004, declaration 'not to permit any territory under Pakistan's control to be used to support terrorism in any manner'. Now, it has to face a war of attrition. "It's very simple really," says a brigadier whose orders can rapidly deliver tonnes of ordnance across an 80 km LoC stretch. "Stop the terrorists," he says, shrugging and holding out his arms, "we'll stop the firing."

This policy might not sound very different from the policy of punitive fire assaults using artillery and small arms after the 1999 Kargil War. It was a response to the Pakistani army stepping up support to cross-border terrorism that climaxed with the brazen December 13, 2001, attack on India's Parliament. The army sought the Vajpayee government's permission to launch cross-border retaliatory raids against terror training camps. They were turned down. 'Denied permission to conduct trans-LoC operations (now called surgical strikes), the army's only option in Northern Command was to "punish"-using direct and indirect fires-the Pakistan army on the LoC for its continued support to the terrorists,' writes then northern army commander Lt Gen. Rustom K. Nanavatty in his 2013 book, Internal Armed Conflict in India.

The ceasefire turned the tables on the Indian army. 'In a single clever move, Pakistan had trumped India,' Nanavatty writes. It negated the effects of India's military coercion along the LoC, continued supporting terrorists by 'denying' its involvement. India, on the other hand, while agreeing to a ceasefire, failed to grasp an opportunity to declare a punitive policy wherein it reserved the right to respond militarily as appropriate, to any hostile act by Pakistan in the future.

The new policy, the army says, reverses this critical loophole. The army now routinely launches fire attacks along the LoC for outrages like the beheading of Indian soldiers and for terrorist attacks.

The army says the post-2016 proactive strategy is different. Not only have the curbs over trans-LoC operations been lifted, the volume of firepower too has gone up. There are now increasing fire assaults-light artillery and mortars designed to destroy posts along the Pakistan side. Alpha Company's secret weapon is an I-tank or Infantry-tank, a retired T-55 battle tank driven up to the LoC and used as a mobile pillbox, its 100 mm gun providing devastating direct fire.

Here is also an unpredictability to the cross-border raids, the most recent being the one in late December following the deaths of an Indian army major and three soldiers on December 23 last. The 'surgical strikes' were designed to signal the government's resolve in tackling cross-border terror. The army says it gets frequent calls for ceasefire from the Pakistan side and the issue was reportedly raised in the talks between India's NSA Ajit Doval and his Pakistani counterpart, Lt Gen. Nasir Khan Janjua (retired), in Bangkok on December 26 last year.

Publicly, the Pakistani army denies losing soldiers in firing, a phenomenon which the Indian army attributes to their ability to control the discourse. This silence is precisely the reason analysts say the Indian army's proactive policy is flawed. The lack of strategic options has trapped the army in an endless cycle of retaliation and counter-violence. "Loss of lives do not make a difference to the Pakistan army," says Ajai Sahni, executive director, Institute for Conflict Management, "unless there is something far more harmful you can do at the strategic level of the country or the army."

The policy has drawn blood on the border but it has failed to deter the Pakistani deep state from launching terror attacks. The attacks continued, spilling out into the hinterland in Punjab through attacks in Dinanagar in 2015 and the Pathankot air base on January 2, 2016, and, more recently, the February 10 outrage at the Sunjuwan camp. The army argues that while the proactive strategy might appear short-sighted and tactical, it is one part of a larger government policy-including a diplomatic push to isolate Pakistan over terrorism-which could produce strategic benefits, an end to Pakistan's support for terrorism. The policy comes at a time when General Headquarters Rawalpindi is confronted with multiple new worries-economic, internal and external. A hostile US administration under President Donald Trump has publicly decried Islamabad's doublespeak on terrorism and there's been an ebb in militant violence and stone pelting in Kashmir. Last year, security forces killed 213 militants, including 86 local and 127 Pakistani militants.

The downslide in Pakistan-Afghanistan ties with Afghan officials blaming Islamabad for giving sanctuary to the Taliban who killed over 200 people in bomb attacks in Kabul has opened up the prospect of the army there fighting on two fronts-the hammer of India's LoC operations against the anvil of a disturbed Afghanistan front. "We have brought Pakistan under sustained pressure. Give this strategy another year. Let's see how the Pakistan army copes with it," says the general in Northern Command. A dangerous game of 'chicken'. Whoever blinks first, it won't be the men of Alpha Company.
@COLDHEARTED AVIATOR i hope you read the part about what's new with this strategy.
Yes i am aware of this new strategy but i am awaiting results for this because in the last 1.5 years we have upped the ante and as a result also lost more troops.So i am waiting for the summer and what it brings to the valley to see how effective this is.

Also,like i said many times the tit for tat raids have been going on for many decades should also be taken note of.

This new strategy is more aggressive than any previous NDA and UPA govt strategies and the men on the LOC look very charged.

The author forgot to mention that the IA is looking for a 2 to 3 year time period to carry out such a strategy.


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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Whoever blinks first, it won't be the men of Alpha Company.

Do you consider crossing into POK beyond point NJ9842 as blinking? The LC or AGPL is itself NOT demarcated and controversial there. It's more of a no man's land.

Denied permission to conduct trans-LoC operations (now called surgical strikes), the army's only option in Northern Command was to "punish"-using direct and indirect fires-the Pakistan army on the LoC for its continued support to the terrorists,' writes then northern army commander Lt Gen. Rustom K. Nanavatty in his 2013 book, Internal Armed Conflict in India.
There is NO LC beyond point NJ9842.
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Nov 5, 2016
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Naeem Akhtar said that China is on its way to assuming a "much bigger role in Kashmir” and the Jaish-e-Mohammad, the group responsible for most of the terror attacks, has been veritably “adopted” by Beijing.

Jammu and Kashmir Public Works Minister and official spokesman of the J&K government Naeem Akhtar has said that China is on its way to assuming a “much bigger role in Kashmir” and the Jaish-e-Mohammad, the group responsible for most of the terror attacks, has been veritably “adopted” by Beijing.

It’s the “growing influence of China” which has made it imperative to engage with Pakistan, he said.

“Unlike earlier, the great game is literally being played inside Kashmir,” Akhtar, a senior PDP leader, told The Indian Express. “The Kashmir issue isn’t limited to the fight between India and Pakistan now. There is another major factor involved.

It isn’t Pakistan alone, it is China too. General (Bipin Rawat) said that the Army is ready to fight on both fronts. But there aren’t two fronts anymore. Now it is one single front, circling around. From Bhutan to Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh, Valley to Jammu, Sri Lanka and Maldives, it is all one front. Pakistan and China aren’t separate”.

“All the big attacks inside J&K or even outside during last more than three years are attributed to Jaish-e-Mohammad, a group led by Masood Azhar,” said Akhtar. “How can one not see that he (Masood Azhar) has been adopted by China? There are reports of some action taken against Hafiz Saeed. What about Masood Azhar? Even a lesser figure like Salahudin has been listed as a global terrorist in UN but the great wall of China has been erected around Azhar. China has been regularly vetoing attempts to designate him (Azhar) as a terrorist in United Nations. Such things don’t happen without reason. Why only him? Why not others? Why didn’t China block such moves in UN against other people? The China connection needs to be understood”.

“At this point, talking to Pakistan and initiating policies of reconciliation inside Kashmir is in the national interest. It is in our national interest that Pakistan doesn’t get irretrievably sucked up by China,’’ he said. “And when we say talk to Pakistan, we are addressing our own Central government because they have to take that step. We aren’t seeking anything from anybody other than the central government. That’s our right”.

“(The then) Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif comes to attend the oath ceremony of PM Modi. The environment was turning conducive for the beginning of a fresh process between the two countries. Prime Minister Modi goes to attend a wedding in Pakistan…a great gesture to start the process. Pakistani leadership too had been forthcoming,’’ Akhtar said. “But once he (PM Modi) returns (from Pakistan), Pathankot attack (January 2016) takes place. Who did it? Jaish. And if you don’t understand the seriousness of China’s role in our current situation, you won’t understand the need to engage Pakistan or initiate a process to engage separatists inside Kashmir”. He said that “the youngster who throws stones in Kashmir is doing so only because he lacks a gun…and in this new great game, these guns can come from China too”.

“Unlike 1990s, the flow of guns (inside Kashmir) hasn’t been happening. It hasn’t started as yet. So lets use this time to initiate talks ,” he said. “This is why Mehbooba Mufti isn’t only governing a state, she is fighting a huge challenge. And the need is to understand the changing contours of that”.

Akhtar said that “the new situation that has emerged in Kashmir would have happened irrespective of PDP’s alliance with BJP”.

“People like me, leaders of mainstream political parties in Kashmir are living at the mercy of Pakistan. When militants can sneak inside such fortified army camps like what happened in Sunjuwan (in Jammu), what can stop them to walk into our homes and kill us and our families?’’ he said. “Our (PDP’s) stance isn’t mere political rhetoric. We are at the forefront of this war and we see the entire picture”.

On November 2, 2017, China blocked a bid to list Masood Azhar as a global terrorist. The bid was made by the US, France and Britain at the behest of India. In fact, China has been repeatedly blocking India’s move to designate Azhar a terrorist under the Al-Qaeda Sanctions Committee of the UN Security Council. Jaish, however, is already on the UN’s list of banned groups. In August last year, China extended by three months its technical hold on the proposal to list Azhar as global terrorist which was backed by US, France and Britain after it had blocked it in February. In March, 2016, China was the only member in the 15-nation UN organ to put a hold on India’s application with all other 14 members of the Council supporting New Delhi’s bid to place Azhar on the 1267 sanctions list that would subject him to an assets freeze and travel ban.

J&K Police said that Jaish is responsible for every fidayeen attack over the last year. Though Jaish was launched with a suicide attack in Srinagar in May 2000, it disappeared from the militancy scene in 2003 after a crackdown by Pakistan. It returned, police say, in 2014. Few of the major Jaish attacks are Tangdhar, Kupwara army camp (November 2015), attack on Lethpora camp (December 31, 2017), Pulwama attack (August 27, 2017) and the attack on 182 Batallion of BSF outside Srinagar airport (October 3, 2017).


Regular Member
Dec 31, 2017
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Yes i am aware of this new strategy but i am awaiting results for this because in the last 1.5 years we have upped the ante and as a result also lost more troops.So i am waiting for the summer and what it brings to the valley to see how effective this is.

Also,like i said many times the tit for tat raids have been going on for many decades should also be taken note of.

This new strategy is more aggressive than any previous NDA and UPA govt strategies and the men on the LOC look very charged.

The author forgot to mention that the IA is looking for a 2 to 3 year time period to carry out such a strategy.
2 years is not enough to win in a war of attrition. Expect this to continue for atleast 2 more years. But the result is sure; the Pakis would be crushed. Slowly, steadily but definitely.


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Nov 26, 2017
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I was kind of skeptical about the Pak colonization theory through CPEC on DFI and Indian media. But even a blind man can see the writing on the wall now.

Is the public of Pakistan seriously that dumb and without any self respect? Specially given the history of colonization? :facepalm:
Pakistanis don't have self-respect. As long as some country is against India, they will be for that country. It's that simple. Pak policies, believe it or not, are not pak-centric. They are India-centric. Go figure.

Babloo Singh

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Oct 8, 2015
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Dont get happy, they rejected the idea
Having Chinese as official language was never the Idea..... It was message to world that if you cut us off in world financial system, we will get Chinese to move in.
The real message was meant for Trump & Modi who are working to put Pakistan in Gray list for countries financing terrorism in FATF meeting in Paris.
What they don't realize that Kids of General's and Politicians in Pakistan won't/can't go to china to study or to make a living, neither can they buy property there and enjoy life... basically it was a "Geedar Bhabki" and every one knows it.

Tony HMG

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Dec 9, 2014
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Heavy firing by porks at uri sector inuring three women. 3000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


Regular Member
Aug 31, 2009
Having Chinese as official language was never the Idea..... It was message to world that if you cut us off in world financial system, we will get Chinese to move in.
The real message was meant for Trump & Modi who are working to put Pakistan in Gray list for countries financing terrorism in FATF meeting in Paris.
What they don't realize that Kids of General's and Politicians in Pakistan won't/can't go to china to study or to make a living, neither can they buy property there and enjoy life... basically it was a "Geedar Bhabki" and every one knows it.
Its a empty honey jar is what it is. You want to be friends with China...okay. Have at it.
No more aide. Only high interest loans that with benefits for China. Prostitution at its worst.
CPEC will save the day?? hell no. The CPEC BS is absurd. its propaganda is bigger than what can be achieved. No blue water economy will be replaced with rail lines. It will only help Chinese laborers to get to Pakistan to build roads and send the money back to China. No job creation. Pakistan has little resource to offer China. China doesn't have India to invest in for quick gains and long term market access security. GOI is wise enough to keep Chinese economy away from sensitive big ticket items that create jobs. So what does China do with the excess infrastructure machines and laborers? export them to banana republics whom are stupid enough to fall for predatory lending as if it was still the 18th century. Should India be worried? Hell no. Let the Chinese be aggressive in slapping out loans, the end result will not effect the Indian economy but put pressure of China and the small economies tied to China. Sink hole.
Lets wait and watch this.
China's BFFs? Noko...nuff said. Pakistan....really? lol every banana republic with out self respect.
Atleast India treats its vassal states with some dignity and respect. ie Bhutan. Happiest place on earth.... and not the fake kind like Noko


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Having Chinese as official language was never the Idea..... It was message to world that if you cut us off in world financial system, we will get Chinese to move in.
The real message was meant for Trump & Modi who are working to put Pakistan in Gray list for countries financing terrorism in FATF meeting in Paris.
What they don't realize that Kids of General's and Politicians in Pakistan won't/can't go to china to study or to make a living, neither can they buy property there and enjoy life... basically it was a "Geedar Bhabki" and every one knows it.
Nah man, China actually is trying to create an audience for their narrative. The best way to spread your world view is to spread your language, making your literature more accessible to new masses. They're challenging the domination of the West in every sphere, and language is just one of it. Obviously, they aren't going to allow the influx of Pakistanis into China just because they speak the language. China has a population surplus and they have people to do everything from blue collared jobs to skilled jobs, they don't need Porkies for that. They want Porkies to learn Chinese so that 10 years down the line when there are millions of Chinese speaking Porkies, they can then broadcast Chinese electronic media and social media to Pakistan and use it to program the mindset of Porkies. Basically what the West does with their BBC, and Hollywood. China already bagged the contract to be Nepal's sole supplier of internet connectivity. That allows them to monitor every bit of information passing in and out of Nepal. Now they are laying optic fiber cables in Pakistan via CPEC.


Sep 7, 2015
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My information is that our Army did use " RPO-A Shmel" rocketlaunchers, with Thermobaric Warheads , during the Surgical strike......

This means that, we had this weapon in our inventory for a long time, and do use it as and when required....

Please feel free to correct me, if i am wrong because, all the information we get here is not always, 100 % accurate..
Your right! And I do not, for the love of Hanuman know why the dickens we aren't using these on the LoC. We need to set their posts on fire and roast the Porks to ensure they burn in hell. :mad2:


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
Senior Member
Aug 14, 2015
This is bullshit of the highest order! Next this clown will say that the Chinese are taking over command of the Hurriyat too!! Lol! :rofl:

I think this character has been smoking too much Afghan weed. Jeeeez!
Lets wait for some journo to ask this to a Chinese spokesperson. :rofl:


Regular Member
Mar 1, 2015
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This is bullshit of the highest order! Next this clown will say that the Chinese are taking over command of the Hurriyat too!! Lol! :rofl:

I think this character has been smoking too much Afghan weed. Jeeeez!
May be there is ulterior motive in the statement. Most probably pressuring India into talks using china's name.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Heavy firing by porks at uri sector inuring three women. 3000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Also those 4 troops wounded yesterday belong to 15 Maratha li airlifted to Udhampur.

Hav Yuvraj Patil, Abhishek Paes and Ashish Singham, Shivaji Bosre
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