Russian involvement in Syrian crisis


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Russia Brings Its Big Guns to Syria
Moscow is not only providing artillery but shaping the Syrian army's strategy

“The Syrian army surge is proof of a new tactical military model, spiced with Russian flavors and led by the Sukhois from above, and which also includes greater use of artillery batteries,” the article continued.
According to OE Watch, there is conflicting information about the composition and manpower the 4th Assault Corps. But its formation could herald a new direction for the Syrian military and its battle against anti-Assad rebels, including a shift toward reliance on conventional forces and artillery.

Russian military doctrine places far more emphasis on artillery than Western armies. In Ukraine, both Kiev and Kremlin-backed separatists make liberal use of artillery owing in part to their shared Soviet lineage.
Before the war in Syria, Assad’s howitzer arsenal was universally Soviet and Russian in origin. The Syrian army could depend on thousands of static and self-propelled guns. Since the conflict, Moscow has further beefed up Assad’s artillery with more advanced 152-millimeter MTSA-B guns, BM-27 Uragan and BM-30 Smerch rocket launchers.
In Syria, the increased use of artillery could also indicate a shift away from military operations organized around insurgent forces recruited by Iran to a different military model that relies on Russian organization.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Does that mean that the Syrians didn't have / didn't use the artillery before the Russians stepped in? Isn't that a basic military requirement?
I quoted a few portions. The take-home point is SAA is now relying more on artillery than on assistance from Hezbollah and Iran, and the new and bigger artillery are helping this process, as Syria had artillery, but not the new and big ones it is getting from Russia now.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Does that mean that the Syrians didn't have / didn't use the artillery before the Russians stepped in? Isn't that a basic military requirement?
No. It means SAA sugnificant losses before.
And of course, they haven't used heavy hovitzers and heavy MLRS before.

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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
No. It means SAA sugnificant losses before.
And of course, they haven't used heavy hovitzers and heavy MLRS before.

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Hail, Hurricane, and Whirwind - everything is on offer.

I remember Marat Musin of ANNA News reporting from Donbass, whose rough translation is, "today, the weather is good, and we are expecting a hailstorm." The next video is of BM-21 Grads being launched towards Kiev regime forces.


Regular Member
Oct 20, 2015
Mil.Today has made up a list of the most powerful and up-to-date Russian weapons not used anywhere before the Syrian conflict. Among them is a missile that costs as much as several luxury apartments in Moscow, GLONASS-guided bombs and other feathers in the Russian army’s cap.


Jul 31, 2015
story leaked out of Washington credits Senator John McCain, empowered by America’s corrupt congress to oversee Pentagon programs, with derailing the Obama administration’s “coalition bombing campaign” in Syria and Iraq. McCain and key right wing extremists, working in concert with Turkish, Israeli and Saudi intelligence, have placed a “political shield” over terrorist targets in Iraq and Syria, something that has frustrated American pilots, silenced by the threat of imprisonment or worse.

Reports from pilots and sources up and down the Pentagon chain of command tell an interesting story. Considering America’s years of experience at “precision bombing” and the vast intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities of the world’s largest military, America’s utter failure in curtailing ISIS and her dozens of “sister organizations” has been inexplicable.

American pilots flying over Iraq and Syria have quietly leaked their story for over a year now but no news agency will carry it. They say they have flown over oil tanker convoys 4 lanes wide at times and been told to stay silent.

They report mysterious aircraft dropping supplies to ISIS and al Nusra, they are silenced on that as well.

The most common report, however, is massive parking lots filled with hundreds, even thousands of Humvees, Abrams tanks, artillery pieces, support vehicles of all kinds, all “hands off” at the orders of the Pentagon.

In previous bombing campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan, American pilots and drone operators admittedly suffered “collateral damage” at levels from 50% to almost 90% by some estimates. This could be the reason the US has somehow ordered pilots, both “cockpit” and “deskbound drone,” to “stand down” when they find juicy targets of opportunity.

They say it isn’t, that many of these targets are totally in the open or “well worth the risk.” In fact some pilots are totally dispirited from seeing the same “fat targets” over and over while they are sent after road checkpoints or abandoned buildings.

McCain, chairman of the powerful Senator Armed Services Committee, has strangled America’s efforts to the point where there are no sufficient munitions available. America is flying operations over Syria and Iraq with the aging F 16 recently upgraded for improved all weather capability using typical payloads of World War II era iron bombs.

Note that John McCain’s personal trips to Syria, meeting with the heads of ISIS and al Nusra, deeply parallel his earlier actions in Vietnam when as a prisoner of war McCain trained North Vietnamese air defense forces to shoot down American planes and made dozens of anti-American propaganda broadcasts.

McCain was pardoned by President Nixon when facing court martial and his records sealed and “whitewashed” by the press.

Crippled Operations

America is beholding to Turkey for the use of an airbase for operations in Syria and Iraq, bombing runs that restrict loiter time and can require air refueling as America’s aircraft carriers are now being kept in port with rare forays into the Pacific or Indian Ocean, all on McCain’s orders.

Even America’s huge airbase in Qatar, home to the B1B and B52 fleet of heavy bombers, seen over Kobani, is now “frozen” and “off limits” for anti-ISIS operations.

Making the Case

Taking the anonymous statements of half a dozen pilots and extrapolating a pattern requires support, both direct and anecdotal. Below we list some factors used:

  • Traditionally, the US reports some collateral damage while foreign press is more forthcoming. However, there are almost no reports of collateral damage by US planes with the exception of assertions by Russia and Syria that coalition planes are actually actively flying air support for ISIS and al Nusra operations, bombing power stations and “accidentally” hitting Syrian Army units involved in critical operations.
  • US capability, advanced weapons and targeting capability, when combined with the available aircraft in the US inventory at over 1000, should have made all movement and resupply in both Iraq and Syria through use of “kill zones” and impossibility within two weeks. A year later and ISIS heavy armour convoys are as safe on Iraq roads as though they were snug at home in their mother’s arms.
  • Failure to bring America’s A10 “Warthog” squadrons to Iraq, the only planes America has in its inventory capable of obliterating oil convoys and other ISIS assets, is more than curious, it is criminal.
  • That Russia, within weeks, was able to destroy hundreds of “fat targets,” command centers, fuel and ammunition depots, equipment storage facilities and training camps, most of which had been “up and running” through the entire coalition bombing campaign but untouched, speaks volumes as to the truth of reports by American pilots of “hands off” orders.
  • America’s refusal to share targeting data with Russia may well be more than simply politics. Sharing this date would reveal patterns of deception and misdirection that would, we believe, inexorably lead to exposure of the American led bombing program as a sham.
The political issue that few outside Washington can understand is how an American politician like McCain, whose “long game” could be anything, treason, personal gain or “he knows something we don’t,” can govern or even overrule the White House.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Syrian Kurdish Militia punches ISIS jackals in the mountains:
and Moskva Heavy Missile Cruiser weapons in close:
Feb 16, 2009
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Putin says Russia ready to increase military role in Syria

Vladimir Putin has warned that Russia is ready to to scale up its military intervention in Syria, less than a day after Moscow signed off on an ambitious UN plan to end the war.

The peace roadmap lays out a two-year path to elections for a new government, starting with a January ceasefire, and marks the first time America and Russia have reached broad consensus on Syria’s future after years of conflict that has cost more than 250,000 lives and made millions more into refugees.

But the pact was so broad that it sidestepped one of the biggest questions at the heart of Syria’s troubles, the future of President Bashar al-Assad, and several other key issues. It was also drawn up without consulting Assad or the opposition groups fighting him on the ground.

The question of whether, when and how the Syrian leader might step down will hang over any attempts to broker long-term peace. The US says he must go, while Russia has doubled down on support for him, sending bombers, weapons and cash to support his troops.

“He’s in control of two-thirds of the populated areas of Syria, he has not been defeated on the battlefield, he has the support of all the minorities, as well as the secular Sunnis,” Peter Ford, former UK ambassador to Syria told the BBC after the deal was agreed.

“Its absurd to think that the Russians have come so far with this process only to throw Assad under the bus; it’s not going to happen.”

Less than 24 hours after committing to peace in Syria, Putin himself said top commanders were ready to join the bomber pilots, support forces and other Russian troops already backing up Assad on the ground.

“We see how efficiently our pilots and intelligence agents coordinate their efforts with various kinds of forces – the army, navy and aviation, how they use the most modern weapons,” Reuters quoted him saying in a speech carried by local agencies.

“I want to stress that these are by far not all of our capabilities,” he said. “We have more military means. And we will use them, if need be.”

The deal exposes a widening gap between concerns of world powers and Syrians themselves. Diplomats and generals from Moscow to Washington are increasingly focused on containing and ultimately destroying Isis. Syrians are generally more preoccupied with Assad’s fate, whether they support their leader or bitterly oppose him.

Opposition groups will not agree to a political transition that includes Assad, a senior Syrian defector representing a spectrum of opposition groups warned. Security council resolutions and a road map agreed in Geneva provide for his removal, Riad Hijab told reporters on Friday.

“We are going into negotiations on this principle, we are not entering talks [based on] anything else. There will be no concession,” said Hijab, who served as prime minister under Assad in 2012 before defecting.

Critics point out that his bombing raids have killed many thousands more Syrian civilians than Isis, sometimes by using chemical weapons and often with cruelly indiscriminate barrel bombs. Many of the opposition fighters also spent time in his regime’s jails, where torture is widespread.

They also raise his apparent financial complicity with Isis, with oil purchases documented by US officials who recently condemned several firms for their role in the trade.

Another senior Syrian exile who represents the main western-backed opposition group warned that the deadline for a January ceasefire was too ambitious, the Associated Press reported.

Najib Ghadbian also said any agreement must include “the removal of all foreign troops from Syria”, including Russians who have been running an airstrike campaign that has allowed Assad to make key advances.

Assad’s supporters argue that he is the only secular bulwark against an opposition increasingly dominated by Islamists. They warn that removing him now could bring even more chaos and violence, as the toppling of Muammar Gaddafi did in nearby Libya, a concern shared by Washington.

Russia and the US have drawn somewhat closer after Moscow conceded that Assad might one day cede power, possibly to a close but less tainted ally, or if he is voted out in an election, while Washington stepped back from demands for his immediate removal.

Kerry said “everyone” had by now realised that demanding Assad’s departure up front in the process was “in fact, prolonging the war”, adding however that differences remain and the Syrian leader could not unite his country.

Iran has also promised to line up behind Moscow, in the push for a political deal to end the civil war, after Putin met Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Tehran, a senior Iranian official told Reuters.

“What was agreed was Iran and Russia will pursue one policy which will benefit Tehran, Moscow and Damascus,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The two countries are in “full harmony over Syria and Assad’s fate”, a second official said.

The US insistence that Assad must eventually go is backed by its European allies, Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations who have long insisted that Assad must go, although there are disputes about when.

Ministers from 17 nations who were in New York to build momentum for a ceasefire said they would meet again next month. Among the difficult topics on the table are which groups should be allowed into the opposition tent and which should banned as terrorists; Jordan will lead development of the list.

Most parties to the conflict, from Assad to hardline opposition groups, are reliant to varying degrees on weapons, military support and cash from outside the country. Threats to withhold these should give the west and regional powers some leverage.

Even if the ceasefire is embraced by many armed groups, it will not end the fighting in Syria however, as there are no expectations that Isis at least would join.


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2015
Anti-Assad Propaganda Exposed: ‘Starving Syrian Child’ Revealed as Healthy Lebanese Girl
Filed under 'Saddam's incubator babies'

Rudy Panko
14 minutes ago | 162 0

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Neither of these images are from Madaya
A viral photo depicting a "malnourished Syrian child" being "starved" by the "evil Syrian army" is a bona fide fraud. The details, via Lebanon's Daily Star('Starving Syria child' revealed as south Lebanon girl):

The family of a south Lebanon girl depicted in a photo that went viral alleging to show a starving child from a besieged Syrian border town has expressed anger over the incident.

"They took it too far this time," Rosine Mazeh, the grandmother of 7-year-old Marianna Mazeh, told Al-Jadeed from their village of Tay Filsey in a report broadcast Saturday.

She said the photo of her smiling brown-haired, blue-eyed granddaughter was originally posted to Facebook three years ago and had been doctored several times in the past by individuals promoting different causes.

Most recently, the photo was circulated in a side-by-side with images depicting a skeletal figure said to be suffering from malnutrition as a result of a Syrian army siege in the town of Madaya, located several kilometers east of Lebanon's border.

Several other photos circulating on social media and picked up by some international news agencies that alleged to show starvation from the town have also been revealed as fakes.

Next time try congressional testimony from a teary-eyed daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador? It has a 100% success rate with justifying bogus wars of aggression.


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
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Russia knows that NATO wants to cut off its access to warm water ports.

Russia is fighting to keep its access to Mediterranean intact.

Black sea region will be a very important area of conflict if a world war starts.


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
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Port of Tartous is important to Russia not only for servicing its ships, but also an alternate route from Caspian sea, Iran, Iraq, Syria can be a vital supply route if Turkey disallows shipping through Bosphorous.

I think both NATO and Russia are setting their pieces in place.

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