Russian involvement in Syrian crisis


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2015
What you have pointed out is the technical stuff.

But then Russia and Iran and Iraq and Syria have large expat populations based in the west who hate their own countries. Every single one of the airbases in these countries would already have 10 planespotters assigned to it, telling stuff to the Americans and Araps.

Something makes me feel this time the Americans have sold out the Saudi/Arap interests and ISIS will not be allowed to become the reason for the downfall of Assad. Actually even the Jews fear the Salafis. They know its only time that has their necks out of salafi hands. It may be party time on shia side, Yemen has things moving fast.

Americans are past masters at hiring assassins. These sinning amerissins :hail:.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2012
There are chinese ships also in Mediterranean along with Russian carrier.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2015
There are chinese ships also in Mediterranean along with Russian carrier.
Makes sense.

Iran could not have come out without the support of both Russia and China.

Our Govt. during those times was being a general fuddu seeking nods from the West for paying of the Iranian oil we had consumed.

Now Americans have cut a deal directly and we also have to import their hardware.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Russia in Syria: Did Putin just clip Israel's wings? (+video)
By Joshua Mitnick | Christian Science Monitor

But all the pleasantries Monday couldn’t hide the awkwardness of the new wrinkle in Russian-Israeli relations. Moscow’s decision to boost its military presence in northern Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad has posed a potential challenge to Mr. Netanyahu, who for years has had a relatively free hand to carry out strikes against arms shipments that Israel says goes from Iran, through Syria, to the Shiite militia Hezbollah in Lebanon.

If Israeli intelligence gets tipped off that Syrian forces are shipping advanced missiles to Hezbollah near where Russian troops are stationed, Netanyahu is liable to face a dilemma: should Israel attack the weapons convoy preemptively and risk injuring Russians? The coordination mechanism announced by Israel is supposed to avoid tactical “misunderstandings,” but potentially crimps Israel’s maneuvers.
Israel’s policy of intervening against perceived threats from Syria goes back to 2006, when it bombed a nuclear reactor there. While acknowledging Israeli concerns about spillover from the war, Mr. Putin played down Israeli fears of a new front in Syria, saying Russia’s actions would be “responsible.”

But that’s not the same as assuring Israel it can continue to operate freely in Syrian airspace, analysts say.

“In effect, Russia is dictating by saying, ‘Our soldiers, rockets, and aircraft are there. Don’t mess with us,’” says Moshe Maoz, an expert on Syria at Hebrew University. He sees the new dialogue with Russia as a strategic mistake for Israel.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2015
^ Nah,
you are just making fun of them. The Israelis already knew about all this and that is why they were whining about Iranian Nuke deal.

Assad had already shown that he cannot be taken down. His people are with him.

Russians merely acknowledged the reality as such and are today intervening in Assad's favour.

You could liken it to US having sold out Zionist interests too but then Israelis cannot and should not be complaining. After all unlike the case of the Araps, Americans are actual guarantors of Israeli state.

Israelis were imagining that their friendship with US and Araps will allow them to have the Sunnis kill off Shias in this round.

We should not forget that Jews have been playing this game for long even while they keep becoming collateral damage every few centuries. Americans have also collateralized them but then Americans guarantee their existence too. So its fair only.
But in the case of Araps, the Americans have taken their revenge of the Shale vs Oil mess, which was essentially a doing of the Araps. The Americans wanted their Shale to continue, even as they wanted to hurt Putin through Oil price manipulation. There was massive junk bond financing involved and Americans would have liked to avoid anybody messing with Shale plays. But the Araps thought they could have the best of all the world and 28 pearly boys too. Araps are the ones who are being taken for a ride, by the Americans. Probably as a payback.
Feb 16, 2009
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Chinese Navy sets off for Syria
25.09.2015 | Source:

Source: Pravda.Ru photo archive
According to the Russian Senator Igor Morozov, Beijing has taken decision to take part in combating IS and sent its vessels to the Syrian coast.

Igor Morozov, member of the Russian Federation Committee on International Affairs claimed about the beginning of the military operation by China against the IS terrorists. "It is known, that China has joined our military operation in Syria, the Chinese cruiser has already entered the Mediterranean, aircraft carrier follows it," Morozov said.

According to him, Iran may soon join the operation carried out by Russia against the IS terrorists, via Hezbollah. Thus, the Russian coalition in the region gains ground, and most reasonable step of the US would be to join it. Although the stance of Moscow and Washington on the ways of settlement of the Syrian conflict differs, nonetheless, low efficiency of the US coalition acts against terrorists is obvious. Islamists have just strengthened their positions.

As Leonid Krutakov told Pravda.Ru in an interview, the most serious conflict is currently taking place namely between China and the US. Moscow may support any party, the expert believes, and that is what will change the world order for many years.

- See more at:


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2015
Donald Trump: Let Russia fight the Islamic State in Syria
By Jenna Johnson September 25 at 11:32 PM
OKLAHOMA CITY — Donald Trump accused his Republican presidential rivals on Friday night of wanting to "start World War III over Syria," and suggested that the United States should instead let Russia deal with the problem.

Trump has recently faced criticism for not providing details on what sort of foreign policy positions he would take as president. That lack of specifics is purposeful and strategic, Trump said during a 50-minute speech at the Great State Fair of Oklahoma on Friday night. He said Republicans who publicly share their strategic foreign policy plans are "crazy."

"You know, I have a good chance of winning," Trump said to a cheering crowd of several thousand. "I don't want to say: 'Well, if I were president, I would do this, I would do that, I would go here, I would attack here, I wouldn't go here.' No, I don't want to do that. I really don't. I don't want them to know what I'm thinking, does that make sense? I want people to be guessing … I don't want people to figure it out. I don't want people to know what my plan is. I have plans. I have plans! But I don't want to do it."

Trump then used a child-like voice to imitate those who have questioned the depth of his global expertise. He switched to a deeply serious voice to imitate his rivals who have provided details: "If I'm president, I will engage the sixth fleet. I will do this, I will do that, I will attack Russia and Syria."

"This is what they say," Trump said. "They want to start World War III over Syria. Give me a break. You know, Russia wants to get ISIS, right? We want to get ISIS. Russia is in Syria — maybe we should let them do it? Let them do it."

Earlier in the evening, Trump made clear that while he wants to strengthen the military, he does not want to send troops into war. Trump said he was opposed to the Iraq war, even though he considers himself "the most militant person here ... the most militaristic person you'll ever meet." Trump said that war ended as he predicted: trillions of dollars spent, thousands of lives lost and a destabilized Middle East.

"We're going to make our military so strong," Trump said. "Nobody's going to mess with us. They're not going to mess with us. We're not going to use our military."


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Russian Marines and Iranian Revolutionary Guardsmen Build a Protectorate in Western Syria
According to a senior officer in the Syrian Arab Army, at least 2,800 soldiers from the Special Forces have been redeployed from their base at Slunfeh; this allowed for the Russian Marines and Iranian Revolutionary Guardsmen to build fortifications around this mountainous city that overlooks the Al-Ghaab Plains.

The Russian Marines and IRG replacing the Syrian Army in Slunfeh is imperative for two reasons:

  1. The Islamist rebels would have to go through Slunfeh if they wanted to cross into Latakia from the Al-Ghaab Plains – meaning, they will have to go through the Russian and Iranian defenses.
  2. Their presence in east Latakia is a clear warning to the Islamist rebels that Latakia is off limits for their military endeavors.
The Russian Marines and IRG stationed at Ras Al-Bassit will likely travel back and forth to the predominately Armenian city of Kassab on the Syrian-Turkish border – another warning to the Islamist rebels that this area off limits.
East of Masyaf are the predominately Christian cities of Al-Sqaylabiyah and Mhardeh; these two cities have been under attack by the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra”; however, the civilian militiamen inside these two cities were able to fight off every attack.

Once again, the Russians and Iranians form this protectorate around Masyaf to deter any Islamist rebels from entering the Tartous Governorate.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Russia Checks Western Lies on Syria
Such as the lie of being genuinely interested in the defeat of ISIS and Al Qaeda, or that Assad is the cause of the European migrant crisis

Finian Cunningham | (Sputnik - Russian news agency) | Russia Insider

(Sputnik) - You have to hand it to Russia. In recent weeks, one move after another by Moscow over the Syrian crisis could be accompanied by the audible word “check”, leaving Washington and its minions grappling with disorientation about how to respond to the Russian moves.

At the heart of the West’s disorientation what is being exposed is its glaring criminal deceptions over Syria.

This week, Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zahkarova probed the Western rationale towards Syria with this incisive proposition.

She said that if Washington insists that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should stand down, then the United States government should henceforth remove its signature from the 2012 Geneva Communiqué. The same logical ultimatum applies to Britain and France.

That communiqué, signed three years ago by international governments, as well as the United Nations, European Union and Arab League, clearly states that “the political future of Syria must be determined by the Syrian people themselves”.

The binding document had followed lengthy negotiations between Russia, China and the Western powers, and it was signed in Geneva in the summer of 2012 under the auspices of then UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. Hillary Clinton was the US Secretary of State at the time.

Nowhere in the Geneva accord is it mentioned that Syria’s Assad should relinquish power.

It merely endorses a political process of dialogue among Syrian parties, the outcome of which is to be mandated by the Syrian people. In fact, two years after the communiqué was signed the Syrian people voted by a huge majority to re-elect Assad as the country’s leader.

Yet Western powers continue to assert that Assad “has to go.

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel this week appeared to break the Western ranks when she said that Bashar al-Assad must be part of the political negotiations to solve the Syrian conflict.

Nevertheless, Washington, Britain and France remain implacable in their insistence that the Syrian president has to stand down. In other words, these Western powers are unilaterally demanding regime change in spite of the fact that they signed up to the Geneva Communiqué, which makes no such stipulation. With typical unreasonable arrogance, Washington and its allies appoint themselves to over-ride the sovereign right of the Syrian nation.

Last week, while in London, Clinton’s successor John Kerry repeated the American demand that “Assad must go.” Speaking alongside his British counterpart Philip Hammond, Kerry said he was open to talks with Russia on the Syrian crisis, but that the bottom-line for Washington and London was that the Syrian leader had to vacate office.

“We’re prepared to negotiate. Is Assad prepared to negotiate, really negotiate? Is Russia prepared to bring him to the table?” said Kerry.

The New York Times elucidated further Washington’s intentions. It reported: “[American] officials indicated that the larger goal was to draw the Russians into a political process that would ultimately replace Syria’s government of President Bashar al-Assad, a longtime ally of the Kremlin.”

Maria Zakharova, the Russian foreign ministry spokesman, has subsequently nailed that Western lie on Syria. If Washington insists on Assad’s removal, then the US government should repudiate the Geneva Communiqué. “Otherwise,” said Zakharova, “the US is deceiving everybody.” Check!

This follows the move earlier this month when Russia placed its support full square behind the Assad government. Moscow has delivered military aid to Damascus in line with legal bilateral agreements. Russian President Vladimir Putin explained that the Syrian government is the primary offensive force against the terrorist networks tearing Syria apart.

Therefore, if Washington and its Western allies claim to be fighting against terrorism in Syria, then they should have no objection to Russia’s support for the government in Damascus. Check!

Again, the Russian move deftly exposes another Western deception.

Since Moscow beefed up its military support for Syria, Washington, London and Paris have been reeling from their own contradictions. The West says it is alarmed that Moscow is “shoring up the Assad regime”.

But if these powers were genuinely in the business of “degrading and defeating” the so-called Islamic State and other jihadist terror groups, then why should they be alarmed by Russia supporting the principal force – the Syrian government – in the battle against the terrorists?

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pointed out that the West’s logic is “upside-down.” He has also commented that the West’s “anti-terror” coalition bombing Syria and Iraq does not appear to be genuine in its ostensible aims. After a year of US-led air strikes on Syria and Iraq, the terror groups seem to be stronger than ever. Clearly, the West’s “anti-terror” strategy is ineffective, suggesting that the real aim of the West is to further weaken the Syrian state.

Scrabbling around to find some cover for its naked upside-down logic, Washington, London and Paris are now saying that they fear that Russia’s military intervention in Syria “may lead to an escalation of the conflict” or to a clash with the US-led coalition.

John Kerry and his Western counterparts have even resorted to this oxymoron. Kerry said the “root cause” of the refugee crisis assailing Europe is the “conflict in Syria” and that is, in his view, further “rationale” for the removal of President Assad. How convoluted can you get?

The four-year-old conflict in Syria is so obviously the driver for millions of Syrian refugees. But the “root cause” that Kerry so deceptively misplaces is the criminal covert war of regime change that Washington has launched on that country, along with the collusion of Britain, France, Turkey and the Gulf Arab dictatorships of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

That US-led regime-change war has involved unleashing thousands of terrorist mercenaries on Syria. It’s a well-worn American strategy played time and again in different parts of world down through the decades.
Ukraine and Yemen are two other current case studies of Washington’s covert state-sponsored terrorism. Fiendishly, Western propaganda in the form of “Western news journalism” helps to mask what should be transparent criminality committed by Washington and its so-called allies and clients.

Deciphering the West’s lies and deceptions is not always an easy task.

But thanks to Russia’s logical policy, the West’s lies in Syria are at last being nailed. We might even say “Checkmated!”



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Putin and Assad Have Made Fools of the West
More accurately the west has made a fool of itself and its up to Putin to try and save the day before a half-hearted US intervention against ISIS, combined with very real support for supposedly ‘moderate’ jihadists results in the all out slaughter of Syrias Christians, Alawites and others minorities and the fall of the last strong secular state in the Middle East

John R. Bradley | (The Spectator) | Russia Insider

Assad is far more of a European than the BinLadenite head-choppers

Originally appeared in The Spectator

At the outset of Syria’s brutal four-year civil war, I was an almost unique voice in the British media deploring the push to depose the secular dictator President Bashar al-Assad, especially in the absence of a genuinely popular uprising against him. Here in The Spectator I tried to point out that such a short-term strategy would have devastating long-term consequences.

Assad, I argued, would not fall, because the people of Damascus would not rise up against him. The so-called secular rebels were in fact vicious Islamists in disguise. Western interests in the region would be dramatically undermined by Saudi and Iranian militias, who would fight a devastating proxy war. Syria’s extraordinarily diverse population risked annihilation as a result. And we could even end up provoking a full-blown war with Russia.

No one listened, and I tired of trying to convince them of their folly. Four years on, the suffering of the Syrian people — 250,000 slaughtered, half of the population internally displaced and millions more made refugees — is obvious. And last week, in the midst of Europe’s biggest refugee crisis since the second world war (brought about in no small part by fleeing Syrians), the extent of the West’s geopolitical miscalculations became painfully evident.

Jihadists of various affiliations, who are now unequivocally the only opposition, were encroaching on Syria’s Alawite-dominated coastal heartland, and inching ever closer towards Damascus. So the long-time Syrian ally Russia called Washington’s bluff by establishing military bases in the regime stronghold Latakia. In a flash its tanks, fighter jets, military advisers, warships and even its most modern anti-aircraft missile system were in place. Its engineers constructed an airport landing strip almost overnight, as its navy conducted menacing drills in the nearby (Russian-leased) Syrian port of Tartus.

This was the most brazen overseas military deployment by Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union. But it caught Nato off guard. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised. After all, we learnt of the Islamic State’s new caliphate — arguably the most important development in the region since the founding of Israel in 1948 — only when its leader announced the event on YouTube. Still, the question remains: why did the Russians move to guarantee Assad’s survival? The short answer is because the West’s Syrian strategy was in such disarray that Russia could expect Nato to look the other way.

In recent months, for fear of prolonging Assad’s rule, rather than seriously confronting the Islamic State the Pentagon has instead focused on doctoring intelligence briefings to sex up its limited successes. Meanwhile its harebrained idea of training an entirely new rebel army from scratch — to simultaneously topple the Assad regime and defeat the Islamic State — cost more than $40 million, and produced just four or five soldiers. Thirty of another batch of 75 immediately defected to al-Qaeda.

Vladimir Putin now pitches himself as Europe’s migrant-crisis saviour. Only by saving Assad, he argued, can we stem the flow. Bizarrely, he sounds as though he is making more sense than anyone else. Assad’s forces, long thought to be on the verge of collapse, meanwhile celebrated the bolstering of their military arsenal by bombing Islamic State targets in the north. Wave after wave of airstrikes hit their targets with previously unimaginable precision. Who could object to that? Senior Washington and London politicians, after years of repeating like a mantra that The Evil Dictator Assad Must Go Now, suddenly found themselves mumbling that, come to think of it, Assad does not need to go just yet after all. In fact, Nato should co-ordinate with Russia, in a renewed effort to destroy the Islamic State and stem the flow of refugees. Russia’s bluff played off.

Assad is in fact now more popular than ever in the roughly one third of Syria he still controls. Anyone in Damascus or on the coast who supported the Islamic State long since either joined it or blew themselves up among the infidels. The West, though, is more hated than ever. A recent poll found that 80 per cent of Syrians believe we created the Islamic State — a common belief, incidentally, throughout the Middle East (and not entirely inaccurate). So it took Washington and its reactionary Gulf allies four years and billions of dollars to end up eating humble pie. They have now effectively admitted that Moscow was right about Syria all along. In the process, they have undermined any humanitarian credibility our military adventurism may still have had after the Iraq nightmare.

And Russia has its navy, as well as its most advanced anti-aircraft missile system, on the edge of Europe. Since the Islamic State has no navy or air force, these are warnings to the West. Russia also looks set to deploy ground troops to Syria. Any effort to overthrow Assad in the future, we are being told, means war with Russia. Worse, we have managed to screw Israel, our only steadfast ally left in the region. For Iran joined the Russians in deploying elite Republican Guards to Syria, bolstering ties with a Hezbollah that is already leading Shiite militias fighting alongside Assad’s forces. The Obama administration has been spending the past few years trying to convince the world that Iran’s mullahs are to be trusted. So Iran knows that any criticism from Washington about its Syria meddling would play right into the hands of the nuclear deal’s opponents.

Yet more evidence, then, that US-backed calls for the removal of Assad, with the goal of weakening Iran and Hezbollah and installing a Saudi-backed proxy regime, will have the exact opposite outcome. For the entrenched regime, if it survives, will not only have the full military backing of Russia, but will also be a political tool of the Iranians.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Chinese Military Advisors Expected to Join the Russians in Syria
Well, “hope springs eternal” when hundreds of Russian Marines and dozens of Russian jets enter your country; this was the case in the overcrowded provinces of Latakia and Tartous, as large crowds gathered near the coast to welcome these Russian naval infantrymen and their advanced military hardware.
According to a senior officer in the Syrian Arab Army that is stationed inside the coastal province of Latakia, “the Chinese will be arriving in the coming weeks.”

When asked to elaborate, the officer responded that Chinese military personnel were expected to join the Russians Marines stationed around Syria’s western countryside.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syrian Army Recaptures Large Parts of the Harasta Industrial Area
Following the success at the Dhahiyat Al-Assad front, the Syrian Armed Forces advanced to the Harasta Industrial Area, where they encountered fierce resistance from the Islamist rebel fighters of Jaysh Islam; this firefight resulted in the Syrian Armed Forces recapturing many sites that were lost two weeks prior.

The Syrian Armed Forces have captured the large construction site, along with several buildings near the contested army base that sits just north of the Harasta Highway.

Currently, the Syrian Armed Forces are clashing with the Islamist rebels of Jaysh Al-Islam at Tal Al-Haras; this imperative hilltop is where the contested army base sits atop of in Harasta’s Industrial Area.

If Tal Al-Haras is recaptured by the Syrian Armed Forces, the Islamist rebel fighters of Jaysh Al-Islam will be forced to retreat towards the Harasta Highway, where they will likely face-off against these same Republican Guard units.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

Russian and Chinese Air Forces to Use Hmamiyat Airfields

The Hmamiyat Airfields are located inside a section of the Bassel Al-Assad International Airport that was used to by the Syrian Air Force as an airbase to conduct flights along the vast coast – the airport itself is located in the Jableh District of Latakia.

According to a senior officer in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the Hmamiyat Airfields are primarily used by the Russian Air Force at the moment – he added that the Syrian Air Force moved most of their aerial assets from the Bashar Al-Assad International Airport to the Homs Governorate in preparation for the Chinese Air Force’s arrival.

Russian Military Takes Command of East Aleppo Operations
As a result of this aerial support, the Syrian Armed Forces have been able to recapture the imperative hilltop of Tal Rayman, while also taking control of Al-Salihiyah; this aforementioned village was used by ISIS to launch repeated offensives near the Syrian Government’s main supply route along the Khanasser Highway.

In addition to their airstrikes, the Russian military advisors that oversee the Syrian Armed Forces’ operations in northern Syria have now taken complete command of the east Aleppo offensive to lift the siege of the Kuweires Military Airport.


Jun 14, 2012
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Machine Gun "Pecheneg".



Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Russia,Syria and Iran set up military coordination cell in Baghdad
Russia will not let it's asset die in that region. Syria's location is very strategic. Just above Israel and next to Iraq. From there the Russians can influence the whole region. Checkmating NATO in Iraq, UAE and KSA. Turkey and Saudi are now surrounded by Pro Russian elements. Next will be Yemen, as the signs of Pro Iranian rebels already showed up few months back.


Regular Member
Sep 19, 2015
Anti russian little less they realize its the west who destroyed peace in middle east ! USA and NATO are the main cause of disharmony in this world !

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