Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Turning into a frog
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Mar 30, 2009
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Reasonable from whose POV.
People say PRC demands in Galwan, Tibet in general or even in Arunachal Pradesh are also reasonable so should India accept it?
No self-respecting country or population will accept such humiliating condition.
ummm.... Can China do to India what Russia could and now are doing to Ukraine?

The fact is Mexico can't stare down USA as USA won't allow it. Same goes for Ukraine.

In politics and more so in diplomacy, knowing one's own strength is crucial. That strength determines the reasonable and unreasonable.

People say NATO was built for USA to protect its allies. But the thing is NATO was built to protect USA in the court of diplomacy. NATO has been the reason all the atrocities of the USA and its allies got shoved under the carpet as those nations own what is called the international media and thus the public opinion.

USSR failed in that because of them being Communist - an idea that never got popular among the people. Russia inherited that failure.

Heck, US and its allies ruined Baghdad, an ancient seat of civilisation, and no one shed a tear. But yesterday the moron UN Sec-Gen says he regrets Kiev getting targeted because of its history!

So when CIA black ops teams go hunting in the Mexico or Columbia for their rival drug lords that doesn't become a sovereignty issue as those nations know that raising objection would see them pay badly. So when a innocent family in Afghanistan is bombed to oblivion due to 'mistake' by USA, the most that comes from US is 'regret'. When a military General of Iran gets assassinated openly in another nation, the USA can gloat over it.

And those nations could do nothing but accept it.

So, in the world which btw has never been fair, the power matters. Ukraine with its limited power thought they could goad and goad and get away because they have the world bully by their side. A big mistake.

Now, Zelenskey is close to becoming a billionaire by siphoning of the money donated by the morons of West, but Ukraine is in ruins. I guess the respect that couldn't be earned through dialogue and treaties with the bigger and badder power to find mutually beneficial existence, has finally been earned through tens of thousands soldiers dead or maimed and millions of citizens finding shelter in other countries with a bleak uncertain future as the economy of Ukraine might never recover after Russia has cut off their mineral rich, industrial region as well as link from the sea


Turning into a frog
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
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Yes, that´s what Kremlin propaganda outlets claim. But maybe you should ask some real Ukrainians from the east about how persecuted they were... we have hundreds of thousands Ukrainian refugees, many from the east, barely speaking Ukrainian (but that is not black and white, ever heard of surzhyk?). And somehow, they didnt feel persecuted before Russians started bombing them. Because RuSSkies dont care about people and their opinion, all they are interested in is an old-school land grab.
I have been following development in Ukraine since 2014 - from the day Nuland created the riot with the help of her pet Nazis and people were burnt alive in Odessa. So don't come and start your propaganda on me.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
So what, sweet prince? You've been following it from India, that's nice, but we have it right behind the border. Spoke with countless people from there, got access to private channels of pro-russian volunteers from my country, my friend (politically confused, but otherwise good guy) even went to fight for DNR, got wounded at Debaltseve. So you really don't need to lecture me about what is going on there ;)
Ahhhh, another Western European morale lecturer.

We see your moral values in the Middle East. Do you care to explain why Western Media is covering this war more than they did the Iraq war?


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
Not really, why should I? I never excused Iraq war the way local Putin's fanboys are excusing Russian invasion, pardon me, "very special military operation for the denazification and demilitarization" of the Ukraine.
I highly doubt that. But I’ll take your word for it. Iraq war actually had global support.


Jun 14, 2012
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I have been following development in Ukraine since 2014 - from the day Nuland created the riot with the help of her pet Nazis and people were burnt alive in Odessa. So don't come and start your propaganda on me.
Who wanted to - he figured it out.
I was not yet in Odessa then. Then I was in Donetsk. But he knew everything very well: who started it first, and who had weapons, and who threw Molotov cocktails.
But I don't blame you here. We still have idiots who carry flowers on May 2nd.
By the way. We have / (in Odessa) May 1-3 - a big curfew.


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Apr 9, 2022
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This article may of been posted here already, but it's worth reposting.
Bucha is the latest shiny object that the Western cats are chasing mindlessly without taking time to think critically about what Russia is actually doing on the ground. Russia’s invasion on February 24 was not a classic military attack. What do I mean? If Russia was intent on conquering and subjugating Ukraine without regard to the fate of Ukrainian civilians it would have launched massive missile and airstrikes on all major cities, bridges, airfields, railroads and communication systems. It did not do that. Not my opinion.
The first phase of Russia’s special military operation consisted of the following:
  • Moved troops and armored columns into Ukraine from three directions–North, East and South.
  • Deployed only 200,000 troops while maintaining key reserves inside Russia along the Ukrainian border against a Ukrainian Army estimated to number 600,000.
  • Avoided attacking communication systems leaving cell phone and internet largely intact.
  • Took control of the largest nuclear power plant in Europe–Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant–but kept the electricity flowing.
  • Supported offensives by the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics against Ukrainian forces in the East.
  • Gradually surrounded Kiev from the North but did not fight any key battles to occupy outlying cities.
  • Destroyed Ukrainian ground radar, key airfields and military bases in Western Ukraine with precision missiles.
  • Sealed the southern coast of Ukraine with the Russian Navy.
  • Launched an assault on Mariupol, a key Ukrainian port in the South, and systematically annihilated the neo-Nazi AZOV battalion (Russia now controls all of Mariupol except for the steel plant and continues to methodically eliminate the remaining defenders).
The immediate effect of this operation divided and froze the Ukrainian Army in four geographical regions-North, South, East and West. During the first two weeks the Ukrainians and NATO did not know where Russia’s major blow would fall. Russia’s initial success in eliminating Ukraine’s Air Force as a combat effective unit and the destruction of key military bases and fuel depots made it impossible for Ukraine to dispatch reinforcements to Donbas and Mariupol.
During the past week Russia has effected a tactical redeployment of forces that originally surrounded Kiev. It is reported that those units moved west and are likely to be used as block force that will be part of a broader effort to defeat the bulk of the Ukraine Army now virtually surrounded in the eastern part of the Donbas.
With its limited ability to move troops or resupply frontline forces, Ukraine is relying on propaganda and information warfare to try to weaken Russia and entice NATO to join the fray. Here is a good summary of these efforts courtesy of Nighvision:
  • For instance when the Russian POW torture video came out, it was Ukraine that cried “fake” until days later all western ‘authorities’ were forced to admit it was real.
  • When the ‘maternity hospital’ falseflag in Mariupol occurred, Kiev supporters blamed Russia and once again Russia was the one proven right and vindicated when the pregnant girl at the center of it herself released an interview completely refuting Ukrainnian lies, and stating that not only did Ukrainian soldiers turn the hospital into a barracks but stole the precious food from pregnant women and then shelled the hospital themselves.
  • When Ukrainie claimed Russia bombed an ‘innocent’ civilian mall, yet the very next moment the Russian MOD released detailed videos showing precisely how Ukrop forces positioned mobile artillery in the parking garage of the said ‘mall’.
  • When Ukrops claimed Russia tried to blow up the Zaporizhzhia plant, yet security footage showed that as a Russian security force arrived, it was fired upon by an RPG from Ukrop positions in one of the administrative buildings of the plant.
  • When the famed American journalist was killed in Irpin right outside Kiev a month ago, and all Ukrainian supporters shouted Russia, but the entire incident was quickly swept under the rug when the journalist’s own friend/companion in an interview stated they were fired upon by Ukrop troops at a Ukrop checkpoint miles away from the nearest Russian forces.
Early in the war many in the West were scammed by the story of a remarkable Ukrainian allegedly downing seven Russian combat planes. It too was a lie:
In one widely shared video, the Ghost of Kyiv chases down a Russian plane and then shoots it out of the sky. In Ukrainian, a voice says: “There’s a plane. There’s another one. It’s about to crash.”
This is a sequence from the video game Digital Combat Simulator World. “This footage is from DCS, but is nevertheless made out of respect for the ‘Ghost of Kiev,'” the person who uploaded the video to YouTube on February 24 writes, using an alternate transliteration for Ukraine’s capital. “If he is real, may God be with him; if he is fake, I pray for more like ‘him.'” A spokesman for Digital Combat Simulator World has confirmed to the Reuters news agency that the material is indeed from the game.
A video report from Gonzalo Lira demonstrates beyond doubt that Ukraine is staging propaganda videos showing the alleged destruction of Russian tanks. The smoking tank hulls are actually Ukrainian vehicles. Propaganda BTFO
This brings us to the latest “atrocity” Ukraine insists was carried out by Russia–Bucha, a suburb of Kiev. Here is The Guardian’s account:
As Ukrainian armoured columns rolled into Bucha, a town north-west of the capital, they found streets blocked by burned-out Russian tanks and military vehicles, and strewn with the bodies of civilians whom locals said had been killed by the invading forces without provocation.
Here’s the problem. Bucha was declared ‘completely liberated’ of Russian troops by its mayor on Thursday, March 31. The dead lying in the streets are all wearing a white arm band, which is worn by Ukrainians to signal to Russian troops they are not backing the Ukrainian Army.

If the city was liberated on 31 March why are the bodies still lying in place three days later? Why were they not gathered up by grieving relatives? This report is having the predicable effect in the West–pundits and politicians are demanding a NATO military response. Russia is not fazed by this latest propaganda barb; it is calling for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to present evidence refuting the charge.
One final point, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told Fox News’ Bret Baer that the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion has “fully integrated” with the Ukrainian military
Ian Miles Cheong@stillgrayBret Baier asked Zelensky about Azov Battalion’s shooting of Russian POWs. Zelensky’s answer? “They are what they are.” Zelensky also claims that some were prosecuted after 2014 and given prison sentences. He doesn’t mention that those convictions were overturned.
There you have it–a President who is a Jew supporting a neo-Nazi military unit that wants to rid Ukraine of Jews. If you want to read more about Azov go here.

  1. riskywoods says
    4 April 2022 at 01:27
    Thank you, Larry. Keep up the good work.
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  2. Ash says
    4 April 2022 at 13:25
    It’s worrying the way the West is going. The massif people don’t even question, though they know politicians and MSM lie.
    It’s incredible how easily people are whipped into a frenzy and most can’t even find Ukrainie on a map. Before war the only thing Europe wanted from Ukrainian’s was that they didn’t migrate there. Now suddenly they care.
    The loss of freedom, truth and ability to handle the truth in the West is going to lead to it’s collapse.
    The extent to which grown adults are controlled and now cut off from different views is a form of brainwashing.
    Bill Roggio got called a Russia lover a few times now he seems to toe that Ukraine line.
    How this guy Zelensky and his puppet masters have gotten this much power is frightening.
    Russia looks ready to take the East and South by their military day on 9 May I think when they parade.
    I really fear the bunch of clowns leading the West don’t push things so far this goes in an ugly dangerous direction. They are complacent. They think everyone will roll over like Iraq. They don’t understand that is not what they are facing.
    Boris Johnson the clown UK PM who was facing calls to resign before war for breaking covid rules repeatedly is a dangerous man.
    He wants to blow up Russian ships with British weapons. That the UK is in this war is clear. Loads of British special forces in Ukraine, no doubt loads of Americans too.
    These guys are so complacent. They really see this like Afghanistan mark II they don’t understand this is literally the West going to war with Russia and it could end in economic and military hell for everyone.
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  3. gr3nd says
    4 April 2022 at 16:12
    RE: final sentence in this article. Jack Bernstein warned there are a lot of Nazis in Israel. His book:
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  4. ohmadou says
    4 April 2022 at 18:36
    Thank you for your article.
    I wonder why the Russian army left Bucha?
    Aren’t they supposed to be thorough re denazification?
    It looks like they abandoned people.
    I also found this article on the massacre that shows the timing suggests it can’t have been the Russians:
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  5. Chris Chuba says
    5 April 2022 at 14:18
    NYT analyzes satellite imagery from Maxar Technologies to corroborate bodies on street appearing between Mar 11 – 21
    Any thoughts on the authenticity of these images?
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    • Ash says
      5 April 2022 at 14:59
      The problem with these images is they don’t tell the whole story. If they have this data why don’t they have images of how these people were killed. How the bodies got there and who killed them.
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  6. abrogard says
    8 April 2022 at 12:40
    Thanks for this blog. I just found it. You seem to be authentic – telling the truth when it can be found, making reasonable, sensible estimations when it cannot.
    We need to get your site better known.
    There’s a bigger war than the Ukraine war going on, isn’t there?
    There’s the war between truth, honesty and reason and the insane lying propaganda thing we’ve seen grow up in the last two years.
    The flag is the facemask. Wherever you see the facemask you’re looking at the enemy’s flag. And wherever you see anything, anyone, mandating masks you’ve found the enemy.
    That’s exactly the same enemy who’s sending munitions and weapons to Ukraine to fuel the war and cause the deaths or maiming of thousands of silly people who think it’s glorious to go to war and that holding a weapon somehow makes them a trained soldier.
    I’ll share your link as widely as I can (which sadly isn’t much) and I’d urge any other readers to do the same.
    In that wider, bigger war we’re not doing real well as yet. In fact this is a low point: under cover of darkness, so to speak, in this ‘lull’ when covid drama has abated somewhat, they’re consolidating and entrenching their despotic powers into the customary, into legislation, into the norm and preparing the ground for a worse future.
    Bad news. Yep. We need sites like this of yours. I think. As best I can make out from what I’ve seen so far.
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Apr 9, 2022
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3 March 2022 by Larry Johnson 2 Comments

The Atlantic Council and many of its members are busy trying to re-write history and whitewash the AZOV Battalion (fellows from Western Ukraine who have been attacking Russian speaking Ukrainians in the Donbass during the last 8 years) as just a bunch of earnest nationalists.
One person pushing this lie is Oleg Atbashian, a Ukrainian emigre to the United States. Oleg has penned a piece, Ukraine: the Nazi smear of the Azov Battalion is a far-reaching Russian influence operationRussia can’t beat the Azov fighters on the battlefield, so it uses propaganda to libel them as Nazis. (So far he has not found a place to publish his piece as far as I know, but I received a copy of his proposed piece from a friend). Oleg argues:
Debunking the libel of the Azov battalion as a Nazi organization has been especially difficult because the Russian influence operators have planted those smear stories against Ukraine so widely around the world, all the way to the U.S. Congress, that it would take an entire think tank to shovel through that pile of “evidence.” Why all the effort? Azov is extremely effective against Russian aggression in the Eastern Ukraine. The fact is, Russian aggression was the only reason Azov was formed in the first place, so the Kremlin has only itself to blame for it.
The Azov battalion was organized in 2014, when the poorly armed and unprepared Ukrainian army was forced to fight an unexpected war against the Kremlin-orchestrated “separatism” in eastern Ukraine. Seeing how the military was failing, one of the richest Ukrainian industrialists and the Governor of the Dnipro Oblast, Igor Kolomoisky, spent a hefty chunk of his own money to recruit and arm a volunteer battalion to defend Ukraine. The unit was named Azov after the small Azov Sea in southern Ukraine. This was quickly followed by a series of Ukrainian victories, in which Azov played a part.
The smear is as absurd as if Hitler were to spread rumors about General Patton being a Nazi so as to hinder the American war effort. It’s initial sponsor, Igor Kolomoisky, is Jewish and has since become an Israeli citizen, living in Israel. Not exactly Neo-Nazi material, but the influencers conveniently omit that fact.
I am not a Putin puppet. I am not on the payroll of the Rooskies. I can read and think objectively. I do not know why Oleg ignores the actual history of the neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Here are the facts (thanks to Yaacov Apelbaum for his excellent research):
Oleg’s arguments like the following are apologist propaganda (and likely commercial in nature). They echo the materials developed/distribute by the Atlantic Council and other Ukraine profiteering think tanks. Oleg writes:
“…they chose a bellicose, ominous looking emblem of the crossed letter Z that also reminds of a modified Ukrainian Trident, but to the critics it appears too close to the SS emblem or the swastika. It arguably follows traditional embroidery ornaments, and, after all, we don’t demonize the entire Buddhist community in Asia for the continued use of their traditional swastika symbol.”
The issue is not the poor graphic design choices (i.e. the Azove Battalion’s use of SS iconography) or the poor HR/PR choices (i.e. that they recruit hard-core Neo Nazis). The problem is that large segment of the Ukrainian nationalist movement still embraces violent Nazi ideology.
Stalin/Russia didn’t invent Nazi sympathizers in Ukraine, historically, there was always an extreme violent (and anti-semitic) nationalist element in the Ukrainain society. For example, check out the 1648 Khmelnytsky pogroms. In the 20th century this nationalistic movement fully embraced the Nazi and anti-semitic ideologies as they became manifested through Stepan Bandera and his movement. The 1941 Kiev pogrom was orchestrated and executed by Ukrainian nationalist operatives and the Babi Yar massacre was executed with full Ukrainian nationalist movement participation and collaboration.

As a side note, 19th century Ukrainian nationalism was already highly racialized and predates the Nazi ideology. Bandera and his followers, similarly (and independently) to the Nazis, advocated the selective breeding to create a “pure” Ukrainian race and developed an elaborate anti-Jewish discourse. This was years before the German occupation of Ukraine.
The argument that the Azov battalion and its leadership is not affiliated with Nazi ideology, it patently false. The unit’s first commander was far-right nationalist named Andriy Biletsky, who led the neo-Nazi Social-National Assembly and the Patriot of Ukraine.
The claim that The Azov battalion was organized in 2014 as a volunteer force and financed by Igor Kolomoisky in order to defend Ukraine is also factually incorrect. The organization started as a special police company of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was led by Volodymyr Shpara, the leader of the Vasylkiv, Kyiv, branch of Patriot of Ukraine and Right Sector. As far as the real motivation behind Kolomoisky’s investment in the organization, it was likely more about war profiteering than patriotism.
Besides Yaacov’s analysis we have video from the BBC (not exactly a pro-Putin outfit) reporting on the neo-Nazis playing a key role in the 2014 coup that ousted the corrupt but duly elected President Yanukovitch:

And here is a video from last year with Ukraine Far-right activists celebrating the 78th anniversary of Ukrainian SS division. You read that right–the Ukrainians that many Americans are now cheering were commemorating the memory of Ukraine’s SS division, which fought alongside the Nazis:
The ignorance of most Americans about Ukraine and its history is quite understandable. Many Americans have trouble identifying George Washington and do not know who we fought in the American Revolution.
Rather than worry about Ukraine’s border security, I want our politicians and citizens to focus on our own border. Our southern border in particular. The flood of illegal immigrants and narcotics across that frontier everyday are killing American citizens. Fox reported recently on the carnage:
Fentanyl overdoses have surged to the leading cause of death for adults between the ages of 18 and 45, according to an analysis of U.S. government data.
Between 2020 and 2021, nearly 79,000 people between 18 and 45 years old — 37,208 in 2020 and 41,587 in 2021 — died of fentanyl overdoses, the data analysis from opioid awareness organization Families Against Fentanyl shows.
Ponder that number for a moment. More Americans aged 18 to 45 died from fentanyl overdose than died in the 12 years we were fighting in Vietnam. During four years of fighting in Korea we lost 36,914 military personnel. We have monuments for those who fought and died for America in Vietnam and Korea. I am not suggesting we need a memorial for those who overdosed on fentanyl. But we must do something about the border. We are ignoring those dying in part because our politicians–Republicans and Democrats–refuse to protect our borders from invaders. That is a real threat with a real cost for American citizens.

  1. nuno says
    29 March 2022 at 00:42
    Thank you very much for the content. Because the video about the 78th anniversary of SS division was banned by Youtube, here you have a link to the same, posted by Ruptly. If you want, you can replace youtube’s by this one. Thank you once again and keep up the truth-telling work!
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  2. Keith Harbaugh says
    28 April 2022 at 15:05
    How significant are neo-Nazis in Ukraine?
    I certainly don’t know the answer to that,
    but I would think the opinions of Ukraine’s Jews would be significant.
    For information on those opinions, see:
    “Putin wants to de-Nazify Ukraine —
    that’s ludicrous, say the country’s Jews”
    From the article:
    “If you still believe Vladimir Putin’s propaganda that
    he’s trying to de-Nazify Ukraine,
    you should talk to Ukrainian Jews.
    They don’t buy a word of it.

    ‘Putin’s claims of de-Nazifying Ukraine is the most ludicrous and craziest thing —
    the ‘Nazification’ of Ukraine was created by Russian propaganda,’
    said Yaakov Bleich, a chief rabbi of Ukraine. ”
    Back to me:
    Where does the truth lie,
    between the competing claims?
    I don’t know.
    But it’s worth being aware of the evidence on each side.
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Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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It's all the same with all these countries which suffer from the Little Country Syndrome. Overcompensating.

Ukraine, Bhutan, Poland you name it.

Especially Poland.
On top of that, Poland is working on a plan for to regain control of Ukrainian areas that Warsaw considers as “historically belonging” to it.


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Apr 9, 2022
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Ukraine: Far-right activists mark 78th anniversary of Ukrainian SS division
Ukraine, Kiev
April 28, 2021 at 20:19 GMT -04:00 · Published
Dozens of locals hit the streets of the Ukrainian capital on Wednesday to mark the 78th anniversary of the formation of the Waffen SS division which fought for the Nazis during World War II.

Protesters hold posters and emblems of the so-called 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS also known as the 14th SS-Volunteer Division ‘Galicia’, and yellow and blue flowers after the colours of the Ukrainian national flag.

A banner reading ‘Ukraine won’t forget the soldier with a gold lion on the sleeve,’which refers to the emblem of the ‘Galicia’ division, could be seen hanging from a bridge.


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Feb 9, 2017
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Ты ебанутый кусок лошадиного навоза! Я тебя оскорбляю на русском и говорю по жизни на русском. И не учите меня жить. Раз чел кидает предъявы об ущемлении русского языка, то он стопудово в теме и несет ответку за свой галимый базар.
Прекрати скакать и веди себя адекватно...это тебе не майдан @LETHALFORCE, this guy is high on something and is not adding anything to the discussion except posting random Ukrainian propoganda, ramblings that make no sense or hurling profanities at other members.


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Apr 9, 2022
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Who wanted to - he figured it out.
I was not yet in Odessa then. Then I was in Donetsk. But he knew everything very well: who started it first, and who had weapons, and who threw Molotov cocktails.
But I don't blame you here. We still have idiots who carry flowers on May 2nd.
By the way. We have / (in Odessa) May 1-3 - a big curfew.
At the 1 hour 16 minute mark is what really happened in Odessa. Akim is mentality ill, completely insane. It's important to remind yourselves of that when dealing with all insane people, they can't be reasoned with. I'm speaking from experience, because I continue to make this mistake.


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Nov 17, 2017
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Well, seems the war excitement has gone down as the grinding has started under the new Russian commander. In WW2, Even for defeated Nazis it took a long time for the whole allied force to clear Germany. Grind, grind, that's what going on.

My appreciation for Indian army has gone so high. They liberated Bangladesh in 13 days. The whole Pakistani army in East surrendered. Putin is still grinding after months.

Victory is never just military. Victory is political in the end. That US has denied to Russia till now. Russia hadn't prepared, i say politically or winning the psychology war.

But anyways, after grinding, it is Russia all the way. And the more Russia grinds, lesser is left for negotiation on political table.

This war should not have happened. Russia's demands were reasonable. It was possible to negotiate. But ok, grind, grind. No other alternatives.


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Sep 4, 2019
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What a pathetic crybaby. Nobody is coming to rescue you. You have 3 choices 1. Surrender 2. Put a bullet in your brain (aim carefully it's a small target) 3. Be killed by the Russians.
I have to say, people act way too tough on the internet while they sit safely behind their keyboards.

Fight a few wars before you posture like this, my dude.
I'm least concerned about the politics involved in all of this but goddamn, have some awareness of your own self before making such aggressive statements.
It's genuinely embarassing.


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2022
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I have to say, people act way too tough on the internet while they sit safely behind their keyboards.

Fight a few wars before you posture like this, my dude.
I'm least concerned about the politics involved in all of this but goddamn, have some awareness of your own self before making such aggressive statements.
It's genuinely embarassing.
You do know he's commanding the neo Nazi Azov battalion, don't you? I have the utmost respect for all professional soldiers. A professional soldier could honorably surrender and be treated well. Not this guy, he knows what his fate will be when and if he surrenders. That's why he's pleading for others to go on a suicide mission to save his ass. I would never do that, and neither would any other honorable soldier. Unmask a bully and what do you see?


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Jul 20, 2013
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Been reading forums for a while, but had to register now. This is anything but a clear and reasonable account, this is "Komsomolskaya Pravda" level of propaganda. See that the author been on Kremlin paycheck for a while, still surprised he published something like this due to his reputation - he didnt get even basic, easily verifiable facts right. Dammit, just to fix it, another article of the same size would be needed.

- for example, ATO was NOT declared by Poroshenko after signing of Minsk and there was no "massive anti-terrorist operation" lanched in autumn of 2014 - ATO was declared on 15th April 2014. In fact, Ukrainians never went on a serious offensive after August 2014, battles of Jan-Feb 2015 were mostly about "separatists" attemping do capture Debaltseve salient and Donetsk airport.
- authors claims of Russian non-intervention ale laughable. He conveniently omits the fact that in spring of 2014, thousands of Russian volunteers, "cossacks" and paramilitaries arrived at Donbas, excited by Crimea takeover and eager to "liberate more Russian territory". Both first Prime minister of DNR (Alexander Borodai) and Minister of defense (Igor Girkin) were not Ukrainians, but Muscowites. And in first larger battles (see Donetsk airport on 26.5.2014), majority of casualties on "separatists" side didnt even have Ukrainian citizenship, but Russian one. Ukrainians became more involved only later due to inproportionate Ukrainian response such as bombing of Lugansk state administration on 2nd August 2014.
- same with claims that all LDNR weaponry was a trophy one. Heavy weaponry started coming in in July 2014, in August 2014, Russian army got involved directly (thats when leaders of both republics were replaced overnight, "lost"squad of paratroopers from 76. Pskov Air Assault Division was captured 30km into Ukrainian territory and same division suffered 30 casualties in a month, as confirmed by local administration). Moreover, numerous videos emerged of separatists operating modern Russian weaponry which was never in an Ukrainian arsenal (T-72B3, BMP-97 Dozor, Pantsir-S1, Grad 2B26 rocket launchers, Zhitel jammer, Aistenyuk radar, Orlan-10 drones, etc etc )

eh, enough with this, it could go on and on, but unlike that Swiss dude, I am not paid for that :/
It took me a while to reply, so here goes -
1. The Swiss dude could very well be on the payroll of Russia, but conversely so are a lot of Ukrainian politicians and media voices on the payroll of the west. What that means is, if any and all narrative in favour of Russia could be rejected, so could any narrative coming in support of Ukraine.

2. You are right, the separatists did get heavy weaponry from Russia ( - Article from 2014). But in light of the use of artillery and other heavy weaponry by Ukraine against the Donbas region and the constant supply of arms from the west, in my opinion, would warrant such a Russian response. It does not mean anything, but it appears the separatists were supplied with Soviet era equipment that was basically scrapped from use.

3. Putin is to be blamed for the carnage in Ukraine today, however, Ukraine's leadership has never seriously looked for peace either. I dont know if its leaders since Yanukovych have been on west's payroll, but they have continued to allow west to resupply them with arms and training, continued the conflict and went as far as regularizing Nazis in their military ranks.

PS: The west's supply of arms and training in Ukraine did not begin with Feb 2022, it has been happening for at least a decade or more.

4. The Ukrainian leadership's belligerence went all the way up to adding a clause to the constitution that they will obtain NATO membership... !!! And NATO kept dangling the carrot to keep Russia engaged by Ukraine, when both know that Ukraine DOES NOT meet the criteria for NATO membership ( - Assessment from 2017).

5. Most Ukrainians do not realize that they are a literal cannon fodder against Russia. All the thoughts & prayers, the Reddit support, the Twitter army WILL NOT stop the Russian missiles and shells. I am not asking for capitulation, but their leadership has to realize that they are a nation that borders Russia and hence have to work out an agreement with the Russians.

6. Take this case too, Mikhael Saakashvili, the president of Georgia during the Russian/Georgian war, found guilty of corruption and state sponsored murders, thrown out of his party is granted Ukraine citizenship and is made the Mayor of Odessa !!! To top it off, Ukrainian and western media portray him as a human rights activist !!!! Imagine the amount of manipulation, propaganda and corruption that allowed this to happen.... perpetrated by the same folks whose constant complaint is Russian propaganda.

7. I'm a nobody, my opinions do not matter squat, but it is time that a ceasefire is called and let the Ukrainians and the Russians talk between each other WITHOUT ANY FUCKING western politician... not even the swiss (the fuckers who got rich off Nazi gold and money laundering for genocidal monsters, Wallstreet con artists, Sharad Pawar & Rahul Gandhi's chamchas). If these two parties need someone to intermediate, call the president of Phillipines or Indonesia or Uganda.. but stay away from the ones that allow common Ukrainians to become target practice for Russians and common residents of Donbas to be target practice for the Azovs.

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