Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
@hit&run and others
MoD, I have a serious question for you.
How could this guy is immune from ban despite having zero contribution on this thread?

If somebody can show me his single post which is making sense at all??

He just quoting random tweets from Twitter like jealous ex girlfriend.

I am afraid his mental condition will deteriorate badly and he might need to get admitted in mental asylum.
He's a reincarnation of Asianobserve/Worldobserve.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2022
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Stupid retarded people. We are not bailing them out again. They can figure out to extricate themselves from Ukraine on their own. If they bitch about GoI, GoI needs to bitchslap them down.
what's more scary is that these dumbasses are gonna end up treating (ruining) people later on.

I agree with you, they should figure their own way out of their mess.


Regular Member
Sep 8, 2022
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Ha ha ha. Yeah right. IF people were so fed up with him, he would have been gone. You are just pushing a libtard narrative that he is unpopular. The army would have abandoned him. It's all bullshit narrative to push your lies.
Great to see we have an expert here, I spent there mere two weeks so cant grasp how the life there really is. But someone like you, who knows dozens of Belarussians in person and visited the country repeatedly, should be on another level. Please, tell me more about how the life in Belarus is. You visited Belarus, did you? :cool3:



Regular Member
Sep 4, 2020
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Mate, you've already explained it succinctly, but there is just one point in there that I would like to elaborate more upon and provide more info.

Anyone who believes that Russia surviving and recovering from the literal hellhole it was in the 90s just through "2000s high fuel prices" has no idea, I repeat, NO FUCKING IDEA of what Russia was like at that period and what the Great Satan imposed (((Shock Therapy))) had caused.

The death rate was HIGHER than the birth rate. There were more abortions per year than there were live births. It was as bad, if not worse, than the American Great Depression.

Bank managers had to order thugs to break people's legs for unpaid debts, people would drive their motorcycles after drinking 2 bottles of vodka, murders were common, parents used to go without much food so that they could feed their children at one point.

Post USSR Russia was ready to welcome America and the west, but all that did was open the country to being exploited and robbed.

Imagine that you're an average Soviet worker in the late 80s. Maybe there are already some shortages, but you have a stable job, the full gamut of social protections and a sense of stability. You have a home, a dacha, two kids growing up. The TV shows wholesome stuff about harvests and the latest scientific achievements. If only you knew how bad things were going to get.

Then suddenly overnight the USSR "collapses". You are told to invest your suddenly worthless ruble savings into privatization vouchers. You have no idea how doing business in capitalism works, so you end up investing into a pyramid scheme and losing everything. Your factory gets closed up and its equipment sold to the West because it was "unprofitable" - nothing is anymore except oil, everything that isn't bolted down is getting lifted and sold to the West for a pittance.

You end up collecting bottles for a living. Your underage daughter starts skipping school to prostitute herself to support her family, but ends up spending everything on drugs. Your son gets shot in a gang war. The TV is crime reports 24/7 because that's what gets people glued to screens. Sometimes it's charlatans offering to charge your water with positive energy. Sometimes it's your leadership openly licking American boots, talking about how the USSR was evil and totalitarian, and saying how good it is that we're "good friends with the US now".

You end up having to rely on subsistence farming on your dacha in order to simply not to starve to death. Your apartment in the city gets taken by the mafia and eventually you just freeze to death on your dacha.

That, without exaggeration, was the fate of millions of Russians who didn't "fit into the market". That is an actual quote by the leading ideologue of privatization, Anatoli Chubays, by the way. "So what if 30 millions or whatever die out? They didn't fit into the market."

It was Hell on Earth. It's one of the greatest humanitarian catastrophes and episodes of human suffering in history. We can't even comprehend the enormity of horror back then. Nothing but Chechnya and crime on the TV. Fathers became smugglers. Mothers came home bruised, robbed, possibly raped frequently.

Grandmothers having nervous breakdowns because they are the only family member with a stable job with the state and single-handedly provided for half a dozen people. Everything is filthy, the ground is littered with used heroin syringes, streets are filled with people peddling random goods in makeshift "markets" just to survive.

And all of that was in the latter half of the 90s when everything was slowly getting better due to the above-mentioned growing oil prices. The earlier years were 10x as apocalyptic.

The only thing more destructive than this in my opinion in Russian History is the Soviet Revolution of 1917.

This is what the "kleptocrat" Putin faced when he came to power. 75 percent of Russians were living in poverty. Most had lost even modest legacies of the Soviet era—their life savings; medical and other social benefits; real wages; pensions; occupations; and for men life expectancy, which had fallen well below the age of 60.

In only a few years, he had mobilized enough wealth to undo and reverse those human catastrophes and put billions of dollars in rainy-day funds that buffered the nation in different hard times ahead.

So, people in the rest of the world, especially Westfags for whom, making cheap jokes and hypocritical propaganda is supreme, might judge this historic achievement as they might.

But there is a reason why many Russians, to this day still call Putin “Vladimir the Savior.” To think that it was all easily solvable through higher prices and that just anyone could have done it, while managing to throw off the shackles of The Great Satan is the height of retardation.
That's the exact picture of Russia that all the persons that I know from the ex soviet bloc described to me from the Gorbatchev era to Yeltsine and finally came Putin the savior.
I particularly remember what students told me. That to take showers in the campus, the female students had to be accompanied by two other male students so unsafe was the campus.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Great to see we have an expert here, I spent there mere two weeks so cant grasp how the life there really is. But someone like you, who knows dozens of Belarussians in person and visited the country repeatedly, should be on another level. Please, tell me more about how the life in Belarus is. You visited Belarus, did you? :cool3:

View attachment 175796
Sure that infamous “I’ve been there and you haven’t” line is so old. First of all I go by facts not conjectures and the fact on the ground is that Luhensko has a firm grasp on the political levers and the military otherwise he would have been toasted by now. His political opposition has no traction right now. Maybe later they will but the day is not today.

and let’s see how EU can survive this conflict in six months. We are literally witnessing a meltdown of EU’s biggest economies, Germany France and Italy. Without those three countries EU won’t survive.

When that happens the people of Belarus would be grateful to have a man like Luhensko because he would be able to get get Belarus into SCO or some trade organization and keep Belarus’ economy intact.


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Yes, Russia is a paradise.

Why are you behaving like the dumb rundtvfag? Atleast be objective in your post.
Sanctions failed on russia.



Safest investements of britfags HAHAHAHHAHAHAH.
Inflation forecast of britfags >=21percent.


You do understand ukraine is perma screwed gdp is set to contract wait it already has.

This war obiliterated ukraine. None of your larp is going to change that.


@Akim ponder upon it.


Regular Member
Sep 27, 2022
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germans worried about russian nukes while proliferating nuke tech to pakis?
can anyone confirm this??
Yeah , There was major role of Germany behind Pakistan's nuclear program . Germany has also a role in transfering many dual use technology to China . Even North korea has gained in some areas of nuclear tech from Germany .

Regarding pakistan germany orgy below is a document shared in the tweet .



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