Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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Dec 3, 2013
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Ex Russian deputy prime minister quits post after condemning Ukraine war

A former Russian deputy prime minister who spoke out against the Kremlin's actions in Ukraine has quit as chair of a prestigious foundation after a lawmaker accused him of a "national betrayal" and demanded his dismissal.

Arkady Dvorkovich, deputy prime minister from 2012 to 2018, became one of Russia's most senior establishment figures to question the war when he told U.S. media this week that his thoughts were with Ukrainian civilians.

Hope russia finds a big enough suitcase for him
If he was Already an Ex Deputy then what he quit from??

People must understand Russian politics is a multiparty system there is opposition too.


Regular Member
Aug 16, 2019
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Russia is intimidating, NATO is not. That's why for all of Putin's bluster he does not have the nerve to hit any of the territories of Poland, Romania, etc where Ukrainians resupply are being staged from.

That's what has been clear so far.
NATO is intimidating, Russia is not. That's why for all of Biden's or Trump's bluster he does not have the nerve to hit any of the territories of the former USSR, etc where Russian resupply are being staged from.

That's what has been clear so far.

Optimistic Nihilist

Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2021
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Exactly how did The Great Satan think this Ukrainian fiasco is going to end without a severe global recession that will leave the central banks paralyzed: Hanging by their own petard, as it were, from the rafters of double-digit inflation?

In all the years since 1945 there has truly never been as bad a macroeconomic scenario as currently looms over the global economy. That’s because the central banks and the Warfare State are now finally on a devastating collusion course.

On the one hand, central banks have fueled a massive inflationary bubble that was temporarily kept out of the goods and services sector.

That was owing to a one-time global deflation on the labor markets as supply chains were sent racing lickety-spit into the cheapest nooks and crannies of the global economy over 1995-2019.

The 40% collapse of durable goods prices during that period tells you all you need to know. It was both unsustainable and a statistical ruse that gave the false appearance of “lowflation” overall.

PCE Deflator For Durable Goods, 1995-2021


At the same time, the Washington war-mongers have now gone absolutely ape-shit with their anti-Putin Sanctions War on the global trading and payments system.

The effect will be an end to the dollar-based supply chain expansion and deflation of the past two decades and its replacement by worldwide supply chain contraction and the inherent inflationary pressures of autarkic economics.

Yet the apparent assumption on Wall Street is the the Ukraine imbroglio is just a temporary distraction, which will soon be over when the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people forces Putin to give up the ghost and head back to Moscow, tail between his legs.

With Washington having prevailed, in turn, the sanctions regime will be lifted and global trade, including the Russian commodity trades, will resume as normal, with Moscow toeing the line under a chastened Vlad or his successor.

Fat change of that, however. Indeed, if you don’t think a hair-curling, market-bashing recession is on the way you actually have to be delusional enough to believe that something like the November 1918 armistice is coming down the pike.

That is, an end to the Ukraine war via a final western imposed settlement on Russia, including reparations to Ukraine for the massive damage now being visited upon the country by Putin’s invasion.

Of course, that’s completely bonkers—at least outside the confines of the disinformation cocoon inhabited by CNN, NBC and the rest of the MSM. The truth is, Russia is going to prevail in a matter of weeks and impose its terms.

These include retention of Crimea, separate states in the Donbas or even the full extent of Ukraine east of the Dnieper River (i.e. “New Russia”) and a demilitarized rump state to the west which forswears by its amended constitution any future alliance with NATO or the west.

And the evidence for that outcome is plain as day via what might be termed the Ukrainian dog that isn’t barking. That is to say, where is its air force?


Where is its Navy?


What has happened to its Army, especially the Nazi militias such as the Azov Battalion which were incorporated into it main units?

They have been drawn and quartered into isolated segments, with each segment encircled in classic cauldron formations by the Russian army, waiting for their death sentences to be administered.

So how in the world can Russia not win, when it is now damn clear (fortunately) that The Great Satan/NATO will not intervene militarily, thereby provoking a hot war with the world’s other principal nuclear power?

The fact is, there will be no “no fly zone”; no fleet of 50-year old Polish MIG-29s; and no further major surge of western tactical weaponry after Saturday’s demonstration near Lviv that Russia now means to destroy from the air new NATO supplied anti-tank and anti-air weapons as soon as they cross the border.

Needless to say, this means Russia will prevail militarily. But once Kiev succumbs to the above described settlement, Washington will lapse into a whirlwind of furious denial and escalating sanctions rage.

Foremost among these further strikes at the global economy that will be “secondary sanctions” against any nation perceived to have undermined the primary sanctions against Putin and to thereby have enabled him to escape Washington’s condign punishment for daring to safeguard his borders and national security from the relentless encroachments of NATO.

As shown below, The Great Satan has declared a Sanctions War Party and most of the world outside of Europe (gray areas) has refused to RSVP.

It doesn’t take much imagination to recognize where secondary sanctions would lead: Namely, to a cataclysmic breakdown of global trade and finance that is scarcely imaginable.

Washington’s Anti-Russian sanctions party got few RSVPs.


Moreover, it is becoming more obvious by the day that sanctions are a two-way street. With global grain prices already at record levels owing to the 25% market share bottled up in the Black Sea, Russia’s Minister of Industry and Trade announced his nation is suspending fertilizer exports.


The market is already in short supply, prices have surged. Russia is the world’s largest fertilizer exporter, accounting for 18% of the potash market in 2017, 20% of ammonia exports and 15% of Urea.

To appreciate the distinct impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it’s important to recognize that these unfolding autarkic trends long predate the war, and indeed even the pandemic.

An analysis published by the WTO, for example, shows that at the time of the 2008 financial crisis, fewer than one per cent of merchandise imports were impeded by mechanisms introduced by governments of the world’s top 20 economies. In 2019, on the eve of the pandemic, this figure had expanded more than tenfold to hit over 10 per cent of trade.

In any event, global supply chain disruption is already well underway: Delivery lead times are already back to record levels, while input and output prices tracked by global PMI surveys are now up by 63% and 70%, respectively, on a Y/Y basis.

And this is just the warm-up compared to what is likely to follow when The Great Satan seeks to avenge its impending humiliating defeat on the battlefield in Ukraine.


One of the next shoes to fall on the domestic inflation front is in the cost of shelter, which accounts for 31% of the weight in the CPI.

In a paper issued last month, researchers from the International Monetary Fund and Harvard Kennedy School of Government used market housing and rent data from Zillow and CoreLogic to project housing inflation into the future — and it wasn’t a good look.

All told, inflation from owners’ equivalent rent can be expected to climb from 3.8% in 2021 to 6.3% in 2022, and it will stay elevated at around 5% in 2023, according to the IMF’s Marijn Bolhuis, independent researcher Judd Cramer and Harvard’s Lawrence Summers.

Accordingly, the 14-year high in primary rents (which pass thru to the OER calculation as well) reported in the February CPI is just hitting lift-off. It alone will keep the CPI above 6%—to say nothing of the pass through of raging commodity and global supply chain inflation.


Meanwhile, the Fed is stuck pathetically behind the inflation curve. This chart tells you all you need to know. That is to say, when the Fed is finally forced to catch-up with multi-hundred basis point increases in interest rates, it will be all over for the dip-buyers except the shouting.


It will also usher in a day of reckoning for the 1% and the 0.1%. Indeed, during the Fed’s three decade long print-a-thon the net worth of the wealthiest 400 Americans has exploded from 3% of GDP to nearly 20%.

Needless to say, that wasn’t the free market at work meeting out rewards to the “makers”. It was simply the consequence of a massive inflation of financial assets that has brought the The Great Satan's economy to its present precarious state.


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United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009

According to General PANAG , he is the only person who understands Modern warfare and its various dimensions
Only a fool can fit urban warfare into mountain warfare context and that too when nothing decisive has come out.

This is what happens when you write opinions to fit in with popular western propaganda.


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2013
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if Russia plans an occupation of Ukraine , moment kyiv falls , all the Ukrainian army will bury their weapons/MANPADS/rpgs leave their uniform and become "civilians"

and then the insurgency will start.

check out the Russian jugaad of strapping on 'metal shutters' to front and side .

its supposed to be protect the engine/cabin against rpg and heavy machines gun.

there is gonna be a lot more of these , once an insurgency starts.

NovoRussia government will take care of that. Once Pro Russian government establishment in Ukraine everything will stop... Money, weapons, propaganda.

Development of insurgency is very unlikely after war.


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2013
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4 ways China is quietly making life harder for Russia
While China is Russia's No. 1 trading partner, Beijing has other priorities. Trade between the two countries made up just 2% of China's total trade volume. The European Union and the United States have much larger shares, according to Chinese customs statistics from last year.

Letting the ruble drop
China's currency, the yuan, doesn't trade completely freely, moving instead within bands set by officials at the People's Bank of China (PBOC). Last week, they doubled the size of the ruble trading range, allowing the Russian currency to fall faster.

Russians will have to pay more in rubles for Chinese imports such as smartphones and cars. Chinese phone brands like Xiaomi and Huawei are hugely popular in Russia, and were vying with Apple (AAPL) and Samsung (SSNLF) for market leadership before the war.

source: CNN.
Liberandu-Sickulars believe in fooling others and get fooled in return.

China is helping Russia covertly and will be. If forces by West then China will help Russia even openly.

Russia is a first wall of defence for China. They are walking a more tighter rope then one can even imagine about India.

China is not blind like us. They know If Russia fell or decimated then next moment the West will turn against China and Whatever sanctions West has put on Russia will be put on China.


Senior Member
Mar 2, 2019
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no , it wasnt , NATO was'nt part of it . 🤷‍♂️
It actually was. If you're going to say you didn't see newspaper clippings of Kraut troops invading in the desert to satisfy your criteria of involvement that's another thing. They were involved in Afghanistan too.

aah i see , publicly opposing master's war is what a vassal states do . they send no troops for the invasion or war , because they were opposed to it. they send a small force for "training" iraqi troops to fight ISIS , that was a decade later.

i dont know what u think but Germany isnt a play thing US can toss around . raelly no point to give u any proof , since u clearly will hand wave it away.
You have a very binary and absolutist bordering on naive understanding of words like 'vassals' and what it entails or what you expect it should entail, I'll only say that much. It is why you continue to only cherry pick isolated instances that suit your example to belabor a point that isn't true just because that irrelevant example - which isn't much of 1 to begin with - substantiates what you believe. It is why you pay attention to cheap optics and token statements and give it credence rather than look more closely to see what it did not do - back out of NATO if it was so against it - or what it was forced to do like going ahead and reneging on a gas deal under pressure from the partner whose presence gives the defacto Western bloc that it belongs to legitimacy & authority ie NATO and EU, even if it adversely affects it's own interests. Looking after your own needs isn't mutually excusive to also being one of the sidekicks in a posse obviously led by someone, not that hard to understand.
With the pretzel-esque logic you're using you could argue that Pakistan isn't a vassal state of China right now either but it would be practically useless to argue that.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
Who is secretary nuland why is she coming to india and how is she responsible for ukraine crisis
She is the witch who brings in trouble. Wherever she goes, trouble comes.
She is coming here to arm twist us and show lowly indians their place, i.e to be subservient to Uncle Sam.
If she tells sun is blue you will have to agree.

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