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Deputy of the First Duma on the loss of Lada Vesta: There are absolutely no safe cars in nature

January 12, 2024

State Duma deputy Oleg Leonov told that Oztorozhno had not heard of the first accident involving a Lada Vesta from the State Duma fleet, which a source from the media publication reported. Leonov stated that he would continue to use Lada company vehicles because “no one is insured against traffic accidents.” AvtoVAZ did not comment on the issue.

“No, nothing is known about this accident. I will definitely continue [пользоваться], Definitely. Because every car crashes. No one is insured against traffic accidents, and there are no absolutely safe cars in principle, there are no such cars in nature. I can’t evaluate its features because I don’t know. “I believe that it is definitely not a dangerous vehicle,” he said.

According to Beware Media source, as a result of the accident, the domestic car “folded into an accordion shape.” Deputy Leonov believes that the car should be “crumpled” – this is how the passive security system works.

“As of my primary education, I am a road traffic organization and safety engineer, so [знаю] – If the front and back of a car fold into an accordion to a certain degree, that’s very good. This means that the vehicle’s passive safety systems are working properly. It must be wrinkled. If the car doesn’t crash, that’s extremely bad. This means that the shock cannot be absorbed and people inside are in danger. However, when the front of the car is crushed like an accordion, the impact energy is absorbed in this way, thus reducing the burden on people,” he explained.

Another State Duma deputy, Denis Parfenov, told that he was also unaware of the accident. In his opinion, the main role is played not by the vehicle itself, but by the driver’s driving skills and general road safety.

“I don’t care what the difference is, Ford and Hyundai can also crash, so it seems to me that the question here is primarily about the driving skill of the driver and general safety on the roads. Vesta or not Vesta – in my opinion, it is not critical in general. I am not a car expert, this “I do not assume the role of expert on these issues. Yes, traditionally it is accepted that the safety record of the domestic automobile industry is probably not as good as it could be. But this is a matter of evolution. If we consciously develop our own industry, I think we will catch up here too,” he said.

A representative of AvtoVAZ in a conversation with did not comment on the publication about the accident.

“No comment,” the company said.

On January 12, the publication “Attention, Media”, citing a source in the State Duma, reported that the first serious accident involving the Duma Lada Vesta car occurred in Moscow, as a result of which the car crashed into the accordion. The car was hit from behind by another car, the front part of the Vesta “got under” the Gazelle. The publication’s source in the State Duma called the car “unsafe” and noted that “many people became nervous” after the incident.

Former member of parliament saidThat the State Duma garage will consist “almost entirely” of domestic cars.


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Dec 3, 2023
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AVTOVAZ Secures Space for Production of Latest LADA X-Cross 5 Batch

By Up To Mark January 12, 2024

Revitalizing the Brand: AVTOVAZ's Strategic Move to Salvage the LADA X-Cross 5 Line.

The saga surrounding the ill-fated introduction of the FAW Bestune T77, a Chinese crossover rebranded as LADA, has reached its conclusion at the former St. Petersburg Nissan plant. Unfortunately, the produced cars never made it to dealerships, but instead found a new purpose within the corporate fleets of AVTOVAZ's partners. A handful were reserved for internal use, with Maxim Sokolov, the head of the Tolyatti auto giant, personally choosing to drive one of these LADA X-Cross 5 vehicles. Regrettably, for the average consumer, access to this uniquely "Russified" Chinese crossover remains unavailable.

LADA's Vision for SUVs Beyond the LADA Vesta Platform

But this setback doesn't mean LADA is giving up on SUVs. Maxim Sokolov, the head of LADA, told reporters about the brand's big plans to make an SUV using the LADA Vesta platform. Additionally, the company intends to manufacture certain crossovers under licensing agreements. While the brand's proprietary SUV is poised for a grand debut next year, details about the timeline for integrating licensed cars into the production line remain shrouded in uncertainty, with AVTOVAZ maintaining a deliberate and enigmatic pause.

AVTOVAZ LADA SUV Strategic Pivot

In a strategic move to reclaim the lost ground in the SUV segment, AVTOVAZ is set to redefine its SUV offerings. The new SUV, based on the LADA Vesta platform, will be a unique addition to the brand. This move shows that AVTOVAZ is tough and committed to being creative and adaptable.

AVTOVAZ's Approach to Crossover Production

Apart from the proprietary SUV venture, AVTOVAZ is charting a course to assemble crossovers under licensing agreements. While the brand's proprietary models exude uniqueness, the collaboration with licensed production opens avenues for a diversified lineup, catering to a broader audience.

AVTOVAZ's Mystery in Timing

While the debut of the brand's own "cross" is anticipated in the near future, the timeline for incorporating licensed cars into the assembly line remains a suspenseful element. AVTOVAZ's deliberate pause is a testament to its meticulous planning and strategic execution. This theatrical silence heightens the anticipation surrounding the brand's next move, keeping industry observers on the edge of their seats.

Despite recent challenges with the LADA X-Cross 5, AVTOVAZ is still dedicated to making great SUVs. They have an exciting new SUV coming soon and are working on partnerships to make even more. AVTOVAZ is ready to make a strong comeback in the SUV market, and the mystery about when the licensed cars will be produced adds to the excitement, showing AVTOVAZ is skilled at keeping things interesting in the car world.


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Dec 3, 2023
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Russian-Chinese Union: electric car market in Russia to be divided by two states
09:00, 11.01.2024

How did the electric car market change in 2023 and which new brands entered the Russian market
Russian-Chinese Union: electric car market in Russia to be divided by two states

Photo: collage by

The electric car market in Russia is developing rapidly. Thanks to close cooperation with China, brands that the Russian consumer had not even suspected before entered the market. The year 2023 can also be called the first year of full-fledged mass production of electric vehicles inside the country — Evotute and electric Moskvitchs assembled in Russia began to drive on the roads of Russia. Atom is expected to be released at the end of 2024. How the electric car market grew in 2023 and what events and factors influenced it — in the review of the analytical service of Realnoe Vremya.

According to analysts from the Electronic Passport Group of companies, 9,047 electric vehicles were registered in Russia in 2022, 8,513 of them — passenger cars. From January to November 2023, the fleet of passenger electric vehicles in the country increased by 12,800 electric vehicles, and of this number, the share of electric cars assembled domestically was at least 21%.

According to Autostat Info, in January-October 2023, 10.7 thousand purely rechargeable electric vehicles (BEV) and 14.7 thousand hybrids (HEV and PHEV) with gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines and electric motors were sold (registered) in Russia. In total, this is only 3% of the Russian market of new passenger cars (836.9 thousand). The share of the number of electric vehicles is only 1.3%.

In the Tatarstan market, 274 electric vehicles (0.83% of the total number of cars sold) and 382 hybrids were sold in 11 months. Thus, the local market is still significantly inferior to the all-Russian one, says Alexander Klimnov, an expert at Autostat Info.

“The most significant factors in the popularity of electric vehicles in Russia today are the general novelty, fashion, and prestige of this type of vehicle, tax benefits, free parking, as well as savings on operating costs, including fuel," he lists.
The most popular brands of electric vehicles today are Zeekr, Volkswagen, Evotute, Tesla, and Voyah. The most popular models of electric vehicles are Zeekr 001, Evotute i-Pro, and Volkswagen ID.4.

“However, in the fourth quarter, there is also an increase in registrations of the Moskvitch brand, but Volkswagen sales are slowing down, which, by the way, is quite consistent with the European trend of this brand," Klimnov notes.

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“The reduction of benefits for imported electric vehicles, of course, affects the pace of market development, but the development of the charging network is much more important, and we have not actually developed it on a national scale, except for Moscow and partly St. Petersburg," Klimnov believes. “If the adopted federal and local programmes for the development of charging networks are more or less well implemented, then we can definitely say that the electric vehicle market will continue to develop quite rapidly in 2024.”

Russian consumers are still afraid to buy electric vehicles, says Iya Gordeeva, the chairman of the Association for the Development of Electric, Unmanned, and Connected Transport and Infrastructure (AETI). First of all, this is due to a lack of awareness that an electric car is quite easy to operate, and the number of charging stations today allows not only to use an electric car in the city, but also to travel comfortably enough.

“According to various estimates, the number of charging stations in Russia today ranges from 5 to 7 thousand. This is not counting those stations that are installed in garages. Therefore, if we take international standards on the number of charging stations per car, we basically comply with international standards, but given the size of the Russian Federation, there are not enough charging stations yet, which creates certain concerns among electric motorists," says Iya.
Free parking in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and a number of other cities also contributed to the growth in the number of electric motorists. “For Moscow, where parking fees can be up to 500 rubles per hour, having an electric car in the family is a great help," explains Iya Gordeeva. “Free traffic on toll federal roads also plays a role, which also motivates Russians to switch to electric vehicles.”

Among other things, Iia reminds about the cost of operating an electric car — it is 4-5 times cheaper than operating a car on gasoline. “The most important savings are on mileage, because 1 km on an electric car can cost from 50 kopecks to 2-3 rubles per km if charged at expensive public charging stations," she cites an example.

According to her forecasts, the leading share of the electric car market in Russia will be occupied by Chinese manufacturers, who are very actively coming to the country.

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“We expect a large influx of electric vehicles from China. Every day we hear about the opening of new salons, the appearance of new brands, that new car models are appearing and new services are opening," she lists. “And, of course, we rely on Russian manufacturers, because today quite a lot of brands either already produce electric cars, or declare that they will soon have such models.”

Another distinctive feature of 2023 was the appearance of electric commercial vehicles — trucks, special, and harvesting equipment.

“We are really looking forward to Atom, because their concept is very much in demand by the market today," says Iya. “The design of the car, which was presented at the presentations, pleases electric motorists. The car turned out to be modern, interesting structurally and technically, and, of course, the market is looking forward to this car on the roads to try it out in combat conditions.”

“If in 2022 the streets of cities were still dominated by the reliable pioneer Nissan Leaf and the attention-grabbing Tesla, and only occasionally there were European BMW i3, e-Golf, Korean Hyundai, KIA SOUL, Niro, Chinese BYD and few luxury HONGQI, as well as the officially sold Porsche Taycan and Audi Etron, then now the market is filled with high-grade Chinese cars, which are imported both by parallel import and sold through newly opened car dealerships, with talking names, such as Neoficial Auto — in the style of “The Boy's Word”. There are a lot of such private companies today," commented Rustem Galimzyanov, the representative of the non-profit organisation for the development of infrastructure for electric vehicles Restart.

“Everyone and his brother import cars now, because the demand for the Chinese car industry is heating up every day," he says. “In addition to the Chinese invasion, as I call it, there are also mass-acquired Evolute corporate clients. Evolute I-JOY is mainly bought by large corporations — their logos can be seen on the body of Russian electric cars, and the younger brother, the Evolute I-PRO, is liked by taxi companies.”
These cars, often with foreigners at the wheel, regularly occupy free charging stations, taking turns with each other and leaving no chance for free electrons to ordinary electric motorists. Moskvitch is less popular on the market because, in his opinion, it is inferior to Evolute in price.

“People have become more confident in buying electric cars, observing the general trend of growth in the number of charging stations and decent service centres. I think this trend will continue, but it will be diluted by official suppliers of electric cars," he believes.

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For example, KAN AUTO started selling a small and very cute Ora electric car, very similar to the Mini Cooper. Also, the WEY electric car is going to be on sale very soon. Cherry Tiggo began selling the seventh and eighth versions of its hybrid in Russia, he lists. And hybrids also need charging stations.

Every month we can observe the appearance of some new brands on the Russian market that were absolutely unknown before. Premium Chinese cars have become fashionable. For example, Zeekr, Avatr, Hi-Phi, Lotus Eletre. People began to perceive Chinese premium brands as an alternative. There was no such thing in 2022, Galimzyanov notes.

The electric car market in 2023 was also influenced by the government's decision to increase recycling fee.

“Perhaps, this will stop the ,Chinese invasion,, but this is not for sure. Now we are receiving letters from customs demanding to pay extra for recycling fee for previous periods. For example, a person paid 5,200 rubles in 2021 for a recycling fee for a Nissan Sylphy, a 2018 model produced in China. Now the customs wants to collect an additional fee and penalties for 145.43 thousand rubles from him through the court," Rustem said. “Allegedly, in 2021, they applied the wrong calculation formula for the recycling fee. Those who do not pay are sued. The court, as a rule, sides with the state. There are already many such stories in the regions.”

In 2023, the market began to grow not so much quantitatively, but qualitatively. A distinctive feature of the 2023 is that people have become aware, there is a lot of talk in the media about electric cars, whole regions have appeared where large taxi companies have switched to electric cars, said Dmitry Matviyevsky, the co-founder of IT Charge.

“We are witnessing significant and qualitative changes in the infrastructure for electric vehicles. A year ago, it was difficult to find a charger on the track," Dmitry recalls. “A lot of charging has appeared thanks to the state programme and subsidies. Even small companies and small businesses, hotels and shopping malls have started to install charging stations for themselves.”
Charging manufacturers, he said, also have a good growth. “If last year top manufacturers made dozens of stations, now they have started to produce hundreds of them," Matviyevsky notes. “And there are more manufacturers themselves, the choice is expanding. Now we can observe how one manufacturer launches several dozen stations at once in the regions.” There are new solutions appearing, informed choice, and a request from car owners for quality.

“The market has been constantly changing throughout the year. The models that were popular in 2022 have become less in demand, but new favourites have appeared — Zeekr and Lixiang," said Vitaly Evdokimov, the owner of Avtokitai electric car salon. “If last year people were distrustful of Chinese electric car brands, and European and American cars were in the lead — VW, Tesla, Audi, today we see that they have been almost completely replaced by electric cars from China.”

Evdokimov notes that today few people will challenge the dominance of Chinese manufacturers in the global automotive industry, especially electric vehicles.

“We see that Chinese distributors gradually, albeit carefully, began to officially supply electric vehicles to Russia. Infrastructure in big cities has also developed, fast charging stations have appeared, transport taxes are being abolished in the regions and free parking and toll roads are being introduced — all this also affects the consumer's choice," Vitaly believes.
The trend towards electric mobility is worldwide, he emphasises, and Russia is unlikely to go the other way. “Although not at the same pace as in some countries, more and more Russians will choose cars powered by new energy, and more and more models will be officially imported. Popularisation is inevitable, since automakers have already made the choice for us, producing fewer and fewer cars with internal combustion engines and declaring their plans to reduce these figures to zero," he explains.

Technologies in the production of batteries are constantly being improved, and the cost of electric vehicles should also decrease as they become more popular. In China, it is not uncommon for the cost of a car with an internal combustion engine to be higher than the same with an electric motor, so far due to subsidies, but as mass production increases and production of cars with an internal combustion engine decreases, the cost will first equal, and then change in favour of an electric car, Evdokimov predicts.


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Dec 3, 2023
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This video shows how Kaiyi and BAIC cars are built at Avtotor under license. Avtotor is a car factory in Kaliningrad and one of the biggest in Europe. It used to build cars such as BMW, Cadillac, Hyundai.



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Dec 3, 2023
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Moskvitch 3e is the first electric car built in Russia. It is rebadged JAC Sehol E40X built under license at Moscow's Moskvitch car factory.



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Dec 3, 2023
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Cars of a new Chinese brand will be officially sold in Russia

January 13, 2024

The automobile company MB Rus, which is part of the Avtodom group (the former representative office of Mercedes-Benz in Russia), became the distributor of the Chinese automobile company Seres Group and received the rights to officially import and sell Seres Aito M5 and hybrid cars. M7 in the Russian Federation. In this respect reports TASS, citing the Avtodom press service.
“JSC MB Rus, part of the Avtodom group, signed a direct distribution agreement with the Seres Group and received exclusive rights for the import and distribution of the serial hybrid Seres Aito M5 and M7 in the Russian market,” the press service said in a statement.
It was noted that the M9 model will enter the Russian market in the second half of 2024. All cars will receive a warranty, and owners will be able to maintain them in service centers throughout the country.
Before that, the governor of the Kaluga region was Vladislav Shapsha. statedThe former Volkswagen automobile plant in Kaluga is expected to be operational again in the first half of 2024. The Volkswagen concern announced the suspension of automobile production in Kaluga and contract assembly in Nizhny Novgorod on March 3, 2022. The company attributed the decision to the disruption of supply chains due to sanctions imposed by the West due to the events in Ukraine.
In May 2023, Volkswagen Group announced the sale of its assets in Russia, including the Kaluga plant.
Previously AvtoVAZ stated Nearly 100% localization of Lada Granta and Niva.

Source: Gazeta


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Dec 3, 2023
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Russians were told about the real problem of Chinese cars in winter

January 13, 2024

When operating Chinese cars in winter, owners mostly complain about LCD monitors. In this respect reports, with reference to automobile expert Sergei Loginov.
“The biggest and most common problem with Chinese cars is problems with LCD monitors. For some, it does not light up at all or flickers, for others foreign symbols appear – in general, it is impossible to use it. And in modern Chinese cars everything depends on the screen – both heating of the car and heated seats. So you can drive, but it is definitely uncomfortable,” Loginov said.
The expert also noted that Chinese cars run smoothly in the cold. Most cars used in Russia have new batteries and good power units from European companies.
According to Ilya Titov, director of the Orekhovo-AutoCenter Group of Companies, sales of Chinese cars at Russian dealerships fallen It has risen 60% since October following a sharp increase in the Central Bank’s key interest rate. According to the expert, buying a car on credit with 20 percent annual interest is not profitable for the buyer, and it is cheaper to use car sharing or a taxi.
Automotive manufacturers in China in 2024 is planning Almost 1.2 million new passenger cars are sold on the Russian market. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Industry and Trade said that the Russian automobile market will begin to recover soon and the sales level may reach 1.3 million units in 2024.
Previously reportedRussians now have money to buy new cars.

Source: Gazeta


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Dec 3, 2023
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Beijing Auto's X35 is a neat little crossover and one of the first Beijing brand models built under license in Russia.



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Dec 3, 2023
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Beijing Auto's U5 is a neat little sedan and one of the first Beijing brand models built under license in Russia.



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Dec 3, 2023
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Avtotor presented the BAIC U5 Plus bi-fuel sedan
Avtotor presented the BAIC U5 Plus bi-fuel sedan

The Kaliningrad Avtotor plant, together with the Gazprom Gas Engine Systems company, presented a version of the BAIC U5 Plus sedan with gas cylinder equipment, released in pilot production mode, as part of the XII St. Petersburg International Gas Forum. Avtotor produced a pilot batch of 20 bifuel cars. Currently, the process of certification of the production process is underway, the Avtotor press service reports. In addition to the existing gas tank, the car has two cylinders with a volume of 39 liters each to accommodate compressed natural gas.
These cylinders are installed in the spare wheel niche, which allows you to maintain trunk volume. The lack of a spare tire is compensated by the vehicle being equipped with a repair kit, which allows you to quickly repair the tire yourself. All equipment for using gas engine fuel is installed and tested at the plant and will not require additional certification. Cars will be produced with an information already made in the electronic passport that it is a bi-fuel vehicle. Buyers will immediately be able to register these cars with the State Traffic Inspectorate without additional approval.
We should remind that the production of BAIC brand cars began at the Kaliningrad Avtotor plant in April 2023. Today the company produces the BAIC U5 plus sedan, X35, X55 and X7 crossovers, as well as the BJ40 Plus frame SUV. In the future, the BAIC model range in our country should be replenished with a full-size frame SUV BJ60, as well as an electric car based on the U5 plus sedan.


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Dec 3, 2023
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AvtoVAZ dealers started to receive simplified Lada Granta

January 13, 2024

Russian automaker AvtoVAZ has started shipping simplified Lada Granta cars to dealers. In this respect reports Public page of Avtograd News on the VKontakte social network.

“Granta cars in simplified configuration have started to be shipped to dealers; they can be recognized by their silver enamel painted rims,” the statement reads.

It happened before that knownHe said the company had assembled several test Granta sedans into an anti-sanctions version. Such a car has no interior plastic sill linings, a seal on the lower door flange, a seal on the inside of the hood, no glove compartment lighting, no trunk lighting, no built-in trunk closing handle, the trunk release button has been moved to the instrument panel, no power steering, no airbags and no air conditioning.

Simplified versions of the Lada Granta model began to be produced on June 6, 2022. This version did not have airbags, emergency notification system for traffic accidents (ERA-GLONASS), ABS and ESP assistants. Later, airbags were installed in the cars.

Previously reportedAvtoVAZ announced that it has launched a recall campaign for Lada Granta.


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Dec 3, 2023
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Great Wall's Haval Jolion is the most popular crossover in Russia. Built at Tula. Great Wall is the only Chinese automaker that owns a car factory in Russia.



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Great Wall's Haval F7 is a neat little crossover. Built at Tula. Great Wall is the only Chinese automaker that owns a car factory in Russia.



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Beijing Auto's BJ40 is the first foreign brand offroad SUV built in Russia. While it is true Russia has built Cadillac Escalade, it is not classed as an offroad SUV. BJ40 is similar to Jeep Wrangler, Toyota 4Runner.



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Yibin city / Chery's Kaiyi E5 is a neat little sedan and one of the first Chinese brand models built in Russia



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13 Jan, 2024 11:32

New car sales soar in Russia – data
Lada was the best-selling brand in the domestic market in 2023, followed by China’s Chery and Haval

New car sales soar in Russia – data

© Sputnik / Vitaly Ankov

New passenger car sales in Russia skyrocketed in 2023, data from Autostat analytics agency showed this week. As of the end of the year, 1.06 million new cars were sold in the country, a 69% increase against 2022, the agency said.
In December alone, 119,454 cars were sold, more than double the amount recorded in the same month in 2022.
Russian Lada remained the top-selling brand, with a market share of 30.65% (against 27.89% in 2022). A total of 324,446 Lada cars were sold in the country last year. The top three brands also included Chinese Chery (11.24% of the market with 118,950 vehicles) and Haval (10.55% with 111,720 units).
According to Autostat, sales of Chinese cars in Russia outpaced those produced by any other country in 2023. Chinese models currently take up six positions in the ranking of the ten best-selling brands in the country. Apart from Chery and Haval, the top ten also includes Geely, which sold 93,553 units (8.84% of the market), Changan (4.51% with 47,765 units), Exeed (3.98% with 42,152 units), and Omoda (3.97% with 41,983 units).
Meanwhile, South Korean Hyundai and Kia sales in Russia plunged last year, by 54.4% and 48.9% in annual terms, respectively. Sales of Japanese Toyota cars also dropped, by 18.5% to 23,318 units.

The Russian-made LADA Granta remained the best-selling passenger model in the country for the second year in a row. Its sales in 2023 amounted to roughly 195,910 units. The Haval Jolion crossover was the top-selling foreign car with 55,550 units. The top five also included LADA Niva Travel, LADA Vesta, and Chery Tiggo 7 PRO Max.

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