PM's office in the sky from April 1st


New Member
Feb 23, 2009
PM's office in the sky from April 1st

16 Mar 2009, 0200 hrs IST,
Rajat Pandit, TNN

NEW DELHI: The spanking new, highly-secure office in the sky is now finally ready for 'inauguration' after some delay. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh may well get a whiff or two of the plush environs but it will really be the new PM who will enjoy the smooth ride after taking over in May-June.

The three wide-bodied VVIP Boeing Business Jets, ordered in October 2005 at a total cost of Rs 937 crore, are likely to be formally inducted into IAF on April 1. Equipped as they are with high-tech self-protection suites (SPS) to guard against missiles, encrypted satellite communication facilities and advanced navigation aids, the highly-customized aircraft will ensure the PM as well as President travel in fully secure comfort like never before.

"The first flight by President Pratibha Patil on one of the jets on probably April 1 will mark their formal inauguration," said a senior defence ministry officer.

Asked whether the PM would take one of these jets if he goes for the G-20 summit in London, on April 2, the officer said, "The scheduling process for the first VVIP flight is still being tied-up. I have no information about subsequent flights." If the PM does indeed take the aircraft to the summit, also being attended by US President Barack Obama, he will have his own desi version of the American 'Air Force One' to brandish about. However, some heat and dust has already been generated over whether US inspectors will be allowed to inspect the three Indian VVIP jets, as reported by TOI earlier.

India has signed a specific end-use monitoring agreement with the US for the three VVIP jets, which is required under American domestic laws. Being a government-to-government deal, the contract is governed by Pentagon's 'Golden Sentry' EUMA programme, which focuses on 'cradle-to-grave' verifications. The defence ministry is yet to come clean on whether or not India has got around the conditionality of physical verifications. Though the first of three jets had touched down in India last August, with the other two following subsequently, it's only now that the extensive aircraft trials and intensive crew training have been completed. Even the initial delivery of the jets was somewhat delayed due to Washington's insistence on proper safeguards for the hush-hush security equipment fitted on them.

Be that as it may, they are now part of the Palam-based IAF's elite Communication Squadron, which ferries the President, PM and other top dignitaries. "They will replace the existing Boeing 737-200s, inducted in 1983, in the Communication Squadron. The inaugural VVIP flight on them has been slightly delayed since the aircraft and crew had to be cleared for certification," said an officer.

Though not as technically sophisticated as Obama's Air Force One, the Indian planes do have quite a potent system to tackle incoming 'hostile' missiles or other airborne threats. While the three VVIP jets in themselves came for Rs. 734 crore, another Rs. 202.93 crore was spent on equipping them with the SPS ordered directly through the US government.

The SPS includes 'radar warning receivers' to alert the plane that a hostile radar has 'painted' it and a missile may be headed its way. The 'missile-approach warning systems' and 'counter-measure systems' will then help the planes take automatic evasive action by shooting metal chaff to 'fool' radar-guided missiles and flares to throw heat-seeking missiles off track. There are also sufficient advanced electronic counter-measures on board to jam hostile radars.


Member of The Month JULY 2009
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
I read something about this in The Times almost an year ago... they also said the same things... but, the also mentioned that the range of the jet is limited.

They claimed that the jet cannot even reach London from Delhi without refuelling... which was outrageous according to me... anyways, any news about that ??? Is that handicap still there, or has it been fixed in the final delivery ???


New Member
Mar 4, 2009
did you guys hear about the planes the americans sold to chinese for their premier??? it was full of bugs and eavesdropping equipment....

i know we are at good terms with the yanks,but still how much of the plane has been checked by the indian security agencies for bugs???


Member of The Month JULY 2009
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
did you guys hear about the planes the americans sold to chinese for their premier??? it was full of bugs and eavesdropping equipment....

i know we are at good terms with the yanks,but still how much of the plane has been checked by the indian security agencies for bugs???
Hahahaha... I hope you're joking... right ??? :D:D:D:D:D:D


New Member
Mar 4, 2009
i think you confused "bugs" with real bugs i mean eavesdropping and spying equipment


Member of The Month JULY 2009
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
i think you confused "bugs" with real bugs i mean eavesdropping and spying equipment
I didn't confuse anything for anything else... I know exactly what the word "bugs" means in technical terms... ;;);;);;);;);;)


Founding Member
New Member
Feb 16, 2009
India gets its own Air Force One

NEW DELHI: A Business Boeing Jet (BBJ), patterned on the US president's office-in-the-sky Air Force One, was inducted into the Communications Squadron of the Indian Air Force (IAF) by President Pratibha Patil Wednesday.

Patil will be flying to Lilabari in the aircraft on her way to Arunachal Pradesh.

The jet is one of three the IAF has purchased and is equipped with state-of-the-art security gadgets and the latest communication systems.

The first BBJ will be christened Rajdoot, a name initially borne by a Russian TU-124 and then by the Boeing-737 the new jet is replacing. The BBJ is based on a newer generation Boeing-737.

The Communications Squadron ferries the president, the vice president, the prime minister, the service chiefs and other dignitaries.


Founding Member
New Member
Feb 16, 2009
President unveils India's own Air Force One

President Pratibha Patil on Wednesday inducted the new state-of-the-art VVIP jets into the Indian Air Force before embarking on its maiden flight to Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

The new jets are designed to work as an office-in-the sky and also as a command centre in event of an emergency, like a nuclear attack.

"The trip would now be more business like. We will get more time to study, concentrate and apply our minds as flight will be smoother," said Patil at the ribbon cutting ceremony.

Standing proud on the tarmac, the sparkling white Boeing Business Jet has been patterned on the US President's famous Air Force One aircraft and comes equipped with a wide range of security cover and latest communication devices.

"The aircraft has some of the finest high technology systems and is equipped with excellent communication systems," Air Chief Marshal Pradeep Vasant Naik.

The aircraft, which can seat upto 60 passengers, has four sections with the first one being that of President, which is decorated with light and dark wooden panels with six leather seats. The section also has a bedroom for the President along with all the major entertainment and communication facilities.

The new Boeing 747/700 christened as 'Rajdoot' is one of the three such aircraft that have been bought by the country to cater to the VVIPs, including the Prime Minister.

The aircraft is said to be equipped with modern hi-tech missile defence system which includes a protection suite and chaff dispensers to ward off missile threats besides other security gadgets.

It has a secure satellite based communication system in addition to VHF communication system, which helps the travelling dignitary to be in touch with ground as and when the need arises.

The jets, powered by two CFM-56 engines respectively, manufactured by US General Electric and French Snecma, are designed to have long range flights and can easily pull off 6,000 nautical miles (11,100 km) with refuelling. The planes can fly at the height of 41,000 feet at a speed of 410 knots.

Upon entering, one encounters luxurious plush beige leather interiors.

The aircraft has been specially customised for the President, Prime Minister and special guests and senior ministers and can accomodate 60 passengers in four compartments.


New Member
Mar 4, 2009
RAJDOOT.....i have driven one......very reliable and fashionable(for the duration i stayed in chennai....hahaha)

girls find you irresistible if you are wearing a lungi while driving one


Founding Member
New Member
Feb 16, 2009
RAJDOOT.....i have driven one......very reliable and fashionable(for the duration i stayed in chennai....hahaha)

girls find you irresistible if you are wearing a lungi while driving one
Hahahaha; I do remember those two long side mirrors of Rajdoot; while driving it makes you feel like you are in to some serious business

K Factor

A Concerned Indian
New Member
Mar 30, 2009
RAJDOOT.....i have driven one......very reliable and fashionable(for the duration i stayed in chennai....hahaha)

girls find you irresistible if you are wearing a lungi while driving one
Lol, It the favorite bike for milkmen in Bihar as well. :DDD

Jokes apart, here's a link regarding the US bugging Jiang's plane

BEIJING, Jan. 18 - Somewhere on a military airfield north of Beijing,
China's presidential aircraft, a new Boeing 767-300ER with all the
trimmings, sits unused with parts of its innards torn out.

Last October, days before its planned maiden voyage, Chinese military
communications experts discovered numerous high-tech listening devices
planted inside the plane, according to Chinese and Western sources,
who said they had been told of this by Chinese military officers and
aviation officials. The plane was grounded and has not been flown
since it was delivered.
Hope we've checked it thoroughly.


New Member
Apr 1, 2009
did you guys hear about the planes the americans sold to chinese for their premier??? it was full of bugs and eavesdropping equipment....

i know we are at good terms with the yanks,but still how much of the plane has been checked by the indian security agencies for bugs???
actually to expect that yanks would let go off such wonderful oppurtunity is a bit silly.


Turning into a frog
New Member
Mar 30, 2009
Country flag
actually to expect that yanks would let go off such wonderful oppurtunity is a bit silly.
No, it's outrageous. This violates all kind of decorum, and this sort of action does directly hurt one nation's reliability.


Member of The Month JULY 2009
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
No, it's outrageous. This violates all kind of decorum, and this sort of action does directly hurt one nation's reliability.
Actually, one can say a lot about China's "reliability"... They're only getting back some of what they always try to do to others...

I don't want to elaborate further and divert the discussion...

Please continue...


New Member
Apr 1, 2009
No, it's outrageous. This violates all kind of decorum, and this sort of action does directly hurt one nation's reliability.
US' reliability in china?

of course, no one can help if one nation wants to rely on some other nation blindly.