Pakistani political discussions


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Wajahat S. Khan
Moeed Pirzada
Daniel Bastard (RSF-Reporters without borders)

towards the end they are discussing about negotiated settlement with Pak Army on freedom of speech for journalists in pakistan under pre-conditions, the RSF guy nods.

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Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Paki army faked paki president’s signature on parliaments bills!
‘As God is my witness’: President Alvi says he did not assent to bills amending Army Act, secrets law
President Arif Alvi speaks during an interview on DawnNews. — Screengrab/File

President Arif Alvi speaks during an interview on DawnNews. — Screengrab/File
In a startling turn of events, President Arif Alvi said on Sunday that he did not sign the bills amending the Official Secrets Act and the Pakistan Army Act into law as he “disagreed with these laws”. He alleged that his staff “undermined” his will and command.
In a post on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), Alvi said: “As God is my witness, I did not sign Official Secrets Amendment Bill, 2023 and Pakistan Army Amendment Bill, 2023 as I disagreed with these laws.”
The president said he asked his staff to return the bills unsigned within the stipulated time to make them “uneffective”.
“I confirmed from them many times that whether they have been returned and was assured that they were. However, I have found out today that my staff undermined my will and command. As Allah knows all, He will forgive Insha’Allah. But I ask forgiveness from those who will be affected,” the president said.
“If the president decides to return the bill, there are two stages: the first stage is returning the bill to parliament for reconsideration under Article 75(1)(b). The second stage is a joint sitting of parliament actually reconsidering the bill and (with or without amendment) passing it again under Article 75(2).”
She also explained the concept of “deemed assent” even if the president does not in fact give his assent. She said the deeming provision “only kicks in once the bill has been reconsidered and passed by parliament in a joint sitting under Article 75(2). There is no automatic deemed assent attached to an unsigned bill”.
Barrister Hosain added: The president claims he has not signed and assented to the Official Secrets Act and the Army Act amendments. Neither of these two bills were ever reconsidered and passed by parliament in a joint sitting. There can be no deemed assent in this case.
“If the President’s claims are true, neither of these laws are valid pieces of legislation.”
Barrister Asad Rahim Khan also noted that within the scheme of Article 75, “deemed assent is relevant to the second time the president is sent a bill, and not the first”.
He added: “As this was the first round, the president’s express assent was essential for the bill’s passage into law — anything less is to have returned it under Article 75(1)(b), which does not mandate that any specific provision be addressed.”
‘Extremely shocking’
Politicians and journalists reacted with incredulity and despair at Alvi’s claims.
PTI leader Farrukh Habib called the development “extremely shocking” and akin to the “collapse of whole system”.
“Lawyers community of the country should stand up for the supremacy of the constitution now,” he added.
Former finance minister Ishaq Dar said the president’s remarks were “unbelievable” and urged him to resign on account of “having failed to run his office effectively”.
PPP Vice President Sherry Rehman said the president’s statement had raised questions about his capability to manage the presidential office.
“Does he want to say that someone else signs the bills under his nose? If this is so then the president should immediately resign from his office. If your staff is not in your control then leave the presidential office,” she said in a statement, adding that the president was no longer fit to continue in his constitutional position.
Senator Mushtaq Ahmed of the Jamaat-i-Islami said the post “has opened a new pandora box, if the situation is really like what the president has written, then it is an insult to the state of Pakistan, parliament, legislation, as well as 240 million Pakistanis”.
He added: “Matters will once again go to the courts. The situation of Pakistan can be estimated from this situation of the highest office. May Allah have mercy on Pakistan.”
PML-N Senator Irfan Siddiqui called on the president to resign. “President Alvi speak openly. If there was disagreement with the bills, why didn’t he register his objections? What was the purpose of sending back the bill without a yes or no? Why did he remain silent for two days despite the news [of the bills being signed] coming in the media?
“Now that he has spoken, the matter became more confusing. If his staff is not in his control, then [he should] resign and go home.”
Veteran PPP leader Farhatullah Babar said in fewer than 100 words, the president has done “what no one could do in the last decade”.
“OMG, in less than 100 words tweet Arif Alvi did what no one could do in last decade. Atomic bomb exploded. Besides immediate annihilation of many it’s lethal radiations will continue to kill and maim in years ahead. No matter what happens now Alvi earns deep respect of many.”
Former chairman Senate and senior PPP leader Raza Rabbani, in a statement, said “the allegations levelled by the President are very serious and have far reaching effects on the entire system”.
He said an inquiry should be conducted by the Senate. “The President and his concerned staff should appear before the Bar of the Senate.”
“If the investigation reveals that the President has misrepresented the facts he should be processed against under the Constitution and law,” he added.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Geo News is saying, Nawaz sharif was planning to give victory speech, plan dropped and has gone home for the night. their election commission is not releasing ballot counting numbers from their cities.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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yesterday watched their news coverage for a few hours..

-apparently election commssion of pakistan had initially told them that, their results will displayed on a board outside counting centres by 10 pm,
-at 11 pm news started coming in that those display boards were not even switched on at many counting centres.
- at 12 am news started coming in that journalists were not being allowed near counting centres, and returning officer is not issuing form 45 for journalists to count the leads.
- at 2 am news started coming in that, candidates were being told by returning officers that , final tally was sent to ECP, take it from them.

donno if more drama happened after that.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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View attachment 239955

Maybe Army will accept the result this time!!
Most of the changes came when the incumbent was in a position of power for a long time viz Ayub in spite of the 1965 debacle , Zia & Musharraf . The only exception - Yahya presided over the break up of the country. Sareen is either reading this wrong or deliberately doing so .


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2014
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Most of the changes came when the incumbent was in a position of power for a long time viz Ayub in spite of the 1965 debacle , Zia & Musharraf . The only exception - Yahya presided over the break up of the country. Sareen is either reading this wrong or deliberately doing so .
Aag laga raha hai .. let him cook.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Now now.. Sushant ji ka tweet aged like milk
Even if there is no chimpout still the seed of rebellion has been planted in the minds of the awaam.
Most likely the Faujeets will do some more drama on the LoC that will necissate a response from us to get the awaam to worship their "saviors" again.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Imran Khan’s resurrection will bring the dark ages to Pakistan. It’s just a matter of time
‘U-turn Khan’ earned his nickname after breaking approximately 130 promises in less than 4 years. When reminded he said reneging on earlier promises is a 'hallmark of great leadership'.
Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan | Reuters File Photo
Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan | Reuters File Photo
Liberal commentators, once maligned by Imran Khan as “liberal scum” and “bloody liberals”, have nevertheless been fair-minded and have rightly criticised the Feb 8 elections as heavily managed.
They are part of a growing chorus alleging unfair exclusion of Khan and his PTI. True enough, but so what? Wasn’t that heavy management equally evident in the 2018 elections when Khan rode to power on the coattails of those who later dumped him?
Of course, two wrongs cannot make a right. However, thoughtful people should be troubled by much else, not just the travails of some politician or his party. Most particularly, they should be appalled that, instead of strengthening democracy, Feb 8 was simply a power grab and a horse race followed by horse trade.
When candidates appeared on TV their language was crude, aggressive, and ad hominem. None spoke of plans for improving their community or country — and means of implementation. Past experience shows that many who become parliamentarians seek only to exponentially increase their wealth and power.
In the election run-up, the PML-N, PTI, PPP and other rivals behaved as wolf packs, not political parties. Lacking defined agendas, they reluctantly trotted out half-baked election manifestos hurriedly slapped together just days earlier. Without details or implementation schemes, these manifestos are worthless.
Personality contests, sectarian and tribal affiliations, and bribes were all that mattered. No party offered insight into preventing the impending apocalypse of an imploding economy, exploding population, and resentments in Balochistan and Gilgit-Baltistan. How is one to deal with desperate youth with university degrees but no skills? Seething religious fanaticism intertwined with misogyny? Disappearing trust in key institutions including the judiciary, bureaucracy, police and army?
Also read: Pakistan Army’s problems are far from over. Imran Khan is both a force and a headache

Old faces in the new government are bad enough but Khan’s presence would have been worse
Inadvertently Feb 8 transformed PTI’s jailed leader into Pakistan’s most popular politician. The iddat case: what a joke! Such clumsy persecution tactics earned Khan widespread sympathy. In 2018, the establishment worked hard to make him a hero; this time it did that by vilifying him.
The future: we have recently seen convicted felons and politicians whitewashed and cleared. Given this precedent one knows Khan’s release will come within months or years. He will be declared innocent of crimes that he did not commit but also of those that he did. When he claws his way back to the top, a dark age will descend on Pakistan. Several signs point to this dismal outcome.
Let us recall the reign of Emperor Khan from August 2018 to April 2022. Surrounded by bootlickers — many of whom deserted him after May 9, 2023 — Khan filled key positions with sycophants. This included appointing a nincompoop as Punjab’s chief minister, making a rank opportunist his closest confidante, choosing a crony general to head the ISI, and dismissing the HEC chairman on flimsy grounds.
While Khan ruled, religiously inspired terrorists felt strongly emboldened. Accommodating TTP fighters who had fled to Afghanistan, he invited them back to resettle in North Waziristan. A decade earlier, directly after the 2013 suicide attack on the All Saints Church in Peshawar, he had requested TTP to open offices inside Pakistan for holding peace talks. A year later TTP massacred 141 children and teachers inside the Army Public School in Peshawar. Khan was booed by grieving parents as he tried to visit.
‘U-turn Khan’ earned his unflattering nickname after breaking approximately 130 promises in less than four years. As just one example, weeks after publicly declaring Pakistan would never seek an IMF loan, Khan sent his financial managers to Washington to ask for one. When reminded he blustered that reneging on earlier promises is a “hallmark of great leadership”. For those who follow a Pied Piper through narrow twisted streets this may not matter but people who value consistency and truth were unconvinced.
Khan’s tenure saw an attempt at further tightening of the draconian Peca law (now being used to suppress PTI itself), a decrease in Pakistan’s ranking on the World Press Freedom Index, and a worsening of Pakistan’s ranking on Transparency International’s corruption perception index. As the Toshakhana and Al Qadir cases show, Mr Clean was no cleaner than the chor politicians he viciously attacked for having pocketed public monies.
The negative impact of the SNC (Single National Curriculum) is possibly Khan’s greatest disservice to Pakistan. For the first time public and private schools — all except those for the super-elite — were yoked to the madressah curriculum. The classless education he promised remains a mirage but education standards plummeted. The upcoming generation is being stuffed with religious materials but knows no skills.
In the minds of his blinded followers, as well as those who see the United States as the incarnation of evil, Khan’s ouster was an American conspiracy. At a public rally on March 2022, he waved a ‘secret’ document that supposedly was iron-clad proof of America calling for his eviction. But weeks later, he absolved America of blame while broadening the net of conspirators to include ‘Super-King’ Bajwa (whose tenure had been extended), Nawaz Sharif, Asif Zardari, and Maulana Fazlur Rehman.
Referring to the PTI’s electoral victory Mani Shankar Aiyar, a well-known political commentator from India known for Pakistan-friendly views, excitedly declared: “February 8, 2024, will be chalked up as the historic day on which the people of Pakistan defeated their army.” Given that the establishment indeed sought to vanquish Khan, is this really true?
At a superficial level, yes. Many PTI supporters did vote against the generals. Their anti-army sentiment surfaced on May 9 when they attacked and burned military facilities. On the other hand, Khan has never expressed dismay at the army’s business, commercial, and real-estate interests nor opposed appointments of retired army officers to top administrative positions.
He and the army are, to quote him, “on the same page”. His differences remain personal — some generals are for him, others against. Only animals, he famously declared, can be neutral.
An election fulfils its purpose when it helps establish a representative government; enhances ability to deal with issues such as employment and allocation of resources; and brings forth individuals committed to the rule of law, decency and public service.
Imran Khan’s re-emergence stands in stark contrast to these ideals, suggesting political maturity remains a distant goal for Pakistan.

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