Pakistan cannot sustain an 'Arms Race' with India


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
Country flag
You all are right. Let's talk different. BMD (~80% interception capability) can save us from Paki IRBMs. However, what to do with those tiny battlefield nukes?
Our Pinakas can take very good care of them before they are even fired.


Senior Member
Feb 15, 2016
Our Pinakas can take very good care of them before they are even fired.
Hmmm....what!! How can you pinpoint location of battle nukes? And the now developing PINAKA ER variant has just upto 120km range. What if they were outside the range?


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
Country flag
Hmmm....what!! How can you pinpoint location of battle nukes? And the now developing PINAKA ER variant has just upto 120km range. What if they were outside the range?
Paki tactical nukes are fired from Nasr missile which has a range of just 60km. So they'll have to be pretty close to the border or close to the Indian advancing tank regiments on Paki soil.

All we need to do is survey the area around our troops till 60kms. This can easily be done with Sukhois. We don't even need to cross the border.

Keep a couple of Pinaka regiments with you. Once Nasr hub is located, obliterate 3.9 sq. Km of area (or less). Nothing will be left but dust.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk


Regular Member
Aug 8, 2015
LOL, another leftist scum lecturing me of morality. Ande se chooza nikla nahin, udna bhi shuru kar diya. :lol:

You wrote a very long piece of $hit,
actually holy $hit :namaste:, that I'm replying it in last after watching all notifications. :D

Now, I became delusional? :eek:

Teri patience. :kiss:

Your politeness is overflowing from your posts and language. :rotflmao:

Yes, I know, let's carry on. :sarcasm:

A guy who has started hating his own nation is watching reality and me, who knows far better than you is depressed. :D
Man you know the definition of depression?
I love my country and its perfect for me. Yet leftist depressed people like you must leave if you don't like it. :rofl:

So, write something else which is also enjoyable and I will enjoy it.
But warning, it must not be Marxist $hit. :p

You met 90% people of India tell me about a survey which proves it. :D

Kabeer baba ji ke dohe padhe hain kabhi?
Mujhe Doha na sahi, ek ka moral bada achhe se yaad hai.
A person identifies everyone as that his own nature.
Same thing is happening to you. :biggrin2:
दूर के ढोल सुहावने।
We all are rapists and criminals and western b@st@rds are saints for you.
If your western masters are so great, why sitting in India?
Go and kiss their @$$e$. :kissass:
I'm inferior to your masters.
I hope you weren't showing sarcasm.

So, what I was saying? :D
You became sarcastic and put it in my favour again.
Good try to bother me :thumbsup: but I'm not confused. :cruisin2:

Unrelated reply? It's not only me, how many people are there.
And I was able stood up for my family, how many were able to do so?
And you are bringing AFSPA here.
So, Armed forces generally don't kill anyone deliberately. And if anybody does a crime, they are punished. You can't say that about paki terrorists.

Moreover, you are asking me not to drag entire nation of pak.
Do you think pak is an actual nation or they do have any identity?
Even not Islam.
Even base of their nation is hate against India. You must monitor their sitea media.
Ye log agar din main 5 baar Allah ka naam lete hain toh 10 baar India ka lete hain.
And if they wanted peace with India why they got apart.
Ab alag ho, alag jiyo aur alag hi maro.
We really don't care. But if they will try to harm India, they must get ready to get bleeded in turn.

Saying this is easy for you but pakis are so irritating that I can't shut my mouth for so long. :D
You can try it. Do you know, a ghazi paki enlightened me about
200 billion Indians are poor
And I thought India's entire population is less than 1.3 billion.
China has 999 trillion Economy and they are a great Islamic nation.
You are on a paki forum, if you will reply trolls, by will be banned but don't worry, so you will enjoy it.: D
You can try man, it's a good time pass. You will say thanks to me. :biggrin2:

I have told before that even this figure shameful but you have at least no need to call yourself rapist as you are much better than countries, you are talking with. :D

These stats aren't from local thanas. Mr. Intelligent. It's from UN's Global Sexual Crime Report of 2015. :biggrin2:
By the way, You are talking about thanas, their data was also collected.
And found that.54% of rapes aren't reported in India.
But that 92% for UK and 70%+ for Pak.
Again I'm not proud of this but just defending our country from trolls of other nations which are more dangerous for women than India.
Hope you understood because this was not any sarcasm. :)

So, what's reality according to you?
India is biggest corrupt and criminal and racist country in the world and west is a Utopia with no fault.
They are most tolerant, civilized and well mannered people.

USA- The land of tolerance, peace and harmony!! | Indian Defense Forum

So, only caste system is a sort of discrimination and discrimination on the basis of religion, colour and race etc.(which are many times higher in west) are a sort of tolerance.
God bless you. :namaste:

No, but I mean it's much lower as compared to you are exaggerating here.
And you will have to agree on that.
His many people do you see today practicing this $hit? Some 17th Century minded retards and every single case is hyped( this is the power of expression in India which you use to hype crimes :mad:) but how many of you do it today?
Do you?
I don't. Frankly saying it was slightly alive in old people of our village but it has only declined from then.

I have no Wi Fi, just bought a smartphone and put a netpacked SIM in it. I'm a upper middle class person(reached this level on myself) and also travel here and there many times.
I have also once got a chance to travel through China(in a competition when I was kid :p) and believe me, their large cities may be like developed countries but their average city is almost same as that of ours. :)

Comfortable? I do work, free ka nahin khata. :D
I travel and know very well about poverty in India.
I also save money from my salary and donate it every year but I know people like you will call yourself entire India poor instead of helping them.
According to you, entire India is a $hithole.

काम तो आता है पर तेरी फिरकी ग़लत दिशा में घूम रही है। तो ठीक तो करना पड़ेगा। :p

I said one of the best not. 1.
By the way, I know you are again in lefty delusion. You could compare with Crime data of other developing countries. :rotfl:

I know there are malfunctions also. And these exist in system of every country as well. How about comparing with China, Russia or South Africa etc.. They too are developing countries. :hehe:

No we must not be proud of being 92nd least corrupt country and must say again and again our country is most corrupt and world gonna be wondering that how most corrupt country can become fastest growing economy and an emerging global force. :D

I do a job and studying at home with further course for my promotion.
Yet I never directly faced bribe in my entry but I have heard it many times and well aware what is done in case of license on roads. I know how how foreign refugees are living illegally in India but again, this happens not only in India.

So now you are dragging all people in same category. According to you only corrupt people and politicians or rich class. Have you ever tried to put them in their place? o_O
For example, Let's imagine you are a minister and you have to complete a project with saving max money for government.
You have to make a very clever strategy for that. And let's imagine if you are able to save 1400 crore ruppees and if investigation finds that 1500 crores could be saved, you will be blamed for 100 crore scam and will be told that you helped any company deliberately.
Same thing happens to industrialists many times.
You do your best but as better could be done, you gonna be caught.

Looting public money cases are mixed with these by paid presstitute media.

Good Luck.

Whatever sails your boat. :D

No I have watched. But kabhi dil se nahin lagaya.
Teri tarah depression main aa jaunga. :lol:

That is why I became a freelancer. :D

Off course, bashing everything uselessly is necessary. :pound:

Off course, your language reveals how good mannered guy are you.
Read your words again. :haha:

No, I think you are inferior mentality as compared to entire India. Go and lick the boots of your Western masters. Don't bother me.

Do it now, but wait a minute.
They all are corrupt. :D Entire India is corrupt.
You must call the great Utopian British or American cops. :pound:

Because they also use slurs like yindoo against us.
You must visit Chinese, paki and British forums.

Now, Northern became different race? I'm and Indian and nobody else. :D

No. They are Indians.

No. They too are Indians.

No, again, Kashmiris are also Indians.

By the way, I can't understand why are you comparing Indians with foreign unfortunate.
Left Wing Racism, very unfortunate. :tsk:

Nor are you. My PoV is supported by facts, experiences and statistics, your supported by frustration and mental depression. :D
You are nothing more than a tool for bigots like riaz haq. You are yourself a bigot.

Maine kab kaha nahin hot? Maine kaha kam hoti hai.
There life world main sabase zyada hai.
US main Blacks ke murder toh bahut tolerant hain. :D

So, you again started making peace with pakis.

Funny thing is that I never spoken against Muslims community.
Instead I many times defend them from RSS supporting DFI members. :D
I'm a sickular liberalist on this forum who always uselessly defends Muslim community even after attacks and riots(according to RSS Bhakts on this forum). :D
So, it's useless to taunt me over religion. :biggrin2:
You can ask from other DFI members as well. :) They know about me.

No I'm a resident of a $hithole country which is inferior to your western masters and also whatever else makes you sleep good at night.

I don't like even pakis, I liked because something I found was funny. Nothing else. :biggrin2:

Off course, stats are useless when your supernatural powers to see hidden ghostly reality.
I bet you are 100% a communist. :D

You are representator of entire works on this forum?
Marvelous!! :grin:

Off course, an atheist nationalist is inferior to a Marxist. I gotta work. LOL

Does that include your daily life? :D
Disgusting man, now this is called small thinking.: rofl:

Looks that you are experienced in such things. So, that's all you could finally come up with.
But don't worry. I'm away from all this.
My mind is clean and depressed by leftism.

If you don't know, you've already done so. :D
Wait for some weeks and you will be in a pathetic position like that @genius .

Don't panic. They already love leftist $hit.
He will be dancing on reading your posts will say, "Guys, this happens in India also".
By the way, let them remain deluded.

Us? It's you? :D

Mafi woh bhi tujhse?
Emotional kar diya yaar. :crying:

Teri :censored:
Beta tu firse marwaane aa gaya! You scared little coward piece of s**t you got my sledgehammer of a post deleted to save your foolish face isn't it? Abe pille bade maje maar riya hai tu sasti posts likhke. Don't pretend that you didn't see it you sorry loser and lost sleep over it for 2 days straight. I took down your epic pile of garbage in hardly 15 mins. I guarantee that you'll remember the massive insults that I leveled at your crippled mental faculty and your loose character for an eternity. I don't mind you crying like a wuss and running off to get my post deleted. I'm satisfied that you got the message. And I'm sure your folks are still having a hard time consoling you over the royal A** whopping that I gave you.

Are you that scared of me? Or of ppl seeing through your cheap character. Why coz you didn't want anybody to know what a jobless 2 paise ki knowledge wala closeted racist casteist pompous showoff man-gina loser that you are? My my how insecure could you be. Turds like you take the easy route of labelling anybody who differs with your opinion as anti-nationalist and leftist. Abe pille pls enlighten us as to how could I possibly be leftist and pro-western at the same time? They both are different ideologies. Bus marwa li naa toone khudki public me.

And now that you hv got my post deleted and are rejoicing in your little victory by posting more of your cheap unoriginal thoughts then worry not coz I still retain a draft of that post. So wipe that stupid smug off your face. You sissy little girl...I hurt you so bad that u went crying to your parents for help :pound:Abe Yogi Adityanath ke pille phat li teri jo tu mod ke paas apni fatti c***t silwaane pahuch gaya. So what I have said about you is all true. OMG!! you are such a farce that you don't even hv the balls to let others see the massive humiliation that I landed on you. Jali Jali Jali :mad2: :rofl:

What a spoilsport you are. Fortunately for you I'm satisfied that you have wet your petticoat enough trembling in fear of what I'm gonna post next. I have had a hearty laugh at your 3rd class english, retarded knowledge, moronic thoughts and pretentious identity. And now that I've had my fill of violating your 2 kaudi ki izzat and hv established you as my B***H I don't bother anymore. Go get this post deleted too. You can run off to whatever dump you hv come from and keep running your toilet mouth.

And if you still want to get back at me, you're always welcome...Kehke loonga teri M** ki :yo: Hey everybody make way coz here comes the town idiot @Indx TechStyle to post more of his BS :bs: And unlike you I won't report you lame ass comments. Keep them coming you're good entertainment in this depressing world. I hope you waste your entire weekend trying to get back at me. Coz your brain is hollow and you'll need an entire week just to google counter-points. Or you would get this deleted too as you did before CHOOZE. An honest appeal to all his sympathizers- let him fight his own battles and if you still feel so bad for him just send me a mercy plea.
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Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
Beta tu firse marwaane aa gaya! You scared little coward piece of s**t you got my sledgehammer of a post deleted to save your foolish face isn't it? Abe pille bade maje maar riya hai tu sasti posts likhke. Don't pretend that you didn't see it you sorry loser and lost sleep over it for 2 days straight. I took down your epic pile of garbage in hardly 15 mins. I guarantee that you'll remember the massive insults that I leveled at your crippled mental faculty and your loose character for an eternity. I don't mind you crying like a wuss and running off to get my post deleted. I'm satisfied that you got the message. And I'm sure your folks are still having a hard time consoling you over the royal A** whopping that I gave you.

Are you that scared of me? Or of ppl seeing through your cheap character. Why coz you didn't want anybody to know what a jobless 2 paise ki knowledge wala closeted racist casteist pompous showoff man-gina loser that you are? My my how insecure could you be. Turds like you take the easy route of labelling anybody who differs with your opinion as anti-nationalist and leftist. Abe pille pls enlighten us as to how could I possibly be leftist and pro-western at the same time? They both are different ideologies. Bus marwa li naa toone khudki public me.

And now that you hv got my post deleted and are rejoicing in your little victory by posting more of your cheap unoriginal thoughts then worry not coz I still retain a draft of that post. So wipe that stupid smug off your face. You sissy little girl...I hurt you so bad that u went crying to your parents for help :pound:Abe Yogi Adityanath ke pille phat li teri jo tu mod ke paas apni fatti c***t silwaane pahuch gaya. So what I have said about you is all true. OMG!! you are such a farce that you don't even hv the balls to let others see the massive humiliation that I landed on you. Jali Jali Jali :mad2: :rofl:

What a spoilsport you are. Fortunately for you I'm satisfied that you have wet your petticoat enough trembling in fear of what I'm gonna post next. I have had a hearty laugh at your 3rd class english, retarded knowledge, moronic thoughts and pretentious identity. And now that I've had my fill of violating your 2 kaudi ki izzat and hv established you as my B***H I don't bother anymore. Go get this post deleted too. You can run off to whatever dump you hv come from and keep running your toilet mouth.

And if you still want to get back at me, you're always welcome...Kehke loonga teri M** ki :yo: Hey everybody make way coz here comes the town idiot @Indx TechStyle to post more of his BS :bs: And unlike you I won't report you lame ass comments. Keep them coming you're good entertainment in this depressing world. I hope you waste your entire weekend trying to get back at me. Coz your brain is hollow and you'll need an entire week just to google counter-points. Or you would get this deleted too as you did before CHOOZE. An honest appeal to all his sympathizers- let him fight his own battles and if you still feel so bad for him just send me a mercy plea.
Again? :rofl:
burnt@$$ :flame:

Teri besharmi ki daad deni padegi, baar baar insult karane chala aata hai.
g*and phate toh phate par personality na ghate
Vahi haal tera hai.
By the way, tera post Maine report ni kiya koi aur hoga, lekin language control main rakh, agar kisi moderator pe phans gaya toh Teri khair ni.


Regular Member
Aug 8, 2015
Again? :rofl:
burnt@$$ :flame:

Teri besharmi ki daad deni padegi, baar baar insult karane chala aata hai.
g*and phate toh phate par personality na ghate
Vahi haal tera hai.
By the way, tera post Maine report ni kiya koi aur hoga, lekin language control main rakh, agar kisi moderator pe phans gaya toh Teri khair ni.
Awww don't get your panties in a wad Yogi Adityanath ke pille. Thank god you didn't use your 3rd class english. And stop pretending as if you didn't report my previous post. Nobody's a loser like you who apparently 'freelances' on DFI. Don't hv the balls to repond, of course pu****s like you resort to such underhand tactics. Hope your man-gina is loose enough to bear this double assault. And stop using so many emojis to express yourself dumb retard. Don't worry about the mod, better worry about your 2 takke ke ijjat. I'm sure even its ashes have vanished by now. Waise teri maarne me bada maja aaya and you're most welcome.

I know you're still trying to act cool despite raging underneath at the a** kicking that you hv received. I know you'll return again like a spurned away call girl but my heartfelt condolences for your beaten down & kicked into the dirt sense of self worth.


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
Country flag
Yeah they cant sustain bt they wud rather die than accept this..
Do not go by propaganda. Most Pakistani are fed up of Pakistan. The dream of a Muslim Utopia are dead and has been dead for long.

Pakistan has been kept alive, largely by your friendly empire headed by USA; as the empire is afraid and suspicious of Hindus.


Senior Member
Feb 15, 2016
Pakistan earlier hadn't thought that in future, India will be 2nd biggest economic giant and 3rd most powerful country by 2050. Pak was thinking we would be somewhat like their position and it could engage us neck-to-neck. Good luck, for your future.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
Awww don't get your panties in a wad Yogi Adityanath ke pille. Thank god you didn't use your 3rd class english.
If you could read my title, you gonna realize that I belong to a different ideology and not supporting any baba dhaba here.
And my English is third class. Learn grammar rule yourself man. :acce:pted

And stop pretending as if you didn't report my previous post.
No, I didn't but looks that you really wanna play that game. :D
Reporting and tagging mods.
@sayareakd Hello sir, you are requested sort out the issue.
At first, he started using abusive words(apologizing as I had to use only in reply) and then, came on personal attacks.
Handle him and please feel free to delete or edit my any post to keep the forum clean and informative.
Nobody's a loser like you who apparently 'freelances' on DFI.
DFI isn't for freelancing.
I do freelancing for organizations on many websites of news.
Care to learn difference between freelancing and debating.

Don't hv the balls to repond, of course pu****s like you resort to such underhand tactics. Hope your man-gina is loose enough to bear this double assault.
What a beautiful language.

And stop using so many emojis to express yourself dumb retard.
Emojis are for using on DFI.
My discussion with you isn't serious and just a mere troll war. So, I gonna use as many emojis as many I want.

Don't worry about the mod,
But you must worry about you before moderators start worrying. You are filling our forum with your third grade abuses and can have your account deleted for doing so. :mad:
better worry about your 2 takke ke ijjat.
Tu apni chinta kar.
I'm sure even its ashes have vanished by now.
Yup, everybody can watch. :rolleyes:
Waise teri maarne me bada maja aaya
Lekin ho kisi aur ki gayi. :p

and you're most welcome.
But you aren't. :tsk:
I know you're still trying to act cool despite raging underneath at the a** kicking that you hv received.
I received?aw::jaw::jaw::jaw:
After getting insulted badly you must have got a mental shock resulting this mental disturbance and delusion.

I know you'll return again like a spurned away call girl but my heartfelt condolences for your beaten down & kicked into the dirt sense of self worth.
Enough is enough.
@pmaitra @sayareakd @LETHALFORCE
Kindly edit or delete every abusive post on thread and help @manutdfan to learn proper and polite language. :dude:
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Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
Pakistan earlier hadn't thought that in future, India will be 2nd biggest economic giant and 3rd most powerful country by 2050. Pak was thinking we would be somewhat like their position and it could engage us neck-to-neck. Good luck, for your future.
No, it will be third most powerful by 2030.

There will be three power centers US, China, India(Russia gonna have declined in 2030).

In 2059, India will be largest or second largest economy and first or second strongest nation.
but let's not beat the drums and let time do it's work. :D


Senior Member
Feb 15, 2016
No, it will be third most powerful by 2030.

There will be three power centers US, China, India(Russia gonna have declined in 2030).

In 2059, India will be largest or second largest economy and first or second strongest nation.
but let's not beat the drums and let time do it's work. :D
Pakistan want to sustain....dreaming to compete with India. Big Lolzzz


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
Country flag
No, it will be third most powerful by 2030.

There will be three power centers US, China, India(Russia gonna have declined in 2030).

In 2059, India will be largest or second largest economy and first or second strongest nation.
but let's not beat the drums and let time do it's work. :D

India is seriously deficient in high tech manufacturing. There is no possibility of India's growth sustaining beyond middle-income without rectification of this problem.


Regular Member
Aug 8, 2015
If you could read my title, you gonna realize that I belong to a different ideology and not supporting any baba dhaba here.
And my English is third class. Learn grammar rule yourself man. :acce:pted

No, I didn't but looks that you really wanna play that game. :D
Reporting and tagging mods.
@sayareakd Hello sir, you are requested sort out the issue.
At first, he started using abusive words(apologizing as I had to use only in reply) and then, came on personal attacks.
Handle him and please feel free to delete or edit my any post to keep the forum clean and informative.

DFI isn't for freelancing.
I do freelancing for organizations on many websites of news.
Care to learn difference between freelancing and debating.

What a beautiful language.

Emojis are for using on DFI.
My discussion with you isn't serious and just a mere troll war. So, I gonna use as many emojis as many I want.

But you must worry about you before moderators start worrying. You are filling our forum with your third grade abuses and can have your account deleted for doing so. :mad:

Tu apni chinta kar.

Yup, everybody can watch. :rolleyes:

Lekin ho kisi aur ki gayi. :p

But you aren't. :tsk:

I received?aw::jaw::jaw::jaw:
After getting insulted badly you must have got a mental shock resulting this mental disturbance and delusion.

Enough is enough.
@pmaitra @sayareakd @LETHALFORCE
Kindly edit or delete every abusive post on thread and help @manutdfan to learn proper and polite language. :dude:
Ha Ha Ha Ha just look at you crying out for help to every passerby :pound::pound::pound:complaining about everything. You remind me of those rich spoilt kids whom we used to make 'beech ka bandar' when we were kids. Cry harder as they aren't listening to your mercy pleas yet and I don't bother if my posts get deleted, I hv better things to do than a freelancer. I wonder which sorry ass media outlets you freelance for. I bet you get mocked by your own readers if there are any. Boy this weekend was proving to be such a drag. Good a nincompoop popped out of the blue.

You really are the saddest kid on the block aren't you? No social life at all besides social media/porn/video games & cut/copy/paste others' views? Bother not I hv achieved my intention of publicly humiliating you and making you cringe in pain & shame. I won't be making fun of you anymore even if you come back at me like a rabid dog. I don't want to catch your sick disease besides I hv had enough fun at your expense and I'm sure quite a good no. of others have had too. All I wanted to do was to give an a** whooping to @Hamza Baloch but you decided to poke your stupid nose in between hence it's only fair that I return the favor with interest.

Also pls stop using my quotes for getting back at me. Waah beta meri billi mujhe miyaon! I know you're unoriginal in your posts but didn't know that you were gonna be the same in your lame retorts as well. Forgive me kid for humiliating you so harshly and that too in full public view. But beta kya kare tujh jaise dhakkan ko dekh kar raha nahi jata. You're such a juicy and tempting target. Btw you get riled up so easily! Sweet dreams kiddo...I hv had my fill of kicking your man-gina. I give you my word that I won't publicly humiliate you anymore even though I'm sure you'll bite back.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
India is seriously deficient in high tech manufacturing. There is no possibility of India's growth sustaining beyond middle-income without rectification of this problem.
Time buddy, we are catching up as well.
Till 2030-35 when we will be an upper middle income economy (like China is today), our R&D will help us to acquire tech as well.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
Ha Ha Ha Ha just look at you crying out for help to every passerby :pound::pound::pound:complaining about everything. You remind me of those rich spoilt kids whom we used to make 'beech ka bandar' when we were kids. Cry harder as they aren't listening to your mercy pleas yet and I don't bother if my posts get deleted, I hv better things to do than a freelancer. I wonder which sorry ass media outlets you freelance for. I bet you get mocked by your own readers if there are any. Boy this weekend was proving to be such a drag. Good a nincompoop popped out of the blue.

You really are the saddest kid on the block aren't you? No social life at all besides social media/porn/video games & cut/copy/paste others' views? Bother not I hv achieved my intention of publicly humiliating you and making you cringe in pain & shame. I won't be making fun of you anymore even if you come back at me like a rabid dog. I don't want to catch your sick disease besides I hv had enough fun at your expense and I'm sure quite a good no. of others have had too. All I wanted to do was to give an a** whooping to @Hamza Baloch but you decided to poke your stupid nose in between hence it's only fair that I return the favor with interest.

Also pls stop using my quotes for getting back at me. Waah beta meri billi mujhe miyaon! I know you're unoriginal in your posts but didn't know that you were gonna be the same in your lame retorts as well. Forgive me kid for humiliating you so harshly and that too in full public view. But beta kya kare tujh jaise dhakkan ko dekh kar raha nahi jata. You're such a juicy and tempting target. Btw you get riled up so easily! Sweet dreams kiddo...I hv had my fill of kicking your man-gina. I give you my word that I won't publicly humiliate you anymore even though I'm sure you'll bite back.
I'm really confused with this post. :confused1:
Can't understand are you apologizing, tired or trying for another troll war. :D
But one thing is sure that you are still in playing mood as you think you humiliated me?
ooper se sympathy dikha raha hai.
Aur toh aur, sale itne salon se freelancing kar raha hun aur pehla aisa idiot takra hai jisko shak hai.
I'm doing on topic discussion with everyone and trolling you on same time.
Nobody is noticing you now who is getting humiliated.
Man, I'm telling you, get and do a job (I mean real job :D) instead of spewing lefty $hit here. :lol:

And I know, you are such an oxymoronic retard who has no shame and will come up with a new personal attack instead of on topic discussion.
Inferiority complex. :rolleyes:
Koi baat ni hota hai kai logon main, :D

By the way, tu manega toh nahin, bs forum ki quality ka khayal karke abuses na use kar. DFI ki insult hoti hai.
Baki apni jitni marzi insult kara, koi dikkat ni.
Kabhi kabhar mere serious discussions main bhi tapak jaya kar, mere bhi man behel jayega.


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
Country flag
Time buddy, we are catching up as well.
Till 2030-35 when we will be an upper middle income economy (like China is today), our R&D will help us to acquire tech as well.
Well I do not think so. But I like your optimism.

You have to build a foundation before you build a building. If the foundation was there today, I would believe you.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
Well I do not think so. But I like your optimism.

You have to build a foundation before you build a building. If the foundation was there today, I would believe you.
Foundation is being implemented man. Private sector.
Moreover, many States governments has implemented huge plans as well. But you won't feel any major change before next 15 years.
Remember, India invests one of the lowest percentage in R&D space a defense among all world powers (just behind China) and won't increase budget percentage before then.
Because you have no idea what sort of criticism we gonna face if we let our 12.4% population suffer in hunger and start achieving huge goals.
I guess I will create a thread over India's long term strategic, demographic and economic challenges in long term and quest for significant power status in global arena in a bipolar world.
We can do all of such discussions there instead of filling every thread with our ambitious dreams.
And actually a proper discussion could be done there.
Currently, with some personal views and collected sources, I will get some more.
Trying for next month, I'm too busy this month. :D

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
Pakistan want to sustain....dreaming to compete with India. Big Lolzzz
Man, that's my real problem.
You guys give them too much attention. On other Indian Defence Forums, Chinese, British, Russian or Chinese military forums nobody notices them but some members like you, @manutdfan and @garg_bharat give them much higher attention that they deserve.
@Superdefender you talk about them too much.
@garg_bharat gets tempted and angry very easily
and @manutdfan , he justifies all paki $hit in sarcasm ( he doesn't know pakis don't understand sarcasm if it favours them).
I'm not telling you stop replying their trolls but please don't get tempted too easily.
They look open us as a better nation even in their forums many times but here on DFI, they get some room where your trolls encourages them to compare with India.
In My Humble Opinion, you don't need to troll with pakis because they don't deserve and not at this level yet I would support if they again start spewing venom against India's ethnic history.

Please, reply like a professional to control.
We must maintain quality of our forum.
I hope you all friends understood what I'm saying.
Please, try to understand. :namaste:


Senior Member
Feb 15, 2016
@Indx TechStyle, honestly saying.....I am commenting because someone has opened the thread about Pakistan!! And we are making fun of Pak..take it easy buddy. I have seen you before doing that why suddenly so serious now? And I suggested you in earlier page that don't engage with that troll. But you are just keep going on and on. Find a single post of me in this thread where I have engaged with that troll! The whole thread has become a farce because of you and that troll. I haven't replied to anyhing of that @manutdfan. You just have to stop replying to him; it is so easy. It is unfortunate that you are accusing me. Ok, if you don't want to see Pak-related post, then please request the member (who started it) to close the thread. Case closed. NO HARD FEELINGS.

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