North East - Developments & Debate


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Call for strong action my ass. I have been hearing this since I was in High School. NE is complex territory and subsequent GoI's apathy towards it has made terrorism bloom. It's not lack of funds, it's the insensitivity towards NE. Having said that, if intentions are honest - Terrorism can be wiped out from the entire NE in 6-12 months. GoI still does not understand why it is so important that terrorism in NE states should be tackled with an Iron Fist. What if we have to go to war against China in the near future? These rebels groups under the assistance of PLA can very well ambush our security forces OR serve as intelligence for the Chinese. Everybody knows that the arms and ammunition NE rebels use are all Chinese made. Imagine the position our Armed Forces would be in that situation? Fighting 2 fronts, without even Pakistan joining the party.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
/\/\/\ Here we go, this news item proves that NE terrorists do spy for the Chinese.

Northeast India Rebels 'Spy' For China

New Delhi, Oct 27 : Beijing is using the Northeast militant groups to gain information about Indian Army deployment in Arunachal Pradesh, a National Investigation Agency probe has claimed.

Sources said National Socialist Council of Nagalim (Isak-Muivah) leader Anthony Shing, picked up from Nepal and arrested in Bihar earlier this month, had told investigators he had provided information to China on the deployment of the Agni missile in Arunachal.

The Agni-II long-range missile is said to have been deployed somewhere in the Northeast. "Shing visited China six times in the past year," an official said.

Following Shing's arrest, another "contact" who lives near the China-India border has been "activated" by Chinese authorities, the sources said. The "contact", who belongs to a powerful Naga tribe, apparently has ties with the NSCN-IM and is married to a Chinese woman.

Shing was the NSCN-IM's China point man and a major weapons procurer from Thailand and China for the Naga outfit and other Northeast rebel groups.

The NSCN-IM has been in touch with Beijing's ruling communists since the 1960s when its general secretary, Thuingaleng Muivah, trekked to China at least three times via Myanmar's jungles with his associates.

It's unclear whether the secrets, if any, have been leaked to China with the approval of Muivah at a time he is engaged in peace talks with Delhi. The Naga outfit, though, is believed to be keeping its options open in case the talks with the Centre fail and its cadres have to return to the jungles.

Doubts, however, persist regarding Shing's claim. A senior government official said that even if some information was passed on, it was probably of a trivial nature.

Chinese intelligence agencies are known to be cultivating contacts like Shing and using them to get information on the Indian armed forces deployed in the Northeast.

The NSCN-IM's rival Naga group, the NSCN (Khaplang), too procures arms and ammunition from China. So does Assam's Ulfa whose chief, Paresh Barua, is believed to be shuttling between Yunan in China and locations in northwestern Myanmar.

Shing was deported to Nepal from Thailand on September 29 and later arrested by the National Investigation Agency. Sources said he probably had bank accounts in Bangladesh and Thailand, and was carrying a Bangladeshi passport.

Immediately after his arrest, the NSCN-IM's special envoy, V.S. Atem, had written an angry protest letter to the Centre. But sources said the outfit soon realised the harm done to the talks and its chairman Isak Chishi Swu wrote to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh — and Muivah to the home ministry — explicitly "withdrawing" that letter.

Youths from Naga NGOs demonstrated in Delhi yesterday alleging the government was not taking the peace talks seriously.

Source : Sinlung


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
B'deshi border guards bust ULFA hideout

DHAKA, Dec 25 – For a second time in a week, Bangladeshi border guards claimed to have busted suspected ULFA hideout close to the Indian border seizing mine manufacturing equipment, radio sets and documents, reports PTI.
The hideout suspected to be a cache of the Indian separatist groups was busted in the hilly forest areas today in northern frontier area of Sherpur, close to country's border with Meghalaya.

This is a second major arms haul from the same area, from where security forces recovered 13,680 bullets, a week back.

"BDR soldiers seized mine manufacturing equipments, a grenade, 97 bullets, some computer CDs, 19 (cell phone) SIM cards, five walkie-talkies, Indian rupees and ULFA documents in an abandoned state from hilly forests near Bankakura cluster village in Sherpur," a top police official told PTI as he was reached here by phone.

He said none could be arrested from the scene.

The development came just a day after elite anti-crime Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) said they suspected United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) to have left the huge ammunition, which were seized, from the same area earlier this month.

"We now suspect the ULFA operatives had kept the ammunitions as they left the makeshift hideouts in the frontier village," adjacent to India's Meghalaya state, said to be a stronghold of the outfit, a RAB spokesman told PTI.

Media reports earlier said ULFA were active in the area despite intensive security campaigns by Bangladeshi law enforcement agencies as they preferred the rugged area for their training, installing makeshift hideouts.

RAB's intelligence wing chief Lt Col Ziaul Ahsan, however, said the enhanced security clampdown, in line with the incumbent government's tough policy against the presence of India's separatist elements in Bangladesh territory, nearly destroyed the ULFA network in north and northeastern frontiers, bordering Assam and Meghalaya.

Sherpur police on December 18 seized 13,680 rifle bullets 57 packets, kept in eight jute bags, in an early morning raid at an abandoned village hut while.

RAB officials said their investigations revealed that unidentified people had threatened an octogenarian villager against disclosure of the ammo depot as they stored the bullets at that hut at his home during a previous night as he witnessed their activities.

RAB troops last year seized 10 arges grenades from the same area, just two kililometres off Megalaya frontier.

ULFA, once a dominant rebel group in India's northeast has apparently witnessed a setback in recent years after several of its senior leaders were arrested.

Bangladesh and India signed agreements on terrorism and cross border crimes during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's maiden India tour in January this year.

Hasina promised not to allow Indian separatist operatives to use Bangladesh soil ULFA chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa was arrested in December 2009 reportedly from Dhaka along with the group's deputy military chief and eight others who were reportedly handed over to the India authorities subsequently.

A process is currently underway to expose to justice several former Bangladeshi intelligence agency stalwarts including two ex-army generals after the country's biggest ever weapon haul in 2004.

Ten-truck loads of arms were seized at that time as the consignment was believed to be destined to ULFA hideouts from the southeastern port city of Chittagong.

Source : AssamTribune


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Anup Chetia can be deported to India any time

R Dutta Choudhury
GUWAHATI, Dec 25 – The Government of India is now in a position to bring back Anup Chetia, general secretary of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA), from Bangladesh as and when it desires. The Government of Bangladesh is also likely to hand over two hardcore leaders of the ULFA, who are in the custody of the security forces of the neighbouring country, soon.
Highly placed official sources told The Assam Tribune that the Government of Bangladesh has already agreed to hand over Chetia and the ULFA leader's petition seeking asylum in Bangladesh has been rejected, paving the way for his deportation to India. Sources said that the Government of India is yet to decide on when the formalities for his deportation from India would be started.

Sources revealed that there is no chance for Chetia to go into hiding now as he is under the "protective custody" of Bangladesh after completing his jail term. It may be mentioned here that the presence of Chetia in India would be vital for the peace process to start talks with the ULFA.

On the other hand, ULFA commander in chief Paresh Barua, who has been adopting a hard line on the issue of talks with the Government, received another setback as the Bangladesh authorities have confirmed that the security forces of the country picked up hardcore militant Antu Chowdang along with Pranjit Saikia.

Sources said that Chowdang is known to be very close to Paresh Barua and his arrest was a major blow to the outfit's anti-talk faction. Chowdang is likely to be handed over to India soon and the Government of India would keep putting pressure on the neighbouring country to hand over the militants who are still in that country.

Commenting on the reports of the kidnapping of Paresh Barua's son in Bangladesh, sources said that the Government of India does not have any confirmed report of the incident. It is a fact that the family members of Barua are staying illegally in Bangladesh under fictitious names for a long time and the Government of Bangladesh can prosecute them for that act. The Government of Bangladesh can also deport them to India but the Government of India has not yet requested Bangladesh to hand them over, sources added.

Sources admitted that at this moment, the Government does not have confirmed report of the whereabouts of Paresh Barua and he is believed to be somewhere in the Myanmar-China border areas.

Source : AssamTribune


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Barua's son tortured before release, claims ULFA

SHILLONG, Dec 25 – Two days after ULFA's military chief Paresh Barua claimed that his son was kidnapped by unknown persons, the banned outfit today alleged that the abductors had released his son Arindam after 'torturing' him and 'interrogating him about his father,' reports PTI.
"Arindam was kidnapped from the main road. The faces of the abductors were covered with black cloths," ULFA's publicity secretary Arunudoy Dohotia said in a statement e-mailed to the media.

Arindam was tortured physically and the abductors even threatened to kill him. Though Arindam was made to call up his father, they could not establish the communication, the statement said.

"The teenager was asked about his father's assets, location, purported business etc and was threatened not to disclose about the abduction," Dohotia claimed.

The outfit condemned the incident, saying leaders "cannot be asked at gunpoint to sit across the negotiating table'.

Stating that such incidents did not 'forebode a good future', the ULFA claimed that it has identified some of the abductors and would disclose their identities soon.

The statement did not specify when Arindam was kidnapped or when he was released.

A few days back, the outfit had claimed that their two top leaders – 'captain' Antu Chawdang and 'second lieutenant' Pradeep Chetia – were picked up on December 13 in Bangladesh and their whereabouts were unknown since then.

Source : AssamTribune


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Indo-Myanmarese talks on Monday

Spl Correspondent
NEW DELHI, Dec 25 – India is likely to renew pressure on the military junta of Myanmar to mount a crackdown against ULFA and other rebel groups camping in the country, when the Home Secretaries of the two countries meet on Monday.
The two-day16th Home Secretary Level meeting between India and Myanmar gets under way here on December 27. Union Home Secretary GK Pillai would lead the Indian delegation, while the visiting Myanmari delegation is being led by Deputy Minister for Home Affairs U Phone Swi, official sources said.

At the meeting, the Home Secretary is likely to express concern on activities of Indian insurgent groups operating along India-Myanmar border and request action against them.

Issues relating to strengthening of intelligence sharing mechanism between the two countries, arms smuggling, drug trafficking, border management, border trade are among issues to be discussed at the proposed meeting, informed sources.

Ever since the last round of Home Secretary-level talks held in Myanmar in January, New Delhi has been waiting for the crackdown to happen. Myanmar had promised action on the insurgent outfits of the North-east, but held back from launching a crackdown.

After the last round of talks, the Home Ministry held a series of meeting with border guarding forces, intelligence agencies in anticipation of the crackdown.

The Assam Rifles, which had been directed to check documents at the border, has proposed to raise 26 additional battalions to check the movement of militants and criminals through the porous Indo-Myanmar border, as its present strength of 46 battalions was considered 'inadequate'. The Assam Rifles has 46 battalions, of which 15 are deployed along the 1,600-km Indo-Myanmar border.programme this year after the GSLV-D3 veered off its flight path and plunged into the Bay of Bengal along with GSAT-4 on April 15, dampening India's bid to join the elite club of five nations possessing the cryogenic technology.

The last GSLV mission (GSLV-D3) failed after the malfunctioning of indigenous cryogenic stage, dampening the country's hopes of joining the elite club of five nations with such capability.

Recalling the earlier failures, Radhakrishnan said in April three days after the launch failed, ISRO was able to come out with the reasons.

"This is part of the game. We have to go through it. What is the reason for this, whether it is fundamental to the vehicle will be gone into," he said.

"We hope to get an assement on exactly what had triggered the probelm. The control of the vehicle was lost at 47 seconds. What we suspect is that the connection which takes the signal down to the first stage snapped. Why it happened and what happend will have to be seen," he said.

Asked if suspected sabotage, he said "I don't know".

To a question if the image of India which is eying for a greater share in the space launch market would be affected overseas, he said: "We learn from failures. The PSLV first launch failed so as GSLV."

Radhakrishnan said the vehicle developed large altitude error leading to higher angle of attack leading to higher structural load and leading to breaking up of the vehicle.

Source : AssamTribune


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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I don't know what this GOI is upto in our area because seriously the pace of this change that it so howls about is really really slow and which is easily noticeable by terrorists who change their tactics instantly. We have been telling Delhi regularly that sepratist and radical Christian groups are spying for PLA but they won't listen to us because of their dirty votebank politics here and think that we are trying to ruin their chances of winning. Idiots won't have a region at all to stay in power with this kind of mentality.

Rather than waiting for "deportation" from Bangladesh like a formal puppy, I think we must adopt Israel's "play it dirty" method. Go into heartland of Bangladesh and start brutally assassinating these bastards one by one. Don't inform BNG government since there are likely moles in their government for such separatist groups even if the government is overall pro-India. Paresh Barua's son was tortured; I am wondering why didn't they kill him in cold blood or use to kidnap his family as a ransom to ask for his and ULFA's unconditional surrender. I guess GOI doesn't want this problem to get solved so that UPA-Communists and even BJP can play dirty politics over it. All these bloody leaders are sick-headed to play politics with the lives of so many people.

Each of these separatist groups have a "base" village in some remote hilly areas from where they transport logistics and intel around their areas of operation. If GOI doesn't adopt the 1967 tactics of carpet bombing under heavy media censor and secrecy, it won't work out. That bombing of Mizoram by IAF yielded results; today Mizoram apart from Tripura is the only NE state where separatism and terrorism is not there. Nagaland, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur are all riddled with some or the other form of terrorism be it spying for China, Christian missionary terrorism, separatism of state or simply drug trafficking, arms smuggling and inter-tribal wars.

We need a change of government structure. This form of government has to be eliminated and a more nationalist government has to come up. And by nationalist I don't mean BJP-- I mean an overall nationalist like how Mustafa Kemal of Turkey formed the modern state with an iron fist.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
DHD, Black Widow are Hindu Terrorist groups.

Terrorism in Tripura is not over.

Christian Missionary Terrorism - please explain this part!


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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DHD, Black Widow are Hindu Terrorist groups.

Terrorism in Tripura is not over.

Christian Missionary Terrorism - please explain this part!
Before you get antagonized without knowing, I recommend you trying to stay in suburban provinces of NE states, you will know what I am talking about. BTW no mainstream Hindu groups are considered terrorists either by GOI or any other government in this world. You don't know what a pain it is becoming for us Buddhists to live here because of highlighted part. Now even Arunachal Pradesh is feeling the heat of it.

I am not drunk I assure you and being in this region, I know what I am talking about. Calm down. It exists.

BTW Black Widow is a breakaway tribal bandit group; not a "Hindu terror" group. I think you need an upgrade in your awareness before misinforming others.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Before you get antagonized without knowing, I recommend you trying to stay in suburban provinces of NE states, you will know what I am talking about.
I am from one of the most remote places of NE India.

BTW no mainstream Hindu groups are considered terrorists either by GOI or any other government in this world.
DHD etc are example of it. GoI has banned DHD, Black Widow. Even ULFA. Follow my posts on NE and do a background research.

You don't know what a pain it is becoming for us Buddhists to live here because of highlighted part. Now even Arunachal Pradesh is feeling the heat of it.
I am not drunk I assure you and being in this region, I know what I am talking about. Calm down. It exists.
Take this to another thread OR open a new thread. I will gladly participate.

BTW Black Widow is a breakaway tribal bandit group; not a "Hindu terror" group. I think you need an upgrade in your awareness before misinforming others.
I can, but laugh at your knowledge. Black Widow is not a break away tribal bandit group. Jewel Gorlosa along with some cadres formed Black Widow,leaving DHD to Dilip Nunisa.

And by Hindu Terror group, I mean it's members are all Hindus. Don't you call LeT as Islamic terrorist group?


Senior Member
Sep 29, 2010
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I can, but laugh at your knowledge. Black Widow is not a break away tribal bandit group. Jewel Gorlosa along with some cadres formed Black Widow,leaving DHD to Dilip Nunisa.

And by Hindu Terror group, I mean it's members are all Hindus. Don't you call LeT as Islamic terrorist group?
I will accept them as a hindu terrorist group if they are working to convert whole world to hinduism or terrorising by quoting from hindu religious books(like LeT,al quaeda do from quran).
or if they have called themself as hindu terrorist group..
otherwise they are just a bunch of terrorists and not hindu terrorists


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
I will accept them as a hindu terrorist group if they are working to convert whole world to hinduism or terrorising by quoting from hindu religious books(like LeT,al quaeda do from quran).
or if they have called themself as hindu terrorist group..
otherwise they are just a bunch of terrorists and not hindu terrorists
Warrior extreme, exactly my point. For people who say Hindus do not indulge in terrorist activities, those terrorist groups are an example. But yes, unlike LeT etc, these groups are not on a mission to convert this world into Hindu domination.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
ULFA chairman gets freed on bail

Guwahati, Dec 30 (IANS): Arabinda Rajkhowa, chairman of the outlawed United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) and one of India's most wanted fugitives, was today freed on bail, a year after he was captured by Bangladesh and handed over to Indian authorities in Assam.
A special TADA court today gave the verdict after the government prosecutor gave no objection to Rajkhowa's bail petition.

"Arabinda Rajkhowa has been released on bail although the court has specifically asked him not to leave Assam and the country without permission," Bijon Mahajan, legal counsel of the ULFA chairman, told IANS. Rajkhowa is expected to complete certain formalities in jail before stepping to freedom in a day or two.

Rajkhowa, 54, was captured from Dhaka by sleuths of the Rapid Action Battalion and then handed over to Indian authorities December last year. He was at the Guwahati Central Jail for the past one year.

"We are happy to get the verdict and simply cannot express the joy," said the ULFA chairman's elder brother Ajay Rajkonwar.

Rajkhowa's wife Kaveri and their two children were captured along with him, but the Assam Police had let off his family with no charges slapped against them.

Rajkhowa's family has since been settled in his ancestral home in Lakwa in eastern Assam's Sivasagar district.

Rajkhowa, who studied till class 12, was tried on several criminal charges ranging from murder to kidnapping and extortion, with the maximum penalty being the death sentence, according to Assam Police.

But lack of hard evidence and as part of a government strategy to get the jailed ULFA leaders released, Rajkhowa got a favourable verdict from the court.

Rajkhowa has become the sixth top jailed leader to have been released on bail since May with the government getting a clear signal from the imprisoned separatists that they would hold peace talks with New Delhi, once released.

Barring ULFA's elusive commander-in-chief Paresh Baruah, the entire top brass of the outfit were in jail. The imprisoned leaders included chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa, vice chairman Pradip Gogoi, publicity chief Mithinga Daimary, deputy commander-in-chief Raju Baruah, self-styled foreign secretary Sasha Choudhury, finance secretary Chitrabon Hazarika, cultural secretary Pranati Deka, and political ideologue Bhimkanta Buragohain.

But with demands for releasing the jailed ULFA leaders gathering momentum to pave the way for holding peace talks, the government embarked on a strategy not to oppose the bail applications of the separatists in court.

The process began and one by one, six top jailed ULFA leaders were released on bail - the government prosecutor not objecting to their bail applications in court.

The first to be released on bail were Pradeep Gogoi and Mithinga Daimary, followed by Raju Baruah and Pranati Deka, and earlier this month the veteran Bhimkanta Buragohain was released.

ULFA general secretary Anup Chetia, however, is in Bangladesh since his arrest there in 1997.

"We are hopeful that my brother would take the initiative in opening peace talks with the government," Ajay Rajkonwar said.

Now all eyes are set on the ULFA chairman to see if he is able to pull the curtains down to more than 30 years of insurgency in Assam.

Source : AssamTribune


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
3 suspected fundamentalists held along Bangla border

Shillong, Dec 30 (PTI): Three persons, suspected to be activists of a Muslim fundamentalist group, were today apprehended by the BSF while they were trying to enter India from Bangladesh.
The trio, hailing from Magurmari in Darrang district, were suspected to be members of the Muslim United Liberation Tigers of Assam (MULTA). Abdul Rashid (52), Bansar Ali (35) and Zafar Ali (45) were caught near the Purakasia border observation post in Meghalaya's West Garo Hills district, BSF sources said. They were later handed over to police.

Source : AssamTribune


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Ceasefire with DHD-N extended

NEW DELHI, Dec, 29 – With the political dialogue with both factions of DHD on tracks, the Centre today announced extension of the ceasefire pact with Nunisa faction for another six months following a tripartite meeting.
An official spokesman of the Ministry of Home Affairs said that it has been decided and mutually agreed to extend the suspension of operations (SoO) agreement with Dima Halam Daogah (Nunisa) (DHD-N) group for a further period of six months up to June 30, next year.

Source : AssamTribune


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Assam CM invites ULFA chief to join politics

Guwahati: Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi on Thursday invited United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa to join politics, saying that let him serve people through politics.

"Let Rajkhowa join politics if he wants to serve people," Times Now quoted Gogoi, as saying.

Gogoi's comments follow the verdict of the TADA court here, which granted bail to him in view of the state government's decision not to oppose his bail application as a part of the government's policy to take the peace process forward.

The banned ULFA chairman is likely to be released from jail on Friday, a year since his arrest after being nabbed by Bangladesh security agencies and handed over to Indian authorities.

The special TADA court, which heard his bail plea today, had deferred the hearing thrice earlier, as the court had sought reports from the home and political department in this regard.

Most top ULFA leaders including ULFA ideologue Bhimakanta Buragohain, vice-chairman Pradip Gogoi, publicity secretary Mithinga Daimary, cultural secretary Pranati Deka and deputy commander-in-chief Raju Barua have been already released on bail.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
/\/\/\ This is how we make a martyr of a criminal. Just join politics. And Congress CM of Assam is supporting this. How low can this guy get?


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2009
Ulfa chief freed, ready for unconditional talks

GUWAHATI: A year after his arrest, Ulfa chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa walked out of prison on New Year's Day, raising hopes for an end to decades of violence in Assam.

"We are ready to hold unconditional talks with the government," said Rajkhowa, one of the founders of Ulfa, which launched a bloody campaign for a 'sovereign Assam' in 1978. The Ulfa boss was released from the Guwahati Central Jail where he had been kept since his arrest in Bangladesh in December 2009. On Thursday, a designated TADA court gave him bail after the state government did not oppose his release.

Cries of "Arabinda Rajkhowa Zindabad" and "Ulfa Zindabad" greeted Rajkhowa as he stepped out of the prison at around 8.15am. He was welcomed by members of his family and nearly 50 Ulfa sympathizers. "There are no differences within Ulfa over the peace process. We are ready to hold talks without any pre-conditions. But the government has to free all jailed leaders, including Chitraban Hazarika and Sasadhar Choudhury," Rajkhowa told reporters.

Hazarika and Choudhury are Ulfa's foreign and finance secretaries. Rajkhowa pressed for participation of Ulfa general secretary Anup Chetia in negotiations. "Chetia is currently in the safe custody in Bangladesh. Since he has an important role to play in the peace process, I ask authorities to get him back to India from Bangladesh as soon as possible," he said.

Rajkhowa also hinted about the possibility of Ulfa commander-in-chief Paresh Baruah joining talks. Baruah, who is reportedly holed up in Myanmar, has refused to be a part of the peace process as long as the government does not agree to discuss the Ulfa's demand for a sovereign country. Rajkhowa thanked the Jatia Abhibartan, a citizens' forum, for facilitating the peace process between Ulfa and the government.

CM hopes for peace on Ulfa front

Assam chief minister Tarun Gogoi, while expressing his delight over the release of Ulfa chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa, on Saturday said that he hopes for the beginning of peace talks between the two sides. "I am happy about his (Arabinda Rajkhowa) release. And with this a message is also given that with peace talks the matter could be resolved," Gogoi said. He added that the state government would not wait for Ulfa commander-in-chief Paresh Barua for talks, but he is welcome to join in.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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hi what d u people think assam gov/upa gov releasing caught top-ulfa members for peace talks. are this people worth to believe are this people serious for peace or it just fake and assam/upa gov another stupid stategy

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