North East - Developments & Debate


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2010
when resources are scarce, every community try hard to get a hold over them. first they will try to flush out immigrants and then riches( as poverty and extremism and education all are inter-related).
manipuri feels that their misery is due to invasion by others, we sitting in mainland feels like sharing our due share with them cuz the resources are more than required for masses but for them the resources are not available. any settlement in manipur is at par with a mainland tier 3 city with open sewars and bad road, corruption among govt officials, so, such things are but obvious.

its not about indian rule or chinese influence, its the due failure of economic model, social integration model and govt incapability to define the approach for them.

the biggest mistake by govt of india till now which is fueling separatism is the wrong understanding of social integration.
govt thinks social integration is bringing the disconnected into mainstream, wrong it should be increasing their participation in the mainstream activities while allowing them to follow their belief and culture. why on earth a naga will try to adapt the assam or bengal culture. they wont this FUELS enmity for mainland, govt initiatives for devt( both economic and social) are discouraged and left ignored. this leads to backwardness which is again blamed upon govt. in all after 30-40 yrs of misery we see what is happening today.

We are lucky enough not to have bangladesh happening with us.


On Vacation!
Super Mod
Apr 5, 2009
when you see so many groups of militants under different names of organization rising against indian's rule , it drives you to doubt the lawfulness of indian's rule in this region. just like the white Americans,when they were growing into a dominent force, they soon began to slaugther the aboriginals, the native American indians. today, such a scene is making its appearance again but in different version. indian army's subjugating acts which result in big human killings in kashimil,military rivelry from china and pakistan make it hard to allot its military power to surpress the aborigini's uprisings.Giving time, the North-east part of india's chinese- complexioned aboriginals will finally be carried off by blending in more and more hindus , and hinduists will assume its master stance on this land. it is the biggist humanitiarian disaster on earth, and we can do nothing about it. Like the Americans which comprise the super democracy in the world, india,the self-claimed biggist democracy, will soon democratize? its whole heterogenious population? just like American white forrunners, by surbjugating and killing. that's it. and who cares?
oh oh oh. Please don't super-impose your Hanization (in China) on India and call it Hinduization. Agreed that some of the militant formation is due to less development of North-east India is due to hare-brained policies of Indian defense ministry who thought developing north-east with roads/rail will allow PLA to use that infrastructure to invade during the time of war. Apart from lack of development, nothing of the sorts is happening that you are portraying here. If anything, North-east militancy has subsided and much in control now.

It is not in India's blood or principles to subjugate 'aboriginals' as you call it (it should be natives). India has always stood for plurality and multiculturalism as you can see from the vast array of religions, languages and cultures.

And take your all subjugating high talk and apply to your CCP masters. They are the ones who are subjugating the people of Tibet and Xinjiang. They are the ones erasing the cultures of Tibetans and Uighers. They are the ones who are subjugated for following their traditions. Who is not allowing the teens of Xinjiang to go for prayers in mosques?. So, when you clean your house first, then come back here and lecture us. China or its citizens has not even an iota of moral authority to lecture India on human rights. Its laughable :pound:


Senior Member
May 23, 2011
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aborigini's uprisings.Giving time, the North-east part of india's chinese- complexioned aboriginals will finally be carried off by blending in more and more hindus
Race and religion are two different things a Chinese "complexioned" guy could be a Hindu.
Did you actually think you'd look smart if you posted this??


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Peace pact with DHD(J) almost finalised

GUWAHATI, Jan 11 – The Government of India has almost finalised a peace pact with militant group DHD(J), while, it is still apprehensive of the peace overtones of the Ranjan Daimary faction of the National Democratic Front of Boroland (NDFB).

Talking to The Assam Tribune, the Joint Secretary (North East) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Sambhu Singh said that the Government has reached an agreement with the DHD (J) and the date for signing a formal agreement with the outfit would be finalised soon. However, the Government has not yet been able to come into an agreement with DHD (Nunisha) faction. He said that the DHD (N) is demanding inclusion of 94 more villages in Dima Hassao district, which is not practical.

Singh said that the talks with the pro talk faction of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) is progressing well, but though the Ranjan Daimary faction of the NDFB has announced a unilateral cease fire to express its desire to come for talks, the Government is keeping a close watch on the situation.

The MHA official said that the Government of India's interlocutor already met Ranjan Daimary in jail to have initial talks, but the Government is yet to take a decision on whether a suspension of operation against the outfit would be announced. He said that the fact that a major chunk of the members of the outfit is still in Myanmar is a worrying factor, while, there have been intelligence inputs of senior members of the outfit including B Bidai trying to procure weapons. The Government would keep watch on the situation before taking any decision on suspension of operation against the outfit, he added.

The Government would give rehabilitation package for the members of the militant outfits which sign peace pacts with the Government. But the heinous cases against members of such outfits would not be withdrawn.

Singh admitted that the hard line faction of the ULFA has been trying to launch recruitment drive to strengthen the outfit and the new recruits have been sent for training. But the new boys are getting killed in the operations, he pointed out. He said that the leader of the outfit, Paresh Baruah spends most of his time in Myanmar and China. But he is not in a position to go back to Bangladesh as a case has been registered against him. However, the wife and children of Baruah are still in Bangladesh.

ATThe Assam Tribune Online


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
9 militant outfits of State to lay down arms

NEW DELHI, Jan 18 – Union Home Minister P Chidambaram is likely to arrive in Guwahati on January 24 to oversee surrender of weapons by nine militant outfits of the State.

Official sources have confirmed that the Home Minister would pay a daylong visit to the State ahead of the Republic Day celebrations. He has agreed to be the chief guest of the function organised by the State Government, said sources.

The nine militant groups, which are laying down arms, include four Adivasi militant groups like Adivasi Cobra Militants of Assam, Birsa Commando Force, Santhal Tiger Force, Adivasi People's Army and Adivasi National Liberation Army, besides Hmar Peoples Convention, Kuki Liberation Army, Kuki Revolutionary Army and United Kuki Defence Army.

A bonanza of sops is proposed to be given to the militant groups, with the Adivasi militant groups being offered Scheduled Tribe (ST) status. The move, however, may leave other claimant communities including Koch Rajbongshi, Tai-Ahom, Moran and Mataks, on tenterhooks.

However, the move may benefit only select Adivasi groups including the Oraon, Munda, Santhals and Birsa. These groups already enjoy ST status in other States and that is why the Centre may not have much problem in adding these groups in the ST list, said sources, adding that the proposal being worked out may include economic packages.

Sources said that the package has been firmed up by the State Government in consultation with the Centre. The Home Ministry officials have already held discussions with representatives of the Adivasi militant outfits in Guwahati.

The Adivasi militant groups have demanded inclusion of Adivasi into the Scheduled Tribe list (under VI Schedule) and grant of ex-gratia payment to the riot-hit people. They have projected an estimated 2.50 lakh Adivasi people are living in camps.

The State Government, however, may have to do some deft manoeuvering on the issue of grant of ST status to the Adivasi communities, leaving out other communities including the influential Koch-Rajbongshi, Tai-Ahom, Matak and Moran, who may not take kindly to the move to appease one group. In all, six communities in the State have been agitating for ST status for long.

Sources said that though the Kuki and Hmar militant outfits are not much of a threat, as they do not have significant presence, the peace pacts with Adivasi militant groups though is significant, given their potential to create trouble.

The groups are known to target the National Highways and Railway network.

The other aspect, said sources, is the growing apprehension that the cadres belonging to the Adivasi groups may fall into the waiting arms of the Maoists. As reported, the Maoists are trying to prepare the ground to set up bases in Assam.

The package being prepared also includes rehabilitation of the Adivasi refugees living in relief camps in Kokrajhar and Bongaigaon districts.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Centre extends ceasefire with DHD-J, NDFB-P

Spl Correspondent
NEW DELHI, Jan 18 – The Centre on Wednesday announced extension of the ceasefire pacts with Dima Halam Daogah (DHD)-J faction and National Democratic Front of Boroland (Progressive) (NDFB-P).

Official sources said it has been mutually agreed with the (DHD) group in North Cachar Hills district of Assam to further extend suspension of operations (SoO) for a period of six months till June 30.

An agreement of Suspension of Operations (SoO) between the security forces and DHD has been in operation since January 1, 2003 and has been extended. Agreed ground rules have been revised making them more strict, said sources.

A Joint Monitoring Group (JMG) headed by JS (North-east), Ministry of Home Affairs, has been constituted to review the implementation of agreed ground rules. Meetings of JMG have been held periodically.

Meanwhile, tripartite talks on the demands of DHD are continuing. Centre's interlocutor, PC Halder held the last tripartite meeting with the outfit on December 17, to finalise the Memorandum of Settlement (MoS).

The Dimasa extremist outfit under the name of the Dima Halam Daogah (DHD) raised its ugly head in North Cachar Hills district of Assam after December, 1994. In December 2002, Dima Halam Daogah (DHD) had come forward and expressed its willingness to give up violence and seek solution of its problems peacefully within the framework of the Indian Constitution.

An agreement of Suspension of Operations (SoO) had been signed between the Central Government (Home Ministry), Government of Assam and NDFB on May 24, 2005 and has been in operation since June 1.

In the wake of the involvement of some NDFB cadres in serial blasts in Assam, on October 30, 2008, the SoO Agreement with the NDFB was revised in 2009.

A Joint Monitoring Group (JMG) headed by JS (NE), Ministry of Home Affairs, had been constituted to review the implementation of agreed ground rules. Meetings of JMG have been held periodically.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
State Govt guidelines for surrendered ultras

R Dutta Choudhury
GUWAHATI, Jan 18 – The Assam Government has started enforcing strict guidelines for surrender of militants, while, the Government has changed the rules for payment of stipend to the members of the militant groups under cease fire agreement and from now on, such payments will be made only through cross cheques.

Highly placed police sources told The Assam Tribune that at one point of time, different security agencies used to enforce surrender of militants, but in the process, persons who were not active members of the militant groups managed to "surrender" and take advantage of the rehabilitation scheme of the Government. To discourage the disturbing trend, a high level committee has been formed to screen the persons who want to surrender and the government accepts the surrenders only when the names of the militants are cleared by the screening committee. Moreover, surrender without weapons are not accepted unless the person who seeks to surrender is a well known member of a militant outfit.

Sources said that after the Government starts imposing strict guidelines, the number of persons who came forward to surrender came down and in the year 2011, only 86 militants surrendered and the figure was around 70 in 2010. Sources said that with 15 militant groups of Assam talking with the Government, the need to accept surrender of militants has come down and some senior police officers are of the view that the Government should stop accepting surrender of militants after a certain period of time.

On the rehabilitation scheme, sources said that as per the scheme of 1998, the militants who laid down arms were given a stipend of Rs 2,000 per month for a period of one year on the condition that they would have to stay in the rehabilitation camps. But majority of those who surrendered wanted to return home and the scheme was amended in 2005 and an amount of Rs 1.50 lakh is kept in a bank account of each surrendered militant and the amount is released after they receive a good conduct certificate on the completion of one year of their surrender. If any surrendered militant is either arrested or a case is registered against him, he would not get the benefit.

Meanwhile, the Government is now paying a stipend of Rs 3,000 per month to the members of the militant groups under cease-fire agreement on the basis of the lists submitted by the outfits. But there were cases where some outfits gave out fictitious names to inflate the number of cadres and there have also been instances where lower level cadres of the outfits alleged that they did not get the money regularly. To deal with the problem, the Special Branch of the Assam Police, which handles the fund, started a new process of making the payment of the stipend through crossed cheques from this month and every member of the outfits under cease-fire would have to open bank accounts to get the money and no one would be able to pocket the money by using fictitious names.

The pro-talk faction of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) has submitted a list of around 550 cadres including the members of the A and C companies of the 28 battalion of the outfit, who came overground earlier and photo identity cards will be issued to the cadres after they move into the camps, sources added.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
All ULFA leaders, members adopt the surname 'Asom'

The anti-talks faction of the outlawed United Liberation Front of Assam on Friday announced that the surname of its leaders and cadres would be same from now and the common surname would be 'Asom'.

In a statement issued to the media through e-mail, the ULFA faction said the move reflected the outfit's commitment towards expediting the evolution of the 'great Assamese nation' irrespective of caste, creed and religion.

The ULFA statement said, "The process of formation of the great Assamese nation was disrupted once Assam went under forceful occupation of colonial Indian rulers. Though the intellectuals of Assam have tried had to analyse the reasons that were hampering the formation of a great Assamese nation, they have failed to project that the real reason behind all problems of Assam is the continued occupation of Assam by Indian colonial rulers'."

The statement added, "In a fresh attempt to revive and accelerate the process of formation of the great Assamese nation, the ULFA has decided to start it from the bottom of the organisation. So, we have decided to replace surnames of all our members with Asom."

Incidentally, the surname of a person in Assam usually reflects his/her caste, clan, tribe and religion.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Rupsi airfield may get new lease of life

Staff Reporter
GUWAHATI, Jan 21 – Rupsi airfield, which has been forgotten and ignored for long, could be back on the radar of air traffic. If the Assam Government and the Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) do their bit, the Airports Authority of India (AAI) and Indian Air Force (IAF) are willing to revive Rupsi as an airport catering to civilian as well as defence needs.
The development is significant as the proposed airport will be able to cater to the needs of a large population of western Assam that has remained unserved by civil aviation for several decades after the country's independence. Guwahati's LGBI Airport is the only entry and exit point for a large number of air travellers who have to journey several hours from western areas of the state.

Development of the Rupsi airfield, which is located at a strategic site, will be an advantage for the IAF, especially when it comes to fulfilling its logistical requirements. As a base it can add much needed muscle to its transport operations, an emerging need in the backdrop of Chinese military build-up in the eastern Himalayan region.

An official communication from the Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation to HS Brahma, Election Commissioner of India, dated January 19, 2012, stated that the Ministry of Civil Aviation has considered and agreed to a proposal of the AAI in respect of the request of IAF to proceed with a plan to develop the Rupsi airfield on similar lines of the Kargil airport.

At a 'co-ordination meeting' between AAI and the IAF on January 6 this year the IAF proposed that the AAI may carry out 'demarcation of the airport land in coordination with State Government and accordingly convey the actual availability of land'. The follow- up action is being taken by the AAI.

The communication also stated that the BTC had initially proposed a greenfield airport at Kokrajhar located not far from Rupsi. Later, the BTC Secretariat conveyed its acceptance of Rupsi airport to be developed in lieu of the proposed greenfield airport.

Election Commissioner Brahma, who was responsible for taking the initiative of reviving the Rupsi airport has appreciated the move of the Civil Aviation Ministry, and has stated his intent to bring the recent development to the notice of the Chief Secretary, Government of Assam and the State Transport Minister.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
12 NE ultra outfits give boycott call

Staff Reporter
GUWAHATI, Jan 21 – Twelve militant outfits of the North East region have given a call to the people to boycott the Republic Day celebrations as a mark of "resistance against Indian occupation of the region."
The militant outfits have also called upon the people to observe general shut down from 1 am to 5.30 pm on January 26. The release said that during the hours, all trade and commercial activities, all forms of public entertainment and all forms of public and private transportation should not operate in the region. However, emergency services, essential services, media and religious activities have been exempted from the strike.

The joint statement said that the Republic Day celebration legitimizes the colonial oppression of the North East region by India. As the people of the North East are not Indians, there is no reason for celebration of the Republic Day. "We have every right and reason to fight against and overthrow the Indian colonial regime to regain our lost sovereignty and independence," the statement added.

The statement further said that a spontaneous boycott of the Republic day would force India to realize the truth and withdraw itself from the North East.

The joint statement has been issued by the hard line faction of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA), Coordination Committee of Manipur's seven parties (CorCom), HNLC of Meghalaya, Kamatapur Liberation Organization (KLO), National Liberation Front of Twipra (NLFT) and Tripura People's Democratic Front (TPDF).

The statement also proved that the Manipur based militant groups have joined hands to form a coordination committee and efforts are also on by the militant groups of the North East to come into a common platform. In the joint statement, the militant groups also made it clear that united struggle is the key to their success. They further said that they would unite to overthrow the Indian colonial rule.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Arunachal Guv for re-opening Stillwell road

ITANAGAR, Jan 21 – Arunachal Pradesh Governor JJ Singh has stressed the need to re-open the historic Stillwell Road and border trade with Myanmar through Pangasu Pass in Changlang district.

"Most imports from Myanmar and China are currently being channelled through the Kolkata dock, a much longer sea-route than the Stillwell Road," he said, adding that reopening of this road would reduce transportation costs between China and India by more than 30 per cent.

Singh discussed this when Union Minister of State for DoNER Pawan Singh Ghatowar called on him at Raj Bhawan here last night, official sources said today.

Highlighting the importance of re-opening the historic Second World War road, the Governor said that the border trade agreement between India and Myanmar was signed on January 21, 1994.

Trade has officially been going on at Moreh in Manipur and Nampong in Changlang district, near the Pangsau Pass, of Arunachal Pradesh where a border trade centre (BTC) was inaugurated by the then Union Minister of State for Commerce Jairam Ramesh in November 1997, he said.

The BTC at Nampong was practically lying defunct, Singh told the Minister.

The Governor also underscored the significance of border trade with the country's south-eastern neighbours.

Teak would be the major item of import from Myanmar, which in turn would help preserve the State's valuable forest reserves and transform the economy of the insurgency affected Northeastern region by making it a production hub for the Myanmarese and western Chinese markets, he said.

Taking up the cause of air passengers, especially in medical cases, he requested the Minister to ensure that a daily Boeing service from Lilabari to New Delhi via Guwahati is introduced.

He suggested introducing the daily Boeing service till the proposed Green Field airport comes up at Itanagar, sources said.

Singh also expressed concern at the slow progress of the upgradation of Tezu airport, a Central project, to improve air connectivity of this land-locked State. – PTI



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
BSF hands over detained Bangla head constable

AGARTALA, Jan 21 – The BSF today handed over Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) head constable who had shot dead an Indian farmer in Tripura's Sipahijala district along the border to the force.
Lutfar Rahaman was handed over to the 33 battalion of BGB of Comilla sector about 3 am, sources said.

Following the killing of farmer Shaha Alam of Tarakpur village yesterday, there was a commandant-level flag meeting between 29 battalion of BSF and 33 battalion of BGB near the spot but it was inconclusive as the BGB personnel were pressing for handing Lutfar to them, the sources said.

Later the matter was discussed in Foreign Ministry level of the two countries and the head constable was handed over, a BSF official said on condition of anonymity.

This decision was taken in larger interest of both the countries, sources said, adding BGB personnel assured to punish the erring head constable. – PTI



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
/\/\/\ All those stupid Bangladeshis who run amok on paki forums including their own and whine about BSF killing those illegally trying to enter India should be shown this article.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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/\/\/\ All those stupid Bangladeshis who run amok on paki forums including their own and whine about BSF killing those illegally trying to enter India should be shown this article.
Naturally bro. Think about it;

- low population
- neglected region
- rich in resources
- an anti-national government to the boot

Perfect conditions for Bangladeshi nonsense to come into India.

I feel that BSF should not report the killings. Why do they have to? They should simply saw that some "insurgents" tried to shoot them and they shot them back and deny shooting illegals. Denial is the most effective tool today.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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when you see so many groups of militants under different names of organization rising against indian's rule , it drives you to doubt the lawfulness of indian's rule in this region. just like the white Americans,when they were growing into a dominent force, they soon began to slaugther the aboriginals, the native American indians.
:lol: you're comparing the American slaughter to the dirty politics of our country? Clearly, you don't know the constraints that we face in a kleptocracy that we have. There is a lot of regionalism here in India in some states (in our NE states and some places like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu etc) because we haven't taken the regionalists out with an iron fist.

But when it comes to dealing with you guys at the borders, every single Indian is a single unit.

Giving time, the North-east part of india's chinese- complexioned aboriginals will finally be carried off by blending in more and more hindus , and hinduists will assume its master stance on this land. it is the biggist humanitiarian disaster on earth, and we can do nothing about it.
Assam, Manipur and Meghalaya are mainly Hindu states; Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh are Buddhist/Hindu states. What are you trying to say here? :rolleyes:

What do you mean "Chinese-complexioned"? We look nowhere like you people. Our skin, language, looks and features everything is different from you lot. There are a lot of varieties of semi-Mongoloids that you know it and I know it. Alaska, Siberia, Pacific islands etc also have semi-mongoloid people; does that mean all are Chinese? What about entire Southeast Asia? Are they Chinese too? :lol:

We are as different from you as you're different from Arabs. India's identity isn't based on how we look but instead our ancient culture.

And if we go by your looks-oriented theory, these people don't look Chinese either:

Still you call them Chinese right?

Either have the ethos for yourself or don't make double standards.

Like the Americans which comprise the super democracy in the world, india,the self-claimed biggist democracy, will soon democratize? its whole heterogenious population? just like American white forrunners, by surbjugating and killing. that's it. and who cares?
In USA, Chinese people have a much more free life than they could ever have in China.


Regular Member
Sep 26, 2010
I was reading that some of the groups esp. in Nagaland were finally understanding that separation is a lose-lose situation for everyone, and instead were seeking a more autonomous role in their governance - is this a decent reflection of a shift in mentality in this region? I mean there are always going to be crackheads wanting seccession, but I don't see how the IA etc could go in and 'deal' with the insurgent groups without polarising the entire region... :confused:

Whilst no doubt long term economic and infrastructure development will curb insurgency, the stupid govt does not seem to recognize the need and priority that should be given to putting money into the region to help combat this... it confuses me what can be done in the short term.

At times all the regionalism around India e.g. at times in Punjab and the bloody Shiv Sena really makes my blood boil :mad2:


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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I was reading that some of the groups esp. in Nagaland were finally understanding that separation is a lose-lose situation for everyone, and instead were seeking a more autonomous role in their governance - is this a decent reflection of a shift in mentality in this region? I mean there are always going to be crackheads wanting seccession, but I don't see how the IA etc could go in and 'deal' with the insurgent groups without polarising the entire region... :confused:
The main regiments of IA that deal with terrorists in Nagaland are Nagas themselves. Heard of SF-21? They are battle-hardened Nagas who have crushed and combed through NSCN's sub-outfits in the region themselves. So polarization is only a stupid propaganda by terrorists. They know they are on their last move after which they would be squashed down like bugs.

Whilst no doubt long term economic and infrastructure development will curb insurgency, the stupid govt does not seem to recognize the need and priority that should be given to putting money into the region to help combat this... it confuses me what can be done in the short term.
Money is not the solution. NE gets a lot of money but most of it is eaten by the chief ministers. Getting material to move into the state without state consent is the only solution. See this is why I don't like this federative structure where jurisdiction of development is left on states of India. This creates a world of difference between any two states. Example, Gujarat and Manipur. These two states are poles apart in development, with Gujarat at least 2 decades ahead of Manipur. The funny thing here is that, Manipur is at least three times richer than Gujarat in natural resources.

This is what I meant by a unitary development structure. Where planning dominates at central level and states have no right to say no to infrastructure development. It should be forced.

Giving money to these bloody CMs would be waste of national wealth and our taxes. Imagine a state like UP which is directly under national spotlight, has that scum Mayawati swindling national wealth. Imagine how bad it would be in NE which is the most neglected region in the country.

Material that cannot be resold again is the only way of forcing development in NE and this should be done by Governors of NE origin, giving them more power than selfish CMs. When people see that their own state's people are forcing development, they would be even more supportive.

At times all the regionalism around India e.g. at times in Punjab and the bloody Shiv Sena really makes my blood boil :mad2:
That is because the Center itself if weak and it is the will of the common man to stand united. If Center had the ability to call Raj Thackeray, Karunanidhi etc as separatists and terrorists and just gun them down like how the Mizo terrorists were gunned in 1967, there would be no separatism in the country. Every separatist would shyte in his pants before daring to go against the nation.

Because the central government itself is anti-national, so these tiny groups get a free hand in doing what they want.


Regular Member
Sep 26, 2010
This is what I meant by a unitary development structure. Where planning dominates at central level and states have no right to say no to infrastructure development. It should be forced.
Do you think that such centralization should be done working WITH representatives of different regions, and if so, how much of a 'free hand' should be given to the regional rulers? Because it seems a bit contradictory when you suggest people of NE origin should be driving the development (no questioning that) but at the same time the power and influence of the center has to be propagated in a strong and meaningful manner throughout India? Is there any particular way this can be approached whilst helping develop national identity?

IMO getting different people from all regions of India involved in policy making affecting India as a whole will help improve the publicity and image of representatives from those regions that are absent in the sorry excuse run as the current central government.

I had recently been to Malaysia, and the aggressive fashion in which national unity among the three major groups (Malays, Indians and Chinese) is encouraged by the govt was astounding - both via policies, and quite impressive use of the media (esp TV, and heaps and heaps of posters :D). Made me sick that we have jack s*** like that going on here.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Do you think that such centralization should be done working WITH representatives of different regions, and if so, how much of a 'free hand' should be given to the regional rulers? Because it seems a bit contradictory when you suggest people of NE origin should be driving the development (no questioning that) but at the same time the power and influence of the center has to be propagated in a strong and meaningful manner throughout India? Is there any particular way this can be approached whilst helping develop national identity?
I mean to say that NE people should be more actively involved at central level and while this is yet to start in any meaningful manner, we have greedy politicians who would give some cock and bull stories to nullify development. This is where the Center has to play hard ball. Trust me, NO NE person would ever say no to infrastructure, facilities and development. The only ones who say no are foreign-funded environmentalists (agents) and the pesky politicians who will politicize even basic facilities for life.

IMO getting different people from all regions of India involved in policy making affecting India as a whole will help improve the publicity and image of representatives from those regions that are absent in the sorry excuse run as the current central government.
The problem is some states are not very progressive minded in the country and they are given a free hand to run like a mini-country inside India. This is something I am strongly against. Those who cite bullshyte excuses of environment are liars because the Army and IAF makes similar infrastructure for soldiers and that doesn't do any damage to the environment. It is a pathetic excuse by the politicians for now allowing development so that they could play dirty political games further on this.

I had recently been to Malaysia, and the aggressive fashion in which national unity among the three major groups (Malays, Indians and Chinese) is encouraged by the govt was astounding - both via policies, and quite impressive use of the media (esp TV, and heaps and heaps of posters :D). Made me sick that we have jack s*** like that going on here.
Exactly. Why not try USA? US has more diverse people of different countries than we have despite being of the same ancient civilization and country! Try cursing USA in front of second generation people of the diverse ethnicities. They would whoop your rear straight. That's the kind of unity they got. We look like a sad joke when seen from that real angle.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Nihar/Tshering - Rashtriya Rifles, Assam Rifles etc too are into COIN ops in NE states. They have a fixed tenure to operate in a particular area, say around 2 years. After that specific time, they are moved into a different disturbed area (independent of State I believe), and a different unit moves into their place.

Nihar( in response to your post # 576) - For a militancy to survive, the 4 most important things are cause, money, cadre strength and backing.

Money- there are many channels to funnel money into various terrorist groups, viz. extortions, sympathetic doners for the cause etc. Extortions are the main revenue generator for the groups nowadays, having many amongst them realizing that the cause is lost.

Backing - of people in power, for e.g., local politicians, bureaucrats, local police, local people. Earlier the Central Govt were too complacent to address these issues. But of late, they have cracked the whip on local politicians. The support is still there, but it's phasing out.

Cadre Strength - Mainly local people. New generations have realized the hazard terrorism poses and many of them can now be seen entering the mainstream with a desire to have a good life.

Cause - Newer generations do not believe/care about it, older generations are phasing out by the graves.

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