North East - Developments & Debate


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
DG-level meet of BSF, BBG on March 8
AGARTALA, March 3 – Aiming to enhance the mutual understanding in guarding Indo-Bangla border, the Director General (DG) level meeting of BSF and Bangladesh Border Guards (BBG) will be commencing in Delhi on March 8.
As part of 'homework' BSF Director General (DG) Raman Srivastava on Thursday visited the State to know the ground reality in Tripura, which shares 856 km international border with Bangladesh.

Besides holding meeting with top BSF officials of Tripura Frontier, the DG visited some border areas to inspect the ongoing work of barbed wire fencing along the Indo-Bangla border. During the visit, the DG also met Chief Minister Manik Sarkar and had a closed -door meeting where overall situation along the border was discussed threadbare.

Later talking to reporters, Srivastava said that both BSF and its Bangladesh counterpart have been working in a cordial manner. "They have already pushed back some insurgent leaders to Indian authority," he pointed out.

Srivastava said that all the issues including trans-border crime and smuggling will come up in the upcoming BSF-BBG meeting scheduled for March 8. "We will submit a list of anti-Indian elements hiding in Bangladesh soil to BBG authority in the DG level six-day meeting. In turn, they are also expected to submit the same to BSF," he said. On possibility of handing over NLFT Surpremo Biswamohan Debbarma and ATTF boss Ranjit Debbarma to Indian authority, the DG said, "We are working closely on it."

Srivastava said that unfenced Indo-Bangla border would be fenced on a war-footing to prevent trans-border movement of insurgent from across the border. "We have approached the Bangladesh authority to allow erection of single-line fencing at Zero Line in some patches of Indo-Bangla border," he said adding that the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) had already sanctioned to go for flood lighting in 718-km Indo-Bangla border out of total 856 km.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Centre hopeful of Paresh Barua joining talks
Spl Correspondent
NEW DELHI, March 4 – Outlawed ULFA military chief Paresh Barua has so far rebuffed all attempts to make him join the peace process, but the Centre is still hopeful of the commander-in-chief joining the talks.
Stating this, Union Home Secretary G K Pillai said that the Government of India is expecting Paresh Barua to come for talks once the formal dialogue process gets wayunder.

The Home Secretary, who was interacting with journalists at the Indian Women Press Corp drew a parallel between the NDFB and ULFA peace process. He argued that in case of NDFB, Ranjan Daimary faction initially refused to come for talks but later relented and joined the peace process. "The same thing would happen in case of the Paresh Barua group as well," he opined.

"We are expecting Paresh Barua to come for talks," he said.

On the ULFA peace process, he said the seven-member coordination committee is in place and this group would work out modalities for suspension of operation. For the moment though an informal ceasefire between two sides already exists.

The Home Secretary also added that the crackdown by Bangladesh Government has made it difficult for the insurgent outfits of the North-east to operate from the country. The Indian insurgent groups, which used to operate from there have been hit by the crackdown, he said, lauding the initiative of Bangladesh.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
NE ultras in Myanmar forging unity
R Dutta Choudhury
GUWAHATI, March 4 – Strong bonding between the militant groups of the North East having bases in Myanmar has become a major cause of concern for the security agencies, while, the hard line faction of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) and the anti-talk faction of the National Democratic Front of Boroland (NDFB) recently sent small batches of new recruits to the neighbouring country for training in handling of weapons.
Highly placed security sources told The Assam Tribune that in recent times, the militant groups of the North East have become closer to each other in Myanmar in the interest of their own survival and most of the outfits of the region have strong bases in the Taka (Taga) area in the Sagain division of Myanmar. The recent videos of ULFA commander in chief Paresh Baruah along with his supporters, which was released to the media, were shot in the bases of the outfit in Taka, sources added.

Despite repeated assurances to the Government of India, the Government of Myanmar is yet to launch sustained operations against the militants using the territory of the country as safe haven. However, to increase vigil along the more than 1600 kilometre international boundary, the Government of India has taken a decision to deploy Border Security Force (BSF) personnel along the border with Myanmar. But the deployment will take some time as new battalions of the force are being raised and creation of necessary infrastructure will also take some time.

Sources said that the hard line faction of the ULFA, headed by Paresh Baruah has started recruiting new cadres. Though large scale recruitments were not noticed from any part of Assam, it is a fact that small groups of new recruits were sent to the bases in Myanmar for training in recent times, sources added.

The same is the case with the anti-talk faction of the NDFB as the outfit is also sending the new recruits to Myanmar, where the outfit has set up bases along with Manipur based outfit KYKL. Though the anti-talk faction of the NDFB has sent feelers to the Government expressing willingness for talks, the outfit has also initiated steps for augmenting its armoury, which is a matter of concern for the security forces. The security agencies managed to intercept some communications between the members of the outfit in recent times and there were instances when the field level commanders requested their leaders staying in Bangladesh and Myanmar to send weapons including AK series rifles. The leaders also asked the field level leaders to send money for procurement of weapons. Though the security forces are not apprehending large scale violence by the NDFB in near future, the possibility of members of the outfit indulging in kidnappings and extortions cannot be ruled out in the wake of the recent communications.

Sources also revealed that the vice chairman of the anti-talk faction of the NDFB, G Rifikhang, who is heading the outfit after the arrest of Ranjan Daimary, is still believed to be in Bangladesh, while, the IK Songbijit, the Army chief of the outfit is now near Myanmar-China border and security agencies are of the view that he also visited China recently.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
ABSU blocks highway on Bodoland demand
JALAH, March 4 – The All Bodo Students' Union(ABSU) staged road blockade on National Highway 31-C at Barama renewing the demand for a separate State of Bodoland.
Over 20,000 ABSU activists gathered on the highway at Barama in Baksa district blocking the movement of traffic for over three hours, from 11 am to 1 pm. A memorandum was submitted to the Prime Minister through the Baksa Deputy Commissioner on the issue of separate statehood.

ABSU president Promod Boro reasoned while talking to reporters, "If Telengana can be proposed to be created, why not Bodoland?" He said the Government of India had created three new States in the year 2000, and granting the status of autonomy with amended arrangement and limited mandate can neither accommodate nor fulfil the aspirations of the Bodos. "They deserve creation of a full-fledged Statehood", he said.

The ABSU said the tribals have less than 35 per cent of literacy rate, whereas the leading community of Assam has 80 pc. "This situation is still prevailing because of the communal mentality of the ruling class since Independence and negligence in taking care of the tribal education. Besides, no government scheme, be it Central or State, is allowed to run properly in the tribal areas in the State. The 60 pc of tribal population in the State has been enjoying only 7 pc of total government schemes in the last 64 years of Independence. No separate budget is prepared to enhance the tribal economy, other than a few outdated beneficiaries schemes like distribution of yarn and pigs to the tribal women. Fund under the Central schemes bound for the tribals are also siphoned off by the State government officials for which tribals could not develop in any aspect in the last 64 years of Independence, he argued.

The ABSU president said people living in the Sixth Schedule Council areas in the State are demanding statehood because of the inability of the Council to redress the grievances of the people.

"We believe creation of a separate Bodoland by a pragmatic and comprehensive policy is the only way to provide justice to millions of aboriginal Bodo tribals of the region," he reiterated.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Refugee status for Bengali Hindus: Gogoi
Staff Reporter
GUWAHATI, March 8 – Switching from his earlier stand, Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi today opined that the ruling Congress will seek refugee status for the displaced Bengali Hindus, who fled East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) fearing persecution.
Gogoi, while talking to mediapersons here, admitted that he was wrong in not favouring refugee status for the persecuted Bengali Hindus much earlier.

"I am going to take up the issue with the Government of India that the people who fled East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) fearing for their lives and took shelter in India should be given refugee status on humanitarian ground," Gogoi said.

Gogoi also stated that he will include it in the Congress election manifesto for the ensuing Assembly elections.

The statement assumes significance as Gogoi was cynical about the idea of giving refuge status to the Bengali Hindus as was demanded by the Bharatiya Janata Party.

Exuding confidence about returning to power for the third consecutive term, the Chief Minister further claimed that the Congress would form the government on its own though it will continue to maintain its alliance with Bodoland People's Front (BPF).

"We will win more seats than last time and form the government alone. Of course, we will keep ally BPF with us as Congress is not a party of betrayers," Gogoi said.

He also flayed the opposition parties, especially the Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) and the Bharatiya Janata Party, for failing to work with any fixed agenda.

"When they were in power, they hardly bothered about the issues of the people of the State, be it the foreigners' issue or the problem of flood and soil erosion. The days when NDA and the AGP ruled at the Centre and the State respectively would go down as the darkest days for Assam," Gogoi said.

On the alliance of AGP, Left parties and others, Gogoi said that the alliance the opposition is working on lacks common ideology or agenda and it was merely formed to gain electoral success.

He added that the Congress would go to polls with the agenda of development.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Corruption hindering NE progress: Gadkari

GUWAHATI, March 8 – Corruption is one of the main reasons for underdevelopment of the North Eastern region of the country, while infiltration of Bangladeshi nationals poses a serious threat to the security of the nation, said the president of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Nitin Gadkari.
Talking to The Assam Tribune, the BJP president said that corruption would be one of the main issues for the BJP in the ensuing elections to the Assam Legislative Assembly. He pointed out that over the years, Assam has been neglected as vital issues concerning the people have been overlooked and a major portion of the funds provided by the Government of India is not reaching the people because of corruption. He pointed out that the BJP has already unearthed financial scams worth Rs 60,000 crore in the North Eastern region and even at the national level, corruption is a major issue for the party.

Gadkari said that the BJP has already constituted a committee of experts to study the problems facing the North East and to prepare a vision document entitled NE Vision 2025 for recommending ways for sustainable development of the region. He expressed the view that there is urgent need for launching sustainable development schemes free from corruption in the North East.

On the problem of infiltration of foreigners, the BJP president alleged that over the years, the Congress gave a red carpet welcome to the Bangladeshi nationals to create its own vote bank, thus overlooking the interests of the nation. He said that because of the wrong policies of the Congress, foreign nationals even managed to buy properties in India, while, infiltration has seriously deprived the indigenous people of Assam, irrespective of their religion and caste, of their due share of development. It is unfortunate that even after 60 years of independence, the international border with Bangladesh could not be sealed, which not only encouraged infiltration but also instigated cross border terrorism, which has become a major threat to the security of the nation, he added.

On the prospects of the BJP in the ensuing State Assembly polls, Gadkari said that the BJP would fight the elections alone. He asserted that a non-Congress Government would be formed in the State after the polls and the BJP is likely to be a part of it. However, he refused to disclose whether the BJP is ready for a post-poll alliance with the AGP and said, " such issues will be discussed when such a need arises. At this moment I can only say that the strength of the BJP is increasing with every passing day and we hope to do well in the elections."

Replying to a question on the recent resentment among a section of BJP workers over the issue of selection of party candidates, Gadkari said that such issues would not affect the party in any way. "Ours is a democratic party and such minor issues in a party like BJP are not unusual. The BJP is not like a proprietary mother and son party like the Congress," he said. However, he warned that the BJP would not tolerate any indiscipline by party workers.

Replying to another question as to how the BJP, if voted to power, would solve the problem of insurgency, Gadkari said that wrong policies followed by the Congress resulted in deterioration of the situation. He expressed the view that the policy of appeasement by the Congress would not help in solving the problems. He said that all-round development including better education facilities, creating employment potential, solution to the problem of floods, better health care, adequate facilities to the farmers etc., can play a vital role in dealing with the problem of insurgency.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Centre sticks to stand on NE Industrial Policy
Spl Correspondent
NEW DELHI, March 8 – The loud protests from the North Eastern States notwithstanding, the Union Finance Ministry has ruled out the possibility of restoring the provisions of the North East Industrial Investment Policy 2007.
There is no proposal at present either to restore the provisions or to extend the coverage of NEIIP 2007, Union Minister of State for Finance, S S Palanimanickam said in a Rajya Sabha reply to a question by Biren Baishya.

The minister was responding to a question on amendments of the Policy by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion that (DIPP) diluting the provisions relating to transport subsidy and Central Excise Duty. The minister said the rules were amended to prevent misuse.

Prior to April 2008, eligible units in North Eastern States and Jammu and Kashmir were entitled to refund of excise duty paid by them each month in cash. It excluded CENTVAT credit of duty paid on inputs.

This was modified to curb misuse by unscrupulous manufacturers. After the modifications, the refund is linked to the duty payable on value addition and not on the duty paid in cash, the minister said, admitting that some representations have been received seeking withdrawal of the modifications on the ground that it is impeding investments in the North-east.

A comprehensive review was undertaken only three years ago in 2007. As for restoring the earlier provisions of the Central Excise exemption, these were modified specifically to curb misuse, the minister argued.

As regards transport subsidy, no amendments have been made by the Government, the minister added.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Displaced Rabhas return to East Garo Hills
TURA, March 8 – After more than one-and-a-half months' of stay in relief camps in Goalpara district the last batch of 6500 displaced Rabha people returned to camps in Meghalaya between February 25 and March 1. Emotions ran high as the Rabhas were greeted warmly by the local Garo population and assured of security and assistance in the process of rebuilding their homes and starting a livelihood.
"They have also been enumerated for census in the revisional round between March 1 and 5 and in some cases even within February 28 which was the normal period of enumeration taking off a major worry from the head of district administration of East Garo Hills which had been overstretched to its limits ensuring the return of the natives and facilitating their Census head count," informed Deputy Commissioner Pravin Bakshi.

The return and the census exercise was apparently achieved after several high profile visits to the camps in Goalpara and hectic parleys with the district administration of Goalpara and the representatives and leaders of Rabha camps in Assam. With the return of the Rabhas within the stipulated time of Census operations the exact figures of the Rabha community can be ascertained in the Census – 2011 which concluded on 5th March , 2011 and for which compilation of reports and data is currently been done. The Rabhas who have returned have been kept in 18 transit camps and are 4711 in numbers.

As confidence building measures, the East Garo Hills district administration has issued instructions for the maintenance of transit relief camps by providing them with ration, medical facilities, nutritional supplement to the children and impregnated bed nets against malaria to the affected families.

Additionally, the administration of East Garo Hills is being cautious about the relief and rehabilitation process as a writ petition in the form of a PIL has been filed by the Asian Centre for Human Rights before the High Court of Gauhati and has been admitted by a bench headed by the Chief Justice of Gauhati High Court

The writ has made scathing remarks against the governments of Assam and Meghalaya for failing to do enough to prevent the ethnic clash and not doing enough towards relief and rehabilitation. This has been contested by the district administration and comments on the steps taken up by the it are being offered on the court matter.

Under the leadership of Civil Sub-Divisional Officer of Resubelpara, Ram Singh, several peace meetings were conducted in violence-hit villages of Genang, Hathibasa, Soenang, Thapa Dangre, Moranodi, Rongkhindap, Dankhong, Thorika, Rompara and Darampara. These meetings witnessed participation of members of both the communities.

Apart from according ceremonial welcome to the Rabha natives, pleasantries have been exchanged by both communities in a show of bonhomie. All the meetings were participated by the local MLA and C&RD Minister Frankenstein W Momin who voiced his vocal support for the process of peace and reconciliation.



Regular Member
Jul 18, 2009
Displaced Rabhas return to East Garo Hills
TURA, March 8 – After more than one-and-a-half months' of stay in relief camps in Goalpara district the last batch of 6500 displaced Rabha people returned to camps in Meghalaya between February 25 and March 1. Emotions ran high as the Rabhas were greeted warmly by the local Garo population and assured of security and assistance in the process of rebuilding their homes and starting a livelihood.
"They have also been enumerated for census in the revisional round between March 1 and 5 and in some cases even within February 28 which was the normal period of enumeration taking off a major worry from the head of district administration of East Garo Hills which had been overstretched to its limits ensuring the return of the natives and facilitating their Census head count," informed Deputy Commissioner Pravin Bakshi.

The return and the census exercise was apparently achieved after several high profile visits to the camps in Goalpara and hectic parleys with the district administration of Goalpara and the representatives and leaders of Rabha camps in Assam. With the return of the Rabhas within the stipulated time of Census operations the exact figures of the Rabha community can be ascertained in the Census – 2011 which concluded on 5th March , 2011 and for which compilation of reports and data is currently been done. The Rabhas who have returned have been kept in 18 transit camps and are 4711 in numbers.

As confidence building measures, the East Garo Hills district administration has issued instructions for the maintenance of transit relief camps by providing them with ration, medical facilities, nutritional supplement to the children and impregnated bed nets against malaria to the affected families.

Additionally, the administration of East Garo Hills is being cautious about the relief and rehabilitation process as a writ petition in the form of a PIL has been filed by the Asian Centre for Human Rights before the High Court of Gauhati and has been admitted by a bench headed by the Chief Justice of Gauhati High Court

The writ has made scathing remarks against the governments of Assam and Meghalaya for failing to do enough to prevent the ethnic clash and not doing enough towards relief and rehabilitation. This has been contested by the district administration and comments on the steps taken up by the it are being offered on the court matter.

Under the leadership of Civil Sub-Divisional Officer of Resubelpara, Ram Singh, several peace meetings were conducted in violence-hit villages of Genang, Hathibasa, Soenang, Thapa Dangre, Moranodi, Rongkhindap, Dankhong, Thorika, Rompara and Darampara. These meetings witnessed participation of members of both the communities.

Apart from according ceremonial welcome to the Rabha natives, pleasantries have been exchanged by both communities in a show of bonhomie. All the meetings were participated by the local MLA and C&RD Minister Frankenstein W Momin who voiced his vocal support for the process of peace and reconciliation.

Oracle, is the Rabha population of Garo hills are originally from Bangladesh?


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
No San. Rabhas have similarities with the Kacharis. They are not Bangladeshis.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
NSCN-K no to exploration in Nagaland oil field
DIMAPUR, March 25 – Stating that all mineral reserves in Naga homeland belong to the Naga people, the NSCN-K has asked Indian or foreign companies be it Canoro, Spice Jet or any other company who have expressed desire to explore and extract crude oil from Champang oil field under Lotha region to halt all preparations immediately as it does not recognize any MoU between parties for exploration at the oil field.
In a release issued by its MIP, the NSCN-K said it will consider extraction of crude oil only if the interested company agrees to first install and run oil refinery in Nagaland, in which case at least a thousand jobs to Naga could be assured.

Any extraction of natural resources by any company in Naga soil will have to be done only if it benefits the people and future Naga generations, it said.

The outfit said no politician or group of the day has any right to grant permission to exploration companies to extract wealth of the Nagas.

Further, stating that exploration and transportation of crude oil from Nagaland to other States is unacceptable as that would mean zero employment opportunity for Naga youth, the release said a wealth for hundred years will not be allowed to run dry in ten years.

The NSCN-K further asserted it will strictly ensure that the national wealth of the Nagas is preserved.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Don't take things on face value: Lt Gen Shekhatkar
R Dutta Choudhury
GUWAHATI, March 25 – Though India should keep its diplomatic channels with
China open, the Government of India should never accept the assurances of the Government of China on issues like diversion of the water of the river Brahmaputra, providing help to the militant groups involved in waging war against India, etc. on face value, observed former GOC of the 4 corps of the Army, Lt Gen (Retd) DB Shekhatkar.

Talking to The Assam Tribune, Lt Gen Shekhatkar, who has been closely monitoring the developments along the border with China for years, said that over the years, the attention of the Government of India is towards the threat from Pakistan, but China can very well become a bigger threat to the security of India and the country cannot afford to have blind faith on China and on any other country for that matter. "I am not saying that efforts to improve diplomatic ties with China should not continue, but at the same time, China should not be trusted on face value considering the recent activities of the Government of that country," he added.

On the issue of possible diversion of the river Brahmaputra, Lt Gen Shekhatkar said that the Chinese assurance in this regard should not be taken on face value. He pointed out that China is a country which manages to ensure implementation any decision once it is taken and if the water of the river Brahmaputra is diverted, it would have serious consequences for India, particularly Assam. He said that India should start planning now as to how possible diversion of the Brahmaputra can be thwarted and if necessary, steps should be taken to put international pressure on China in this regard. There are reports that China is facing food scarcity and to meet the demand, the country would need water in the fields and under such a situation, possibility of diversion of the Brahmaputra in the days to come cannot be ruled out.

The retired Army officer pointed out that in recent times, China is spreading its bases in the countries surrounding India. The economy of Myanmar is virtually controlled by China, while China has strong bases in Pakistan, occupied Kashmir (POK). The Government of China has started helping Pakistan to build a port at Gawadar located, north of Karachi and the country would also build highway and railway lines from the port to Sanghai. These are all projects relating to economic development, but the same can also be used for movement of army personnel in case of a war with India, he pointed out and said that both China and Pakistan are not very favourable to India and a close watch on the situation must be maintained. China already built up massive infrastructure in Tibet and all along the border with India. All these projects can be termed as part of economic development but India must keep a close watch on the developments, he added.

On the reports of China helping the militant groups of North East, Lt Gen Shekhatkar said that it is now an established fact that leaders of different militant outfits of the region including leaders of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) and NSCN visited that country frequently. "It is obvious that they did not go to China as tourists and by giving shelter to those involved in waging war against India, China has made its intentions very clear. Over the years, the security forces have been recovering weapons having Chinese markings on those from the militant groups of North East and though China has been denying reports of helping the militants, the denials should not be taken on face value.

India must remember that Pakistan was building up Army bases in Kargil at a time when the then Prime Minister of India took a bus ride to Pakistan to improve relations between the two countries," he said.

Lt Gen Shekhatkar also said that the Government of India is not serious on the issue of settling border disputes with China. He pointed out that India has been claiming that the Indian citizens in the six disputed areas in Arunachal Praresh would never be affected but, unfortunately, very few people know that there is hardly any population in those disputed areas. China has always been playing pressure tactics with India on the issue of settling the border disputes and now it seems that India would never be able to recover 38,000 square kilometers of land in possession of China in Ladakh.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Assam Govt Funds Non-Existent Schools in Assam

Guwahati, Mar 26 : The election campaign in Assam is gathering momentum with politicians battling more for votes and less for issues. But education seems far from their agenda.

Government schools in Assam are in shambles. And an RTI filed by a student has revealed shocking revelations.

The BR Ambedkar School in Guwahati, which has apparently received Rs 4,01,450 for its 217 students - actually does not exist.

There is money trickling in for schools which exist only on paper and not in reality. For example, one such school is the Dr BR Ambedkar school in Lachitpur. You can see the list of students and the money that has been procured in their name. But go around Lachitpur and you will find no trace of this school.

The Mangal Chandi Hindi LP School is another example. The headmaster says that funds for the dalits were instead going to a school - which had ceased to exist since 1991. In 2009-10, this non-existent school received Rs 2,94,150.

Headmaster NP Singh said, "This school does not exist, I don't know who these children are. This signature is also fake and this headmaster doesn't exist."

When we confronted the Department of Welfare for SCs and STs, which sanctions these funds, they blame it on shortage of manpower, but promise to investigate.

None of the senior officials we tried to contact were available for comment. All saying they were busy with election preparations. They may not speak to us, but they definitely owe an explanation to the people of Assam, especially the children, who's future is under threat.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Amnesty Appeals For Information on Arrested India Rebel

Mr Meghen was held in Bangladesh

UK-based Amnesty International has asked India and Bangladesh to disclose the whereabouts of a separatist leader from India's Manipur state.

Rajkumar Meghen, who leads the United National Liberation Front (UNLF), was held by Bangladeshi police in September and handed over to Indian authorities.

Earlier, his son told the BBC that the family was "very worried" for Mr Meghen's safety.

The UNLF is the oldest separatist group in India's north-east.

Formed in 1964 to fight for Manipur's liberation from India, the group is estimated to have 5,000 armed fighters.

It is the only group that has managed to retain territory in some areas of Manipur's borders with Burma, despite repeated military offensives by the Indian army.

Mr Meghen, whose alias is Sanayaima, was flown out of Bangladesh recently in an Indian aircraft, senior Indian officials told the BBC earlier this month.

Indian authorities have not commented publicly on Mr Meghen's whereabouts.

"Amnesty have told us they have written to the Indian and Bangladeshi governments seeking the whereabouts of Rajkumar Meghen," Mohammed Baniyamin, general secretary of the Manipur-based Family of the Involuntarily Disappeareds Association, said.

He said Amnesty had asked Delhi and Dhaka to allow Mr Meghen access to lawyers to defend himself.

Mr Baniyamin said Amnesty was yet to hear from either of the two governments.

Mr Meghen's wife Ibengmungshi Devi has also appealed to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to trace her husband.

She has also filed a petition in the court.

Hundreds of Manipuris have mysteriously disappeared in the last few years after Indian security forces intensified their anti-separatist campaign in the state where more than a dozen rebel groups are active.

Many were found dead later.

Bangladesh has handed over more than 50 leaders and activists of Indian separatist groups since a crackdown began in 2009.

Many more have fled Bangladesh to evade capture or been caught on the border by Indian guards.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
India-Myanmar Border to get Helipads

New Delhi, Feb 16 : The Government is planning to build helicopter bases and enhance road connectivity along the porous Indo-Myanmar border to enable dispatching of quick reinforcements and other supplies to BSF troops who will now guard the border instead of the paramilitary Assam Rifles, reports PTI.

The Centre is also expected to clear a Rs 8639.81 crore budget plan in the coming fiscal to raise additional 41 battalions in the Border Security Force which will now be deployed close to that border in order to enhance vigil.

The BSF will have additional 41,000 personnel, four frontier headquarters, 11 sector headquarters after the government recently decided to replace the Assam Rifles — currently guarding the 1,640km-long frontier — by the BSF, which guards borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh.

"A security audit report jointly prepared by the BSF and Assam Rifles has been submitted to the Home Ministry. The proposal envisages construction of helipads and enhancement of road network along the porous and densely forested Indo-Myanmar border," sources familiar with the development said.

"The proposal is under active consideration and advanced stage for approval, including the financial sanction for increasing the strength of the BSF, to enable it to take up the new responsibility," they said.

Most of the posts of Assam Rifles are located well inside Indian territory and only a handful of posts are located near the zero line, which makes it easier for the insurgents camping in Myanmar to sneak into India easily.

The BSF has hence been asked to construct the posts close to the border, they said.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
NC Hills Scam Funds Siphoned Off to Foreign Countries

Guwahati, Sep 2 : A substantial portion of funds allotted to North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council for the development of the hill district was siphoned off to foreign countries through hawala rackets, thus depriving the common people of the backward district of the fruits of development.

Highly-placed official sources told The Assam Tribune that the Enforcement Directorate has been investigating the case of money laundering in NC Hills Autonomous Council and during preliminary investigation, it was found that funds allotted to the Council were sent to Kolkata through hawala racket, where it was converted into dollars to be sent to Nepal. The commander in chief of the DHD (J), Niranjan Hojai used to stay in Nepal and after converting the money into dollars in Kolkata, the same was sent to Nepal for making payments for arms procurements.

Sources said that the person mainly involved in hawala transfer of funds from Guwahati has been identified but the National Investigation Agency (NIA) made him the witness in its case relating to siphoning off of funds to the coffers of militant groups.

Official sources said that the officials of the Directorate of Enforcement so far questioned nine of the 13 accused, 12 of whom are in judicial custody. But they could not question DHD (J) chief Jewel Garlosa, Niranjan Hojai and two other members of the militant group as they went on a hunger strike in protest against their arrest and had to be shifted to hospital. Sources said that the officials of Enforcement Directorate would try to question them as soon as possible regarding money laundering.

Sources, however, said that there would be a hitch in questioning Jewel Garlosa. The Court has granted permission to the Enforcement Directorate only to question the accused in the central jail, Guwahati. But Garlosa has been kept in a special jail in the headquarter of the Special Branch of the Assam Police and the Directorate does not have the court permission to question the militant leader there. The Directorate has written to the Additional Director General of Police, Special Branch asking as to when Garlosa could be shifted to the Central jail for questioning and the reply of the police is awaited.

Sources said that there were instances of payments of the council made in Guwahati itself in name of suppliers and in some cases substantial amounts were released to firms in advance. In one case, a firm was provided an advance of Rs 60 lakh and it is suspected that the money paid in such way went to the coffers of the militants.

The Enforcement Directorate is also trying to prepare a detailed list of all the accused in the case so that it can move the court for attachment and even confiscation of the properties acquired with the proceeds of crime. However, preparing the same would take some time as accused would not divulge the same easily. Sources said that according to allegations, Niranjan Hojai invested money in hotel business in Nepal and he even has investments in travel agency in that country and it is also alleged that he might have investments in Singapore. But the Enforcement Directorate is yet to get any conclusive proof of the same.

Sources said that RH Khan, the prime accused of the case, was a CDPO of the Social Welfare Department, but he was allowed to officiate in a much higher post of Deputy Director and he was even given financial powers. The Enforcement Directorate is trying to make an assessment of the list of his properties and even the properties acquired in names of others would be listed. His brother has been summoned for questioning as Khan reportedly bought a luxury car worth more than Rs 20 lakh in his name.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Ex-insurgents and crorepatis contest in Assam polls

Guwahati: The coming Assembly election in Assam will see an array of former ULFA insurgents and millionaires like Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi fighting it out in the first phase poll on April 4.

The former ULFA leaders included two militants who won as independents in the last election and three other surrendered leaders of the banned outfit.

The two independent legislators contesting for the third time are Jiten Gogoi and Kushal Duwori from Bokakhat and Thowra constituencies respectively. They are former ULFA leaders who have surrendered before the government.

The three others are also former ULFA leaders who surrendered before the government 10 years ago.

The ULFA leaders trying out their electoral fortunes include Suresh Bora as Congress candidate from Barhampur, Prafulla Bora alias Dhekial Phukan as NCP contestant from Bihpuria and Jayanta Khound, fighting independently from Naoboicha.

Suresh Bora told the media that his former ULFA connection would not affect his electoral prospect as he had come to the mainstream and was given a Congress ticket to contest.

At least six 'crorepatis' will also fight the election which included Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi, a Congress nominee, and one of the Asom Gana Parishad.

As per the affidavit filed along with the nomination papers, Tarun Gogoi has immovable property worth Rs 3.65 crore and movable assets of Rs 35 lakh, totalling Rs 4 crore.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
ULFA calls for bandh against PM's Assam visit

The proscribed United Liberation Front of Assam (anti-talks faction) has called for a 12-hour statewide bandh on March 28 from 6 A.M protesting the proposed visit of Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh on that day to hit the campaign trail for Congress party in the poll-bound state where Assembly election is being held in two phased on April 4 and 11.

In a statement e-mailed to the media, the ULFA faction led by the fugitive 'commander-in-chief' Partesh Barua stated, "The prime minister who had promised to hold discussion on all the core issues in the interest of resolving the 'Assam-India' conflict, has betrayed the people of Assam by creating rift in the ULFA so that ' Indian colonial occupation could be continued in Assam.'

The ULFA group had earlier threatened to train the gun on leaders of the ruling Congress during the run up to polls to 'teach the party a lesson' for adopting a ' policy of engineering split in the militant group in order to facilitate talks with only a faction of it.'

However, Assam Pradesh Congress Committee stated that the prime minister was not coming to the state on March 28 and was likely to hit the campaign trail in the state only in the first week of April.

The ULFA faction has apparently issued the statement on the basis of news reports in the local media that media reports that Dr Singh who is a Rajya Sabha member of Parliament from Assam, is arriving in the state on March 28 for electioneering .

The ULFA faction had already triggered a blast at the State Congress headquarter here on March 14 last in which three Congress leaders were injured. Assam police later arrested five suspected ULFA men involved in the blast.

Security forces have intensified vigil in all the vulnerable areas in tyhe state to thwart the faction's design to disrupt elections in the state. There were reports about the ULFA faction striking a deal with the anti-talks faction of the outlawed National Democratic Front of Bodoland to create panic in the state during polls.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Rise in candidates with criminal cases
Staff Reporter
GUWAHATI, March 26 – Compared to the 2006 Assembly elections where 6 per cent candidates contesting the polls had criminal cases against them, 11 per cent of the total number of candidates for the first phase of the ensuing elections has criminal cases pending against them.
This includes 14 contestants with serious criminal charges like murder and attempt to murder charges.

It needs mention here that as many as 62 constituencies are going to polls in the first phase of Assembly elections.

Among the major political parties, 17 per cent of AIUDF candidates have criminal charges against them, while the percentage stands at 14 per cent and 10 per cent for Asom Gana Parishad and the Bharatiya Janata Party respectively.

Five per cent of the candidates fielded by the Congress in the first phase of polls have criminal charges.

These analysis, based on the affidavits filed by the candidates with the Election Commission, were made public by Association for Democratic Reforms and National Election Watch today at a press conference.

The forum, which has analyzed 331 candidates, also disclosed that a total of 50 candidates are crorepatis.

Anir Beriwal, national co-ordinator of National Election Watch, talking to media persons, said, "We would soon come up with statistics showing the growth of assets of sitting MLAs contesting for the second or more time."

He also informed that they have put up a toll free number (1800110440) where voters can have easy access to details of each and every candidate contesting the polls.



New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Naga people want to unite, says Rio
KOHIMA, March 26 – Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio said today the DAN Political Affairs Committee, comprising the elected members in the Government and also the allied partners of political group, met all the faction leaders/NGOs/civil societies and came out with a clear and united view that people want to unite and reconcile.
"This is the voice of the Naga people," affirmed Rio while replying to a supplementary by leader of opposition Tokheho and MLA Sentichuba on the floor of the House in the ongoing Budget session today.

Rio further said the DAN PAC and the people of Nagaland have done a commendable job and has contributed towards a peaceful atmosphere.

Further, replying to a starred question by Tokheho on the progress of Naga political talks, the leader of the House replied that the State Government was not in a position to state the progress of the political talks as the State Government is not a party to the talk between the NSCN-M and Government of India.

The Chief Minister also informed the House about the constitution of Political Affairs Committee of DAN, formation of Joint Parliamentary Committee as facilitators on the Naga political issue with the purpose of working for the unity of the Naga nationalist groups and strengthening the Naga political cause.

Earlier in his Budget speech on March 24, Rio appealed to the Naga nationalist groups to restrain their cadres from armed confrontations and to desist from provocative statements.

Maintaining that Nagas are at a crucial juncture of the political movement, he said "we cannot afford to let this opportunity slip away".


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