New Assault Rifles for Indian Army

Which Contender`s Rifle has more chances of winning than others?

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Jun 6, 2015
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Even Usa Imports Rifles like hk416
USA does not import Hk416 in large not. Most of the import are used by FBI NASA emergenct team and few marnies. Even though they favoured SCAR much yet they did not replace m16 completely. USA at least have called tender twice but both got cancelled.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
Where is the RFI ?

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Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Kunal Biswas

You were a supporter of INSAS and later Excalibur as well as Multicaliber etc. This thread's previous pages suggest that. Now you are asking for where is RFI or adding a new name like AR-2. I would imagine that you will oppose this switching of caliber to 7.62 and new import rifle when the current one is not sexy in its looks but it is highly effective weapon. What changed your mind?

Only people foul mouthing INSAS were mostly 20 year old who have not seen the business end of the rifle, they were paid to say those hideous words, they were to be ignored. What made you fall in line for imports. One lesson in which all import prototypes failed tests in last two years should be sufficient to tell that there is nothing better than INSAS and Excalibur in the world markets except their glossy brochures, why can you not be bold enough to bring these facts forward instead of asking where is the RFI or AR-2.

I hope that the Defence Minister summarily reject this RFI which will cost the nation anywhere from $10 billion to $20 billion in next ten years to replace 1.3 million soldiers rifles. There are other important purchases to be made which should take higher priority than replacing a good working rifles already in soldiers hands.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
The caliber will make the rifle unnecessary heavy and long, So does lesser payload of ammunition per solider, I hope it get rejected, The title ' shoot to kill ' is not true even for 7.62nato

It makes no sense unless a last desperate attempt for job fair for dalals ..

I hope that the Defence Minister summarily reject this RFI which will cost the nation anywhere from $10 billion to $20 billion in next ten years to replace 1.3 million soldiers rifles. There are other important purchases to be made which should take higher priority than replacing a good working rifles already in soldiers hands.

Raj Malhotra

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Aug 13, 2009
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India has been manufacturing a very famous 7.62x51 rifle called L1 or Isapore. If Army wants a modernized 7.62x51 rifle then OFB can design and manufacture it within 6 months based on the design of MCIWS. The whole point of issuing such a RFI without tapping DRDO or OFB is for well known reasons.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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India has been manufacturing a very famous 7.62x51 rifle called L1 or Isapore. If Army wants a modernized 7.62x51 rifle then OFB can design and manufacture it within 6 months based on the design of MCIWS. The whole point of issuing such a RFI without tapping DRDO or OFB is for well known reasons.
I doubt they can achieve product design and prototype manufacturing in 6 months. There is a reason why their development process is slow, every component goes thru a tender. And procurement takes 2-3 months for getting closed on average.

And most of all public sector companies are usually not customer friendly.

Global tender has nothing against OFB, it just new DPP 2016.


New Member
Jul 9, 2014
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Why our army prefer many calibers like 5.56 for insas
7.62x39 for Ak and 7.62x51 for machine guns and 7.62x54 for pkm,sniper..
Don't this will become more logistical nightmare


New Member
Jun 6, 2016
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Why our army prefer many calibers like 5.56 for insas
7.62x39 for Ak and 7.62x51 for machine guns and 7.62x54 for pkm,sniper..
Don't this will become more logistical nightmare
They all are used for different tasks .
Each type of ammo has its different purpose to fulfill needs of modern warfare .
So they are used , and they should be .

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Aug 12, 2015
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That Insas and its big brother Excalibur are substandard contraptions, are accepted fact, notwithstanding, frustrating efforts by a few fan-boys to prop them up just because they are indigenous. It is time, our people, both inside & outside govt. accept that our sarkari scientists & engineers churn out nothing but crap. Empty pride and patriotism have not taken us too far in all these decades after independence.
Show valid reasons enough to term INSAS as crap.................. Now don't bring in the Kargil and Nepal. Show reason in terms of present time.


New Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Viesssssssssw Full Size.jpg

^ this was published few weeks ago .


Atheist but not Communists.
New Member
Jan 14, 2016
Show valid reasons enough to term INSAS as crap.................. Now don't bring in the Kargil and Nepal. Show reason in terms of present time.
I don't have to dig out corpses. @Kunal Biswas has been fighting for Insas now for 3-4 years. Read up all those posts and counter arguments. Besides, if Insas is that good, why our govt has ditched it now in favor of a foreign assault rifle?


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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I don't have to dig out corpses. @Kunal Biswas has been fighting for Insas now for 3-4 years. Read up all those posts and counter arguments. Besides, if Insas is that good, why our govt has ditched it now in favor of a foreign assault rifle?
The thing is, we all are looking at things in wrong way. Its not the rifle which is having problem with think tanks. Its the round basically. To ramp up your memory, INSAS was conceived in late 80s and early 90 to replace our 7.62 SLR with lighter 5.56 version. If you look at the initial design of INSAS it was heavily influenced by L1A1. You could simply say that it was miniatured version of L1A1. It was mass produced and introduced during the Kargil era and as any other platform, it did faced a lot of problem in its initiation.
The well known media and foreign arms lobby did grabbed this very situation from day one and began bitching it for foreign import. But have a look at the famous M16 used by US and other armed forces. When M16A1 was introduced in Vietnam era, the soldiers just loathed it saying it to be a plastic toy. Then it took almost 20 years for new improved M16A2 to get introduced.
If the lobbies and US armed forced would have done the same what is being done with INSAS, A2 would have never came out of production line. Now as for INSAS, look at the improved version of 1B2, its not as unreliable as 1B1 of Kargil era and which was famously snubbed by Nepalese Armed forces for getting too hot in auto firing mode.
The problem with our armed forces is of some people with vested interest in some of the most important executive positions and their nexus with foreign lobbies and journalists. Instead of speaking of the rounds, they do start presenting the platform in poor light. Its the round which stops and kill, not the rifle. And it was IA who insisted on 5.56 instead of 7.62. 5.56 was not forced down their throat.
As for quality of INSAS is concerned, have it been analyzed with contemporary platforms? If the foreign maals are so top of the line, why the first RFI got scrapped in the first place, that too in Congress era? If you don't remember clearly, none of the participants could cleared all the evaluation tests and Excalibur came on top of others.
You see, the real problem lies with our think tanks and their approach to problems. It is always a knee jerk reaction form our side. Latest example is this RFI immediately after URI attack. Its as if it happened because of INSAS. Didn't we have 7.62 firing AK's there? Why it could not make a difference? You simply can't blame a rifle for a fiasco.
By stating all these, I am not showing any blind interest in indigenous product of showing blind nationalism. I do only want to point out our sick mentality and vested interest which surface each and every time.