Modernisation of Indian Army Infantry


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
New Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Well I'm sure the army is so stupid that they don't know how many soldiers they have. And hence they set these stupid (this is true) GSQRs. And like I said, I don't wanna get in an argument with you, so let's just agree to disagree. Peace.
I am nicely talking, not abusing bro. And we are not arguing, we are discussing coz it is a forum.

Narendra s rawat

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Oct 22, 2020
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1/3rd of the Army is COIN, Mech Inf and Ghataks? Ghataks use Tavors and MP9s for CQB, RR will stick to Kalashnikovs considering J&K and Rest of India has is almost going to be terror free in next 3-5 years max to max.

There are 65 RR Battalions means 39,000 RR soldiers, India has 4,300 tanks so considering each tank has a crew of 4, Total tank crew = 17200, 8,686 AFVs considering each having a crew of 3, total crew = 26,058. Total = 82,255, so are the rest 3 lakh 20 thousand in the Artillery?

Think again Bruh...!!!
Artillery have 2 lakhs troops and are mostly equiped with mix of insas and saf carbine 2a1
And there are corp of engineers ,corps of signal and medics too which require carbine.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
New Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Artillery have 2 lakhs troops and are mostly equiped with mix of insas and saf carbine 2a1
And there are corp of engineers ,corps of signal and medics too which require carbine.
Whatever but this time I will vote for NOTA, neither Congress nor BJP can do any better for our forces, it is so frustrating seeing their mistakes in front of our eyes, there is no educated or experience guy in our ministry of defence, scrapped emergency carbine deal amid heightened tensions with China for a desi alternative but at the end it will be CAR-816s made in India at much higher cost per unit.

We bought Su-30 MKI’s license from Russia and now we make a single MKI for ₹400 crores whereas importing them would have costed us ₹276 crore each, we could have asked for ToT while importing the aircraft which we didn’t, costed us more money and delays.

We bought 36 Rafales and now a new tender for 114 aircrafts was floated last year and the joke is that the same fighters are participating plus obviously its going to be a rafale winning it but the MoDs purposely delay our defence procurements idk why. Obviously you won’t choose anything else of Rafale to make a logistics nightmare for IAF operating so many aircrafts, so its going to be rafale, but instead of importing them straightaway once again a tender is floated, rafale will be selected by 2025 and then MoD will ask them to make a factory here, production starts in 2028 and per unit Rafale will cost more coz its made in India in a factory for which you paid. Whereas imported Rafale would have delivered early at lower cost and no delays.

You purposely delay carbines, aircraft and etc what is the problem with MoD?
Why make foreign things in India unless the company itself decides to manufacture here?

I can’t get over it making the same foreign things In India for more cost, more delays. I mean just import the guns straightaway but no, you’ll make the same gun in India delaying 5 years and costing us a lot, problem is not that our defence budget is low, problem is politics and sick mentality of gaining votes if you would import foreign weapons then you won’t be able to gain votes under your so called Make in India slogan. Modi government makes in India so later his party can ask for votes regarding the same, how does it help our indigenous industry?

There are so many offset promises pending of Boeing, Sukhoi, Dassault on which MoD is not focussing and is critical for AMCA.

We delay so much that it is frustrating to even imagine about the fate of our forces in future and whats more disturbing is that the same sarkari babus get millions in salaries for doing nothing.

Ab kya Ministry of Defence ka bhi privatisation karna padega?
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New Member
Oct 6, 2020
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Those 4 lakh are COIN, Mech Inf, Ghataks (Small number) Tank crews, etc. So no they don't need to hit beyond 200m. And everything the US does is not a gospel. Rest of your argument falls apart. They are meant to replace 9mm carbine. And again, M4 is a service rifle. I am not gonna repeat myself again so let's just agree to disagree. If you are still of the same opinion, that is.
I have one question, does Army Air Defense Corps (AAD) troops also armed with rifles??


New Member
Sep 9, 2020
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Whatever but this time I will vote for NOTA, neither Congress nor BJP can do any better for our forces, it is so frustrating seeing their mistakes in front of our eyes, there is no educated or experience guy in our ministry of defence, scrapped emergency carbine deal amid heightened tensions with China for a desi alternative but at the end it will be CAR-816s made in India at much higher cost per unit.

We bought Su-30 MKI’s license from Russia and now we make a single MKI for ₹400 crores whereas importing them would have costed us ₹276 crore each, we could have asked for ToT while importing the aircraft which we didn’t, costed us more money and delays.

We bought 36 Rafales and now a new tender for 114 aircrafts was floated last year and the joke is that the same fighters are participating plus obviously its going to be a rafale winning it but the MoDs purposely delay our defence procurements idk why. Obviously you won’t choose anything else of Rafale to make a logistics nightmare for IAF operating so many aircrafts, so its going to be rafale, but instead of importing them straightaway once again a tender is floated, rafale will be selected by 2025 and then MoD will ask them to make a factory here, production starts in 2028 and per unit Rafale will cost more coz its made in India in a factory for which you paid. Whereas imported Rafale would have delivered early at lower cost and no delays.

You purposely delay carbines, aircraft and etc what is the problem with MoD?
Why make foreign things in India unless the company itself decides to manufacture here?

I can’t get over it making the same foreign things In India for more cost, more delays. I mean just import the guns straightaway but no, you’ll make the same gun in India delaying 5 years and costing us a lot, problem is not that our defence budget is low, problem is politics and sick mentality of gaining votes if you would import foreign weapons then you won’t be able to gain votes under your so called Make in India slogan. Modi government makes in India so later his party can ask for votes regarding the same, how does it help our indigenous industry?

There are so many offset promises pending of Boeing, Sukhoi, Dassault on which MoD is not focussing and is critical for AMCA.

We delay so much that it is frustrating to even imagine about the fate of our forces in future and whats more disturbing is that the same sarkari babus get millions in salaries for doing nothing.

Ab kya Ministry of Defence ka bhi privatisation karna padega?
Btw ik you are frustrated but please don't be an idiot and give NOTA its useless as a lollipop. If you don't like BJP/Congress vote some independent candidate instead of this useless NOTA.


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Nov 10, 2019
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Bro, I welcome constructive criticism and debate. But trolling?.
I only tossed an idea for debate. And I believe I based it on available technology.
ERA is a known technology. Can you elaborate which law of physics does not allow its miniaturisation. Please educate me.
Have I used Kryptonite(Suoerman's nemesis) or any other alien material or technology. Do terms like thermal stability come from Marvel Comics.

Come on, man. Tell me which part of the technologies are a steal from MCU.

I see you are a fan of the Yanks having a username Manhattan Project.
Have you heard of research being conducted in the US on developing an Invisibility cloak, the stuff of Harry Potter comics. Please Google it. It is being attempted using laws of physics and not Abra Doobra magic.

Must have heard of DARPA in the US. They develop esoteric technologies. Some of their project proposals are beyond our imagination. Please go through website of DARPA and their list of projects (not everything is made public).

Regarding the cost of a BPJ using a ERA embedded layer sandwiched between two other protective layers, I agree it is a valid point. But new products and technologies will usually be expensive and the cost could come down with economies of scale. Example foldable screen smart phones cost upwards of a lakh of rupees but prices are expected to come down in the next few years.

Have an open mind, Bro. Peace.
you want explosive reactive armour on a human being, if you cant tell how stupid that is then i dont know what to say.
how many of these invisibility cloaks have been deployed bud?


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
New Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Btw ik you are frustrated but please don't be an idiot and give NOTA its useless as a lollipop.
I’ll not even vote, Our soldiers don’t get arms on time and in the name of cost cutting substandard weapons are given, I guess Indian Army won’t even provide Indian Infantry soldiers with more magazines in times of war, so a carbine which is made for Automatic use will be useless In the name of cost cutting. Airforce doesn’t have decent aircraft and is delayed and delayed, Navy doesn’t have a decent fleet strength, All soldiers of Army don’t have bulletproof vests and helmets, Army lacks Tank fleet as half are obsolete T72, Army lacks AFVs all of them old BMP-2s, Lacks attack helis but MoD will never sign LCH deal, We lack drones, our navy has been asking for Naval utility helis but no progress, we need a 3rd Super Carrier but no progress, we just have 11 destroyers a big portion are old 1980s ships, same for our frigates and corvettes, Army lacks light tanks for Ladakh etc, our soldiers lack proper equipment, our submarines are old and we lack the fleet we should have, we lack ASW Helos and 24 Romeos won’t do any good, our indigenous projects take time and the ones which takes less time are not given attention, Indian Army wanted telescopic sights for SiG-716s and ended up using reflex sights on them which is a joke in itself. Our Navy needs 4 LHD/LPDs and no progress. Our Super Sukhoi upgrade has stalled, and idk why the fuk we delay so much?

And plus this covid sprinkled salt on the wounds of our poor defence budget.


New Member
Jul 29, 2018
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you want explosive reactive armour on a human being, if you cant tell how stupid that is then i dont know what to say.
how many of these invisibility cloaks have been deployed bud?
Are you saying scaling down on the explosive power is impossible. It's like saying nuclear bombs can only be megaton monsters. Is it so, Smart Alec.

No point continuing if you in desperation resort to invective.
Be happy in your dreamland.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Each Bn has to buy new types of ammo. Thwy have to correctly issue three different types of ammo to soldiers of each company. And there will be 4 different firearms in one company. Servicing, spares, etc take a huge hit. They have to issue different firearms to ghataks. And everyone needs to be retrained. In 4 different weapon systems at that. There are a lot of things to consider while talking about logistics... Having a single weapon system in different calibers of ammo would be best.
Like the Galil ACE in 7.62x39, 7.62x51 and 5.56x45. And a different LMG. Servicing and spares will still be a problem, but not as big as whats gonna happen as things stand. And training becomes a whole lot more easy.
What are these 4 new types of ammo that need to be issued to each company?

If i am not wrong, the typical current set of small arms & GPMG of an infantry CoY are :

INSAS or AK - 5.56×45mm OFB or 7.62×39mm
INSAS LMG - 5.56×45mm OFB
GPMG MG2A (Belt Fed)- 7.62×51mm NATO
Gun Machine 7.62MM IA (Magazine fed) - 7.62 x 51 mm NATO
Sterling 2A1 - 9×19mm Parabellum
Pistol Auto 9mm 1A - 9×19mm Parabellum

IMI Tavor TAR-21 - 5.56×45mm NATO
PKM - 7.62×54mmR
Pistol Auto 9mm 1A - 9×19mm Parabellum

i am seeing only one type of ammo being replaced, 5.56×45mm OFB to either 5.56×45mm NATO or 7.62×39mm

