And there are many reasons back at that time, but as I said it is not on purpose, just unavailability. You know about modern offer, M1A2 Saudi, Australian ?
In that case again - for SA there is mucht weaker ammo, and armour. Australian version is most advanced from all "export" Abrams. But tanks for all rest (Egipt, Kuwait, Sauds, etc) are very dwngraded. In fact USA don't sell tank even on simmilar as americans tanks level.
It's typical maonkey model politcy.
There may not be alternative for Abrams, but there is not any monkey model policy. Tanks has full systems and there may be other options
Show me country which buy Abrams and don't use KEW-1 or KEW-2. About ammo - tehere is no other options in case buy export M1 then using downgrad ammo. And as I said -Germans haven't "monkey models" politycy.
You are talking about how bad is sight, but you want to prove your point with example which does not correspond to it. You talk about experience with Socialist tanks which had not even automated FCS and how much time does it take for them to eliminate target, which is not valid to talk exclusively about sight. For Soviet tanks it is very different, and tactics are similar only superficially.
First -what is so diffrent? Placment periscopes and sights? No -it's the same. Values for +/- degree what eacht periscope/sight can see -again no, it's the same. So maybe night vision quality? Yes -in Soviet tank's it was better then for WarPac, but still sucks in compare to the western tanks.
Again: Im talking about beeing blind in T-72/80/64 in compare to the Leopard-2 caused by:
-lack and far from the optimum periscopes placment
- lack of PERI and H-K mode analoge
- simpel fact that soviet tnaks where blind during nigh.
As explained, comparison with old tanks or those which lacked proper FCS is weak as argument, you cannot attribute everything to sight.
Sight and periscope placmet in Soviet tanks was almoust the same like for WarPac export, night vision quality was slighty better but still not even possible to compare with western tanks. and what have " proper FCS" what heven't FCS in T-72M1?
And finnaly - PT-91 had far far better FCS then T-64B, T-80B and T-72B and far better thermal camera then in BURAN AGAVA-I/II and still - crew in PT-91 is blind in compare to the Leopad-2A4 becouse it has to small number of periscopes, and haven't PERI analoge and H-K mode.
There may be for example tactically relevant placements, etc and mere presence of this possibility is a feature.
What? Can you explain?
And again - if max fire range is 1300m in Germany then using slow GLATGM is not good idea.
About accuracy issues, it is very big nosense enunciated by someone which lacks even superficial knowledge and ignores all requirements which led to developement and adoption, T-72 guided missile was not even intended to be fired on move...
I was talking about fire to
moving targets.
And you have argument here becouse stabilisation error (not barrel accuracy, not suspencon effective, or ammo accuracy) for
2E42-2 (T-72B) was x=0,6mrad y=0,4mrad
2E28M (T-72M1) was x=2,827mrad(LOL) y=0,94mrad
WNA-H22leopard-2) x=0,3mrad y=0,15-0,20mrad
Cadillac-Gage(M1) x=0,3 y=0,15
In fact even one factor - stabilisation error was twice better in western tanks then in Soviet ones. For WarPac T-72M1 it was few times better...
Also NATO did not succeed with any of such armament.
Becouse using GLATGM on 1300m max fire distnace was pointles.
So you agree that Leopard 2, developement of good, longer range vision and requirement was in most part useless given normal combat ranges.
No, you don't understand (or I don't write clearly enught):
In M1 (TIS) and Leopard-2A2-A4 (WBG-X) max night sight range was cased by having some "reserve" to bad weather conditions -typical in Europe (snow, fog, rain, etc). So in M1 (TIS) max detection range in good condition was 3000m but in bad weather condition it was ony 1200m
Panzers Ml Abrams über ein kombiniertes, periskopisches Tag und Nacht-(Wärmebild) Zielfernrohr mit 3 und l0-facher Vergrößerung und einer Aufklärungsentfernung, bei einem Ziel vom Typ Panzer, von bis 3000 m. Bei ungünstigen Witterungsbedingungen sichert es die Sichtbarkeit zum gleichen Ziel auf Entfernungen bis 1200 m.
In Leopard-2 when slighty better WBG-X was placment those range was 3000m in goode weather conditions and 1400-1500m in bad weather conditions.
So in fact both tanks (M1 and leo-2) have night sight enought to detect anemy tank on max avaible fire range in Germany (96% 1300m)
Well, third generation passive, illuminating means were comparable with early thermal camera in combat effectivness as you show, there was no big advantage at that range for comparable tank, T-80U, (...)hat is certainly shown is that in night effectiveness, early thermal and Soviet night vision for those combat ranges was similar.
Again - using active night sights was was suicide. Each one tank using night active IR is possible to see from 3 times bigger distance then it can see smth. And active night sight are very sensitive to weather conditions -analogy is the same like for thermal cameras (more then 40-50% less) in fact during bad weather -or even stupid rain, soviet active night vision have max range ~600m and can be detected from 3xtimes bigger disstance -even without direct line of sights (the presens of glare from backligtn area by active "Luna").
but your calculation on bad weather effectiveness is weak in the sense that it is only to make your idea correct rather than objective.
How is it that you simply apply same reduction for thermal camera than for passive and active illumination considering that they are different spectrums and there are different environmental factors ? Weather may affect thermal more...there is a weak base...
What is certainly shown is that in night effectiveness, early thermal and Soviet night vision for those combat ranges was similar.
Yes, they are old and weak better data for soviet night sight:
Es handelt sich um ein elektronenoptisches monokulares periskopisches Zielfernrohr mit einer 5,5fachen Vergrößerung und einem Sichtfeld von 6 Grad. Die effektive Sichtweite liegt bei etwa 600 - 800 Metern.
Dies machte es möglich, das neue TPN-3 auch in der passiven Betriebsart einzusetzen. Dennoch war die Leistung des TPN in der passiven Betriebsart mit maximal 850 m
Depend on weather conditions: 500-850 m
Im Zentrum der Kuppel befindet sich das kombinierte Tag/Nacht- Kommandantenbeobachtungsgerät TKN-3. Die Vergrößerung für den binokularen Tag-Kanal beträgt das 7fache und für den Nachtkanal das 5fache. Dabei ist der Nachtkanal nur pseudo-binokular, da er zwar einen binokularen Einblick aber nur ein einziges Objektiv besitzt. Die Sichtweite beträgt unter guten Bedingungen cirka 400 -500 m.
Hmm good observation abilities up to 400-500m.
Das TKN-3M erreicht im aktiven Infrarotbetrieb eine Reichweite von 600 m und gestattet die Beobachtung im passiven Infrarotbetrieb auf Entfernungen bis zu 400 m.
TPN-1-49 and TPN-3-49:
Das passive Nachtzielfernrohr vom Typ TPN-1-49 ist ein einkaskadiger Infrarot-Bildverstärker mit 5,5-facher Vergrößerung. Es besitzt ein einfaches statisches Visier da die Sichtentfernung bei diesem Typ Nachts sehr beschränkt ist. Zur Zielausleuchtung dient der am Turm angebrachte Infrarotscheinwerfer L2AG. Die tatsächliche effektive Reichweite liegt bei maximal 800-1000 m. Zum Anrichten dient eine feste Strichplatte, der Richtschütze muß Entfernungsmarke und Haltepunkt manuell ermitteln. Beim Schießen mit Unterkalibergranaten, deren Anfangsgeschwindigkeit bei 1800 m/s liegt, gibt es hier bei der im Vergleich zu Wärmebildgeräten geringen Reichweite des TPN-1 keine Probleme. In modernisierten T-72 wurde auch das wahlweise aktive bzw. passive Nachtzielfernrohr TPN-3-49 eingebaut. Hier liegt die Reichweite bei 1300 m im aktiven Verfahren und 850 m im passiven Verfahren. Bei diesem Zielfernrohr kann der Richtschütze die Entfernung in der Strichplatte einstellen.
Pasive: "effective range" 850m.
So for all soviet passive night vision we have 400-850m range. But in not goodweather conditions those range will be smaller -accoding to this:
FM3-21.94 Appendix A Limited Visibility Operations for passive system it can be 25-30% weaker.
In reality in bad weather condition WBGX and TIS have 1400 and 1200m and Soviet passive night vision had bellow 500m. And as "bad weather conditions" can be named even starlight when natural jammer is closed
You proved earlier with your figures of Burlington, and was deduced that they do not serve even as approximation, it is not even logical to threat such disparity of time and evolution.
Yes, becouse taking tiem and "evolution" those figurs will be bigger. I gave lowest possibe values.