Sorry but this talk about primitive or more advanced armour is nosense.@rest users:
In fact Soviet armour array was more simple then in western tanks, but thanks to using ERA finnal efect (in protection) where simillar.
The Soviet way where cheapest, but of course have some falitures:
a) weak coverated by ERA on T-72 serie
b) "one shot" ERA working mehanism
Besides that soviet armour array where mucht simpler then on western tanks. I post about that - more then 60% is pure cast steel in T-72B and simple (very simple) NERA plates (or even reflecting plates). Afther them was 40mm thick HHS plate, and again cast steel.
Simple? Yes. Primitive? Exept simple NERA plates - yes.
You should not forget that against APFSDS pure steel is more efficient than composite armour. Fact is that Soviet armour could afford to employ greater amount of steel in structure, having better thickness protection equivalence.
Because role of composite armour was different does not mean either of them is more advanced or more primitive.
Soviets had no necessity to use Western composite armour with their additional elements and configuration, because protection was sufficient already (at time of appearance of T-72B, it's turret met all cumulative protection requirements without ERA according to Nii Stali), even more with Kontakt. Composite armour was intented to retain acceptable weight, and provide more uniform protection against APFSDS and cumulative rounds.
In fact semi-reactive armour of T-72B (plate interaction) and T-80U/UD (incidence of hydrodinamic waves), were fully at modern level in terms of performance, no needing to make sacrifice for greater cumulative protection, and decrease APFSDS protection as Western composite.
Soviet turrets provided sufficient protection already without ERA. Even assuming that APFSDS protection was similar (despite greater amount of steel in Soviet composition), with Kontakt-5 effect and vast protection increase (not just little) against cumulative rounds surely surpassed Western composite efficiency, it was well above all contemporary rounds, while same could not be assured for Western adversary at late 80s with appearance of Soviet Wolframium and DU rounds.But finnaly effect was for turret about 470-540mm RHA vs APFSDS for T-72B (before ERA) (1985-1988), and in Leopard-2A3/4(ery) it was. IMHO ..480-540mm RHA vs APFSDS (1983-1986). Looks similar? Yes, becouse on both barricade sites protection was simmilar but with diffrent accent - on West Burlinghton gives better protection agains HEAT, on East - less spohisticated main armour gives the same protection against APFSDS (as Burlinghton) but more less against HEAT. But, after added Kontakt-1 prtoection agains HEAT whas almoust the same agians SC warhed as for western tanks. And since 1986 (T-80U) and 1988 (T-72B(M) again was balnace in protection, but for 1988-1994 western deveroples had obvious problem whit ERA and to weak APFSDS round (DM33 and M829). They where afraid T-80U whit good ERA covered front, and they don't be afreid (but cerfully) about T-72B(M) -but only for one reson - therrible and weak ERA cover whit many gaps without it.
Since Soviet hulls were protected in great part by steel, they gave notably higher protection than Western composite block against APFSDS. With ERA protection matched that of turret, while this performance was not possible for composite block of 600-650 mm thickness.About hulls - there is simple answers without this all shit from lat 5 pages (yes,,,part of it is my job).
Agains simpler and even primitive armour on estern tanks in result (and with ERA) where no whorse then sophisticated western armour. In fact hull potection in T-72B and Leopard-2A4 where simmmilar - 450mm RHA vs 470-500mm RHA. In late T-72B (1989) it was main protection like Leo2A4 or slighty better (500-530mm RHA) the same level where for T-90S. Bu thanks to ERA - protection level was slighty bigger for hull then for western tanks. If those armour was sufficient for Leo-2A4 and M1 in 1980-1989? IMHO almoust yes. Hull in M1 is very well protected and front fuel tanks give additional huge protection. So propably for all period is was fine - and as we can see - Yankee dont improved armour protection by NERA, SLERA, additional modules atc. Just 650mm cavity + those special fuel tanks, and in their oppinion it is enought even now. So knowing them - indeed it's enought.
In Leopard-2 it was slighty diffrent. When turret protection was enought then hull was possible to perforate by BM42 for less then 800-1000m, and for BM32 for slighty more.
And in KWS program hull upgrade (and turret) where done by NERA modules.