LOC, LAC & IB warfare

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Brood Father

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Jun 27, 2015
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India now feels that by enclosing this as an issue between China and Bhutan, where Indian troops have rushed in without any locus standi, China has directly questioned the holiness of the administratively delegated high-level SR process, means India has no right to Interfere between two parties and Bhutan is a sovereign state so let our iron brother and Buthan sort out their matters.

Now wait, our Iron brothers Chinese troops alongside with our Pakistan Brave Army would be target Practicing in Kashmir on LOC across the border soon and your army would face two armies at the same time from east and west :lol: :pound:
I love the analogy iron birathers...
Your entire dependence is to hide behind the dragon and bear the fruits

Son a piece of advice.. Let the two mighty nations sort this.. Their is small slogan
When two adults are talking.. Kids don't interfere..
And by kid yes i mean Pakistan :pound::pound:

Brood Father

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Jun 27, 2015
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Why are Pakistani dogs coming back again to be humiliated in the forum. After heavy casualties suffered by them yesterday, they are relying on fake news of 4 IA killed to satisfy their bruised ego and taking shelter in power of their master
Ignore him.. Their country is facing identity crisis.. And the way he is speaking of china demonstrate that their country is now fully enslaved... He deserves our pity nonetheless.. :pound:

Ancient Indian

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Aug 23, 2014
I urge posters to read this story completely. Completely relevant and may boost the morale of our Sena.

---------Story of Our Great Ancestor-------------------------

By the 140 BC political and military turmoil destroyed the Maurayan empire in the north and many kingdoms in the south India. Many Kingdoms emerged at that time. These small kingdoms had good relation with each other and Aryavrata was not doing that badly economicaly. Years passed and again Aryavrata economy rised like a giant, At this juncture, India was invaded by a series of foreigners and barbarians or Mlechchhas from the north western frontier region and central Asia. It signaled the emergance of a leader, a divine soul , Arya Vikramaditya, he successfully combated the foreign invasion and laid foundation of Vardhan Empire and took the throne of Unified Aryavrata. He founded a government for his new kingdom, incorporating both Vedic and Puranic Scholars. The conquest of Kandhara completed, he led his armies to the western frontiers. Further west, he conquered Persia and Babylon. After defeating Babylon he took on the turks which fell like a piece of cake under his belt.

The victories of Babylon, Persia, Turks led him again to the Arabia and sounded the hour for attack on Arabia. When he conquered Arabia, he did so to cheers from the Jewish and Arab Community, who welcomed him as a liberator. He showed great forbearance and respect towards the religious beliefs and cultural traditions of other races. These qualities earned him the respect and homage of all the people over whom he ruled.

The victory over Arabia expressed all the facets of the policy of conciliation which Vikramaditya had followed until then. He presented himself not as a conqueror, but a liberator and the legitimate successor to the crown. He took the title of "King of Aryavrata and Liberator of the Arabs, Turks and Jews". Vikramditya had no thought of forcing conquered people into a single mould, and had the wisdom to leave unchanged the institution of each kingdom he attached to the Aryavrata Crown. Vikramaditya was upright, a great leader of men, generous and benevolent. He spread the Vedic Culture in the land of Arabia. He also reconstructed the temple of Brahma and Mahesh and placed a Jiyotarlinga there. Several other Vedic Temples were made in Babylon, Arabistan, Persia and Turkistan. He brought education in form of reform schools to tribal Arabs. For the first time they god a King that cared for the inhabitants of his Empire. Arabs, Kurds and Persians saw him as 'the annointed of the Lord'.

After the 4 year of Wars that saw whole west Asia under the belt of Vikramaditya Empire he stayed for a year in Arabia till the Mahadev Temple was not completely reconstructed. Temple was first constructed by King Sanjit. After appointing a Arab as the Governor he returned back to Aryavrata where many Vedic Rishis complained about the Barbarian Cinas People attacking Rishis in Himalyas.

This signaled out the war against Cinas (China). Cinas considered themselves equal to Aryas as they were descendents of Ayu, son of Arya King Pururava but they were no behaving the ways Aryas do. The had become Barbarian and were attacking Rishis of Aryavrata. This led Vikramaditya to launch massive operation against them. The Han and Kushan Dynasty came to knew the plans of Vikramaditya. They reunited themselves and prepared themselves to stop Vikramaditya. From Kashmir during the winter of 7179 BC, Vikramaditya moves to North through Aksai toward valley of the Tibet, and met the formidable defense there. Vikramaditya brought his troops, snow and very cold climate. It was the test of courage of his troops which stood like a rock with him till the Kushans and Hans were forced to move back after a battle that continued for 5 days. After breaking the first formidable line of defense, Vikramditya moved to the interiors of Cinas which folded like a aluminum foil. Finally King Vikramditya had concluded his campaign against Cinas which resulted in unconditional surrender of Han and Kushan empire. Vikramditya opened many Vedic schools in Cinas. After 1 year Vikramditya returned back to Aryavrata. He appointed Han and Kushan dynasty as the governors of Cinas. The Cinas, whom he conquered regarded him as 'Law-giver'. Later he moved to Lanka which fell like a piece of cake.
The reign of Vikramaditya is truly be considered as the golden age of classical Indian history. His vast empire controlled areas like Modern Arabian peninsula, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Some parts of turkey, China, Afghanistan, Korea, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Burma, Khazakistan and Srilanka.
Prior to his death, he founded a new capital city at Ujjain in Aryavrata and had established a government for his Empire. He appointed a governor to represent him in each province, however the administration, legislation, and cultural activities of each province was the responsibility of the Governors.

An Advanced History of Asia and S. Europe
by RC Majumdar, HC Raychaudhri, Golnar Mehran & Dr. Abdul-Moti Bayoumi

Glancing through some research material recently, I was pleasantly surprised to come across a reference to a king Vikramaditya inscription found in the Kaaba in Mecca proving beyond doubt that the Arabian Peninsula formed a part of his Indian Empire.

The text of the crucial Vikramaditya inscription, found inscribed on a gold dish hung inside the Kaaba shrine in Mecca, is found recorded on page 315 of a volume known as Sayar-ul-Okul treasured in the Makhtab-e-Sultania library in Istanbul, Turkey. Rendered in free English the inscription says:

"Fortunate are those who were born (and lived) during king Vikrams reign. He was a noble, generous dutiful ruler, devoted to the welfare of his subjects. But at that time we Arabs, oblivious of God, were lost in sensual pleasures. Plotting and torture were rampant. The darkness of ignorance had enveloped our country. Like the lamb struggling for her life in the cruel paws of a wolf we Arabs were caught up in ignorance. The entire country was enveloped in a darkness so intense as on a new moon night. But the present dawn and pleasant sunshine of education is the result of the favour of the noble king Vikramaditya whose benevolent supervision did not lose sight of us- foreigners as we were. He spread his sacred religion amongst us and sent scholars whose brilliance shone like that of the sun from his country to ours. These scholars and preceptors through whose benevolence we were once again made cognisant of the presence of God, introduced to His sacred existence and put on the road of Truth, had come to our country to preach their religion and impart education at king Vikramadityas behest."

For those who would like to read the Arabic wording I reproduce it hereunder in Roman script:
"Itrashaphai Santu Ibikramatul Phahalameen Karimun Yartapheeha Wayosassaru Bihillahaya Samaini Ela Motakabberen Sihillaha Yuhee Quid min howa Yapakhara phajjal asari nahone osirom bayjayhalem. Yundan blabin Kajan blnaya khtoryaha sadunya kanateph netephi bejehalin Atadari bilamasa- rateen phakef tasabuhu kaunnieja majekaralhada walador. As hmiman burukankad toluho watastaru hihila Yakajibaymana balay kulk amarena phaneya jaunabilamary Bikramatum".

Further while researching I got one more surprise in 'A History of the Vikings by Gwyn Jones'. Chapter 3

Around 77 BC Sub-Continent was invaded by a series of foreigners from the north western frontier region and central Asia. It signaled the emergance of a leader, Arya Vikramaditya, he successfully combated the foreign invasion and laid foundation of Vardhan Empire and took the throne of Unified Sub-Continent.

The conquest of western frontiers completed he led his armies to the Northern frontiers. Further North , he conquered China and Mangolia. After defeating Chinese he took on the Mongols which fell like a piece of cake under his belt. The victories of China and Mongolia led him to Russia where for the first time his army felt weak. A treaty was signed as Vikramaditya withdrew his forces from Russia. Treaty concluded with Vikramaditya will spread Vedic thoughts through out Russia and Russians will pay him tax. He showed great forbearance and respect towards the religious beliefs and cultural traditions of other races. These qualities earned him the respect and homage of all the people over whom he ruled. People of Russia and Mongolia were living in dark ages. Vikramaditya brought several reforms to the far away land.


See, we conquered west & east and spread our greatness. We can do it again.


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Feb 12, 2014
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China warns India of serious consequences if it doesn't withdraw troops from Doklam area

An editorial on Monday in the official China Daily newspaper called on India to "withdraw all of its troops" from the Doklam area "before the situation deteriorates and leads to more serious consequences."

  • 1
    If India intervenes in Doklam between China, Bhutan, China would interfere in Jammu and Kashmir.
  • 2
    Beijing will not make any compromises when it comes to its territorial integrity.
  • 3
    China has exercised restraint on Doklam issue, sought a peaceful solution via diplomatic means.
An editorial on Monday in the official China Daily newspaper called on India to "withdraw all of its troops" from the Doklam area "before the situation deteriorates and leads to more serious consequences."

It also said Beijing "will not make any compromises when it comes to its territorial integrity".

The editorial was the latest in the non-stop barrage of shrill rhetoric from Beijing over the stand-off, with another commentary, on Sunday, suggesting India's "intervention" in the Doklam dispute between China and Bhutan could pave the way for Chinese intervening in Jammu and Kashmir because "it is disputed by India and Pakistan".

The editorial on Monday in the official China Daily, which is the authoritative English-language mouthpiece and under the information department of the State Council, or Chinese cabinet, continued with the hard line, saying that "India should withdraw all of its troops that have crossed the delimited boundary back to its own side, a move that is essentially different from the previous standoffs between the border troops of the two countries in undefined areas. This has undermined the political basis for bilateral relations."


The paper also claimed that China and Bhutan "have a basic consensus on the boundary alignment", and although the Bhutan government has explicitly said Doklam, or Donglang as China refers to it, was disputed, the newspaper claimed that "it is India that is making an issue of Donglang, so as to hold back the China-Bhutan boundary negotiations. And it is the illegal crossing of Indian troops into China's territory that has changed the status quo."

"This is ridiculous", the paper said. "And no country can pursue its security at the cost of another country's sovereignty. So far, China has exercised the utmost restraint and sought to achieve a peaceful solution through diplomatic means, but New Delhi should realise Beijing will not make any compromises when it comes to its territorial integrity."

Another commentary in the same paper by strategic expert Lin Minwang of the Institute of International Studies, at Fudan University in Shanghai, claimed Indian troops had entered Bhutan without the latter's consent.

"India said its troops trespassed on Chinese territory on behalf of Bhutan, which it said has a dispute with China over the Donglang (Doklam in Bhutanese) region," he said. "The truth is, Bhutan was not informed on the day the Indian troops crossed the border, nor did it seek India's intervention. A statement issued by the Bhutanese government on June 29 suggested the country was not consulted by India before the incident and it hoped that status quo would be maintained in the Donglang region. In other words, India is not entitled at all to claim the so-called disputed territory on behalf of Bhutan."

They've been warning since a month. Wake me up when they actually grow some balls and do something.


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Jan 10, 2013
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@Mods: Can we have a separate thread for posting Chinese puke? Why posters like carechat/rock007/and oft changing usernames being allowed to spam threads? I propose for some time new registrations should be permitted to single subforum which is member introductions, with no new thread creation rights. The new user should only be permitted into new Threads after he has posted at least 10-15 posts in existing threads and after those posts are reviewed. Spambots/SpamPakis will largely be eliminated by this.

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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I am sick of this waiting. Lets start the war ourselves.

First, we start with PoK and kill all the pakis there. After that, we will go for pak. War and development can go hand in hand. That's how our ancestors did it. We can do it too.
I vote for forming a counter stone pelting squad and just taking out our frustration on the many stone pelters in the valley. Unlimited pigs for halaal barbecue.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
About this Nathu la incident everybody keeps talking about from time to time - how did we come to this figure of 400+ casualties (or is it the number of KIA alone?) suffered by the PLA??I mean who did the battle damage assessment??

Yes 400+ seems exaggerated to me.


Ancient Indian

p = np :)
New Member
Aug 23, 2014
I vote for forming a counter stone pelting squad and just taking out our frustration on the many stone pelters in the valley. Unlimited pigs for halaal barbecue.
No more counter tactics and international law bs.
We will kill all of them until they surrender. Then we will do proper Ghar wapsi.

As long as we leave them to their devices, they will turn up as same in future too. You can't straight dog's tail. Lets do gharwapsi until this menace is completely erased from the planet.

Ancient Indian

p = np :)
New Member
Aug 23, 2014
Don’t underestimate Pakistan which is your arch rivals, if you forget the history go back and check who ruled India for 1000 years and the answer is definitely yes our great ancestors “Muslims”

Pakistan and China would squeeze you guys jointly from east and west; you can’t face two front wars, and your focus on economy is just would be shattered in dreams as both of us would bring down the elephant up to his knees.
Dude, if you have the strength, then prove it. You are such a cheap convert. Don't think you will show this bravado in real life. That's why you do jihad. You coward filth.

I for one, once the gun fight comes to end, suggest our forces to do some gharwapsi of pakis. If they refuse, then we will kill them with sword.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
Don’t underestimate Pakistan which is your arch rivals, if you forget the history go back and check who ruled India for 1000 years and the answer is definitely yes our great ancestors “Muslims”
Bhangi Convert Madarchod tere ancestors hamari Toilet saf karte the before they converted to Islam. Sale 1/4 of elite ruling class for 800 years Mughal and Sultanate rule was Hindu especially Rajputs.

Raja Man Singh was the Governor of Lahore and Kabul under Mughal empire. Mat Bhul apne us Baap ko

Or Bhen ke lode 1000 years se Maa Chudwa raha hai kabhi Dogra se kabhi sikkhon se kabhi Mughas or Bhosdike claim kar raha hai Mughas ki legacy LMFAO :lol:

Es Jagah KO Dekh or hamesha Yad Rakha my little Bhangi friend

Yahan yere Baap Daa ki Maa Chodi thi Dogras ne


Or beta rahi baat Ghaza e Hind ki ye to khud uske gand me bhi dam nahin jiske liye Teri Rand Maa 5 Bar Apni Kali Gand Upar uthati hai daily.
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Ancient Indian

p = np :)
New Member
Aug 23, 2014
Pakistan can and would help in this case, by any chance we have the power and will to conquer India through any means by force and will.

I think, being enslaved for 1000 years hindus to their masters Muslims, they have forget the
Ghazwa-E-HIND Revival and Re-Assertion which they think would be happen soon and is dangerous for hindus existence, as India would be an islamic state and all hindus would be either converted or killed if they didn't joined Islam as their true religion.
Some goat will FUCK-U-BEHIND
you cheap convert fucker. Go and be slave to your muslim masters. We are going to do Ghar Wapsi on your country once we kill all the pakis.


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Mar 5, 2017
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I think we should send this message loud and clear that if there is any movement by Pakistanis while we are having war with Chinese , we will end them.

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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Don’t underestimate Pakistan which is your arch rivals, if you forget the history go back and check who ruled India for 1000 years and the answer is definitely yes our great ancestors “Muslims”
Muslims did not rule India for 1000 years. It is more like 200-300 years. They ruled some parts of the country for 1000 years

India's civilization is much much older than that. So your glorious ancestors were ruled by Hindus before that.

You do not have ancestory with Mughals unless your ancestor was raped by any of them.

After the Mughals went away you were ruled and raped by Sikhs.

Now stop the fucking spam please.


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Mar 5, 2017
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I don't know why we even give visas, if it is for medical treatment , to these Pakistanis. These Pakistanis are so desperate to kill us and rule over us then they beg us for visas. They should go to their iron brothers to get treated.
We really don't even need them. I am glad with MEA recent move to deny medical visa to these people.

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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I don't know why we even give visas, if it is for medical treatment , to these Pakistanis. These Pakistanis are so desperate to kill us and rule over us then they beg us for visas. They should go to their iron brothers to get treated.
We really don't even need them. I am glad with MEA recent move to deny medical visa to these people.

However, she assured Aziz that any Pakistani national seeking a medical visa to travel to India with his recommendation will be given the visa immediately.

In a series of tweets, Swaraj said, "I have my sympathies for all Pakistan nationals seeking medical visa for their treatment in India. All that we require is his recommendation for the grant of medical visa to Pakistan nationals."
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