Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

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United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
Bhenchods are those who take their caste seriously.

There is nothing in one's caste to show others in disgrace and below a certain line.

You want to take pride in your ancestry then talk about in your fucking living rooms, barking about it publically has no audience.

You wanna convert this primitive pride to do better in life, be confident in what you do then you are all welcome but that pride can not be the bonafide entitlement that put you high on a social pedestal.

Cowards are those (Samaj ki Keerey), worms of the society who need to convince their families to marry a certain Girl or a boy because of the caste. There can be many reasons when parents may be concern about your choices but caste can never be the one.

Now stop this bigotry and focus on PKMB.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2019
Read your post yourself and you will realise how irrelevant you are ....

The issue was who is doing caste discrimination today ? My answer was - Constitution of India and Indian political system. Why abuse Brahmins or Manu for it?
The issue was that all are equal. I say yes, Then why reservation?
The answer was disparity in capabilities..
Ok... then that is genetical...
Some more issues...
Reservation for treating my body ??
Reservation for reaching the Moon?
Reservation for administering justice ?
Reservation for promotion... ??
Reservation to conduct diplomacy ???
Now one member here claimed reservation for raping a Brahmins daughter too..
Are you mad .... or you want to put in use leather currency like a mad Tughlaq.

By the way reservation was not at all the issues but if one wants equality with higher castes than one has to be capable of it and prove it. That is the law of nature.... not made by me..

Samjh kyu nahi ata hai bhai
Kitne bar bola they were discriminated against they were not fools

Why reservation because they didn't get equal opportunities why they didn't get that because they were discriminated against.

Samjh kyu nahi pa rahe

Law of nature kuch bhi higher cast kya bakwaas bak rahe ho

Kya muchodi hai ye


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2019
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Samjh kyu nahi ata hai bhai
Kitne bar bola they were discriminated against they were not fools

Why reservation because they didn't get equal opportunities why they didn't get that because they were discriminated against.

Samjh kyu nahi pa rahe

Law of nature kuch bhi higher cast kya bakwaas bak rahe ho

Kya muchodi hai ye
One of the justifications given for why reservation cut offs are low is that due to generations of oppression that led to intellectual and developmental suppression, the reserved class have lower intelligence than general. So yes, lot of people, educationists, and sections of government believe that reserved caste people are less intelligent and can only compete by having a handicap and handout. It's not one rando member, it's a well espoused theory.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2019
Reservation on the later part after our Independence is just bullshit as i have stated before reservations currently in the job sector education sector is just cheap politics at play. What I wanted to say was I don't believe in the concept of superior genes rather in the concept of hardwork and that being born in a lower caste simply dosent mean that you are dumb.


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019
GoI and legal provisions defines what is Scheduled Castes and under Scheduled castes who is "Bhangi", a "Chamar" or a "Lohar' so on and so on...

why make me repeat yara.... if the govt laws say so why stop me.....

and all justification is given as to why they can not be equal with others .... I did not invent those justification. Justification includes low capabilities and inability to compete.... Is not that genetics ??

Genetics include all social memories of 100 generations .... if you do not know basics of genetics... genetical memories are a million times more and stronger than mental memories... I am sure of that scientific fact...

Why bark at me yara....
Stop This BullShit. Let’s Go back to Kashmir and India ‘s Defense Related Issues. We can talk about Caste or What Ever other BullShit later.
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Jul 11, 2011
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One of the justifications given for why reservation cut offs are low is that due to generations of oppression that led to intellectual and developmental suppression, the reserved class have lower intelligence than general. So yes, lot of people, educationists, and sections of government believe that reserved caste people are less intelligent and can only compete by having a handicap and handout. It's not one rando member, it's a well espoused theory.
Can it be done away with ? Even the Communist rule in China can not do away with disparity in resources and opportunities between certain classes of people.

Till the time a society remains, there will always be stratification of classes / castes and disparity amongst them in terms of resources and opportunities.
Even communism talks of withering away of state and not withering away of society.

In order to correct that, judicial distribution of resources and equality of opportunity are the two principles followed in all good societies.

Reservation is never the answer and therefore can never make weaker sections stronger - 75 years of reservation has proved that.

However I repeat third time - reservation was not the issue. Indian caste system is the issue and I consider Indian legal framework and our political dispensation responsible for perpetuation of caste system.

That is all....


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019
Guy's now end this toxic conversation. We all are Hindus. Every hindu should be brotherly to each other.
Hindu unity zindabad.
We have common enemy.
Jai siri ram.
This is the First reason Moselms were able to Defeat Hindus in battle Disunity, Infighting and Backstabbings. Caste System was Class System which was created to help society Function back in ancient times. Class Systems existed in past and it exists now as well between the Poor and Rich and Workers and Owners. Most of the Ancient Class Systems have been either Destroyed or Removed. Modernity Society Doesn’t need a Medieval Class System. This Thread Isn’t even about Class Systems in the first place it’s about Kashmir Conflict and Defense of India and Hindus. Why are we talking Relevant Shit that is not connected to the Topic.


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2010
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All this victimization and oppression talk is complete bullshit, women as a group do it, minorities do it, lower caste and upper caste alike do it as well. Idiots hide behind 'oppression' and 'discrimination' and then say that they're equal. This is not a leftist creation, this manipulation technique has been used from time immemorial.

People have such huge issues of cognitive dissonance, it has always been about who was stronger and more capable at the time, that individual/group who was, ruled.

How can a person or a group of people be oppressed or discriminated against when they're equal in capabilities both mental and physical. It is your own responsibility not of your freaking neighbour's to guard yourself against oppression. If each one of us takes care about his/her well being without blaming others then this 'caste' bullshit would not have happened but people like to put blame on others for their issues even when it is not relevant.


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019
Breh, I'm proud of my lineage. I think if you read some of my previous comments, you'd not be so.. well....

but that's it. MY lineage, MY ancestors, MY people.

Kashmir is 98% islamic and we need to introspect. Where did we go wrong?
Agar ye hi soch ke baith gaya ki "g***d maraye duniya, kam se kam hum toh Hindu hain" toh na hum Hindu rahenge na tu bhajan gaayega.

The only way for Hinduism to spread is for a well oiled missionary machinery and a legally sanctioned conversion process.
Both Well Oiled Missionary Machinery or a Legally Sanctioned Conversion Process will both never happen since both Xtians and Pisslams dominate this Market. Hindus would have to push through a lot of shit get it done with libtards and Commies blocking the paths.
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Regular Member
Oct 23, 2019
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While most of them were in fact coerced into converting, a significant number, largely from the so-called lower castes, did jump the fence willingly, that's just a historical fact, my brother. We, or rather our ancestors, for the most part, weren't exactly fair to them.
Actually the fact is the opposite brother. The common belief that the lower caste converted en mass to abrahamics is a myth. Like a fake urban legend, it has been perpetuated & accepted as common knowledge by now. Bc this is exactly what they want us to think. N bc its easier to justify.

There was an extensive study that calculated what % of converts came from which caste in the entire India. It was limited to pre-1980 so it excludes recent converts.

I studied it a long time back n dont know if I can find it now. It focused mainly on the hindus whose ancestors converted in the islamic rule. That time period was different for each part of India. I. E. West India was dominated by muslims at a different time than eastern, southern etc.

The findings showed that by a large margin, converts came disproportionally from the high castes. Brahmins had the highest % of converts followed by kshatriyas. The least amount of converts came from lower classes. This is contrary to conventional wisdom but conventional wisdom is wrong. It makes sense if you think this way:

If yr a muzzie King who wants to convert a whole village, u will obviously target its leaders bc rest of the ppl will follow the leader. So they thought targeting brahmins will speed up conversion by the rest so maximum pressure was applied to them. Both carrot n stick. They were made to suffer the most atrocities while those brahmins who willingly converted got the carrot of having lucrative positions in the administration.

The Kshatriyas who converted were obviously losers of battle. Many entered into unequal taqyawadi pacts to buy temporary peace with the muzzies. Which they never kept but dumb dharmic Kshatriyas followed to the letter. For. ex my ancestors fought invaders for 3 centuries to hold afghanistan. After the tide turned against them, they made an agreement that they will move out to present NW India n their descendents will never raise weapons again. In return muzzies promised to not hurt the cows of the region ( bc we were sentimental n valued lives of innocent cows as much as ppl) & they agreed not to prostelyze n convert the local people.

As u can already guess, once we were defanged, they never kept their end of the bargain, made a festival of slaughtering cows n afgh is 99% muslim today. A minority of the community survives as hindus today within Indian borders.

Many Kshatriya castes have stories like this. A higher % of Kshatriyas ended up converting compared to Scs and OBCs.

On an absolute numbers basis, lower caste converts might be more but thats a given bc u r starting with a higher base line. If there r 80 Lower castes n if 20% of them convert, they have 16 converts.
If there r 20 brahmins n kshatriyas n if half of them convert u have 8 high caste converts. But on a percentage basis todays muzzies r more brahmin n kshatriya descendents rather than low caste converts.

All of our hindu ancestors till 20th century knew this reality of muzzie converts that they were mostly traitarous brahmins who sold out their dharma or defeated coward kshatriyas who chose conversion over veergati. That is y they were looked down upon n treated like outcasts by the hindu samaaj for many centuries. In a way, this was a good strategy as it discouraged further conversion by those who were border-line by attaching a cost to betraying your own people like social stigma. This knowledge is lost to current hindus bc we have lost our trans-generational information sharing mechanism n rely on fake histories n narratives written by psuedo-secular schools n media to learn our own history.

This strategy of stagmatizing converts worked to a large extent, until the british came. Bc if u look at subcontinental demographics it largely stayed constant at 20% muzzie pop from 15th to 19th centuries despite the many political changes. The large muzzie pop explosion from 20% in 19th century to 40% today was the work of british n Psuedo-secular Indian govt. They have done more to increase muzzie pop in last 150 years than muslim tyrants themselves could do in 1200 years.

There were periods in the medieval age when muzzie pop increased above 20% temporarily during periods of extreme cruelty ie. during aurangzeb or when myzzies conquered n converted a new part of india.

But a very important lesson here for hindus is this: Everytime those newly conquered myzzie land was taken back by hindu kings n held for a long enough time, nearly 100% of people converted back to hinduism if allowed by hindu kings. This point is not known by many current strategists n should b known. Parts of punjab n maharashtra that were taken back by sikhs n marathas witnessed a rapid decline in muzzie pop. This trend would have continued had the british n seculars not happened. Parts of the subcontinent that were never taken back by hindus. I.e. Sindh, east bengal continue to remain 100% muslim today.

Point here is that until recently, all the lost converts wanted to rejoin the thriving hindu society n it was unwillingless of hindus to take them back that kept them as muzzies. And not unwillingness of converts as it is today.

This is a reality today but one should not extrapolate current situation to the past. As it will give you wrong conclusions n wrong solutions. Point to note is if u can create favorable ground realities n give the right set of carrot n stick, all myzsie n xtian converts will come back. Today the hindu society is neither thriving nor there is any stigma to converting. Actually the opposite is true. There r many carrots to becoming a muzzie or xtian in the current social-economical scenario. On top of that, for past 70 years, secular govt had made hindus politically second class citizens. So y would anybody join a loosing side?

Let this be consolation to those who think we can never convert myzxies or xtians. We havent even begun to create the conditions necessary for this yet. We have a long way to go. In due time, this will happen. On the scale of 1 to 10 of carrots n sticks required for re-conversion, we are at .01 right now.

Many hindus on this forum, try to convert muzxies individually by having a discussion with them 2-3 times n get disheartened when they fail. They shouldnt. Think of how many times an average myzxie or xtian does the same thing to a hindu in his lifetime. They r taught from birth how to convert n defend against re-conversions, they have practiced this literally thousands of times growing up. While an average hindu who engages with them is probably talking about this topic 1st or 2nd time in his life, bc we are raised differently.

An average muztxan, like an amway sellsman has made the sales pitch thousands of times n succeeds only once or twice. They have a success rate for .001% n yet they dont get discouraged n continue. N here we have hindu nibbas giving up after their first or second try. :facepalm: Keep heart Brother. Once we have our own house in order, we will go on the offensive n win. But we r in the initial stage of that process currently. There r many strategies that work in converting n bringing ppl in our fold. At individual level n at a community level. I will discuss those in a different thread in the future as it will become excessively long.

The above post may make brahmins n kshatriyas failures look shameful. Thats not my intent. Eventhough, pisslamization of our society was largely a result of failures of kshatriyas to adopt to changing conditions, there were many heroes sung & unsung who carried the flame n bc of them hindus were 80% of pop of the subcontinent as late as 19th century. One way of outside the box thinking by shivaji was to make every hindu a kshatriya n pass on war making knowledge to every commoner. So even if some xyz kshatriya royal dynasty lineage was destroyed by muzzies it was no loss n some other hindu could easily pick up from where other had lost.

Similarly many brahmins adopted by de-centralizing the hindu dharma n converting sanskrit cripture into easy to understand vernacular languages. Myzxies had targeted hindu, budhist, jain centers of society such as temples, universities to destroy centers of knowledge. Brahmins responded by having no significant central centers of knowledge n making hinduism a community based religion n by starting a large movement to pass n spread the knowledge to every commoner so the loss of a large center wouldnt be permanant loss. They preserved our history n dharma thru many difficulties.

During this period many bhakts rose up from all strata & castes of the society such as tulsidas, kabir, tukaram, mirabai etc who took the religion to the people in their homes rather than congregate at a large place n be an easy target of the muzxies.

All castes went thru turmoil during this period. Everybody was subjected to jaziya n partial legal treatment by myzzies. Yet we all stuck together. There were some low caste people who converted willingly but their numbers too little to make any difference in grand scheme of things. Many just wanted to avoid jaziya n b able to survive. Yet we owe a large degree of gratitude to "low caste" people bc by n large they stood by dharma and it is bc of them that India is a Hindu majority country today.
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Chanakya 002

Regular Member
Aug 11, 2019
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Firstly i am not a bhangi ,
second satyug is only as deep as your mommys pussy , talk in facts not madeup stories by your kind , even i can invent a chutiyayug where bhadra was invented ,

only traits your kind has shown are of deceit ,discrimination,treachury and prostitution sometimes to rajputs sometimes to muzzies .

From past milleniayuga(1000 yrs), firstly you must detach the Islamic dick stuck to your sahiwal pussy ,
I encourage you to look for them in bangladesh 80% of your original bhadra sahiwal who were mounted by street bulls are living there.

I dont understand why you are so butt hurt ,
you are the one who used a derogatory example ,and mocked from your "high" horse,
for me saying literally nothing.

My place is where i want it to be ,
whats your place making up stories ,mumblimg mumbo jumbo .

PS: By definition of your own sahiwals , if your mommy had ever cleaned after you Shes a bhangi too.

Also thanks for name calling(derogatory intention) ,thats the point i was making in my earlier posts but few members were implying it doesnt exist.

Now, this is on a forum ,by a middle aged man,
now imagine everyday life especially poor,
Unity my arse.

Winter is coming boi..........keep on fanning it.
What the hell you all smoking at the same time, this is the reason hindus Kabhi ek nahi ho sakte Tum larte rahe or Kabhi mugal or Kabhi British ke gulam bante rahe.


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2015
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guys this thread is dedicated to pkmkb....keep that....all ur caste...pislamic....xtian...jat...sikh...shudra bullshit wont b tolerated here....take to chit chat thread....imran is shitting bricks in porkistan while we r fighting among us....stop this crap right now....

Jameson Emoni

Senior Member
Apr 15, 2018
The political class has become immune to Law and its enforcement. They get away with all the treachery they want. In any sensible nation, Samajwadi Party should have been now investigated for its links with Pakistan.
India's security planning needs to take following into account:

- modify syllabus to teach history from Indian perspective
- build a national narrative
- tight regulation of any medium which is in a position to influence Indian minds
- swift action against traitors
- build a system to monitor all suspected anti-India activities
- construct a bhagwa deep state


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019
Muhammad Bin Qasim having captured Sindh ruled by a Brahman Mohyal ruler Dahir and having consolidated Muslim rule there could not venture into other parts of India . The Muslim armies were repeatedly defeated for 700 years by Rajput bands of Soda, Parihar, Pratihars and Solankis of Gujarat. They were also not allowed any incursion into Rajasthan by Rajputs.
No sucker would mention it. All self hating Indians need to wash their Nehruvian leftard school history bullshit in the holy Ganges.

All major incursions took place through a belt and corridor dominated by tribals like Khokhars, Kukkurs, Jats and Gujjars and other peasantry. But some self seekers would blame Rajputs for it. Just see the lawless band of population pattern starting from Lahore - Multan to Punjab Haryana and Delhi. Where are Rajputs there ?
First I forgot to comment back on this Comment. Rajputs like I said In my previous comment existed outside the Rajputana Territory. They were the Major Groups in Frontier Areas like Punjab, Khyber Pass, Sindh and Balochistan. You can Find many Rajput Tribes and Sub Tribes like Chauhans, Bhatti, Rathore, Janjuas, Bhutto and Samma Rajputs and many others Occupying these territories till today. But the deference is that all of them are Pisslam Now.
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Jameson Emoni

Senior Member
Apr 15, 2018
Security personnel busted an underground bunker used as a training centre for terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir's Sopore on Monday.

According to sources, the arrest of Lashkar-e-Taiba operative Tariq Channa led security forces to the hideout located at an orchard in Sopore's Brath area. An underground shelter measuring 17 feet in length and six feet in width, it was tailor-made to train terrorists in handling explosives.

"It's a concrete bunker. We recovered ammunition, among other items, upon raiding the place," a senior police officer told NDTV.

According to the officer, Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives would use the shelter to hide from security forces as well. "There is a lot of pressure on terrorists and nobody is supporting them in villages anymore," he claimed, citing how people no longer turn up in large numbers at their funerals.



Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019
India's security planning needs to take following into account:

- modify syllabus to teach history from Indian perspective
- build a national narrative
- tight regulation of any medium which is in a position to influence Indian minds
- swift action against traitors
- build a system to monitor all suspected anti-India activities
- construct a bhagwa deep state
It is easy to imagine these kind of things on paper but many of these are hard to implement In real life as long as the Libtards and Commie Hindus Exist.
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