Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

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Sourav Kumar

Regular Member
Mar 13, 2016
Caste system is real cancer for india.
And for Hinduism.
Don't worry, people who get reservations are not stupid. They do/ will act intelligently.

Here is the relevant quote:
"In modern India, no one born of Shudra parents, be he a millionaire or a great Pundit, has ever the right to leave his own society, with the result that the. Power of his wealth, intellect, or wisdom, remaining confined within his own caste limits, is being employed for the betterment of his own community. This hereditary caste-system of India, being thus unable to overstep its own bounds, is slowly but surely conducing to the advancement of the people moving within the same circle. The improvement of the lower classes of India will go on, in this way, so long as she will be under a Government dealing with its subjects irrespective of their caste and position."


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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And then people wonder what went wrong!! We, the progeny of this rotten ass society is what that went wrong!! Salein idhar hum log Mars pe ja kar ke basne ki soch rahein hain aur yeha pe kuch log casteism ke gun ga rahe hain!!Arey sharam karo salo, sharam karo!!

Assassin 2.0

Senior Member
Aug 13, 2019
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Don't worry, people who get reservations are not stupid. They do/ will act intelligently.

Here is the relevant quote:
"In modern India, no one born of Shudra parents, be he a millionaire or a great Pundit, has ever the right to leave his own society, with the result that the. Power of his wealth, intellect, or wisdom, remaining confined within his own caste limits, is being employed for the betterment of his own community. This hereditary caste-system of India, being thus unable to overstep its own bounds, is slowly but surely conducing to the advancement of the people moving within the same circle. The improvement of the lower classes of India will go on, in this way, so long as she will be under a Government dealing with its subjects irrespective of their caste and position."
I fear people will start becoming abhramic leaving Hinduism.
Because they are much easier to understand. And there are evangelists on the work too.

But Bhagwat gita states this. Eventually people should come together and leave this caste BS.
The emphasis is on guna (aptitude) and karma (function) and not on jaati (birth). The varna or the order to which we belong is independent of sex, birth or breeding. A varna is determined by temperament and vocation - not by birth or heredity.

Shashank Nayak

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Don't worry, people who get reservations are not stupid. They do/ will act intelligently.

Here is the relevant quote:
"In modern India, no one born of Shudra parents, be he a millionaire or a great Pundit, has ever the right to leave his own society, with the result that the. Power of his wealth, intellect, or wisdom, remaining confined within his own caste limits, is being employed for the betterment of his own community. This hereditary caste-system of India, being thus unable to overstep its own bounds, is slowly but surely conducing to the advancement of the people moving within the same circle. The improvement of the lower classes of India will go on, in this way, so long as she will be under a Government dealing with its subjects irrespective of their caste and position."
Intercaste marriages are more prevalent in urban india, than rural. Even in our community, many intercaste marriages have been happening lately...


Jul 11, 2011
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That sounds like a thumbs up to the hereditary version of caste, most who aren’t upper caste don’t much care for that explanation. No matter who argues that Brahma himself decided that..mighty convenient for the chosen ones.

True that many countries had a class system but there is always a possibility of upward mobility inherent, not so in a hereditary caste system. The arguments of royal families is a bit of a red herring, that’s a limited group and doesn’t concern most normal people though both in the U.K and in places like Japan, the daughters of the royal families now marry “commoners” . Truth be told, the number of royal princes and princesses in Europe marrying other royals is now diminishing and are the odd ones out.
Firstly, it is not mandatory to express oneself against the caste . The right to support caste system is as good as the right to speak against it. That should not bring one down to "his mothers pussy". What caste system are we talking about? What upward mobility ?

I hope we all realise that we are talking about a society which has given everyone a fair chance in all respect. We have had continuous stream of Brahmin King / ruling dynasties in India, We have had baniya communities ruling besides Tribal kings. We have even had Shudrakas as kings.

In Varanasi, the Dom Raja (Chandals performing cremation) are all brahmins. Brahmins have been large feudalcalsses like Bhumihars and Kayasthas. Then the largest regions of India right down to Mysore have had Yadavas, non Rajput kings. We have had jat kings. Etc Etc. Upward mobility and social opportunities were not denied.

Today there is a clear reverse caste discrimination being practiced by our society as judged by the Supreme Court.

Today all SC / ST / OBC girl will refuse to marry a Brahmin simply because she would loose benefit of reservation. So the pussies have also been reserved. Keep your eyes open and you will see it. Do not remain stuck with "mother's pussies" as that stupid fellow does.

Genetics is a fact of science and not my invention. how can anyone have Vasistha class genetics if one had ten generation of Bhangi worms in his blood ? That is a fact... a Sahiwal is a Sahiwal is a Sahiwal.... even if taken to Brazil.... No Holy Ghost can change that...

marrying is an individuals choice and no Shudraka should be allowed to appropriate that individual liberty.... in the name of caste equality...

Sourav Kumar

Regular Member
Mar 13, 2016
Intercaste marriages are more prevalent in urban india, than rural. Even in our community, many intercaste marriages have been happening lately...
I have myself done "intercaste" marriage but I did not look at the marriage from that angle. She is a brahmin by birth but a software coolie just like me. So our "real castes" matched i guess :) Yes, in urban setup :)

Sourav Kumar

Regular Member
Mar 13, 2016
I guess because they would find Santan dharma is not good with them and is unfair?.
In Sanatan Dharma of modern India, the Brahmin and Kshatriya thanks to their "hereditary caste" will be proud of themselves and so called "SC/ST/OBC" would get reservations. So I guess both would be happy :) After all one can't get everything !

Sourav Kumar

Regular Member
Mar 13, 2016
Genetics is a fact of science and not my invention. how can anyone have Vasistha class genetics if one had ten generation of Bhangi worms in his blood ? That is a fact... a Sahiwal is a Sahiwal is a Sahiwal.... even if taken to Brazil.... No Holy Ghost can change that...

Hey, cool down. Swami Vivekananda talked something on genetics also.

"All the actions that we see in the world, all the movements in human society, all the works that we have around us, are simply the display of thought, the manifestation of the will of man. Machines or instruments, cities, ships, or men-of-war, all these are simply the manifestation of the will of man; and this will is caused by character, and character is manufactured by Karma. As is Karma, so is the manifestation of the will. The men of mighty will the world has produced have all been tremendous workers — gigantic souls, with wills powerful enough to overturn worlds, wills they got by persistent work, through ages, and ages. Such a gigantic will as that of a Buddha or a Jesus could not be obtained in one life, for we know who their fathers were. It is not known that their fathers ever spoke a word for the good of mankind. Millions and millions of carpenters like Joseph had gone; millions are still living. Millions and millions of petty kings like Buddha's father had been in the world. If it was only a case of hereditary transmission, how do you account for this petty prince, who was not, perhaps, obeyed by his own servants, producing this son, whom half a world worships? How do you explain the gulf between the carpenter and his son, whom millions of human beings worship as God? It cannot be solved by the theory of heredity. The gigantic will which Buddha and Jesus threw over the world, whence did it come? Whence came this accumulation of power? It must have been there through ages and ages, continually growing bigger and bigger, until it burst on society in a Buddha or a Jesus, even rolling down to the present day."

How do you explain the gulf between the carpenter and his son, whom millions of human beings worship as God? It cannot be solved by the theory of heredity.

There goes your Vasistha class genetics. :D


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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In Sanatan Dharma of modern India, the Brahmin and Kshatriya thanks to their "hereditary caste" will be proud of themselves and so called "SC/ST/OBC" would get reservations. So I guess both would be happy :) After all one can't get everything !
You really believe the 'upper' caste are happy??!! Which rock have you been living under mate?? And by the way, I don't think you got what he said.


Jul 11, 2011
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This is what I'm talking about .

Only a quasi mono racial unity will be effective in creating indian unity.
This is becuz most leaders of hindues and some common hindues are only fighting for Hinduism to preserve their so called caste not dharma.they are actually harmful for dharma and by extension india.

They don't care if a so called 'lower' caste is rich or accomplished which means they care more about caste when marrying than Hinduism and it is funny when they say they want to protect it.

I say these internal self created divisions are one of our biggest anchors against unity.if this is solved half of our problems regarding unity will be solved.

I have been considering intercaste too as we already select for sucess why divide the group further.
For so many centuries ranging in millionums, the caste system had been there and that is part of Dharma. Dharma was never threatened by caste. Mahrishi Ved Vyas was son of a low caste girl. That did not dilute Dharma any way. So was Balmiki rishi. No one claimed that what Balmiki Phule, Sant Tuka Ram, Raidas, Ram das, Kabir etc wrote was adharmic. We are mixing Dharma with religion.

India never had religion like Islam or Christianity but a constant stream of discussions and debates including an individuals role in society. No one ever claimed that a lower class / caste man was not entitled to Moksha and Mukti at par with a top class brahmin. The aim of life was liberation and there is no discrimination in that.

Rest what one does in life is as per "desh kaal and patra" ...his karma and his circumstances.

Someone has to work on leather ... come what may.


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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For so many centuries ranging in millionums, the caste system had been there and that is part of Dharma. Dharma was never threatened by caste. Mahrishi Ved Vyas was son of a low caste girl. That did not dilute Dharma any way. So was Balmiki rishi. No one claimed that what Balmiki Phule, Sant Tuka Ram, Raidas, Ram das, Kabir etc wrote was adharmic. We are mixing Dharma with religion.

India never had religion like Islam or Christianity but a constant stream of discussions and debates including an individuals role in society. No one ever claimed that a lower class / caste man was not entitled to Moksha and Mukti at par with a top class brahmin. The aim of life was liberation and there is no discrimination in that.

Rest what one does in life is as per "desh kaal and patra" ...his karma and his circumstances.

Someone has to work on leather ... come what may.
You from Bengal?? That phrase in bold, I've heard my Bengali colleagues uttering it sometimes.


Senior Member
May 26, 2018
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Yo ! Stop all these BS discussions and focus on the porks. They deserve our utmost attention (sometimes).

Right now Pak is going through some serious shit and here we are, fighting among ourselves. Use your Twitter talent to spread rumors, propaganda and hate contents in Pak. Don't miss the opportunity.

Assassin 2.0

Senior Member
Aug 13, 2019
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That is, in fact, happening as we speak.
I don't think sooo.
People follow particular gods like some have devotion with shiva some with ram some with Krishna. And those particular gods are not connected with caste system.
This is what i think. Just like shiva who was friend of asurs and humans. He was equal with everyone
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