Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

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Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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Does that mean any inter caste marriage is equivalent to marrying off to a drug smuggler? One can marry within the same class without marrying into the same caste, don’t you agree?
I never talked about inter caste. I don't believe in caste BS.
I'm young now but if i had a daughter in future i she opts for arrange marriage i will give her to any guy which can fulfill her needs in life be it in money or etc.
People always tend to find best partner for there kids.
Why i would give my daughter to some poor man? Who will give her suffering of poverty?
If druggist is from soo called upper caste then also it doesn't make a difference because druggist is a druggist.
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Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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Not Yudhisthira but Lord Brahma and his appointed sons called Manus (Fourteen so far) laid down a socio-legal framework of varnas as a division of labour. No society anywhere in the world has ever grown without division of labour. Society as an economic unit means nothing but division of labour. The Marxist utopia " to one according to his needs and from one according to his abilities" is nothing but division of labour that produces Communist Brahmins and it has all hereditary characteristics.
In India everyone who fought the system of Manu were the first one to follow it = Mulayam ka Akhilesh, Lallu ke Lal, Kanshi ki Mayawati, MGR Ki Lalita, Chautala ka Ghotala, Charan ka Ajay, Sindhia ki Bindiya, Gujjar Pilot ka beta Pilot, Mufti ki Foorti, Farooq ka omar... Ambedkar ka bavandar... Gandhi ke bandar .... the list is unending.... unending...
So much for modern political secular heredity....

Hereditary system starts from top - the King....

And where was it not hereditary? Have yo ever heard daughter of a British knight or lord being married to a Saxon serf?
That sounds like a thumbs up to the hereditary version of caste, most who aren’t upper caste don’t much care for that explanation. No matter who argues that Brahma himself decided that..mighty convenient for the chosen ones.

True that many countries had a class system but there is always a possibility of upward mobility inherent, not so in a hereditary caste system. The arguments of royal families is a bit of a red herring, that’s a limited group and doesn’t concern most normal people though both in the U.K and in places like Japan, the daughters of the royal families now marry “commoners” . Truth be told, the number of royal princes and princesses in Europe marrying other royals is now diminishing and are the odd ones out.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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I never talked about inter caste. I don't believe in caste BS.
I'm young now but if i had a daughter in future i she opts for arrange marriage i will give her to any guy which can fulfill her needs in life be it in money or etc.
People always tend to find best partner for there kids.
Why i would give my daughter to some poor man? Who will give her suffering of poverty?
If druggist is from soo called upper caste then also it doesn't make a difference because druggist is a druggist.
No disagreement to the above but the argument you made the point to was referring to caste system and the hereditary form of it.


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Feb 27, 2019
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Its because historically we have never faced collective adversity of survival, as we have very fertile land and food and water was abundant.

when you see middle eastern cults ,their life was always hanging by wire , scarcity of food ,water, women etc ,they faced collective survival adversity in harsh conditions which brough them closer as a group(Herd mentality) ,this gave them us vs them mentality ,also made them more cold and violent as survival was at stake and animal instinct took over.

A small group facing extinction naturally comes togather and become ONE ,
while we were comparatively spoilt brats ,

Caste system was original divide and rule policy in which the most important things required for ruling was controlled by a very small group that is military strategy and training (rajputs) , education and knowledge(in my opinion even more imp than miltary training) to brahmins ,
Brahmins also served as advisors to rajputs ,
the trade went to one gp and rest 70-80%(not sure about percentage) shudras and then there were outcasts ,
A classic divide and rule with firm grip of a small group over military ,weapons ,knowledge ,education and trade.

I believe britishers later only built on it and voila in every invasion we have people willing to help Invaders for a better opportunity.

Frankly if you are humiliated ,looked down upon, discriminated for whole of your life ,Why wont you help invaders?
If not directly then as spies , mughals and especially British had spies everywhere.

Whats astonishing is the rajputs ,peshwas in marathas ,willing to collude with invaders to defeat the other rajputs and peshwas ,
its disgusting and cowardly that they knew they couldn't defeat them directly so lets stab Them in back with help of invaders ,

Kashmiri pundits as you all know has colluded with invaders and even in 1947 they wanted independence and not Union into India, whats disgusting is these people are bailed on our blood everytime and then they stab again , they were being fucked by muslims ,sikhs saved them ,then dogras ,now rest of Indian soldiers who they didnt want to join.

I always say that we should have had a CIVIL WAR ,like the america,
i gurantee you we would have came out more practical and less discriminatory ,economically we already were as fucked as we could have been,
and imagine those millions killed in artificial feminine by british if, would have fought the britishers even with swords and stones ,A million fucking people ,
And even that didnt boil our blood .

People in India suffer from jealousy and insecurity , They try to show off even if they have to take loans for that show off , If neighbour has this ,you want as good or better ,it can be vehicle ,party ,Children's career etc

We call someone bihari ,nepali etc now theres no problem in it to a foreigner, but we know only that its used in a derogatory way .

Also people arent nurtured enough from childhood to take risks or stand their ground , they are made to compromise even without fault
They are made to fear things, not think big enough or out of box , as a result their confidence has holes ,they are not willing to come out of comfort zone ,if they do they are looked down upon and they naturally become insecure .
Thats my personal opinion ,based on personal experience ,where many of my friends are outwright cowards.

Compare that to boldness ,risk taking of greeks (alexander) ,Mongols ,Britishers ,heck even germans ,japs and now americans.

We are too egoistic ,too comfortable ,too great(in our own minds) to do anything.

Even at partition 25% of people got 33% of land killed,displaced all hindus and in India they refused to leave and also refused to modify any of their laws and kill ,riot and fuck hindu girls all the time.

I still believe a huge civil war is due in India , i just have a gut feeling ,just let a little scarcity of basic things come.
U took the word out of mouth bro. If I say this to my friends and relatives they look down upon me. I am unable to convince my parents to marry me an intercaste girl. That is the only way I think can make this country unite as one and face the world. If not we will fall flat on the face a few generations from now mark my words.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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‘Gorbachev of Pakistan must go!’ Radical opposition cleric gives ‘puppet’ PM Khan 2 days to resign amid massive protest (VIDEOS)
2 Nov, 2019 05:03 / Updated 7 hours ago
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Supporters of religious and political party Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazal (JUI-F) wave flags and chant slogans during what participants call Azadi March (Freedom March) to protest the government of Prime Minister Imran Khan in Islamabad, Pakistan November 1, 2019 [emoji2398] Reuters /
Akhtar Soomro

Hardline Islamist cleric Maulana Fazlur Rehman has presented Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan with a two-day ultimatum, demanding his resignation and threatening continued demonstrations against the Khan government.
Addressing a crowd of anti-government protesters in Islamabad on Friday – many from the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Party – Rehman stated “the Gorbachev of Pakistan must go,” calling Khran a traitor and a puppet.

We give him two days to resign, otherwise, we will decide about the future.


Khurram Dastagir & a huge crowd. #Azadi_March_Updates


6:09 PM - Oct 30, 2019
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Leaving Lahore on Wednesday and reaching Pakistan’s capital the next day, the demonstrations have largely targeted the Prime Minister, insisting his previous election win was not legitimate, and now hopes to oust him from power.

ALSO ON RT.COMGorbachev reveals how the Soviet Union could have been saved
“The elections of July 25 were fraud elections. We neither accept the results nor the government that came into power after those elections,” Rehman said. “We gave this government one year but now we cannot give them any more time.”


#AzadiMarch protest at night, it’s huge


3:07 PM - Nov 1, 2019
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Khan himself appears to have kept a cool head over the protests so far, vowing to keep the demonstrators supplied with food as long as they remained in the capital to express their discontent peacefully, but assured the leaders of the march that their actions would not win concessions from the government.


#PMLN Reception camp for #Azadi_March at Rewat


10:37 AM - Oct 31, 2019
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“Gone are the days when one used to use Islam to gain power,” Khan told a rally in Gilgit-Baltistan. “This is a new Pakistan. Sit however long you want. When your food runs out, we will send more. But we will not give you an NRO [National Reconciliation Ordinance].”

Maulana Fazlur Rehman sets deadline of two days for PM Imran khan to resign. Says he can lead the charged crowd to PM house to arrest the ‘selected’ PM but he will not do that #AzadiMarch


10:08 AM - Nov 1, 2019
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This whole mullah jalsa seems to a warning shot to niazi rather than anything concrete to bring him down.

Because all opposition parties are giving guest appearance rather than participating in the jalsa.

And also it’s the same crowd moving from city to city, not parallel events in multiple cities..

So basically don’t expect anything spectacular from this mullah nautanki.

Sourav Kumar

Regular Member
Mar 13, 2016
Leave the vedas and its stories how about we talk of few centuries ago with recorded history ,
or a few decades ago before Independence ,
A few anecdotes or stories wouldnt change the reality.
Even muslims bring out stories how Islam was so peaceful and beautiful but we all see what it is today and what it was a few centuries ago ,so it was always like that.

Theres no way of knowing if it was corrupted later or was always like that ,
Even that later is thiusands of yrs ,so for 1000s of yrs its like that and the period in question is Islamic period when it certainly was like that.

Varna system is inherently hereditary and can never be just by profession as owing to Human social nature a person in higher varna will never let her daughter go to lower varna even if her ability lies there , (nepotism is natural ,everyone wants better for their kids)
similarly even a talented lower varna person will never be liked by upper varna ,its basic social nature , everyone wants to be at top , by hook crook ,
thats why i said a small group MONOPOLISED everything important and left a larger group uneducated , with menial skillset .

Feel good Stories can be written or believed but the practical reality is infront of us if we are willing to read ,research .

Anyways ,today is way better than say 40 yrs ago and it will only get better from here.
"thats why i said a small group MONOPOLISED everything important and left a larger group uneducated , with menial skillset ."

You are right when you say the above.

To quote from Swami Vivekananda from one of his essays:
"However much you may parade your descent from Aryan ancestors and sign the glories of ancient India day and night, and however much you may be strutting in the pride of your birth, you, the upper classes of India – do you think you are alive? You are but mummies ten thousand years old! It is among those whom your ancestors despised as ‘walking carrions that the little of vitality there is still in India, is to be found; and it is you who are the real ‘walking corpses’. Your houses, your furniture look like museum specimens, so life less and antiquated they are; and even an eye-witness of your manners and customs, your movements and modes of life, is inclined to think he is listening to a grand mother’s tale! When, even after making a personal acquaintance with you. one returns home. one seems to think one had been to visit the paintings in an Art Gallery! In this world of Maya, you are the real illusions, the mystery, the real mirage in the desert, you, the upper classes of. India! You represent the past tense, with all its varieties of form jumbled into one. That one still seems to see you at the present time, is nothing but a nightmare brought on by indigestion. You are the void, the unsubstantial non-entities of the future. Denizens of the Dreamland. Why are you loitering any longer? Fleshless and bloodless skeletons of the dead body of past India that you are – why do you not quickly reduce yourselves into dust and disappear in the air? Aye, in your bony fingers are some priceless rings of jewel treasured up by your ancestors and within the embrace of your stinking corpse are preserved a good many ancient treasure-chests. So long you have not had the opportunity to hand them over. Now under the British rule. in these days of free education and enlightenment, pass them on to your heirs, aye, do it as quickly as you can. You merge yourselves in the void and disappear and let New India arise in your place. Let her arise out of the peasant’s cottage: grasping the plough, out of the huts of the fishermen, the cobbler, and the sweeper. Let her spring from the grocer’s shop, from “beside the oven of the fritter seller. Let her emerge from the factory, from marts, and from markets. Let her emerge from the groves and forests, from hills and mountains. These common people have suffered oppression for thousands of years-suffered it without murmur, and as a result have got wonderful fortitude. They have suffered eternal misery, which has given them unflinching vitality. Living on a handful of oatmeal they can convulse the world; give them only half a piece’ of bread. and the whole world will not be big enough to contain their energy; they are endowed with the inexhaustible vitality of a Raktabija. And, besides, they have got the wonderful strength that comes of a pure and moral life, which is not to be found anywhere else in the world. Such peacefulness, such contentment, such love; such power of silent and incessant work, and such manifestation of lion’s strength in times of action – where else will you find these? Skeletons of the past, there, before you, are your successors, the India that is to be. Throw those treasure-chests of yours and those Jeweled rings among them – as soon as you can; and you-vanish into air, and be seen no more only keep your ears open. No sooner will you disappear than you will hear the inaugural shout of renascent India-ringing with the voice of a million thunders and reverberating throughout the universe – ‘Wah Guru Ki Fateh – victory to the Guru! 12"

Basically in above para, Swamiji gave a dressing down to the so called "upper class/ upper caste" folks. But Swamiji was a great man and he had very interesting takes/ insights on caste/ society / unity of India etc. The thing is that he could see things much better than normal fellows and he criticized both Brahmins (especially the priesthood class) and Shudras (when they go into victimhood mode). I cannot find all his relevant work from his complete work but when you have time, you can go through the essays from the link below:


I don't subscribe to the message that the blog is trying to give (I have not read the blog writer's views/ angles etc) but the blog mentioned above contents 5-6 original essays by Swamiji. Once you go through them (if you are not familiar with them), you will find resonance with some your own views and also you will see things from other perspectives.

Disclaimer: The secret of reading Swami Vivekananda is to read him side by side reading Kathamrita by his guru Ramakrishna. Ramakrishna told the "family" people how to act tactfully in life. On the contrary Swamiji mostly "inspired" the youth to jump into action. Swamji's enthusiasm/ energy can't be handled easily and head may get very hot :)


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019
There is a saying 'When it happens to all it happens to none'.

Rajputs were brave, they fought, they won, they lost and they survived. I don't know why you are judging them.

I can give you many examples of Brahmin kings who lost, same is with Sikhs, Marathas and others.

There is nothing in History to learn for the future.

The future is unimaginably challenging and unpredictable.

Fools are those who think History has the key to unlock the future. Nor history repeats itself neither it prepares us for the future.

We learn History to simply keep an account of our continuity. Even if that continuity is lost we create a new stream.

Our history was glorious and we must take pride in that. Our means of survival may not be as pop, funky and contemporary that you wish it to be but our ancestors had their own ways of holding their grounds and fight the invasions.

TBH when I read Indians moaning about History and try to simplify it I see a failing generation who is yet again losing the perspective and the race to the Age of the world.

Wake and smell the coffee, We need AI and what Raput did and didn't is not going to matter anymore. Hold on to what we have now and invest your energies to sustain it for the longest.
It is Human Nature to look back at History and Learn From it. What you said doesn’t make any sense my friend. If we forget what our Ancestors went through don’t learn from it then it makes us look like fools. “Fools are those who think History has the key to unlock the future. Nor history repeats itself neither it prepares us for the future” this is a False Statement. History does repeat itself it’s our job in the present to stop the bad things from happening again which can damage our future. Fools who don’t learn from history will repeat the same mistakes again and again. To unlock the future we must first figure out our past.

Shashank Nayak

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Well Yudhistra talked about varna system. Its part of Mahabharata. Its not something thats hidden or something.
But yes, it remained hereditary to the most part. Though mathadhipati's, kings etc came from all over. For ex: Reddy kings and Vaddera kings in AP!
Our Yogi Adityanath is not a Brahmin!
Multiple examples that way (odd ones I concede)
Rajput armies were not exclusively rajput. For example Bhils used to be part of Rajput armies.. Also, Meenas, Jats and Gurjars all used to fight, when needed
In the south.. the four varnas were not very clear.. janeu wearing kshatriyas were very rare. The nairs of kerala, Martha's, bunts, or even my forefathers were all non kshatriyas who used to fight when needed, and took to farming rest of the time..

Rassil Krishnan

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Apr 16, 2019
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U took the word out of mouth bro. If I say this to my friends and relatives they look down upon me. I am unable to convince my parents to marry me an intercaste girl. That is the only way I think can make this country unite as one and face the world. If not we will fall flat on the face a few generations from now mark my words.

This is what I'm talking about .

Only a quasi mono racial unity will be effective in creating indian unity.
This is becuz most leaders of hindues and some common hindues are only fighting for Hinduism to preserve their so called caste not dharma.they are actually harmful for dharma and by extension india.

They don't care if a so called 'lower' caste is rich or accomplished which means they care more about caste when marrying than Hinduism and it is funny when they say they want to protect it.

I say these internal self created divisions are one of our biggest anchors against unity.if this is solved half of our problems regarding unity will be solved.

I have been considering intercaste too as we already select for sucess why divide the group further.

Assassin 2.0

Senior Member
Aug 13, 2019
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He is the one who started it , i am here to give and take opinions and debate ,
not listen to a low iq retard how he is better then everybody because his imaginary god made him ,if you see closely its actually a bit analogous to abhramics priviledge of only "true" god people.

My point wasnt even about any of the bs hes peddling , my point was simple caste system is inherently discriminatory and even if consider it as varna system which is said to be by profession ,it will always turn into hereditary caste system no matter what ,

Hereditary is what by birth ,which is through marriage ,so, i gave the example of marriage of a daughter from upper varna to a guy in lower varna simply not possible ,as societal pressure pride etc would not allow it so it will become hereditary hence DISCRIMINATORY no matter what.

so, people talking about dharma rule or ancient era being just and fair is simply not possible ,
So, as far as varna system is mentioned there was discrimination ,no matter what unprovable stories people tell ,

varna system is not found anywhere else apart from bharat , so, its not universal but monopoly of people who benefit from it.

I dont think i hurt somone's casteist sentiments here.

And he resorted to calling me bhangi(no offence to any bhangis here) to humiliate me ,
Thats the point i was making,
Many members here dont believe genuinely or maybe dont want to believe intentionally it exists in a brutal way still ,

so, all the talk of unity people want goes into dustbin.
I agree with most of the things which you say but you start abusing religion which i don't like.

You can be Christian / atheists xyz i don't care. But don't abuse the religion dharma etc.
Dharma and Hinduism doesn't teach any negativity but people can manipulate it and send a wrong message.
And racism existed throughout the globe in west it was class system.

Sourav Kumar

Regular Member
Mar 13, 2016
, my point was simple caste system is inherently discriminatory and even if consider it as varna system which is said to be by profession ,it will always turn into hereditary caste system no matter what ,

varna system is not found anywhere else apart from bharat , so, its not universal but monopoly of people who benefit from it.
Now the other perspective from Swami Vivekananda:
They say, there should be no caste. Even those who are in caste say, it is not a very perfect institution. But they say, when you find us another and a better one, we will give it up. They say, what will you give us instead? Where is there no caste? In your nation (U.S.A.) you are struggling all the time to make a caste. As soon as a man gets a bag of dollars, he says, ‘I am one of the Four Hundred.’ We (in india) alone have succeeded in making a permanent caste. Other nations are struggling and do not succeed. We have superstitions and evils enough. Would taking the superstitions and evils from your (Western) country mend matters? It is owing to caste that three hundred millions of people can find a piece of bread to eat yet. It is an imperfect institution, no doubt. But if it had not been for caste, you would have had no Sanskrit books to study. This Caste made walls, around which all sorts of invasions rolled and surged, but found it impossible to break through. That necessity has not gone yet (March 25, 1896): so caste remains. 13

The solution is not by bringing down the higher, but by raising the lower up to the level of the higher. And that is the line of work that is found in all our books, in spite of what you may hear from some people whose knowledge of their own scriptures and whose capacity to understand the mighty plans of the ancients are only zero….What is the plan? The ideal at one end is the Brahmana, and the ideal at the other end is the Chandala: and the whole work is to raise the Chandala up to the Brahmana. Slowly and slowly you find more and more privileges granted to them. There are books where you read such fierce words as these: ‘If the Shudra hears the Veda, fill his ears with molten lead; and if he remembers a line, cut his tongue out.’ ….. Later on, this tone is modified a little; as for instance. ‘Do not disturb the Shudras, but do not teach them higher things. ‘Then gradually we find in other Smritis, especially in those that have full power now, that if the Shudras imitate the manners and customs of Brahmanas, they do well; they ought to be encouraged. Thus it is going on. …. Coming to plan facts, we find that all the castes are to rise slowly and slowly; however, there are thousands of castes and some are even getting admission into Brahmanahood, for what prevents any caste from declaring they are Brahmanas? Thus, caste with all its rigour, has been created in that manner. Let us suppose that there are castes here with ten thousand people in each. If these put ourselves Brahmanas,’ nothing can stop them; I have seen it in my own life. Some castes become strong, and as soon as they all agree, who is to say nay? Because, whatever it was, each caste was exclusive of the other. It did not meddle with others’ affairs: even the several divisions of one caste did not meddle with the other divisions; and those powerful epoch-makers, Shankaracharya and others, were the great caste-makers.14

I do not propose any leveling of caste. Caste is a very good thing. Caste is the plan we want to follow. What caste really is, not one in a million understands. There is no country in the world without caste. In India, from caste. Caste we reach to the point where there is no caste. Caste is based throughout on that principle. The plan in India is to make everybody Brahmana, the Brahmana being the ideal of the humanity. If you read the history of India you will find that attempts have always been made to raise the lower classes. Many are the classes that have been raised. Many more will follow till the whole will become Brahmana. That is the plan. We have only to raise them without bringing down anybody. 15


Shashank Nayak

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2017
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And where was it not hereditary? Have yo ever heard daughter of a British knight or lord being married to a Saxon serf?
The class system although still prevalent is not as prominent in Europe as it used to be 200 years ago.. Forget daughters of measly knights... dear... we increasingly have princes in England marrying upper middle class commoners.. If left to the varna system, most non brahmins, would still be deprived of education..


Jul 11, 2011
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He is the one who started it , i am here to give and take opinions and debate ,
not listen to a low iq retard how he is better then everybody because his imaginary god made him ,if you see closely its actually a bit analogous to abhramics priviledge of only "true" god people.

My point wasnt even about any of the bs hes peddling , my point was simple caste system is inherently discriminatory and even if consider it as varna system which is said to be by profession ,it will always turn into hereditary caste system no matter what ,

Hereditary is what by birth ,which is through marriage ,so, i gave the example of marriage of a daughter from upper varna to a guy in lower varna simply not possible ,as societal pressure pride etc would not allow it so it will become hereditary hence DISCRIMINATORY no matter what.

so, people talking about dharma rule or ancient era being just and fair is simply not possible ,
So, as far as varna system is mentioned there was discrimination ,no matter what unprovable stories people tell ,

varna system is not found anywhere else apart from bharat , so, its not universal but monopoly of people who benefit from it.

I dont think i hurt somone's casteist sentiments here.

And he resorted to calling me bhangi(no offence to any bhangis here) to humiliate me ,
Thats the point i was making,
Many members here dont believe genuinely or maybe dont want to believe intentionally it exists in a brutal way still ,

so, all the talk of unity people want goes into dustbin.
Leave your bhangi shit to yourself ? clean it or just buzz off..... I told you it is not going to stick ..... a typical shudraka even if converted...

Sourav Kumar

Regular Member
Mar 13, 2016
@To All The Shudras like myself (The coolie class),

don't at all try to be a "brahmin" and so called "intercaste" marriage. Stay as a pure shudra (like a software coolie in an organization). Swami Vivekananda predicted great future for your Shudra clan. This is the time your achievements would eclipse that of brhamin, kshatriya, vaishya etc :)

Here are the quotes:

And where are they, through whose physical labour only are possible, the influence of the Brahmana, the prowess of the Kshatriya, and the fortune of the Vaishya? What is their history, who, being the real body of society, are designated, at all times, in all countries, as ‘they-the baseborn’? … The Shudras of countries, other than India, have become, it seems, a little awake; but they are wanting in proper education and have only the mutual hatred of men of their own class – a trait common to Shudras. What avails it if they greatly outnumber the other classes? That unity, by which ten men collect the strength of a million, is yet far away from the Shudra; hence, according to the law of nature. the Shudras invariably form the subject race. …

Yet, a time will come, when there will be the rising of the Shudra class. with their Shudrahood. that is to say, not like that as at present, when the Shudras are becoming great by acquiring the characteristic qualities of the Vaishya or the Kshatriya; but a time will come, when the Shudras of every country, with their inborn Shudra nature and habits-not becoming in essence Vaishya or Kshatriya, but remaining as Shudras-will gain absolute supremacy in every society. The first .glow of the dawn of this new power has already begun to slowly break upon the Western world; and the thoughtful are at their wits’ end to reflect upon the final issue of this fresh phenomenon. Socialism, Anarchism, Nihilism, and like other sects, are the vanguard of the social revolution that is to follow. As the result of grinding pressure and tyranny, from time out of mind, the Shudras, as a rule. are either meanly servile, licking dog-like the feet of the higher class, or otherwise are as inhuman as brute beasts.

In spite of the spread of education in the West, there is a great hindrance in the way of the rising of the Shudra class; and that is the recognition of caste as determined by the inherence of more or less good or bad qualities. By this very qualitative caste-system which obtained in India in ancient days. the Shudra class was kept down. bound hand and foot. in the first place scarcely any opportunity was given to the Shudra for the accumulation of wealth, or the earning d proper knowledge and education; to add to this disadvantage, if ever a man of extraordinary parts and genius were born of the Shudra class. the influential higher sections of the society forthwith showered titular honours on him and lilted him up to their own circle. His wealth and the power of his wisdom were employed for the benefit of an alien caste-and his own caste-people reaped no benefit of his attainments; and not only so, the good-for-nothing people. the scum and refuse of the higher castes, were cast off and thrown into the Shudra class to swe!1 their number.

Vasistha, Narada, Satyakama Jabaia. Vyasa, Kripa, Orona, Kama and others of questionable parentage were raised to the position of a Brahmana or a Kshatriya, in virtue of their superior learning or valour but it remains to be seen how, by these uplifting, the prostitute, maidservant, fisherman, or the charioteer class was benefited. Again, on the other hand, the faller from the Brahmana, the Kshatriya, or the Vaishya class were always brought down to fill the ranks of the Shudras.

In modern India, no one born of Shudra parents, be he a millionaire or a great Pundit, has ever the right to leave his own society, with the result that the. Power of his wealth, intellect, or wisdom, remaining confined within his own caste limits, is being employed for the betterment of his own community. This hereditary caste-system of India, being thus unable to overstep its own bounds, is slowly but surely conducing to the advancement of the people moving within the same circle. The improvement of the lower classes of India will go on, in this way, so long as she will be under a Government dealing with its subjects irrespective of their caste and position. 3

Human society is in turn governed by the four castes-the priests, the soldiers, the traders, and the laborers. … Last will come the labourer (Shudra) rule. Its advantages will be the distribution of physical comforts – its disadvantages, (perhaps) the lowering of culture. There will be a great distribution of ordinary culture, but extraordinary geniuses will be less and less.

If it is possible to form a State in which the knowledge of the priest, the culture of the military, the distributive spirit of the commercial, and the ideal of equality of the last can all be kept intact, minus their evils, it will be an ideal State, but is it possible?

Yet the first three have had their day. Now is the time for the last – they must have it – none can resist it .I do not know all the difficulties about the gold or Silver standards (nobody seems to know much as to that); but this much I see that the gold standard has been making the poor poorer, and the rich richer. Bryan was right when tie said, ‘We refuse to be crucified on a cross of gold’. The silver standard will give the poor a better chance in this unequal fight. I am a socialist not because I think it is a perfect system, but half a loaf is better than no bread.

The other systems have been tried and found wanting. Let this one be tried – if nothing else, for the novelty of the thing. A redistribution of pain and pleasure is better than always the same per sons having pains and pleasures. … Let every dog have his day in this miserable world. 4

Shashank Nayak

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Not Yudhisthira but Lord Brahma and his appointed sons called Manus (Fourteen so far) laid down a socio-legal framework of varnas as a division of labour
Fuck Brahma and fuck manus.. these fairy tales are a good read... But dont get hung up on these stories...


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistan violates ceasefire along International Border in Jammu and Kashmir's Kathua | India News - Times of India

JAMMU: Pakistani rangers on Monday targeted forward posts with small fire arms along the International Border in Jammu and Kashmir's Kathua district, officials said.
There was no report of any casualty or damage in the firing, they said.

The unprovoked firing from across the border in Manyari-Chorgali area in Hiranagar sector started around 8.30pm, they said.
The officials said the Border Security Force retaliated. The cross-border firing between the two sides was going on when last reports were received.

Shashank Nayak

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Except for the rajputs of mewar.. who always fought foreign armies and sacrificed a lot... many other rajputs had either converted to islam, or busy marrying their daughters to mughals.. Now, every rajput is after misappropriating the legacy of Mewar..


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistan skips inaugural session of SCO joint exercise

Pakistan did not participate in the inaugural session of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) joint exercise on urban earthquake and rescue in Delhi. The session was addressed by Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday.

Pakistan is expected to participate in the drill being organised by the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) from November 5-7 onwards. The exercise is the outcome of the 9th meeting of the heads of government departments of SCO countries dealing with the prevention and elimination of emergency situation in Kyrgyzstan in 2017, in which India offered to organise the next annual disaster management exercise for the region.


No for drills
yes for buffet
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