Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

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Jul 11, 2011
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Well Yudhistra talked about varna system. Its part of Mahabharata. Its not something thats hidden or something.
But yes, it remained hereditary to the most part. Though mathadhipati's, kings etc came from all over. For ex: Reddy kings and Vaddera kings in AP!
Our Yogi Adityanath is not a Brahmin!
Multiple examples that way (odd ones I concede)
Not Yudhisthira but Lord Brahma and his appointed sons called Manus (Fourteen so far) laid down a socio-legal framework of varnas as a division of labour. No society anywhere in the world has ever grown without division of labour. Society as an economic unit means nothing but division of labour. The Marxist utopia " to one according to his needs and from one according to his abilities" is nothing but division of labour that produces Communist Brahmins and it has all hereditary characteristics.
In India everyone who fought the system of Manu were the first one to follow it = Mulayam ka Akhilesh, Lallu ke Lal, Kanshi ki Mayawati, MGR Ki Lalita, Chautala ka Ghotala, Charan ka Ajay, Sindhia ki Bindiya, Gujjar Pilot ka beta Pilot, Mufti ki Foorti, Farooq ka omar... Ambedkar ka bavandar... Gandhi ke bandar .... the list is unending.... unending...
So much for modern political secular heredity....

Hereditary system starts from top - the King....

And where was it not hereditary? Have yo ever heard daughter of a British knight or lord being married to a Saxon serf?

Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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See how quickly the true colours came out ,
your analogy shows your aukaad ,learn a bit about sub species,

This detogatory remark right here is the reason why people abuse brahmins or vermins like you, who glorify themselves but really are actually nothing special ,even after getting monopoly education and knowledge for millenias ,

My answer was regarding the varna system theory being FAIR and by PROFESSION and not by birth that is hereidatry ,
It will always be hereditary no matter how anyone puts ,it ,i just gave the example That if one upper varna daughter/son turned out to be spoilt dumbass ,his/her parents wont let them get transferred to lower varna , so the theory that it can ever sustain on the basis of profession only is inherently flawed as basic human nature will not allow it.

For the record Those sahiwals were mounted by unwashed desert PIGS(not even bulls) repeatedly for 1000 yrs ,keep those,

So much so that Indian subcontinent have around 500-600 million product of those sahiwals courtesy of being ass raped for centuries,
Even bangladesh must be having lot of your ancestor sahiwals who fall victim to street bulls eh :wink:
I hope you will get your daughter married to some drug smuggler. After all that's how you see the world.
To make sure your kids are not spoilt dumb ass.
After independence everyone was poor those who moved ahead made there own way nothing else.


Jul 11, 2011
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We keep celebrating the past, not realizing that the past clearly shows that we kept losing to inferior foreign powers because there was no sense of nation, no common thread to unite us and make us fight as one people.
Oh ! You seem to be suggesting that those societies who had a sense of oneness, a sense of being a nation ( though nation as a concept took birth in 17th and 18th century Europe) were not defeated and lost wars ?

Does war has a significant connection with civilisational superiority ? Do superior civilisation win wars over other civilisations that is less developed than them ?\

In recent times - Was Vietnam a superior Society and civilisation than the USA ? Was Germany Superior civilisation than the French ? Were the Russion the best civilisation to win over all of them.

Did the invaders of India had a sense of nation? Were their armies composed of one type of people ?


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Sep 4, 2019
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After independence everyone was poor those who moved ahead made there own way nothing else.

Chanakya 002

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Aug 11, 2019
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Past is past, now we are more confused.Actually we don't know what we are fighting for

Are we fighting for Nation(India) or Dharma(Hindu)??

IF u are fighting for nation ~20% Adharmic Indians are also become your brothers but if u are fighting for 'Dharma' first eliminate 'Adharma' from your land. :biggrin2:
Fight for Dharma that's only way the nation will be secure


Jul 11, 2011
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See how quickly the true colours came out ,
your analogy shows your aukaad ,learn a bit about sub species,

This detogatory remark right here is the reason why people abuse brahmins or vermins like you, who glorify themselves but really are actually nothing special ,even after getting monopoly education and knowledge for millenias ,

My answer was regarding the varna system theory being FAIR and by PROFESSION and not by birth that is hereidatry ,
It will always be hereditary no matter how anyone puts ,it ,i just gave the example That if one upper varna daughter/son turned out to be spoilt dumbass ,his/her parents wont let them get transferred to lower varna , so the theory that it can ever sustain on the basis of profession only is inherently flawed as basic human nature will not allow it.

For the record Those sahiwals were mounted by unwashed desert PIGS(not even bulls) repeatedly for 1000 yrs ,keep those,

So much so that Indian subcontinent have around 500-600 million product of those sahiwals courtesy of being ass raped for centuries,
Even bangladesh must be having lot of your ancestor sahiwals who fall victim to street bulls eh :wink:
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ......... Satsayee ke Dohare .... Jyon navik ke teer.. :pound:

You fuckr do not even know where sahiwal is .....

Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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Bardhan also concluded that Indian poverty rates increased through the 1960s, reaching a high of 54%. ... Minhas estimated that 95% of India's people lived on Rs 458 per year in 1963-64, while the richest 5% lived on an average of Rs 645 per year (all numbers inflation adjusted to 1960-61 Rupee).


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019
This is glass half full half empty situation but I can give you a comparison to make you feel good.
100% of the Zoroastrian lands are mooslem, 100% of the shamanic/Taoist are muslim and even the Christian lost the fuck load of land and people to mooslem empires.
Persian empire and Byzantine empire were wiped out and people were converted. 100 percent of those people are mooslem now.
No pagan religion survived in the world except the Dharma. We not only survived but thrived and now we will regain our place in the world.

Does all this not make you feel proud?
It makes me feel damn proud of my Indian ancestory.
But We did Lose a A lot of Innocent People Along the Way till today. We can’t say we didn’t lose our lands to Pisslams. PorkiShitan, Afghanistan and Beggardesh are Prime Examples of we Losing our People and land to the Flithy Desert Cult. But We were able retain our culture and Morals because of we had a lot of People Meaning Huge Population compared to the Invaders themselves and We felt Proud About our History and culture and Didn’t Suck the Invader ‘s Dick like they did in Fucking Rest of Middle Shit and Persia.


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Nov 16, 2011
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‘Gorbachev of Pakistan must go!’ Radical opposition cleric gives ‘puppet’ PM Khan 2 days to resign amid massive protest (VIDEOS)
2 Nov, 2019 05:03 / Updated 7 hours ago
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Supporters of religious and political party Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazal (JUI-F) wave flags and chant slogans during what participants call Azadi March (Freedom March) to protest the government of Prime Minister Imran Khan in Islamabad, Pakistan November 1, 2019 © Reuters /
Akhtar Soomro

Hardline Islamist cleric Maulana Fazlur Rehman has presented Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan with a two-day ultimatum, demanding his resignation and threatening continued demonstrations against the Khan government.
Addressing a crowd of anti-government protesters in Islamabad on Friday – many from the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Party – Rehman stated “the Gorbachev of Pakistan must go,” calling Khran a traitor and a puppet.

We give him two days to resign, otherwise, we will decide about the future.


Khurram Dastagir & a huge crowd. #Azadi_March_Updates


6:09 PM - Oct 30, 2019
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Leaving Lahore on Wednesday and reaching Pakistan’s capital the next day, the demonstrations have largely targeted the Prime Minister, insisting his previous election win was not legitimate, and now hopes to oust him from power.

ALSO ON RT.COMGorbachev reveals how the Soviet Union could have been saved
“The elections of July 25 were fraud elections. We neither accept the results nor the government that came into power after those elections,” Rehman said. “We gave this government one year but now we cannot give them any more time.”


#AzadiMarch protest at night, it’s huge


3:07 PM - Nov 1, 2019
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Khan himself appears to have kept a cool head over the protests so far, vowing to keep the demonstrators supplied with food as long as they remained in the capital to express their discontent peacefully, but assured the leaders of the march that their actions would not win concessions from the government.


#PMLN Reception camp for #Azadi_March at Rewat


10:37 AM - Oct 31, 2019
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“Gone are the days when one used to use Islam to gain power,” Khan told a rally in Gilgit-Baltistan. “This is a new Pakistan. Sit however long you want. When your food runs out, we will send more. But we will not give you an NRO [National Reconciliation Ordinance].”

Maulana Fazlur Rehman sets deadline of two days for PM Imran khan to resign. Says he can lead the charged crowd to PM house to arrest the ‘selected’ PM but he will not do that #AzadiMarch


10:08 AM - Nov 1, 2019
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Jul 11, 2011
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Sir, other communities didnt fight or actually couldnt fight as Indian social construct was based on profession by caste ,
Rajputs had MONOPOLY over military training and expertise , other communities werent ALLOWED to wield weapons ,neither did they have means to build weapons ,
Same goes for political and diplomatic knowledge ,
You can not expect a group of people who had lets say worked in farms or milked cows or run shops for 1000s of generations ,suddenly became experts in war fighting , strategy making and clever diplomacy,
also the MENTAL readiness for horrors of war and steadfast attitude in face of adversity come through years of training and experience.

Even if you say quickly build army of such people with a few years training ,one tough situation and they will panic and run away, which will kill the morale.
Even trained armies panicked and ran away after hard blows ,ex babur invasion against a much larger army.

Secondly , i always say India as whole wasnt conquered ,
We were conquered piece by piece ,kingdom by kingdom with Active help from insiders(think vibhishion) , In every kingdom there were jealous princes who were ready to see kingdom burn if they were given a small piece from leftovers.

My point is when we were being nibbled away slowly why didn't the rest of the kingdoms came togather to put up a fight ,Like the Europeans did ,
Simple fact is we were never one kingdom naturally , we came under one umbrella only forcefully ,mauryas CONQUERED the Bharat ,so did marathas ,mughals etc

We didnt only had disunity but contempt for others ,so much so we were happy to see others burn .

And to that guy who was saying only Europeans and Indians stopped islamists ,
this is Bull shit ,
Europeans actually Defeated Islamists and drove them out and even launched counter attacks CRUSADES ,
while we might have won battles but always lost the Wars , and we were conquered slowly and only SURVIVED ,owing to our HUGE POPULATION ,not because we were some super humans compared to egyptians and persians etc , even here we are trying to show off as being better than others .

Regarding population , Europeans killed millions(number used loosely) in todays america , its dominated by whites , similar story australia ,they killed million aborginals and australia is white ,
Now in India they killed millions upon millions but they couldnt wipe us out because of our huge population and a land sustaining it continously, so much so that British got frustated and they have recorded statements barking about how Indians breed like RABBITS ,
They couldnt wipe our population even in a small part of India .

You are stuck with your Northern Indian background knowledge, experience and observation, may be from Rajputana.

Even there major component of Maharana.s Army were jungle dwelling tribals called Gharasias, Minasa and other peasantry.
Rajputs traditionally had a role in maintaining and training village based lavies of soldiers.

At no point in History Rajputs were such in numbers as to solely compose of such legendary huge armies. Armies always has the peasantry composed of local population as their basic soldiers - be it tribals, Jats, Gujjars, or others,

The rules regarding bearing of Arms, manufacturing fire arms, and ammunition, keeping horses elephants etc were the same as today - kept controlled and limited. Is it allowed today ? Simply no.... no one can hold tanks in his house.

This prejudice against Rajputs being rulers and part of ruling system is well understood.... That exists against govt Babus even today..


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019
No its you gandu who doesnt understand ANALOGY ,
Here, sahiwal = two faced brahmin like you ,irrespective of geography ,
derogatory street bull = lower casts, untouchables ,muzzies etc , who impregnated your bhadra sahiwals who ended up in bangladesh ,
See, now you will get it , such slow brain even after millenia of priviledge.

So, where are the sahiwals of pakistan now a days? eh

Other members are right about you ,you are a lowly vermin like they say.

You disrespected and mocked an entire group of people who is historically discriminated in worst ways and even today humiliated with derogatory names ,just for me giving my opinion on Varna system being "Fair" and why there was disunity in India.

No matter what you consider yourself you are not magically better than anybody ,
For all your brahma this that bs PROVE IT ,
India Is the land of SEEKERS NOT BELIEVERS IN chutya stories written by your kind .
Bro Calm Down We don’t need to fight each other. We all have our own beliefs. The Biggest Weakness of Indians are Indians themselves. We should argue against each other with our knowledge and Words not by Naming Calling. In end we all gain knowledge. Indians/Hindus are Brothers in end never forget that. Some Brahmins might have turned leftists but that doesn’t mean all them are. Our Hate Should he directed towards our enemies not against our brothers.


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Apr 13, 2013
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● रूपरेखा 【√】
● प्रस्तावना【√】
● विषय विस्तार/वर्णन 【••••••】
● उपसंहार 【••••••】
#MissionPoK #MissionGilgitBaltistan पिछले 5 साल और 5 माह से एक निबन्ध लिखा जा रहा है। सेनाएं अपना काम कर रही हैं। सरकार अपना काम कर रही है। आप अपना काम करिये।

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Feb 27, 2018
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I hope you will get your daughter married to some drug smuggler. After all that's how you see the world.
To make sure your kids are not spoilt dumb ass.
After independence everyone was poor those who moved ahead made there own way nothing else.
Does that mean any inter caste marriage is equivalent to marrying off to a drug smuggler? One can marry within the same class without marrying into the same caste, don’t you agree?


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019
‘Gorbachev of Pakistan must go!’ Radical opposition cleric gives ‘puppet’ PM Khan 2 days to resign amid massive protest (VIDEOS)
2 Nov, 2019 05:03 / Updated 7 hours ago
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Supporters of religious and political party Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazal (JUI-F) wave flags and chant slogans during what participants call Azadi March (Freedom March) to protest the government of Prime Minister Imran Khan in Islamabad, Pakistan November 1, 2019 © Reuters /
Akhtar Soomro

Hardline Islamist cleric Maulana Fazlur Rehman has presented Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan with a two-day ultimatum, demanding his resignation and threatening continued demonstrations against the Khan government.
Addressing a crowd of anti-government protesters in Islamabad on Friday – many from the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Party – Rehman stated “the Gorbachev of Pakistan must go,” calling Khran a traitor and a puppet.

We give him two days to resign, otherwise, we will decide about the future.

Khurram Dastagir & a huge crowd. #Azadi_March_Updates


6:09 PM - Oct 30, 2019
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Leaving Lahore on Wednesday and reaching Pakistan’s capital the next day, the demonstrations have largely targeted the Prime Minister, insisting his previous election win was not legitimate, and now hopes to oust him from power.

ALSO ON RT.COMGorbachev reveals how the Soviet Union could have been saved
“The elections of July 25 were fraud elections. We neither accept the results nor the government that came into power after those elections,” Rehman said. “We gave this government one year but now we cannot give them any more time.”

#AzadiMarch protest at night, it’s huge


3:07 PM - Nov 1, 2019
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Khan himself appears to have kept a cool head over the protests so far, vowing to keep the demonstrators supplied with food as long as they remained in the capital to express their discontent peacefully, but assured the leaders of the march that their actions would not win concessions from the government.

#PMLN Reception camp for #Azadi_March at Rewat


10:37 AM - Oct 31, 2019
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“Gone are the days when one used to use Islam to gain power,” Khan told a rally in Gilgit-Baltistan. “This is a new Pakistan. Sit however long you want. When your food runs out, we will send more. But we will not give you an NRO [National Reconciliation Ordinance].”

Maulana Fazlur Rehman sets deadline of two days for PM Imran khan to resign. Says he can lead the charged crowd to PM house to arrest the ‘selected’ PM but he will not do that #AzadiMarch


10:08 AM - Nov 1, 2019
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I Heard that the Mulla and GayRandi Khan and Porki Army reached a deal between all three groups to end this March against the Current PTI Government.
He have escaped his death for now but he have no place to go now this means he will be butchered sooner or later.
Yes Very True We will get the bastard next time. Do you know what’s the situation after the grenade attack in Srinagar? I head one Hindu Man Died he might be from Jammu.
Last edited:


Jul 11, 2011
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No its you gandu who doesnt understand ANALOGY ,
Here, sahiwal = two faced brahmin like you ,irrespective of geography ,
derogatory street bull = lower casts, untouchables ,muzzies etc , who impregnated your bhadra sahiwals who ended up in bangladesh ,
See, now you will get it , such slow brain even after millenia of priviledge.

So, where are the sahiwals of pakistan now a days? eh

Other members are right about you ,you are a lowly vermin like they say.

You disrespected and mocked an entire group of people who is historically discriminated in worst ways and even today humiliated with derogatory names ,just for me giving my opinion on Varna system being "Fair" and why there was disunity in India.

No matter what you consider yourself you are not magically better than anybody ,
For all your brahma this that bs PROVE IT ,
India Is the land of SEEKERS NOT BELIEVERS IN chutya stories written by your kind .
you think your low class shit is going to stick....

No my bhangi, it has not stuck since satyuga, Traita, Dwapar and it is not going to stick even in Kalyuga ..... you will remain where you are.... cleaning my shit...
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