Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

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Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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These MEPs also support anti immigration laws so it means India doesn't want Indians to immigrate abroad?
Actually, why on earth should the GoI be interested in enabling emmigration. Even in our trade negotiations, we spend ridiculous amounts of capital on this. We need at best, only short term visas for our professionals, not pathways to emigrate.

The fact is almost all our bureaucrats and MEA mandarins have their children abroad, no wonder we as a country have really screwed up priorities.


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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Everybody don't eat what u eat.
Oh, I highly doubt that to be true given the level of your language skills.
btw Majority knew Bongs are habituated to lick 'red commies and green jihadi fecal matter from decades'.:pound:
And a whole section of our population should be left for dead without any chance for salvation (especially at this juncture when the Bengalis have shown their intent to rectify their past mistakes in the recent poles!!) merely because of their political leanings as per you??!! See, this is the reason I'm a strong advocate for using rubbers.
Anyway, anybody electing commies or jihadi supporters(congress/jihadi didi) are my enemies..... mallus& bongs
Like I said, a really nice line of thinking you've got there m8. So what happened, got raped by some commie at some point in your life?? Must be traumatizing, ain't it?? :pound:


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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These MEPs also support anti immigration laws so it means India doesn't want Indians to immigrate abroad?

The way UN and liberal media is coming down upon this visit is testament to the fact that it's stinging somewhere. This same media called al-bagdhadi a religious scholar.

No one can commit genocide in state as big as Kashmir without the world knowing. Americans and Europeans have hundreds of spy satellites who keep circulating pics of mosques demolished and detention camps in xinjiang.
On the immigration point, it’s time to come out of Congressi thinking of tying up one issue with another.

A mature foreign policy should be able to deal with both issues separately.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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Nationalism =! support every Indian blindly.

The threat to India. Jihadis>>>Sickular Hindus>>> Commies.
It's one thing to be anti communist or even anti "sickukar", its another thing to either celebrate or be indifferent to deaths of our citizens because you assume something of their political inclinations. Do you think that it's fair when these poor labourers were killed in kashmir? For being Indians? The terrorists didnt care that they were muslim, only that they were Indians. You apparently do. Where does that put your moral compass?


Regular Member
Nov 26, 2017
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Actually, why on earth should the GoI be interested in enabling emmigration. Even in our trade negotiations, we spend ridiculous amounts of capital on this. We need at best, only short term visas for our professionals, not pathways to emigrate.

The fact is almost all our bureaucrats and MEA mandarins have their children abroad, no wonder we as a country have really screwed up priorities.
Country is overpopulated. Hindus need to spread far n wide and not get locked up in just one country.

The Ultranationalist

Tihar Jail
Jan 30, 2017
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The five labourers executed in Kulgam, all from Murshidabad in WB (the place where an RSS worked and his family were killed recently)

Govt has played this very well. The more these terrorists kill the migrant workers, the deeper they dig their graves.
Seems that Gayhadis have whacked rohingyas by mistake.


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2019
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I'm a Bengali who voted BJP so yeah, not all of us are like that. But that said, most my friends are from the leftist-liberal trifecta of JU-CU-PU and the amount of crazy is unbelievable.

Btw Murshidabad is a Muslim dominated area and heavily infiltrated by Bangladeshi illegals. Having been born there, I can assure you that it is an absolute nasty area that has repeatedly elected CPM or Congress again and again.

But, maybe now the whole Jihadi love amongst these illegals and Bengali Muslims will reduce. We need the Jihadis to make more missteps and take out more of their own sympathisers. Cruel, but effective propaganda.


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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Before anything else, get yourself a proper education ye fucking pleb!! I find it infuriating to waste so much time to go through all of your half intelligible gibberish

Never seen a commie in real life
Well I have and while I found them to be almost unanimously naive and completely detached from ground realities, they were far from the villainous Chaos demons of abject terror and disgust you make them out to be.
unlike some filth who elect them from decades... may be they like to raped by commies.
I truly feel sorry for our beloved @Ray sir, or that whole company of Bengali soldiers who got wiped out clean to the last man while providing rearguard support to the withdrawing remnants of the 7th brigade against the PLA onslaught during 1962 or those tens of thousands of Bengali rebels who sacrificed their lives in their struggle against the Brits when the rest of us were busy licking their arse!! We wouldn't even have a fucking country if it wasn't for these 'filth' you've so gleefully described them as and for that alone, we as a nation should remain forever grateful to them. But instead, we insult and ridicule them on every occasion including in Hindi films to 3rd-grade children's cartoons!!

add to that jihadis- who known for only one thing against kafirs.:pound:
This sentence literally makes no sense, at least learn to put together your words in the correct order, with proper grammar and syntax before you decide to vomit your shit through your piehole!!

Nationalism =! support every Indian blindly.
Doesn't mean one should hate or wishing death upon everyone with a different political inclination either.
The threat to India. Jihadis>>>Sickular Hindus>>> Commies.
Yeah, and without these leftists, there probably wouldn't even be an independent India to speak of, do keep that in mind too. The likes of Bhagat Singh and Netaji and the whole armed Bengali freedom movement were communist by nature and guess what?? The bloody uber nationalistic patriotic Hindus of yours were nowhere to be seen since they were busy sucking the white balls and licking the @rses of their white masters!!
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Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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Don't have patience to READ your entire ESSAY
You would need to have an actual education for that.
but one thing i dislike in this is INDEPENDENCE.. After WW2 there are some 60+ countries got so-called freedom from colonials so as India.
India was unlike any other colonies and the Brits intended to hold on to it till they hadn't milked the last wagon of wealth out of it!! What do you think was the cause of the famous Indian Naval Mutiny then you dumb piece of shit??!! You probably don't even realize that you just insulted the sacrifice of our whole damn nation with this statement of yours you fucking mong. The standards of DFI have truly plunged into the depths deeper than the fucking Marianna trench lately it seems.
'So, stop boasting about that.
I'll do as I please!! And no matter how we got our freedom, it still does not invalidate their contribution and sacrifice in our freedom struggle.
And I can clearly see where you come from, I used to be one such shit myself, one who was brought up with the whole idea of how Bengalis were a bunch of cowards and all but one trip to the Celular jail changed all that, it led me to dig deeper and I eventually grew out of it.
btw answer me few simple questions

1.Which community in South India has the HIGHEST jihadis(converted to) in Indian sub-continent??
2.Which province was ruled most time by Brits in Indian sub-continent??
3.Which community SPEW VENOM AGAINST HINDUS in media/academics??
The premise of our discussion was political, so just get the fuck out with your pathetic attempt to pull a misdirection!! It ain't fooling no one kiddo.
And everyone and his grandmother around here know the answers to your questions which are obvious flamebait and as it stands, completely irrelevant to the point of discussion.
:facepalm: I don't even speak that language you dolt!!I'm from Nahan you fucking moron!!

Seriously, it's the filthy and slimy little gutter worms like you who sometimes make me ashamed of my Indian identity.


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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Stop barking

So-called freedom after 1945:rofl:the nazis have more contribution to FREEDOM than any LOUD MOUTH BONG.
As I said, it's the filthy and slimy little gutter worms like you who sometimes make me ashamed of my Indian identity.

And no, I ain't no Bong either as mentioned a countless times before, not that it matters in any way shape or form. By the way, I'm finding it hard to determine what province you're from or are you even an Indian, to begin with.
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Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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Lol whose generalizing now? A single members rhetoric compelled u to question your Indian identity? Lol noice
Not question, but feel ashamed, mind you. And I said people like him (the kind which infests DFI), not just him!! Been suffering from comprehension issues, are you??
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Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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Not by mistake, pakjabi’s despise Bengalis too. Anybody other than pakjabi is a fair game to them.

We keep forgetting that Kashmir issue is largely about ethnic cleansing.
Just saw a small clipping on a news channel, all people killed are from the same village. Some neighbors were blaming BJP for "lying"
Just now saw this:-

"Real truth". Hmmm... meaning Indian sec forces created a false flag


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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LOUD mouth,filthy, slimy, little gutter worm BONGS only elect one disaster CPM to another disaster Jihadi didi.

Anyway, some seriously funny thing going on Paris

Stop copy-pasting the cuss words at least please, the least you can do is try and come up with something new. Lolzz, what a pathetic little cocksucker!! :rofl:
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