Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

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Sep 7, 2015
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I am a complete noob in this matter
But from the Raytheon website:
"The Excalibur munition is compatible with every howitzer with which it’s been tested. This weapon is fully qualified in multiple systems, including the M777, M109 series, M198, the Archer and PzH2000. It’s also compatible with the AS90, K9 and G6 howitzers. Plans are underway to integrate it with other mobile artillery systems.
The Excalibur.... ability to be integrated on multiple gun systems"

Of course, the Indian army may have only integrated it with the triple-7, but theoretically should be possible with Dhanush

And yes, this is an instance where it does make sense to buy rather than develop - a niche capability, takes enormous effort and something we can just stockpile to avoid sanctioned.

Warships, jet fighters, helicopters, armoured vehicles, artillery are not quite the same thing.
Remember, each precision guided Excalibur round costs a whopping $70,000!! And that's Rs 50 Lakhs each! The targets therefore need to be high value like ammo dumps, com HQs, command posts and so on. These are not used as area weapons like standard arty.
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Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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I am a complete noob in this matter
But from the Raytheon website:
"The Excalibur munition is compatible with every howitzer with which it’s been tested. This weapon is fully qualified in multiple systems, including the M777, M109 series, M198, the Archer and PzH2000. It’s also compatible with the AS90, K9 and G6 howitzers. Plans are underway to integrate it with other mobile artillery systems.
The Excalibur.... ability to be integrated on multiple gun systems"

Of course, the Indian army may have only integrated it with the triple-7, but theoretically should be possible with Dhanush

And yes, this is an instance where it does make sense to buy rather than develop - a niche capability, takes enormous effort and something we can just stockpile to avoid sanctioned.

Warships, jet fighters, helicopters, armoured vehicles, artillery are not quite the same thing.
@Mikesingh has echoed my views......


Jul 11, 2011
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Remember, each precision guided Excalibur round costs a whopping $70,000!! And that's Rs 50 Lakhs each! The targets therefore need to be high value like ammo dumps, com HQs, command posts and so on. These are not used as area weapons like standard arty.
Is there no end to such arguments ?... that is the cost of the shell. What about the Gun itself, the cost of the men who fires it, the cost of satellite navigation system or cost of live GPS signals... the cost of retaliation which is bound to be there ?

What would be the cost if similar ordinance is delivered by an aircraft??

IA should target specifically and accurately... every one demands.
Our Defence research and production has miserably failed to make any good fuze leave aside an excalibur type round.... those buggers can not make a good electronic fuze leave aside course correction fuzes...

Here someone has sold you excalibur and we are good at finding scoring points on that. Decide what you want ??


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2019
Guys do you think the government will try to capture pok this year is it possible. Please do tell your reasons to.


Sanathan Pepe
Sep 18, 2009
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Guys do you think the government will try to capture pok this year is it possible. Please do tell your reasons to.
No. Pakistan is running out of steam for its gaandmasti. That steam is a combination of paki public outrage over August 5, and bheek-bucks. Pak Army's most preferred outcome is public pressure at home dying down, so it can go back to invading corner plots and selling corn flakes, as Baba puts it.

In the worst case it could test Modi with a terror attack, and be better prepared than ever to prevent an Indian cross-LC/IB response, to embarrass India. In such a case, India will resume its February 27 plan (large volley of BrahMos hitting expensive Pak Army targets).

India needs a very big provocation (think 26/11) to justify a territorial conquest to the world.


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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The difference is that one thinks that him getting the same tone in response to tone he conducted makes the person who responds equal to him.
First of all, I never even called him by any names nor I ever made any kind of remarks that can be even remotely construed as an ad hominem!!I never attacked him but attacked his argument, that should have been apparent to anyone with a quarter of a brain but no, you just had to turn it personal.

Anyone with even a little bit of common sense won't equate them.
True, very true indeed since one of us attacks the opinion while the other attacks the person!!So yeah, that was my bad, how can anyone equate us really, lolzz. :D
You can't complain of a bad tone if it comes in response to your tone. It's just a reaction of your tirade.
Who's complaining again??Because I'm sure that I'm not the one.I was merely pointing it to you that you kinda did the same thing while chastising me for my poor behavior, how could that be interpreted as complaining is simply beyond me.
I have. That's why I called rhetorics. You just sidelined it by diversion to unrelated and unclear "issues".
Now you're being plain dishonest, sorry to say this bruv. I mean, did you even stop for a moment to see what all this was about before jumping in guns blazing?And did you actually read any of my posts without raging like the fucking Incredible Hulk??
Ok, I'll explain it to you for one last time.

@Aaj ka hero and yours truly, the two of us were having a disagreement over whether DRDO can come up with an Excal equivalent within a reasonably short period of time or not, alright??He opined that they can while I said I didn't agree with his assessment.
Then he asked me why and I gave him my opinion as to why it would be nearly impossible for them to do so.The reasons are as follows

1. It took the combined efforts of the Brits and the Americans for almost 2 decades before they could perfect the guidance mechanism.Now, if those guys, with their decades of experience, immense R&D base and nearly unlimited resources couldn't do it then what chance in hell do we have??

2. My second argument was that how on earth could DRDO come up with an Excalibur alternative on their own when they hasn't yet managed to do the same for an MBRL rocket, which happens to be an easier job (comparatively speaking of course)??

3. And lastly, the definite answer as to why the 'experience' gained from IRBM development wouldn't be transferable to an artillery shell


Yeah, these kinds of arguments are what you exactly used. In no way they can be deemed as an elaboration about the topic but rather running away after tinkering a debate.
I give up.
You will keep on shouting "optimism" without offering any real contradiction because there isn't any.
Presumption much, huh??


Hindufying India
Senior Member
Aug 18, 2010
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Malaysian Politician warns India of choosing sides in ASEAN:

India's M'sian palm oil boycott may trigger a fire storm

Prime Minister Narendra Modi ought to be congratulated for winning handsomely in his May 2018 re-election campaign. But the plaudits, for now, stop there.

The media that support him, such as the News X, anchored by Rishabh Gulati, has been broadcasting a clip (nearly five minutes long) that India must support any Hindus in Malaysia that are up in arms against the Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed.

The reasons offered by the diatribes include punishing Malaysia for supporting Pakistan and for not chastising Islamabad for its support of ostensible terrorist movements against India. Thus India, which is experiencing a trade deficit of merely US$5 billion with Malaysia, should not buy any palm oil from Malaysia.

Instead, all the palm oil which is needed by India to be manufactured into ghee, soap, vegetarian oil and potentially bio-fuel, should be purchased from Indonesia. This is where Modi's policy goes wrong and has been hijacked by incendiary anchormen such as Gulati.

First and foremost, Gulati affirmed that there is a trade war between the US and China, which judging from his tone of language can deeply affect India too.

That would suggest all trade wars or the sheer weaponisation of trade issues are bad. They raise tariff and non-tariff barriers, and they trigger a dyadic trade relationship that is toxic on the rest of the global value chain, including India. If that is an economic fact, why should India emulate the example of Washington DC and Beijing?

Secondly, perhaps most importantly above all else, there is an unsaid yet practical principle in Asean that countries which want to be a part of the thriving regional block of 680 million people cannot throw their support to any opposition in the region.

Modi has a "Southerly Policy" concerning Asean since 2015 and is a member of the East Asian Summit, a dialogue partner of Asean. India is destroying a key principle of its diplomatic engagement. Not only will the whole of Asean oppose it, but the rest of the East Asian region will see India's behaviour as the beginning of the use of "hatchet diplomacy".

Thirdly, the conflict between India and Pakistan is not merely a conventional weapons stand-off but a nuclear eye-to-eye standoff. In such a conflict, the likes of Malaysia are needed as a friendly third party to reduce the tension of the two and not to ratchet up the rivalry of the couplet.

Insisting that Putrajaya must side with New Delhi at all cost suggests a bigger economic juggernaut imposing a zero-sum economic and diplomatic game on not just Malaysia but ultimately, the whole of the region.

Besides, much of Indonesia's palm oil is owned and sold by Malaysian companies such as IOI and Genting. Will India, to satisfy its egoistical objectives, be buying selectively only from Indonesian palm oil producers without Malaysian equity and partnership?

The current prices of palm oil are influenced by the consumption pattern of India and China. Indonesia and Malaysia, which together sell 90 percent of the palm oil in the world, do have an understanding not to be pressured by other countries. Instead, it is Indonesia and Malaysia that hold the upper hand as Jakarta and Putrajaya are not necessarily agreeable to New Delhi's strong-arm tactics. {Wrong: Link}

An Indian foreign policy which seeks to be pro-Asean and pro-East Asia - both of which India is intimately involved in - cannot begin by targeting any one country in the region on sheer political discrimination.

In fact, this is against the practice of the World Trade Organization (WTO), which Malaysia is liable to seek legal redress. An eye for an eye makes the world go blind.

Amidst its Hindu nationalism, New Delhi has become blinded by its electoral victory. If it is not careful, India can end up in a nuclear flash with Pakistan which is what Mahathir, Malaysia and the rest of the world are trying to prevent.

RAIS HUSSIN is a supreme council member of Bersatu. He also heads its policy and strategy bureau.

Malaysia is another Islamic cuck who is ok with shielding Islamic money launder and terrorist Zakir Naik, not condemning China for Uyghur Muslim treatment, supporting Pakistan for their Islamic terrorist activities and accusing India of invading its own territory.

Malaysia will be shown its place. All this tiny miny countries have long been sitting on our head. Time to show their real place.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Malaysian Politician warns India of choosing sides in ASEAN:

India's M'sian palm oil boycott may trigger a fire storm

Prime Minister Narendra Modi ought to be congratulated for winning handsomely in his May 2018 re-election campaign. But the plaudits, for now, stop there.

The media that support him, such as the News X, anchored by Rishabh Gulati, has been broadcasting a clip (nearly five minutes long) that India must support any Hindus in Malaysia that are up in arms against the Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed.

The reasons offered by the diatribes include punishing Malaysia for supporting Pakistan and for not chastising Islamabad for its support of ostensible terrorist movements against India. Thus India, which is experiencing a trade deficit of merely US$5 billion with Malaysia, should not buy any palm oil from Malaysia.

Instead, all the palm oil which is needed by India to be manufactured into ghee, soap, vegetarian oil and potentially bio-fuel, should be purchased from Indonesia. This is where Modi's policy goes wrong and has been hijacked by incendiary anchormen such as Gulati.

First and foremost, Gulati affirmed that there is a trade war between the US and China, which judging from his tone of language can deeply affect India too.

That would suggest all trade wars or the sheer weaponisation of trade issues are bad. They raise tariff and non-tariff barriers, and they trigger a dyadic trade relationship that is toxic on the rest of the global value chain, including India. If that is an economic fact, why should India emulate the example of Washington DC and Beijing?

Secondly, perhaps most importantly above all else, there is an unsaid yet practical principle in Asean that countries which want to be a part of the thriving regional block of 680 million people cannot throw their support to any opposition in the region.

Modi has a "Southerly Policy" concerning Asean since 2015 and is a member of the East Asian Summit, a dialogue partner of Asean. India is destroying a key principle of its diplomatic engagement. Not only will the whole of Asean oppose it, but the rest of the East Asian region will see India's behaviour as the beginning of the use of "hatchet diplomacy".

Thirdly, the conflict between India and Pakistan is not merely a conventional weapons stand-off but a nuclear eye-to-eye standoff. In such a conflict, the likes of Malaysia are needed as a friendly third party to reduce the tension of the two and not to ratchet up the rivalry of the couplet.

Insisting that Putrajaya must side with New Delhi at all cost suggests a bigger economic juggernaut imposing a zero-sum economic and diplomatic game on not just Malaysia but ultimately, the whole of the region.

Besides, much of Indonesia's palm oil is owned and sold by Malaysian companies such as IOI and Genting. Will India, to satisfy its egoistical objectives, be buying selectively only from Indonesian palm oil producers without Malaysian equity and partnership?

The current prices of palm oil are influenced by the consumption pattern of India and China. Indonesia and Malaysia, which together sell 90 percent of the palm oil in the world, do have an understanding not to be pressured by other countries. Instead, it is Indonesia and Malaysia that hold the upper hand as Jakarta and Putrajaya are not necessarily agreeable to New Delhi's strong-arm tactics. {Wrong: Link}

An Indian foreign policy which seeks to be pro-Asean and pro-East Asia - both of which India is intimately involved in - cannot begin by targeting any one country in the region on sheer political discrimination.

In fact, this is against the practice of the World Trade Organization (WTO), which Malaysia is liable to seek legal redress. An eye for an eye makes the world go blind.

Amidst its Hindu nationalism, New Delhi has become blinded by its electoral victory. If it is not careful, India can end up in a nuclear flash with Pakistan which is what Mahathir, Malaysia and the rest of the world are trying to prevent.

RAIS HUSSIN is a supreme council member of Bersatu. He also heads its policy and strategy bureau.

Malaysia is another Islamic cuck who is ok with shielding Islamic money launder and terrorist Zakir Naik, not condemning China for Uyghur Muslim treatment, supporting Pakistan for their Islamic terrorist activities and accusing India of invading its own territory.

Malaysia will be shown its place. All this tiny miny countries have long been sitting on our head. Time to show their real place.
Oh well!! Malaysia recycling narrative through various outlets..
this crap was in the Malay mail 2 or 3 days back

Mahathir..the Jihadi poster boy is waiting for India to inform diplomatically!!
What diplomacy!!..
Industries are already switching while Mahathis waits..


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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Found this article 2.5 years old about a DRDO/ISRO sponsored programme for manufacturing indigenous FPAs


The focal plane arrays, which is at the heart of all thermal imagers, involves a number of complex fabrication steps,” Prof. Chakrabarti says.

“IIT Bombay’s research group have successfully optimised each of these steps in-house and thereby the flipchip bonded sensor arrays can be entirely fabricated in this country. This will make the indigenous thermal imaging or night-vision technology affordable and cheaper and will serve as a perfect example of Made In India.”
Thanks for link mate and believe it or not, this is one of the many.....let's say........'revelations' which turned me into this cynic you see here now!!
Doesn't it arouse any suspicion in your minds??!!I mean the first time I saw it, I thought wait a minute!!If it's indeed the very first working prototype ever developed in our country, then how on earth the Nag has been sitting ready for service induction from as far back as 2016??!!Tell me, you don't find it all surprising??Not even a lil' bit??

And besides, I know for certain that Nag/HELINA is not fitted with this particular FPA since this one has resolution of 320X256, which is more comparable to early 2000 vintage technology (M1A2 has thermal sights of similar resolution) where as the ATGMs I mentioned uses a 640X480 resolution FPA and still faces problems during particularly hot mid summer days in Thor desert!!

And I already knew about this development when I made that remark and I still stand by them. What I really meant was that we do not posses the infrastructure to develop an FPA which could be considered even remotely competitive by today's standards!!

Just for a little comparison, take a look at this - https://www.techbriefs.com/component/content/article/tb/supplements/pit/features/articles/28511

Now that is what is called state-of-the-art!!Unfortunately, this one here, developed by the good folks of IIT Bombay, just doesn't make the cut.And even if for some reason, we do go for this model with god awful image quality, we still won't be mass produce it since we don't even have a semi conductor fab in our country!!That's our INCREDIBLE INDIA for you.



Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Army, Air Force & Navy studying each other’s laws to bring into effect Joint Services Act
New Delhi: The Army, the Navy and the Air Force have begun working out the modalities of the Joint Services Act, which aims to integrate the three forces and may replace the Acts that govern the three services currently.

While the respective headquarters of the three services are studying each other’s governing Acts, passed by Parliament, they are also looking at international practices, including the American Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986 that made sweeping changes to the Department of Defense by reworking the command structure of the US military, defence sources told ThePrint.

“The work has been going on at individual headquarters-level for the last few months. The matter was also discussed at the recently-held Army Commanders’ Conference and will also figure in the ongoing Naval Commanders’ Conference. The aim is to have a common governing Act for the three services,” said a senior officer who did not wish to be named.



Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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India will cross LoC if Pakistan doesn't mend its ways: J&K Governor

J&K Governor Satyapal Malik said that if Pakistan doesn't stop terrorism, then India will cross the LoC, in order to curb terror. His statement comes after Army chief Gen Bipin Rawat said that four launch pads across the LoC were destroyed.

"We will destroy the terrorist camps and if Pakistan doesn't mend its ways, we will cross the Line of Control.

"War is a bad thing, but if Pakistan doesn't stop terrorism, our response will be stronger than what happened there yesterday," Malik said in his address at the Police Commemoration Day at Zevan here. He was referring to Sunday's action by the Indian Army.


Well!! thats some official Memo!!
Let's see who are all echo this view in the coming days..


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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J&K: Siachen is now open to tourists, says Defence Minister Rajnath Singh

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Monday announced that the Siachen area in Ladakh was open to tourists. The announcement came more than two months after the Centre’s August 5 order revoking Jammu and Kashmir’s special constitutional status. The government also split the state into the two Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh.

Source: The SCROLL


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Political detainees of J&K to give up the right to hold public speeches

............... political detainees within the state have to sign a bond that will force them to give up the right to hold public speeches regarding the 'recent events' in the state.

The bond states that any public statements made by leaders have the "potential to endanger the peace and tranquillity and law and order in the state".

The period of these supposed self-restrictions will be for one year.

As per reports, the bond is a modified version of the standard document that a person "likely to commit a breach of peace" has to sign according to Section 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC).


Good one..good one!!!!

Shashank Nayak

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Amidst its Hindu nationalism, New Delhi has become blinded by its electoral victory. If it is not careful, India can end up in a nuclear flash with Pakistan which is what Mahathir, Malaysia and the rest of the world are trying to prevent.
All these peacemakers trying to punch above their weight will be shown their place, and you can't seek redress at WTO.. Modi and gang, are too smart for that. There will be zero official pronouncements and tariffs. Indian importers are doing it of their own freewill..:pound::pound::pound:


Regular Member
Aug 8, 2019
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Malaysian Politician warns India of choosing sides in ASEAN:

India's M'sian palm oil boycott may trigger a fire storm

Prime Minister Narendra Modi ought to be congratulated for winning handsomely in his May 2018 re-election campaign. But the plaudits, for now, stop there.

The media that support him, such as the News X, anchored by Rishabh Gulati, has been broadcasting a clip (nearly five minutes long) that India must support any Hindus in Malaysia that are up in arms against the Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed.

The reasons offered by the diatribes include punishing Malaysia for supporting Pakistan and for not chastising Islamabad for its support of ostensible terrorist movements against India. Thus India, which is experiencing a trade deficit of merely US$5 billion with Malaysia, should not buy any palm oil from Malaysia.

Instead, all the palm oil which is needed by India to be manufactured into ghee, soap, vegetarian oil and potentially bio-fuel, should be purchased from Indonesia. This is where Modi's policy goes wrong and has been hijacked by incendiary anchormen such as Gulati.

First and foremost, Gulati affirmed that there is a trade war between the US and China, which judging from his tone of language can deeply affect India too.

That would suggest all trade wars or the sheer weaponisation of trade issues are bad. They raise tariff and non-tariff barriers, and they trigger a dyadic trade relationship that is toxic on the rest of the global value chain, including India. If that is an economic fact, why should India emulate the example of Washington DC and Beijing?

Secondly, perhaps most importantly above all else, there is an unsaid yet practical principle in Asean that countries which want to be a part of the thriving regional block of 680 million people cannot throw their support to any opposition in the region.

Modi has a "Southerly Policy" concerning Asean since 2015 and is a member of the East Asian Summit, a dialogue partner of Asean. India is destroying a key principle of its diplomatic engagement. Not only will the whole of Asean oppose it, but the rest of the East Asian region will see India's behaviour as the beginning of the use of "hatchet diplomacy".

Thirdly, the conflict between India and Pakistan is not merely a conventional weapons stand-off but a nuclear eye-to-eye standoff. In such a conflict, the likes of Malaysia are needed as a friendly third party to reduce the tension of the two and not to ratchet up the rivalry of the couplet.

Insisting that Putrajaya must side with New Delhi at all cost suggests a bigger economic juggernaut imposing a zero-sum economic and diplomatic game on not just Malaysia but ultimately, the whole of the region.

Besides, much of Indonesia's palm oil is owned and sold by Malaysian companies such as IOI and Genting. Will India, to satisfy its egoistical objectives, be buying selectively only from Indonesian palm oil producers without Malaysian equity and partnership?

The current prices of palm oil are influenced by the consumption pattern of India and China. Indonesia and Malaysia, which together sell 90 percent of the palm oil in the world, do have an understanding not to be pressured by other countries. Instead, it is Indonesia and Malaysia that hold the upper hand as Jakarta and Putrajaya are not necessarily agreeable to New Delhi's strong-arm tactics. {Wrong: Link}

An Indian foreign policy which seeks to be pro-Asean and pro-East Asia - both of which India is intimately involved in - cannot begin by targeting any one country in the region on sheer political discrimination.

In fact, this is against the practice of the World Trade Organization (WTO), which Malaysia is liable to seek legal redress. An eye for an eye makes the world go blind.

Amidst its Hindu nationalism, New Delhi has become blinded by its electoral victory. If it is not careful, India can end up in a nuclear flash with Pakistan which is what Mahathir, Malaysia and the rest of the world are trying to prevent.

RAIS HUSSIN is a supreme council member of Bersatu. He also heads its policy and strategy bureau.

Malaysia is another Islamic cuck who is ok with shielding Islamic money launder and terrorist Zakir Naik, not condemning China for Uyghur Muslim treatment, supporting Pakistan for their Islamic terrorist activities and accusing India of invading its own territory.

Malaysia will be shown its place. All this tiny miny countries have long been sitting on our head. Time to show their real place.
The comments section on the article is totally lit... There's Indonesians, Singaporeans and Malaysians themselves lambasting the author and mahathir himself.

Some comments below the article I picked up...

Rais, I have always enjoyed your articles, but this one, oh boy, you are a total disappointment and you have shown that you are another idiot and an absolute boot licker! Your boss, the old man has gone absolutely senile to open his filthy mouth everywhere he goes. His brain doesn't work straight anymore. Please ask him to quit and go play with his grandchildren and play guli with that international criminal ZN. Malaysia is just a tiny little peanut for India and all your pronouncements about East Asia and Asean are mere hollow and childish cries. No nation in Asean or East Asia is going to come to side with Mahathir as he has proven to be an unworthy leader and to be just discarded to the dustbins of history. Only some fanatics and kampung Malays will support him. Rais, you as his advisor can do us and Malaysia a favour by asking the old guy to quietly go away before he further destroys himself and the country.
Our BIG MOUTH may make palm oil producers and oil palm planters esp. small holders suffer. How can India invade Kashmir when Kashmir is itself in INDIA.
Don talk rubbish. Tun m is plain stupid to take side in the dispute which we have nothing to gain except alot of hot air.A small country like us need not offend big powers. So why Tun M wants to play hero in the world stage? India has every right not to buy palm oil from an unfriendly country. This is something Tun M doesnt understand. He thinks the world will listen ti him when he speaks but in actual fact they treat him as a old clown making a fool of himself every time he speaks.
Such an incredibly delusional article from a desperate Mahathir apologist!
1. You think ASEAN or Indonesia will back you up if India chooses to buy from Indonesia instead of Malaysia?
2. With the largest population in the world and a fast growing economy, why do you think India would hesitate to exercise its economic power like the USA and China?
3. There are many palm oil companies that are Indonesian owned too. And even if you do buy from a Malaysian owned plantation in Indonesia, the taxes and salaries of the workers go to Indonesia - not Malaysia.
4. Malaysia as a friendly third party to reduce the tension between India and Pakistan? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..
Firstly, your PM attended Pakistan national day as the guest of honour just weeks after India and Pakistan shot down each others planes. - leading to Mahathir being banned from flying over India airspace.
And then your PM got to United Nations and tell the world that India invaded Kashmir thus branding India as the aggressor.
And then you repeatedly denied India's call including from their PM to send back Zakir Naik.
And you call this a "friendly third party"? Hahahahaha


Hindufying India
Senior Member
Aug 18, 2010
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India will cross LoC if Pakistan doesn't mend its ways: J&K Governor

J&K Governor Satyapal Malik said that if Pakistan doesn't stop terrorism, then India will cross the LoC, in order to curb terror. His statement comes after Army chief Gen Bipin Rawat said that four launch pads across the LoC were destroyed.

"We will destroy the terrorist camps and if Pakistan doesn't mend its ways, we will cross the Line of Control.

"War is a bad thing, but if Pakistan doesn't stop terrorism, our response will be stronger than what happened there yesterday," Malik said in his address at the Police Commemoration Day at Zevan here. He was referring to Sunday's action by the Indian Army.


Well!! thats some official Memo!!
Let's see who are all echo this view in the coming days..
Malik be like Pakis are:

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