Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

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Apr 13, 2013
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India extends $20m Line of Credit to Comoros for defence, maritime cooperatio

MORONI: India will extend a Line of Credit of $20 million to Comoros for strengthening bilateral defence and maritime cooperation, Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu announced on Friday.
Addressing the parliament of Comoros at Moroni, the capital of the island nation after holding bilateral talks with President Azali Assoumani, Naidu said even as political stability and peaceful transition takes place in Comoros, terrorism has, time and again, threatened to derail this process.


Garland of Diamonds..much!


Quarantined Abdul
Feb 16, 2019
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Now-a-days attacks in Europe are getting vague. Previously I read some peaceful shot down civilians in Germany but now PDF says it was white supremacists.

Knife attack in UK is also vague with half blaming on Muslims and other half blaming on neo Nazis.

Looks like politics and politicians in Europe have descended to level of Congress in India that they can risk sovereignty and integrity of their country for political mileage.


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Feb 26, 2019
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Jeremy Corbyn holds 'very productive' talks on J&K with Congress leaders
The BJP lashed out at the Congress over its "shameful shenanigans" and demanded an explanation following the meeting
Not a welcome move. Have they lost self-respect ?


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Aug 25, 2009
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This my last post on this forum. Every one can have opinion. Personal attack will not shy me away for love of INDIA AND INDIANS. I could not respond as I was on business trip to Mumbai. Street talk works on any forum and SM. Please let me know any of you have invested with sponsors 1000 core and employed bright 300 young INDIANS, earning 10 Lakhs to 1.2cr inr. I have moved on from this venture. Establishing new in Mumbai.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2009
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I will be glad to mi am ready to meet
This my last post on this forum. Every one can have opinion. Personal attack will not shy me away for love of INDIA AND INDIANS. I could not respond as I was on business trip to Mumbai. Street talk works on any forum and SM. Please let me know any of you have invested with sponsors 1000 core and employed bright 300 young INDIANS, earning 10 Lakhs to 1.2cr inr. I have moved on from this venture. Establishing new in Mumbai.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016
This my last post on this forum. Every one can have opinion. Personal attack will not shy me away for love of INDIA AND INDIANS. I could not respond as I was on business trip to Mumbai. Street talk works on any forum and SM. Please let me know any of you have invested with sponsors 1000 core and employed bright 300 young INDIANS, earning 10 Lakhs to 1.2cr inr. I have moved on from this venture. Establishing new in Mumbai.
Well if you think you are better than us, then don't expect people to shower flower petals on you.

Why so serious?

Senior Member
Jul 1, 2017
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India May Limit Palm Oil Imports From Malaysia Over J&K Remarks: Report
All India Reuters
The government wants to send a strong signal of its displeasure to Malaysian authorities, news agency Reuters reported
Updated : October 11, 2019 20:24 IST

Land that has been cleared is pictured at an oil palm plantation in Johor, Malaysia (Reuters)
New Delhi/Mumbai:
India is considering restricting imports of some products from Malaysia including palm oil, according to government and industry sources, in reaction to the Southeast Asian country's leader criticising India for its move in Jammu and Kashmir.

India is looking for ways to limit palm oil imports and may place restrictions on other goods from the country, said a government source and an industry source who participated in discussions led by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry on the planned restrictions. The sources asked not to be named as the proposal was still under discussion.

The government was angered after Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said last month at the United Nations that India had "invaded and occupied" Jammu and Kashmir and asked New Delhi to work with Pakistan to resolve the issue.

The government wants to send a strong signal of its displeasure to Malaysian authorities, the sources said.

India, the world's biggest importer of edible oils, is planning to substitute Malaysian palm oil with supplies of edible oils from countries such as Indonesia, Argentina and Ukraine, said the sources.

Palm oil accounts for nearly two-thirds of India's total edible oil imports. India buys more than 9 million tonnes of palm oil annually, mainly from Indonesia and Malaysia.

In the first nine months of 2019 India was the biggest buyer of Malaysian palm oil, taking 3.9 million tonnes, according to data compiled by the Malaysian Palm Oil Board.


A spokeswoman for the commerce ministry said the ministry could not comment on things that were under consideration.

Malaysia's prime minister on Friday said he had not received "anything official" from India, after Reuters first reported that India was mulling restricting imports of Malaysian palm oil and other products.


The news prompted Malaysian palm oil futures to snap five days of gains to end lower on Friday evening.

The benchmark palm oil contract for December delivery on the Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Exchange that had earlier been trading up on the day, fell 0.9 per cent to close at 2,185 ringgit ($522.23) per tonne.


A Mumbai-based refiner said it would not create a shortage of edible oils in India if buyers there stopped importing palm oil from Malaysia. "Indonesia is eager to sell more and more palm oil to India," the refiner said, adding that India could also increase imports of soyoil from Argentina and sunflower oil from Ukraine to offset any drop in Malaysian palm oil shipments.

Indonesia wants New Delhi to increase palm oil purchases and wants to buy sugar from India in exchange.

Higher Indian imports had helped Malaysia reduce stockpiles in 2019, but stocks could rise again and prices could come under pressure if India curtails or stops imports, said a Mumbai-based dealer with a global trading firm.

The government is also planning some restrictions on imports from Turkey, one of the government sources said, as Ankara has issued repeated statements on Jammu and Kashmir.

There has also been friction between India and Malaysia over Islamic preacher Zakir Naik, whom Indian authorities want extradited from Malaysia.

In 2016, an Indian counterterrorism agency accused Naik of promoting hate speech.


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Jan 2, 2018
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India’s Two-Front War challenge : The problem of Choice, Scenarios and Uncertainty.
Is fighting a two-front war exclusively India’s choice? Both China and Pakistan have territorial disputes with India, which naturally makes them strategic partners. Given the possibility for collusion between India’s two military adversaries, recently, prominent defence analysts have averred that India cannot fight a two-front war, and therefore, should not plan for one. They further advance the prescription that for India to avoid a two-front war, Indian diplomacy bears direct responsibility for preventing it. After all, as opposed to war, diplomacy is a cost effective means of reconciling interests and resolving complex disputes. Another well-known analyst argues, New Delhi “abandon [ing] the idea of waging a two-front” war because it lacks global interests, a potent defence-industrial military base, outstanding centres on warfare and defence, New Delhi cannot make acquisitions based on capabilities. Instead, India ought to acquire military capabilities based on threats. Elaborating further, a case is made that New Delhi concentrate effort on threat based planning involving strengthening capabilities for peacetime deterrence rather than warfighting. Consequently, New Delhi ought to jettison all possibilities of fighting two adversaries at the same time.

At first glance, these conclusions about waging a two-front war may appear obvious. After all India’s economy is roughly five times smaller than China’s. The Chinese defence budget is also three and a half times India’s defence budget. In addition, Pakistan too is a formidable military power. Compounding these problems are weaknesses in India’s defence related allocations. The revenue expenditure of the budget, which funds salaries and pensions for all the three services, consumes most of the defence budget. Capital expenditure involving procurement of new equipment, which constitutes the other side of the budgetary balance, is minuscule to keep pace with the hardware related acquisitions of the Chinese armed forces. Given these variables, particularly the resource-related constraints, it would be a justifiable inference that India cannot contend with the realities and demands of fighting a two-front war.

However, a few problems specifically afflict these sort of analyses. It is conceptually solipsistic to think that New Delhi through the sheer weight of its diplomacy should and exclusively be capable of preventing a two front war from occurring. This condition is at best necessary, but insufficient. Indian diplomats and leaders can at most thwart war with both China and Pakistan, only if the latter want it. Why should this be the case? An elementary understanding of war will teach you that it takes two to fight it. As Carl Von Clausewitz, the Teutonic military strategist observed in his classic work Vom Kriege or On War, “War, however, is not the action of a living force upon a lifeless mass (total non-resistance would be no war at all) but always the collision of two living forces.”

Since war is a contest between animate entities, how is it possible for India to escape the realities of confrontation with both Pakistan and China? If Beijing and Rawalpindi choose to combine forces to start a conflict, there is very little New Delhi can do to prevent it and indeed New Delhi will be compelled to fight them with what it wields. Being animate entities India’s adversaries retain choice. To simplify the matter further through a vile analogy, a rape victim does not choose her rape, despite her best efforts to prevent or avoid it. Her assailant will proceed to perpetrate the act because he retains a choice in the matter, regardless of her passive and active resistance and despite her attempts to seek help or escape, which might not be available. Thus, if waging war is India’s choice and a function of its motivation, it is equally so for China and Pakistan. They could wage it irrespective of India’s best efforts. If pursuing diplomacy is a means to prevent war and resolve disputes, war is also a means for doing the same through an act of force. Conversely, the onus of diplomatically engaging New Delhi to avoid military confrontation is as much China and Pakistan’s responsibility as it is India’s. This fundamental point goes missing to the extent that regardless of New Delhi’s best diplomatic efforts to forestall the worst, war could still break out.

Conceptual solipsism also characterises capabilities versus threat-based planning. Undoubtedly, there is some merit in basing acquisitions on threats. However, caricaturing capabilities-based planning is dangerous. Assessment about threats is as important as capabilities-based planning. Capabilities-based planning is certainly not devoid of threat assessment. Indeed, it is integral to it. The converse claim that threat-based planning is focused exclusively on planning for threats is equally fallacious. Threat analysis generally divide along a certainty and uncertainty spectrum. Therefore, force planners at service headquarters and the Ministry of Defence (MoD) will have to prioritise between what is required today to bridge the gap in capabilities between India and its two neighbours and what is required in the long term. Some scenarios are more plausible than others are. Adding further complexity is that threat-based planning is not totally threat based, but also scenario-based. Scenarios, albeit imperfect are the best basis for force planning, particularly for the future.

Thus, avoiding a two-front war is not just India’s choice, regardless of how active and dexterous New Delhi’s diplomacy is in preventing it. It is as much about what China and Pakistan do in response to what India does both on the military and diplomatic fronts and they may initiate military action, independently of what India does. Further, the expansion of Indian military capabilities will be shaped by threats, as they will be by scenarios on which to base future acquisitions. Peacetime deterrence also requires a defence effort in the form of capabilities, which makes it doubly disturbing to accept the crude representation that New Delhi give up capability-based planning. The real divide within the larger defence debates is over what the scope of the capabilities should be. If peacetime deterrence were to collapse, warfighting is inevitable. Indeed, deterrence failure occurs for the same basic reason that states go to war — motivation.

Finally, civilian leaders tend to display a greater comfort with uncertainty, which is not the case with military professionals who generally place a high or at least higher premium on certainty demanding maximum capabilities, which governments, including the current Modi government, short of an acute crisis, will resist as they have other priorities. Uncertainty cuts the other way also, Beijing and Rawalpindi too have to contend with it against India. Third parties could be drawn in to a war on India’ behalf despite India not having any military guarantee from any major power. War, after all is a game of chance with a range of vicissitudes, China, and Pakistan, irrespective of their assessment about the relative military balance and motivation of their Indian opponent remain at its mercy as India is to theirs.
China is a classic bully, if you hit back, they chicken out. They only make noise as long as you are avoiding a confrontation. Check their behavior in Kargil and Dokhlam. The moment India put on its uniform and marched towards the border, China went back to boiling momos. For a full decade, they avoided any formal trade deal with India, thinking of us as inferiors. Today, when it looks like India will sign a deal with the US, Winnie the Pooh comes running to secure a deal first. It all depends on how one takes the Chinese threat. They are not invincible. Even they can be played if the player is smart.

2-front war is a creation of the peacenicks in India to prevent India from taking any action against Pakistan. In any Indian action against Pakistan, if China tries to help them in a meaningful way, they are going to face far more damage to their economy than Pakistan. Their investment inside Pakistan is chillar compared to their own industry in mainland China. They are not going to stake their 13T$ economy for the sake of some odd 50 billion invested in a road in Pakistan.

The 2-front war narrative was created by the UPA. It helps the Congress-linked import lobby in IAF to keep begging for more and more imports and earn commissions, and at the same time, avoid war perpetually. So you import in the name of an inflated threat, and then avoid a war in the name of the same inflated threat. Nice excuse for inactivity. It suited the UPA and IAF until now. It has been thrown out of the window now.

Note : the moment the gormint sent the IAF chief to jail and changed the IAF leadership at the top, the treasure trove of "420 imported squadrons needed for 10-front war" narratives have stopped. The rot is always at the top. The provoke the juniors to misbehave. Once you fix the rot at the top, all the lower echelons fall back in line. Nibbas were saying that the entire IAF fleet would be demoralized if the IAF chief was sent to CBI investigation, but that's what we did, and all our planes are flying just fine. Everyone is replaceable. Ain't India gon be blackmailed by the 2-front war boogeyman story.

If China makes it a 2-front war for India and India gets involved, it won't remain a 2-front war for China. With India tugging their war fighting capacity on their Western border, China will have to face Japan and US and Taiwan who are waiting for a window of opportunity in the Pacific theater. Their economy might be 5X that of India, but they also have 5X more enemies to account for. They wont risk it for their vassal state, Pakistan. No emperor lays down his life for his slave. #PKMKB plan is on point.

Winnie the Pooh wouldn't be eating Idli-Dosa in India if he wanted to continue on the 2-front war trajetory. Both parties know after Dokhlam that possibility is closed forever. They couldn't even escalate to wrest back Dokhlam from their own side, would they save Karachi on the other side of India?
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Senior Member
Aug 27, 2018
China is a classic bully, if you hit back, they chicken out.
They won't need to confront as long as they can keep on supplying brand new capability and weaponry to the iron brother neighbour and keep its economy reasonably afloat all the while showering them with gifts for so economically tying opponents attention to itself.
Carry on for 5 years and get 4 frigates..
Carry on for 10 years, get 8 subs..
Many more goodies to come.


Regular Member
Aug 8, 2019
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They won't need to confront as long as they can keep on supplying brand new capability and weaponry to the iron brother neighbour and keep its economy reasonably afloat all the while showering them with gifts for so economically tying opponents attention to itself.
Carry on for 5 years and get 4 frigates..
Carry on for 10 years, get 8 subs..
Many more goodies to come.
Haha... Fight India for 5 years? Last time they tried it lasted for about 11 days and half their country was gone for ever.

I did not realise that chinese fanboys like yourself are as deluded as the porkis themselves about the power of porkistan. Good for Indians anyways.

Even with a congress govt. India would tear porkistan limb from limb in about three weeks. Our current govt. will do that in 10 days.

Its not like the TTP and BLA are going to take a time out while the suar fauj is busy getting killed by IA on the eastern front.:biggrin2:
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Senior Member
Aug 27, 2018
Haha... Fight India for 5 years? Last time they tried it lasted for about 11 days and half their country was gone for ever.
Obviously not fight.....
Just engage.. Like its been doing for so many years despite being much smaller in size and capacity..
Only failure for pak will be india's complete accession of Pok and integrate entire state of JK. As long as it can prevent that, its winning every year..
I did not realise that chinese fanboys like yourself are as deluded as the porkis themselves about the power of porkistan. Good for Indians anyways.
I don't have a point of view other than my own, so obviously i can't deny the possibility of me being deluded. But what i do see is this..
India's aim on legal basis- Complete accession of JK without any land disputes and completing the International Border. And every indian citizen, irrespective of caste, politics etc, backs this aim..
What do you think is stopping that from happening?..
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Senior Member
Apr 28, 2019
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Obviously not fight.....
Just engage.. Like its been doing for so many years despite being much smaller in size and capacity..
Only failure for pak will be india's complete accession of Pok and integrate entire state of JK. As long as it can prevent that, its winning every year..

I don't have a point of view other than my own, so obviously i can't deny the possibility of me being deluded. But what i do see is this..
India's aim on legal basis- Complete accession of JK without any land disputes and completing the International Border. And every indian citizen, irrespective of caste, politics etc, backs this aim..
What do you think is stopping that from happening?..
Winning in terms of what???? Pakistan has advantage in this conflict , people of valley are hostile to India and want to join Pakistan yet Pakistan cannot take it from us. Hence how Pakistan is winning it everyday? Instead we are happy with status quo ,even offered to turn LoC into IB.
Size doesn't matter here , Pakistan has no standing in the world today , its just a stick used by the highest bidder. We are not like that. we have greater ambitions much higher than defeating Pakistan.


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Jun 1, 2017
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Obviously not fight.....
Just engage.. Like its been doing for so many years despite being much smaller in size and capacity..
Only failure for pak will be india's complete accession of Pok and integrate entire state of JK. As long as it can prevent that, its winning every year..

I don't have a point of view other than my own, so obviously i can't deny the possibility of me being deluded. But what i do see is this..
India's aim on legal basis- Complete accession of JK without any land disputes and completing the International Border. And every indian citizen, irrespective of caste, politics etc, backs this aim..
What do you think is stopping that from happening?..

if you think a beggar at a traffic light "engages" a man in a car by making faces at him, by cursing him . by hurling abuses, by standing infront of his car and making him honk ..then yeh ..Pak can engage with India for few more years. Problem is by doing this the beggar doesn't get money and if he does this everyday for 10 days he will die of hunger. For those 10 days he can fell happy "Hey I stopped this guy in Car and annoyed the hell out of him"


Senior Member
Aug 27, 2018
Winning in terms of what???? Pakistan has advantage in this conflict , people of valley are hostile to India and want to join Pakistan yet Pakistan cannot take it from us. Hence how Pakistan is winning it everyday? Instead we are happy with status quo ,even offered to turn LoC into IB.
Size doesn't matter here , Pakistan has no standing in the world today , its just a stick used by the highest bidder. We are not like that. we have greater ambitions much higher than defeating Pakistan.
People of valley being hostile to india may seem like a given, but its just one other variable in order of psychological battle that pak has advantage in.. There was a systematic program of social engineering undertaken by zia ul haq for pan islamization and radicalization of kashmiri mainstream population. Not being able to counter that by soft weapons and psyops was india's blunder.
There were many oppurtunities to bring PoK under indian control before pak nuke came into existence but each was let go for maintaing 'temperory peace'.
After nuke capacity was added, pak leverage only got stronger. It may very well be a bluff, but it still is quite a heavy weight on the leverage stand. The question is very simple, and one doesn't need to take any side to answer-
'If India has legal claim to entire JK, whats stopping it from claiming it all?'
(Concentrate on 'what')
On a side note- Pak very well understood the threat of India annexing PoK and started demographic engineering in that region with mirpuri population to guard against indigenous population support to India.
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Senior Member
Aug 27, 2018
if you think a beggar at a traffic light "engages" a man in a car by making faces at him, by cursing him . by hurling abuses, by standing infront of his car and making him honk ..then yeh ..Pak can engage with India for few more years. Problem is by doing this the beggar doesn't get money and if he does this everyday for 10 days he will die of hunger. For those 10 days he can fell happy "Hey I stopped this guy in Car and annoyed the hell out of him"
Try to understand the aims..
If the beggar is paid by other man just to hinder his commute to work so he misses a meeting that could change his career, and the beggar does that by throwing sticks ,puncturing the tyres, then yes, he is very well achieving his target..


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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Try to understand the aims..
If the beggar is paid by other man just to hinder his commute to work so he misses a meeting that could change his career, and the beggar does that by throwing sticks ,puncturing the tyres, then yes, he is very well achieving his target..
One slap to the beggar and he will howl on pain and run away. Chinks have no large scale strategic vision beyond trying to ape the US. Lizards and Paki ******s, a match made in hell!


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Apr 13, 2013
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Afghanistan closes its consulate in Pakistan's Peshawar in protest against police raids on Afghan market

Kabul [Afghanistan], Oct 12 (ANI): Afghanistan has closed its consulate in Peshawar, Pakistan, in protest against raids by Pakistani policemen on Afghan market.
Tolo News quoted Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan, Shukrullah Atif Mashal, as saying that Pakistani police have repeatedly attacked the Afghan market in Peshawar and taken down the Afghan national flag. In response, the Afghan Embassy in Islamabad has closed its consulate in Peshawar.

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