Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

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Regular Member
Aug 8, 2019
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Fucking traitors. We must cancel their OCI cards.

Any one associated with UK congress should be banned from entering India again on count of being an agent of a foreign power. :rage:

So now the congi mofos are openly supporting UN intervention.... These cunts were trying to win political points about "bilateral issue" when Trump lied about Modi asking for mediation.
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Aaj ka hero

Has left
Oct 8, 2018
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RSS will not sell the country.
RSS is trying it's full to stop this CHINA LOVER government sign this deal but still this government send goyal saahab to that dawood lover country.
Right into the den and that goyal ji ministry is supporting this.
Commerce industry ka minister hai ki import factory ka.:rage::rage:
Besharam kahin ke.
For more meet me in india economy thread.

Holy Triad

Tihar Jail
Dec 16, 2018
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We need more firepower to counter Pakistan in the US
  • It needs targeted funding for projects that erase the red line between bureaucrats, think-tanks and the Press

One man, however articulate, cannot conjure up a counter-information storm

This is supposedly the age of information overload. Yet, as foreign minister S Jaishankar recently remarked after his whirlwind tour of Washington, there is little knowledge about the Kashmir issue even on the Hill where one assumes that Senators and Congressmen are briefed adequately by their staffers and other officials. Apparently not. Over the last few months, ill-informed commentaries in the United States-based media, together with a high-decibel rant by Pakistani officials and their many acolytes flooding Washington have added to the spaghetti soup that is the “Kashmir issue”, with its threatened overlays of war, nuclear disaster, and a “bloodbath”. Everyone now knows about Kashmir, and no one knows about Kashmir. The cab driver in Washington has heard of atrocities by Indian forces, but neither he nor lawmakers are at all aware, for instance, that a “security lockdown” has been the norm rather than the exception in the “Other Kashmir” held by Pakistan. Or that the whole of Jammu and Kashmir is not agitating for a nebulous freedom.

The lack of information was most recently apparent in a report from the Committee on Foreign Relations that included, for the first time in many years, a reference to the humanitarian crisis in Kashmir. The report that presages the annual appropriations exercise is a voluminous one, and has a total of six lines on Kashmir among a spate of issues including the importance of India to US national security interests and a well-funded “Countering Chinese Influence” Fund. Notably that too is under the subheading of Indo-Pacific Strategy. In this overall policy direction, the Kashmir issue is a footnote, but it’s there.

Those six lines can be set as the benchmark in terms of the level of understanding of the issue in American policy circles. The Committee calls for a lifting of curfew, apparently unaware that there is no curfew declared in Kashmir. Instead, its Section 144 that is essentially aimed at preventing crowds from gathering, and the resultant heightening of tensions and stone-pelting. Even that was lifted nearly two months ago in Jammu, and in much of Kashmir thereafter. The language is the handiwork of Sen Chris Hollen, unsurprisingly, a Democrat who is strongly attacking the US President on Twitter. The Senator is from tiny Maryland, which has a sizeable Indian population. If he is making a noise about Kashmir it could be because it’s a shot across the bow on the Modi-Trump “bromance”, or that it is electorally popular among his voters. Both possibilities are bad news for Delhi.

Many Indians in the US, particularly in and around Washington and New York, are upset about the Kashmir imbroglio, for reasons that are sometimes entirely divorced from reality. There is talk of human rights violations by security forces, much of it based on fake news and videos, ignoring the fact that violence is at its lowest ebb in months. Then there are allegations of abuse of women by the armed forces without knowing or caring that the Army is not deployed in this action at all. In this indignant debate, there is no awareness of the corrosive terrorist operations of the last 20 years. The curfew is being imposed by the Lashkar-e-Toiba and other terrorist groups.

One prominent think-tank insists on referring to Kashmir as India’s only Muslim majority state. That this aspect was never ever part of the narrative during the three wars against Pakistan, or even in the early years of terrorism, is entirely ignored. This section dislikes the gray areas of multiculturalism, much preferring the black and white lines of ethnic divisions. The two-nation theory that Pakistan has been espousing for decades has been swallowed in its entirety, in a deliberate side-stepping of the history of the subcontinent. For those who tend to dismiss think-tankers as bunch, it is as well to note that the Senate report includes substantial portions from a report by a prominent think-tank.

The foreign minister’s punishing schedule in Washington that sometimes included talks at two think-tanks a day, indicates his awareness of the importance of engagement with think-tanks and the media. But one man, however articulate, cannot conjure up a counter-information storm. Nor can an overworked embassy also entirely be expected to deliver. The dreaded “talking points” handed out routinely have little impact. Embassies and the ministry need to encourage expertise in public diplomacy that includes targeted funding for the right projects, and most of all eroding that thick red line between the bureaucrats, think-tanks and the press. The opening of the branch of a prominent think-tank in Washington is one step in this game that requires multiple players pulling the strings that play public opinion. The K word in the Senate report is not entirely a function of Indo-US ties or even an individual Senator’s politicking. This is a reflection of our inability to use networks to present our case as a narration of irrefutable facts.

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Janardan Shukla

Regular Member
Jul 30, 2019
After UNGA
US will attack Iran with its Air and Naval assets. Ground invasion of Iran will be done by Arabian armies.
Pakistan will send heaps of civilians, terrorists and commandos on our border.
I would be surprised if we don't fight a full scale war or atleast a limited conflict in POK before the first week of October.
US is just one country away ( Iran ) from getting control of whole ME and completely finish the influence of its main adversaries China and Russia from this region.
US is just one country away ( Pakistan ) from closing the only route of IOR for its biggest trade rival China.
Now for achieving both the objectives US is shrewdly playing the game which she is best at i.e Creating regional conflict.
Don't for a second beleive that the recent attack on ARAMCO has something to do with Iran. It was a false flag operation as surely as you are reading this text.
Now she will lead SA into war with Iran and then get involve herself.
The second objective is relatively easy for US as India is sufficient to destroy Pakistan and she would not need to overtly involve.

So that was the gameplan of US to get control of whole ME and IOR. It was going smooth but as the popular saying goes that no battle plan survives the first contact of enemy. Some early trouble signs for this plan are getting evident.
The whole plan of US was based on two Assumption:-
1- Russia will not intervene in ME.
2- China will not intervene in POK.
Here in New Delhi our Government too was thinking the same, Ditto other strategic thinkers but......
The world is taking a bad shape now.
ME is on verge of war but that is not something to be worried but the indications given by all the major powers that they are more than willing to involve in this war.
Yes!!!! Russia has indicated that it will fully support Iran in a possible conflict whereas UK has just announced it will support US commitment of security of Saudi Arabia. Ofcourse once Russia will get involve the EU will surely follow.
Another flashpoint is J&K. And given the present situation in ME there is more chance of China involving in a possible Indo-Pak conflict. As explained in my earlier comment if IRAN and Pakistan gets destroyed the ME and IOR will get closed for China forever and its most Ambitious OBOR project will always remain a dream.
Russians too will never allow their influence to get zero in ME. Monopoly of their arch rival in their strategically important backyard abundant with natural resources is something they will never allow.
So the question is how the present conflict is getting shaped? Who is on whose side? Will US back off from its plan given the drastic change in situation or it will move ahead? And lastly the most important question, Where does this conflict will lead the world into?
I will ofcourse try to answer these questions in my subsequent posts but I also invite the members to express their invaluable thoughts as this Kashmir buisness is risen far more than just the taking back of POK. It is now a key part of shaping the future world order.
Guys after this vicious battle keep an eye on Turkey. It is going to emerge as a major menance in coming decades.
So as I was suspecting and mentioned backdoor diplomacy of Russia and China plus unwillingness of us to go to war now has forced US to back off from it's plans.

And Turks started to create fuss in the world.
Reshaping of world order is entering into next phase.


Hindufying India
Senior Member
Aug 18, 2010
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We are going towards this:


Not everything will be realised as predicted but many new borders will be drawn.

I suspect Kurdistan in the next decade looks probable. Pakistan loosing AJK and even Balochistan is gaining more chance of independence.

Turkey, Iran and Pakistan will be cut to size.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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RSS is trying it's full to stop this CHINA LOVER government sign this deal but still this government send goyal saahab to that dawood lover country.
Right into the den and that goyal ji ministry is supporting this.
Commerce industry ka minister hai ki import factory ka.:rage::rage:
Besharam kahin ke.
For more meet me in india economy thread.
Without RSS , BJP cannot move a single leaf. This deal is as good as dead!

Why so serious?

Senior Member
Jul 1, 2017
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Fu@king Snakes.

'India will give befitting reply,' warns BJP as UK Congress delegation meets Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn over Kashmir

TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Updated: Oct 10, 2019, 20:22 IST

  • BJP attacked Congress after reports that its overseas delegation met the Labour Party leader and discussed the Kashmir situation
  • BJP demanded an explanation from Congress and said it will give the party a befitting reply
  • Rejecting BJP's charges, Congress said the meeting was held to reiterate that J&K is an internal matter
NEW DELHI: The BJPonThursday slammed the Congressafter a delegation of the opposition party's UK representatives discussed the Kashmir situation with
Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party. As the meeting kicked up a controversy, the

Indian Overseas Congress issued a clarification and denied the charges levelled by the BJP.

Attacking the Congress, the BJP said the party owes an explanation to the people of India about what its members are telling foreign leaders about the country.

"India will give a befitting reply to Congress for these shameful shenanigans!" the BJP warned as reports emerged of the meeting.

Earlier, Corbyn had tweeted after the meeting: "A very productive meeting with UK representatives from the Indian Congress Party where we discussed the human rights situation in Kashmir. There must be a de-escalation and an end to the cycle of violence and fear which has plagued the region for so long."

The Labour Party leader, whose stand on Kashmir has not gone down well with the Indian government, also shared a picture of the meeting.

The delegation included Kamal Dhaliwal, who heads the overseas Congress in the UK, and is considered close to the top Congress leadership including Rahul Gandhi.

Responding to the controversy, the Indian Overseas Congress slammed the BJP and said the meeting was held to condemn the Kashmir resolution passed by Labour Party and to reiterate that J&K is an internal matter and outside intervention will not be accepted.

"We refuse Mr @jeremycorbyn’s tweet. we just told him that Labour Party’s resolution on Kashmir is not appropriate. Labour party should not interfere in India’s internal matters as Kashmir is integral part of India," the Indian Overseas Congress said in a tweet.

Hitting out at the Congress, BJP's foreign affairs department in-charge Vijay Chauthaiwale said, "This is Congress seeking advice from the UK Labour Leader — they might as well go to their masters directly in Pakistan."

The UK's opposition Labour Party had last month passed an emergency motion on Kashmir calling for party leader Jeremy Corbyn to seek international observers to "enter" the region and demand the right of self-determination for its people.

India had strongly slammed the UK's Labour Party's move calling for international intervention on the Kashmir issue.

Ministry of external affairs (MEA) spokesperson Raveesh Kumar had described the Labour Party's move as an attempt at "pandering to vote-bank interests".


Quarantined Abdul
Feb 16, 2019
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Arnab goswami today gave up completely on Congress and asked election commission of India to revoke its status as an Indian political party.

This may be on cards in future that Congress may be taken out as political entity by 2024 or Italian family may be sent packing or dismemberment of Congress.

Don't mock Rahul Gandhi as pappu. He is really dangerous for India but we laugh him off.
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Hindufying India
Senior Member
Aug 18, 2010
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Fu@king Snakes.

'India will give befitting reply,' warns BJP as UK Congress delegation meets Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn over Kashmir

TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Updated: Oct 10, 2019, 20:22 IST

  • BJP attacked Congress after reports that its overseas delegation met the Labour Party leader and discussed the Kashmir situation
  • BJP demanded an explanation from Congress and said it will give the party a befitting reply
  • Rejecting BJP's charges, Congress said the meeting was held to reiterate that J&K is an internal matter
NEW DELHI: The BJPonThursday slammed the Congressafter a delegation of the opposition party's UK representatives discussed the Kashmir situation with
Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party. As the meeting kicked up a controversy, the

Indian Overseas Congress issued a clarification and denied the charges levelled by the BJP.

Attacking the Congress, the BJP said the party owes an explanation to the people of India about what its members are telling foreign leaders about the country.

"India will give a befitting reply to Congress for these shameful shenanigans!" the BJP warned as reports emerged of the meeting.

Earlier, Corbyn had tweeted after the meeting: "A very productive meeting with UK representatives from the Indian Congress Party where we discussed the human rights situation in Kashmir. There must be a de-escalation and an end to the cycle of violence and fear which has plagued the region for so long."

The Labour Party leader, whose stand on Kashmir has not gone down well with the Indian government, also shared a picture of the meeting.

The delegation included Kamal Dhaliwal, who heads the overseas Congress in the UK, and is considered close to the top Congress leadership including Rahul Gandhi.

Responding to the controversy, the Indian Overseas Congress slammed the BJP and said the meeting was held to condemn the Kashmir resolution passed by Labour Party and to reiterate that J&K is an internal matter and outside intervention will not be accepted.

"We refuse Mr @jeremycorbyn’s tweet. we just told him that Labour Party’s resolution on Kashmir is not appropriate. Labour party should not interfere in India’s internal matters as Kashmir is integral part of India," the Indian Overseas Congress said in a tweet.

Hitting out at the Congress, BJP's foreign affairs department in-charge Vijay Chauthaiwale said, "This is Congress seeking advice from the UK Labour Leader — they might as well go to their masters directly in Pakistan."

The UK's opposition Labour Party had last month passed an emergency motion on Kashmir calling for party leader Jeremy Corbyn to seek international observers to "enter" the region and demand the right of self-determination for its people.

India had strongly slammed the UK's Labour Party's move calling for international intervention on the Kashmir issue.

Ministry of external affairs (MEA) spokesperson Raveesh Kumar had described the Labour Party's move as an attempt at "pandering to vote-bank interests".
We should openly support Boris Johnson with a non-partisan approach just like we did for Trump.

That will fuck up the Left in UK.

Destruction of Indian Left is not sufficient. UK Left is more dangerous.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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'7 Pak army jawans embraced shahadat in unprovoked Indian shelling in Neelum. Befitting response given' DGISPR sir tweet is ready, pls copy paste.
Yo!! take screenshots ..cuz these tweets are getting deleted by coward gafoora exDGISPEER!


Regular Member
Aug 8, 2019
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We should openly support Boris Johnson with a non-partisan approach just like we did for Trump.

That will fuck up the Left in UK.

Destruction of Indian Left is not sufficient. UK Left is more dangerous.
We need to fuck up the "uk" rather than the "uk left".

We should be cheering for Corbyn. He will fuck up the UK for us. :biggrin2:

Just need to keep these UK congi cunts out of India though.
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