Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

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Nov 30, 2017
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Dude don't think these pok residents are any better than paki Abdul. Infact I am against taking pok until this lot disappears from pok to EU. It's not a good idea to mix these radicals with our radicals in valley.
When India takes back POK, it would be a separate territory and not mixed with the UT of J&K. it would all be small enclaves for better handling.


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Mar 31, 2015
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Sorry but your understanding is very distant from reality IMO.

Since the election of Tsai Ing-wen in 2016, Taiwan has made repeated overtures to India for upgrading diplomatic ties, always to be rebuffed by India (not because of Taiwan's claims on AP and Sikkim, which I will come to later) because of pressure from commies. They had invited an Indian delegation to the swearing in but India got pressured by the commies.

They are not stupid enough to keep all their eggs in one basket of USA (no one is that stupid). They are pushing hard for upgradation of bilateral ties in countries antagonised by China including Japan, Vietnam, India etc.

Now on to their claims. If you think they are still claiming AP and Sikkim, then either you have met old-hick version of a Taiwanese or maybe came across old news in Taiwan.

I have been to Taiwan a couple of times myself for work. The people my age did not even know what or where Arunachal Pradesh is. In fact on my second visit which was post Doklam most people I met kept on bitching about Chinese aggression even without me mentioning it.

I would strongly recommend you to check the Taiwanese media coverage of the Doklam standoff. Their coverage was more pro India than some of Indian media.

Second thing and most Important. They are in the process of dissociating all their claims on chinese mainland (thereby giving up any claim on AP and Aksai Chin by default). Give me one good reason why we should not support this?

As mentioned earlier, your views are out of touch with reality of today. Please do some research and update.

You say you are not being emotional but this is the epitome of being emotional.

Please understand the ground realities. Their evolving policies are to move away from the old Maps i.e. Independent Taiwan.

Yes, That alone is a great reason. Its not like if we supported Taiwan, they will come in and take over Arunachal.

This, apart from the fact that Taiwan is moving towards making itself a sovereign state separate from China. We need to fuel the fire from time to time.
I'm disagreeing with your view. There is definitely a section of society which favours independence of Taiwan and this same section favours better relations with India. Yes they are mostly young and optimistic like people of their generation everywhere.

Tsai was elected on a platform of independence. However she has proven timid in office which has allowed the KMT to regain its power base. The KMT does not favour ties with India. If Terry Guo can put up a strong challenge in the upcoming election things will become complicated. He won't win...but Tsai will be on a very weak wicket.

As far as my personal link in Taiwan, well my company is making offshore patrol vessels for the Taiwan Coast Guard. I go there quite often so it's not as if my knowledge of current affairs there is obsolete.


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Jan 2, 2018
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This means porki pipe-dream of crawling back to Dick Cheney glory days (free American goodies, cash, becoming a sugar-daddy to the Taliban, etc.,) ALL FINISHED

PoK is ours now.

x-posted from skirmish thread.
Seems to be a coup from a foreign diplomatic agency telling the President "look, so and so of your bureaucrats are causing trouble for us, if you want friendly relations with our country..take care of them". He obviously wouldn't do it on Russia's or China's threat. Someone is emerging a victor in this global chess game. These bureaucrats trained in the Cold War era invincibility of US supremacy have rubbed France, India and Israel the wrong way many times (the rest of them are either enemies or client states anyway).

That's how the US bargains.


For the past 6 months, Trump has been barking about anti-China sanctions, but their media downplayed the impact of Chinese retaliation on the US economy, which led to Trump seeking a truce last week. Just shows how the US operates. It makes loud threats first, to bluff its way and see how much extra they can squeeze. If the adversary refuses to budge, then it tempers down its rhetoric. It's never a President's policy. It's a calculated move by the deep state. If it goes wrong, they say "well, don't blame us, our President was an idiot". They did that with Bush vis-a-vis the Afghanistan invasion. They plan to do the same with Trump.
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Jameson Emoni

Senior Member
Apr 15, 2018
Seems to be a coup from a foreign diplomatic agency telling the President "look, so and so of your bureaucrats are causing trouble for us, if you want friendly relations with our country..take care of them". He obviously wouldn't do it on Russia's or China's threat. Someone is emerging a victor in this global chess game. These bureaucrats trained in the Cold War era invincibility of US supremacy have rubbed France, India and Israel the wrong way many times (the rest of them are either enemies or client states anyway).

Ain't nobady listened earlier but ya'lls be welcome :
John Bolton is a staunch Israel supporter. His departure is a loss for Israel. If he had stayed, he would have taken care of Iran for Israel.

It was John Bolton who deflected the attention from Pakistan to Iran after 911 when he was a member of Bush administration. I recall him making stupid comments about India's concerns on Pakistani terror activities back then.


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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John Bolton is a staunch Israel supporter. His departure is a loss for Israel. If he had stayed, he would have taken care of Iran for Israel.

It was John Bolton who deflected the attention from Pakistan to Iran after 911 when he was a member of Bush administration. I recall him making stupid comments about India's concerns on Pakistani terror activities back then.
Correct. The "these bureaucrats" I was referring to were the successive people who were fired by Trump. My implication was not that a single bureaucrat was anti-India/France/Israel simultaneously, but that in this particular case John Bolton was fired for Afghanistan (to the detriment of Israel, but the persuation from whoever did it must have been that much strong). There were others, like John Kelly who were fired due to pressure from other nations. Each of these were going around rubbing different countries the wrong way, separately. No POTUS would admit to the US bowing to foreign pressure so they make it look like a domestic tiff but some counter-currents are in play there.

That's why the list of America's U-Turns is endless. They promised to invade Syria if so and so threshold was crossed (their agency created that false flag chemical attack just in case..) but the US ultimately didn't come good on their promise (and their top bureaucrat got fired instead). They created an intense war hysteria against N.Korea, but ultimately reversed their position and made friends (John Kelly bit the bullet here). They were "in a hurry" to leave Afghanistan, but how things have turned now. Every time they take a U-Turn, they fire their previous negotiator, usually because the target nation got the better of him and refused to budge. So he is declared unfit and fired and a new line of negotiation is pursued. Make no mistake, if the target nation had budged to the previous negotiator's hardballing, he would have been promoted.

The lesson for us is that they are not invincible. As long as your red lines are clear and you don't budge, they will change their line virtually overnight.

This feigning of 'stupidity' has always been a convenient cover for the US. US invaded Iraq because Bush senior was 'stupid', and not because the US deep state wanted it?). US invaded Afghanistan because Bush junior was 'stupid' and not because the US deep state wanted it? How many more transgressions will the world tolerate in the garb of individual stupidity of their presidents? Presidents don't make policy. They only sell the bargaining position that the deep state scripts for them.

I've been observing their behavior since decades now. The moment they want to take a U-turn, they bring in a new negotiator who conveniently labels the previous one as 'stupid'. From their point of view, 'it was worth a try', and the negotiation resumes.

Their 'stupidity' is so predictable that I was able to predict that this stupidity will happen months in advance. Are they really that consistently stupid? or is it a part of a consistent pattern of negotiation tactics.

View attachment 38305

Americans are not stupid, they are very intelligent people who are out and out frauds.
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Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Reports coming in Prime Minister of #Israel Benjamin @netanyahu will announce shortly that he will start the annexation of the Jordan Valley. This is Big


Dum Di Da Di Da

Now pakistan has to fight a 4 front war...:rofl::rofl::rofl: [ GOing by what many pakis think..they seem to share a border with Israel and as if Israel is just a stone throw away.that is]
lets see how many porks are going to do the rona on this..
IK will make another round of twitter diarrhea
Yeh karyakram shuru toh nahi ho gaya?



"Shaktimev Jayate" - Strength Alone Triumphs
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Sep 19, 2016
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John Bolton is a staunch Israel supporter. His departure is a loss for Israel. If he had stayed, he would have taken care of Iran for Israel.

It was John Bolton who deflected the attention from Pakistan to Iran after 911 when he was a member of Bush administration. I recall him making stupid comments about India's concerns on Pakistani terror activities back then.
While his mishandling or deliberately sabotaging the Taliban talks have been quoted as the reason for his firing, he did not have a primary role in the Taliban talks - those were led by Khalilzad reporting to Mike Pompeo, and to some degree Mike Esper, with Bolton only with a seat at the table by virtue of his role as NSA.

Bolton failed spectacularly on two fronts: NoKo and and Iran. NoKo was DT's pet project, DT wished of going down in history as the president who tamed Jong but his inability to reach a deal had many Bolton fingerprints on them. There was that one statement by Bolton where he threatened NoKo with the Libyan model of regime change. Surely that would have pissed off NoKo and, surely that would not have him endeared to DT.

On Iran Bolton dug his own hole. DT scrapped the Iran deal about a month later after Bolton was appointed, clearly following Bolton's play book. But soon after his appointment DT stepped back, gave Bolton a long rope on Iran by conspicuously staying out of the Iran mess. Remember couple of years back DT had regular tweets on Iran but didn't tweet much later - that was after Bolton came in. DT let Bolton run the Iran desk and but all of Bolton's hawkish positioning and posturing has failed to deter Iran, leaving the US with not many more cards to play. Iran starting its centrifuges last week must have screwed Bolton.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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Yeh karyakram shuru toh nahi ho gaya?

Hamas is an Iranian puppet. It was formed when Israel withdrew from Lebanon without a contingency plan.

Bolton is a war hawk pure and simple. His job was to be a Dick Cheney and get India to give concessions on Kashmir to Paki ******s and allow US troops to high tail it out of Afghanistan. Modi/Doval simply told him to fuck right off.

American public likes non interventionist policies as that was a major ticket on which Trump got elected. Bolton wants war to fuel the MiC. The US military is playing catch-up to Russia and China after Obama pussified it for over 8 years.



Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Modi/Doval simply told him to fuck right off.
Exactly. Until that happened, look how Indian public opinion got played by the American machinery (for lack of an Indian counter-narrative). If Murica says "we're leaving Afghanistan", Indians immediately "ya maula! koi roko usse, pair pakad lo uske". Murica says "we stay if you send your soldiers to die for us", Indians immediately "chalo benco, humare maalik ka bulawa aaya hai". In the end, what happened was neither Option1 nor Option2. India always creates an Option3.

There's a video of an Indian think tank (Oval Observer Foundation), available on (/watch?v=QljYUZ6rHjU ), where the interviewer asks the Indian panelist who was part of the team which wrote the actual Indian nuclear doctrine..he asks "in case of a Pakistani nuclear attack, will India's response be conventional or nuclear" and the guy says "it may not be a nuclear response, it will be an Indian response", hinting that nuclear vs conventional are not the only two options (probably referring to a 1971 type unconventional event, not necessarily conventional or sub-conventional). There's always an Option3. Option1 and Option2 are usually false options peddled by the adversary to box us into tunnel vision.

People really believe India does not have the anti-dote to Paki nukes just because it isn't written in Wikipedia yet because the only options that are floating around are the ones that American think tanks have planted on the internet, all of them predict doomsday scenarios if India moves ahead. There's always Option3. It's not on Wikipedia though, just like Op. Brasstacks, Op. Parakram and Smiling Buddha weren't on Wikipedia.
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जय परशुराम‍।
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Oct 7, 2015
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Another asset of pakis,he is just reduced to a troll by his assertions now loosing credibility more fast then he anticipated,this nutjob think chinks will fight a war for Pakis against us in ladakh ,I think there is a section in treason law where deliberate sabotage of morale of the nation is punishable, should be applied on him,he is probably honey trapped by some paki Ayesha that is the only reason I can come up with


Senior Member
Nov 29, 2011
Another asset of pakis,he is just reduced to a troll by his assertions now loosing credibility more fast then he anticipated,this nutjob think chinks will fight a war for Pakis against us in ladakh ,I think there is a section in treason law where deliberate sabotage of morale of the nation is punishable, should be applied on him,he is probably honey trapped by some paki Ayesha that is the only reason I can come up with
I am not on twitter, but can someone please respond to him with this.

I am sure if you ask nicely the Indian Army may just be able to arrange that road trip for you in a T-90

Shashank Nayak

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Another asset of pakis,he is just reduced to a troll by his assertions now loosing credibility more fast then he anticipated,this nutjob think chinks will fight a war for Pakis against us in ladakh ,I think there is a section in treason law where deliberate sabotage of morale of the nation is punishable, should be applied on him,he is probably honey trapped by some paki Ayesha that is the only reason I can come up with
Or is it Ghazala Wahab :devil:

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Another asset of pakis,he is just reduced to a troll by his assertions now loosing credibility more fast then he anticipated,this nutjob think chinks will fight a war for Pakis against us in ladakh ,I think there is a section in treason law where deliberate sabotage of morale of the nation is punishable, should be applied on him,he is probably honey trapped by some paki Ayesha that is the only reason I can come up with
Such people should be culled by common people of india to send a message to traitors.

I say this as a cold blooded atheist.
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