Jallikattu Ban: Elites vs Local Tradition


Jul 31, 2015
So is ban lifted or not? Still dumb, no bull cart racing either way. :(

State is there to protect people from melechas, not bring melech practices like cow slaughter into this country..


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Mar 10, 2013


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Feb 7, 2011
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SC is getting into debates where it should not interfere.

Because we are trying to please the Westerners, by proving we have some special, magic, free from influence judiciary or something.


I will add that India is a federation, if it wants to stay united, these people better learn to respect our traditions and language.


Regular Member
Jan 12, 2016
Tell me how SC can rule in favour of animal welfare vs tradition. Since there are enough slaughter-houses being run in this country, banning a traditional festival on basis of cruelty against animals is plain hypocrisy.

SC is getting into debates where it should not interfere.
SC took up this case because some crazy organizations came to it with a case.

Sati was a tradition not so long ago, we dont do that anymore (albeit random occurrences have happened).

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
SC took up this case because some crazy organizations came to it with a case.

Sati was a tradition not so long ago, we dont do that anymore (albeit random occurrences have happened).
Yes sati==jallikattu!!!

You have said everything on this thread except explaining what is so cruel about Jallikattu when compared to killing animals especially Halal!!


Regular Member
Jan 12, 2016
Yes sati==jallikattu!!!

You have said everything on this thread except explaining what is so cruel about Jallikattu when compared to killing animals especially Halal!!
What does "==" mean?

Hey Sakal, I am all for Jallikattu. Refer to my first post on this thread.


Turning into a frog
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Mar 30, 2009
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SC should not have interfered once Govt has lifted Ban. Why should they stay it without giving a hearing day before commencement of Jalikattu so that a judgment can be had before the event?

SC and judiciaries seem to be too busy in making headlines rather than actually working on reducing pending cases and giving justice to people. There have been lakhs of cases pending with judiciefies and tens of thousands alone in SC, yet they find time for putting stay on an traditional religious event, upon appealed by a group of people who are no way a stake holder in the event? The SC has been acting too liberally and its frequent extra-constitutional forays which basically looks like for grabbing headlines rather than working on genuine issues, is but gradually undermining its esteem. Add to it the people like Katju with verbal diarrhea. No wonder SC has been forced to misinterpret constitution itself to save its Collegeum.


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May 18, 2015
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May 18, 2015
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some pertinent points. do read when free:

hindu institutions need to make their argument in such a way that it deflects the blow and hits the enemy instead.

for jallikattu - the argument should be, yes poor cows should not be tortured or killed, let's ban beef first..WHO'S WITH ME and watch the crowd melt

for women at Sabarimala (this also has been dragged to the SC), the argument should be, let's give reservation for women in top posts in all religions, women imams, women bishops and women sabarimala priests, WHO'S WITH ME...

Popular support "was" with judges. Not anymore. Not if they give bail to Teestha and not they tell us how we shall run Ayyappa temple. They have badly over did the judges appoint case. Most of the people who otherwise regularly support SC now feeling let down by SC in that thing.

Let us be very clear SC and HCs basically have moral authority more than legal authority. They started losing it when they allowed targeting of NM and further lost by continuing their support for collegium system.

I think the government should have treated the collegium system ruling itself as a red line. Even now its not too late. Government should pass an ordinance, go for an appeal and if required use the Dhanda too. SC cannot simply keep overruling the executive and rule by proxy judgements!

Politically too TN BJP can earn lots of good will if they pay their cards right in Jallikattu and Sabarimala issue.

Can the Judicary say women must be allowed on Jumma day in Jeans, how can court interfere in one case and not the other?

Banning things outright is not a solution.

I get amazed at the hypocritical cries of PETA types. They think eating the bull/cow is their god given non cruel right.

Whereas a festival once a year is utterly cruel and must be banned.

It appears that Tamils or the locals didn't oppose the banning of Jallikatu in courts. It seems it's just a sport for them which they can survive without of. So I guess ban is all right with them.

Let PETA type NGOs try doing the same opposition to Muslims during BakrId, scant regards would be given to supreme court law/shaw. If Tamils REALLY wanted Jallikattu, they would conduct it anyway and nobody would have courage to stop it. Many armchair warriors are whining on teetar in calling this hypocrisy and rightly so, but they fail to realize the Muslim community violently mobilize if anybody tries to interfere in their cultural practices. Can Hindus adopt the same? All armchair warriors should understand that in country like India, might is right in certain circumstances and local law enforcement agencies too fall in line. Police won't dare to arrest if this cultural practice is truly wanted by Tamils. NGOs/PETA fellas precisely know which cultural practices are soft targets. They will NEVER target Ganesh Visarjan in Maharashtra despite the poisoning of sea water/ecosystem. Those activists will be thrashed left/right.

I also recommend feminist groups to demand female genetic mutilation for their ilk because Abrahamic men have the right to circumcision. Not mandating female genetic mutilation is gender discrimination.

The same f**ls (SC judges) said it's OK for Muslims to marry below 16 year old as long as their parents agree.

Every single party in TN, including ADMK & DMK have spoken against the judgement and asked for an ordinance. Will Modi/Amit Shah seize this opportunity ? This will help BJP earn enormous good will in TN. If not for Hindu cause, will Modi step in as a politician at least ?

Guys this is a political landmine which has the potential to have BJP labeled misogynist, patriarchal, regressive etc. Let it sit it out.
will be Labelled by feminazis ... That's all right...

If it goes to judgement, it becomes a case law and a precedent for Indian legal apparatus. Opens the door for litigation countrywide wrt temples.

What bothers me is the utter ignorance of the women who have approached the SC. The mockery they Are making of the god by this petition. The constitution and legal system will decide if the deity can be allowed to keep brhamachari status so that a few feminazis can visit the temple as a tourist spot ?! :mad:

If BJP Sits this out, this can actually be a big dent on its "hindutva" perception..

Actually, all the political parties in TN are for Jallikattu. With AIADMK and Jayalalitha making several representations to Center to allow Jallikattu.

Further, this has enthused bullock-cart racing in Saurashtra and Maharashtra. And can be extended to both Punjab and Haryana. If horse racing is legal., bullock cart racing is also legal.

SC should never have stepped into this landmine. All it has to do is interprete the order and ensure that the event follows the parameters laid down by the center and state.

Same with the temple.
Next to Keralites, probably TN vaasis visit malai most; closely followed by Andhrites. At least this was my observation a decade or so ago. I have never been to the malai, but on my maternal side almost all cousins and uncles make the pilgrimage. My brother has made the pilgrimage too.

I was just asking around the family circles what they thought, except one lady majority is in favor of allowing women to the temple. Even some men were open to the thought. Except one cousin who thought the strenuous vridham and path makes it hard on the women.

Our society has moved to a point where people are willing to discuss this and ask questions boldly. While one needs to question the involvement of Court into the religious practices, and even raise doubts on the intentions of the 6 women lawyers; at the same time one cannot dismiss and ignore the changes that happen in the society - creating newer expectations.

the court cannot poke it's nose only in Hinduism. It better poke it's nose into other religions as well. Yes reforms should come from within and not from courts.
Whether the SC in this case is being hypocritical or not can only be determined by taking an equally potent "minority" issue to the same court. If the court takes a different stance, we can scream hypocrisy from the rooftops. Who wants to volunteer to take such a PIL to the SC?

Re:pIL on mainority animal cruelty to the "Honorable" SC

Surely you are joking?

My point exactly. We can cry hoarse that the SC is targeting only Yindoos. Without apples-to-apples proof, it won't mean a thing. Hizzoners can continue meting out their version of justice without any question.

Mormon churches do not allow non-mormons to enter in their 'temples'.

Case of untouchables not able to enter temples was a general case and hence a ground of discrimination. If 'untouchables' are allowed to go into all temples except one, then it does not become a ground of discrimination - since that temple is specific to its adherants. So goes the case for females entering sabarimalai. Again the ground for female non-entering sabarimalai is very narrow - to a special set of females. Any females outside of that category is allowed. So again comparing with the case of untouchables does not apply.

Hence it is not even a case for female discrimination. This is specific to sabarimalai and not all temples., though by custom several females do not enter into sanctum sanctorum for several reasons including reasons on personal hygiene. Again personal conduct and rituals are proscribed across all religions and all temples and all churches and all mosques.

Given that, sabarimalai is a private affair where SC cannot poke its nose. Same goes with Jallikattu. All SC has to say for the later is - center has to lay down laws for minimal hurt to bull and SC will entertain only those cases where that law is broken. Outright banning is not in purview of SC. Center has already promulgated advisory. It can promulgate an ordinance and also pass a law in LS on conduct of jallikattu and bull racing. It is no different from horse racing. Horse racing is allowed. Bull racing is not allowed. That is discrimination.

Cruelty to animal does not apply., since denying right of life to animal itself is cruelty. If ban on jallikattu proceeds so must ban on horse racing and meat eating proceed.

The message must go out that SC has its role to play and that is to interpret law. Not legislate law.

What happens if government states that *not* allowing a lawyer wearing tube top and mini skirt is taking away the freedom of expression and hence must be allowed. What will courts do then?

I think what Modi Sarkar must do is immediately allow the following:

1. Tube top, bikini blouse, mini-skirt wearing females without the black robe to argue in courts.
2. Allow smoking, drinking, paan-chewing, tobacco chewing and eating in courts.

Let SC weigh on the discrimination aspects of both 1 and 2. If they rule against item #1, then they cannot rule for it in case of Sabarimalai. If they rule against item #2., then they need to proscribe personal rules for conduct in the court. If that is applicable to court., similar rules are applicable to temples.

Regarding Dowry, child marriage, Sati and untouchability - it was not the courts that promulgated the laws. The laws were legislated and court upheld it. I do remember the 'gas cylinder' blasts in 80s which killed women., and after that dowry laws were promulgated till the point where 498A came into picture. This laws were legislated by the legislature and not courts. Courts may have inputs in legislation - but no they did not create the laws.

Same goes for Sati and Untouchability. Regarding child marriage - it is very much in vogue. Do you think that the life of a muslim girl child is worthless? But neither the legislature nor the judiciary has taken cognizant of the fact that sheikhs from barbaria come and rape muslim girl child and go scot free.

It is not enough to make these observations in our drawing rooms or on BRF. We have to do what the other side is doing.

Let someone file a PIL demanding similar restrictions on practice of Muslim or Christian religion and culture.

- discrimination against women in mosques and muslim shrines
- cruelty to animals in halal slaughter methods (prolonged death due to bleeding out, generating massive amounts of fear hormones)
- cruelty to animals in bakrid sacrifice (they are kept as pets and taught to love and trust the humans before being sacrificed to simulate Ibrahim's sacrifice of his son whom Allah magically replaced by a sheep at the last second )
- hurting civilized human sentiments by simulated eating of human flesh in catholic mass
- while we are at it, PIL against the whole Christian religion for being based on the barbaric and superstitious practice of human sacrifice

I will make a financial contribution to support such lawsuits. You don't have to win, just do enough publicity and show enough intolerance.
(Even though, of course, as everyone knows, Modi should be doing it and Modi must answer. He is so useless no, hasn't done anything for Hindus

We can even call it Project Intolerance, compliments of Da Hindu Internet Mob of Mother India (DHIMMI).
Want to talk about female rights and dignity, have the testimonials to stop Abdul's from marrying 4 times.

Please spread the message around.

In the current Jallikattu fiasco, the Supreme Court of India is just the tool. The hands that operate the tool are with PETA, a multinational lobbying group with loads of crony corporate money. Reports say that they spent Rs. 2.5cr to get the ban on Jallikattu and people wonder how the poor farmers of rural Tamilnadu can fight this without money. Remember, we the people have the biggest wealth of all. If we were able to get Aamir Khan removed as the brand ambassador of Snapdeal for his comments and get Shahrukh Khan to apologize for his comments then this can be done too. Hit them where it matters most.Here is a list of things that can be done without breaking the law.

1. Identify every PETA member. Name and shame them on social media and in public. Without it's group of rabid activists and volunteers PETA is just another paper tiger.

2. Boycott every PETA member socially and economically. Tell them why you are not their friend anymore and cease all relations with them immediately.

3. Stop providing services to PETA and it's members.

4. Stop watching the movies of PETA members. I hear Aamir Khan and Anushka Sharma are members.

5. Stop buying products endorsed by PETA members and let the companies that sell the product know why.

6. Spread awareness and expose PETA for who they are.

If Tamilians have any honor and dignity left, we need to drive PETA out of Tamilnadu and India. Anger and frustration is not going to help against these suave criminals. This is the time to play smart.

Please share this message and let's not allow anyone to interfere with our culture and traditions.

they (courts/SC) have always adopted a bullying and hectoring tone towards the Hindu samaj. they actually have no business in this space, enough and more important cases are pending disposal and and far more worthy of their "valuable" time

Shiv Aroor had a rather cryptic tweet earlier today saying one no longer needs to search Google to find out which states are going to elections in the next few months. Here we have events in Tamilnadu, Kerala, West Bengal and Karnataka. The Congis have already gone very loud with the criticism that the government is approving Jallikkattu only because of the elections.

This clearly does seem to be orchestrated. BJP will be damned if they did - support the Hindu religious and cultural causes - and damned if they didn't.

Nothing cryptic about it. He's a deracinated turd who is as anti BJP as they come, merely skating by because compared to the rest of the turds, he is not as openly idiotic 24/7.

Shiv Aroor ‏@ShivAroor Jan 7

Jallikattu formally allowed back by @PrakashJavdekar's ministry. Tamil Nadu elections this year, you see?

It is pissing me off that SC has become a tool to quash hindus - and that hindus have become powerless in the only country that they can call home.

In the same court that challenged Sabari Mala's traditions, there must be cases filed challenging pissful and loveful practices. Lets see the judges get out of that trap smelling progressive.

^^ problem is no peaceful will file such a case.

The "brilliance" of this EJ strategy is that it slowly but effectively removes all resistance to hindu causes. For instance, today they ban jallikattu.. so tomorrow's kids will see it as a bad practice that used to be done, next they will say, dont waste milk on abhishekams, then no water wastage on holi etc etc..

each step makes it easier to push through the subsequent step.

Unless hindus unite and fight this, there is no way out

What stops another "progressive, secular liberal" (from another religion) to file a case? On the Sabari Mala case the identity of the chief of the young lawyer group is now in the open. He is NOT a Hindu.

Reply shall contain details of all such practices of Abrahamic cults.

To be fair to SC, it had many times asked GOI to make a common civil code. Even last year it had asked.

Yes SC never forgets to ask for CCC as soon as NDA govt comes to power.Just as it demands the NDA govt to immediately link major rivers or clean up Ganga.
However it was cowering without a peep for 10 years throughout the Mainority rule of Madam.
OR SC can just mind its business, toss religious stuff to the govt and avoid the legal apparatus being burned with hundreds of religion based PILs.

The sabrimala case is history in the making if the PIL is not quashed.

Maintaining status quo is in everybody's interest.

So SC refuses to wade into Islamic/Xtian practices but throws judicial road bumps under Hindu bus. What do you think ordinary Abdul or GoI can do unless Parliament takes back its power which wont happen till sickular parties are around in RS ?

Win or lose Temple case will hit peacefuls and EJs very hard than it hits Hindus. SC can not escape passing some or other observations in the orders.
What makes you so sure that Supreme Court will pass observations on Muslim practices that constitute animal cruelty?

And do you feel that Hindus should feel satisfied if the Supreme Court passes some remarks?

I feel that the time has come for Hindus to take the lead in openly confronting some of the Muslim practices that are cruel and offensive to human sensibilities. What do you think?

With emphasis on 'Hindus'. Not 'Modi'. Not 'BJP'. It has to be a driven, long term motivated effort pushed by private money power and a private initiative to directly and indirectly both defend their own causes and attack hypocritical 'secular' notions everyday.

There's a constant refrain asking why those two don't do anything. I have a thought experiment for such people. Imagine you're Turdesai or Barkhing . What wakes you up in the morning ? What motivates you to spew the same bile day in and day out ? What 'greater cause' do they espouse ? What motivates their near messianic zeal ? On May 16 2014, how did they get sucker punched and still managed to stand up right away and come out swinging ? You ever hear them wailing 'somebody do something!' ? How do you think various shady entities like 'Young India Lawyers' comes up with interesting legal challenges all the time ? The level of organization to try to attack specific legal issues (e.g. attack Jallikattu to indirectly weaken the hold of Indian bovine DNA) takes detailed scheming.

I find their continued motivation quite remarkable. And I find the casual attribution of 'Hindu passivity / centuries of humiliation / insert excuse' quite telling. It's hard to sympathize with anyone who attempts to make a virtue out of passivity and whining. As well intentioned as it may be, it makes you look like a loser, not well-intentioned. The folks here and elsewhere who quietly fight these battles online by writing articles (like JEM) deserve respect. On the other hand, the angry posters who come here calling various political personalities insults before getting banned, are generally useless even if their heart is supposedly in the first place. Your ability to spout colorful language in one corner of a members only forum doesn't really indicate anything other than lack of self control.

Taken in isolation "Modi should do {insert something}" may sound reasonable. But in a larger context, it ignores the fact that his followers are ignoring him, and his own background. He's never been the kind to hand down answers. He's not a hardcore Hindutva type. His most recent 8 taskforces demonstrate where he's focusing: good governance; employment generation; farmer-centric initiatives; education and health; innovative budgeting and effective implementation; Swachh Bharat and Ganga rejuvenation with people's participation; and energy efficiency and conservation.

People who assert that he 'owes' help to the RSS or anyone for elevating him, will probably be disappointed. It's not that he doesn't care. He thinks if you care so much, you should do it yourself, and there's really nothing stopping you.

let me quote the great jaishankar prasAd.

हिमाद्रि तुंग शृंग से प्रबुद्ध शुद्ध भारती
स्वयं प्रभा समुज्ज्वला स्वतंत्रता पुकारती
'अमर्त्य वीर पुत्र हो, दृढ़- प्रतिज्ञ सोच लो,
प्रशस्त पुण्य पंथ है, बढ़े चलो, बढ़े चलो!'

Next part of course was for fighting for freedom from the British - and today the same holds for fighting off the DIEs who have taken the place of Britishers of the yore.

असंख्य कीर्ति-रश्मियाँ विकीर्ण दिव्य दाह-सी
सपूत मातृभूमि के- रुको न शूर साहसी!
अराति सैन्य सिंधु में, सुवाड़वाग्नि से जलो,
प्रवीर हो जयी बनो - बढ़े चलो, बढ़े चलो!

Sorry I do not have the capacity to translate that into english, but a transliteration follows. If one knows any of the indian languages could be partly understood.

himAdri tunga shrunga sE prabuddha shuddha bhAratI
swayam prabhAsmaujjwala swantantrata pukAratI
'amartya vera putra hO, druDha-pratignya sOch lO
prashastha puNya panth hai, baDhe chalO, baDhe chalO!'

asnakhya keerti rashmiyAn viKirNa divya dAha-see
sapoot matrubhoomi kE - rukO na shoor sAhasI!
arAti sainya sindhu mein, suvADavAgni sE jalO,
pravIr hO jayee banO - baDhe chalO, baDhe chalO!

In short no point just folding up. I am sure NaMo knows this by heart.

An apocryphal interpretation was that he was referring to Chinnaswami Subramania Bharathi by the word "bhArati" as well as the collective bhArat vAsi......REAL HINDI!!!!
{Source - BRF!}

pls feel free to share whatever you may like on other platforms. just give credit to the forum.[/QUOTE]
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May 18, 2015
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This Jallikatu Bull of 'Virumandi' Fame Has Seen It All

COIMBATORE: One of the Jallikattu bulls from the popular Tamil film starring Kamal Haasan- Virumandi, is counting out his days at the Velliangiri Gaushala in the city.

The Kangeyam bull, weighing in at 1,000 kilograms and standing more than 5-feet tall was one of a few animals which were used in the movie. Though not the exact animal which tussled with Kamal Haasan in the movie, it did feature in the movie and is an extremely aggressive animal, the caretakers at the Gaushala told Express.

However, the animal has a sad story behind it. After the ban on Jallikattu last year, its owners had decided to sell it to a slaughterhouse. “We were informed of the sale of the animal and intervened before it was sold. We went to Avaniyapuram in Madurai and rescued it,” said S Nizamudeen, President of the Coimbatore Cattle Care Welfare Trust.

P Siva, the managing trustee of the Gaushala said that they had purchased the cow for a sum of `1.5 lakh and that the bull was over 20-years-old.

“The animal is very aggressive and does not let anyone approach. He has a particular poise which makes him stand out from the rest,” said Nizamudeen.

The Supreme Court’s decision to ban Jallikattu this year is expected to force more bull owners to sell their animals to slaughterhouses. In the Gaushala in Coimbatore, there are 307 Jallikattu bulls, all bought and rescued before being sent for slaughter by their owners.

P.S. - what Ms. Gauhar Aziz had stated.


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May 18, 2015
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Sabarimala to Jallikattu – Fight for Hindu Freedoms

Does the Constitutional Right to Freedom of Faith depend on which Faith one professes ?

It would seem so given the manner in which Courts of India have arrogated to themselves the power to issue diktat to Hindu Institutions.

Consider the following paradoxes:

A seemingly progressive Society can either criminalise or legalise Bigamy based on the faith you profess.

A state that professes to protect Children and accords them “Rights” has little to say why genital mutilation at birth is justifiable within some faiths when infants have no agency.

A state that swears by its rational temper to condone all sorts of Anti-Superstition Laws has little to say of “Miracles” leading to “Sainthood”.

A defining characteristic of the “progressive discourse” in India has been that it condones violations of Individual Rights on grounds of “Right to Freedom of Faith” for the Religious Minorities even as it denies the Religious Majority the same “Right to Freedom of Faith” on matter where there is no violation of Individual Rights.

From Jallikattu to Sabarimalai let us be absolutely clear – there is no basis to deny Hindu Religious Institutions the “Right to Freedom of Faith” by making it about an “alleged violation of Individual Rights” where there have been none.

Supreme Court on Sabarimala

The Supreme Court yesterday questioned the age-old tradition of banning entry of women of menstrual age group in historic Sabarimala temple in Kerala, saying it cannot be done under the Constitution.

“The temple cannot prohibit entry (women), except on the basis of religion. Unless you have a constitutional right, you cannot prohibit entry. Anyway, we will examine it on February 8,”

a bench of Justices Dipak Misra and N V Ramana said.

The bench was hearing a PIL, filed by the Young Lawyers Association, seeking entry for all women and girls in the Sabarimala temple which, as a practice, does not allow girls after attaining puberty to enter the premises. However, women, who have crossed menopause, are allowed.

During the brief hearing today, the bench posed a query as to why women cannot be allowed inside and observed that the practice was not supported by the constitutional scheme. It asked the government whether it was sure that women have not entered the temple premises in the last 1,500 years. The bench also observed that it was a public temple and everyone needed to have “the right to access”. At best, there can be religious restrictions and not a general restriction, it said. Senior advocate K K Venugopal, appearing for Kerala, said the women, who have not attained menopause, cannot preserve the purity during the religious journey to the temple, located on a hilltop, which usually spans 41 days.

Are Hindu Temples Public or Private Property ?

The Supreme Court’s line of questioning on the Sabarimala seems to be based on the presumption that a Hindu Temple is “public property” and not “private property”.

It is this fundamental failure to respect “private property rights” in the context of Hindu Religious Institutions that has paved the way for Governments and Courts to meddle with private matters of Hindu Faith.

Govt runs temples under secular mask- introduce democracy in temple admin., reform Devaswom Act,hand over temple administration to devotees.

— KummanamRajasekharan (@Kummanam) January 11, 2016

It is the failure to recognise Private Property Rights that has seen Government Endowment Departments take over Real Estate Assets of Hindu Maths. It is this same failure to recognise Private Property Rights that has also seen Government instituted Temple Boards manage some of the richest Temples fromTirupathi to Thiruvananthapuram and Puri to Brindavan. It is also the same failure to recognise Private Property Rights that today arrogates to Courts the discretion to order dress codes in Hindu Temples (see below).

The fault also lies with Hindu Civil Society that has looked to government funded schemes to support Hindu Temples thus inviting government interference in a whole range of Temple matters.

Irrespective it begs answering the following questions

Who owns Hindu Temples – the State or Hindu Civil Society ?

Do Hindu Temples have Property Rights ?

Should management of Hindu Temples be controlled by the State or the Hindu Civil Society ?

If Hindu Temples are Public Property as Courts and Governments have come to interpret then can we really claim we are a Secular Republic and not a Hindu Rashtra ?

Should Courts dictate progressivism in matters of Faith ?

From the Shani Temple in Singanapur, Maharashtra to Sabarimala in Kerala there is raging a debate on whether gender restrictions to Temple entry should be addressed by Courts or via Legislation.

TDB wants to continue ban on entry of women in Sabarimala

Gender discriminatory Religious Practices are neither unique to Hindu way of life or India. The world over gender discrimination in matters of faith is a well established phenomenon with each Religious Institution choosing its own method and pace to address this discrimination.

It is important to draw a distinction between gender discrimination that results in coercion and violation of women’s rights from gender discrimination that neither coerces nor violates anyone’s rights.

In the case of gender restrictions on entry to a specific Temple it cannot be argued that a women’s rights have been violated for the following reasons:

A specific Hindu Temple as a Private Property can have its own set of rules like any Private Institution on who it chooses to allow or deny.

With a Million plus Temples having no gender restrictions whatsoever it also cannot be argued that denial of entry to these specific temples has deprived anyone of their Right to Freedom of Faith.

There is no religiously ordained compulsion or coercion to visit any specific Hindu Temple to make the argument that Individual Rights have been violated.

What about Dalit entry to Hindu Temples and regressive Temple practices ?

Almost all of the legal architecture that has paved the way for Government and Court meddling in Hindu Temples has its roots in caste prejudice that has resulted in barring of Dalits from entry to Hindu Temples.

Hindu Society has paid a steep price for condoning caste prejudices, not proactively eliminating caste prejudices and for continuing to preserve caste prejudices in several parts of the country. By refusing to unitedly root out this evil, Hindu Society has hurt its own interests for it has given the Government and Courts a reason to legislate on Hindu Temples and set judicial precedents for controlling and interfering with how Hindu Temples manage their affairs.

While regressive practices within a faith that do not coerce or violate individual rights should be left to Civil Society to reform itself, the historic nature of Dalit discrimination, the scale of its impact on Dalit lives denying them dignity of life in soceity and depriving them of several Human Rights makes it extremely hard to make the argument that Dalit Discrimination in Hindu Temples should not be addressed via Courts and Legislations.

The intervention of Courts and Government in Hindu Temples to redress Dalit Discrimination should be seen as a one time exception and should not be seen as setting a precedent for further involvement of Courts and Government in Temple practices howsoever regressive those practices may be.

Madras High Court stays Dress Code

The Madras High court stayed a controversial order of a single judge, imposing a dress code for devotees visiting temples across Tamil Nadu, on a batch of petitions challenging the order on the ground that it was “discriminatory”.

The petitioner had submitted that maintenance of order and decorum in a particular temple was within the powers of the temple administration and dress code differed from temple to temple, based on such custom and practise prevailing there. There was no direction to follow uniform dress code in all the temples, the petitioner said.

The HR& CE department said temples are governed by their own traditions, customs and practises. For instance, in Tiruchendur temple, male devotees should not wear upper cloth inside the temple. There are famous temples Like Sri Meenakshi temple, visited by foreigners and North Indians. They could not be compelled to wear a particular form of dress as prescribed by the judge. The suggestion to prescribe fully covered dress for children was also not feasible, it said. The dress code would have far-reaching consequences and involved public policy and depended on various factors like sentiments of the people, customs and practises, it said. Dress code for Hindu public religious institutions alone was unacceptable when there was no prescribed dress code for other religious institutions, the petitioner argued.

The Temple Entry Authorisation Act had made it clear that no executive authority of a temple was entitled to introduce innovations concerning time, place and mode of worship in a temple which might prejudicially affect the rights and facilities which the worshippers generally exercised.

Centre’s notification on Jallikattu challenged

Meanwhile, the Centre’s notification lifting ban on bull- taming sport Jallikattu during the festival of Pongal in Tamil Nadu was challenged in the Supreme Court. The petitions seeking urgent hearing on the issue were mentioned before a bench headed by Chief Justice T S Thakur which agreed to hear it. The pleas were filed by Animal Welfare Board of India, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India and a Bangalore-based NGO.

Meanwhile Supreme Court has stayed government’s notification on Jallikattu.

SC stays Centre’s notification allowing Jallikattu https://t.co/TB1oz1KVeq

— Niti Central (@NitiCentral) January 12, 2016

From Kerala to Tamil Nadu as we head to the election season, Hindu Freedoms it seems will be on the ballot as Sabarimala and Jallikattu get debated in the Courts.

Here is the recent history of previous efforts done to raise awareness about Hindu temples in reverse Chronological Order

While 2015 may mark the first small victory in the Long War to get the government out of Hindu Temples, it is also the year we mark the passing away of the foremost crusader of this cause – Swami Dayanand and also the year when we witnessed one of the worst incidents of government mismanagement of a Hindu Shrine in Odisha.

Prof. Madhu Kishwar while recalling Swami Dayanand’s efforts had voiced her views on the dismal state of temple administration in India, the movement to free Hindu temples from government control and touched upon the key issues that threaten the temple ecosystem in India.

In an earlier press conference Nagarajan of the Temple Worshipper’s Society (Chennai), Advocate Kiran Bettadapur and K Gopinath, Professor IISC addressed the audience, speaking on the shortcomings in the present temple management scenario and insisting on an exit policy by the government.

In June 2015, Namma Devasthana organized a seminar on “Autonomy for Hindu Temples”launching anationwide campaign #savethetemples, in which key persons like Mohandas Pai, Padmashree Dr VR Gowrishankar and author/columnist Prof. MD Srinivas spoke.

In October 2014, KSR Menon raised how Temple Autonomy in Kerala was being eroded.

In September of 2014, Subramanian Swamy who has been the most consistent and lone political voicebattling for autonomy Hindu Temples, spoke extensively for ending decades of Government control.

Shantanu Bhagwat writing in his blog back in 2013 chronicles the multiple efforts to advance the debate that called to question Government Control of Hindu Temples during the previous decade.

Drawing wider Social Media attention to how vast majority of Hindus have accepted Government Control of Hindu Temples by default, Shashi Shekhar wrote in the Pragati Magazine back in 2011, on the irony of the Secular Indian State running Hindu Temples.

With the richest Hindu Temple in Tirupathi continuing to be controlled by the Government, it is a long road ahead for the Free Hindu Temples Movement.



Senior Member
May 18, 2015
Country flag
Did the native Dravidian movement wittingly contribute to the degeneration of Jallikattu in Tamil Nadu?

The traditional bull taming or bull hugging sport of Tamil Nadu, called Jallikattu, is now back in the news. This is an ancient 5,000-year-old sport that is deeply enmeshed in the rural way of life and worship of local deities. Sangam literature (2nd century CE) has several references to the sport of bull hugging (ஏறுதழுவல்). It is usually conducted as a part of week-long festivities associated with the Hindu festival of Pongal (Makara Sankranthi).

The day after Pongal is dedicated to bovine farming animals when they are decorated, celebrated and worshipped. However, based on a petition by animal welfare/rights groups, the Supreme Court banned Jallikattu in May 2014. Since then the people of Tamil Nadu have felt victimised over this emotive issue and have perceived this ban to be a grave assault on their longstanding culture, tradition, and worship patterns.

Although the people and politicians of Tamil Nadu blame everyone from animal welfare groups to the Supreme Court, to foreign corporate firms, did the native Dravidian movement wittingly contribute to this degeneration? Can simple apolitical farmers of Tamil Nadu (and elsewhere) understand the machinations of globally organised NGO networks and the Idea-of-India lobby? Can they learn from the vulnerability fostered by more than five decades of Dravidian movement? What can they do to prevent being easy pickings for more of such cultural assaults?

Hinduism (or Sanatana dharma) has always been a fragmented, federated religion that allowed local communities to develop and maintain their own set of graama devatas, agamas, rituals, customs and worship patterns. Tamil Hindu culture is no different. The traditional Hindu society was organised around its local temples with spirituality, social welfare and entertainment practices interwoven together.

This was one of the reasons British missionaries found it hard to crack Hindu society and pursue their conversion agenda. To break this synergistic trinity of social practices, the British establishment divided temple functions into religious and secular functions.

Then the government usurped the secular functions from the temple to debilitate its social welfare contribution. Hindus across India are still grappling with this issue as the management of Hindu temples has been surrendered to the government and wily politicians.

The Dravidian movement picked this issue from where the British left and tried to further divide the Hindu religious practices as Vedic Aryan practices and secular Dravidian practices. Even Gods were divided on these lines. The focus of the Dravidian movement was to make Tamil Hindus shun Vedic Aryan practices and “reclaim” a mythical aboriginal Dravidian identity.

After the linguistic division of states, the Dravidian movement required an image makeover to forge a strong Tamil identity. With a consideration on vote bank politics and in furtherance of the evangelical agenda of Bishop Robert Caldwell (who was a big mentor of the Dravidian movement), they attempted to strip off the Hindu from Tamil Hindu practices in order to craft a synthetic Tamil identity.

For example, Pongal was rebranded as Tamil day (as if Makara Sankaranthi doesn’t exist beyond the Venkatagiri hills) and an earnest attempt was made to disconnect Pongal festivities/worship patterns from where they always belonged – the rural Hindu temples. The underlying motive was to unite Tamils across religions as a part of Pongal celebrations and forge a common Tamil identity; something Kerala has reasonably managed with Onam.

This propaganda promoted by the Dravidian movement had a tremendous impact on the psyche of the Tamil Hindu farming communities (especially the gen-next), and they slowly started to perceive Pongal celebrations as sport/entertainment, devoid of spirituality and social welfare. This obfuscation has run its course for over 40 years, and the Hindu link of the Pongal festivities has been significantly weakened.

Like they say ‘operation successful, patient is dead’; Dravidian movement has failed on two fronts. For one, the synthetic Tamil identity they dreamed of has not materialised across religious lines. Tamil non-Hindus have not taken up Pongal celebrations beyond the usual optics.

That is why you don’t see any prominent church or Muslim organisation campaigning/clamouring for the restoration of Jallikattu. However hard leaders of the Dravidian movement may try to bury this issue, the fact is non-Hindus simply don’t care about this loss.

Second, the “secularised” Pongal celebrations became easy pickings and failed the “essentiality” test for preserving a “regressive” religious practice. The Idea-of-India lobby constituting Nehruvians, commies, and Islamic apologists are always on the lookout for deracinating India of its Hindu roots. The global network of animal welfare NGOs, and foreign-funded rights activists became their coalition partners in this cultural assault.

The most pitiable plight is that of the Tamil Hindu farmers and villagers who were taken for a ride by the Dravidian movement in its selfish quest for a synthetic identity. These farmers did not even understand the machinations of their opponents.

They weren’t even party to the Jallikattu case that led to the ban. Until the SC ban, they seemed to have naively believed that the Tamil Nadu state government will take care of everything.

That is why they even refused to acknowledge the Hindu identity of Jallikattu. During a similar assault by the ‘Idea-of-India’ lobby on the Chidambaram Dikshithars and their traditional rights to conduct rituals at the famous Nataraja temple, they first failed to assess their enemy.

But after the HC verdict, they organised themselves better and had no qualms in reclaiming their Vedic Hindu identity. They started to research/quote the relevant agamas and sutras, going beyond the empty dogmatic claims of tradition. They engaged the reputed Hindutva activist and legal eagle Dr Subramaniam Swamy to eventually thwart their opponents in the SC.

However, naive Tamil Nadu farmers are suffering from a serious identity crisis and are still afraid to reclaim their Tamil Hindu identity. Who knows what would have happened had they engaged a Hindutva activist/lawyer like Dr Swamy before the Jallikattu case went to the SC bench comprising Justice KS Radhakrishnan and Pinaki Chandra Misra? (It’s another matter that some of them subsequently approached Dr Swamy after the ill-fated 2014 judgment, but the war was lost by then!)

The root of this problem is the structured assault on Hindu religious customs by the ‘Idea-of-India’ lobby. Hindus will be able to hold on to any practice which the ‘Idea-of-India’ deems to be “regressive” only if it passes the test of the doctrine of necessity.

Christianity and Islam do not have these worries because they are religions of the book. They associate even a tertiary practice like dressing or lifestyle choice as integral for practising their religion, and their codified book comes to their rescue.

Hindus do not have this luxury because the underlying Dharmic code is neither codified nor centrally controlled. As Hindus get delinked from their roots, it is easy picking for ‘Idea-of-India’. Jallikattu is not the only one in the ‘Idea-of-India’ hit list, but it became one of the first ones to go.

The Dravidian movement had made it easy for ‘Idea-of-India’ lobby – temple elephants, animal sacrifices in Hindu temples (remember the 2014 Himachal HC judgment?), Dahi Handi during Mumbai Gokulashtami celebrations, and the Sabarimala/Shani Shingnapur worship traditions are all in the line of fire. Until all public/social celebration of pagan, Hindu festivals stops (like they managed to ensure in ancient Rome), the battering ram of IoI will continue to push its boundaries.

Dahi Handi

Going back to the naive Tamil Hindu farmers, they have paid a heavy price for putting their trust in the leaders of Dravidian movement. They need to wake up now and reclaim their Hindu identity. If they cannot establish any trace of any socio-cultural practice back to a particular denomination and its Tamil Hindu roots, then sooner or later they are bound to lose it.

The need to understand that the utility of the synthetic linguistic identity is limited; Tamil Hindus should stop naively believing that their non-Hindu brethren would come to their assistance in these fights to preserve their socio-cultural traditions. The practices they cherish and wish to safeguard are essentially Tamil Hindu practices, and the only way to save them is by openly embracing the truth.

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
Did the native Dravidian movement wittingly contribute to the degeneration of Jallikattu in Tamil Nadu?

The traditional bull taming or bull hugging sport of Tamil Nadu, called Jallikattu, is now back in the news. This is an ancient 5,000-year-old sport that is deeply enmeshed in the rural way of life and worship of local deities. Sangam literature (2nd century CE) has several references to the sport of bull hugging (ஏறுதழுவல்). It is usually conducted as a part of week-long festivities associated with the Hindu festival of Pongal (Makara Sankranthi).

The day after Pongal is dedicated to bovine farming animals when they are decorated, celebrated and worshipped. However, based on a petition by animal welfare/rights groups, the Supreme Court banned Jallikattu in May 2014. Since then the people of Tamil Nadu have felt victimised over this emotive issue and have perceived this ban to be a grave assault on their longstanding culture, tradition, and worship patterns.

Although the people and politicians of Tamil Nadu blame everyone from animal welfare groups to the Supreme Court, to foreign corporate firms, did the native Dravidian movement wittingly contribute to this degeneration? Can simple apolitical farmers of Tamil Nadu (and elsewhere) understand the machinations of globally organised NGO networks and the Idea-of-India lobby? Can they learn from the vulnerability fostered by more than five decades of Dravidian movement? What can they do to prevent being easy pickings for more of such cultural assaults?

Hinduism (or Sanatana dharma) has always been a fragmented, federated religion that allowed local communities to develop and maintain their own set of graama devatas, agamas, rituals, customs and worship patterns. Tamil Hindu culture is no different. The traditional Hindu society was organised around its local temples with spirituality, social welfare and entertainment practices interwoven together.

This was one of the reasons British missionaries found it hard to crack Hindu society and pursue their conversion agenda. To break this synergistic trinity of social practices, the British establishment divided temple functions into religious and secular functions.

Then the government usurped the secular functions from the temple to debilitate its social welfare contribution. Hindus across India are still grappling with this issue as the management of Hindu temples has been surrendered to the government and wily politicians.

The Dravidian movement picked this issue from where the British left and tried to further divide the Hindu religious practices as Vedic Aryan practices and secular Dravidian practices. Even Gods were divided on these lines. The focus of the Dravidian movement was to make Tamil Hindus shun Vedic Aryan practices and “reclaim” a mythical aboriginal Dravidian identity.

After the linguistic division of states, the Dravidian movement required an image makeover to forge a strong Tamil identity. With a consideration on vote bank politics and in furtherance of the evangelical agenda of Bishop Robert Caldwell (who was a big mentor of the Dravidian movement), they attempted to strip off the Hindu from Tamil Hindu practices in order to craft a synthetic Tamil identity.

For example, Pongal was rebranded as Tamil day (as if Makara Sankaranthi doesn’t exist beyond the Venkatagiri hills) and an earnest attempt was made to disconnect Pongal festivities/worship patterns from where they always belonged – the rural Hindu temples. The underlying motive was to unite Tamils across religions as a part of Pongal celebrations and forge a common Tamil identity; something Kerala has reasonably managed with Onam.

This propaganda promoted by the Dravidian movement had a tremendous impact on the psyche of the Tamil Hindu farming communities (especially the gen-next), and they slowly started to perceive Pongal celebrations as sport/entertainment, devoid of spirituality and social welfare. This obfuscation has run its course for over 40 years, and the Hindu link of the Pongal festivities has been significantly weakened.

Like they say ‘operation successful, patient is dead’; Dravidian movement has failed on two fronts. For one, the synthetic Tamil identity they dreamed of has not materialised across religious lines. Tamil non-Hindus have not taken up Pongal celebrations beyond the usual optics.

That is why you don’t see any prominent church or Muslim organisation campaigning/clamouring for the restoration of Jallikattu. However hard leaders of the Dravidian movement may try to bury this issue, the fact is non-Hindus simply don’t care about this loss.

Second, the “secularised” Pongal celebrations became easy pickings and failed the “essentiality” test for preserving a “regressive” religious practice. The Idea-of-India lobby constituting Nehruvians, commies, and Islamic apologists are always on the lookout for deracinating India of its Hindu roots. The global network of animal welfare NGOs, and foreign-funded rights activists became their coalition partners in this cultural assault.

The most pitiable plight is that of the Tamil Hindu farmers and villagers who were taken for a ride by the Dravidian movement in its selfish quest for a synthetic identity. These farmers did not even understand the machinations of their opponents.

They weren’t even party to the Jallikattu case that led to the ban. Until the SC ban, they seemed to have naively believed that the Tamil Nadu state government will take care of everything.

That is why they even refused to acknowledge the Hindu identity of Jallikattu. During a similar assault by the ‘Idea-of-India’ lobby on the Chidambaram Dikshithars and their traditional rights to conduct rituals at the famous Nataraja temple, they first failed to assess their enemy.

But after the HC verdict, they organised themselves better and had no qualms in reclaiming their Vedic Hindu identity. They started to research/quote the relevant agamas and sutras, going beyond the empty dogmatic claims of tradition. They engaged the reputed Hindutva activist and legal eagle Dr Subramaniam Swamy to eventually thwart their opponents in the SC.

However, naive Tamil Nadu farmers are suffering from a serious identity crisis and are still afraid to reclaim their Tamil Hindu identity. Who knows what would have happened had they engaged a Hindutva activist/lawyer like Dr Swamy before the Jallikattu case went to the SC bench comprising Justice KS Radhakrishnan and Pinaki Chandra Misra? (It’s another matter that some of them subsequently approached Dr Swamy after the ill-fated 2014 judgment, but the war was lost by then!)

The root of this problem is the structured assault on Hindu religious customs by the ‘Idea-of-India’ lobby. Hindus will be able to hold on to any practice which the ‘Idea-of-India’ deems to be “regressive” only if it passes the test of the doctrine of necessity.

Christianity and Islam do not have these worries because they are religions of the book. They associate even a tertiary practice like dressing or lifestyle choice as integral for practising their religion, and their codified book comes to their rescue.

Hindus do not have this luxury because the underlying Dharmic code is neither codified nor centrally controlled. As Hindus get delinked from their roots, it is easy picking for ‘Idea-of-India’. Jallikattu is not the only one in the ‘Idea-of-India’ hit list, but it became one of the first ones to go.

The Dravidian movement had made it easy for ‘Idea-of-India’ lobby – temple elephants, animal sacrifices in Hindu temples (remember the 2014 Himachal HC judgment?), Dahi Handi during Mumbai Gokulashtami celebrations, and the Sabarimala/Shani Shingnapur worship traditions are all in the line of fire. Until all public/social celebration of pagan, Hindu festivals stops (like they managed to ensure in ancient Rome), the battering ram of IoI will continue to push its boundaries.

Dahi Handi

Going back to the naive Tamil Hindu farmers, they have paid a heavy price for putting their trust in the leaders of Dravidian movement. They need to wake up now and reclaim their Hindu identity. If they cannot establish any trace of any socio-cultural practice back to a particular denomination and its Tamil Hindu roots, then sooner or later they are bound to lose it.

The need to understand that the utility of the synthetic linguistic identity is limited; Tamil Hindus should stop naively believing that their non-Hindu brethren would come to their assistance in these fights to preserve their socio-cultural traditions. The practices they cherish and wish to safeguard are essentially Tamil Hindu practices, and the only way to save them is by openly embracing the truth.
Traditional style of reporting.

Blame everyone other than the SC which is breaching its mandate every day.


Senior Member
May 18, 2015
Country flag
PETA which played the main role in banning Jallikattu - the tradition Pongal sport of Tamil Nadu claiming that it is detrimental to the animal's health is seen going into coma mode during Bakreed when 1000s of cows and goats are cut down.

Why is it that Foreign funded NGOs like PETA always want to play with the rights of Hindus ?

Why is that only the Hindu traditions and practices are targeted ? If PETA really cares about animal lifes, it should have advocated the ban on cow slaughter and not the ban on Jallikatu which actually promotes the growth of indegenous bulls and cows in India ( which the PETA and their American masters want to replace with imported varieties like Jersey )

Anyone who does not know Jalikatu please know this : The bulls are giving such special treatment by their owners that they are almost like a member in their family. These bulls are taken care of very well. And this is not a game of bull fighting of bull capturing. It is merely a game where a person has to hold on to a speeding bull for 15 seconds. These bulls are treated as god and never killed or harmed. Even one drop of blood coming from these bulls is considered a great sin.

An adventure sport that has been in the Tamil culture for 4000 years is suddenly stopped because some group of elites sitting in AC rooms in Delhi feels its wrong ( or that they want to persue their hidden agenda of their American masters of destroying Indian indegenous species ), it is really saddening.

And for all those who think this is animal tourcher. It is not. An animal the size of bull which weighs more than 1 ton can easily carry a person weighing 80kgs and as per rules of the game, only one person can ride on the bull at a time and not 4-5 persons jump on it as you may think. And as I said, these animals are treated sacred and no one will try to harm them during the game. So where does mishandling animals happen ?

Jallikattu 101:
1. Translation from Tamil - "Bull Hugging", not killing or hurting.
2. No Bulls are killed.
3. Bulls are not hurt or attacked like in movies.
4. Some wrong practices have been corrected now. Whole thing happens under the watch of animal rights activists.
5. Reason for this practice is a way to sustain the Bulls to reproduce Indian breed of Cows.
6. This ban is a propaganda to make Indian varieties extinct and replace with european breed.
7. Indian cows produce A2 milk which is good. european varieties produce A1 type which causes diabetes, heart problems, allergy etc.
8. Australia, Brazil and numerous other countries safely secure the Indian varieities of cows.
9. But Indian propagandists want to destroy Indian breed. Hence the ban voices.
10. PETA or Animal rights activists sit in AC rooms, sip their whiskeys and talk animal rights. The farmer who gives you the food and the milk cannot do it. Just because he doesnt have the voice like you morons, dont think you can bulldoze your western views on native culture.

Think and learn

Finally, get lost PETA!!!

('Say No To Sold Media')


Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
is the SC beyond justified criticism in the media?
Media criticize SC all the time.

But the govt. does not want to confront SC head on. For eg. In the judicial appointment bill, BJP let SC pass away without taking a fight. At some point there has to be confrontation and SC cannot be allowed to run like wild pig.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
Country flag
PETA which played the main role in banning Jallikattu - the tradition Pongal sport of Tamil Nadu claiming that it is detrimental to the animal's health is seen going into coma mode during Bakreed when 1000s of cows and goats are cut down.

Why is it that Foreign funded NGOs like PETA always want to play with the rights of Hindus ?

Why is that only the Hindu traditions and practices are targeted ? If PETA really cares about animal lifes, it should have advocated the ban on cow slaughter and not the ban on Jallikatu which actually promotes the growth of indegenous bulls and cows in India ( which the PETA and their American masters want to replace with imported varieties like Jersey )

Anyone who does not know Jalikatu please know this : The bulls are giving such special treatment by their owners that they are almost like a member in their family. These bulls are taken care of very well. And this is not a game of bull fighting of bull capturing. It is merely a game where a person has to hold on to a speeding bull for 15 seconds. These bulls are treated as god and never killed or harmed. Even one drop of blood coming from these bulls is considered a great sin.

An adventure sport that has been in the Tamil culture for 4000 years is suddenly stopped because some group of elites sitting in AC rooms in Delhi feels its wrong ( or that they want to persue their hidden agenda of their American masters of destroying Indian indegenous species ), it is really saddening.

And for all those who think this is animal tourcher. It is not. An animal the size of bull which weighs more than 1 ton can easily carry a person weighing 80kgs and as per rules of the game, only one person can ride on the bull at a time and not 4-5 persons jump on it as you may think. And as I said, these animals are treated sacred and no one will try to harm them during the game. So where does mishandling animals happen ?

Jallikattu 101:
1. Translation from Tamil - "Bull Hugging", not killing or hurting.
2. No Bulls are killed.
3. Bulls are not hurt or attacked like in movies.
4. Some wrong practices have been corrected now. Whole thing happens under the watch of animal rights activists.
5. Reason for this practice is a way to sustain the Bulls to reproduce Indian breed of Cows.
6. This ban is a propaganda to make Indian varieties extinct and replace with european breed.
7. Indian cows produce A2 milk which is good. european varieties produce A1 type which causes diabetes, heart problems, allergy etc.
8. Australia, Brazil and numerous other countries safely secure the Indian varieities of cows.
9. But Indian propagandists want to destroy Indian breed. Hence the ban voices.
10. PETA or Animal rights activists sit in AC rooms, sip their whiskeys and talk animal rights. The farmer who gives you the food and the milk cannot do it. Just because he doesnt have the voice like you morons, dont think you can bulldoze your western views on native culture.

Think and learn

Finally, get lost PETA!!!

('Say No To Sold Media')

A quick correction of pt # 1

Jallikattu = Jalli/Salli + Kattu = Coins+ Knot= As in a tied (knotted) packet ( a piece of cloth) with coins inside tied to the horns of the bull.
The other name eruthazhuval = buffalo hugging.

Again the reason, from sabarimalai to jallikattu, is that vast majority of indians like to play by western rules/demands. They are so indoctrinated that they do it automatically/subconsciously. This is the greatest threat to india because the weapon is attacking, in everybody's house (TV, PC)
So, the girl reading about jallikattu will say "OMG, so barbaric," without even thinking, as an automatic reflex.
Reason: she wants to confirm to the western rules, so that she'll appear "progressive", "modern"

So I guess they are going to ban other sports like bull surfing (also popular in the southern states) because, hey whipping bulls is inhumane, right?

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