J20 Stealth Fighter


New Member
May 30, 2009
Russian news agency TASS has stated, “We are expecting a response from China on our offer to purchase modern weapons and military equipment manufactured in Russia, including additional batches of Su-35 fighter jets” Viewers may note that China already has 24 Sukhoi Su 35 but now want to add more. This report was collaborated by Chinese military television channel which stated that China may buy more Su-35s. It is surprising since the Chinese have touted the indigenously manufactured Chengdu J-20 to be 5th generation fighter whereas Sukhoi Su 35 is a 4++ generation fighter. Prima facia it seems China is buying an inferior fighter from a foreign nation when it has a better homegrown one. But things are not what it seems in the first look. In this video Defense Updates analyzes why China plans to keep buying Russian Su 35s from Russia when it has indigenous Chengdu J-20 5th generation fighter?


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Jun 20, 2010
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Russian news agency TASS has stated, “We are expecting a response from China on our offer to purchase modern weapons and military equipment manufactured in Russia, including additional batches of Su-35 fighter jets” Viewers may note that China already has 24 Sukhoi Su 35 but now want to add more. This report was collaborated by Chinese military television channel which stated that China may buy more Su-35s. It is surprising since the Chinese have touted the indigenously manufactured Chengdu J-20 to be 5th generation fighter whereas Sukhoi Su 35 is a 4++ generation fighter. Prima facia it seems China is buying an inferior fighter from a foreign nation when it has a better homegrown one. But things are not what it seems in the first look. In this video Defense Updates analyzes why China plans to keep buying Russian Su 35s from Russia when it has indigenous Chengdu J-20 5th generation fighter?
Well duh, in real wars they can't fight with weapons thats only meant to be showcased in propoganda videos and possibly future movies. Chinese avialtion industry will be nervous if J20 falls prey to American fighters over Taiwanese sky.


New Member
Feb 27, 2019
China is a danger we like it or not, we accept it or not China has now a military which can Challenge Russia and the USA, why?

Russia has a border with China and much more soldiers. Why?

most of the Russian army is in Europe, siberia is basically with no defence, by the exception of nukes, Russia has no real way to defeat China now in Asia.

The US is the same .

Technologically speaking China is becoming a very powerful foe even for the USA, why?
its military budget is the 2nd largest.

So while Russia could build the T-50 which is a more advanced aircraft than J-20 they can not build it in large numbers because lack of money.

Now is very probable China has more J-11/Su-27s clones than Russia, there are probably more J-10s which are newer than MiG-29s or MiG-35s.

There are at least 40-60 J-20s versus 1 or 2 Su-57s operational.

Se the reality India is among the 10th largest military no doubt about it some say 4th places, but China is at least 3rd and it might become 2nd if Russia does not develop better tech and money is always a factor, plus people, China has more money and is graudiating more engineers, see it Russia needs Ukraine and belarus to at least counteract China, but Ukraine is in a bad economy and same belarus so Russia is only a super power in military terms because hypersonic weapons tipped withy nukes, but in terms of aviation is heading behind at least in production numbers

This is a frigate made and designed in Mexico but it is very light does not compare to Chinese submarine or aircraftc arriers
View attachment 71360

China can make this so the best is always see reality work on in new technology but never lie to yourself because defeat starts by denying the reality

View attachment 71361
I badly want to respond but cannot -

A ) your post are poorly written. So poor that a normal joe cannot make out anything off it
B) Please ask your CCP masters to send you few copies of below.


Last one , respecting forum rules, It will be offtopic for me to put a response on trash you wrote .

Between, Nice try there by putting to claim a picture of mexican boat. your CCP boss should issue you a 100 leases in true arabian style . must be served by a goat fucker from your porki harem.
To give you some knowledge which your CCP boss did not told you when giving you this picture

This Boat is a SIGMA FRIGATE 10514 Build by Dutch company Damen.

As for second image goes, that's your amphibious assault ship still undergoing sear trial as on Aug 2020 . It do carry few heli's though..Bring them here... Our ground ASF voluntters badly need turkey shoot practice...for real!!!!!!!!

Learn to do some home work when posting here.. and tell your CCP / MSS propoganda bosses to research better and use google properly if available....


New Member
May 30, 2009
The entire PLAAF is currently flying on older generation Russian engines that are not very reliable. Chinese copies of these engines are too unreliable to be put on operational aircraft. The radar/avionics on the PLAAF fighters are copied from downgraded and outdated avionics on the SU-35s that China imported from Russia. If Chinese fighter avionics were more advanced, there would be no point in importing SU-35s from Russia. The large numbers of crashes of J-10s, China's illegal flanker copies, and J-15s are proof of how unreliable the PLAAF fighters and their engines are. And this is after the PLAAF cut flight hours because of reliability issues. In any extended conflict, PLAAF's single engine fighters like the J-10 will crash left and right. Even the JF-17s exported to Pakistan use older generation Russian engines, as do the Chinese J-10s. Over 40 percent of the JF-17s exported to Pakistan are grounded due to cracked airframes, engine problems and other issues, showing the poor quality of Chinese aircraft manufacturing as well as how limited and backward Chinese materials science is. The J-20 is just the latest PLAAF propaganda plane used for psy ops. It also uses older generation Russian engines and avionics/radar stolen from SU-35s, which can be jammed by IAF's modern ECM. It has no way to hide its radar, canopy, canards and other radar resonance hotspots from enemy radar from the front (due to limitations in Chinese materials science and design), which is why it keeps getting tracked by Indian SU-30MKIs and other IAF fighters' radar from hundreds of kilometers away. The avionics on PLAAF missiles are also based on outdated Russian technology, and these missiles can easily be jammed by IAF fighters' modern ECM.
Sep 5, 2020
Country flag
I do not need you believe me I am mexican I am.

Ni creo entiendas castellano asi que relajate, you are just a typical guy who hides his head in the ground.

I am not asian get it I am Spanish/Native american, you answer is the typical understimation of China that Indians make to justify less advancements in aeronautics you have.

In Mexico we make this still simple aircraft, tell me why I need to hide the fact that in military terms China is many years ahead of us, technologically speaking we are now behind and our live standards are getting even Challanged by the Chinese

View attachment 71348

Indians should see your selves as you are, in aeronautics you only have LCA and the jet is no match for J-20.

LCA barely is as capable to JF-17 and J-10, but the Chinese have more J-10s than you LCAs.
We in Mexico have the advantage the USA gives military umbrella and we have many mexicans in the USA armed forces, but the reality we are many years behind Brazil or China, so the whole situation is be honest real defence is to make a real assesment of your rival, not make feel happy assesments that basically are lies.
Your post shows how much fear there is on poor Chinese peasants like you to post "CCP is supreme" content. CCP land is a country that cannot produce reliable milk powder for its children. Yet you want us to believe you have a better aeronautics industry than India. Laughable. The number of international companies that produce aeronautical equipment in India provides us an ecosystem that your Chengdu fake companies can NEVER match. World class products come out of international collaboration, where India is the king for trusted products. CCP companies are international pariahs, with a range of global sanctions by the US and other countries. No one trusts CCP and it will never be able to create state-of-the-art technology on its own, as you are decades behind. For example, you do NOT have a missile system equivalent to supersonic Brahmos yet.
Almost all your reverse engineered technology is breaking apart. J15s, J20s etc are so unreliable that they never fly where it matters. J10, JF17 are all pieces of junk, as we all know. These cannot match LCA which is built with a lot of western tech collaboration. LCA is the ONLY light fighter that can actually land on a carrier, again something PLAAF does not have.


New Member
Jan 12, 2020
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I badly want to respond but cannot -

A ) your post are poorly written. So poor that a normal joe cannot make out anything off it
B) Please ask your CCP masters to send you few copies of below.

View attachment 71405

Last one , respecting forum rules, It will be offtopic for me to put a response on trash you wrote .

Between, Nice try there by putting to claim a picture of mexican boat. your CCP boss should issue you a 100 leases in true arabian style . must be served by a goat fucker from your porki harem.
To give you some knowledge which your CCP boss did not told you when giving you this picture

This Boat is a SIGMA FRIGATE 10514 Build by Dutch company Damen.

As for second image goes, that's your amphibious assault ship still undergoing sear trial as on Aug 2020 . It do carry few heli's though..Bring them here... Our ground ASF voluntters badly need turkey shoot practice...for real!!!!!!!!

Learn to do some home work when posting here.. and tell your CCP / MSS propoganda bosses to research better and use google properly if available....
relax let me say it i did not know the Reformador was based upon the Damen ship, however still proves my point we in Mexico still we are behind China even with the tech transfer of the netherlands let us see now the reality.
JH-7 fighter-bomber


designed in China

Indian equivalent?


so you built under license if I am not wrong sepecat Jaguars and MiG-27 but they are not domestic


J-8II designed in China Indian equivalent?


Closest fighter well india bought MiG-23


J-10 is basicaly a F-16 or Gripen equivalent

Closest Indian equivalent LCA, however J-10 has at least 350 units operational some say 500. LCA a few dozen.


J-11/Su-27 clone, closest India equivalent Su-30MKI.

However J-11 has indigenous engines, copied probably from Al-31 but domestic.


J-20 closest equivalent from India in the drawing boards has not even flown.

Why you get angry first against a western Mexican, well you lack honesty we have to admit China is ahead of Indian and Mexico.


New Member
May 30, 2009
The first woman to fly China's J-10 fighter plane was killed in a crash during an aerobatics training exercise, state media reported on Tuesday.
Early revisions of the resulting WS-10 engine have fallen well short of design goals which aimed to match the Su-27’s AL-31 engine on thrust output and reliability. Overhauls were required every 30 hours, versus 400 hours for the Russian benchmark. Anecdotal evidence suggests the WS-10 also takes longer to produce thrust.
The problems lie largely in materials and machining. Jet engine components must withstand huge temperatures and pressures, while spinning at high RPM for hours on end. Factors like thermal cycling and crack propagation must be considered for the materials used, lest the engine destroy itself before time. Reliability is as important as performance, as all the thrust in the world is useless if the aircraft needs an engine replacement after every flight. The keys to producing the raw materials, as well as creating the high-tolerance final parts, are closely guarded national secrets. Spy photos are easy to take at airshows, and blueprints can be readily stolen – often as simply as searching for CAD files and sending them home. Data on metallurgy and materials and production processes can be harder to lay one’s hands on.
After 25 years spent trying to build a competitive fighter jet engine, China is still struggling to match the performance of a design with roots in the 1970s.

The second accident happened eight days later on the Tibetan Plateau where a J-10 fighter jet on a low-altitude flying drill crashed into the mountain.

“Fortunately, the pilot ejected safely in time, but the J-10 crashed into the mountain,” said an informed source, who requested anonymity since no official announcement about the accident has been made.

“Preliminary investigations indicated that the accident had something to with the Russian-made AL-31 engine on board the J-10,” the source said.

Military analysts said the air force needs to improve the durability of its aircraft and training for pilots.

Hong Kong-based military expert Song Zhongping suggested that problems with engines and flight control systems were also key reasons behind some of the fatal crashes.

Two J-15 fighter jets crashed in April 2016, resulting in one death and one serious injury. Investigations into the two crashes pointed to problems with the flight control system.

The deadly crash of a People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) military plane in Guizhou province last month during a training exercise has raised questions about whether China's relentless push for military modernisation has outpaced its actual capabilities.

The incident, which claimed the lives of at least 12 crew members onboard, has severely hit air force morale, as it happened just weeks after the crash of a J-15 aircraft carrier-based fighter jet, a source told the South China Morning Post.

"We must recognise that in China, there is a fatal gap between the air force's combat-ready training and its imperfect aircraft development," the source said.

Despite engine and aircraft design problems, pilots have been pushed to fly the warplanes "because there is this political mission to build a combat-ready fighting force", explained the source.
The crashes are the latest in what appears to be a growing string of often-fatal accidents involving China's military planes.
While the PLA does not openly report such incidents, there were at least seven known crashes in the last two years, including one last November that killed Ms Yu Xu, one of China's first female fighter pilots.


The PLA's air programmes face significant challenges, not least because most of its warplanes are cloned from foreign designs.
The use of ageing aircraft, such as the 1990s-era Tu-154, for long-distance maritime missions also shows a lack of confidence in the new models when it comes to longer missions, said S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies research fellow Wu Shang-Su.
A more deep-seated problem is the PLA's graft-riddled past, which has likely compromised the quality of its fighter jet programmes.
Former PLA chief Guo Boxiong was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2016 for having amassed a fortune in bribes.
"As vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission over the past decade, Guo was in charge of R&D (research and development) and reports were that he took 'tremendous bribes' from the defence industry," said PLA expert Arthur Ding of the Taipei-based Chinese Council of Advanced Policy Studies.
"If that's the case, the technology and quality of platforms like jet fighters may not meet the PLA's demands, and this can partially explain why they are suffering this kind of incident rate."

PLAAF limitations arise from the defence technology sanctions placed on them by all major defence technology exporters. Even Russia doesn't trust them with their latest technology and only sells them outdated and downgraded weaponry.
If the PLAAF already had advanced radar technology on their J-20, there would be no point in buying the SU-35 with outdated and downgraded avionics.
The Russians don't trust the Chinese IP thieves, hence they always sell them downgraded versions of their technology. All PLAAF missiles are based on downgraded "dumbed down" versions of Russian missiles, which are also behind western technology by 2 decades.
Meanwhile IAF has jammers based on latest western technology that can jam primitive PLAAF radars.

Fact 1: There have been several crashes of PLAAF's flanker copies (also J-15s of PLA navy) as well as J-10s (including 1 that killed the first female J-10 pilot) due to airframe and engine reliability issues. This would be a death sentence if J-10's Russian engines fail when they are forced to do repeated sorties from high altitude airfields during war.

Fact 2: The Chinese bought the SU-35 from Russia even as the J-20 was becoming operational, and they are planning to buy more. The SU-35 comes with a PESA radar based on Russian radar technology from the 1990s; the version sold to China had an even more downgraded version of this radar and other avionics, because the Russians don't trust the Chinese IP thieves. If the Chinese already had advanced modern avionics on the J-10 and J-20, why buy a Russian fighter with outdated and downgraded avionics?

Fact 3: The J-20 has been repeatedly tracked by IAF fighter radars. This is because China does not have the technology to hide the J-20 radar or canopy from being tracked by enemy radar. The canards of the J-20 are also detrimental to stealth due to them being radar resonance hotspots. The Russian engines on the J-20 also lack stealth, and make the J-20 severely underpowered so it needs to use its afterburner to turn. The cracks appearing on over 40 percent JF-17s exported to Pakistan give further evidence of how limited Chinese materials science currently is. Even the US had issues with making durable stealth in the F-35 when the program was delayed by 2 years due to g-force related cracks. And we are supposed to believe that China (which supposedly stole technology from US via hackers) was successful in operationalizing J-20 2 years ahead of the F-35's problems without any issues? Give me a break. That is why it makes sense that the J-20 is just a propaganda/psy ops barbie doll fighter for brainwashed CCP drones, and why IAF fighters keep tracking it.
Any country that cannot design and manufacture reliable 4th generation aircraft and engines simply does not have the materials technology to make 5th generation fighters and engines.
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Sep 5, 2020
Country flag
read about mexico first we are 80% urban population got it, we are highly urbanized.

my Chengdu, no my friend you are wrong and out of the reality,

In mexico we are behind China and India in terms of aerospace we barely build this basic trainer
and build components to Bombardier

Such as fuselages, however China has the c919

india still is behind see

So relax see the reality we like it or not the Chinese arfe ahead of both of our nations, in my case Mexico, in your case India, but see the reality is the first step to advance
LCA is the closest equivalent to JF-17
Let me spell it out for you in black and white:

- you are no mexican but a CCP peasant afraid of your organs being harvested.
- All J series are reverse engineered copies and total junk. JF17 is the worst - it has a severely underpowered engine and a 1960s design. JF17 is no match for LCA. JF17 is such a junk that it pulled out of participating in Malaysia's LIMA air show which proved the versatility and light weight - high thrust power of the LCA.
- PLAAF has no plane that can match the quality and reliability of LCA, powered by top of the line GE404 (and soon GE 414 engines for LCA Mark II). CCP engineers can never design anything close to LCA Mark II and GE404 engines. LCA is the most reliable light fighter (zero accidents so far) in Asia. Period.
- India also has the best supersonic missile system (Land, Air, Sea, sub sea) in the world - Brahmos - the only supersonic missile mated to a fighter by the way. Su30 MKI beasts can fire these supersonic missiles. Since, MKI has a range of 3000KMs. No PLA Navy vessel can ever visit the Indian Ocean for war fighting.
- American, Indian, French, and Israeli avionics are unbeatable. PLA cannot even get close to the these.
- IN has high interoperability with USN in that IN operates the largest fleet of Boeing P8/P9 poseidons, MH60R helis outside of the US itself. Plus we operate state-of-the-art drone technology like MQ9A/B from land and sea - PLA has no match for these - not even close.
- Frankly, given the poor chinese track record on reliability, only CCP peasants will fly the COMAC C919 death chambers. How many countries outside of Russia fly Russian Aeroflot or Sukhoi civilian planes? Zero. C919 will go the same way - will be limited to only forced use by Chinese airlines in China. No other civil aviation authority (barring your slaves like Pakshitstan, North Korea) will ever permit the C919 from flying in their airspace. LOL.

Bottomline: It is not enough to start various programs to build unreliable crap just to show off that we also have this technology, so respect us BS psyops. Technologies must be tested repeatedly, use state-of-the-art technology, compete in neutral international air shows against comparable platforms, be transparent in sharing performance data, and be done with international collaboration. Indian engineering excels in all of these fine qualities. CCP engineers steal blueprints and reverse engineer has huge limitations as we are seeing plus these activities completely eroded international community's trust in CCP. No one likes thieves and liars. Period.

Mod Alert! Forum Rules: is it not against forum rules to misrepresent national identity? This CCP bot repeatedly asserts itself as a mexican hombre. Can we ban this ugly bot?
Sep 5, 2020
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Just read this article below to understand how CCP engineers are struggling due to lack of availability of technical data and aerospace ecosystem.

Here is a very good quote from this well written article: "The problem of technology mismatch, at its root, is that the thief lacks trade secrets and human capital associated with the manufacturing and assembly of a system."

From the article above: "Attempts to power Chinese aircraft designs have been hamstrung by Russia’s reticence to sell fighter engines directly, preferring to sell entire aircraft instead. The relationship has been further strained over the year’s by China’s efforts to reverse engineer foreign designs. After signing a deal to produce 200 Su-27 aircraft locally, China stopped the production line after just 100 units. Electing to learn from and change the design, the subsequent J-11 ruffled feathers as an unlicenced copy."

Specifically on the shitty WS10s: "Early revisions of the resulting WS-10 engine have fallen well short of design goals which aimed to match the Su-27’s AL-31 engine on thrust output and reliability. Overhauls were required every 30 hours, versus 400 hours for the Russian benchmark. Anecdotal evidence suggests the WS-10 also takes longer to produce thrust."

More on why CCP aeronautics are severely underperforming:

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Sep 5, 2020
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More on why CCP aeronautics are severely underperforming:

Quote from the article: "Among the issues, China's J-20 and J-31 stealth fighters cannot super-cruise, or fly at supersonic speeds like their closest rivals, Lockheed Martin's LMT.N F-22 and F-35 stealth planes, without using after-burners, said two industry sources who follow Beijing's military programs closely.

After-burners remove a warplane’s stealthiness, a capability that allows them to escape radar detection.

Even the warplane engine that experts consider to be China’s best has reliability issues, said the sources, who declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter."

Sep 5, 2020
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you are just dreaming and justifying your self.

LCA in 2020 is obsolete versus 5th generation fighters, it is important from the aeronautic point of view because allow India to go ahead the next stage.

what India have comparable SARAS? let me see americans Russians and Europeans are crazy about it they are queing to buy it.

you are a dishonest guy, I am Mexican 100%, however your dishonesty is proving by the fact you can not accept critizism.

China now is close to 1st tier aircraft industry, basically are entering it. Why they have built at least 800 4th generation fighters and few 5th generation and building cargo Y-20s and an emerging jet engine industry, with energing C919 airliners comparable to B737 and strong manufacture of foreign designs

India is trying to get in the 1st tier but is weak. Few LCAs, a moderate sucessful helicopter industry and a weak engine industry

Mexico is 3rd tier with a strong manufacture but weak domestic industry, little design
With GE404 enginess and state-of-the-art fly-by-wire design and avionics LCA is the most reliable light fighter in Asia. Period. If you cannot even grasp this, you have no place being in a defence forum. Get out of here.
People have reported your posts for lies and misrepresentation. And you will soon be warned or banned.


New Member
Jan 12, 2020
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More on why CCP aeronautics are severely underperforming:

Quote from the article: "Among the issues, China's J-20 and J-31 stealth fighters cannot super-cruise, or fly at supersonic speeds like their closest rivals, Lockheed Martin's LMT.N F-22 and F-35 stealth planes, without using after-burners, said two industry sources who follow Beijing's military programs closely.

After-burners remove a warplane’s stealthiness, a capability that allows them to escape radar detection.

Even the warplane engine that experts consider to be China’s best has reliability issues, said the sources, who declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter."

can Kaveri allow LCA to supercruise?


New Member
Jun 20, 2010
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Can't believe a country whole aerospace industry was helped by Soviet scientists, a country well known for its ip thefts from hardworking scientists of other countries, basically a theif is being praised.

Aerospace industry needs lot of funding, India lacks that, but India is building every technology that's needed to build on its own, without stealing, now that is slow but the dividends will be paid.


New Member
Jan 12, 2020
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Can't believe a country whole aerospace industry was helped by Soviet scientists, a country well known for its ip thefts from hardworking scientists of other countries, basically a theif is being praised.

Aerospace industry needs lot of funding, India lacks that, but India is building every technology that's needed to build on its own, without stealing, now that is slow but the dividends will be paid.
that is good but India needs more funding, more research but be more practical.

LCA needed to be powered by F404 from the begining and only later use Kaveri as a back up.

that would had allowed for a higher rate production similar to J-10, India was less practical, same is by withdrawing from Su-57 program, Japan is doing that get F-35s and continue building F-3, to counter j-20 you need to be more practical, tech transfers and own research, in that the Chinese have being smarter than Mexico or India, we build only components but little research we do, you need to do research, and like mexico or China build foreign commercial and military tech both are the best ways
Sep 5, 2020
Country flag
for starters I am more white than Indian (native american), my eyes are not slanted, and a detail this is a forum not an airport i do not need to show any document regarding my nationality nor they ask you to enter in this forum a passport.

So relax, take it easy, my ancestors are Spanish Vasque and Asturian and some probably tarascan (i guess you do not know where is Michoacan) however since I am not Chinese or Indian I do not lie to my self, J-20 is not a design India should not worry about only fools think like that, If india wants to succed you need either T-50/Su-57s or F-35s, because your domestic 5th generation is years away from now, Rafale is a solution agains Su-35 but not a real one for J-20.

So better see the reality and stop being a fool, to beat China you need a stronger aviation industry, lying to your self only will bring you defeat
Who is a CCP bot? Top 5 qualities:

1. Low IQ juvenile rants repeated like a mindless moron from a script, with serious inability to substantiate assertions with well written,quality articles. For example, repeatedly members here have shown that J20 is a dud. Only a low IQ CCP bot thinks that J20 is a combat capable aircraft.
2. Jumping from topic to topic without any substantiation - another thing the CCP bots consistently do.
3. Extreme whataboutism - what about this, what about that instead of replying to the data/assertions posted in a member's post. Example: India is way ahead in avionics. CCP Bot: what about J20?
4. False/insane comparisons - misleading by comparing apples and oranges. Example: Fact - India has the best light fighter in Asia. CCP bot: No, CCP is way ahead of India in aeronautics industry.
5. Outright lying and misrepresentation of facts - the greatest giveaway that someone is a CCP bot. Example: JF17 is better than LCA . Reality: JF17 is not even on the top 10 light fighters list. Another example: J20 is stealth. Reality: J20 is a piece of garbage with an underpowered turbofan.

  • low IQ poster using substandard and/or false articles to support views ✅
  • topic jumper ✅
  • extreme whabouter ✅
  • false/insane comparisons ✅
  • Outright liar/facts misrepresenter ✅
Hence YOU are a CCP bot. Q.E.D. 👲:brahmos::plane:

I am very very confident Mexicans will not stoop to your retard IQ levels.🇲🇽🌮🌯


New Member
May 30, 2009
Only brainwashed CCP drones deny the reality of the failing and crashing PLAAF in the face of clear cut evidence, while insisting that the same PLAAF that is incapable of making reliable 4th generation aircraft can make 5th generation aircraft, even as these aircraft have been repeatedly tracked by radar at long ranges. Which means that the whole thing is psy ops and propaganda to make China look strong, instead of accepting PLAAFs weaknesses.
Sep 5, 2020
Country flag
welcome to my ignore list, I am Mexican, first I am not mongoloid, in fact racially I look more like Iranian or turkish and I like India but you are a fool full of nationalism and pride, no ability to accept even the danger of belittling an adversary in this case China adios saludos a la familia guey
Maybe I am mistaken. There is only one species worse than a CCP bot. You could be that, maybe. Do you happen to be a Pakshitstani? Porkis are the lowest form of humans in the world - bottom scrapers, gutter dwellers, if you will.
Your reference to Iranian/Turkic and extoling the virtues of JF17 and calling LCA obsolete should have immediately sounded an alarm that you maybe a Porki in a CCP bot disguise, as Pakis suffer from identity crisis and have to use every option to prove that they are not of Indian descent. Their latest identity is Turkic after their Arab masters deemed them filthy and untouchable. Plus Pakshaitanis moralize extensivley due to their Pisslamic (Pakistani version of Islam) ways, which is very preachy and constantly moralizing.
Oh, no - have I been responding to the worst form of human species aka the slaves of CCP - the born liars, the pakshitstanis? Not even Lord Ganesha will forgive me.


New Member
Jan 12, 2020
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Maybe I am mistaken. There is only one species worse than a CCP bot. You could be that, maybe. Do you happen to be a Pakshitstani? Porkis are the lowest form of humans in the world - bottom scrapers, gutter dwellers, if you will.
Your reference to Iranian/Turkic and extoling the virtues of JF17 and calling LCA obsolete should have immediately sounded an alarm that you maybe a Porki in a CCP bot disguise, as Pakis suffer from identity crisis and have to use every option to prove that they are not of Indian descent. Their latest identity is Turkic after their Arab masters deemed them filthy and untouchable. Plus Pakshaitanis moralize extensivley due to their Pisslamic (Pakistani version of Islam) ways, which is very preachy and constantly moralizing.
Oh, no - have I been responding to the worst form of human species aka the slaves of CCP - the born liars, the pakshitstanis? Not even Lord Ganesha will forgive me.
I am Christian so you are wrong and I have jewish Family wrong buddy you need to travel around the world, not everything revolves in your little world


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May 31, 2020
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No one is saying that the CCP did not pour billions into a variety of projects that have increased their technological capability in a number of areas. The claim here is they have been unable to build reliable technologies in critical areas, and they are 20 to 30 years away in every sphere from doing so. This is simply because they have been denied access to data and experiences that could have short cut their tech development. Several recent articles are now showing that reverse engineering is simply not working for them. It gets them to a certain technology level but they are simply unable to proceed beyond that to make a reliable product. Chips are a good example. They got themselves into the 10-14nm category through reverse engineering, but simply are unable to progress further.
Stealing technology and reverse engineering has its limits. This was not evident in their earlier years of stealing tech, but now is being solidly proven, as most of their platforms are failing in actual warfare and/or being grounded like 40% of the JF17 planes. Further, with this approach, they have lost the confidence of every single defense exporting country and shot themselves in the foot by getting their leading companies put under sanctions by the US.
By the way, we do design high end including AI chips in Bengaluru. Most of our critical chips like the ones in missiles and military satellite systems are designed and made in India. There are several chip design companies in Bangalore. ISRO collaborated with Qualcomm to create GAGAN modules for the snapdragon chipset. So we architect and design as good or maybe even better than some Chinese companies. We just dont fabricate them. There is a difference.
In the long run, yes, after 20-30 years the CCP would have built up truly great research experience and some world class products out of that. But then, we too have an equal chance of getting there in specific areas, especially with the support of our trusted partners.
Overall yes, we need to get our economy to $5-6 trillion+ quickly so we can finance a lot more R&D in all emerging tech areas. For that we need massive growth rates 9-10% every year for 5 or 6 years. But even now, we are a top 10 R&D spender in the world. We got to be in the top 5, though, to catch up with the CCP.
Finally, the credibility of the person (Mig29SMT) extolling the virtues of the CCP is suspect, as he exhibits all the characteristics of a CCP bot. If the CCP had a real successful defense industry, there would be no reason for CCP bots to post low IQ comments - their products in action would speak for themselves.
I was talking about @johnq , anytime some one talks good about China he goes crazy.

He really really really hates the Chinese.LOL.

@Mig29SMT is a troll , he wont stop until we accept China as our god and saviour.

