J20 Stealth Fighter


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
For a change only talk about J-20.
Chinese members must focus on posting relevant information.
Looks like J-20 is facing some issues that no new updates are coming.
Use report button than engaging off topic banter.


New Member
May 30, 2009
For a change only talk about J-20.
Chinese members must focus on posting relevant information.
Looks like J-20 is facing some issues that no new updates are coming.
Use report button than engaging off topic banter.
I did report off topic stuff by rockdog earlier, but the moderator (at the time) did not delete his posts, and instead responded that I should engage in the discussion of Chinese manufacturing quality instead of reporting it, so that is what I did (although I stuck to Chinese weapons). Maybe it was a different moderator.


New Member
May 30, 2009
For a change only talk about J-20.
Chinese members must focus on posting relevant information.
Looks like J-20 is facing some issues that no new updates are coming.
Use report button than engaging off topic banter.
Okay, I've used the report button again.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
I did report off topic stuff by rockdog earlier, but the moderator (at the time) did not delete his posts, and instead responded that I should engage in the discussion of Chinese manufacturing quality instead of reporting it, so that is what I did (although I stuck to Chinese weapons). Maybe it was a different moderator.
Off topic posts have been made by both sides. Either I delete everything or posters from now onwards focus only on debate related to J-20. Your last two posts also have been off topic.

We can not censorship or delete everything and have to stretch our imagination to connect general comments made on Chinese technology and industrial prowesses to accept their assertions on Chinese MIC.

People are free to challenge them without getting angry and personal.
Sep 5, 2020
Country flag
Interesting, when i showed you Oneplus was having high sales on high-end in India, you changed to parts ...

Now let me show you the Iphone suppliers by nations:

Q1: How do you explain this graph, are those Chinese suppliers are designed on Windows OS so it's still counted by US?

Q2: Where is Indian suppliers? Hoo, maybe they all have R&D centers in India, so still India wins!!

So why delayed? If there is 0 KM still, dose it Best in World make any sense?

It's still 0KM vs 30000KM ... I think you are so proud of the 0KM powered by any nation except China.

Anyway, i didn't go personal attack to you during dabates, i hope you do the same thing.
So India delaying things means Chinese mass products have higher reliability? Can you explain point by point in a highly intellectual way how you make this connection?

Here's my version of your illogical (only a bot who simply trolles for 50 cents or is a forced organ donor with a few days to live can post such nonsense) cause-effect correlation:
ISRO has launched for international customers tens of satellites more than what CCP rocket organizations have done .Therefore, Indian households have the most reliable water supply in the world.


New Member
Dec 29, 2010
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I will follow the MOD's advice to stop the off-topic dicussion, altought it was not started by me.

And this is my final reply to you on this thread, since you did personal attack to me.

So India delaying things means Chinese mass products have higher reliability? Can you explain point by point in a highly intellectual way how you make this connection?
U r delayed, means you haven't prove it yet.

Running HSR system is not buying a sports car. A complicated system need to become operational to prove reliability. Japan's HSR system is world leading this is no doubt, but the key is not only about the products but also the way of operation. So far, you have 0KM experiences of operations, how can you conclude it's better than China's 30000KM existing HSR system?

Becase of climate differences, personnel traning standard, is the Shinkansen really fit for tropical India still a big question mark.

Even before the HSR era, as early as 2011, India operated very badly on trandional railway system, the death rate is 10 times than China and Japan:


China: 876.22 billion passenger-km/year, 317 deaths over 20 years. This is one death per 55.3 billion passenger-km.

India: 838.03 billion passenger-km/year, 2,556 deaths over 20 years. This is one death per 6.6 billion passenger-km.

Japan: the UIC claims 253.55 billion passenger-km/year, which only includes JR companies. Figures including private railroads and excluding subways range from 360 to 395.9 billion passenger-km; I believe the higher number since it is slightly less dated. Over 20 years there have been 154 deaths, so this is one death per 51.4 billion passenger-km. Including subways would put Japan on a par with China.

When speed triples, how will you manage the safety is still a big chanllege.


For Chinese HSR, i list two data resource here:

1. Lenght of operations:

2. Accident records:
For Chinese's HSR, the only and latest deadly accident happended in 2011. Please also check how many total cases for both nations:

Maybe when you have enought operational lenght and experienes, we would debate which one is better.

Anyway, i stop here, and i won't back to you if there is further personal insulting.
Sep 5, 2020
Country flag
I will follow the MOD's advice to stop the off-topic dicussion, altought it was not started by me.

And this is my final reply to you on this thread, since you did personal attack to me.

U r delayed, means you haven't prove it yet.

Running HSR system is not buying a sports car. A complicated system need to become operational to prove reliability. Japan's HSR system is world leading this is no doubt, but the key is not only about the products but also the way of operation. So far, you have 0KM experiences of operations, how can you conclude it's better than China's 30000KM existing HSR system?

Becase of climate differences, personnel traning standard, is the Shinkansen really fit for tropical India still a big question mark.

Even before the HSR era, as early as 2011, India operated very badly on trandional railway system, the death rate is 10 times than China and Japan:


China: 876.22 billion passenger-km/year, 317 deaths over 20 years. This is one death per 55.3 billion passenger-km.

India: 838.03 billion passenger-km/year, 2,556 deaths over 20 years. This is one death per 6.6 billion passenger-km.

Japan: the UIC claims 253.55 billion passenger-km/year, which only includes JR companies. Figures including private railroads and excluding subways range from 360 to 395.9 billion passenger-km; I believe the higher number since it is slightly less dated. Over 20 years there have been 154 deaths, so this is one death per 51.4 billion passenger-km. Including subways would put Japan on a par with China.

When speed triples, how will you manage the safety is still a big chanllege.


For Chinese HSR, i list two data resource here:

1. Lenght of operations:

2. Accident records:
For Chinese's HSR, the only and latest deadly accident happended in 2011. Please also check how many total cases for both nations:

Maybe when you have enought operational lenght and experienes, we would debate which one is better.

Anyway, i stop here, and i won't back to you if there is further personal insulting.
in my book, CCP bots who toe the line of the most hated organization in the world (the CCP) right now are worthy of ridicule as you have a direct role in trying to cover up the gross human rights violations committed by CCP over several decades- from subjugation to thought experiments to outright genocide.

Having said this I am amazed that you have been trying to disprove a claim that no one made here: India’s HSR is better than China’s HSR, as all Indians know we don’t have a HSR, yet. The claim made was Shinkansen is miles ahead of CRH in reliability and performance and therefore commands a price premium. Unless you have serious comprehension issues (or extremely low IQ), conversion of this 100% accurate claim (Shinkansen >> CRH) to your self-fabricated claim (India HSR > China HSR) is certainly a sign of CCP’s deep insecurities that the world will never buy Chinese products for their reliability and that India has access to world class technology that CCP will never be able to reliably master - the same insecurities that CCP has against Japanese and Korean and Taiwanese technologies, which are sought after the world over. The utter despair of CCP and its bot army also comes from the fact that all these countries are democracies which shows the fascist CCP in a very poor light among its own people.
Chinese products have become like the blood diamonds of Africa - items produced by regimes with the blood of thousands of innocent people on their hands. Made in China brand is forever tainted by the blood stained hands of the CCP. And will find no takers in countries that really try and respect human rights.
Once again I want to point out that you are a supporter of a genocidal regime and with that comes the reality that you will be subjected to personal attacks and seen as the lowest species in human civilization. If you cannot take personal attacks, then denounce CCP’s criminal acts and get off the bot payroll.


New Member
Jan 12, 2020
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China is way way behind the west and Russians in engine technology. In fact China is way behind in anything that needs repeated reliable usage over a long period of time. Jet engines is one of those. It has to work every time perfectly to design specs. And China is yet to develop a single product in any sphere that works over a long period of time to state-of-the-art design specs. The failure of wingloong drone program is a classic example of China’s inability to master reliable air flight and associated propulsion mechanisms. The failure of the reverse engineered bullet trains is another example - most trains run at well below design speeds as the reliability of Chinese bullet trains is suspect at design speeds. Chinese products are purchased for cheapness not for reliability or quality - a reason no one drives a Chinese made car or buys train engines from China. Korean and Japanese reliability continue to be the gold standard in Asia.
on chips, it is not about de one chip that can beat a US chip. It is about making that chip work day in and day out reliably over long periods of time.
i can 100% bet that Beidou based commercial GPS will not take off. Same issue - repeated, reliable usage is not proven.
I am not Chinese nor pro-Chinese, however i do not lie to my self, China has achieved the most powerful military in Asia except of Russia, and franckly they are surpassing up to some level the Russians.

I am Mexican thus my country in terms of military is far behind India or China, however it is franckly very stupid to underestimate the Chinese, do i think they will control the world? no of course not but they are a force of destabilization like the axis powers were in WWII, the USA beat them but they almost win; China is the same, and they represent a credible threat and J-10 or J-20 are advanced designs regardless India wants to underestimate them.

what we make in mexico


what China makes


My country design propeller aircraft so we are out of the contest, but i do not belittle the Chinese because honesty now they posses one of the most powerful militaries of the world.
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New Member
May 30, 2009
in my book, CCP bots who toe the line of the most hated organization in the world (the CCP) right now are worthy of ridicule as you have a direct role in trying to cover up the gross human rights violations committed by CCP over several decades- from subjugation to thought experiments to outright genocide.

Having said this I am amazed that you have been trying to disprove a claim that no one made here: India’s HSR is better than China’s HSR, as all Indians know we don’t have a HSR, yet. The claim made was Shinkansen is miles ahead of CRH in reliability and performance and therefore commands a price premium. Unless you have serious comprehension issues (or extremely low IQ), conversion of this 100% accurate claim (Shinkansen >> CRH) to your self-fabricated claim (India HSR > China HSR) is certainly a sign of CCP’s deep insecurities that the world will never buy Chinese products for their reliability and that India has access to world class technology that CCP will never be able to reliably master - the same insecurities that CCP has against Japanese and Korean and Taiwanese technologies, which are sought after the world over. The utter despair of CCP and its bot army also comes from the fact that all these countries are democracies which shows the fascist CCP in a very poor light among its own people.
Chinese products have become like the blood diamonds of Africa - items produced by regimes with the blood of thousands of innocent people on their hands. Made in China brand is forever tainted by the blood stained hands of the CCP. And will find no takers in countries that really try and respect human rights.
Once again I want to point out that you are a supporter of a genocidal regime and with that comes the reality that you will be subjected to personal attacks and seen as the lowest species in human civilization. If you cannot take personal attacks, then denounce CCP’s criminal acts and get off the bot payroll.
More evidence of made in China weapons being unreliable:


New Member
May 30, 2009
Any country that cannot design and manufacture reliable 4th generation aircraft and engines simply does not have the materials technology to make 5th generation fighters and engines.


New Member
Dec 29, 2010
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Last news:

CD now is boiled by one leak that CHinese 5G bird has tested its first high-speed taxing.
somebody even posted one picture of 5G bird so called.
Today is 10th anniversary of YJ20's first appearance and high-speed taxing, weeks later it had maiden flight.



New Member
Feb 27, 2019
I am not Chinese nor pro-Chinese, however i do not lie to my self, China has achieved the most powerful military in Asia except of Russia, and franckly they are surpassing up to some level the Russians.

I am Mexican thus my country in terms of military is far behind India or China, however it is franckly very stupid to underestimate the Chinese, do i think they will control the world? no of course not but they are a force of destabilization like the axis powers were in WWII, the USA beat them but they almost win; China is the same, and they represent a credible threat and J-10 or J-20 are advanced designs regardless India wants to underestimate them.

what we make in mexico
View attachment 70994

View attachment 70996

what China makes
View attachment 70997

View attachment 70995

My country design propeller aircraft so we are out of the contest, but i do not belittle the Chinese because honesty now they posses one of the most powerful militaries of the world.
I think most " powerful military " is a relative term which we use very loosely.

China might be a powerful military but at home and we have a old proverb in india " A dog is like a tiger in his own home" . take them out of home and they will have their tails tucked in between their miniscule balls and will behave like a obedient kid.

Just b,cause u can copycat doesn't make u powerful military. It's the way you project your military power in others house which make u powerful. If they were so powerful that what stopped them from going on a full adventure on our northern borders... they cud have crushed us that too when whole world priorities were in saving the people.... Moreover one need balls to send their man on field... do china have.. they can flash their drones but only indian or US army specialises in dangling their necks from their lower half...

FYI - It's the way one projects his muscle outside which make it powerful ... US can do that at their boundary wall and screw them at will!!!!!!!!!!!

that's power for me !!!!!!!!!
Sep 5, 2020
Country flag
I am not Chinese nor pro-Chinese, however i do not lie to my self, China has achieved the most powerful military in Asia except of Russia, and franckly they are surpassing up to some level the Russians.

I am Mexican thus my country in terms of military is far behind India or China, however it is franckly very stupid to underestimate the Chinese, do i think they will control the world? no of course not but they are a force of destabilization like the axis powers were in WWII, the USA beat them but they almost win; China is the same, and they represent a credible threat and J-10 or J-20 are advanced designs regardless India wants to underestimate them.

what we make in mexico
View attachment 70994

View attachment 70996

what China makes
View attachment 70997

View attachment 70995

My country design propeller aircraft so we are out of the contest, but i do not belittle the Chinese because honesty now they posses one of the most powerful militaries of the world.
first of all, I don’t think you are Mexican. You are another sniveling, lying CCP bot trying to claim something unclaimable. Mexicans cannot have this low of an IQ to write a post like yours. That low IQ profile belongs solely to CCP bots, who have been shunned by the limited number of women in China, and are a few days from their organs being harvested for the CCP’s “organic” products.
By the way, Everyone thought the Nazis were all powerful, making great weapons until they were decimated by their own propaganda. Reality is the RAF provided a spanking to the luftwaffe, Russian Army just overran the german army, and us and British navies outsmarted the German navy - all this when the Nazis built some powerful weapons beyond much of the caliber the allies fielded. Nazis were the most hated entity with no real allies (other than an inferior Italian fascist army) in Europe.
The CCP are the 21st century Nazis - the put out a lot of propaganda that they have this and that, but unlike Nazis they are nowhere when it comes to delivering reliable engineering that is proven and battle tested. But like Nazis they have no real allies and are the most hated trans national criminal organization.
CCP is surrounded by very powerful countries with advanced technologies-India, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, plus a whole host of world powers are categorically against the CCP now. No allies means certain defeat for the CCP. The only ally that matters for CCP is Russia and they will probably stay neutral if the CCP wages a war against India and its allies.
Bottomline: CCP’s weapons are simply not battle proven and face severe technology issues, questioning their reliability.Their 5th Gen planes like j20 have unproven designs and inferior engines. They don’t have a reliable carrier based jet. J15 is a total flop, as we all know. PLAAF will be decimated on day 1 of an air battle by superior American planes based air forces like Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. Of what’s left of plaaf, IAF/IN will decimate the rest. This is the reality.


New Member
Feb 27, 2019
Bottomline: CCP’s weapons are simply not battle proven and face severe technology issues, questioning their reliability.Their 5th Gen planes like j20 have unproven designs and inferior engines. They don’t have a reliable carrier based jet. J15 is a total flop, as we all know. PLAAF will be decimated on day 1 of an air battle by superior American planes based air forces like Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. Of what’s left of plaaf, IAF/IN will decimate the rest. This is the reality.
Well said. Hell they don't have a aircraft carrier and whatever they bought from ruskies to open a casino is carried around via tug boats LOL

and don't under-estimate the SU 30 ' s & Mirages...they might be russians in origin but that's where it stopped further... :devil::devil:

few tricks are best left undocumented :devil: .. Bat munchers know it so they are happy 200 kms away deep inside tibet with their tails tucked between hind legs


New Member
Nov 9, 2009
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the official souvenir shows how the next block/phase of single seated J-20 wiill be featured ....

1. the new varient and the latest batch of WS-10 engines which just entered mass production . the engine was first spotted on the J-11B MLU prototypes.

2. the added autocannon on the right .

3. new varient fo PL-15 missile(smaller wing+folding fin)..the carrying capacity is increased to six

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New Member
Nov 9, 2009
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we used to think that the cannon would be added to the left side when we were watching the PT2022(the second prototype with WS10C for test flight) test flying --the position with black lines. but it seems the 'planned' cannon should be on the right finally.

Sep 5, 2020
Country flag
we used to think that the cannon would be added to the left side when we were watching the PT2022(the second prototype with WS10C for test flight) test flying --the position with black lines. but it seems the 'planned' cannon should be on the right finally.

J20 is so stealth that it is never seen actually flying where it matters like near Taiwan straits and LAC. Impressive cloaking technology I have to say.
Here’s the J20 cloaking device in action in Klingon Space Force, which also comes with free bats and pangolins organically grown inside the ships for crew’s nutrition needs; and free copies of “how to jerk off without lubricants in high altitudes” as an example of demonstrating PLA’s engineering efficiency.
Also, note the Chengdu engineers’ favorite design style for Klingon j20s - a giant dick, to compensate for the lack of one in the PLA, as a psyops measure.

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Tactical Doge

𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘 𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗
New Member
Aug 28, 2019
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the official souvenir shows how the next block/phase of single seated J-20 wiill be featured ....

1. the new varient and the latest batch of WS-10 engines which just entered mass production . the engine was first spotted on the J-11B MLU prototypes.

2. the added autocannon on the right .

3. new varient fo PL-15 missile(smaller wing+folding fin)..the carrying capacity is increased to six

I'm confused,
Is a Cannon still relevant for 5G bird
I mean The Americans are done away with it
Why Chini bhaai doesn't understand 5G
Or is for Strafing Ground targets :lehappy:


Tihar Jail
Oct 29, 2020
Country flag
China is a danger we like it or not, we accept it or not China has now a military which can Challenge Russia and the USA, why?

Russia has a border with China and much more soldiers. Why?

most of the Russian army is in Europe, siberia is basically with no defence, by the exception of nukes, Russia has no real way to defeat China now in Asia.

The US is the same .

Technologically speaking China is becoming a very powerful foe even for the USA, why?
its military budget is the 2nd largest.

So while Russia could build the T-50 which is a more advanced aircraft than J-20 they can not build it in large numbers because lack of money.

Now is very probable China has more J-11/Su-27s clones than Russia, there are probably more J-10s which are newer than MiG-29s or MiG-35s.

There are at least 40-60 J-20s versus 1 or 2 Su-57s operational.

Se the reality India is among the 10th largest military no doubt about it some say 4th places, but China is at least 3rd and it might become 2nd if Russia does not develop better tech and money is always a factor, plus people, China has more money and is graudiating more engineers, see it Russia needs Ukraine and belarus to at least counteract China, but Ukraine is in a bad economy and same belarus so Russia is only a super power in military terms because hypersonic weapons tipped withy nukes, but in terms of aviation is heading behind at least in production numbers

This is a frigate made and designed in Mexico but it is very light does not compare to Chinese submarine or aircraftc arriers
View attachment 71360

China can make this so the best is always see reality work on in new technology but never lie to yourself because defeat starts by denying the reality

View attachment 71361
:rofl: :pound: :crying:

