Care to provide reference. I shadily remember that Indian government stopped receiving aids since early 2000s.
It varies from few millions to $1.5 billion per annum.
However, it amounts to nothing and doesn't make any different against budget of government of India.
First, this small amount of aid amount to nothing. As Indian government doesn't have any foreign source of funding except banks like ADB or IMF, this aid most obviously is transferred to small organizations. We know a couple named Amnesty India and GreenPeace. The other groups are missionaries. Transfers to their accounts too are accounted as aid.
I don't have to specify either how "genuine" they have proved. British aid is nothing but an enforced foreign funded propaganda. They even continued it during sanctions after stripping us off from global financing bodies.
And how "good"? It's only British media that continues to shout everything India does and quotes it's aid which amounts to nothing. Go through British papers and forums and check the comments. They believe that they are funding all the Indian defence and general research projects. In fact, they even say Indian GDP is growing because of them.
The same line of funding "genuine" NGOs which will be "good for both countries" is same from British delegation.
However, the utilization of aid has solely been proved to fool masses of UK and creating instability in India.
One more fact,
British don't fund enterprises in India. Indian enterprises don't need that either. India is largest foreign investor in UK.
Not original I have at the moment.
Funny again, they believe that they passed on aid to Indian government and we built statue from it.
No, both aren't different context in anyway. On their "view on colonialism" 60% of them favoured it and hence wanted it back.
It complies with general observations as well. They are in a nostalgia of empire and obsessed with rising colonial countries.