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Oct 14, 2018
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First you say they rule Britannia (Means a lot of people read it) and then you say that don't take them seriously. Any propaganda medium that effects mindset of general population in masses should be taken seriously.

There is a difference between bringing up issue in a civilized manner and clowns like Nigel Farage inciting people against India on every opportunity.

That's not India's problem. We didn't ask you to waste money that you can't afford. If you have problems with your gov spending then blame your gov. Bad mouthing India and binging up childish arguments like "first build toilets" on space research news only shows mental retardness of your people.

If you want to talk about how 0.7% aid is draining you GDP, I need to remind you about 300 years of slavery where your kind looted our GDP in much greater number.

Funny thing is I have never seen stupid people in UK ever bad mouthing Pakistani achievements. It always covered in a positive light by your sellout media and always praised by your scum politicians.

The truth is (once) great Britain is jealous of its former colony of slaves becoming next global power while their own tiny island nation is further sliding into irrelevance.

Pathetic bunch.
My two bits on this discussion:

You have got the wrong end of the stick re Rule Britannia--I wrote Rule and not rule. The Rule Britannia is a song and mentions of the times when Britain ruled the ways ( metaphorically and in practical terms ). It is not a propaganda medium anymore; nostalgia, if at all and sung on the last day of the proms.

Nigel Farage---he is a racist but not in the National front mould or the BNP mould. He has actually gone on record to say that he prefers immigrants from India as compared to those from the former soviet bloc. BUT, his association with the far right makes him a dangerous politician for non white people.

i have not stated anywhere that it is India's problem re the aid. Was just giving you facts.

'You' and 'your kind'--i suggest you temper your language and maintain decorum. Fyi--I am an Indian as well. There is no need to make disparaging remarks and be insulting.

"stupid people in UK ever bad mouthing Pakistan achievements---what are you trying to say? Are all the people in UK stupid? Or only stupid people do not bad mouth Paki achievements? Which Paki achievements are you referring to? The media and politicians do not mention pakistan much. THOUGH, the Labour party is decidedly not pro Hindu. The Labour heartlands are ripe grounds for muslims to join and they are mostly packs and bangladeshis. They influence the party and policies.And they play to the gallery of political correctness. So, yes, there is a brewing muslim problem which will get worse over the years.

You use a wide brush to tarnish an entire country. Agreed that UK is losing relevance but it is still relevant for now. It would have helped if the jokers in the Congress and their acolytes would have shed their slave mentality decades ago.


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Oct 14, 2018
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I am asking again, Indian government. US & UK fund lot of non government agencies around world without consent of governments of those countries.

£52 million pounds form 0.7% of India's GDP?

UK doesn't get hurt by this amount either. UK is funding its propaganda agencies while shouting development.

It's India who is getting hurt.

India's problem lies in lower middle income level than being socialist.
India is a capitalist socialist who generates money through capitalism (by government) to aid poor people.

How much he sustain ourselves and how much UK did is evident in trajectory of both. India is rising power, UK is a declining one with colonial nostalgia.

Them raking up non issues is not bigger problem than where this aid is going.

British NGOs allowed in name of freedom are creating issues everyday here. This "aid" has to be blocked for greater good for India by anyway.

The reason for this drama is again superiority complex and white savior complex installed in people's mind.

I would prefer that all aid is stopped esp to NGO's

I've talked to a couple of British. They call Indians arrogant but they are no less ignorant either. They still see themselves at center of world. UK isn't what it used to be. But nostalgia of British Raj keeps belief system alive.
And hence, whenever something what contradicts them arises, they develop conspiracy theories on it, seeking to get their role and they get swayed away by their imaginary "aid" claim.

The total aid package of the British govt is 0.7% of the GDP and not the £52 million

'UK is hurting' ---not because of the aid but because of its own economic woes and under productivity. You yourself mentioned of the two trajectories.

'socialist state'---referred to UK and not India

There is no gain in arguing over nostalgia of the raj etc. That generation is on it's last legs. The youngsters know where their bread is buttered. If a 'couple of Brits' is a representative enough sample, then so be it.

Have a good day

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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The total aid package of the British govt is 0.7% of the GDP and not the £52 million

'UK is hurting' ---not because of the aid but because of its own economic woes and under productivity. You yourself mentioned of the two trajectories.

'socialist state'---referred to UK and not India
Sorry. I comprehended bad.
There is no gain in arguing over nostalgia of the raj etc.
Look, I'm not trying to intentionally portray British people as ignorant. I'm just citing what I experienced.
The thing I got in mind after talking and arguing with most and seing their discussion and later on multiple articles on their behavior anticipating its region.

You living in Britain will have your most obviously familiar with your point of view. So, you can "understand" their sentiments and its justifications better than me.

But factually it's straight, India didn't ask for or is receiving aid. The one who recieving are British assets themselves.
That generation is on it's last legs. The youngsters know where their bread is buttered. If a 'couple of Brits' is a representative enough sample, then so be it.
I'd like to know how youngsters are. Because I've probably came acroos only that "last leg" generation.

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
New Member
Apr 17, 2017
So IAF is issuing Gaganyan Patches to doctors involved in selection process.

Not sure if real or fake. IAF insiders can confirm.

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
New Member
Apr 17, 2017
We may put utmost importance in big project (and we should) but these small projects are also equally important to produce future generation of scientists and dreamers.

75 student satellites may fly to space as India turns 75

Seventy-five by 75: this is the dream project that the Indian Technology Congress Association (ITCA) has conceived to celebrate the nation’s 75th birthday. That is also to be the year of Gaganyaan, the first trip of Indian astronauts to space.

The ITCA, a technology promotion body based in Bengaluru, has roped in around 40 engineering colleges to form a consortium. It is also in the midst of discussing launch contracts with the Indian Space Research Organisation and working out Israeli finance for its ‘75 Student Satellites Mission 2022’, said its president L.V. Muralikrishna Reddy.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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Seventy-five by 75: this is the dream project that the Indian Technology Congress Association (ITCA) has conceived to celebrate the nation’s 75th birthday.
15th August 2022 isn't India's 75th birthday. India is far older civilization.

However, independence after two centuries of colonial rule and setting timeline of achieving goals against this matters.


New Member
Jan 30, 2017
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15th August 2022 isn't India's 75th birthday. India is far older civilization.

However, independence after two centuries of colonial rule and setting timeline of achieving goals against this matters.
We can say independence and birth of Modern age India with a constitution.. Older ancient Vedic Bharat was there for more than 15000 years.. which is known to us scientifically till now..


New Member
Aug 9, 2014
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ISRO forms new commercial arm to exploit technology, launch satellites

The new space company `New Space India' to facilitate ISRO's technology transfer to industry

The ISRO has formed the NewSpace India Limited (NSIL), a public sector undertaking (PSU) that will commercially exploit the research and development work of the space agency, co-produce PSLV and launch satellites through SSLVs, the government said on Thursday.

The functions of NSIL will involve small satellite technology transfer to industry, manufacture of Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV) -- a product which is being developed by the ISRO -- in collaboration with the private sector and productionisation of Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) through Indian industry.

The new company will also look after the productionisation and marketing of space-based products and services, including launch and application, developed by ISRO centres and the constituent units of the Department of Space and marketing spin-off technologies and products and services both in India and abroad.

Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office Jitendra Singh shared this information in a written response to a question in the Rajya Sabha. “NSIL would enable Indian Industries to scale up high-technology manufacturing and production base for meeting the growing needs of Indian space programme and would further spur the growth of Indian industries in the space sector,” he said. Antrix Ltd is another PSU under the Department of Space that acts as an commercial arm of the ISRO.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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You can complain to the writer of that article, "Madhumathi D.S" of The Hindu.
I quoted and contradicted.........
15th August 2022 isn't India's 75th birthday. India is far older civilization.

However, independence after two centuries of colonial rule and setting timeline of achieving goals against this matters.


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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Russia to train Indian astronauts for Gaganyaan, signs agreement with Isro

Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) on Monday signed an agreement to have its astronauts for the proposed Gaganyaan mission trained in Russia.

In March, Isro chairman Sivan K had told TOI that India was most likely to pick Russia given that the two countries had previous “successful experiences” of working together. Russia’s Soyuz T-11 had taken Rakesh Sharma to space in 1984. Sharma is the first Indian to travel to space. The Institute of Aerospace Medicine (IAM) under the Indian Air Force (IAF) has also worked with Russia.

Sharma, who is now a member of the National Advisory Council (NAC) advising Isro on the Gaganyaan project, told TOI: “I think it’s logical to go with Russia as it has been tried and tested. We’ve used the facility before. However, I am unaware of the state of readiness of the other training establishments. And, given the tight timelines that we have this appears most logical.”

Other countries, including the US and France, were being considered initially.

On Monday, Natalia Lokteva, first deputy director general of Glavkosmos, a subsidiary of Roscosmos State Corporation (Russia’s space agency) and S Unnikrishnan Nair, director, Human Space Flight Centre (HSFC) of Isro, signed a contract for “selection support, medical examination and space training of Indian astronauts”.

“The training will be at three levels. After the rigorous selection process, two levels of training will be done at IAM and the third level will be done abroad. Simulation of real space environment, parabolic flights and training in the spacecraft et al will be done abroad,” Sivan had earlier said.

Russia also trains astronauts from across the world seeking to fly on near-earth orbits. “The access to near-earth orbit is only provided by the Russians. Therefore no matter which crew goes up into orbit, the final training is done in Russia,” said Sharma.

