Israel - Hamas Gaza Conflict Oct-2023


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Sep 4, 2020
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Inaction is an art with our babus which in this case maybe the right strategy

Let the desert cults sort it out while we focus on our cricket world cup :eric:
I understand that people are irritated with our babus, I may also be irritated, but put yourself in their shoes for a moment they are caught in the middle of our people and our politicians...


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Sep 4, 2020
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Which points back to the fucked up geopolitical situation I was talking about for India. Globohomo-lefti-jihadi deep state vs Chinki-Russo-jihadi clown show. Both are deeply infiltrated by jihadis ergo anti India anti Hindu.

We should stick with the side through which we can grow economically, technologically and militarily.

Investment, tech, market for exports and military advantage only comes from the former for India. Tough luck. We can of course keep dealing with both sides as we've done with the Russian oil purchases.
I'm more optimistic than you. I agree with you if the Palestine/Israel conflict transforms in a global war India's situation on the global stage will become undeniably more difficult to navigate through. If it happens, and GoI remains faithful to the constants of our diplomacy since 1947 (DFI members will shit on Modi but who cares) that is we have values and we defend values :scared1: I believe that the country will continue it's progress both internally and globally. No, I'm not a peacenick nor GoI.
Anyway, things have not yet been decided firmly with regard to Iran.
Jaishankar gives a hint in which side we will flip if drastic changes happen in his discussion at Hudson Institute.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Tough question, really. I dont know where India is going, but I'm very proud of GoI up to now in the way they manage critical and complex situation. But situation will become very complex for GoI if Westoids go after Iran, that's for sure. When you are in doubt, "trust your Babus" :rofl: they are talented to deal with complex situation 😇
They can’t go after Iran. It would be stretching their forces too thin. No way Israel can go after Iran while fighting in Gaza and the north. The US cannot go after Iran when you have the Ukraine conflict and the Taiwan conflict. They can only bomb Iran’s nuclear infrastructure and destroy Iranian naval fleets and go home. That’s it. But it does mean raising the ante. Iran will be super pissed off and more liable to start something that the US doesn’t want to be dragged in.

If US wants to go after Iran it has to solve the Ukraine conflict make sure China doesn’t go after Taiwan and keep North Korea from attacking S Korea. No way NATO is gonna join the US against China or so Korea when they are so worried about Russia in Ukraine.

And India will refuse to get involved


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Dec 22, 2015
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They can’t go after Iran. It would be stretching their forces too thin. No way Israel can go after Iran while fighting in Gaza and the north. The US cannot go after Iran when you have the Ukraine conflict and the Taiwan conflict. They can only bomb Iran’s nuclear infrastructure and destroy Iranian naval fleets and go home. That’s it. But it does mean raising the ante. Iran will be super pissed off and more liable to start something that the US doesn’t want to be dragged in.

If US wants to go after Iran it has to solve the Ukraine conflict make sure China doesn’t go after Taiwan and keep North Korea from attacking S Korea. No way NATO is gonna join the US against China or so Korea when they are so worried about Russia in Ukraine.

And India will refuse to get involved
There is a way of going after Iran, it will require the old Doggie of the US to cooperate.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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I'm more optimistic than you. I agree with you if the Palestine/Israel conflict transforms in a global war India's situation on the global stage will become undeniably more difficult to navigate through. If it happens, and GoI remains faithful to the constants of our diplomacy since 1947 (DFI members will shit on Modi but who cares) that is we have values and we defend values :scared1: I believe that the country will continue it's progress both internally and globally. No, I'm not a peacenick nor GoI.
Anyway, things have not yet been decided firmly with regard to Iran.
Jaishankar gives a hint in which side we will flip if drastic changes happen in his discussion at Hudson Institute.
It's not about the Israel conflict. Even if nothing was happening there, we are in the same position, where we have to balance between these two camps during this crucial growth phase, and neither of those camps are particularly pro India. Our bilateral approach is the best one. Rather than dealing with camps, we narrow down on bilateral deals with countries like France, Japan, UAE and Russia for specific goals.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
There is a way of going after Iran, it will require the old Doggie of the US to cooperate.
Not with the economy being on the edge of a coin that could collapse like a house of cards. US is the most heavily debted nation in the world and if they attack Iran gas prices are gonna shoot up through the roof and inflation will run rampant. It will massively hurt US economy and ruin US’s chances of economic recovery.

No US won’t get involved in a big conflict unless forced to. Most likely what is gonna happen is the target of Iranian nuclear facilities and taking out of some Iranian top leadership but not all. US does not want a civil war in Iran because it will spill over to Iraq and cause major oil price spikes.

Detective Pennington

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May 1, 2015
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Not with the economy being on the edge of a coin that could collapse like a house of cards. US is the most heavily debted nation in the world and if they attack Iran gas prices are gonna shoot up through the roof and inflation will run rampant. It will massively hurt US economy and ruin US’s chances of economic recovery.

No US won’t get involved in a big conflict unless forced to. Most likely what is gonna happen is the target of Iranian nuclear facilities and taking out of some Iranian top leadership but not all. US does not want a civil war in Iran because it will spill over to Iraq and cause major oil price spikes.
It does make you wonder though, will Israel go after Iran on their own? They're capable of doing so.


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Sep 4, 2020
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It does make a lot of sense if there is a Russian hand in all this.

This provides Russia with a lot of room to do their thing in Ukraine
and also a message to west that it can do it what they have been doing to Russia.
Of course, goat fuckers are suicidal but not in mass level. No way that they launched such an operation trusting the help of their Allah ;-)
The Russian message is very clear. We are fed up, you exhausted all our patience. We will not let you win against us by your indefinite war of attrition by proxies and color revolution. If you want to beat us, then come for a physical contact and win the war if you really want it. Even if the West regains a semblance of reason and does not expand the conflict, it's also a win for Russia. Once the ground operation in Gaza ends, do you think that Gulf countries and others will let the US dictate what happens in the middle east and that Israel will continue to keep the occupied land.
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Regular Member
Sep 4, 2020
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It's not about the Israel conflict. Even if nothing was happening there, we are in the same position, where we have to balance between these two camps during this crucial growth phase, and neither of those camps are particularly pro India. Our bilateral approach is the best one. Rather than dealing with camps, we narrow down on bilateral deals with countries like France, Japan, UAE and Russia for specific goals.
I agree with that and that seems to be the GoI's plan ;-) I'll just add that Russia will remain a privileged and trusted partner.


Regular Member
Sep 4, 2020
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They can’t go after Iran. It would be stretching their forces too thin. No way Israel can go after Iran while fighting in Gaza and the north. The US cannot go after Iran when you have the Ukraine conflict and the Taiwan conflict. They can only bomb Iran’s nuclear infrastructure and destroy Iranian naval fleets and go home. That’s it. But it does mean raising the ante. Iran will be super pissed off and more liable to start something that the US doesn’t want to be dragged in.

If US wants to go after Iran it has to solve the Ukraine conflict make sure China doesn’t go after Taiwan and keep North Korea from attacking S Korea. No way NATO is gonna join the US against China or so Korea when they are so worried about Russia in Ukraine.

And India will refuse to get involved
One should always assume the worst when dealing with the West, they're so intoxicated by their own complacency and power.


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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Huh? Russian position in ME makes perfect sense. Think of the assets & geopolitical chessboard there.
Russia's own experience with pandering to Islamists has ended very badly during the 90s.

You also forget that Israel has a love-hate relationship with Russia since many Israelis are of Soviet/Russian origin. When the entire Western world was baying for Russia's blood last year, Israel kept off the radar by maintaining a nuanced neutrality. Due to this complex relationship, Israelis ensure that the US does not tilt too anti-Russia.

By hyphenating Hamas with Palestine at such a sensitive time, Russia is effectively telling FUCK OFF to all the efforts made between the two countries. If it is just lip service, there is still a chance for the relationship to be salvaged.

But if Russia walks its talk and gets involved in any sense that indicates benefitting Hamas at this point, Israel would hit deep inside Syria and target assets that could likely be transferred, which may include Russian assets like S-400 batteries held deep inside Syrian territory.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2020
Taiwan is a foregone conclusion at this point. That's why the US government forced TSMC to set up fabrication plants in Texas at such short notice.

They know that the island is at the mercy of the CCP and that the US Navy cannot do much to rescue it. Taiwan lacks the massive strategic depth that Ukraine has, along with the latter's advantage of bordering other NATO countries. Taipei is an island that is completely surrounded by the PLAN and the CCP can mobilize much faster than the US Navy can. They showed their reach when Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan by circling the entire island in live fire drills.

Ukraine is a forgotten war. There will be some token European support to them in the coming months and then that too will be closed. Putin will walk into Ukraine, take everything east of the Dnipr River, and reduce Ukraine to the Kiev and other western parts that border Poland, Hungary and Romania.

The way the American deep state treats Israel, If things go out of hand, the USN will get involved in Iran big time.

Iran does not have the resources to start a war with the US. It can fight a sustained defensive war, using a mix of its massive missile arsenal as well as its terrain, somewhat like what Vietnam did. Iranian tactic would rely more on provoking the US to draw US forces into Iran, rather than going out there to get American forces. They will simply be gunned down really, really badly.

NATO is the US and the US is NATO. There is no concept of "NO" in the alliance. If one goes in, all go in. That's how it is. If you think that countries like the UK, Germany, Poland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, etc. have any say in whether or not to participate in a war, then you are sorely mistaken.

The only ones with the gall to say "Va te faire foutre" to the Americans are the French. Given that Paris has another thing going in its African sphere of influence, they might as well flip the bird on the Americans.

If Iranians get involved against Israel at this stage, you can bet your bottom that the US will get involved. They might use standoff weapons to destroy Iranian support, but they will definitely get involved.

:lol: Nah we won't. Not unless the PLA does something terribly foolish in its attempts to flex itself in the meanwhile.
USA unfortunately doesn't have the ability to get out of any conflict with Iran with out taking damage. It's based will take hits, any evacuation are first signs but if that's not there then no they won't attack. They simply have no war readiness to undertake another front with a somewhat decent military power


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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Unless she means all Israelis are settlers and I saw an ex Indian diplomat (who was Muslim) make a similar argument, I think most people know nothing of the issue. If I am not wrong and I'm open to correction, all the areas Hamas attacked are places within the nation of Israel from 1948. I think the settlements are all in the West Bank area (couple on the Golan Heights).


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2022
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And MBS took his first phone call since several decades from his Iranian counterpart in that crucial moment just to do a lip service ? That's not how international relations work.
Since at least two decades now, the westoids practice diplomacy and international relation on TikTok, not the Russian, neither the Golf countries, nor India as a fact.
As much as I can search , No western media has reported on this news. Local 2 penny Arab media have posted this. And bakachodava woman is hyping it up.
Not even Al Jazeera is saying that phone call happened. So hold your horses about Muslim ummah.

This is MBS we are talking about , he wants to acquire nukes to counter Shia Jehadi pigs, and you think he will dial a call for Ghettoslamic Gazastanis.
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Senior Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Unless she means all Israelis are settlers and I saw an ex Indian diplomat (who was Muslim) make a similar argument, I think most people know nothing of the issue. If I am not wrong and I'm open to correction, all the areas Hamas attacked are places within the nation of Israel from 1948. I think the settlements are all in the West Bank area (couple on the Golan Heights).
The mask is fully off much of the left and their Islamist bedfellows now

they are openly calling for genocide and condoning the most brutal of crimes

i think a fair amount of red pills will have been ingested around the world seeing these reactions but at the same time it’s chilling to see now widespread and mainstream all this has become, the West seems lost in so many ways

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