Israel - Gaza Conflict 2021 (Aftermath of Violence at Al-Aqsa Mosque)

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Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Israel can't destroy Hamas its gonna take some time doing that perhaps over 1-2 years and it will cost them alot but the big reason for why is because this could lead to Israel's fall entirely by the neighbouring countries. Example tensions was rising and Israel was attacked from Lebanon, Syria and Iraq during the 11 days conflict. Threats came from everywhere even Nuclear threat if the war had continued the tensions would have mounted on Israel and it could have spread to the region Israel would have been the bigger loser here.

This is why Israel accepted the ceasefire..

Israel can't take on them without NATO but nato can't enter there without Turkey because they will have to use the land corridor from Turkey to cross from Europe to Asia because the ocean can easily be blocked. In reality it becomes difficult for NATO to deploy quickly to Israel and won't find it favorable to fight on these conditions. Just like how Taiwan is difficult for the US to fight there but not so bad as Taiwan they can deploy there but the land corridors will be blocked
Idf remains unmatched in entire middle east. Threat to Idf is minimal from rolling tanks and more from those half dyk lemmings prone to spontaneous detonations. Israel can end the palestinian population at the moment that the mossad demands. Tactically, Hamas may be a burden for Israel, however, strategically, it’s a very valuable asset. Hamas is considered by most of the world as a terror organization, not a legitimate partner for peace.

Those are poor sand ridden mercenary pigs come often handy as condoms for hire to achieve some very sinister objectives for example establishing LARP caliphate in Syria and committing insane violent shit before getting dispatched to Kuffarhugboxes in Idlib. This looks a more legit reason for the entire ceasefire maymay. You dont want to cull all of your useful pawns.

Israel owns nato tbh. Hell israel even positioned at one notch above all non nato / nato allies lmao.

Turkroaches are already reduced from half dyks to completely dykless with caatsa and a combination of other factors. They cant even get transmission gears and their half assed tanks remain immobilized.The costs to roaches of its downgraded S-400 deal with Russia have been enormous, both strategically and economically. Roaches has paid about 2.5 billion for a defense system it will probably never use. Over the summer, roaches test-activated the S-400 system and then re-packed it again. Quite an expensive device to put back in the box.

Some coomers in leftarded online notepads are going out of their way to try and paint the Gaza devastation as a victory of Hamasholes. This is surely a victory lmao.


Hamasfags arranged a remodeling to this restaurant in Gaza that was reopened today in the attempt to show that life goes on in Gaza after defeat of Israel. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hamasholes even lied to his people saying that the ceasefire was achieved with an Israeli promise to stop visits of gods chosen people on temple mount . Well, today as you can see the lies are being exposed.

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Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Some argue that there is a bit of indication from Gaza that the new terms set by Israel aren’t accepted by Hamasfags.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Theoretically USA is the only country that can be isolated and still remain rich. It is self-sufficient in everything. Worlds most arable fertile land (India is 2nd,) unlimited fresh water, unlimited oil and natural gas (energy independence), Has all the techs that others import... medical tech, military tech, industrial tech, semiconductor tech, India Russia China all have at least one shortcoming from the above list while USA doesnt.

Has access to unlimited amount of skilled and unskilled labor and can adjust the numbers and import people as and when needed. Get millions of unskilled mexicans n south americans by opening the southern border, get millions of skilled asians by relaxing immigrant visas process.

Plus has strategic depth... has deep warm water ports, safe on both sides by oceans.. and no neighbor that can challenge it within 5000 Kms. It reached this stage by defanging every country in the western hemisphere.

In that sense, Geographically USA is the best placed nation today.

The US can withdraw from the world, lose the dollar reserve currency status, lose access to cheaply produced chinese goods, and become 30-40% poorer. But A fall from $70,000 per capita income to $50,000 is still above most of the world and still rich.

But the US economy is highly leveraged and the US society is most primed for a mad max scenario when things go even a little south. And its not known if the current US elites and power structure can manage an orderly internal decline. It hasnt really been tested in a long time. Since last 30 years, its been a one way flow with US dictating terms to the world with no outside influence coming in to the US.

As the world becomes more multi-polar, this might change. And foreign powers can start meddling in american internal affairs and use its fissures to their advantage. This is the american elites biggest worry. So their strategy is to 1) constantly and needlessly needle other powers and keep them off balance and busy and delay them from fulfilling their shortcomings.
2) At some point in the future, when this stops working, they can withdraw from the world, hugely reduce the wasteful military, while passing the baton/making a good deal with the new power and still remain relatively rich for a long time.

The "liberal" elites in the US seem to like and understand the CCP and a future G2 arrangement because both think alike and elites of both US n China are abrahimic in thought, indoctrination and practice even though the countries are different. This is disastrous for India and the world.

In the long term we need to get the US to understand it is a better option to align with democratic, dhamic & inclusive India. For that we need to sort out own problems in 15-20 years and have a strong hand at the negotiating table. Meanwhile India is doing good by growing closer to EU, Japan and others to keep our options open.
what i am saying is usa has no is like germany in world war always needs momentum on its side to win.if it stops it must constantly evangelize its culture or no one will buy it unless they are mental slaves like phillipines,etc.

what i am also saying is that the new evolving demographics of usa are not conducive for even a great power ,let alone a superpower.they are trying to create something from nothing.

it will devolve into a brazil/south africa situation with constant infighting that will be a characteristic rather than a will be worse situation than what is aint running a superpower in those conditions.

Ans as an indian,i believe in bharat not in democracy.i am fighting for bharat not for democracy.

dont sell belittle ourselves by describing bharat as only a democracy,it is a civilizational state.

only a civilizational state can beat a civilizational state if all other things are equal.not confused shopping mall with an economy where people go for jobs and material wealth that is the once meant something to be american,now anyone can be american which means you cant rely on the new demographics to feel for all the original culture of america and and to promote its ways.they just came for the jobs and benefits.its not their homes.they are locusts.

if america wants to win,it does not have time on its must be aggressive now or it will only get worse for america much worse than the demographics of china is getting bad for china.chinese demographics will still stabilize at 800 to 1 billion.that is still good enough for world power.

also usa declining is also good for us as the main example and propagator of wokeness which must be threat no1 or atleast no 2 of india is is easier to convince the normie indian to fight against china,but it is hard to convince them about usa's woke influence.seeing it decline is a good period to remove the sstupid woke influence in our society.


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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what i am saying is usa has no is like germany in world war always needs momentum on its side to win.if it stops it must constantly evangelize its culture or no one will buy it unless they are mental slaves like phillipines,etc.

what i am also saying is that the new evolving demographics of usa are not conducive for even a great power ,let alone a superpower.they are trying to create something from nothing.

it will devolve into a brazil/south africa situation with constant infighting that will be a characteristic rather than a will be worse situation than what is aint running a superpower in those conditions.

Ans as an indian,i believe in bharat not in democracy.i am fighting for bharat not for democracy.

dont sell belittle ourselves by describing bharat as only a democracy,it is a civilizational state.

only a civilizational state can beat a civilizational state if all other things are equal.not confused shopping mall with an economy where people go for jobs and material wealth that is the once meant something to be american,now anyone can be american which means you cant rely on the new demographics to feel for all the original culture of america and and to promote its ways.they just came for the jobs and benefits.its not their homes.they are locusts.

if america wants to win,it does not have time on its must be aggressive now or it will only get worse for america much worse than the demographics of china is getting bad for china.chinese demographics will still stabilize at 800 to 1 billion.that is still good enough for world power.

also usa declining is also good for us as the main example and propagator of wokeness which must be threat no1 or atleast no 2 of india is is easier to convince the normie indian to fight against china,but it is hard to convince them about usa's woke influence.seeing it decline is a good period to remove the sstupid woke influence in our society.
Amreekunts have lost demographic war already.It will be Hispanic followed by Black , Asian majority by 2045.


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Massive and insane arrests of palestinian coomers by Israeli forces began in nazareth, Umm al-Fahm, al-Tira, and al-Raynah at these moments.
The Israeli forces enter more than hundreds of homes.

Del horno

Tihar Jail
May 22, 2021
Country flag
Idf remains unmatched in entire middle east. Threat to Idf is minimal from rolling tanks and more from those half dyk lemmings prone to spontaneous detonations. Israel can end the palestinian population at the moment that the mossad demands. Tactically, Hamas may be a burden for Israel, however, strategically, it’s a very valuable asset. Hamas is considered by most of the world as a terror organization, not a legitimate partner for peace.

Those are poor sand ridden mercenary pigs come often handy as condoms for hire to achieve some very sinister objectives for example establishing LARP caliphate in Syria and committing insane violent shit before getting dispatched to Kuffarhugboxes in Idlib. This looks a more legit reason for the entire ceasefire maymay. You dont want to cull all of your useful pawns.

Israel owns nato tbh. Hell israel even positioned at one notch above all non nato / nato allies lmao.

Turkroaches are already reduced from half dyks to completely dykless with caatsa and a combination of other factors. They cant even get transmission gears and their half assed tanks remain immobilized.The costs to roaches of its downgraded S-400 deal with Russia have been enormous, both strategically and economically. Roaches has paid about 2.5 billion for a defense system it will probably never use. Over the summer, roaches test-activated the S-400 system and then re-packed it again. Quite an expensive device to put back in the box.

Some coomers in leftarded online notepads are going out of their way to try and paint the Gaza devastation as a victory of Hamasholes. This is surely a victory lmao.

Hamasfags arranged a remodeling to this restaurant in Gaza that was reopened today in the attempt to show that life goes on in Gaza after defeat of Israel. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hamasholes even lied to his people saying that the ceasefire was achieved with an Israeli promise to stop visits of gods chosen people on temple mount . Well, today as you can see the lies are being exposed.
The advantages of IDF in the region is minimal and outshined in some aspects by regional players. There is no benefit in keeping Hamas for them but they just can't continue with escalation because it will draw in everyone in the conflict.

Israel doesn't own NATO and not even part of it. It is partner to NATO but mainly its partner is the US where as the EU relations with them is not that good.

Israel is alot weaker in the region then people assuming here and destroying some random buildings doesn't take away the fact that Israeli cities got bombarded nonstop. Attacks came from outside and inside. The pressure was building on others to do intervention. This would have forced NATO and the US to step in but they can't reach there in time and even when they get there they will run into a huge war.

Running into a combined forces of Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, Pakistan, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisa, Morocco, Sudan, Yemen, Bosnia, Lebanon, Indonesia, Syria, Malaysia, Jordan, Brunei, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Krygestan, Bangladesh, Albania.

They can field tremendous amount of manpower and military hardware endless amount of tanks, conventional forces, endless amount of airforce, Nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, endless drones etc etc. They are far from a rollover even for NATO just looking at it pragmatically and they have a fight in the dog. Israel will struggle to fighting just one of these it struggled against Hamas that scored big hits on them. The burnt will be on us to come and fight for them because they will be dusted quickly the Israelis. The US forces and NATO will have to fight the war.. It is us who can chellenge it not them but we are facing greater dengerous from China currently but if they were to band together they could be stronger then China twice and such issues like Israel escalation forces them to band together.

The thing with them is that once they fight they can real fight and they go for it but they are just divided politically but with internal pressure they can band together like what happened during Rama Raya time in the battle of Talikota he managed to band them together accidently while they were busy fighting each other he just need to refrain from commiting atrociities because most of them were his allies he cost ire accidently. They can be unpredictable and volatile because they can be fighting tomorrow against it each other and then something happens they can band together that quickly and it has something to do with the region being emotional but they are far from walkover and they use to be expansionists so they understand warfare
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Del horno

Tihar Jail
May 22, 2021
Country flag
Amreekunts have lost demographic war already.It will be Hispanic followed by Black , Asian majority by 2045.
Hispanics are technically white and counted as white on the surveys. But does it really matter which race is majority by 2045 as long as there are Americans it will continue.

The chellenge facing the US nowadays is China period. China will chellenge it for world hegemony and is still chellenging us not Russia as some may lead you to believe because the Russians are weak and the muslim wolrd could have provided bigger chellenge then China but they are to divided and have inner alliance axes within themselves like the Turko-Pakistan axes, Saudi-Egypt Axes etc etc so they are completely ruled out.

China remains the greatest denger to US hegemony today. A war could happen between China and US as soon as the 2030s


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2021
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Biden admin knows their money will be used by hamas but is still giving and logic

Leftists are real enablers of many problems around the world including in Israel, Yet Jews don't take it too seriously. They are still afraid of Whiteman. Not just Hitler but many christians throughout Europe who killed countess Jews. They are on a mission mode to destroy white race so they are going along with all this empowerment of left.


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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The advantages of IDF in the region is minimal and outshined in some aspects by regional players. There is no benefit in keeping Hamas for them but they just can't continue with escalation because it will draw in everyone in the conflict.
Israel is alot weaker in the region then people assuming here and destroying some random buildings doesn't take away the fact that Israeli cities got bombarded nonstop. Attacks came from outside and inside. The pressure was building on others to do intervention. This would have forced NATO and the US to step in but they can't reach there in time and even when they get there they will run into a huge war.
Running into a combined forces of Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, Pakistan, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisa, Morocco, Sudan, Yemen, Bosnia, Lebanon, Indonesia, Syria, Malaysia, Jordan, Brunei, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Krygestan, Bangladesh, Albania.
And hamasholes ran out of rockets and got their asses owned. What was exactly the damage Israel even received? The Gaza Main Electricity Company announced the complete destruction of its electrical infrastructure sending them back to prophets era lmao. Food supply obiliterated infra health everything rekt in gaza its become shittier and way unlivable than ever before.
Despite being a country lacking resources, Israel has proved to be one of the finest examples. The Shiite Persians and the sunniroaches are not Arabs. Israel is fighting a radical shitlamic organization that most Arab countries have already outlawed! A bunch of half dyks from qatar roaches or porkystan are irrelevant. Arabs even despise iran there is absolutely no chance of their alliance. Infact Joo pay for the safety of arab leaders and have already compromised their leadership , the most recent maymay is what we saw the historic accords put forth during dolun trump. Thats the only reason those gulf countries continue to thrive economically with infra. Else its easy to rekt them in one go with LARP caliphate project. You already know what happened to Libya, Syria , Iraq etc. The only reason hamasfags were spared from a total asswhoop is simply because they are condoms for hires the amreekunts aid that also goes to hamasfags as payment for the services rendered by these mercenaries.

The accord that brought peace between Israel and Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, was welcomed by nearly the entire arab world with the exception of the Palestinians and iranians who called the historic move a "betrayal". Top lulz.These countries have decided to dramatically cut the budgets they transfer to unrwa , the special jewnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees that is designed only for Palestinians.
With that being said the so called arab countries that had slightest chance of any military economic parity are already rendered useless by gods chosen people. While Idf was pounding gaza recklessly slaughtered around 300 hamasholes like the pigs they are and critically whooped thousands of gazan destroyed all of the infra , the arabs gulf states were only begging Israel for a ceasefire. Infact Egypt was shilling for ceasefire since the beginning of ops. But Mossad kept delaying even vetoed all their attempts in jewnited nations lmao. Israel maintained top level relations with arab leaders for over a decade thats also documented.

Amreekunts weaponry is used by those gulf states and what makes you think it will ever be used against Israel ?

Then half of countries you mentioned are already screwed with on going civilwar. They are literally fighting each other. Those places are plaguing with jihadi sleeper cells and political instability. They cant afford to intervene militarily. Israeli tech is most advanced and the majority of countries you mention operate mig 21 and outdated cold war era junk lmao.The only option is to mobilize their population as zombie hoards and overrun israel. How feasible is that exactly? It aint. Half of those hoard will already die off sun strokes while crossing deserts.

I think you are severely underestimating gods chosen people.
Below is just single example of Joo strike.

Ehud Olmert .

>The biggest mistake Bashar Al-Assad made in his life: If he had made a deal with us in 2008, the "civil war" would not have occurred in Syria.

>President George Bush told me: I want Assad to know that the road to Washington passes through Jerusalem (peace with israel).

>If Assad accepts an agreement with me, the doors of washington would open for him with President Bush, and the same is true with rest of eurofags.

They can field tremendous amount of manpower and military hardware endless amount of tanks, conventional forces, endless amount of airforce, Nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, endless drones etc etc. They are far from a rollover even for NATO just looking at it pragmatically and they have a fight in the dog. Israel will struggle to fighting just one of these it struggled against Hamas that scored big hits on them. The burnt will be on us to come and fight for them because they will be dusted quickly the Israelis. The US forces and NATO will have to fight the war.. It is us who can chellenge it not them but we are facing greater dengerous from China currently but if they were to band together they could be stronger then China twice and such issues like Israel escalation forces them to band together. The thing with them is that once they fight they can real fight and they go for it but they are just divided politically but with internal pressure they can band together like what happened during Rama Raya time in the battle of Talikota he managed to band them together accidently while they were busy fighting each other he just need to refrain from commiting atrociities because most of them were his allies he cost ire accidently. They can be unpredictable and volatile because they can be fighting tomorrow against it each other and then something happens they can band together that quickly and it has something to do with the region being emotional but they are far from walkover and they use to be expansionists so they understand warfare
Israel is the only country in middle east with nukes buddy. It is actually a combination of few things: first, the enormous financial and political power of the gods chosen people withing amreekunts including pentagon, the latter exercised primarily through the dominant joo position in the controlled news media, almost all bankings giant Fed, globalist big mofocking corps; and latter, the influence of a vocal and well-organized cabal of Joo-worshipping secular and both christian fundamentalists, who accept at face value the Joos claim to be the yehova ordained rulers of the world.

Funfact - A lot of palestinian arabs Were Happy Israel Won third arab war.

Tbh neither amreekunts nor eu get to decide independent foreign policy its decided by and in tel Aviv. Israel would indeed not survive a day , were it not for the flow of "reparations" payments from Al khilfatistan /germany, the billions of dollars in economic and military aid from the amreekunts owned by Mossad .
When one looks at all of Joo history from the era of the Egyptian to the present, the outstanding feature which emerges is its endless series of cycles, each consisting of a period of increasingly arrogant and blatant depredations by the Joos against their hosts, followed by a period of reaction, in which either the exasperated host gets slaughtered, drive out, and otherwise "persecute" the Joo offenders; or the Joo manage to get the drop on their hosts instead and arrange a slaughter of hosts; or both.

Hispanics are technically white and counted as white on the surveys. But does it really matter which race is majority by 2045 as long as there are Americans it will continue.

The chellenge facing the US nowadays is China period. China will chellenge it for world hegemony and is still chellenging us not Russia as some may lead you to believe because the Russians are weak and the muslim wolrd could have provided bigger chellenge then China but they are to divided and have inner alliance axes within themselves like the Turko-Pakistan axes, Saudi-Egypt Axes etc etc so they are completely ruled out.

China remains the greatest denger to US hegemony today. A war could happen between China and US as soon as the 2030s
Diversity is beautiful tbh but the degeneration and retardation of the sheep is where the problem arises. The Marxists doctrines have already been successfully implanted in atleast 2-3 generation in amreekunts. This takes between 15 and 20 years. This is the minimum number of years which requires to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of the lethal marxism. In other words marxist-leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations ,in other words this is the retardation of people. This experiment is already a success there as every institution of amreekunts is waging a war against itself. Even pentagon is compromised. And from amreekunts it is being imported even to Asia.

On a positive note it failed in BHARAT and wasnt too severe because here the laws of Karma and Dharma govern social order.

You should read about project 1619 its a nightmare fuel in its own right.

As far as your remarks about russians well technically the Rules based international order should exclude interference be it any internal affairs of others or unilateral sanctions. Readiness to sanction Russia but reluctance to sanction China is hypocrisy which has been a fundamental character of amreekunt foreign policy.Thats why most of members here despise and dont trust amreekunts and for all good reasons. Yes ccp is far greater threat to everybody as even amreekunts accepts it alone cant challenge and defeat them in eco, tech & mil domains. Russia not in that league because decades of half assed sanctions have weakend Russia what is still really happening is that the power vaccum that is being created is filled by china .As russia goes down by the head more and more , the void will worsen and be filled by none other but ccp. Because amreekunts and eu are already stagnated in terms of both growth and economy. The demography already favours ccp. Check population.

As far as your mooslame problem well I think you are seriously misinformed when we say mooslame threat to you. Its not gonna be a military invasion kind of threat but something sinister like this.

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Del horno

Tihar Jail
May 22, 2021
Country flag
And hamasholes ran out of rockets and got their asses owned. What was exactly the damage Israel even received? The Gaza Main Electricity Company announced the complete destruction of its electrical infrastructure sending them back to prophets era lmao. Food supply obiliterated infra health everything rekt in gaza its become shittier and way unlivable than ever before.
Despite being a country lacking resources, Israel has proved to be one of the finest examples. The Shiite Persians and the sunniroaches are not Arabs. Israel is fighting a radical shitlamic organization that most Arab countries have already outlawed! A bunch of half dyks from qatar roaches or porkystan are irrelevant. Arabs even despise iran there is absolutely no chance of their alliance. Infact Joo pay for the safety of arab leaders and have already compromised their leadership , the most recent maymay is what we saw the historic accords put forth during dolun trump. Thats the only reason those gulf countries continue to thrive economically with infra. Else its easy to rekt them in one go with LARP caliphate project. You already know what happened to Libya, Syria , Iraq etc. The only reason hamasfags were spared from a total asswhoop is simply because they are condoms for hires the amreekunts aid that also goes to hamasfags as payment for the services rendered by these mercenaries.

The accord that brought peace between Israel and Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, was welcomed by nearly the entire arab world with the exception of the Palestinians and iranians who called the historic move a "betrayal". Top lulz.These countries have decided to dramatically cut the budgets they transfer to unrwa , the special jewnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees that is designed only for Palestinians.
With that being said the so called arab countries that had slightest chance of any military economic parity are already rendered useless by gods chosen people. While Idf was pounding gaza recklessly slaughtered around 300 hamasholes like the pigs they are and critically whooped thousands of gazan destroyed all of the infra , the arabs gulf states were only begging Israel for a ceasefire. Infact Egypt was shilling for ceasefire since the beginning of ops. But Mossad kept delaying even vetoed all their attempts in jewnited nations lmao. Israel maintained top level relations with arab leaders for over a decade thats also documented.

Amreekunts weaponry is used by those gulf states and what makes you think it will ever be used against Israel ?

Then half of countries you mentioned are already screwed with on going civilwar. They are literally fighting each other. Those places are plaguing with jihadi sleeper cells and political instability. They cant afford to intervene militarily. Israeli tech is most advanced and the majority of countries you mention operate mig 21 and outdated cold war era junk lmao.The only option is to mobilize their population as zombie hoards and overrun israel. How feasible is that exactly? It aint. Half of those hoard will already die off sun strokes while crossing deserts.

I think you are severely underestimating gods chosen people.
Below is just single example of Joo strike.

Ehud Olmert .

>The biggest mistake Bashar Al-Assad made in his life: If he had made a deal with us in 2008, the "civil war" would not have occurred in Syria.

>President George Bush told me: I want Assad to know that the road to Washington passes through Jerusalem (peace with israel).

>If Assad accepts an agreement with me, the doors of washington would open for him with President Bush, and the same is true with rest of eurofags.

Israel is the only country in middle east with nukes buddy. It is actually a combination of few things: first, the enormous financial and political power of the gods chosen people withing amreekunts including pentagon, the latter exercised primarily through the dominant joo position in the controlled news media, almost all bankings giant Fed, globalist big mofocking corps; and latter, the influence of a vocal and well-organized cabal of Joo-worshipping secular and both christian fundamentalists, who accept at face value the Joos claim to be the yehova ordained rulers of the world.

Funfact - A lot of palestinian arabs Were Happy Israel Won third arab war.

Tbh neither amreekunts nor eu get to decide independent foreign policy its decided by and in tel Aviv. Israel would indeed not survive a day , were it not for the flow of "reparations" payments from Al khilfatistan /germany, the billions of dollars in economic and military aid from the amreekunts owned by Mossad .
When one looks at all of Joo history from the era of the Egyptian to the present, the outstanding feature which emerges is its endless series of cycles, each consisting of a period of increasingly arrogant and blatant depredations by the Joos against their hosts, followed by a period of reaction, in which either the exasperated host gets slaughtered, drive out, and otherwise "persecute" the Joo offenders; or the Joo manage to get the drop on their hosts instead and arrange a slaughter of hosts; or both.

Diversity is beautiful tbh but the degeneration and retardation of the sheep is where the problem arises. The Marxists doctrines have already been successfully implanted in atleast 2-3 generation in amreekunts. This takes between 15 and 20 years. This is the minimum number of years which requires to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of the lethal marxism. In other words marxist-leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations ,in other words this is the retardation of people. This experiment is already a success there as every institution of amreekunts is waging a war against itself. Even pentagon is compromised. And from amreekunts it is being imported even to Asia.

On a positive note it failed in BHARAT and wasnt too severe because here the laws of Karma and Dharma govern social order.

You should read about project 1619 its a nightmare fuel in its own right.

As far as your remarks about russians well technically the Rules based international order should exclude interference be it any internal affairs of others or unilateral sanctions. Readiness to sanction Russia but reluctance to sanction China is hypocrisy which has been a fundamental character of amreekunt foreign policy.Thats why most of members here despise and dont trust amreekunts and for all good reasons. Yes ccp is far greater threat to everybody as even amreekunts accepts it alone cant challenge and defeat them in eco, tech & mil domains. Russia not in that league because decades of half assed sanctions have weakend Russia what is still really happening is that the power vaccum that is being created is filled by china .As russia goes down by the head more and more , the void will worsen and be filled by none other but ccp. Because amreekunts and eu are already stagnated in terms of both growth and economy. The demography already favours ccp. Check population.

As far as your mooslame problem well I think you are seriously misinformed when we say mooslame threat to you. Its not gonna be a military invasion kind of threat but something sinister like this.

What in the world did I just read... I get it you passionately dislike but that doesn't make them in complete failure in your narrative as you described.

Just one of them can level your Cities and can send you back to the stone ages. miscalculating your enemy is a grave error. Didn't the same folks runover your entire civilization for 1000 years and they also did runover my civilization. I won't underrate them at any given point.

If war breaks out the weapons will be used against each other. You have to mention what is on the ground. Israel is tiny and they have no control in the EU but people support them which others translate into control.

When you also say god's chosen people? Do you know which god that is? They literally worship the same god as the muslims vertically identical. I thought you hated that god? so what is up with all this chosen people? We believe in trinity which is 3 in one but both Jews and Muslim deny that and only worship the father - Elohim - Allah. The same god. I am talking from a pragmatic point of view military they can't do much there without US and NATO. they are alot weaker hence why the ceasefire was benefit for them instead of Hamas.

The conflict was spreading to the region and if it did we could have been in a much bigger war or experience much bigger war.

If you were really observing the battle you would know that Israeli cities took the burnt and it was burning allover social media

You shouldn't look to Israel as major deterence but US and NATO period. India is 1000 x times stronger then Israel in a conventional conflict. They are truly featherweight in all essence when you look from a conventional stand point. So now there chances is very limited in a conflict with anyone of these nations nearby it. They don't have the kind of military edge you would like to believe and in most areas they might be edged out and could have inferior tech compared to the regional players whos defensive industries are growing exponentially. their best hope is NATO and US that is where you gotta support and also your best hope
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nWo 4 Life

Tihar Jail
May 16, 2021
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Didn't the same folks runover your entire civilization for 1000 years and they also did runover my civilization.
Haha, where did you get that from? :rofl: :rofl:

Then again, we ourselves are barely told the truth about those times in our school, so it wouldn't be fair to expect you having true historical knowledge about Islam in India.

Del horno

Tihar Jail
May 22, 2021
Country flag
Haha, where did you get that from? :rofl: :rofl:

Then again, we ourselves are barely told the truth about those times in our school, so it wouldn't be fair to expect you having true historical knowledge about Islam in India.
I read alot of history. They first arrived in the Indus river region sometime in the 7th century but were in proper India during Muhammed of Ghor conquest which lasted for approx 700 years.

They were in the Iberian peninsula for 781 years. I am from the Iberian peninsula myself. They overran many other civilizations in Europe but that is for another topic.

I have even read about the Gupta empire and other ancient Indian civilizations.

My favourite story about the ancient indian civilization was Ashoka the great and Maurya dynasty
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nWo 4 Life

Tihar Jail
May 16, 2021
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I read alot of history. They first arrived in the Indus river region sometime in the 7th century but were in proper India during Muhammed of Ghor conquest which lasted for approx 700 years.

They were in the Iberian peninsula for 781 years. I am from the Iberian peninsula myself. They overran many other civilizations in Europe but that is for another topic
Yeah well, they hardly RAN OVER our civilization, we gave them a bloody nose from time to time.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2019
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What in the world did I just read... I get it you passionately dislike but that doesn't make them in complete failure in your narrative as you described.

Just one of them can level your Cities and can send you back to the stone ages. miscalculating your enemy is a grave error. Didn't the same folks runover your entire civilization for 1000 years and they also did runover my civilization. I won't underrate them at any given point.

If war breaks out the weapons will be used against each other. You have to mention what is on the ground. Israel is tiny and they have no control in the EU but people support them which others translate into control.

When you also say god's chosen people? Do you know which god that is? They literally worship the same god as the muslims vertically identical. I thought you hated that god? so what is up with all this chosen people? We believe in trinity which is 3 in one but both Jews and Muslim deny that and only worship the father - Elohim - Allah. The same god. I am talking from a pragmatic point of view military they can't do much there without US and NATO. they are alot weaker hence why the ceasefire was benefit for them instead of Hamas.

The conflict was spreading to the region and if it did we could have been in a much bigger war or experience much bigger war.

If you were really observing the battle you would know that Israeli cities took the burnt and it was burning allover social media

You shouldn't look to Israel as major deterence but US and NATO period. India is 1000 x times stronger then Israel in a conventional conflict. They are truly featherweight in all essence when you look from a conventional stand point. So now there chances is very limited in a conflict with anyone of these nations nearby it. They don't have the kind of military edge you would like to believe and in most areas they might be edged out and could have inferior tech compared to the regional players whos defensive industries are growing exponentially. their best hope is NATO and US that is where you gotta support and also your best hope
My kneegrow, the thing is, India has ,in recent memory, faced only hybrid wars with insurgents and OpFor working together and has always been constrained from going all out by superpowa US thus our definition of war has morphed from "we shall take your land, your money, your life" to something more like "Pliss go back".
Invariably, wars against Pakistan end with a heavy counter-insurgency effort rather than an attack on their infra and sovereignty, much like the Israelis. Also, something to do with being forced into counter-insurgency year round in our own land.
Thus, we look upon Israelis as having a somewhat congruent role as compared to US which bangs the babysitter's ass because the school teacher aroused him and now he has a raging warboner. (Saudis bombing 9/11 so killing Saddam for example, or attacking Vietnam because of Soviets, or attacking Korea because of China).
In fact, I think the only country US went to war with because it attacked it directly was Japan in WW2.
Israelis are a featherweight, comparitively, but you don't seem to realize how handicapped we've been due to foreign efforts and internal oooh aahs and hesitation which has only now began to come unravelled.

Just one of them can level your Cities and can send you back to the stone ages. miscalculating your enemy is a grave error. Didn't the same folks runover your entire civilization for 1000 years and they also did runover my civilization. I won't underrate them at any given point.
I'ma let you in on a lil Indian secret. People think India's dominant religion is Hinduism but that's not true. It's just a cover, guarded closely by RAW. We actually, in majority, are Jongians.



Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
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The thing with them is that once they fight they can real fight and they go for it but they are just divided politically but with internal pressure they can band together like what happened during Rama Raya time in the battle of Talikota he managed to band them together accidently while they were busy fighting each other he just need to refrain from commiting atrociities because most of them were his allies he cost ire accidently. They can be unpredictable and volatile because they can be fighting tomorrow against it each other and then something happens they can band together that quickly and it has something to do with the region being emotional but they are far from walkover and they use to be expansionists so they understand warfare
Islamic world tried to decimate Israel during 1967 war. Pakistan and all other non Arab nations have also fought against Israel. Result - Palestine lost more territory and worse Islamic nations lost the war in 6 days.

Regarding the unification of Islamic nations, endless tanks, endless drones etc...etc..

what is the combined GDP of these nations?

how many days these nations can sustain the war? Last time it was 6 days, just 6 days.

Last time Pakistan was involved in Arab Israeli war. It has just sent fighter pilots and also surrendered the Palestine territory to Israel and created some media myths about PAF fighter pilot kills.

I have quoted the Vijayanagara part, Let me tell you the actual attitude. if you are weak the Islamists will find a stupid reason to over run you. If you are strong and give them their periodic dose they will find their convenient place and settle. If you block their expansionist agenda and take out the steam of their movement they will fight each other and do to their own people what they are supposed to do to their perceived enemies.

Regarding the myth of unpredictability and myths associated with Radical Islamists, India is facing this for 100's of years and also refined its battle strategies.
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