Israel - Gaza Conflict 2021 (Aftermath of Violence at Al-Aqsa Mosque)

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Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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What in the world did I just read... I get it you passionately dislike but that doesn't make them in complete failure in your narrative as you described.

Just one of them can level your Cities and can send you back to the stone ages. miscalculating your enemy is a grave error. Didn't the same folks runover your entire civilization for 1000 years and they also did runover my civilization. I won't underrate them at any given point.

If war breaks out the weapons will be used against each other. You have to mention what is on the ground. Israel is tiny and they have no control in the EU but people support them which others translate into control.
What I stated remains pure unadulterated facts each of my arguments could be cross validated by multiple sources. We have already discussed most of it in great details on the relevant threads and continue to discuss. You do come from a different background and your perception to the things could be entirely different and thats fine. We have living evidences from Syria , Russia and other geo political happenings all over regarding whats exactly cooking. From Bolshevism to leninism to tsarist overthrows to communism marxism globalism cultural marxism and pretty much everything you could throw. The political spectrum around indoozal nations we thoroughly study. No point in derailing this thread further you are free to stay here tyt discuss and eventually you should be able to see for yourself in the relevant threads. Ofcourse all of this might come as a shock to you as you dont get to see those things on mainstream owned marxshit notepads.

For the sake of argument (this is endless list) the compromised pentagon -

When you also say god's chosen people? Do you know which god that is? They literally worship the same god as the muslims vertically identical. I thought you hated that god? so what is up with all this chosen people? We believe in trinity which is 3 in one but both Jews and Muslim deny that and only worship the father - Elohim - Allah. The same god. I am talking from a pragmatic point of view military they can't do much there without US and NATO. they are alot weaker hence why the ceasefire was benefit for them instead of Hamas.
We all know yehova is tribal god of Israel. Doctrine of trinity is a complete U turn from Judaism . Yehova is god of its chosen people how could it be allah. Its mooslames claim that solomon was a mooslame LMFAO. Infact they claim all Jewish prophets including moses was mooslame . Good retardation there.

Ofcourse nato always stands by israel thats the entire argument there. Nobody sane would buy that a ceasefire was forced upon israel. It was vetoed multiple times allowing Israel a free run to rekt gaza as much as they like.The ceasefire remains fragile and hamasholes are not happy with the way its conditioned. There was no pressure on israel was further evidenced from the fact as many eu leaders pledged full support to Israel immediately after ops started and $735 million sale of bombs to Israel was instantly approved by amreekunts.
I already told you that Israel position is one notch above highly privileged. Heres the latest development with regards to ceasefire lmao.

The conflict was spreading to the region and if it did we could have been in a much bigger war or experience much bigger war.

If you were really observing the battle you would know that Israeli cities took the burnt and it was burning allover social media
The causalities on Israel side are nothing compared to gaza which went through hell . Close to few hundreds rockets managed to pass through Iron dome the close proximity of targets combined are bound to cause a fires.

You shouldn't look to Israel as major deterence but US and NATO period. India is 1000 x times stronger then Israel in a conventional conflict. They are truly featherweight in all essence when you look from a conventional stand point. So now there chances is very limited in a conflict with anyone of these nations nearby it. They don't have the kind of military edge you would like to believe and in most areas they might be edged out and could have inferior tech compared to the regional players whos defensive industries are growing exponentially. their best hope is NATO and US that is where you gotta support and also your best hope
You always missing the fundamental point that Israel doesnt fights alone even if it looks to you as if it is fighting alone .

Good to know you love reading history just triple check where you get them from. For example all of those "South Asian" and "Hinduism studies" remains a refuge for those coomers both of the left and right in marxshit academia.

They use the fig leaf of "Hindutva" to normalize blatant abuse against Hindus in particular and all Asians in general.

I read alot of history.
Marxshit historians dont mention those expeditions where mooslames got buttfucked. Hindu kings never took advantage of weaknesses which came with a hefty cost. Like Prithvi sparing half dyk Ghori for 17 times. They never managed to run over us nor end us later on entire mughal empire was literally bankrupted chasing MARATHAS for example.Constant continuous reckless Hindu resistance lasted for over 600 years.Nowehere else in the world did shitlame encountered such fierce opposition as it did in BHARAT. We are still alive to tell those tales the way it happened. Our Hindu Vedic Dharmic Sanatani past is something to be proud of and so is our fighting spirit.

The civilization remains continuous unbroken to this day and it will be like this in the ages to come. Wherever Hindus lost they chose death over submission. Hence jihadis were forced to everywhere relax their sharihahorseshit or face instant death in mob lynching and riots.There were no mass conversions took place.

Ending my arguments here for now good evening !


Senior Member
Jul 22, 2020
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I read alot of history. They first arrived in the Indus river region sometime in the 7th century but were in proper India during Muhammed of Ghor conquest which lasted for approx 700 years.

They were in the Iberian peninsula for 781 years. I am from the Iberian peninsula myself. They overran many other civilizations in Europe but that is for another topic.

I have even read about the Gupta empire and other ancient Indian civilizations.

My favourite story about the ancient indian civilization was Ashoka the great and Maurya dynasty
Somebody has been reading NCERT/Irfan Habib/Romila Thapar.
On a serious note, the standard textbooks, and historical books in India were a result of Indira Gandhi ceding the intellectual grounds to Marxists in return for their political support, so with Marxists do not expect the truth.
Also Ashoka was anything but great.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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I read alot of history. They first arrived in the Indus river region sometime in the 7th century but were in proper India during Muhammed of Ghor conquest which lasted for approx 700 years.

They were in the Iberian peninsula for 781 years. I am from the Iberian peninsula myself. They overran many other civilizations in Europe but that is for another topic.

I have even read about the Gupta empire and other ancient Indian civilizations.

My favourite story about the ancient indian civilization was Ashoka the great and Maurya dynasty
you poked the wrong bear now, do ensure the debate remains civil.

For other members as well, ensure conversation remains civil .


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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UAE even allowed jews to construct synagogue in UAE. its only the converts that feel butt hurt when their arab master does such things.
The arabs are trying hard to shed their boom boom kaboom image and become mainstream..
while in converts pakistan them still harping over the book brought to them by arab masters.

Qureshi expresses disappointment at EU’s resolution on blasphemy

He said that the resolution reflected a lack of understanding of blasphemy laws and associated religious sensitivities in Pakistan and in the wider Muslim world. “We need to appreciate religious sentiments attached to the personality of Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and other religious symbols,” he stressed.

sauce: paki toilet paper


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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UAE even allowed jews to construct synagogue in UAE. its only the converts that feel butt hurt when their arab master does such things.
The arabs are trying hard to shed their boom boom kaboom image and become mainstream..
while in converts pakistan them still harping over the book brought to them by arab masters.

Qureshi expresses disappointment at EU’s resolution on blasphemy

He said that the resolution reflected a lack of understanding of blasphemy laws and associated religious sensitivities in Pakistan and in the wider Muslim world. “We need to appreciate religious sentiments attached to the personality of Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and other religious symbols,” he stressed.

sauce: paki toilet paper
Gulf Arabs playing long term game for when all oil gets over.
That is why they are mainstream.
They cannot do allahu akbar when oil runs out, and if they do, they themselves will get boom boom kaboom'd.
Pigs and other subcontinentals getting BP high for no reason over the issue of Failasteen.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Gulf Arabs playing long term game for when all oil gets over.
That is why they are mainstream.
They cannot do allahu akbar when oil runs out, and if they do, they themselves will get boom boom kaboom'd.
Pigs and other subcontinentals getting BP high for no reason over the issue of Failasteen.
Absolutely true youngsters are total rectums when it comes to workplace culture or any culture, they are unprofessional lot with temperament of teenagers.
Its the arabs trying to save their own ass by structural changes to their society just to keep their tribe alive .


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Absolutely true youngsters are total rectums when it comes to workplace culture or any culture, they are unprofessional lot with temperament of teenagers.
Its the arabs trying to save their own ass by structural changes to their society just to keep their tribe alive .


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Absolutely true youngsters are total rectums when it comes to workplace culture or any culture, they are unprofessional lot with temperament of teenagers.
Its the arabs trying to save their own ass by structural changes to their society just to keep their tribe alive .
They are spoilt rotten
First by family, then by Govt with cushy govt jobs either in administration or some Govt oil company.
The only normal ones( work wise ) are maybe the Masris, Iraqis and Syrians because they weren't handed life on a golden platter.

Methinks most Arab govts now think the masla of al-Falasteen is an unending clusterfuck, one which they wish to extricate themselves from.
Imagine the Jew is a huge pool of quicksand.
And the Falasteen is sinking in it.
You, his fellow Arab biraadar could probably give him your hand and get him out.
but that risks you too getting stuck in the mess.
So you let him be eaten by the sandy jew.


Psychopathic Neighbour
Senior Member
Jan 26, 2021
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I read alot of history. They first arrived in the Indus river region sometime in the 7th century but were in proper India during Muhammed of Ghor conquest which lasted for approx 700 years.

They were in the Iberian peninsula for 781 years. I am from the Iberian peninsula myself. They overran many other civilizations in Europe but that is for another topic.

I have even read about the Gupta empire and other ancient Indian civilizations.

My favourite story about the ancient indian civilization was Ashoka the great and Maurya dynasty
If you don't get offended may I tag expert on these topics @asaffronladoftherisingsun


Senior Member
Aug 16, 2014
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Gulf Arabs playing long term game for when all oil gets over.
That is why they are mainstream.
They cannot do allahu akbar when oil runs out, and if they do, they themselves will get boom boom kaboom'd.
Pigs and other subcontinentals getting BP high for no reason over the issue of Failasteen.
Gulf Arabs other that Qataris has understood the future of next 30-40 yrs and how royally they will get screwed if they did not change their dependence on Oil and did not build relations with other countries on business rather on base of religion.
MBS has been doing rather Phenomenal work in KSA. Similarly UAE has been forefront of diversifying their economy and adding as much countries in their business ties as possible.
Countries like Iran and Pak need to wake up from their sleeps too. There is already so much resentment in the general citizens of Iran that a few cases here and there will boil them on similar scale as Revolution of 1979.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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\\\\\India abstains on UNHRC resolution proposing probe in Gaza violence

India on Thursday abstained on a resolution at the UN Human Rights Council proposing to set up a Commission of Inquiry into violations surrounding the latest violence in Gaza, but also of “systematic” abuses in Palestinian territories and inside Israel.

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