Is World War 3 is coming? Where India stands?


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Oct 11, 2010
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Guys, I am reading through a dozen of news about conflicts around the world. US - Russia relations is getting worse than ever due to Syrian crisis. India and Pakistan are already on verge of war. China is threat to India. In-short the whole world has started heating up like it was heating before WW1 & WW2.

I just want to explore what is India's place and situation to deal with this.

1. India has good relation with USA and a lot of defense co-operation is going on.
2. India is also good friend with Russia who has been long time defense partner.
3. China is threat to India but still we have good business relations.

Russia & China are getting closer day-by-day to counter USA and because China deliberately supporting Pakistan in terms of arms and weapons, China is threat no matter how close it goes with Russia.

So if war breaks out then what should India do? I highly doubt that India can remain neutral as China won't let India be in peace and Pakistan would definitely would try to get benefit of such situation.

Any suggestion guys?

@LETHALFORCE @Kunal Biswas @Yusuf


New Member
Nov 28, 2015
Guys, I am reading through a dozen of news about conflicts around the world. US - Russia relations is getting worse than ever due to Syrian crisis. India and Pakistan are already on verge of war. China is threat to India. In-short the whole world has started heating up like it was heating before WW1 & WW2.

I just want to explore what is India's place and situation to deal with this.

1. India has good relation with USA and a lot of defense co-operation is going on.
2. India is also good friend with Russia who has been long time defense partner.
3. China is threat to India but still we have good business relations.

Russia & China are getting closer day-by-day to counter USA and because China deliberately supporting Pakistan in terms of arms and weapons, China is threat no matter how close it goes with Russia.

So if war breaks out then what should India do? I highly doubt that India can remain neutral as China won't let India be in peace and Pakistan would definitely would try to get benefit of such situation.

Any suggestion guys?

@LETHALFORCE @Kunal Biswas @Yusuf
The only way out is to side with the West.

Russians will throw us under the bus for the Chinese,they have done it before and they'll do it again.

US relations with Pakistan are at an all time low and we should end them,that way we aren't stuck in a Russa supporting China and China-US supporting Pakistan situation


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Oct 11, 2010
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The only way out is to side with the West.

Russians will throw us under the bus for the Chinese,they have done it before and they'll do it again.

US relations with Pakistan are at an all time low and we should end them,that way we aren't stuck in a Russa supporting China and China-US supporting Pakistan situation

That won't be easy. Remember US has not supported India's bid to declare Pakistan a terrorist state. In history, Pakistan been favourite for US rather than India. So aligning without judging consequences would be dangerous for us.

Darth Malgus

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Aug 24, 2016
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Its pretty close in Syria, even Putin has been saying that the situation is precariously close to a World War.... China will do nothing to India, IF Pak and China both attacks, India could automatically use Nukes, the no first use is just a piece of paper. Especially when the rest of the world is blowing itself up.


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Sep 24, 2016
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The only way out is to side with the West.

Russians will throw us under the bus for the Chinese,they have done it before and they'll do it again.

US relations with Pakistan are at an all time low and we should end them,that way we aren't stuck in a Russa supporting China and China-US supporting Pakistan situation
What west?? I don't think Europe has any interest in fighting china unless china invades Europe .
Russia has nothing more to gain beyond some more territory in Ukraine . It's not worth the war.
Serious war could errupt if china capture Taiwan or attacks Japan.
In that case India should be on guard for a while , it should reinforce but not attack. It should ensure heavy deployment in ioc and Himalayas.
If and only if USA Japan vs china turns into a full fledged war (navy airforce army ) and Japan USA are in serious disadvantage (almost loosing probability of which is fairly low) only then to protect Japans territorial integrity should India open a naval front. (Avoid land war still)

No other reason can be justified for indo china war other than Saving Japan from a complete ruin. That is where India should draw the red line.
If Pakistan or china pre emptively strike India then of course we will have to enter into a full fledged war.
In that case hold china for a while neutralize pak asap and then go full offensive on china.

But in any other case we should keep the window open for better relations in future and not attack china just for some small shooting game between USA and china.
Regarding Russia they might side with china but they will be spooked nonetheless they have nothing to gain in SCS. Movement in Europe will get NATO full immersed in the war .
India should dissuaded Russia from being reckless. By offering to mediate between USA Russia and Japan . (There differences are manageable )

India can also help taking down china allies like north Korea without directly attacking china. By helping South Korea .
India can help in logistics, ammunitions blockade etc.
But a war between India China can only be if china attacks India or if Japan is about to be overrun


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Oct 24, 2014
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Forget about a World War, In case of a long drawn war India will face logistical nightmare because of India's over dependence on foreign suppliers for everything from ammunition to critical components for our navy and air force.

Best option for India will be to stay neutral and pray.


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Sep 24, 2016
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Forget about a World War, In case of a long drawn war India will face logistical nightmare because of India's over dependence on foreign suppliers for everything from ammunition to critical components for our navy and air force.

Best option for India will be to stay neutral and pray.
We can't stay neutral we will need to keep Japan alive and fighting. If Japan falls and USA withdraws we will be next .

Just telling Truth

New Member
Oct 1, 2016
The world is shifting and changing alliance, while when considering War scenario which would be:

Russia and China, now working and having close ties, which is good insignia. Russia and China attacking USA would let to the chances of nuclear war escalation.

America is supporting India in these few years, while when he looked India relations with Russia is not at par. What if? China and Pakistan jointly attack India and then Russia silently provides arms to us like China does? Then India would not any option left and would try to seek US help or middle countries.

Russia new military relationship with Pakistan good insignia.

The following nexus would be happened among major parties as:

China, Pakistan, Russia, Sri lanka, Nepal

From your side:

US, Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Afghanistan

Israel would be out of this mess, as he is busy on there on borders won’t bother to join the conflict.

US won’t consider Pakistan as an rival, as they already known to us being an important ally to them.

But, if Russia supplied arms and weapons to Pakistan, may be India will tends to buy weapons from America.

Russia and China relations are not good for America, as they joining the two super powers will lower the interests in the region.

So, if Pakistan-Russia-China nexus happens and it’s already happening, then for her interests America would support India by through giving weapons.

Chances of Nuclear war are then further happening, without the situation further escalates of, rather than normal fight.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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The world is shifting and changing alliance, while when considering War scenario which would be:

Russia and China, now working and having close ties, which is good insignia. Russia and China attacking USA would let to the chances of nuclear war escalation.

America is supporting India in these few years, while when he looked India relations with Russia is not at par. What if? China and Pakistan jointly attack India and then Russia silently provides arms to us like China does? Then India would not any option left and would try to seek US help or middle countries.

Russia new military relationship with Pakistan good insignia.

The following nexus would be happened among major parties as:

China, Pakistan, Russia, Sri lanka, Nepal

From your side:

US, Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Afghanistan

Israel would be out of this mess, as he is busy on there on borders won’t bother to join the conflict.

US won’t consider Pakistan as an rival, as they already known to us being an important ally to them.

But, if Russia supplied arms and weapons to Pakistan, may be India will tends to buy weapons from America.

Russia and China relations are not good for America, as they joining the two super powers will lower the interests in the region.

So, if Pakistan-Russia-China nexus happens and it’s already happening, then for her interests America would support India by through giving weapons.

Chances of Nuclear war are then further happening, without the situation further escalates of, rather than normal fight.
Why would Sri Lanka Nepal Myanmar or Russia would interfere . :doh:

Just telling Truth

New Member
Oct 1, 2016
Why would Sri Lanka Nepal Myanmar or Russia would interfere . :doh:
Look at my complete post, where I have mentioned that these small countries would interfere or have conflict with each other?

I have mentioned, because they would be taking sides for different countries as who is friend and who is foe.

Major partners would be China, Pakistan, and Russia.

On other side, major partners would be US, India and some middle countries like Japan.


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Sep 24, 2016
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Look at my complete post, where I have mentioned that these small countries would interfere or have conflict with each other?

I have mentioned, because they would be taking sides for different countries as who is friend and who is foe.

Major partners would be China, Pakistan, and Russia.

On other side, major partners would be US, India and some middle countries like Japan.
Japan is middle country :pound::pound:
If Chinese are scared of someone it's Japan. If America respects someone it's Japan . And frankly i too found Japanese most dangerous when it comes to war.
Just because they do not shout day and night like Pakistan doesn't mean they are middle country.

Just telling Truth

New Member
Oct 1, 2016
If Russia won’t way in conflict with India openly, then it would silently support Pakistan and China actions against India, which when India alliance to America.
Silently(Providing arms support to Pakistan) through using channel of China route, and then fresh contingents of weapons would be received to Pakistan.


New Member
Sep 19, 2016
If Russia won’t way in conflict with India openly, then it would silently support Pakistan and China actions against India, which when India alliance to America.
Silently(Providing arms support to Pakistan) through using channel of China route, and then fresh contingents of weapons would be received to Pakistan.
What about nukes?? You people don't have BMDs and even if you do get it from Russia or China (acc to you) they can't stop every missile from India (100+ nukes pointing towards Pak).
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Just telling Truth

New Member
Oct 1, 2016
What about nukes?? You people don't have BMDs and even if you do get it from Russia or China (acc to you) they can't stop every missile from India (100+ nukes pointing towards Pak).
The lack of an anti-ballistic missile technology was a gap in Indian security. But has that gap been filled now? You shall ask that question to yourself, we have many Ballistic missiles that have required capabilities, and would evade that 2 Israel long range radars easily which you have deployed there. So, can you protect yourself from our Ballistic missiles? As, spray of missiles going towards you wouldn’t be so easy to destroy each and every single of them, and many would hit their specified targets before destroying any single one of them.


New Member
Jul 15, 2016
If Russia won’t way in conflict with India openly, then it would silently support Pakistan and China actions against India, which when India alliance to America.
--> Its pure wet dream of Paki's selling by their Maulan's because Testicle nuke become bluff after IA SS, so something need to keep morale high or delusion,
--> Lets say pakis getting Russia support then what Russians will get in return "Jehadi" I am sure you have heard Putin's word "Musalman need russia, russian dont need musalmans"

Silently(Providing arms support to Pakistan) through using channel of China route, and then fresh contingents of weapons would be received to Pakistan.

Above statement is Paki's last hope to counter India, you have accepted now that you cannot fight conventional war with India Nuke is out of Question and all knows now, NK nuke test exposed lot of things about China & Paki nuke capability.

There are lots of similarity between Russia & Israeli they don't let go their enemy unpunished abd its correct time for Russia to punish Pakis for Afghan audacity and pay in same coin..... now it should be worried when Russian is getting close to Pakis.
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Feb 7, 2011
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A world war (esp. if it by proxies) will be of relatively good for the US as compared to other countries, unless the war is taken to US mainland. The main strength of the US is not its dazzling fighter-planes or high-tech tanks, but the Pacific, Atlantic and the Marine Corps.

India will not be able to stay neutral, because Kasmir will be part of the conflict.

Key areas to watch: 1. Syria/Turkey/Iran/Arabian peninsula/Caspian region; 2. Ind-Pak region; 3. South China Sea region.
Reasons: 1. Prevent consolidation of Arab lands & resources, & expansion of Russia's ability to project naval power through Black Sea and Caspian; 2. Prevent consolidation of Central Asian and South Asian regions which will have positive effect on the economies of the said regions & also of Russia and China; 3. Containment of China.
All three are of course inter-connected.

Just telling Truth

New Member
Oct 1, 2016
Just telling Truth, post: 1217048, member: 21815"]If Russia won’t way in conflict with India openly, then it would silently support Pakistan and China actions against India, which when India alliance to America.
--> Its pure wet dream of Paki's selling by their Maulan's because Testicle nuke become bluff after IA SS, so something need to keep morale high or delusion,
--> Lets say pakis getting Russia support then what Russians will get in return "Jehadi" I am sure you have heard Putin's word "Musalman need russia, russian dont need musalmans"

Silently(Providing arms support to Pakistan) through using channel of China route, and then fresh contingents of weapons would be received to Pakistan.

Above statement is Paki's last hope to counter India, you have accepted now that you cannot fight conventional war with India Nuke is out of Question and all knows now, NK nuke test exposed lot of things about China & Paki nuke capability.

There are lots of similarity between Russia & Israeli they don't let go their enemy unpunished abd its correct time for Russia to punish Pakis for Afghan audacity and pay in same coin..... now it should be worried when Russian is getting close to Pakis.

Russia is a lot different from Israel, Russia is a sensible country unlike Israel, its competing with USA is the recent case, and that’s why Russia is seeking and choosing those countries which has weakened the relations currently with America, and China and Pakistan are both best contestants to Russia knows this, so Russia would only think about her economy, unlike Israel which can’t have his own land and captured others territory through force.
Don’t imitator what your government and army said about “Sir G Kal”. If it was that true? Then Washington post and the international media would not be refuting. And, that’s why without any solid proof they are disproving as they know Indian normal cease fire violation and sugar coating as “Sir G Kal”. No one is going to believe these fabricated stories, as world needs solid proof and you are lacking that’s why your political leader such as Kejriwal, Nirupam and Rahul are not satisfied and questioning both your leadership and army.
You think, Pakistan nuclear weapons are like NK? Then you are wrong, I think, you should not know the real capabilities of our nuke, only when I put missile from the category of list Ballistic! Then, showering of these missiles on Indians won’t give second chance to India, where their policy of second use applied.


New Member
Sep 19, 2016
The lack of an anti-ballistic missile technology was a gap in Indian security. But has that gap been filled now? You shall ask that question to yourself, we have many Ballistic missiles that have required capabilities, and would evade that 2 Israel long range radars easily which you have deployed there. So, can you protect yourself from our Ballistic missiles? As, spray of missiles going towards you wouldn’t be so easy to destroy each and every single of them, and many would hit their specified targets before destroying any single one of them.
In your last post you said Pakistan and China were going to attack India.
My response was if you guys decide to attack then India would use its nukes on both of you. Since you don't have BMDs, it would be the end of Pakistan India and China. So what was/is the point of attacking when the out come would be a draw. Nobody wins...