Iran Military Developments

Would Iran having a Nuclear Bomb benefit India vis-a-vis Pakistan?

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Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Emad: Iran’s New Ballistic Missile Amid The Nuclear Deal

Iran recently test-fired the ‘Emad’, a precision-guided medium-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile. The missile has a range of 1700 kms and a payload capacity of 750kgs. Any missile above a 500 kg payload is considered nuclear capable. Emad is liquid-fuelled but withimproved accuracy and maneuverable re-entry vehicles for evading enemy defence systems. This improved accuracy is extremely important if Iran is to deliver a conventional payload. The missile is also reported to carry thrusters for course correction. Reports suggest that this missile is an improved version of the liquid-fuelled Shahab missiles.

The maneuverability is achieved by steering warheads that can perform last minute maneuvering even at the terminal phase. According to Iranian Defence Minister Hossein Dehghan, Emad is Iran’s first ever missile that can be guided and controlled until the missile hits the target. The missile’s survivability is enhanced by road mobility with the help of the Transporter Erector Launcher (TELs).

There have been reports that the Iranian Parliament has approved the nuclear deal with the US and that the deal has also been approved of by the Guardian Council of the Constitution. Ever since the deal was finalised in July 2015, Iranian hardliners have been apprehensive of the conventional arms embargo imposed on Iran – which also includes an embargo on the development of ballistic missiles.

One of the probable reasons why the missile was test-fired just prior to the approval of the nuclear deal was probably to prove a point that under no circumstance can the nuclear deal hinder Iran’s progress with its ballistic missile program. This is also clearly evident from Dehghan’s statement where he said, “We don’t ask anyone’s permission to enhance our defence power or missile capability and will firmly pursue our defence plans, particularly in the field of missile…Emad is one of the outstanding examples of this.”

Despite UNSC sanctions on the country since 2003, Iran has already progressed with its ballistic missile development program and its cruise missile development program. Earlier this year, Iran test-fired the Soumar, a sophisticated long-range cruise missile, while the nuclear negotiation process was ongoing. Both missiles are expected to enter service by 2016.

Furthermore, this year, Iran unveiled the extended range Fateh missiles that now have a range of 500kms. However, while Iran’s missile capabilities could put several of its adversaries at threat, Iran claims that its missile development is meant for its defence and is not aimed at any specific country. According to Dehghan, the missile would only add to peace and strategic stability in the region and also enables the country to display its technological prowess. Iran is also concentrating on solid-propelled ballistic missiles with a 2500km range, called the Sejjil missiles. Last year, Iran had also test-fired the Barani ballistic missiles which are capable of being fitted with Multiple Re-entry Vehicles.

Therefore, Iran is not only making progress with its missile systems but these missiles could be capable of evading enemy missile defence system. The ability of the missile to evade the ballistic missile defence systems of its adversaries could put the US’ European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) system at threat. The US under the EPAA has decided to field its missile defence system and related components in NATO countries to be able to counter the Iranian ballistic missile threat.

While the new Iranian ballistic missile is a liquid fuel propelled missile – which is technically hazardous to prepare – many other states such as Russia and China have also concentrated on liquid-fuelled intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM).

This could be because in comparison to the solid-fuelled missiles, the liquid-fuelled missiles have a higher launch-weight to throw-weight ratio, which provides the missile with a longer range. This could precisely be a reason why Iran could, in future, concentrate on liquid-fuelled missiles for its ICBMs, should it develop the same.

However, this week’s missile test by Iran will certainly draw international criticism from Israel and also from the US. While many analysts could suggest including the issue of ballistic missiles into the nuclear deal, it is only advantageous to not to include the same in the deal. The nuclear deal does not contain any restrictions for Iran on the development of ballistic missiles per se. It is only the UNSC that imposes an embargo on Iran’s conventional weaponry development. Therefore, such missile tests should not hinder the progress of the nuclear deal that has been much lauded by the international community and truly upholds the essence of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. If Iran’s ballistic missile development program is to be checked, there should be separate regional framework to ban missile development in the West Asian region.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Could Tehran’s EMAD Missile Outsmart Israel’s Arrow 3?

In order to gain higher precision, EMAD likely integrates inertial and satellite navigation systems with aerodynamic and propulsion control to guide the re-entry vehicle to its target. Potentially, with these capabilities also enable the reentry vehicle to dodge interceptors, posing a new challenge for missile defenses

Iran’s EMAD ballistic missile carries a single Maneuverable Re-Entry Vehicle (MARV) loaded 750 high-explosive warhead. Photo: Iran’s MOD

Iran has successfully test fired a new, domestically-produced, medium-range ballistic missile, namedEmad (pillar, in Farsi). “This is Iran’s first medium-range missile that can be guided and controlled until hitting the target,” Iran’s Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan was quoted as saying. According to analyst estimates the new missile could be ready for service next year.

The Islamic Republic of Iran already has surface-to-surface missiles with ranges of up to 2,000 kilometers that can hit Israel and US military bases in the region. The new missile seems to be a derivative of these liquid-propelled Ghadr and Shahab missiles. This Medium-Range Ballistic Missile (MRBM) is also powered by liquid-fuel and; according to unconfirmed sources, it has a range of up to 1,700 km., (1,060 miles) carrying a payload of 750 kg (1,650 pounds). Its accuracy is estimated at 500 meters (1,650 ft), compared of 2,000 meters (1.2 miles) accuracy achieved by the current Shahab 3 missile.

Unlike its predecessors, the new model is equipped with a re-entry vehicle which integrates a guidance system that controls four aerodynamic surfaces for endo-atmospheric flight, and thrusters which can adjust the vehicle’s exo-atmospheric trajectory,

Two views of the new MARV employed on the EMAD ballistic missile. Photo: Iranian MOD

In order to gain higher precision, EMAD likely integrates inertial and satellite navigation systems with aerodynamic and propulsion control to guide the re-entry vehicle to its target. Potentially, with these capabilities also enable the reentry vehicle to dodge interceptors, posing a new challenge for missile defenses


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
Can you please leave the claims or counter claims aside... we can have another thread to get the authenticity ...
where the another thread,
can you create that.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
BREAKING: Iran busts 10 terrorist cells

Iran has uncovered and disbanded 10 terrorist groups linked to ISIS, says Iran’s Intelligence Ministry.

Iranian Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi made the comments in the western Kordestan province

The Islamic Republic has "vigilantly" obstructed any move by the terrorists using the country's "intelligence dominance."

He went on to hail the Iranian nation’s support for Iran's intelligence community, noting that efforts to fight terrorism “are not enough on their own” unless the people contribute to investigations.

Alavi made the remarks in the wake of the deadly Paris attacks that left 132 people dead and many more injured.

Following those attacks and earlier deadly bombings in the Lebanese capital Beirut, Alavi said on Sunday that the recent incidents "are a serious alert to us too and should be subjected to expert attention.”


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Tomcat and Bear , The two archenemies are flying together

In this clip we see an Iranian F-4 just behind one of these bombers, while on 1:25 an Iranian F-14 is clearly escorting a Russian Tu-95MS



Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Russia may produce Sukhoi Superjets in Iran
Thu Nov 19, 2015 12:23PM

Russia says it is negotiating with Iran over the local production of its Sukhoi Superjets.
Russian officials say the country is negotiating with Iran over the local production of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ 100) airliner to replace the ageing Iranian fleet on regional routes.

Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin says Moscow may deliver a large batch of SSJ 100 planes – described as the country’s most modern commercial jets – to Iran before 2020.

Rogozin told the Russian media that the batch could comprise about 100 planes.

The planes can be in part be localized by Iranian producers if Tehran makes the political decision to purchase ready-made aircraft, he told Rossiya 24 TV during a two-day trip to Iran.

"Last night, one of the largest Iranian airlines held negotiations with UAC on the possible delivery of ready planes within five years. Different digits have been mentioned and I can mention them too - approximately 100 planes," Rogozin added.

Iran has a shortage of modern aircraft due to the long running sanctions imposed by the West. Local airlines are looking for reliable regional jets to fly domestic routes. The SSJ 100 might be a match for Iran’s needs, with additional options to come along with the prospective deal, RT reported on its website.

"If Tehran agrees to purchase the Superjet, we will discuss partial localization of production in Iran," RT has quoted Rogozin as telling Russia’s TASS news agency.

Sukhoi Superjet 100 is Russia’s newest twin-engine regional passenger aircraft which began operating commercially in 2011. More than 60 aircraft are in service with airlines in Laos, Mexico, and Russia.

Last month, France-KLM's CityJet signed a deal with Sukhoi to purchase 15 SSJ 100 planes worth over $1 billion. Sukhoi has also sold three SSJ 100s to Thailand and one to Kazakhstan.

According to Minister of Roads and Urban Development Abbas Akhundi, Iran will need to buy 400 long- and medium-haul jets and at least 100 planes for use in local airports at a cost of $50 billion.

PressTV-Russia may produce Sukhoi Superjets in Iran


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Iran disbands two terror cells, Intelligence Ministry says

Iranian security forces have disbanded two terror cells, which were planning to carry out bomb attacks, in two provinces, Iran’s Intelligence Ministry says.

Officials at the ministry said on Saturday that one of the terrorist groups was busted in the southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan.

The terrorists were planning to blow up over 150 kilograms of explosives in the form of ten bombs on the eastern Iranian border region.

Authorities added that another cell connected to groups hostile to the Islamic Republic, which had entered the country to commit acts of terror, was also smashed in West Azerbaijan Province.

Security forces also discovered and confiscated a large number of weapons and ammunition from the terror cell.



Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Stealth kh-101


So Russia gave her latest stealth technology to Iran

I hope we will see the Iranian version soon


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
The meeting between Putin and khamenei was very warm and friendly , and the main subject was also Syrian civil war...

It seems that both of them were very happy

Iran reliable ally for Russia

TEHRAN, Nov. 23 (MNA) – Russian President Vladimir Putin has told Leader of the Islamic Republic no power would impose its will on Syrian people and decide on their behalf on Syrian future political structure.
Leader’s official website report quoted Mr. Putin’s remarks in his meeting with Ayatollah Khamenei earlier on Monday, where Mr. Putin expressed gratitude for meeting with the Leader; “bilateral relations between Iran and Russia in diverse fields as aerospace and technologies has taken a rapid turn, and we are happy that Russia along with Islamic Republic of Iran, has played an active role in resolving regional and international crises,” he told the Leader.

Putin also praised the Islamic Republic as an independent and strong country with bright futures on the horizons; “Russia considers Iran as a reliable ally in the region and the world at large; we are committed to a general avoidance of betraying our partners and stabbing our friends coming out of the dark, and are committed to negotiation and diplomacy in solving any differences,” Mr. Putin said figuratively.

Putin described Iranian and Russian positions on Syria very close; “we both emphasize that crisis in Syria will be solved only if all Syrian groups of all ethnicities participate in elections and that world powers recognize this political means to bring stability to the country; we strongly believe that no country is in a positon to decide on behalf of Syrians on their future government,” he emphasized.

Putin emphasized upon the continuing nature of air strikes against terrorist strongholds in Syria and believed Tehran-Moscow sharing beliefs was necessary for a diplomatic solution; “countries with a claim to democracy could not oppose to elections in Syria,” he concluded.


Leader urges vigilance to thwart US plot for West Asia

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Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei (R) receives Russian President Vladimir Putin in Tehran on November 23, 2015. ©
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the long-term US plot for Western Asia is against the interests of all countries, particularly Iran and Russia, urging vigilance and close interaction to thwart the scheme.

In a meeting with visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin in Tehran on Monday, Ayatollah Khamenei said the US has a long-term plot to take control of the whole of West Asia by dominating Syria and then expanding its dominion over the entire region, saying, “This plot is a threat to all nations and countries, particularly Russia and Iran.”

The Leader hailed Russia’s influential role in regional issues, particularly in the Syrian conflict, and said Moscow’s decisions and measures in dealing with developments in Damascus enhanced the regional and international standing of Russia and President Putin in particular.

“The Americans have always been trying to place their rivals in a position of passivity but you have foiled such a policy,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The US and its followers are seeking to achieve through political means and negotiations the objectives that they have failed to obtain via military approaches, the Leader said, adding vigilance and a proactive stance are necessary to prevent this goal from being realized.

Ayatollah Khamenei said Washington’s insistence on the ouster of Syria’s legitimate and democratically-elected President Bashar al-Assad is among the weaknesses of the US policies.

He said the Syrian president, in a national election, succeeded in winning the majority of votes of the Syrian people with “different political, religious and ethnic” viewpoints and emphasized that the US has no right to ignore the Syrians’ choice.

The Leader said every solution on the Syrian crisis should be endorsed by the country’s nation and officials.


Russia’s Putin donates a special gift to Ayatollah Khamenei

Visiting Russian president Vladimir Putin donated a special gift to Iran’s Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei during a meeting held in Tehran on Monday, Iranian local media reported.

Putin, who is in Tehran to attend the summit meeting of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF), gave one of the world’s oldest Quran manuscripts to Ayatollah Khamenei, another sign showing the strengthening relations between the two countries.

Russian President met with Iran’s Supreme Leader as part of his visit to Tehran to attend the third meeting of fuel-exporting countries.

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He is also set to meet Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani.

Vladimir Putin became the first Russian leader to visit Iran since World War II when he held talks with Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in 2007.

The third meeting of fuel-exporting countries was opened in Tehran on November 23 by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, and prior to the meeting of the heads of the member countries, their ministers of oil and energy will meet beginning November 20.


More pics:


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Iranian cobras in action

In 1971, Iran purchased 202 of an improved AH-1J, named "AH-1J International", from the United States. This improved Cobra featured an uprated P&WC T400-WV-402 engine and stronger drivetrain. Recoil damping gear was fitted to the 20 mm M-197 gun turret, and the gunner was given a stabilized sight and even a stabilized chair

Iranian AH-1Js participated in the Iran–Iraq War—which saw the most intensive use of helicopters in any conventional war.

Iranian AH-1Js (particularly the TOW-capable ones) were "exceptionally effective" in anti-armor warfare, inflicting heavy losses on Iraqi armored and vehicle formations. In operations over the barren terrain in Khuzestan and later in southern Iraq, beside the standard tactics, Iranian pilots developed special, effective tactics Due to the post-Revolution weapons sanctions, Iranians had to make do with what was at hand .

they equipped the Cobras with AGM-65 Maverick and AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles and used them with success against Iraqi targets such as osirak nuclear reactor

Starting from October 1980, the AH-1Js engaged in air-to-air combat with Iraqi Mil Mi-24 helicopters on several, separate occasions during the Iran–Iraq War. One document cited that Iranian AH-1Js took on Iraqi Mi-8 and Mi-24 helicopters.

Iranian AH-1 pilots achieved a 10:1 kill ratio over the Iraqi helicopter pilots during these engagements

There were even engagements between Iranian AH-1Js and Iraqi fixed-wing aircraft. The AH-1Js scored three confirmed kills against MiG-21s, claimed a Su-20, and shared in the destruction of a MiG-23—all using their 20 mm M197 cannon.


Ali Akbar Shiroodi and Ahmad Keshvari were two distinguished Iranian Cobra pilots during Iran-Iraq War and are considered wartime heroes in Iran.

Iranian AH-1Js are in service with the Islamic Republic of Iran Army Aviation and have undergone indigenous upgrade programs.



Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Iranian cobras in action

In 1971, Iran purchased 202 of an improved AH-1J, named "AH-1J International", from the United States. This improved Cobra featured an uprated P&WC T400-WV-402 engine and stronger drivetrain. Recoil damping gear was fitted to the 20 mm M-197 gun turret, and the gunner was given a stabilized sight and even a stabilized chair

Iranian AH-1Js participated in the Iran–Iraq War—which saw the most intensive use of helicopters in any conventional war.

Iranian AH-1Js (particularly the TOW-capable ones) were "exceptionally effective" in anti-armor warfare, inflicting heavy losses on Iraqi armored and vehicle formations. In operations over the barren terrain in Khuzestan and later in southern Iraq, beside the standard tactics, Iranian pilots developed special, effective tactics Due to the post-Revolution weapons sanctions, Iranians had to make do with what was at hand .

they equipped the Cobras with AGM-65 Maverick and AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles and used them with success against Iraqi targets such as osirak nuclear reactor

Starting from October 1980, the AH-1Js engaged in air-to-air combat with Iraqi Mil Mi-24 helicopters on several, separate occasions during the Iran–Iraq War. One document cited that Iranian AH-1Js took on Iraqi Mi-8 and Mi-24 helicopters.

Iranian AH-1 pilots achieved a 10:1 kill ratio over the Iraqi helicopter pilots during these engagements

There were even engagements between Iranian AH-1Js and Iraqi fixed-wing aircraft. The AH-1Js scored three confirmed kills against MiG-21s, claimed a Su-20, and shared in the destruction of a MiG-23—all using their 20 mm M197 cannon.

View attachment 6730

Ali Akbar Shiroodi and Ahmad Keshvari were two distinguished Iranian Cobra pilots during Iran-Iraq War and are considered wartime heroes in Iran.

Iranian AH-1Js are in service with the Islamic Republic of Iran Army Aviation and have undergone indigenous upgrade programs.


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