Iran Military Developments

Would Iran having a Nuclear Bomb benefit India vis-a-vis Pakistan?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 23.5%
  • No

    Votes: 39 57.4%
  • Can't Say

    Votes: 13 19.1%

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Global Defence Moderator
Senior Member
Apr 20, 2009
the Basji can be Compared to the 1st SS Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler such is the Loyalty to their Duty and leader


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2009
I still don't get it about this "telling blow" thing !! I think it most probably will be a new missile test featuring something better than whatever they have in their arsenal as of now, which is nothing to say i.e. without nuclear warheads to arm them ! Ahmadinejad being a maniac is capable of a lot of unpleasant surprises, but I don't they have what it takes to conduct a nuke test or do something suicidal like firing their Scuds into Israel.


Top Gun
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2009
I still don't get it about this "telling blow" thing !! I think it most probably will be a new missile test featuring something better than whatever they have in their arsenal as of now, which is nothing to say i.e. without nuclear warheads to arm them ! Ahmadinejad being a maniac is capable of a lot of unpleasant surprises, but I don't they have what it takes to conduct a nuke test or do something suicidal like firing their Scuds into Israel.
The telling blow was delivered! It was a Satellite Launch! If I am not Mistaken! :) God Speed


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2009
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The whole concept of Pakistan attacking Iran under American direction is very lame in my opinion.

Reasons :

1. The Pakistani domestic opposition will be of such a degree, that the very stability of the government will be threatened. For years, a general Pakistani mind has been trained to judge things on the basis of religion. As of now, Pakistani public is not very fond of the west. If Pakistan embarks on an offensive against another Islamic nation to satisfy American will, I'm afraid, they'll be in big domestic trouble.

2. Israel and other American-powered Gulf nations are a strong enough deterrent against Iran.

3. US will heavily lose out on its diplomatic ties with India,China and Russia, all of which will not accept growing American military dominance in the region.

4. The American people are tired of war, especially after the long dragged Iraq campaign. The US campaign was militarily brilliant, however, they failed to consolidate the after war mess and anarchy. An Iranian invasion will repeat the same story.
5. NATO is tired of providing soldiers to do American bidding. This can be seen by constant American pleas to their allies for increased troop support.


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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CEP is too poor, hmmmmmm Is it so poor that if launched against Karachi, it will fall in Baltimore? Guess not!
Absurd statement...

My friend, as far as my "little" understanding of missile warfare is concerned, you dont need a great CEP while holding a populous area at ransom, especially when armed with CB weapons! We all know the Iranians can make up chemical weapons cause they have the base to do so. If they are loosing ground as you see, they will send in a few CB laden missiles at our Pakistani friends, and then The Pakistanis can retaliate with their Nukes. Ultimately both will be the loosers, thats how it is in missile warfares, and Pakistan has no BMD shield in sight as of now, so the notion that these silly "iranian scuds" wont do good doesnt hold true.
Iran stopped their CW programme after the Iran-Iraq war. As per thier own statements, the stockpiles have "been destroyed."

Lastly, how would you know about the CEP of the Iranian Missiles? Or for that Fact the pakistani missiles? Do you agree these missiles were born from a single mother source??
Born from China, but China isn't giving their latest gyroscopes. The technology they pass are handme downs. First it goes to Pakistan, then it gets filtered out from there. Pak missiles will be the most accurate with DPRK and Iranian missiles being less. China has only recently reached the point where their ballistic missiles are accurate enough to have a real conventional effect. This capability will not likely reach Iran unless there is another AQ Khan to sell it to them.

Or Do you still believe Paksitan holds an upper hand in the Missile tech? if so then they must be better than India too! right?
India has access to Western gyroscopes. These will be better than Chinese.

Then, again, Everyone thought the Basij would be cannon fodder against the onslaught of the Iraqis, with all their western support and chemical weapons! My Dear friend, dont underestimate the zealots! Religious fervour can make you do a lot of stuff unimaginable, and the Basij is trained for just that! I have heard first hand records of their actions during the Persian war, and the Religious indoctrnation they go through! I have seen pictures of a volunteer who had his leg blown off, holding a copy of Quran and reading it! Shocking, Shocking to the core as to how trained they are by the religious sermons they get!
The population and political support has shifted drastically since the Iran-Iraq war. The Islamic Revolution was fresh and people truly zealots for the cause back in the eighties. Things have changed in Iran. The population is much younger, the Shah is a distant memory. All they know now is opression and disdain for the military, especially the Basijis sitting tight in the mosques. If IRGC is sending the Basijis as cannon fodder to Balochistan, they will lose control in the cities with no one to crack down on protests. The Basij indoctrination also isn't as zealous as it used to be. Most sign up today just to get preferential job placement. The IRGC is now the true power in Iran, and not the mullahs. That religious zeal isn't going to be there this time.


Top Gun
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2009
Absurd statement...

Iran stopped their CW programme after the Iran-Iraq war. As per thier own statements, the stockpiles have "been destroyed."

Born from China, but China isn't giving their latest gyroscopes. The technology they pass are handme downs. First it goes to Pakistan, then it gets filtered out from there. Pak missiles will be the most accurate with DPRK and Iranian missiles being less. China has only recently reached the point where their ballistic missiles are accurate enough to have a real conventional effect. This capability will not likely reach Iran unless there is another AQ Khan to sell it to them.

India has access to Western gyroscopes. These will be better than Chinese.

The population and political support has shifted drastically since the Iran-Iraq war. The Islamic Revolution was fresh and people truly zealots for the cause back in the eighties. Things have changed in Iran. The population is much younger, the Shah is a distant memory. All they know now is opression and disdain for the military, especially the Basijis sitting tight in the mosques. If IRGC is sending the Basijis as cannon fodder to Balochistan, they will lose control in the cities with no one to crack down on protests. The Basij indoctrination also isn't as zealous as it used to be. Most sign up today just to get preferential job placement. The IRGC is now the true power in Iran, and not the mullahs. That religious zeal isn't going to be there this time.

I quote Sohams First Reason and End this discussion

1. The Pakistani domestic opposition will be of such a degree, that the very stability of the government will be threatened. For years, a general Pakistani mind has been trained to judge things on the basis of religion. As of now, Pakistani public is not very fond of the west. If Pakistan embarks on an offensive against another Islamic nation to satisfy American will, I'm afraid, they'll be in big domestic trouble.


Top Gun
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2009
If you take Iranians word for "destorying" their CB stockpile then I say you should take the word when they say they are pursuing "peaceful" nuclear technology! What say? eh I mean since they are such honest people and you take everything they say to be true, you should take their press releases saying their missiles are also Accurate, seriously! Double standards if not!


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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If you take Iranians word for "destorying" their CB stockpile then I say you should take the word when they say they are pursuing "peaceful" nuclear technology! What say? eh I mean since they are such honest people and you take everything they say to be true, you should take their press releases saying their missiles are also Accurate, seriously! Double standards if not!
I wouldn't have believed it until 2003. But then we all know the Saddam story. With no sign of a recent programme, those stocks would be useless anyways.


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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I quote Sohams First Reason and End this discussion

1. The Pakistani domestic opposition will be of such a degree, that the very stability of the government will be threatened. For years, a general Pakistani mind has been trained to judge things on the basis of religion. As of now, Pakistani public is not very fond of the west. If Pakistan embarks on an offensive against another Islamic nation to satisfy American will, I'm afraid, they'll be in big domestic trouble.
Pakistan won't attack Iran to satisfy American will. They would have to have far more personal reasons. Pursuit of Balochi rebels, Iranian terrorists blowing up mosques, rampant drug running... and some major event to bring it to head. Not on the command of CIA.


Top Gun
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2009
Pakistan won't attack Iran to satisfy American will. They would have to have far more personal reasons. Pursuit of Balochi rebels, Iranian terrorists blowing up mosques, rampant drug running... and some major event to bring it to head. Not on the command of CIA.
Pursuit of Balcohi rebels? Come on, give something more concrete, Iranian terrorists blowing up mosques?? Drug running? If all this calls for War, then pakistan would have gone to War!

You must remember that Drugs are a major problem for IRan too, they are fighting against it too. And they too are having mosques being blow up! So who will start the war? :p


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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Pursuit of Balcohi rebels? Come on, give something more concrete, Iranian terrorists blowing up mosques?? Drug running? If all this calls for War, then pakistan would have gone to War!

You must remember that Drugs are a major problem for IRan too, they are fighting against it too. And they too are having mosques being blow up! So who will start the war? :p
That is why I said "some major event bringing it to head." Who knows who will start it. Iranian troops were stupid enough to cross the border last year. Pakistan did nothing to apprehend Jundullah after they blew the crap out of the IRGC leadership. Iranian weapons are being discovered in the hands of TTP. Tensions are frayed. It only takes one leader acting stupid to start a shooting war.


Top Gun
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2009
That is why I said "some major event bringing it to head." Who knows who will start it. Iranian troops were stupid enough to cross the border last year. Pakistan did nothing to apprehend Jundullah after they blew the crap out of the IRGC leadership. Iranian weapons are being discovered in the hands of TTP. Tensions are frayed. It only takes one leader acting stupid to start a shooting war.
If I am not mistaken Jundullah leader was arrested with support from Pak! :)


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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If I am not mistaken Jundullah leader was arrested with support from Pak! :)
Abdolmalik Rigi was arrested in Iran after IRIAF fighters forced his flight from Dubai to Kyrgyzstan to land.


New Member
Mar 22, 2009

IAEA chief accuses Iran of non-cooperation

By Simon Morgan (AFP) – 19 hours ago

VIENNA — The head of the UN atomic watchdog, Yukiya Amano, said Monday that Iran is still not giving sufficient information on its nuclear activities but that a uranium fuel deal is still on the table.

In an address to the International Atomic Energy Agency board of governors, Amano said: "We cannot confirm that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities because Iran has not provided the agency with the necessary cooperation."

Iran protested and at a later news conference, Amano sought to clarify his comments.

"Yes, there is cooperation from Iran. That is why we have been able to confirm that declared nuclear material has not been diverted for non-peaceful purposes. But there areas where we don't have cooperation and (where) we need cooperation," he said.

Iran must implement resolutions of the IAEA board and the UN Security Council to cease uranium enrichment, the Japanese official added.

It meant allowing IAEA inspectors to conduct snap inspections, notifying the agency of plans to build nuclear plants in advance and "clarification of issues related to possible military dimensions to Iran?s nuclear programme."

At a press conference in Geneva, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said his country was fully cooperating with the IAEA.

"The new chief and the new managers of the agency should look at the record of Iran's cooperation," Mottaki said. If they had "a very brief look at Iran's record, they would understand that we have a full cooperation with the agency and these cooperations will continue."

Iran must refrain from 'adventurous' policy: Khatami

Amano, who took over the UN watchdog on December 1, circulated a report to IAEA member states 10 days ago which was seen as using tougher language than his predecessor Mohamed ElBaradei.

Amano expressed concern that Tehran may be working on a nuclear warhead and confirmed that Iran has started enriching uranium to higher levels, theoretically bringing it close to levels needed for an atomic bomb.

Iran responded by accusing the IAEA of lacking independence and being "influenced by the United States."

Speaking to reporters after Amano's speech, Tehran's envoy to the IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, called the report "unjustified and not acceptable."

Amano said "in my view, the report is factual and absolutely impartial. It tries to set out all the facts."

Iran claims UN coorporation

The report, Amano insisted, "does not say that Iran has or had a nuclear weapons programme.

"We try to set out facts. We have chosen our words carefully," he said.

The IAEA has collected information "over time and from various sources. We have analysed the information and the information is broadly consistent in terms of details, timeframe, people and and organisations. Therefore, it raises concerns and that's why we put it (like that)," Amano said.

The United States and its allies believe the Islamic republic is seeking to build an atomic bomb under the guise of its civilian nuclear programme, a charge Iran denies.

Amano also said that an IAEA-brokered deal to supply Iran with fuel for a nuclear research reactor was still on table, even though the Islamic republic has apparently rejected it.

Iran needs higher-enriched uranium for a research reactor which makes radioisotopes for medical purposes, such as the treatment of cancer, where the current fuel is expected to run out by the end of this year.

Under the proposed deal, hammered out last October under the IAEA's then chief Mohamed ElBaradei, Russia and France would make fuel out of Iran's own stockpile of low-enriched uranium, currently estimated to be just over 2,065 kilogrammes.

But Iran is reluctant to sign up, seeing the accord as a ruse by Western powers to deprive it of its uranium stockpile, and has put forward a rival proposal to either buy the fuel on the markets, or conduct a fuel swap on Iranian territory.

"In my view, the proposal made by ElBaradei is the balanced and realistic proposal and that is why I support it and keep it on the table," Amano said.

Nevertheless, he said he had passed on Iran's proposal to member states and was now waiting for a response.


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2009
US completes talks with allies over Iran sanctions: Clinton

US completes talks with allies over Iran sanctions: Clinton

WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said there would be "increasing activity" in the near future towards a package of UN sanctions on Iran over its disputed nuclear program.

Clinton said on Friday the Obama administration had held "constructive talks" with all its partners and in-depth consultations with Russia and other international partners on sanctions.

"We are working on language," Clinton said, after President Barack Obama agreed a new nuclear arms treaty with Russia.

"I believe that you will see increasing activity in the very near future as we work to bring to fruition a resolution that can muster the votes that are necessary in the Security Council."

The United States, Russia, China, Britain and France - the five veto-wielding permanent UN Security Council members - plus Germany have led efforts to curb Iran's uranium enrichment program.

However, China is most opposed to a tougher set of sanctions than the three previous rounds.

On Thursday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Washington had agreed to soften proposed measures against Iran to win the backing of China and Russia, which had also been seen as less keen to embrace biting sanctions.

The newspaper said proposals that would have effectively closed international airspace and waters to Iranian state-owned air cargo and shipping lines had been scrapped.

The report had "significant inaccuracies," Clinton's spokesman Philip Crowley told reporters.

The parties were simply "trading ideas" at this point on how to draft an appropriate resolution that shows "our shared concern" about Iran's actions.


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2009
Sanctions against Iran possible, but 'not optimal' - Medvedev

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has reiterated that fresh sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program are possible, but "not optimal," the Kremlin press service said on Saturday.

In his message to the annual summit of the 22-nation Arab League, which kicked off in Libya earlier in the day, Medvedev said that "the settlement of Iran's nuclear problem should be implemented solely by politic-diplomatic means in strict accordance with the Charter of the United Nations."

"[We are] certain that the path of sanctions is not an optimal one. At the same time the possibility that events may develop along this scenario cannot be ruled out," he said.

"One must clearly understand that the sanctions should be well-considered and not aimed at Iran's civilian population," he added.

Iran's recent move to begin enriching uranium to 20% sparked a wave of international criticism, with the U.S. leading calls for new harsher sanctions against the Islamic Republic. Western powers suspect that Iran's nuclear program is aimed at making weapons, while Tehran claims it is pursuing nuclear technology for its civilian energy needs.

In his message, Medvedev reiterated that Russia views the Arab League as an important partner, with which to build up cooperation on a wide range of international issues, from combating the repercussions of the global economic crisis to the energy sphere.

"We regard the signing in December 2009 of a memorandum on establishing a Russian-Arab cooperation forum as a significant landmark on this path. I am confident that its activities will enrich and expand our multidimensional relations. [We are] intend to continue participating in collective action to resolve regional problems in the Middle East and North Africa."


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2009
Sanctions against Iran should not be basis for use of force - Lavrov

Possible harsher sanctions against Iran should not pave the way for future military actions against the Islamic Republic, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

Earlier in the month, the Iran Six discussed a possible new UN Security Council resolution that imposes further sanctions against Tehran over its controversial nuclear program. The six countries, including the United States, France, Britain, Germany, China and Russia, comprise a group of international mediators negotiating with Iran on its nuclear program.

"Any Security Council decision [on Iran] should clearly state that they can not be used as a basis for the use of force [against Iran]," Russia's top diplomat said in an interview with the TV-Center channel.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev reiterated on Saturday that fresh sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program are possible, but "not optimal." He said they should be well-considered and not aimed at Iran's civilian population.

"Efforts to bring the sides back to negotiating table are still ongoing, and there are still chances that they would bring some results. But when and if we have to address this issue at the Security Council again, we will be ready to discuss only "clever" sanctions, as our president put it," Lavrov said.

He urged Iran to be more cooperative with the UN nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

"The problem is that Iran is not being totally cooperative with the IAEA," he said. "As far as the cooperation with IAEA inspectors is concerned - yes, we want more from Iran. IAEA specialists still have serious unanswered questions, and we want that answers too to be sure of the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program," he said.


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May 6, 2009
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Iran still working on building nuclear weapons, says CIA report

Washington, Mar 31 : A new report by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has said that Iran is still working on building nuclear weapons despite technical setbacks and international resistance.The CIA report is the latest official study expressing concern over Iran's continuing nuclear activities.

"Iran continues to develop a range of capabilities that could be applied to producing nuclear weapons, if a decision is made to do so," Fox News quoted the report, as saying.

"Iran continued to expand its nuclear infrastructure and continued uranium enrichment and activities related to its heavy water research reactor, despite multiple United Nations Security Council Resolutions since late 2006 calling for the suspension of those activities," it added.

The new report also stands in contradiction with the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate on Iran, which determined that the country had halted its nuclear production efforts in 2003.

Meanwhile, Pentagon Spokesman Geoff Morrell said that the United States remains concerned about Iran's nuclear ambitions.

"They have not done enough to convince any of us that, indeed, their aims are purely peaceful. That is why this government, after extending an outstretched hand to Iran now for the better part of a year, has now pivoted. And though we haven''t shut the door to engagement, we are clearly pursuing the pressure track," Morrell said.

Earlier on March 3, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) had issued a report warning that continuing nuclear activities in violation of United Nations resolutions raise "concerns about the possible existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile."


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2009
Iran Starts Mass-Production of Nasr 1 Cruise Missiles

Iran Starts Mass-Production of Nasr 1 Cruise Missiles

The Iranian Defense Ministry started mass-production of Nasr 1 (Victory 1) cruise missiles on Sunday.Nasr 1 missile is a cruise missile capable of destroying 3-ton weighted vessels, Iranian Interior Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said at a ceremony to inaugurate Nasr 1 production line at the defense ministry's Aerospace Industries Organization.Vahidi also said that Nasr 1 is a short-range coast-to-sea and sea-to-sea missile which could be fired from coasts and all types of vessels.He announced that his ministry plans to enhance tactical capabilities of the missile, saying the missile will soon be equipped with the capability to be fired from choppers and submarines.

The minister stressed that once the Army's Navy and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) naval forces come in possession of these mass-produced cruise missiles, the Islamic Republic of Iran's naval defense capability would experience an outstanding jump forward.In December 2008, The Iranian naval forces successfully test-fired the surface-to-surface Nasr 1 in the final stage of Unity 87 wargames in the Persian Gulf waters.The surface-to-surface Nasr-1 missile was fired from a warship and hit its target at a distance of 30 km (19 miles) and destroyed it. It was the first test of the new missile.The Unity 87 wargames started on December 2, 2008 for a six-day military exercise with over 60 warships as well as fighter jets, unmanned aerial vehicles, torpedoes, light and heavy submarines and gunboats.

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